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Living the Dream Together

"Two girlfriends live as mum and daughter."

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Author's Notes

"I wish to express my huge gratitude to the amazing author on here Susan Harper for her excellent assistance, guidance, editing and storyline modifications. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Without her invaluable input, I could never have published this. Please read her stories you will be well rewarded for doing so."

“You deserved it again, Ali”, said her mum, Yvonne, who was her girlfriend really, but as she cuddled and stroked her twenty-one-year-old make-believe daughter's tear-strewn face, Ali snuggled in tight to her chummy mum's shoulder and cried her eyes out as she had suffered yet another bare bottom spanking. 

Yvonne was forty-five years old, so the age difference made them feel like a mum and daughter which they both wanted.

Yvonne was divorced after her husband ran off with his secretary. She had never had children but soon after the divorce, she met Ali. Yvonne loved the idea of having a girlfriend who was her would-be daughter’s age, and Ali had craved a girlfriend who was her mum’s age and who might give her the maternal direction she felt she had missed out on. So, Ali happily called Yvonne,’ Mum,’ both at home and when out, and genuinely loved her new mum greatly. Indeed, Ali and Yvonne were extremely close both as loving girlfriends and as mum and daughter.

To aid their age difference, Ali wore her old school uniform from time to time in the house which helped give Yvonne a maternal feeling and Ali the feeling of being a daughter having to obey her mum, which made them grow closer and closer together. This way Yvonne was giving Ali the maternal direction she wanted and the feeling of being a good mum, and Ali tried to be the obedient daughter.

Yvonne called her daughter Ali most times as she was usually a good girl, and called her Alison when she was naughty, but now she had been spanked properly once again she was a good girl in her mum’s eyes.

Alison may have been crying, and heartily, but it was no surprise, really, as her pretty bare bottom was on fire, extremely sore, bright red all over and covered with livid raised welts, but she was crying with happiness as much as with pain.

The reason for this scene started two months ago a little while before Alison’s twenty-first birthday. Yvonne and Alison lived together very comfortably in a large old Victorian house, at the end of its own driveway. It was an ex-school master’s house before the adjacent school was demolished, a new bigger more modern secondary school having been constructed on a new much larger site several hundred yards away.

Yvonne was comfortably well off, being a barrister and well paid, and her divorce settlement, handled by a prominent divorce lawyer colleague of hers, had been financially very lucrative for her.

Yvonne lavished a lot of her money on the old house, and both she and Ali gave a lot of time and effort and love to the project, and having modernised it significantly it was a very comfortable even luxurious home. There were two master ensuite bedrooms, a large double guest bedroom a further smaller double bedroom, family bathroom, living room, dining room, library cum study, a stunning large modern kitchen dining area and a magnificent conservatory. Both master bedrooms were luxuriously furnished to Yvonne’s expensive tastes.

During the house renovations, several old school items were discovered in cupboards, in the attic in boxes, and in the small basement cellar. These included old blackboards, an old school desk, various books, and jotters, whilst in the loft space in a dusty old trunk, they even discovered a couple of old canes and a leather strap.

Ali and her mum had had a lot of fun nights reading some of the books and jotters and laughing a lot at most of their findings. The discussions reduced, but Ali still got weird butterflies in her tummy whenever she opened that trunk and inspected its contents, which she did frequently. They had kept everything in the loft never really knowing why, and they did discuss its contents from time to time and imagined the poor persons on the receiving end of the canes and straps. They just didn’t want to throw them out so in the loft they remained.

Yvonne had mostly forgotten about them but not Ali who had on several occasions when on her own fetched the strap from the loft and, putting on her schoolgirl outfit, had smacked her own bottom with it.

On one occasion when she had been particularly turned on and excited and with her school uniform on, she had gone into the loft and with millions of butterflies in her tummy had lifted her skirt and bent over the old desk and imagined what hiding from the old schoolmaster would have been really like. She had brought the old tawse down as hard as she was able to six times on her knickers.

‘Six of the best for you my naughty girl and now six more on your bare bottom.’ she said to herself.

