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Long Awaited

"A mature widow meets a slightly younger man who might give her what she had been missing since her husband's passing."

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Author's Notes

"The background to this story is based upon what a Lush member has told me about her life regarding her upbringing and marriage. <p> [ADVERT] </p>The dialogue and how the story develops are from my imagination."

Ruth Davies often thought back to her marriage. It was now fourteen years since her husband Iwan passed away and Ruth, aged sixty-six, missed him for so many reasons.

Their marriage, and indeed Ruth's home life before that, had been built on discipline, with Ruth subject to bare-bottomed spankings and beltings. Sometimes a spanking could be foreplay before great sex but sometimes a belting could be punishment, pure and simple.

Ruth could be fidgeting in her seat at work three or more days after a particularly severe thrashing.

Ruth went into marriage knowing that her bottom would be dealt with when necessary, Ruth's mother made sure that Iwan would discipline her as she had been used to at home. She had often been over her mother's knee for a spanking or bending over for her father's belt, just as her three older sisters had been.

Ruth had also been a virgin on her wedding night.

Ruth's bottom had remained unblemished since her husband's passing, and she had also not had sex since then either.

She wanted, maybe even longed for, a spanking or a belting, and had considered going to a disciplinarian, getting very close to contacting one on more than one occasion, without quite being able to go through with it.

She lived in the hope of meeting a man that would treat her as she wanted and needed to be treated, but in this day and age, such men seemed to be harder and harder to find.

Being submissive to a man was important to Ruth because she knew no different. She could not imagine being in a relationship which did not sometimes involve her baring her bottom to feel leather lashing it.

She was still an attractive woman, her hair was now grey and was shoulder length, she had large breasts and her bottom was still firm, certainly not sagging. Sometimes she would look at her bare bottom in her wardrobe mirror and imagine it again being red with hand imprints or the marks from a belting on it.

Ruth was not too bothered about sex for the sake of sex, if all she wanted was to get fucked, she would probably not have too much trouble achieving that. She wanted more, she wanted a man that she could be submissive to.

She would sometimes masturbate, but the masturbation was usually accompanied by thoughts of spankings and beltings from the past, along with hopes for similar in the future.

Ruth was seated by the window of a cafe in her home town, she was sipping her coffee and watching the world go by. Sometimes she would focus on a pair of female buttocks as a woman walked past, not sexually but wondering if that woman's bottom got spanked.

The cafe was not particularly busy, but there were a few people scattered around sipping drinks or eating a sandwich.

Ruth's thoughts were interrupted when the bell on the cafe door signalled the arrival of another customer. Ruth glanced up to see that it was a man, mature but probably younger than her, and there was something about him that made Ruth feel something that she had not felt in a long time. She could not define it, but it was different.

The man glanced in Ruth's direction as he approached the counter, and he gave a sort of half-smile, Ruth responded exactly the same.

The man purchased a coffee and came and sat down at a table near Ruth's, also close to the window.

"Morning," said the man to Ruth, this time with more of a smile. Ruth's bottom squirmed involuntarily on her chair, and she did not know why.

"Morning," replied Ruth.

That was the extent of the conversation for a while, and Ruth went back to watching people passing the cafe, she was close to finishing her drink.

"I see that she is in the news again," said the man, indicating a photograph of a female politician that was on the front of a discarded newspaper.

"Yes, she often is, but I suppose that goes with being a politician," replied Ruth.

"I suppose so, but when she is photographed she always looks so smug, I often think that she probably needs a damn good spanking," said the man, with some feeling in the tone of his voice. His last few words resonated with Ruth.

Just for a moment, Ruth was stunned and she chose her response carefully.

"You think that women need spanking then, do you?" said Ruth, hoping that her face did not betray her thoughts.

"Certainly some do, sorry if my opinion offends you," said the man.

"Did I say that I was offended?" responded Ruth, feeling quite strong.

"No, interestingly, you did not," replied the man, his eyes scanning the rather attractive woman. He wanted to continue this conversation, but maybe this was not the place because they might get overheard. He decided, for now, to suggest closing the gap between them.

"Might I join you?" asked the man, already starting to get up from his chair with the assumption that his request would be met in the affirmative.

"Please do,...sir," answered Ruth, the 'sir' was very deliberate.

"My name is Richard Compton," said the man, as he sat at Ruth's table.

"Ruth, Ruth Davies," replied Ruth.

