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Laura's first real man

"Laura falls for a University lecturer, who taps into her secret desires"

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Author's Notes

"A story from the late nineties when I was studying a science degree and about six months into my first year. I had a boyfriend from school, Ollie, who had been my only lover to that point. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Like so many of those relationships, where two of you move apart to study, ours was failing."

Emma, Penny and I tumbled out of the student union. Three first year girls all tipsy, chatting, laughing, and acting as if we did not have a care in the world.

“Come on, let’s go to the Garage!” Penny exclaimed.

Emma and I expressed surprise as Penny usually wanted to go back to hall after a night out and sleep with her boyfriend.

“The Garage is sooooo tacky!” Emma cried before adding a comment about Penny surely wanting her booty call by this stage of the evening.

Penny stayed with us though, and before long the three of us were in the queue for the nightclub. The doorman could see we were worse for wear but being three fairly attractive nineteen-year-old girls, we were waved forward and he lifted the rope barrier to admit us.

I had never been into the rave scene, but I had been to this nightclub before and remembered the setting which was typical of the time. A DJ was pumping out nineties’ anthems and a reasonable Friday night crowd was building on the dance floor. It was obvious a few of the dancers had taken something chemical but the vibe was pleasant and Penny, Emma and I shimmied and danced as we made our way to the over-priced bar.

“Oh look, it’s Neil and Martin.” Emma was looking towards two good-looking men who had recognised her and were now heading towards us.

It turned out Emma knew the two of them from playing in the University Women’s hockey team. As she made the introductions, Penny and I learned that Neil and Martin worked at the university as lecturers on some sort of PE course (they called it Sports Science). Martin coached the Uni hockey teams and the two of them shared a flat in town.

They insisted on buying us a bottle of wine, saying it would be cheaper than getting it by the glass, and the five of us found a table and chatted. I was immediately attracted to Neil, and very flattered when, after a while, he suggested we had a dance. I recall Emma and Penny giving me raised eyebrows and laughing but the three of us were all pretty drunk and not thinking too hard about what anyone else might think.

Whilst I did recognise a few student faces in the club, there was nobody there I knew well. A handful of people recognised Neil, but he seemed relaxed about leading a student girl nearly ten years his younger to the dancefloor.  

I never thought myself much of a dancer, but I remember feeling giddy as Neil complimented me on my body and movement. He was dressed in a pair of slacks and collared shirt. A bit preppy, but it flattered his athletic build and he danced confidently as he grinned at me. I knew very quickly that I was going to sleep with him.

It felt natural going back to Neil’s flat when he asked if I wanted to join him “for a drink”. I knew I was cheating on Ollie, but our relationship was all but finished anyway. I was drunk, but not hammered, and would have been perfectly able to give consent to Neil. But that sort of thing wasn’t needed back in those days.

When we got back to his place, Neil and I had a drink and chatted. I recall feeling very grown-up being in an adult flat. My life until then had been almost entirely spent in my parents’ home, at school, and in a university hall of residence. We spoke about my boyfriend, the university, Neil’s work there, and what it was like living in the town. We also acknowledged the naughtiness of our being together in his flat like that.

Neil kissed me passionately as soon as we were in his bedroom. I asked him about brushing my teeth and immediately felt like a silly little girl. He was a gentleman and showed me his toothbrush in the bathroom and asked me if I needed anything else. When I came back, we resumed kissing and very quickly removed each other’s clothes.

Neil went down on me slowly, kissing my breasts and stomach before he got to my panties and eased them down my legs. I lay back as he kissed my clit and pushed his tongue into me. Ollie had given me oral before, but this was in a different league. Neil was a much more experienced lover and clearly knew how to please a woman. He gently bit the sides of my sex and kissed and licked my clit. He slipped a finger into me and worked it in and out, whilst he grabbed my bottom with his other hand and sunk his nails into my flesh with just the right intensity. All the while his tongue flicked and probed me until I started to tremble. He knew I was on the verge and he kissed and licked my swollen clit even faster. Tremors overwhelmed me and my legs spasmed as I came ferociously, crying out his name and feeling like a little lovestruck girl as I did so.

I returned the favour and sucked his cock. Again, I’d given Ollie head before, but this was much more erotic. Neil was a bit bigger than average, though not huge, and his cock seemed to fit my mouth perfectly. He was moaning with pleasure, and I felt so sexy and empowered having this effect on an older man. I brought him to the brink of orgasm, but he insisted he longed to fuck me and would not come in my mouth. He found a condom and lay me on my back before slipping on the sheath. His chest was magnificent, and I tweaked his nipples and pushed my hands into his lightly haired torso as he entered me. I could feel the strength in his thighs as he impaled me. Neil also played hockey and was very fit in every sense of the word. He fucked me superbly, slowing down to prevent himself from coming too quickly but still riding me hard.

I looked into his eyes as he came and seeing my new handsome lover losing himself like this took me over the edge once again. We fell into a post-coital bundle and Neil told me how fantastic I was as he held me. I was able to return the compliments, and it was absolutely true when I said I had never felt anything like it before.

I woke up in the middle of that night. Wine had dulled my head and I needed the loo. When I got back in the bed Neil stirred but he stayed asleep. I felt a bit selfish waking him up, but I was so horny. I shoved my knee gently into his groin. He came around and his cock sprang to attention almost immediately. Without saying a word, I climbed onto his body and straddled him. It was dark in his room, but I could still see his face as I grinded slowly up and down on him. I felt very slutty riding Neil like this and thinking how much better a fuck he was than my boyfriend.

Neil told me I was asking for a good seeing to and bragging how long he would go having come earlier. He did not disappoint me, and my thighs started to get stiff as I fucked him for what seemed like an hour, though I doubt it was anywhere near as long. Neil started trying to thrust up into me, but I was in control on top. I smiled at him, slowing down whenever he tried to ram his cock into me and lifting myself so just the tip of his member was left inside me. Then, when he lay back down again, I would build up the pace and pump him hard until my legs started to ache again.

