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Miss Geraldine Culverhouse

"A woman encounters her former headmistress after more than thirty years and some things are relived"

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Author's Notes

"Some elements of this story appeared in one of my early efforts on here, 'Reunion With Her Former Headmistress', but this is not a rewrite, it is a brand new story with a similar theme."

Judith Saunders was a fifty-two-year-old divorcee and she was sitting in her hairdressers reading a magazine, having arrived early for her appointment. She was sitting in the area near reception and did not look up from the magazine when the outer door opened and another customer arrived but after the new arrival spoke, Judith's attention was attracted.

"Good morning, madam, can I help you?" said the receptionist to the new arrival.

"Good morning, my name is Geraldine Culverhouse and I have an appointment with Charlene," replied the woman.

The name resonated with Judith, and she immediately looked up from the magazine to see an attractive and shapely woman who was probably aged in her sixties. A thought crossed Judith's mind that it probably was the woman that she knew of that name.

Judith had had no dealings with the Geraldine Culverhouse that she knew in the last thirty-four years because the woman that Judith knew with that name had been her headmistress at school. Geraldine was then in her mid-thirties and rather young to be the headmistress of a prestigious all-girls school, so the woman in the hairdressers was round about the right age.

"Charlene will be ready for you shortly, please take a seat," said the receptionist to Geraldine, and she moved towards Judith to take an adjacent seat.

Their eyes met and there seemed to be a flicker of recognition from Geraldine to Judith as Judith was trying to work out if she was actually who she thought she was.

The two women exchanged 'Good mornings', and Geraldine sat down.

Judith was debating with herself whether to find out if the woman was indeed her former headmistress when Judith's hairdresser, Amy, arrived to say, "Come through now please, Mrs Saunders."

Judith looked at Geraldine and they exchanged nodded smiles as Judith got up, and then Judith followed Amy whilst still wondering if the woman was her former headmistress.

Judith had a number of reasons to recall Miss Culverhouse, one of which was the almighty crush that Judith had on her when she was aged seventeen and eighteen. Another, not insignificant, reason was the caning that Geraldine had applied to Judith's bottom when she was eighteen, a caning that ultimately made Judith desire Geraldine even more.

At this stage, Geraldine had no idea that the woman that she had just spoken to was an ex-pupil of hers, although then named Judith Thompson; she did think the woman to be rather attractive.

Geraldine was a lifelong lesbian who had the sense to not make advances on any of the girls at her school but that did not stop her thinking of many of them over the years, including Judith, whilst she masturbated. Geraldine did have long-term lesbian relationships with two of the teachers at the school, as well as the mother of one of the pupils.

Judith had married in her early twenties, but that had ended by the time she was thirty-six, and she had had lovers of both sexes over the last decade and a half, although recently they were almost exclusively female.

Amy had started working on Judith's hair when Charlene called Geraldine through and sat her down in the seat next to Judith and the two women again nodded smiles to each other, in fact, Geraldine said, "Hello again," because she rather fancied the, as yet, stranger.

The two women got their hair styled and each chatted with their respective hairdresser but each was also half-listening to the other's conversations to see if they could learn anything about the other.

It coincided that both women were left unattended for a moment and Judith had made up her mind to find out if this woman was the woman of the same name that she knew, "Excuse me, I heard your name when you arrived, you were not the headmistress of a girls school, were you?" she asked.

"I was, actually, until I retired almost five years ago. Were you a pupil?" replied Geraldine.

"I thought so; you probably will not remember me but I was Judith Thompson when I was there, a long time ago, though," said Judith who was starting to think that she still had a crush on Miss Culverhouse.

"Judith Thompson, yes I do remember you, a very attractive young woman you were," said Geraldine who then thought that she should not have said that.

"Sadly not attractive now," said Judith, self-depreciatingly.

"I would certainly not say that," said Geraldine as her hairdresser returned.

"Do you have time for a coffee when we are done here, to talk about old times?" asked Judith hopefully.

"Yes, yes, I would love that," replied a happy Geraldine.

Work continued on their hair and they each chatted with their stylist but both women were thinking back some thirty-five years and wishing that they could put their fingers to their moist vaginas.

Judith was completed slightly before Geraldine and she paid her bill, plus a generous tip, and waited for her former headmistress. Geraldine was soon done too and having paid her bill they headed for a nearby coffee house.

They sat opposite each other and chatted about the school and the intervening years.

"I heard your stylist call you Mrs, so you are obviously married," said Geraldine.

"I was but it was over years ago; did you never marry, Geraldine?" replied Judith.

"I almost was once, to the woman that I was living with, but we split up," said Geraldine looking into Judith's face for a reaction to her confessed lesbianism.