"Mrs?" said the man. noticing the ring on Ruth's wedding finger.

"Widowed," replied Ruth.

"Oh, I am sorry," said Richard.

"Me too, it has been a long time, fourteen years," said Ruth.

"I get the impression that you miss something in particular about your late husband," said Richard, not meaning sex.

"I do, but what is it that you think I miss sir?" replied Ruth, trying to make sure that they were talking about the same thing.

"I think that perhaps your husband paid attention to your bottom in a way that it needed paying attention to, and you miss that a lot," said Richard.

"He did, sir, and I miss it greatly; do you pay attention to your wife's bottom in that way, sir?" asked Ruth.

"I did before we divorced, although the discipline was not the reason for the divorce," replied Richard.

"Oh," said Ruth, wondering why they divorced but not thinking that it was her place to ask.

"She went off with a man half her age, but the hiding that I gave her on the evening that she left was the biggest thrashing of her life," said Richard, with a bit of venom in his voice.

"She deserved it, sir," said Ruth.

"She did, and she knew it when she presented her bare arse for my belt, it must have been quite some time before she sat down in comfort again," said Richard.

"Exactly what she deserved; I would not have dreamt of being unfaithful to my husband, but if I had strayed, I would have expected to be eating standing up for days, and I would probably have had to take a week off work because I would not have been able to sit down," said Ruth.

"I think that I would have liked your husband," said Richard.

"I was thinking that men like him no longer existed, but it seems that I might have been wrong,....sir," said Ruth.

"I think we should continue this conversation in private another day, don't you Ruth?" asked Richard.

"Yes sir, I do," replied Ruth, thinking that she might have found the man of her dreams, after all this time.

"Here is my card, ring the mobile number which is my private number, perhaps we could arrange for you to visit my house," said Richard, giving Ruth his business card.

"Thank you, sir; May I ask your age?" said Ruth.

"I am fifty-six, why?" replied Richard.

"Oh, ten years younger than me," said Ruth.

"You look stunning, is the ten years a problem?" said Richard.

"Not for me, sir," said Ruth.

"Nor me," said Richard.

The cafe had got busier whilst they had been talking, and the chances of being overheard had increased. They had both finished their drinks.

"Nice to have met you, Ruth," said Richard, standing up.

"And you, Richard," said Ruth, she knew that she should say 'sir' but her doing so might have got some looks from people nearby.

"Phone me," said Richard.

"I will," confirmed Ruth.

Ruth went home and gathered her thoughts. She wondered if she had been dreaming, but there in her hand was Richard Compton's business card.

She thought back over what had been said and tried to make sure in her own mind that she had not misinterpreted any of it.

One certainty was that Richard had asked her to phone him, with a view to her visiting his house.

He had said about continuing the conversation in private, but the inference was that Richard would treat her bottom in the same way as he had treated his wife's, and in the same way as Iwan had treated Ruth's. Exactly what Ruth missed, wanted, and needed.

There had been no mention of sex, but Ruth was not too bothered about that, it seemed that a bare-bottomed belting was on offer, something that had been long awaited.

To achieve that, she would have to bare her bottom to a man that she had only just met, and a man ten years her junior. Nobody had seen her bare bottom in almost a decade and a half.

On the one hand, Ruth was apparently being offered the chance to receive something that she had missed, and even craved, for so long, but on the other hand, she had to bare her bottom to a stranger and maybe have sex with him.

Ruth decided to phone Richard, but before agreeing to go to his house, she wanted to clarify some things.

"Richard, it is Ruth, we met earlier," said Ruth, when Richard answered his phone.

"We did indeed," said Richard.

"Yes, I would like to clarify some things, please, sir," said Ruth.

"What is bothering you, Ruth?" asked Richard.

"Well sir, I do not want there to be any misunderstandings, so can you please explain exactly what you are suggesting?" said Ruth.

"Certainly my dear, as I understand it, you miss the discipline that you got from your late husband, I am offering you the chance to receive some discipline," replied Richard.

"Yes sir, that was what I thought; you are suggesting that I visit your house to receive the discipline, I understand," said Ruth.

"Yes, although I could come to you if you wished," replied Richard.

"Um, no, I think it would be better if I came to you, but exactly what do you envisage happening, please?" asked Ruth.

"Firstly, nothing happens without your agreement, but I envisage you coming here, going to my spare bedroom, baring your bottom and awaiting my arrival, I would then give you a very sound thrashing with my leather belt," said Richard.

