They call me Mr. Kendrick. When I say "they" I'm of course referring to the students. I'm a principal at a small private school. The school is divided into elementary, middle, and high schools respectively. I'm in charge of the high school. I've gotten to know many students over the years, but one that always stands out in my mind is a girl by the name of Laura Spivey. Laura stands five foot seven with a slender, athletic figure. She has dark brown hair and hazel green eyes. She keeps herself in great shape. She was active on the school's volleyball and track teams and excelled at both sports. Many of the male students found her quite attractive.
Now I have to give you a little background on our school to explain why she's special. Ours is not as formal or old-fashioned as other private schools. Students don't wear uniforms here for example. We provide a quality education with programs to help every student be their absolute best. One thing that the leadership firmly believes in is that order and discipline must be maintained to have a good learning environment.
Many times when students are sent to my office for disciplinary action, the standard procedure is to assign them Saturday detention. When given this they are required to report in on Saturday morning at the normal school start time, and spend half a day studying or doing school work quietly. This can be an effective consequence as it robs the student of the chance to sleep in on the weekend.
However, there is an alternative available. if the student doesn’t want to attend school on a Saturday, they have the option of receiving corporal punishment, administered by me. I use a wooden paddle on a clothed bottom, and can give them anywhere from three to ten licks at my discretion. This is entirely by the student's choice and is never mandated. About half of the student body will exercise this option.
When students are sent to my office during the week I meet with them one on one. I give them until Friday to make their decision. On Friday afternoon during the last class period of the day, I have each of them summoned to the office. Once they have all arrived. I ask who among them wants to opt for Saturday detention. Those students are then dismissed to return to class. For the remaining students, I confirm that they each want to opt for corporal punishment instead. Then I have them sit in the waiting area outside of my office, and call them in one at a time to take their licks.
This is where Laura has separated herself from the crowd. She always opted for corporal punishment, and to date, I have paddled her more than any other student at this school. She never cried, or screamed out loud like many others did. The only sounds she would make were soft whimpers, and muffled moans.
I first paddled Laura early on in her freshman year. Since it was her first visit and a minor infraction I gave her the standard three licks. When she wound up in my office again three weeks later, I decided to give her five licks, thinking that would be sufficient to get through to her. A few weeks later I had to increase it to ten. I went on to paddle Laura a total of six times her freshman year alone. She seemed to want to outdo herself after that, as I would paddle her eight times the following year, and another eight her Junior year. In her Senior year at our school, I paddled her a record ten times.
After the first few sessions, I began to understand that she liked it. Sometimes Laura and I would pass in the hallway, and she would give me this certain look that told me what was on her mind. Eventually, it got to where I would return the look because as much as I hated to admit it, I was enjoying administering her punishments as well.
Finally, the day arrived that Laura's class graduated. The ceremony was held on a Friday afternoon. Then around 8:00 PM, a school-sponsored graduation party was to be held at a local bowling alley near the school. It would be an all-night party, lock in style. The bowling alley had a full restaurant on-site, a video arcade, and a separate room where staff would set up a projector and show movies. The graduates always enjoyed it thoroughly.
This year I had an idea for how I was going to say goodbye to Laura personally. After the ceremony, graduates took a moment to chat with each other and their families, take a few photos and then began filing out of the auditorium. Laura had told her parents that she'd meet them back at home. She stayed around to talk to a couple of her friends. The friends left and Laura was getting ready to leave when I stopped her en route to the door.
"Laura, do you have a moment?” I asked.
"Certainly Mr. Kendrick.”
"Laura, I'm going to be catching up on some paperwork at my office tonight. I have something at the office to give you. I was thinking you could stop by on your way to the party tonight, maybe around seven?"
Laura's face lit up with excitement. "Definitely," She replied. "I'll see you at seven."
Laura arrived that evening just before seven PM. I appreciated her promptness. I let her in the front door of the school. She was dressed in her Senior class t-shirt, a pair of blue jean shorts, and low-rise socks with closed-toed sandals. Her hair was in a ponytail. She looked lovely.
After leading her back to my office, I had her close the door behind her and take a seat in the chair in front of my desk. I sat in my office chair and looked across the desk at her.
"Laura, " I began. "Let me tell you one more time, congratulations."
"Thank you." She replied cheerfully.
