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Megan's Penance

"A woman meets up with a childhood friend from elementary school to surprising results"

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He wasn't quite sure what to expect.  He hadn't seen Megan since he was ten years old, and she had been extremely mean to him then before he moved to Florida and she had moved to Oklahoma.  But after an out-of-the-blue email asking how he had been all these years initiated a thread of emails, now here he was at the H Hotel, about to meet up with Megan again after thirty years.

He remembered that they were best friends in kindergarten, but over the next five years, her demeanor towards him became more agitated and insulting.  She constantly picked on him with her friends, and when she announced in the fifth grade that she was moving to Oklahoma, his attitude was more of "good riddance" than anything else.  Some of her girlfriends seemed genuinely sorry to see her go, but he was glad that he wouldn't have to endure her teasing any longer.

The following year, David and his family moved to Florida, and he had all but forgotten Megan.  As he entered Junior High School and then moved on to High School, he had a fair number of relationships, some serious and some not-so-much.  At graduation, he, like every other young man on the dais in a cap and gown, had endured his share of both happiness and heartache at the hands of young women.

His mind returned to the present.  Here he was at the H, and he noticed his cell phone was buzzing. He answered, "This is David."

"Hi," Megan said.  "I'm here in the lobby."

"I'll be right down," he answered, and hung up.  He left his room, went down the elevator, and into the lobby of the hotel.  There was only one woman in the lobby by herself, and he instantly knew that it was her.

She was stunningly beautiful.  Gone was the immature fifth grader who had picked on him so many years ago.  She looked at him, wondering if he was the one she was waiting for.  As their eyes met, she knew that it was.  She walked over to him and said, "Hello," opening her arms to embrace him in a hug.

He hugged her back.  "It's been SUCH a long time," he said.  "You look absolutely gorgeous.  I can't believe you're the same little girl who used to tease me back in school!" he told her.

"That's just because I had a crush on you," she said.

"I would've never known," he said, "I thought you hated me."

She sighed.  "Guys never seem to understand how women feel."

The two of them shared abbreviated versions of their life stories.  He was married, albeit unhappily, and she was divorced but having a friends-with-benefits relationship with her ex-husband.  All through dinner they talked about the mistakes they had made in life and what they hoped to do better in the future.

The conversation continued beyond dinner as the two of them walked along the path that wound around the banks of the Chippewa River.

"I just wish I had more control over my life," she said.

"Why do you think you need more control?" he asked.

"I never hold myself accountable for anything," she replied.  "For God's sake, I'm having an affair with my ex-husband.  Who does that?"

He stopped and stared at her.  Without so much as even blinking, he said, "I think I have a way to hold you accountable."

"And how is that?" she inquired in response.

He hesitated.  Was he actually going to say it?  Once he did, there was no turning back.

"Never mind, it's none of my business," he answered, deciding to abort at the last minute.

"No, David, tell me what you were going to say. I'd like to know."

"Nah, it's too weird.  Trust me, you should just forget I said anything."

"Look," Megan said, "I know I have no self-control and no accountability. I would consider anything, even if it was...what did you say it was?...weird. What did you have in mind?"

"Well," David began, pausing to take a deep breath, "I think you should have consequences for your actions," he stated.

"What do you mean? I suffer consequences all the time."

"I think I mean more like being punished for making poor choices. Maybe if you were punished, it would help you avoid making the choices you later regret."

"Punished?" Megan asked.

"Yes," he replied. "Spanked, to be more precise. I think if you got a good spanking every time you made a bad decision, you'd soon make far fewer bad decisions."  There. He had finally put it out there.

Megan looked at him, leery of what he had just suggested. After a sufficient pause, she said, in a much quieter tone, "I haven't been spanked since I was seven years old."

"Well, I suspect it's probably been way too long, then," David said. "Don't you?"

She didn't reply. In her mind, she had returned to that last spanking her daddy had given her when she was in second grade. She remembered how she squirmed as she was positioned over his lap and spanked. She remembered the agony of anticipating the first strike on her backside and then how the first blow of the spanking released her tears, the result of understanding that she had disappointed those who loved her, and she had disappointed herself too. She recalled how afterwards, she had atoned for all of it, and could begin anew.

"Megan?" he interrupted her thoughts.

"What?" she replied, blinking, as if she had missed part of the conversation, too deep in her own thoughts and memories.

"Would you like me to punish you?" he asked.

Megan's mind was reeling. She knew beyond a doubt that she needed to be punished, with a punishment that would remind her to think twice before she made bad decisions; with a punishment that would reiterate that it's not a good idea to carry on with your ex; with a punishment that would serve as the catharsis she was craving.