Slowly standing up, her bottom smarting a little, she couldn’t help but give her pussy a good rub through her soaking wet panties but stopped just short of making herself cum. Then very deliberately she hooked her thumbs into her knickers and slowly lowered them to her knees. Bending back over the desk she raised the tawse again and whispered, ‘I’ve changed my mind, Alison Finlayson, six on your bottom is not enough for such a naughty girl so you are getting twelve of the very best hard spanks on your bare bottom.’ Ali loved the sound of that phrase, ‘Naughty girl,’ as it made her pussy twitch, and she once again brought the tawse down as hard as she could, this time on her bare bottom. After the twelve firm’ish smacks Ali’s pussy lips were dripping, and it needed only a few quick rubs of her over-excited little rosebud to bring herself to a shuddering orgasm and she lay exhausted over the school desk for several minutes.

Recovering slowly, she pulled her sopping wet knickers back up but was disappointed that pulling them over her strapped bottom didn’t hurt, and in fact, she was really disappointed she didn’t feel like she had managed to give herself any sort of proper hiding and that her bottom was nowhere near as sore as she had wanted.

Back in her bedroom Ali took off her uniform and hung it up again in her wardrobe and, turning round, caught sight of her bare bottom in the mirror and was pleasantly surprised to see it was actually fairly red and there were three or four very obvious stripes that the tawse had in fact left on her bum. This raised her spirits and she hoped that maybe the next time if she gave herself double the strokes and really tried her best to swing it fully, she might get what she not only wanted but felt she so needed. 

But that next time never came, and chance, opportunity and frustration led to a big turnaround. The week before Alison’s birthday as they sat at the dinner table one evening her mum asked her what she would like for her birthday. Now Ali was fairly well spoiled, but not in a bad way. She had most of what she wanted and was struggling to think of what she would really like. It was also one of those days when she was feeling particularly turned on sexually. 

So, thinking, or more correctly not really thinking straight, she said to her mum, “Mum, if I asked you for what I really, really wanted, and I know you will think I’m crazy, but will you just think about it.”

Yvonne looked at Ali and could see from her body language, her nervous lip biting and general head bowed demeanour, that she was genuinely very anxious about this, and said kindly, “Yes, of course, I will. You know we can always chat about things and if there is something, even if it’s not what I would expect or maybe be happy about, you know we will discuss it openly and seriously. You know I never dismiss things out of hand, so come on, what’s on your mind love".

“Well,” said Ali, “The easiest way and probably the only way I can say this is if I just blurt it out and tell you the whole thing. I love you mum, deeply, you know that. What you won’t know is that I have had these peculiar wants, desires, and needs, for a while now, and they really became overwhelming when we found those school items when we were renovating. I found them intriguing, scary, but totally exciting and I keep wondering what it was like to get your bottom smacked back then with them. Would you smack me, like, erm, for real, giving me a genuine hiding, not play or soft, but a real, genuine, authentic and proper good old-fashioned bare-bottom leathering?”

Ali took a deep breath, delighted she had managed to make her request as she said, “There I’ve finally said it.” 

Ali then explained eagerly to her mum all her desires, about surfing spanking websites, her fascination with the tawse, about dressing up in her school uniform, strapping her own bum, being disappointed and always feeling that she wanted her mum to do it properly, with her like a very angry school headmistress.

Yvonne was shocked, to say the least. Hell, who wouldn’t be with such a request from her daughter, but she could tell from Ali's demeanour she was serious and was determined not to take this lightly or to make her daughter feel weird. So, she did what she was very good at and put her barrister thinking head on and chatted thoughtfully, deeply, caring and sensitively, about the whole subject, what Ali felt about it, what she truly wanted, about how it turned her on, and by the end promised she would give it serious thought and get back to her by her birthday. 

So that was how it was left. Ali was naturally a little embarrassed, nervous, and anxious, but also deeply relieved it was out in the open and also very slightly hopeful as her mum had listened carefully and seemed sympathetic and understanding. 

The week passed quickly and on the Thursday evening after dinner on the day before Ali's birthday, Yvonne turned to her and, taking her completely by surprise, said, “Right Alison my girl, I am going to give you the birthday present you asked for. Get straight upstairs, get those new pyjamas on and get your backside back down here. You are getting a damn good hiding and going straight to bed like the naughty little girl you are, with a very, very, very sore bare bottom. On your way back down go into my room and bring down the leather belt off my jeans, as I have a feeling that I am going to need it.”