"I had such a crush on you," announced Judith who found her hand on Geraldine's, although she shyly withdrew it.

"As I said, you were a very attractive young woman," said Geraldine, taking Judith's hand in hers.

"Us girls often wondered about you," said Judith, who was finding holding hands with Geraldine after all these years very erotic.

"Ha, I am sure that I was the subject of a lot of 'is she a dyke?' chatter; well, you were right," laughed Geraldine.

"Do you remember caning me?" asked Judith out of the blue.

"I do, rather severely at that," replied Geraldine feeling aroused at the memory of lashing her cane across Judith Thompson's buttocks.

"Twelve strokes and I deserved it, it so excited me; I was wishing that you were kissing my sore bottom better later when I, um..." said Judith without completing the sentence.

"Oh, Judith, that night when I was pleasuring myself I was wishing that I was doing just that," replied Geraldine.

There was a brief silence before Geraldine announced, "I still have a cane."

"Geraldine, are you suggesting that you and I, um...?" said Judith, whilst again leaving a sentence incomplete.

"I have a cottage just outside town, I would love to continue these discussions with you there sometime, Judith," said Geraldine wishing that she could kiss the younger woman's lips.

"Oh yes, I would love to; when, now?" replied Judith.

"You are eager. We could, but we might mess up our expensive hairdos," laughed an excited Geraldine.

"Fuck the hairdos... oh sorry, Miss," giggled Judith.

"I might have to cane you for that, Judith Thompson," said Geraldine with mock sternness.

"I think you might, Miss," replied Judith relishing the thought of bending over for a caning from her 'headmistress' after all these years.

The coffee shop was not very busy and they were at a table well away from other customers, although an elderly couple had  'tutted' after seeing two middle-aged women holding hands lovingly; the male of the couple had suggested that they might be sisters.

"Do you really want to go there now?" asked Geraldine, although she was very much up for it.

"I do, but I have wanted you for about thirty-five years so I can wait a bit longer if you want," said Judith.

"No, there is no time like the present. Do you have a car nearby?" asked Geraldine.

"No, I walked into town. I do not live too far from here," replied Judith.

"I am parked just down the road, did you need to go to your home first? asked Geraldine.

"For my toothbrush maybe?" smiled Judith, contemplating multiple hours at Geraldine's cottage.

"You could, but I always have several toothbrushes available in case there is an unplanned overnight guest," said Geraldine looking at Judith lovingly.

"Are you expecting any today?" teased Judith.

"I was rather hoping to bed this gorgeous sixth form pupil of mine; I have wanted her for thirty-five years," replied Geraldine, echoing Judith's words.

"Oh, Geraldine, let's go now, please," said Judith who could wait no longer.

They left the coffee house but resisted the temptation to hold hands in the street, not that either was ashamed to be seen like that; it just did not seem appropriate.

They reached Geraldine's car and both women made sure that their bodies brushed together as Geraldine held the passenger door open, but not wide open, for Judith to get in. Geraldine got in the driver's side and the women looked at each other for a moment before moving their heads together and kissing; just a gentle kiss and not a snog, but a kiss nonetheless. They both smiled and flashed eyes before doing up their seat belts and Geraldine starting the car.

They chatted on what was about a ten-minute drive to Geraldine's cottage. Geraldine discovered that Judith had lived in another town for a big chunk of the intervening years and Judith discovered that Geraldine purchased her cottage on her retirement.

It was possible and even probable that they had seen each other in the past without recognising each other because it was only hearing Geraldine give her name to the receptionist that got Judith's attention. They were both, however, very attractive women with neither looking their age, and both rather curvy, so one or the other may well have given a lustful glance at the other without realising who they were looking at.

Whilst Geraldine had always been one-hundred per cent lesbian, Judith had enjoyed several penises between her legs over the years.

"Does your cane get used much?" Judith asked as they approached Geraldine's cottage.

"Some of the ladies that visit me like to feel it across their backsides and I feel it sometimes," answered Geraldine.

They pulled up at the cottage and now they had the long snog that they had been wanting since the coffee house and, in reality, for thirty-odd years. When they finally broke from the kiss, Geraldine said, "You don't know how many times that I have longed to do that."

"Oh, headmistress, I have too," replied Judith before they kissed again before leaving the car.

Judith was a short distance behind Geraldine as they approached the cottage door and she had her eyes on her former headmistresses bottom. At school, Judith had looked at Geraldine's rear at every opportunity and back then it was usually covered by a tight-fitting skirt; today her buttocks were stretching a pair of trousers. 

