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Lucy Hogarth Invites Hilary Matthews To Visit

"Lucy Hogarth wants a real thrashing and she discovers just who would be pleased to deliver it"

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Lucy Hogarth and Mary Littleton were now having lesbian sex at every opportunity and Mary had given Lucy another caning but Lucy found the caning strangely underwhelming because she now felt that she needed more than Mary could give her regarding corporal punishment.

What Lucy wanted now was a real thrashing which she knew would be incredibly painful but she also knew that it would probably take her to heights of sexual stimulation that she had never reached before.

When Lucy had taken the public caning in aid of WI funds she was unaware of who was actually delivering each stroke of the cane but some were certainly delivered with more ferocity than others. Unbeknown to Lucy, one woman had joined the WI simply to be able to pay the ten pounds necessary to slash a cane stroke across Lucy's large bottom and she had done that because she had a long-held grudge against Lucy.

The woman was named Hilary Matthews and although she had felt good after putting all of her strength into applying the stroke, a stroke that Lucy certainly felt above all others, she still disliked Lucy Hogarth just as much as she had before so in that respect it had made no difference to Hilary.

One early evening when Lucy and Mary were naked on the bed having just licked each other to orgasm their chat got around to the night of the fundraising caning and Lucy said that some of the strokes were much harder than others. As Lucy still did not know exactly who had delivered which stroke except knowing that Mary along with Elizabeth Reynolds had each delivered one of the first two and one of the last two she was curious as to who had applied the stroke that stung her the most.

Mary started going through the names of the ladies that she recalled paying ten pounds to use the cane and then said, "There was one woman who joined the WI just to give you one stroke and we have not seen her since."

"Oh, what was her name?" asked Lucy.

"I can't recall, I have seen her around the shops but I do not know her but she certainly put a lot into that stroke that she gave you, do you remember me asking if you were alright after she had given you her stroke?" said Mary.

"Yes, I remember, that stroke certainly hurt more than any of the others, can you find out her name for me?" asked Lucy thinking that the woman could be exactly who she needs to give her the real thrashing that she desired.

"Yes, I will find out for you but I do not know why you are so interested," said Mary before planting a kiss on her lover's lips.

The next day Mary phoned Lucy, "Hi Lucy, that woman that joined just to give you that cane stroke was named Hilary Matthews, does that mean anything to you?"

After a moment's silence, Lucy replied, "Yes, yes it does. She does not like me at all and possibly with good reason," said Lucy without elaborating on the reasons. At this stage, Lucy did not intend to say anything to Mary about her wish for a far more severe caning although she was very happy to have Mary as a lesbian lover.

After a lot of thought, Lucy decided to contact Hilary and offer her the chance to take full retribution on her buttocks for past wrongs and also to be honest with her about her sexual need for a thrashing.

Having found Hilary's phone number, Lucy called her, "Hilary, it is Lucy Hogarth here, I have a proposition for you."

"Oh, it's Madam Hogarth, what do you want?" replied Hilary who got wound up just by that woman's name and voice.

"I understand that you were at the WI meeting a while ago when the ladies, um, caned my bottom," Lucy went on.

"Yes I was and I wish that I could have broken that cane across your fat backside," spat Hilary.

"Well that is why I am ringing you, to give you that chance," said Lucy.

"What are you saying, you want me to cane you?" asked a shocked Hilary.

"Exactly that but you should know that it is for my sexual pleasure," confessed Lucy.

"You are saying that you want me to cane you because it sexually excites you?" said the incredulous Hilary.

"Yes but you get to give me the beating that you want to give me and that you think that I deserve, so it suits us both" replied Lucy.

"Oh how I would like to whip your fat arse but I will not touch you sexually and you will not touch me," said Hilary as a statement rather than a question.

"Yes that's correct, you will come here, cane me and then leave," said Lucy who was now wet at the thought.

"How many strokes?" asked Hilary who was now very much warming to the idea, not sexually but the idea of putting cane marks on Lucy Hogarth's backside was very appealing.

"We will decide on that before you start but maybe a dozen and if it goes well perhaps it could be something we do again," said Lucy.

"I think that I can make your backside very sore with twelve strokes but I do not know if I would be interested in doing it again," replied Hilary.

"So you will do it then?" asked Lucy wanting confirmation that she would very likely get the thrashing that she desired.

"Oh yes Lucy Hogarth, there is nothing that I would like more than having you bent over and me with a cane in my hands," said Hilary who saw her way of getting all her anger at this woman out of her system.

Arrangements were made for Hilary to come to Lucy's house two days in the future and for her to deliver the caning that would probably do them both good but in very different ways.

Lucy decided to tell Mary of her plans because she had become very close to her in recent times and not just sexually so she was going to be very open with her.

The two women were not planning on another sexual tryst for a few days so Lucy phoned her lover, "Hello darling, I have something to tell you."