"Even though we had frequent meetings about your behavior over the years, I just want you to know that you were one of my favorite students. It has been an honor and a privilege to be your principal these last 4 years. I'm going to miss you next year. And, as I said earlier, I have something special for you. I want to give you a graduation present that's useful for the future.
"You see, in the world outside of high school there is a lot of work to be done to build the life you want to lead. There's something that you're going to need to get you through the long days ahead. That's what I want to give you tonight Laura. I want to give you the gift of discipline."
With that, I reached into my desk drawer, took out the paddle and laid it on my desktop. Laura's eyes lit up at the sight, and she couldn't suppress a wide grin.
She looked at me and said, "To tell the truth, Mr. Kendrick, I was hoping that's why you invited me to the office tonight."
"We have to come to an understanding first. Paddling was always a choice afforded to students, but it was never compulsory. In a way paddling always required your consent. That's even more true now because you're eighteen, and as of this afternoon, no longer a student of this school. So, if I give you my gift the rules governing how I can paddle you will no longer apply. I will need nothing less than your full consent. With that knowledge, Laura, do I have your consent to discipline you tonight?"
Laura inhaled deeply and exhaled. "Yes Sir. You have my consent to discipline me in whatever way you see fit."
"Very well. Before we begin, there’s something that I need you to do."
"Yes Sir. Anything."
"I need you to make a confession. I want to know your motivation for coming to this office to be paddled more times than any other student. I want to know what you felt both during and after your punishment. I want to hear you say it all out loud. Hold nothing back. Be one hundred percent honest."
Laura blushed a bright cherry red, then began.
"Well, Sir. The first time that I was sent to your office, I chose to be paddled out of convenience. I had plans with friends for that Friday night, and I knew I wouldn't be able to keep those plans if I had Saturday detention. When that Friday afternoon came and you paddled me, it was only three licks, but it left me very sore.
"Later that day when I was in my room at home, I was on my bed, laying front side down. I started to think about it, about my punishment. I was kind of replaying the whole thing in my head: the way you made me bend over the desk, how you laid on each swat one at a time, pausing for a couple of seconds in between. I thought of how each swat was harder than I had expected, and how I wasn't upset about that but impressed.
"Somehow in the course of that my hand found its way in between my legs, and I rubbed until I was satisfied. Strangely, the climax felt even better with a sore bottom. After that, I had to know if that was just a fluke or if it would always feel like that. So I waited a couple of weeks to misbehave and get sent to your office again. I even kind of enjoyed the way you scolded me that time.
"I once again opted for the paddling, and got five licks this time. I went home and did the same thing. It seemed like the more sore my bottom was, the better it felt. I was really excited the third time, when you told me that I was going to get the full ten swats this time, and any time I came in after that. From then on I started acting up. Not all the time, just whenever I felt the urge for a sore backside.
"I'd get my paddling, wait a week or two for my bottom to heal, then I'd start planning what I was going to do to get in trouble again. It was mostly little things. I'd deliberately show up tardy to a class a few times. I'd say a cuss word with a teacher standing nearby. I might occasionally mouth off, or turn in homework late. Whatever it took. After a while, I started fantasizing about my next paddling. I'd even fantasize about you doing horrible things to me when you punished me."
"Like what? '' I replied. “Be specific."
"Sometimes I'd imagine that I was going to get more than ten licks. I imagined you paddling me to tears, giving me extra swats on the bare." Her face turned bright red again. "I even imagined you telling me to strip fully nude for my paddling, and telling me that was how it would be done from now on. It excited me to think of standing in front of you stark naked, as you looked my body over.
"I would pleasure myself to these fantasies both before and after paddlings. I know its terribly perverted of me to feel like this but, every time you paddled me." She paused for just a second. "I loved it. I loved the way you ordered me over the desk. I loved how hard you gave it. I loved struggling to take it. I loved going home and bringing myself to climax afterward. I loved the sore bottom I'd have for the next week or so. And I loved you for giving it to me. As crazy as it might sound, I think that's the part of high school I'm going to miss the most."
I looked across the desk at her. Her face was still red. "I don't think you're perverted, or crazy Laura. In fact, I think that you are quite courageous. Its not easy to be that honest sometimes, and you handled it very well."

"Thank you Sir. It feels good to finally get all of this off my chest."
