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Ms. Hudson and the punishment room

"Two young women's intense punishment day"

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The same night their little sisters Andrea and Kelly were babysitting for Elena and Charlie for the first time, Valerie and Jennifer ended up at a party and got drunk on keg beer a few months into their Sophomore year of college. This was the first time they had ever gotten drunk because they were unusually well behaved when they were Freshmen. When they came through the door at 2:00 am Ms. Hudson was waiting for them in the living room with a stern and unforgiving look on her face. Valerie and Jennifer got their bearings and Ms. Hudson called them in front of her.

"I'm so disappointed with both of you. Do you know how dangerous it is to be drunk in public, especially at your age? I don't expect any of you not to drink until you are twenty-one but frat parties are the worst place for a drunk person to be no matter who you are. You know you'll have to be punished right?"

Valerie said sheepishly "Yes Ms. Hudson, I know and I'm very sorry."

 Jennifer said, "I'm sorry too."

Ms. Hudson's face softened a little and said "Normally I would wake you up and punish you before noon but since you didn't fight me I'll postpone it until 4:00 pm tomorrow. Now go into the kitchen and drink three large glasses of water, find some protein to eat and take two ibuprofen pills. You may not leave this house until Monday morning classes is that understood?"

 Both girls nodded and scurried into the kitchen. They felt so embarrassed but knew they deserved this. Despite their need for regular spankings over the years, that punishment room still terrified them. It wasn't warm and inviting like their bedrooms at home.

At 3:55 pm the next day, still reeling from their hangover, Valerie and Jennifer arrived in front of the punishment room in the basement to wait for Ms. Hudson. When Ms. Hudson arrived, she didn't look like the sweet housemother the two young women were used to. Instead, she was wearing a black skirt, white button down shirt and red jacket and looked like a stern teacher. She opened the door and ushered them into the imposing room.

"Take all of your clothes off and put them on this shelf young ladies," said Ms. Hudson.

They scurried out of their tee shirts, jeans, shoes, socks, bra, and panties in less than 30 seconds and stood with their hands by their sides. They had no idea what would come next, and that's what terrified them. They were only used to the ritual spankings they got from their parents.

Ms. Hudson ordered them to bend over the front of the old-fashioned desks and hold on to the attached chairs. She took the Lexan paddle with holes drilled into it off its hook and went over to them to start their spanking.

"Now I want you to count these spanks and tell me thank you after each one. I will be giving you twice your age in licks."

Ms. Hudson raised her arm and brought it down on Valerie's bottom, and Valerie almost jumped up and ran out of the room, but she came to her senses and counted and thanked Ms. Hudson. This was repeated over and over again going back and forth between Valerie and Jennifer until each girl got thirty-six licks.

It took everything in their power to stay still and take this well-deserved paddling. Their bottoms were throbbing with a pain they had never experienced before, not even when their parents caned them. Ms. Hudson took another Lexan paddle off the hook and set both of them down on the desk chairs and ordered the girls to sit on them.

Valerie and Jennifer slowly guided themselves down to sit on the paddles and when their bottoms hit the cold surface, they winced. The weight of their bodies caused the flesh of their bottoms to fill up the holes. Ms. Hudson had found the pain was more intense this way. She told them to open their desks and get out some loose leaf paper and a pen.

"Now girls I want you to write 'I will never get drunk at a frat party ever again' 200 times in cursive. If I find that it looks sloppy, I will wake you up tomorrow morning and give you a hand spanking for five minutes before you go to class."

 Valerie and Jennifer took their time writing these lines out. They were glad they ate a big brunch because they had a feeling they would be in this horrid room for a long time and be sent to bed without dinner. After about forty minutes, Ms. Hudson told them to stop so she could check their work.

She counted out the number of lines, and when she reached the end of both papers, she said, "So far these look good, but you've only finished seventy of them. That is unacceptable. You should have at least eighty done by now. Hold out your hands with your palms showing and stretch them out in front of you."

Valerie and Jennifer held their hands out and watched as Ms. Hudson picked up the ruler and lined it up across Jennifer's palms. She smacked it down, and it took every ounce of willpower for Jennifer to hold her position. She did the same thing to Valerie and repeated this ten times on each of the girl's palms.