"Yes sir, that was just about what I thought was planned," said Ruth.

"The choice as to whether this happens or not, is entirely yours," said Richard.

"Yes sir, thank you, sir," said Ruth.

"I would think that after the beating, you would not feel like returning home, so you would be very welcome to stay the night," said Richard.

Ruth did not say anything, she was weighing up the implications of staying the night. Richard sensed her dilemma and spoke again.

"You will, of course, stay in the spare bedroom, unless you desire anything else," said Richard.

"Thank you, sir, I appreciate you clarifying that," said Ruth, wondering if anything else might happen after the belting.

"So it is up to you, my dear, but if you do come, might I suggest a Friday evening, if that is convenient for you," said Richard.

"Yes, yes, a Friday, any Friday, should be fine," replied Ruth.

"So are you saying that you will be coming?" asked Richard.

"Yes sir, we are," said Ruth, hoping that she did not regret it, but not thinking that she would.

"This coming Friday?" said Richard.

"Um yes, this coming Friday," replied Ruth.

"When you arrive, I will give you the chance to change your mind, but if you decide to go ahead with it, the length and power of the beating will be at my discretion, do you understand?" said Richard.

"Yes, sir, I understand, that was how it was with my husband," answered Ruth.

Richard gave Ruth his address and they agreed that she would be there at seven on Friday evening. She would have the chance to change her mind, but if she stayed, she would stay the night.

It was Friday afternoon and Ruth was deciding what to wear for her visit to Richard, not that her lower clothing was supposed to be staying on for long. She looked at her bare bottom in her mirror and she felt strange when it dawned on her that for the first time in fourteen years, it should be showing evidence of a good belting later. She was excited, not sexually but excited at the prospect of feeling a belt across her cheeks again, she was also nervous about a stranger seeing her bare bottom.

She knew that Richard was still giving her the option to back out if she changed her mind on arrival at his house.

She packed an overnight bag, including a night dress. She figured that she would not want anything tight fitting down below for the return journey the next day if she went ahead with getting belted, so she found an old pair of tracksuit bottoms. She wore a skirt to travel in. She put on minimal makeup because she was not going on a date.

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She drove the three miles to Richard's house, it was quite secluded, which was not a bad thing if severe beltings were administered to female bottoms in there. Ruth had convinced herself that if she ever again wanted to be treated as her husband had treated her, this might be her one and only chance.

"Good evening, Ruth," said Richard, as Ruth got out of her car.

"Good evening, sir," replied Ruth.

"As promised, you are free to decide not to do this," said Richard.

"I am here to be dealt with as you see appropriate, sir," replied Ruth.

"Okay well this is what will happen, you will take your things upstairs to the first bedroom on the right, the door is partly open," said Richard.

"Yes sir," said Ruth, feeling nervous but elated, because what she had wanted for so long, was going to happen.

"You will see an armchair in that room with its back to the door, you will not change the position of that armchair," said Richard.

"I understand, sir," said Ruth.

"You will leave the door partly open, exactly as it is when you get there," continued Richard.

"Yes sir," said Ruth.

"You will remove your lower clothing and bend over the back of the armchair," said Richard.

"Yes sir," replied Ruth.

"It might be two minutes or it might be twenty minutes before I come upstairs, but when I enter that room, the first thing that I expect to see will be your bare bottom facing the door," said Richard.

"I understand, sir," replied Ruth, with a bit of a choking sound in her voice.

"I will belt your bottom until I decide that you have been dealt with as you deserve to be," said Richard.

"Sir, may I ask if your wife cried out during her beatings?" asked a nervous Ruth.

"Oh yes, if she was not screaming blue murder then I would thrash her harder," replied Richard.

"So I can cry out, sir?" said Ruth.

"I would expect you to," responded Richard.

"Thank you, sir," said Ruth.

"When I have administered your flogging, I will leave you to compose yourself as you see fit," said Richard.

"Yes sir, thank you, sir," replied Ruth.

"Any questions?" asked Richard.

"No sir, thank you, sir," said Ruth.

"Then go upstairs, prepare yourself, and await my arrival," said Richard.

"Yes sir," said Ruth, climbing the stairs, with her overnight bag.

Ruth entered the room and was careful to leave the door open exactly the same amount as it had been.

The armchair was facing the door as Richard had said. Iwan's preference was to have Ruth bent over the back of an armchair for a belting, but they could only do that if they had the house to themselves, sometimes she got thrashed in the garage.