Geraldine unlocked the cottage door and said, "Welcome to my home, Miss Judith Thompson."

"Thank you, Miss Culverhouse, I am so pleased to be here," replied Judith.

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"You might think me outrageously kinky, but I have a schoolgirl uniform that ladies that visit sometimes wear," said Geraldine.

"Do they wear it to be caned?" asked Judith.

"Sometimes, and I wear a headmistress type gown to administer the caning," replied Geraldine.

"Then so shall I," said Judith before they kissed again.

"It is only early afternoon, we will do that later, but now let's go to bed and make love," suggested Geraldine.

"Yes, yes, let's make love," agreed Judith and the two horny and attractive women, one aged fifty-two and the other sixty-eight, made their way to Geraldine's bedroom.

They each cupped the other's buttocks as they kissed before Geraldine laughed and said, "Now shall we make a mess of these expensive hairdos?"

Each woman unbuttoned and removed the other's blouse and then Geraldine gently turned Judith around before taking off her bra and kneading her tits as she kissed her neck and upper back, "Oh I used to dream of you doing this when I was at school," purred Judith.

"I would have loved to do it then darling, but there would have been hell to pay if we had been caught," replied the former headmistress. Geraldine then kissed down Judith's back until she was kneeling behind her, and she then undid and pulled down Judith's trousers so that her firm, rounded buttocks in black panties came into view.

Geraldine caressed the twin cheeks before ever so slowly pulling the panties down, "Oh Judith, I have seen some beautiful female bottoms but yours is truly wonderful," said Geraldine before kissing each cheek.

"Oh thank you, Geraldine, I can't wait to see yours," said Judith who was loving having the older woman kiss her buttocks.

With Judith stepping out of the clothing at her feet she was now naked and she turned to face Geraldine who was able to see that she had some hair around her cunt just before she inserted two fingers into Judith's wet vagina. Geraldine played in there for a short while before taking her fingers out and making a show out of licking them.

"Fuck, I need you naked," said Judith before undoing Geraldine's bra and letting her tits fall out. They sagged a bit but not much and the two sets of large breasts rubbed together as the women kissed and Geraldine groped Judith's bare arse.

Judith then lowered Geraldine's trousers and put her hands on Geraldine's large backside and forced her crotch to her face so that she could lick the wet patch in Geraldine's white knickers. She did that for a while with Geraldine ruffling Judith's newly done hair before Judith dragged down Geraldine's knickers to show that she too was hairy, although with some wisps of grey in hers.

Judith softly fingered Geraldine's pussy for a while before saying, "Now let me see your bottom, Miss Culverhouse," as she gently turned her around.

Judith had had female lovers older than herself but none of them as old as Geraldine, but the arse that was now in her face did not look like the arse of a sixty-eight-year-old. It was rounded and firm, if a bit on the large side and Judith said, "You too have a wonderful bottom, Miss Culverhouse," as she kissed each cheek.

Geraldine stepped out of her clothing and the two naked women got on the bed for a lot of sensual stroking, kissing and licking before Geraldine kissed down Judith's stomach before inserting her head between Judith's legs.

Judith had had her cunt eaten by several men and several women but she did not think any of them had pleasured her this well as Geraldine licked, sucked, lapped and fingered her to orgasm after orgasm, one of which had her scream, "Shit! Fuck! Oh headmistress, I love you."

The women kissed and Judith tasted her own cum before she set about trying to pleasure Geraldine in the same way. She must have done it quite well as the older woman squirmed her arse on the bed and swung her quite thick legs wildly as Judith tongued her to several orgasms.

The women were then head to head and kissing again and laughing that it had taken them so long to do what they both wanted to do about thirty-five years previously.

They then decided that they would give the other woman's bottom some attention so first Judith was on her front as Geraldine worshipped her arse. There was much kissing of buttocks and then fingering and tonguing of her arse crack before Geraldine made her cum by teasing her arse hole with a finger.

Judith then did something similar with Geraldine's backside, and found that having her arse hole rimmed sent Geraldine wild.

As predicted, the lovemaking had rather messed up the two new hairstyles but neither of them cared as they kissed and groped in Geraldine's large walk-in shower.

It was now late afternoon and Geraldine said, "Would you like to be a schoolgirl again, Judith?"

"Yes headmistress, I would, " replied Judith and Geraldine produced a full schoolgirl uniform, including knickers, from a wardrobe and left Judith to change into it.

The uniform was actually a bit small for most of Geraldine's guests that had worn it, but Judith almost came in the bottle-green knickers when she looked at herself in the mirror. She did not know where Geraldine had gone and went in search of her but in fact, Geraldine found her, "Judith Thompson, come into my study now," shouted Geraldine, and Judith turned to see Geraldine in a tweed skirt and jacket and a headmistress gown and with a cane in her hand.