"Oh dear, that sounds ominous," replied a concerned Mary.

"Not really but I think that you should know that Hilary Matthews is coming here to cane me in a couple of days," said Lucy.

"You are replacing me with Hilary Matthews?" asked an almost crying Mary.

"No sweetheart, not in bed but I feel the need for a very severe caning and she very much wants to give me one," said Lucy.

"That is how you and I started, do you fancy her, have I lost you?" asked Mary who was now actually sobbing.

"No to both my darling, in fact, I need you even more because I want you to come here after Hilary has caned me and make my bottom better," explained Lucy.

That placated the still sobbing Mary a little bit but she said, "Don't I cane you properly then?"

"I don't think that you have it in you to cane me how I need to be caned but I so want to keep you as my lover," said Lucy without meaning for that to sound hurtful.

"Oh Lucy, I don't know because I am falling in love with you and I hate the idea of someone else seeing your lovely bottom," said a still confused Mary.

"I understand that and I think that I love you too but please just see what is going to happen between Hilary and me as a sort of business arrangement, I promise that it will not be sexual," said Lucy.

"I am still not sure," was all that Mary could reply.

"I will need your hands and lips soothing my bottom after Hilary is finished with me, please darling," said Lucy.

"I don't like the thought of losing you to Hilary Matthews, or to anyone else," said Mary.

"You won't darling, I promise, please come here after I have been caned," pleaded Lucy and Mary, still a bit reluctantly, agreed to do so.

Lucy's husband was away for a few days which was good because although she and he led very separate lives she knew that what was about to happen was to be without him possibly being around.

Hilary Matthews arrived at Lucy's house and there was still obviously hostility between the two women which was good from Lucy's point of view because she knew that the caning would be delivered with true venom.

"Just to set some ground rules before we start Hilary, I will bend over bottom bared for twelve strokes and you will administer twelve and twelve only irrespective of any reactions from me, is that understood?" said Lucy.

"Yes, I can promise you that they will be twelve very hard strokes which is what you seem to want, you perverted woman," sneered Hilary.

"Yes that is what I want but I do not know if that makes me perverted, as soon as you have given me a dozen strokes you will leave my house, Hilary, agreed?" said Lucy with a further stipulation.

"Agreed, I will deal with you as you deserve to be dealt with and then I will leave you to play with yourself or do whatever you do when you have a sore backside," said Hilary.

Lucy led Hilary into the room that held a number of books plus a table and a couple of chairs, on the table was the cane which, with Lucy's nodded agreement, Hilary picked up. Hilary bent the cane and swished it through the air a few times, all with her eyes focused on Lucy who visibly flinched at each swish through the air. Lucy felt her buttocks, which she currently had inside trousers, tighten and her vagina moisten.

"Let's do it shall we?" said Lucy not expecting a reply as she removed her trousers to reveal that she was not wearing underwear. She placed herself across the table and gripped the far end because she was expecting what was about to follow to be both very painful and very exciting.

When Lucy had been caned at the WI meeting she was wearing very tight trousers with nothing underneath but now Hilary Matthews bent the cane one more time as she looked at the naked cheeks that she was about to flog, and flog hard.

One more air swish with the cane before Hilary tapped it against Lucy's buttocks a few times and Lucy noticeably tensed as Hilary raised the cane high. For a brief moment, time stood still as bare buttocks awaited the arrival of a slashing stroke of the cane but then the cane descended at speed SWISH! CRACK! Hilary was delighted with the stroke and Lucy's bottom twitched and she grunted, "Um, ohhh."

Hilary waited a moment and watched a red line start to appear on Lucy's arse before again raising the cane high and then bringing it down with equal speed to the first stroke SWISH! CRACK!

Lucy's whole body jerked and she shouted, "Aaaah," as she became aware that taking twelve strokes from Hilary Matthews was going to be agonizing.

Hilary was delighted that she was hurting the woman that she disliked so much and soon she had implanted five vivid red lines across Lucy's bare buttocks and Lucy was squirming and sobbing as she hung on to the edge of the table for dear life.

Lucy's squirming was in part because of the almost unbearable stinging in her backside and in part because of her mounting sexual excitement as her vagina received stimulating pulses from each cane stroke.

SWISH! CRACK! stroke six had Lucy raise her upper body although she still gripped the table edge and she yelled, "Shit, fuck, ow, ow, ow."

"Hurting you, you snooty bitch isn't it, I am so pleased," gloated Hilary who was thrilled at the knowledge that she had six further strokes to deliver.

"Yes, (sob), it is hurting," said Lucy although Hilary had not really expected a reply.

At this juncture, Mary Littleton was near Lucy's house as Lucy had instructed her on what time to be there but she assumed that Hilary was still doing what she was there to do so Mary loitered close by.