Ruth did not have much time, or she might not have, because she dared not be in position for Richard's arrival. She removed her skirt and knickers and felt extremely exposed, but she kept her blouse and bra on.

Ruth placed herself over the back of the armchair, her mind was churning with so many emotions. She was feeling anticipation, nervousness, excitement, shame, humiliation and, in a way, pride.

In a short while, a man that she hardly knew would enter this room and he will see her bare bottom. He will then apply a belt to her bottom, probably very hard and probably a great many times. Her bottom will be on fire, just like it used to be all those years ago with Iwan.

Ruth did not know if Richard would expect sex, but she saw it as her duty as a submissive to give him pleasure if he wanted it.

Richard had said that it might be two minutes or it might be twenty before he entered the room, Ruth had already been bent over the armchair for more than ten minutes, and the same emotions continued to run through her.

Another five minutes had ticked by, Iwan had sometimes made Ruth wait, but never this long.

Ruth then heard Richard climbing the stairs, and her buttocks clenched, the time had seemingly arrived. Richard did not come straight into the room that Ruth awaited him in, perhaps he was collecting the belt from another room.

Then the door opened, and Ruth tensed. Richard admired Ruth's very attractive bottom, but he did not speak. He had the thick leather belt in his hands, the beating was about to commence.


Leather met buttock.

"Oh!" shouted Ruth, as her bottom felt a thick strap for the first time since she was aged in her early fifties.


More lashes soon followed as Richard put everything into it, as Ruth expected and as Iwan had done.

On and on the thrashing continued and Ruth yelled and twisted but remained bent over, Her buttocks were already red as time after time the belt cracked across them.

Still, Richard raised the belt and lashed it down, he sensed that the woman wanted a good hiding, so he was giving her one.

Sometimes Ruth's body lifted as she screamed, and she was fighting the urge to cover her rear with her hands as the belt continued to lash her.

Ruth screeched particularly loudly when one lash caught the top of her thigh, she was way past the stage whereby sitting down would be difficult for days.

Still, Richard thrashed her, and still Ruth yelled, but she still stayed bent over, because that was what a good submissive woman did.

Richard was hot and breathless, and he had no idea how many times his right arm had raised the belt high before swinging it down, but he could tell by sight and sound that he had done a very effective job. He halted the thrashing.

He looked at Ruth's body shaking as she sobbed, and he gently placed the belt on her back, a final symbol of his dominance.

"You may stand up when you are ready," said Richard, the first words that he had spoken since the two of them parted downstairs before Ruth climbed the stairs to prepare herself.

Richard left the room, but Ruth remained bent over for a while, crying into the armchair.

She eventually slowly pushed herself up, and the belt slithered off her back and onto the floor.

Ruth gingerly put her hands on her red hot buttocks, and through her tears, she saw that the belt looked very similar to the one that Iwan used on her, it felt much the same too.

Ruth staggered to the bed and lay face down on it. She cried and cried and cried, but although some of the tears were because of pain and humiliation, some tears were of joy.

Ruth lay there for quite a while, as the crying got reduced to sobbing, and then eventually stopped. She thought that perhaps she should seek Richard out and thank him, but she was not going to walk about naked from the waist down.

She removed her blouse, which was soaked in sweat, and her bra, and put on her nightdress. She thought of putting her knickers on, but she decided against having anything right next to her burning buttocks.

She did not know if Richard had gone back downstairs, if she did go down, descending the stairs would be agony, but there was another door partly open and with a light on, so Ruth supposed Richard was in there.

She very painfully and slowly made her way to that door, and gently knocked.

"Come in," said Richard, from inside.

Ruth pushed the door open and was shocked to see a totally naked Richard on top of the bedclothes. Ruth's eyes went to his penis, which was sizeable but not fully hard.

"Oh, oh, sorry," said Ruth, feeling bad about seeing Richard naked.

"Come in, my dear, how do you feel?" said Richard, making no attempt to cover himself. His penis had stiffened slightly.

"Um, um, I just wanted to thank you, for the beating,...sir," said Ruth.

"I hope that it was satisfactory, that it was what you needed," said Richard.

"Yes, yes sir, more than satisfactory, and certainly what I needed," replied Ruth.

"Good," said Richard, who was wanting some sexual action, but he was not going to force Ruth into anything.

Ruth saw it as her duty to please the man that had thrashed her bottom.