"I...I don't...know..." she stammered. But David knew that was a lie.

"Well, I think a spanking would do you some good, but that's just my opinion."

"Who would spank me?" asked Megan, even though she already knew the answer.

"I'll spank you, if you agree to it," David answered.

She stared at him, unable to speak.

"You know what? I was out of line to say that. I'm sorry," he said, even though he didn't think he was out of line, and he certainly wasn't sorry. "I've just made things incredibly awkward. I'll just bid you goodnight and we can end this weirdness between us."

"No, wait!" exclaimed Megan forcefully. "You're right. I could use some discipline in my life. I had no idea that's what I needed, but..." her voice trailed off.

"But, what?" David inquired.

"But as I think back to the way I felt after the last spanking my daddy gave me, I know that's what I need," she said in a low, hushed, deliberate voice.

"Would you like me to spank you?" he asked, directly and to the point.

She paused. She did not say a single word, but she trembled as she felt herself nod in the affirmative.

"Then come up to my room with me," David directed.

Megan appeared startled. "Now?" she asked.

"Is there something we should wait for?" was the reply.

"I'm not sure I'm ready for this," she began.

"You're as ready as you're ever going to be, young lady," he stated with a much more authoritarian air to his voice than had ever been previously displayed. Her stomach began to do flip-flops when he added the "young lady" at the end of his sentence.

Again, she nodded, almost unperceptibly.

He led her to the elevator, and the two of them stepped in.  He pressed the button for the fourth floor. It seemed to Megan as if it took hours to get from the lobby level to the fourth floor, but eventually, the elevator stopped, a bell rang, and the door opened. David stepped out.

Megan almost hit the "L" button in the elevator to return her to the lobby and get herself out of this situation, but at that moment, she realized that he was right. She needed this. And more than that, she wanted this. The idea of surrendering to a man to be punished over his knee made her wet. She stepped out of the elevator as he turned and led the way to his room.  Without a word he opened the door and held it open, motioning for her to go in.

The room was a junior suite.  In addition to a king-sized bed, it housed a dresser, a desk, a desk chair, a couch and an armchair.  Megan looked around the room as David closed the door and locked it.

David turned to Megan. She looked at him. "What -" her voice cracked. She cleared her throat, gulped, and then was able to articulate her question. "What do I do?" she asked.

"For starters, you probably want to take off that dress. We don't want it getting wrinkled through all this, do we?"

Megan took another deep breath, and then looked down at her feet. Slowly, she reached behind and undid the hooks behind her neck and back. She pulled the dress forward as it left her body, revealing a lacy black pair of panties and a matching bra.

David stared for a moment, appreciating the view before him. She was embarrassed to be exposed like this to him, even though she had worn these in case things had gone well tonight and she wouldn't be returning home until tomorrow morning. But now, knowing that she was going to be spanked by him, she shivered as the pace of her heartbeat quickened a bit. She folded her dress and placed it over the side arm of the couch, mostly to keep her busy, and to keep her from focusing on the fact that she was now only in her underwear, and that she was about to be spanked like she was a little girl again. Though she had already laid the dress over the arm of the couch, she continued to fidget with it in an effort to make it completely square with the couch.  Eventually, she could fidget with it no more. She folded her arms in front of her, and looked at the floor, nervously.

David pulled the desk chair out from under the desk and sat down in it.

"Come here," he commanded.

Almost as if someone else were controlling her, Megan felt her foot picking itself up and setting itself down, followed by the other doing the same. It was as if she were helplessly watching herself step over to David.

"You'll need to remove your bra," he said.

"No," she begged softly. "I can't."

"Yes," he commanded. "You can, and you will. No modesty is allowed when you are being punished."

"Are you going to make me take off my panties too?"

"Not yet. But before your spanking is over, I'll remove them.  The only effective spanking is when the humiliation removes all remaining modesty. You have to feel the complete punishment. The mental, as well as the physical."

"I don't think I can do this," she said.

"That's fine," David said. "You can put your dress back on, and you're free to leave," he said.

She looked at her dress on the arm of the couch. Then she looked back at David. She began to reach for the dress, then pulled back her arm. She knew she had to do this. She didn't know why. But she had to do it. If she didn't do it now, she would forever wonder what this would have been like.

She gulped again, and then reached to the middle of her chest, unfastening the front-clasped black laced bra she was wearing.  She slowly pulled the two halves away, revealing her round breasts to him for the first time. Her face instantly turned several shades of red from the awkwardness and embarrassment of his seeing her. True enough, she had hoped that he would see her naked tonight, but not like this. Her nipples immediately reacted to both the temperature and the anticipation of what she thought was about to happen to her. She shrugged the bra off her shoulders as it fell to the floor behind her.