"Yes, Miss, " said Judith after a moment of hesitation and walked, head bowed towards where Geraldine was standing.

Both women were hugely turned on by the situation, Geraldine because of the way that Judith looked and because she was going to use her cane and Judith because she was again going to feel the cane administered by her beloved headmistress.

"Get in there," said Geraldine as she roughly pushed Judith into the room which, as Judith saw, looked very much like a headmistresses study. It had an imposing-looking desk and chairs and a cabinet much as Miss Culverhouse's study had looked when Judith arrived for her caning all those years ago.

"Judith Thompson, your behaviour has been disgraceful. Do you have anything to say before I thrash you?" said a very convincingly stern Geraldine.

"No, Miss, " Judith said weakly but she almost came in her bottle green knickers when Geraldine slashed the cane through the air making it whistle. Several females had made those knickers sticky with their cum, Geraldine included.

"You will receive six strokes over your knickers and six on your bare bottom; bend over the desk," instructed Geraldine.

Judith took a deep breath and bent over the desk, Geraldine flipped up Judith's short skirt and her lovely bottom, only partially covered by the green knickers, was presented.

Geraldine tapped the cane across Judith's backside before raising it high and slashing it down SWISH! THWACK!

Judith yelped but not too loudly as the first stroke stung her arse.

The cane continued to rise and fall and Judith's reactions got louder and involved twisting and shaking of her behind as the tally reached six. Her bottom was burning and she both wanted the beating to stop and also to continue, although she knew that the continuation was what was going to happen.

Geraldine roughly pulled Judith's knickers down and now her arse was completely bare and it bore six vivid red lines.

Geraldine then set about the second batch of six strokes and she, if anything, slashed the cane down harder and faster and she certainly had Judith yelling and squirming and struggling over the desk.

Ten strokes had now been administered in total and Geraldine slashed the eleventh stroke down at an angle so it crossed many of the earlier one's SWISH! THWACK!

Judith's upper body left the desk and her hands moved towards her whipped arse as she screamed, "Shit, oh fuck," as the strength and angle of that stroke made its impression.

Judith was sobbing loudly but got back in position and, predictably, the last stroke was also on the diagonal but crossed the other strokes from lower left buttock to upper right one rather than the angle that the previous stroke had landed.

Judith was now crying loudly as she sprawled over the desk and Geraldine admired the pattern that she had created on those gorgeous buttocks.

"You may return to your room now, Thompson, I will visit you shortly," Judith heard Geraldine saying but it took a moment for the words to sink in. Eventually, Judith raised herself and cupped her caned buttocks as she shuffled out of the room, still with her knickers behind her knees.

She went back to Geraldine's bedroom, which is what she assumed the instruction meant, and slumped on the bed and cried into the pillow as she rubbed her burning arse. Her thoughts had been on her backside but now her thoughts turned to the wetness of her cunt. Getting caned had turned her on just as it had done before.

As Judith was thinking of the dampness between her legs, Geraldine entered the room,. Geraldine was totally naked but Judith was not yet aware of that.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" asked Geraldine sympathetically as she sat her big arse on the bed beside Judith. A glance to the side revealed to Judith that Geraldine was indeed naked.

"Sore, but glad that you are here," replied Judith.

"Let's have these off shall we?" said Geraldine who eased the knickers the rest of the way down Judith's legs and then off.

"Let me soothe your poor bottom," said Geraldine before planting a series of feather touch kisses over Judith's caned buttocks.

"Thank you, that helps," said Judith softly as she opened her legs to the maximum.

Geraldine gently teased Judith's wet cunt lips with her fingers as her lips and tongue continued to soothe Judith's arse and it was not long after Geraldine inserted some fingers inside Judith's vagina that the younger woman started to cum.

With Judith now satisfied for the moment, Geraldine positioned herself, legs apart, above Judith's head, and the just caned woman lapped at the wet cunt of the woman that had caned her.

They spent the night in bed and Geraldine again 'soothed' Judith's arse which again led to orgasms for both women.

In the morning they inspected Judith's caned bottom, Judith with the help of the mirror, and agreed that it had been quite a caning.

They made love once more but with Judith anxious to keep her buttocks away from any surface the natural thing to do was to sixty-nine with Judith on top.

Both women were so glad that they had had the chance meeting in the hairdressers, even if their activities since had made a mess of their new hairdos.

They would certainly be meeting again, and quite possibly Geraldine's cane would be used again, although next time it might be Geraldine's arse that feels it.

Written by PJH
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