"So, since you were one hundred percent honest with me, I'm going to be one hundred percent honest with you. I could tell early on that you liked the paddlings, though I didn't know exactly to what extent. I had never encountered this in a student before, and it made me a bit curious. I decided that I would humor you, and try to understand why you felt the way you did.
"Now, I tell any student I paddle that I don't want to see them in this office again. After a while, I couldn't tell you that honestly anymore. I began to look forward to seeing you. You would be sent here for various infractions, but when you were in my office you behaved like a model student. You were pleasant, respectful, and obedient. Eventually, you became the one and only student that I actually enjoyed paddling.
"I couldn't help noticing that you're a beautiful girl, with a very fit body. And I liked seeing the way that your well-toned bottom bounced under the impact of the paddle. Especially on a couple of occasions when I had the good fortune of paddling you in your track shorts. The effect was even more pronounced then. So, with everything that I've told you tonight, do you still want to accept my gift?"
"Permission to speak freely Sir?"
"Of course."
"What you've told me, makes me want it even more."
"Very well." I began with her instructions. She complied with each command. "Stand up in front of my desk. Good. Now bend over until your elbows are resting on the desktop. Stick your bottom out and stay in that position until I tell you to get up. Do you understand, Laura?"
"Yes Sir."
She was facing me now, and I looked into her gorgeous green hazel eyes. "Laura, Elizabeth, Spivey,'' I said, "Tonight I am going to discipline you like I never have before. I'm going to teach you a lasting lesson that will carry you forward in life."
I got up, walked around the desk, and took a moment to admire her jean shorts covered bottom. "Laura. Since ten licks were evidently never enough, I'm going to start you off with fifteen this time."
I lined the paddle upon her backside, drew it back, and began her discipline. The first two drew out slight whimpers from her, but after those she began to moan with each lick. It was different this time, maybe because no one else was around to hear, but she was moaning louder than she usually did. Some of the moans sounded like pain, others sounded nearly orgasmic. Especially the last five.
She took all fifteen very well. But I had more in mind. "We're not finished yet," I said. "I know that your bottom can take a lot more. Isn't that right Laura?"
"Yes Sir," she replied, with surprise in her voice.
"Stand up," I ordered. "Take off your shorts, fold them neatly, and put them in the chair next to you. Then get back in position."
Laura kicked off the sandals she was wearing then removed her shorts just as she was told. She bent over the desk again. This time revealing a pair of royal blue panties stretched tight across her bottom. With a round bottom like hers, they didn't cover her seat completely. I could see that the skin extending beyond the edges of her panty line was already a bright red. I intended to make it even more colorful.
I lined up the paddle, drew back and delivered the first lick on her now panty covered bottom. There was no moan this time, but she inhaled sharply. I brought down the second lick, and she did something she had never done before. She let out a loud yelp of agony. I delivered three more, and she yelled out with each one. Her cries sounded like a combination of agony and excitement.
After those five I paused for a moment. I took hold of the waistband of her panties. "Laura, it's high time you got the discipline you really needed." With that, I pulled her panties all the way down to her knees. I delivered another five licks on her bare posterior. She screamed in pain at each lick, and while not yet sobbing, I could tell that she had started to cry a little. I waited a moment to let her catch her breath. "Laura, answer this question honestly. Was that sufficient to keep you in line, or do I need to continue?"
She hesitated for just a moment then with a slight quiver in her voice she replied slowly. "M-More, please, Sir."
"Alright, follow these instructions. Stand up, and turn around." I could see the tears streaming down her face. "Now, take off the rest of your clothes and leave them in the chair, folded neatly, then stand up straight, facing me with your arms at your side."
She complied and then stood before me naked. I looked up and down admiring the sight of her fit body: her perky 34 B breasts, her toned abdominals, the curves surrounding her small waist., her clean-shaven pubic area, long slender legs that were just as toned as the rest of her, with a sizable gap between her thighs.
For a second I thought of how many of the male students had wanted to see this over the years. The thought brought a smile to my face. Then I returned to a stern expression and began her scolding.
"Laura. Masturbation to fantasies about school administrators is unacceptable behavior. Your punishment for this will be ten more, fully nude. Do you understand Laura?"
"Yes Sir."
"Alright, turn around."
She turned 180 degrees facing toward the desk. I took a moment to admire her lovely body once more. The view from the back was equally nice. "Bend over the desk with your elbows down, and stick your bottom out."