Ali’s chin almost hit the floor, her heart exploded, and, moving as if through molasses her mum quickly and firmly repeated very firmly, “Pyjamas, now, don’t test my patience, you are going to get a big enough hiding so do not make things worse by procrastinating. I assure you, that you do not want that.”

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An hour later and Ali was in bed and conflicted.  She had never had so much adrenalin flowing in her and her pussy had never been so wet, swollen and excited. She had given herself three huge orgasms already and the fourth was just about to detonate. But oh, her poor bottom was so, so, so, sore, as her mum did as she requested alright, and she got the hiding of her life. What a fabulous birthday present, she told herself.

Ali played the spanking over in her mind. It started with being bent over her mum’s knee and her thin pyjama bottoms seemed to provide no protection whatsoever from her mum’s rapid stinging spanks and, straight from the off, Ali knew this was real alright. She didn’t know how long the spanking went on for, maybe ten minutes she felt, and whilst it was only two or three in reality, by the time her mum pulled her pj's down to bare her bottom Ali was already crying a lot. The bare bottom spanking seemed to also go on for an eternity and Ali was genuinely a very sorry little girl when her mum stood her up and pulled her jammies back up over her sorry sore bum.

Yvonne said sternly. “Now my girl, I know your bottom is sore, and it better be because my hand certainly is, but we are far from finished, and if you think your bottom is sore now just you wait until I have taken my belt to you, as you'll know then just how sore I can make your bottom, my lass. You deserve a good leathering as well as a spanking. We have always been able to talk to each other and you failed to share your worries with me, but you went visiting adult websites that you shouldn’t have, and for that alone I am taking my belt to your backside. So, get yourself bent over the arm of that sofa, and get your backside high in the air so I can get a full swing at your naughty bottom.” Yvonne deliberately kept repeating the phrase naughty bottom as she realised it was part of the excitement for Ali.

Landing twelve hard strokes with her leather belt, at least hard as far as Yvonne was happy with, over her daughter’s pyjama-clad bum, the thick leather belt had Ali screeching and her legs flailing wildly and tears flooding down her face.

Yvonne then commanded, “Now stand up, Alison, and drop the pyjamas as you are getting twenty-four strokes on your bare bottom.”

This brought a howl of despair from Ali, and she clutched her now very, very, genuinely thoroughly leathered bum, but down came her pyjama bottoms and she bent very gingerly over the sofa again.

Once again, her mum brought the belt down hard, but she was now actually enjoying smacking her daughter, and was getting a thrill and excitement from seeing her daughter’s poor welted backside, the raised scarlet welts did look very sexy, and by the time the twentieth spank had landed her own knickers were sodden wet and her pussy desperately required attention. However, to finish, she added a little extra touch of misery to Ali, and explained, "Now, my naughty girl, hold on tight as these last four are going to be something you will remember for quite a while, I assure you. All four will be on the backs of your legs."

Ali wailed. Although she knew this was what she wanted, needed, and had asked for, her poor little bum really was genuinely very sore and she really felt like her mum was giving her the hiding of her life and the genuine hiding that she craved, and she wanted to play the part of the truly naughty girl. Although she wasn't playing now, she actually did feel like the naughty little girl and pleaded seriously, "Please mum, please, I promise I'll be a good girl in future, I'll behave, it's so sore, pleeeeeeaase not my legs."

The crack that followed and the resulting howl of anguish as Ali’s mum whipped the belt hard across the back of both her daughter’s thighs was ear-shattering. Ali leapt up clutching her legs and she could feel the sore bright red raised welt and danced from foot to foot rubbing and clutching her stinging legs, crying her eyes out, desperate to assuage the fire not only in her sore backside but now also in her legs. She pleaded with her mum but to no avail. Her mum simply pointed to the sofa and said in her stern maternal tone of voice, "Back over, right now.”

Three times this was repeated, and three further livid welts stretched across the back of both Alison’s thighs.

Once the hiding was over Yvonne sent her daughter crying her eyes out straight to bed. She waited for ninety minutes before going up to see her, saw she had calmed down and recovered, cuddled her and checked she was okay. They talked for a long time about what had happened, if it was what Ali wanted, was it too much, or not enough. Yvonne described to Ali why she had used her belt and not the old strap as Ali had maybe wanted, because she had wanted their first spanking together to be more meaningful, more personal, and something just between them. She then asked Ali, “Next time, do you want that strap, or do you even want a next time?”