David slightly parted his legs and took the now nearly naked Megan by the arm.

"I'm going to bend you over my knee," he said. "I want you to stand between my legs."

She allowed him to guide her into position and then bend her over his left leg, while his right leg held her legs in place as she was bent over.

"I don't want to do this," she said.

"That's fine," David answered. "We can stop right now. I'll only do this if you want to."

She immediately stood up and stepped out away from David. She picked up the bra, and began to fumble with it for a couple of seconds.

Then she stopped fumbling.

Not putting her bra back on, she placed it on top of her folded dress on the arm of the couch. She took a deep breath and looked at him as if trying to figure out if it was okay to yet again change her mind. He barely nodded, and she stepped back into place between his legs and allowed him to help position her again.

"Will this...hurt?" she asked.

"Yes, Megan, it will hurt," David explained, "but not unbearably so. The point of this is -"

Megan suddenly gasped as he placed his hand on the small of her back to balance her and help support her in position. Then she relaxed again.

"The point of this is to remind you the next time you're considering making what you know is a bad choice and to help you choose more correctly.  The point is not to hurt you, even though there is some hurt associated with it."

Megan nodded her head from where it was located close to the floor and bent over David's leg. "I get it," she said. "I really do. And I really need to be spanked."

"Are you ready for me to begin?" David asked.

She did not say another word, but she nodded and stared down at the floor below her.

He raised his arm into the air and brought it down quickly. The force of the first swat was unexpected and she gasped aloud. His arm went into the air again and came down on her backside a second time. And a third. A fourth time he struck her.

David was right, she thought. It did hurt. It wasn't unbearable but it certainly was unpleasant.

He kept his hand on the small of her back as he delivered a dozen more swats in succession.  Then, not as rapidly as he had, he drew out the intervals between the last four swats. When he did not raise his arm again after a long time, Megan heaved a heavy sigh and tried to stand up, but David held her fast.

Without a word, David tugged at the elastic band of her black panties and pulled them away, offering a bare bottom to him for spanking.

Megan turned her head to try to face David.  "I don't..." she said, directing her voice behind her towards David. But she didn't say anything more, and after a moment, again turned her head towards the floor and waited.

David began again. This time, flesh made contact with flesh and it stung.  A second, third, and fourth blow and the sting became more intense. After the fifth strike, she let out an audible shriek. The pain of the sting was worse than anything she had imagined, but her conscience also reminded her that she desperately needed this. She needed this more than she had ever been aware.

After about a dozen slaps to her bare behind, Megan noticed that the stinging sensation was gradually being replaced by a numbing feeling. At that, a great stirring in her belly began. There was still some pain whenever David's hand made contact with her bottom, but there was also, much to Megan's disbelief, an element of pleasure too.

She stopped counting the swats and lost herself in the new feelings she was experiencing. She didn't even realize that he had stopped swatting her and was now massaging her pussy instead. He seemed to know exactly what she was feeling, and he seemed to know exactly what to do. In just a few moments, she moaned as she came, releasing everything that had been pent up in her.

She laid still across his lap, not moving, not believing what a powerful experience she had just had.

"Can I just lie here for a minute or two?" she asked.

"Yes. For as long as you'd like," David responded.

She waited until her breathing returned to normal.  Then she sighed and stood up.

"David," she began, "that was incredible. How did you know I needed that?"

He shrugged. "Just a hunch."

"When I was across your lap, I felt your cock pressed up against me. It was really hard. Did it turn you on to spank me?" Megan asked.

Now it was David's turn to feel his face turn red.  "It's kind of difficult to deny that when it's so obvious, isn't it?" he said.

"Well, you gave me the spanking I needed, and now I want to do something for you. I want to suck you until you cum in my mouth."

She didn't wait for a response.  She knelt in front of him, unbuttoned his pants, worked the zipper to the bottom, and then with one motion, pulled down his pants and his boxers, freeing a very large and hard cock from its confines. She admired it for just a moment, then looked up at him before licking the tip of it with her tongue.

David let out a groan of pleasure as she wrapped her lips around him and began bobbing her head up and down. She quickly and expertly brought him to climax in just under a couple of minutes, and he shot into her mouth even as she continued bobbing her head up and down. Then, she stopped, and as she pulled her mouth off his cock, his cum dribbled out of her mouth, onto her chin, and onto her breasts.

He sighed, spent. "That was amazing," he told her.

"So was my spanking that you gave me," she said.

"Would you like to stay here with me tonight?"

She nodded.

He smiled.

She rubbed her bottom, hoping that she could get spanked again before she had to leave tomorrow morning.

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Written by MScott67
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