When she was finished, she said: "If you aren't done with this in the next hour and fifteen minutes I will use the leather strap on your hands, now get going."

Valerie and Jennifer squeezed out some of the pain and continued to write. It was so hard to keep the handwriting nice and neat now, but they kept at it because they didn't want to be spanked before going to class the following morning.

The task ended up taking them almost ninety minutes. When they were done Ms. Hudson, as promised, took the leather strap and rained it down on their outstretched palms. Fifteen times on each. Then she took the sheets and filed them away with the other lines her charges had to write in the past. By this time tears were streaming down Valerie and Jennifer's face.

Ms. Hudson moved on to the next part of the punishment which was a cold water enema. Valerie and Jennifer were instructed to lay down on their stomachs on the exam benches, and then their wrists were secured to it. The bench was lowered at their abdomen so their legs were hanging down and then Ms. Hudson secured their legs. This made both girls bottom holes flare open because their legs were spread far apart. Their bodies were stretched like they've never been before.

They looked at each other and mouthed, "I love you," through their tears. This was so intense, and they knew the enema would hurt like hell because their abdomen would expand but not have enough room to spread out. Ms. Hudson found this increased the cramping. The enema bags had been filled with the soapy solution and stored in the mini-fridge for hours.

Ms. Hudson put them on their hooks and worked Vaseline into each girls bottom hole and the larger than normal double balloon nozzle. She inserted them harshly into the girl's bottoms, expanded the balloons both inside and outside their anal cavity and let the solution stream into their colons.

The second the cold solution hit the insides of their anal cavity they yelped and said: "Ms. Hudson please, this is too much."

Ms. Hudson smacked their already bruised bottoms five times each and said, "Nonsense, we've only just begun."

Both girls whimpered but didn't say anything else. When the bottles were emptied Ms. Hudson clipped the hose, removed the hose from the balloon part of the enema apparatus and went to fill them with cold, clear water for their second enemas.

After about fifteen minutes they were released from their bonds and taken to the toilets attached side by side on the far wall of the room to evacuate their water and waste. When they were done, they were led back to the table, strapped back in and given their second enema.

This time, Ms. Hudson took a wood backed hairbrush and spanked each girl for the entirety of the ten minutes they were required to hold the water inside their colons. Then she let them go to the toilets and clean themselves up.

By this point, Valerie and Jennifer's bodies were coursing with pain. They vowed simultaneously, inside their heads, to never get drunk at any party ever again and were even more grateful to their parents for being so nice about their spankings at home. They were very lucky.

"Now go over and pick out another spanking implement. I will be taking you over my knee so keep that in mind," Ms. Hudson said sternly.

Valerie and Jennifer gingerly walked over to the wall, and both of them selected leather paddles that looked like ping pong paddles. Ms. Hudson took Valerie over her knee and spanked her bottom and thighs continuously for fifteen minutes and then Jennifer went over her knee for fifteen minutes. By this point, they were sobbing, and snot was actually coming out of their nose. They were allowed to go to the sink to clean up their faces and then the final part of their punishment was meted out.

Ms. Hudson always topped off these punishment sessions with two very memorable steps. She told Valerie and Jennifer to get their underwear and bring them to the sink. She told them to wet them down with cold water and put them on. While they were doing this, Ms. Hudson put on a rubber glove and grabbed something out of a drawer in the room. Then she opened up the back of Valerie and Jennifer's underwear and slid stinging nettles into them and moved them to the center of their sit spots. She guided them to the desk chairs and had them sit down. Valerie's bottom was the first to touch the chair, and she jumped up right away.

Ms. Hudson looked at her with piercing eyes and said "Sit down and stay still, or I will tie you to the chair, and you won't like it. You'll stay there for ten minutes."

Hearing this admonishment, Jennifer wisely stayed in place despite the pain she was feeling.

This was the most severe pain Valerie or Jennifer had ever felt. When they could, they kept on reassuring each other that they would get through this evening. They were glad their homework was done for their Monday and Tuesday classes because there was no way they would ever be able to get anything done after this.

What made this even more impactful was how loving and cuddly Ms. Hudson usually was. That's what made these sessions so memorable. The way Ms. Hudson transformed into a stern boarding school teacher was terrifying. She took on this persona and developed this punishment regime deliberately so her charges would think twice about disobeying her small amount of rules.