"Sir, um, would you like me to do anything to, um, thank you?" said Ruth, who was aware that Richard's penis was stiffer than it had been.

"Only if you want to, Ruth," said Richard, widening his legs slightly to make sure that Ruth's eyes were drawn to his cock.

"I want to, sir," said Ruth, moving slowly to the bed.

Her right hand reached out, and she gripped Richard's now almost fully erect penis.

As with most such things, Ruth had not touched a stiff penis in years, now she was wanking one.

She wanked at varying speeds, and Richard squirmed, A slight smile crossed Ruth's lips, she knew that she was pleasing him.

Ruth then wanked fast and Richard tensed, groaned, and shot spunk high in the air. He came long and hard.

Ruth then licked the cum off Richard's cock, stomach and pubic hair.

"Thank you so much, Ruth, do you want to spend the night in my bed?" said Richard.

"Um, no thank you, sir, I am glad that I pleased you," said Ruth, who felt very good about life at the moment.

"Okay, see you in the morning, sleep well," said Richard.

"And you sir, good night," said Ruth, although she knew that she would not sleep much with her behind on fire.

Ruth very gingerly left Richard's bedroom and spent the night on her front in the spare bedroom, she did not sleep much, but she was happy.

Once the new day had dawned, there was a knock on Ruth's bedroom door.

"Come in," said Ruth, very dishevelled, but still managing to be very attractive.

Richard entered, he had some underpants on.

"How are you this morning, Ruth?" asked Richard.

"Alive," laughed Ruth.

"Would you mind if I inspected your bottom?" asked Richard. Despite being very self-conscious, Ruth could not refuse.

"Okay, sir," said Ruth, still on her stomach. She lifted her middle so that Richard could roll her night dress up clear of her bottom.

"My goodness, that looks sore," said Richard.

"It is, sir," said Ruth, her face in the pillow in embarrassment because an almost stranger was looking at her bare, belted bottom.

Richard then surprised Ruth by gently kissing all over her whipped buttocks, Ruth squirmed, she was shocked to find herself getting turned on.

Ruth opened her legs wider but felt ashamed at doing so.

Richard continued to softly kiss Ruth's arse cheeks, but he was aware that her vagina was exposed.

"Ruth, only if you want to, but would you like to make love?" asked Richard, his penis rigid in his underpants.

"I think that I would like that very much, Richard, it has been a very long time," said Ruth, surprising herself.

Richard removed his underpants and then fingered Ruth's vagina. He also teased her arse crack, causing Ruth to squirm even more.

"Please get up onto your knees," said Richard, gently.

"Yes, sir," said Ruth, doing so but feeling shocked at just what she was now putting onto display for the man. Richard played with Ruth's vagina and got her suitably wet.

"Ready?" asked Richard.

"I think so," replied Ruth, she was so turned on, despite feeling guilty that she was.

Richard positioned himself with his penis touching Ruth's vagina, and he slowly and gently penetrated her.

Richard allowed Ruth to get used to having a cock inside her after all this time before he started slowly rocking backwards and forwards.

"Oh, oh," breathed Ruth. Richard felt a very similar size to Iwan.

Richard kept it slow, although he was increasing the pace a little at a time. Ruth was feeling good, she had a well-belted bottom and now she had a stiff penis in her.

Richard was now thrusting considerably harder and faster, and Ruth was approaching orgasm.

"Shit! Fuck, oh hell, fuck, fuck. fuck," yelled Ruth, entirely out of character as she came and came hard.

Richard thrust faster still and Ruth kept cumming. Richard then tensed and ejaculated in her.

They collapsed on the bed.

"Wow!" laughed Ruth.

"Wow, indeed," chuckled Richard.

Richard withdrew and they lay laughing on the bed.

Richard then left Ruth to get herself up, neither of them knew if this was a once-only thing or whether they would get together again, but both had enjoyed every aspect of it.

Ruth put on her tracksuit bottoms, but no knickers. Going downstairs was very painful, and she had some breakfast standing up.

"Thank you, sir," said Ruth, and they kissed as she prepared to leave.

"You have my phone number," said Richard.

"I do, sir," replied Ruth.

Sitting down in her car was agony and the short drive home was so difficult, but Ruth had achieved something that had been long awaited.

When she got home, she removed her tracksuit bottoms, looked at her arse in the mirror, and masturbated.

She then phoned Richard to thank him once again. Ruth Davies was alive.

Written by PJH
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