Ali just nodded clearly meaning a yes to both a next time and with the strap, and both mum and daughter smiled at each other. “Do you want me to rub some cold moisturising cream on your sore bum Ali," her mum asked tenderly. 

Ali shook her head and replied in a serious tone, “No mum, naughty girl’s sore bums need to stay sore for a long time to teach them the lesson properly, don’t you think, mum?”

Yvonne, “If that is what you want angel, if you want it to stay sore, then so be it and you will stay in bed with no TV or computer for the rest of the evening. Don’t try to cheat, though, as I really don’t want to have to use that belt again tonight on your already sore bum, but I will if I have to.” Both smiled. 

So that was Alison’s first hiding from her mum. Later on, Yvonne came to the bedroom and undressed, and she got into bed with Ali, wished her a happy birthday again, and they made love, giving each other several fabulous orgasms.

Over the next few days Yvonne and Ali discussed the spanking and how it had aroused them both, but neither could bring themselves to say how the next spanking should occur. Yvonne wondered whether it should be up to her daughter to ask her again, whilst Ali wanted her mum to make the decision to spank her when she was next a naughty girl.

It was Yvonne who took the decisive move when she turned to her daughter and said, “Alison, this may be a new start for us, at least a different one if we make some changes in our relationship. If you want us to go on from now with you getting your bottom smacked fairly regularly, we can start now if you go and put your school uniform on and meet me in the study where I will be your angry headmistress and I will point out why you have been a very naughty schoolgirl. Today would be made up, but in future, it would be when you have done something I decide earns you a spanking.”

Yvonne saw that her daughter wasn’t arguing so continued, “If you do want this, then when you leave the study you and I will go up into the loft and you will bend over that old school desk. There I promise you will experience just how sore that old strap you fantasise about, and the cane can be. You will get a good old-fashioned disciplining from your headmistress with at least twelve spanks of the tawse over your knickers and at least twenty-four on your bare bottom. They will be real, very genuine, and they will make your bum so sore.”

Still, Ali was just listening intently, and Yvonne continued, “All you will know if you count the strokes is the minimum you will be getting and you will not actually know when they will end, and you can simply worry as your bottom gets sorer and sorer. When the headmistress is finished punishing you, then you will be sent home with a letter to your mum explaining why you were strapped and how many strokes you received.”

Yvonne was getting into strict maternal mode as she continued, “When we get back downstairs, I will be your mum again, and I will be furious with you. You will be sent to the spare bedroom, told to completely undress, and when I come to the bedroom you will get a long bare bottom hand spanking on your already very sore bottom, and when I am satisfied with that you will then get a further twelve of the very best strokes with the cane on your by then extremely sore bare bottom. Your bottom will be very marked, and probably very sore for a good few days.”

After gauging from her continued silence that her daughter was going to agree, she continued, “Do not ask questions, Alison, do not say anything, just go. I will be in the study. If you want what I have outlined and regular sore well-spanked bottoms thereafter, I will see you when you get there. If not, then I will know, and we can forget all about it. Think this through carefully, very seriously, and be certain. Now go.”

Ali left the room, intent on doing as she had just been told, registering how her mum called her Alison which she only did when annoyed with her.

Roughly forty-five minutes later, mum was undressed as she went to see her daughter who was laying on her bed on her tummy, still naked, having been disciplined by both the headmistress and her mum, crying her eyes out, her nose dripping snot, and her bottom thrashed, but her and her mum were so close and loving together and both so very, very happy with the change both now wanted. Lovemaking followed and several huge orgasms were given to each other.

The spankings then happened regularly, and this time Ali smiled even with her red eyes and stinging bottom, and said, “Thank you mum, I love it that you spank me when you decide I need it and make my bum so sore. You really make the best headmistress and strictest most loving mum in the world. I love you so much and don’t ever worry about giving me a hiding anytime if I deserve one or maybe even if you think I just need one. Please be ever so strict with me because that is what I want and need. You’re the best.”

Their lives did change for the better by far, with spanking always mum’s decision which her naughty daughter never questioned, which was always followed by good girl lovemaking with huge orgasms, and then never more than a few days before Alison was naughty again and needed another very hard spanking, just as she knew she always deserved. Well, strict mums and naughty daughters still have loving relationships, and Yvonne and Ali’s certainly were.

Written by OldKnight
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