After stroke number eight Lucy came and came hard and with Lucy's body shaking both from her sobbing and her orgasm it was obvious to Hilary what was happening but as Lucy had told her that she would likely get a sexual thrill from the caning it was no surprise to Hilary.

Hilary delivered the ninth stroke SWISH! CRACK! across the top of Lucy's thighs and Lucy screamed and Hilary smiled to herself at her own sadism.

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Mary had moved nearer to Lucy's house and was in fact down the side of the house near the room that Lucy and Hilary were in and Mary put her hand to her mouth when she heard both that stroke land and Lucy's scream that followed. Mary was tempted to look through the window that was a few steps in front of her but before she got there there was further very audible stroke delivered and another vocal response to it.

Mary could not resist the urge to look through the window and before her eyes was a very red-faced Lucy, clearly sobbing violently with her knuckles white from gripping the table edge. Behind her was an equally red-faced Hilary Matthews with the cane held high and Mary recoiled from the window a moment later when the cane slashed down and Hilary again screamed.

Mary did not know how many strokes had been delivered and how many were to come but inside the room, Hilary was looking at the large bottom on which she had painted eleven red streaks, and as she raised the cane for the last time she was determined to make this stroke hurt as much as any.

SWISH! CRACK! "Fuck!" yelled Lucy before bursting into uncontrollable crying and Hilary had one last look at the bottom that she had thrashed before placing the cane next to Lucy on the table and, as agreed, leaving the room.

Hilary Matthews was pleased with her few minutes of work and was content that she had now righted the wrongs that she had felt regarding Lucy Hogarth although she would gladly cane her again in the future if asked. She no longer despised Lucy as much as she had done but would certainly not be adverse to giving her another thrashing.

Mary had summoned up the courage to again look through the window and Lucy was now alone but she was still sprawled over the table but no longer gripping its edge, her hands and fingers thereon seemed to be moving but not actually knowing what they should be doing.

Mary went to the side door of the house in time to see Hilary disappearing out of the driveway and she entered the unlocked door. When Mary reached the small library Lucy was still bent over the table but now her hands were tentatively touching her caned arse cheeks. Mary was shocked at the sight because although she had seen Lucy's bare bottom with cane marks that she had put there it was clear that Hilary had caned much harder.

"Oh Lucy, she has hurt you," said Mary, stating what was pretty obvious.

Lucy painfully straightened up, still with her hands on her buttocks, and sobbed to her lover, "She has but I wanted and needed her to."

"What do you want me to do, do you want me to touch you?" asked a concerned Mary.

"I do but perhaps we can go to my bed and you look after me there," replied Lucy between sobs.

She found walking to be excruciatingly painful and climbing the stairs even more so but eventually was face down on her bed and Mary was hovering looking at her friend's striped buttocks, "Can you get a damp cloth and cool my bum a bit darling?" asked Lucy so Mary dutifully went to the bathroom and dampened a flannel.

"I came twice during the caning," Lucy almost apologetically announced on Mary's return, the second orgasm was actually undetected by Hilary.

"That was what you wanted wasn't it, sexual excitement?" asked Mary.

"Yes, she said I was perverted and maybe I am for getting turned on by somebody setting fire to my backside with a cane," said Lucy who still flinched and sobbed from time to time as the throbbing from her caned bottom announced itself to her other senses.

Mary gently applied the damp flannel to Lucy's wounded rear and occasionally she put just a little too much pressure on the dabs and caused Lucy to murmur, "Ouch."

With her friend trying to soothe her bottom Lucy was again starting to feel sexually aroused, "Sweetheart, will you try kissing it a bit please/" she said softly and Mary did as requested and gently kissed Lucy's buttocks.

Lucy parted her legs slightly and Mary could see her friend's cunt glistening with the sexual arousal that she was obviously feeling and Mary was aware that her own vagina was getting a bit agitated within her clothing.

With Mary continuing to kiss her bottom, Lucy opened her legs wider and squirmed because of her rapidly increasing sexual arousal. "Darling, would you like to taste me?" asked Lucy.

"Oh yes, I would like that very much, would you like to taste me?" was Mary's response.

"I most certainly would but you need to be underneath because I do not fancy trying to put my bottom on the bed at the moment," said Lucy so Mary swiftly removed her clothes and got on the bed with her splayed legs near the top and her head under Lucy's middle.

The two women hungrily lapped at their lover's wet gash and both went through a series of orgasms in quick succession.

Lucy Hogarth had had the thrashing that she longed for and it had given her the sexual ecstasy that she anticipated. Her friend had soothed her exactly as she hoped to be soothed and Lucy and Mary lay kissing and each tasting their own cum.

Lucy knew that if required she could get Hilary Matthews to give her another severe caning but for now, she had to wait for the after-effects of the just received beating to disappear to enable her to again sit down in comfort.


Written by PJH
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