Her bottom was crimson now, and dotted with dark purple bruises in a few spots. "Is your bottom nice and sore right now Laura?"
"Yes Sir."
"That's exactly how we want it. The next ten you are to count out loud. You must count the number followed by 'Sir'. 'One Sir', 'Two Sir', and so on. If you fail to count a lick properly it will be repeated. If you lose count we'll start over. Do you understand these instructions Laura?"
"Yes Sir."
"Good. Let's begin."
I lined the paddle up, drew back, and landed the first lick. She let out a loud scream.
"Ahhh! One Sir."
I paused for a moment in between licks as I had decided to take this one a bit slower.
WHACK! "Ahhhh! Two Sir."
Another brief pause, WHACK! "Owwww! Three Sir."
I continued with the heavy swats as Laura counted them out. She did a great job, not missing a single count. After number seven I slowed down a little more. I waited about seven seconds then, WHACK! "Ohhh! Eight Sir."
I waited ten seconds to deliver the next one.
WHACK! "Ahhh! Nine Sir."
I decided to drag it out just a little longer. "Laura, " I said. "I hope the lesson taught to you tonight will stick with you."
"Yes Sir." She replied.
"I wish you all the best in your future endeavors Laura."
"Thank you Sir."
"Alright, last one. Get ready.'' With that I drew back, put my body into the swing and delivered the last lick with authority.
WHACK! "Yahhhhh! T-T-Ten Sir." She cried out.
I waited a moment so she could catch her breath. I didn't tell her to get up, and she remained in position. I walked around the desk, and took a tissue from the box I had close by. I dried the tears on her face. After Laura began to regain some of her composure she spoke.
"Permission to speak freely Sir?''
"Absolutely," I replied.
"Sir, I gave you my full consent for the paddling. Now I want to give you my full consent to do whatever you would like to me. Touch me anywhere you want, in any way you want. I'll do anything you tell me to. I'm yours Sir."
I sighed slightly. "Laura, while that's a very tempting offer, I can't bring myself to touch even a former student inappropriately."
At that moment an idea came to me. "However, since you have offered to do anything I say, here are your instructions. I want you to remain in the same position, reach one hand back between your legs and bring yourself to climax while I watch. Would you do that for me Laura?''
"Gladly Sir."
"Then begin."
She reached her right hand between her legs and began to rub. Slowly at first then gradually increasing her tempo. She let out a few moans. After about five minutes, I watched as her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened. She began breathing fast and heavily. I could see that she was near the edge. After about a minute of that she let out a loud scream as her body bucked and quivered.
She let out a couple more loud moans, then returned her right hand to the desk. The climax had been so intense that she involuntarily shuddered again. She took a moment to slow her breathing and steady herself.
"Thank you, Sir." She said, "Thank you for everything. Thank you for this, and every paddling you ever gave me."
"You're welcome Laura. It has been an honor."
I got up from my chair. "Now, stand up, and come around to my side of the desk."
Laura walked around the desk and into my open arms. She hugged me tight, pulling her body close to me. Even if she didn’t see the bulge in my pants before I was sure that she felt it now. We held each other for a long time. Her head resting on my chest. She pulled her head back and kept her arms around me.
"Mr. Kendrick, " she said. "is this really the last time I'll ever get paddled by you?"
I smiled at her and replied, "Laura Elizabeth Spivey, you have permission to come to me for corporal punishment any time you wish."
She smiled back. "Thank you so much." Then she hugged me tight again, and I patted her back. She pulled away, looked at me with a smile, and said, "Next time I'll wear my track shorts."
We enjoyed a good laugh at that.
She didn't immediately get dressed. I was glad to have a moment to take in the view again. She looked at her face in the mirror across my office, then turned around and looked back to see her bottom. She stood for a moment, seemingly admiring my handy work. Then she fixed her makeup, and got dressed.
Laura did go on to take me up on my offer. It was less frequent since she graduated, but she would still come and see me for paddlings at least twice a year. After the first couple of sessions at my office I invited her to receive her punishments at my home. I bought a second paddle that I kept there, and only used it on Laura. It was nice to have something special like that between us.
Laura went on to become a fitness instructor, and coach a youth volleyball team. She still looks amazing to this day.
Its been fifteen years since her graduation night. She and I are still very close. In fact, as I'm on my living room sofa typing this on my laptop, Laura is across from me sipping tea, in a comfy chair, sitting on two pillows.