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When the ten minutes were done Ms. Hudson said, "You may get up and remove your underwear."

They took their underwear off gingerly and handed it to Ms. Hudson and watched as she removed some of the nettles and then had them remove the rest. Ms. Hudson also removed the nettles that were still embedded into the girl's bottoms.

"Bend over the enema tables again, There's one more step to your punishment," said Ms. Hudson.

They bent over and awaited their final, fateful step. Ms. Hudson went over and got two butt plugs and put Vaseline on them.

She showed Valerie and Jennifer the butt plugs and said. "These will be kept inside of you until I come to your room tomorrow morning at 7:30 am."

She inserted them into their bottoms and went over and got special 4-inch thick pull-up diapers with a locking waist. She told them to step away from the table and lift up their feet one by one. The diapers were guided up and secured with the lock.

Little did Andrea and Kelly know that their older sisters were getting a diaper experience as well. These pull-ups were bulky and made them waddle a little.

"If you need to pee you must go in these diapers. Again, I won't be removing these until tomorrow morning, Now go put your shirts back on but keep your bra, underwear, jeans off, shoes and socks off. You may get water and yogurt from the kitchen to eat in your room. I want you in bed in thirty minutes," said Ms. Hudson.

By this time it was already 8pm, so they had been in the punishment room for four hours. It felt like a lifetime for Valerie and Jennifer. Ms. Hudson had done this for so long she knew she only had to do this punishment regime no more than twice for each student. She doubted Valerie and Jennifer would have a repeat session in this room.

Valerie and Jennifer gave Ms. Hudson a big hug and left the basement holding the rest of their clothes and shoes. This made Ms. Hudson smile. Hardly any of the students she punished hugged her after the session was over.

The girls scurried upstairs to the kitchen and got two bottles of water each and a yogurt and spoon and ran upstairs. Only two of their housemates saw them, but everyone already knew they were being punished because there was a chart on the wall of the kitchen with each person's name affixed to the date they were sent to the punishment room. So far this year only five out of the eight students, including Valerie and Jennifer, had their names on the calendar.

When Valerie and Jennifer got back to their rooms, they put their water and yogurt down and gave each other a hug and passionate kiss.

After they broke free, Valerie said: "My entire bottom is on fire, and my palms still sting."

Jennifer said "Mine too. I never want to go through that again. Ms. Hudson is fierce and uncompromising."

Valerie said "Me either. These diapers are so weird, and now we have to pee in them if we have to go to the bathroom. Those nettles were the worst part."

Jennifer said "I hated those nettles and getting our palms strapped. I guess we'll find out what our sisters go through because of their bedwetting issue wearing these diapers while we sleep."

They ate standing up, and when they were done, they went to the bathroom to brush their teeth and wash their faces. It was almost 8:30 pm and they knew Ms. Hudson would be checking to see if they were in bed with their lights off. They crawled into their shared queen-sized bed with their tee shirts still on and cuddled up next to each other and drifted off to sleep. Ms. Hudson checked in on them and smiled.

When the morning came both girls had wet diapers, but they had to stay in bed for another hour. It was only 6:30 am. While they were waiting they discussed what had happened to them some more. It was a lot to process even for them who'd experienced some of what they went through before only in a loving manner by doting parents. Their sisters would be shocked by all of this, but they had to tell them when they came to visit.

Ms. Hudson knocked on their door at precisely 7:30 am, and both girls said, "Come in." They were told to stand up so Ms. Hudson could unlock their pee-stained special diaper underwear. Ms. Hudson pulled them down and had Valerie and Jennifer step out of them. She then had them bend over so she could remove the butt plugs. This wasn't a hard step for Valerie and Jennifer since they'd been wearing butt plugs for years due to their special Sunday night punishment sessions at home. Ms. Hudson told them to remove the sticky insert from the diaper underwear and throw them in the plastic bag she brought with her into their room. She also gave them instructions about how to clean the underwear and said they could keep both the underwear and butt plugs just in case they got in trouble again.

Valerie and Jennifer sheepishly said "Thank you Ms, Hudson for punishing us so thoroughly. We deserved it and hope you've forgiven us."

Ms. Hudson replied. "Of course I forgive you. You're wonderful young women and one night of misbehavior should never define you."

Jennifer said, "You know both of our parents have spanked us and given us enemas for years, but your methods were so much more intense."

Ms. Hudson replied "Well I feel that because you are older, you needed a firmer hand and based on your reactions yesterday I had a feeling that you'd been spanked in the past. Some of my other charges get put in this house because their parents never took a firm hand with them, and their grades suffered, but both of you are different. In fact, I've gotten lucky this year because all of you wanted to be here."

Valerie said "We hated the dorms because they didn't offer the same kind of homey feeling and when we found you and this house our dreams came true. We have a request though. If we write out a ritual will you discipline us once a week?"

Ms. Hudson was taken aback. This was the first time anyone had requested to be disciplined, but she couldn't refuse them.

"I would love to fulfill your wish."

Jennifer said, "We'll type up step-by-step instructions and make it into a contract that the three of us sign, so each of us has a copy."

Ms. Hudson told them that would be splendid and then the girls hugged her tightly and kissed her on the cheek. She embraced them back and gave them each a smack on their ass and left the room. Valerie and Jennifer were beaming, and Ms. Hudson smiled. This was going to be an interesting year for all of them.

After they were done with classes for the day, this is what they worked out.

Dear Ms. Hudson,

We would like to propose the following weekly discipline session to be held on whatever night works for your schedule. Please indicate what night works best for you here __________________. Since these discipline sessions are different from your traditional punishment sessions, we would like them to take place in your bedroom and adjoining bathroom.

1. We arrive at your door and knock on it wearing only a tee shirt and pajama pants or shorts depending on the weather.

2. When you tell us to enter we come through the door with our enema bags, Vaseline, special soap, butt plugs, special diaper underwear with a new removable insert, protective pad and our spanking hairbrush, flogger and leather strap.

3. We will set everything down and wait for you to proceed.

4. First, you will give us a 20-minute hand spanking in the nude. You will undress us to make it even more embarrassing.

5. Then we will receive our enemas, one with the special soap and another with cool, clear water. While we hold each of our enemas' inside of us for 15- minutes, you will spank us with the hairbrush.

6. When the enemas are finished, and we have evacuated our waste and water, then we will lay on your bed on our backs so you can flog our pussies and breasts until they are red and sore.

7. Then we will turn over, and one of us will move to the other side of the bed and bend over for the strap. We will hold each other's wrists while you strap us forty times on our bottoms, twenty times in the sit-spot crease and twenty times on our thighs.

8. After that, you will insert the butt plugs in our bottoms and put the locking special diaper underwear over our bottoms. We will have to stay that way until the morning when you release us from our diaper and butt plug.

 This will prevent us from masturbating and having sex after being punished.

We hope this works for you. Thank you for taking the time to discipline us. We've been missing this attention from our parents and appreciate you taking this on.

With lots of love,

Jennifer and Valerie

They folded the three copies in half and found Ms. Hudson sitting in the living room on the couch reading by herself. Handing the letter to her they stood waiting until she was done reading.

When she was done, she said "Come here girls and sit next to me. You've put a lot of thought into this, and I would be happy to oblige. How does either Sunday or Wednesday night work for you?"

 Valerie and Jennifer looked at each other and said: "Sunday night please."

Ms. Hudson said  "Let's make it 9:00 pm then. When we are done each Sunday night you will go straight to bed is that understood?"

 Both girls nodded in agreement, and they each signed the copies of the letter and added Sunday at 9:00 pm to the line at the beginning of the letter. Then Valerie and Jennifer headed back to their room to study with beaming smiles on their faces. Ms. Hudson was also smiling because she was happy with her charges.

While their children were living their new lives at college, their parents had settled into an interesting foursome. When possible, they brought Sue and Sarah into the mix and would soon bring Elena and Charlie in as well. Chris quite liked being around all these strong, fierce, intelligent women. He did have his guy friends but their times together were nothing like what happened with his wife and their mutual friends. They had all taken to spanking each other and giving each other enemas. The one thing they didn't do was swap partners sexually because it wouldn't be fair to Chris.



Written by generalleia71
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