I came again, shuddering and moaning uncontrollably. Totally overcome with my climax, I collapsed onto Neil’s body and he gripped my buttocks gently whilst still rocking into me and maintaining his erection as my orgasm washed over me.

Once I’d recovered a little, he thrust up harder and harder into me, digging his fingernails into my bottom again. We’d both forgotten about protection, and I only realised what that meant when I felt jets of warm semen shooting into my cervix. I just hoped we would be alright because my period had passed only a couple of days before. I fell onto Neil, and we cuddled before I rolled off him and went back to sleep again.

We fucked again when we woke up in the morning, Neil went on top and came rather quickly considering it was his third go in short succession. I remember him getting up and making me a cup of tea. He brought me breakfast in bed too, and being taken care of like this was so novel and thrilling to me.                        

The next few weeks were strange. It was near the Easter holidays and end of year exams were on the horizon. I did the right thing during the holidays and ended my relationship with Ollie. I felt a bit of a scarlet woman continuing to see Neil in secret over the summer term. The University did not have strict codes of conduct like they do today, but there was little doubt Neil risked losing his job if anyone in authority found out about us. Emma and Penny knew what had happened, and I shared news of my clandestine affair with one girl on my landing, Georgie, who I was close to and trusted not to gossip.

For obvious reasons, we always met at Neil’s flat rather than my hall. His housemate, Martin, had no issues with what we were up to although I sensed disapproval from his girlfriend Mel. I found Mel a bit intimidating, probably because she was almost a decade older than me and taught at a law school. But one weekend, the two of them were away and Neil and I had the flat to ourselves. That ended up being my introduction to off-piste sex.

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It was late on a Saturday afternoon and Neil was on the phone talking to a girl called Susie. Mobile phones weren’t ubiquitous, and their house phone was wall-mounted with a corded handset. Neil told me he only knew Susie from the hockey club and that she was just a friend. But I was jealous and decided I wanted some attention rather than have my lover speak on the phone to another woman.

I went over to Neil and started unbuckling the belt of his jeans. He smiled at me and tried to push me away, but I wasn't easily put off and soon had his belt off before I worked my way to his buttons. Because he was holding the phone, Neil only had one free hand and could not move to escape me.

He was smiling and gripping at the waist of his jeans in a vain attempt to stop me. As I pulled at his trousers, Neil smiled at me again before cupping his hand over the phone’s mouthpiece.

“Stop it. I’m trying to talk on the phone and you’re distracting me.” He protested.

“You should be paying me attention instead of talking to another girl.” I pouted my lips. Neil’s boxer shorts were almost accessible.

“Stop it! Or else!” Neil was laughing as he tried to mute the mouthpiece again. I could hear Susie’s voice on the other end of the phone.

“Or else what?” I gloated at Neil, knowing he was disadvantaged with just one hand available to prevent me getting into his underwear.

“Or you will pay for it young lady.” Neil gasped this sentence out, as I now had the tip of his erect cock between my fingers.

At this point Neil quickly wrapped up his call and put the phone back. I had his jeans round his ankles and had begun to suck on his cock having had no difficulty in teasing it out from his bulging underwear. Suddenly I felt Neil grab me by the ear and lift me up.

“Ow!” I protested as he hauled me from the living room.

“Right Laura, you were warned.” Neil was still smiling at me, but his voice had a firmer tone to it. I started to realise what might be about to happen and felt my stomach tighten. I was already very aroused and could feel the dampness seeping into my panties. Neil led me to the bedroom, still dragging me by the ear, and propelled me towards the bed.

“Lie on the bed. Face down.” Neil spoke clearly but firmly.

“What are you doing to me?” I tried to object, but Neil looked at me calmly and motioned his head towards the bed once more. Feeling rather meek, but still thoroughly turned on, I obeyed him and lay down.

“What I am going to do is spank your bottom, and then you will go to bed tonight without an orgasm.”

My heart started racing and I tried to think of a reply, but my mouth was dry and I did not manage a response. I could feel Neil’s hands on my jeans and soon he had yanked them over my ankles and thrown them aside.

“Shirt and bra off. Leave your panties on, then put your arms above your head.” Neil authoritatively issued more instructions. I turned to look at him with pleading in my eyes, but he just smiled back at me. I still could not find any words.

“You were a very naughty girl, weren’t you?” Neil spoke, as he watched me start to unbutton my shirt. I nodded my head sheepishly. There was no question in my mind now about complying with whatever he had planned for me. Neil turned and reached for his dressing gown hanging from the back of the bedroom door. He retrieved the cord tie from its belt loops. I remember it having thin navy and white stripes.

Neil walked back to the bed and watched me remove my shirt. Again, I looked at him, but he held my gaze confidently and waited for me to unclasp my bra. Soon I was lying on my front in just my panties. Neil’s wooden bedframe had struts at the head and he quickly looped the cord around a couple of these before securing it to my wrists. Neil ran his fingernails down my back and across my panty-clad bottom before walking from the room.

I lay there in complete turmoil. Growing up in the eighties and nineties I had missed the era of corporal punishment but had sometimes fantasised about slippering and canings. Here I was on the brink of getting the real thing. My heart was thumping and my groin prickling in anticipation. Neil left me alone on the bed for a few minutes, probably all part of the ploy, but soon I heard footsteps and the door opened.

I turned to look at Neil, who was standing in his boxer shorts holding a very thin wooden stick. It was about 3 feet long, but it was not a cane. It turned out it was a pole from a flag left lying around the flat after the France world cup. Not exactly the most erotic spanking instrument you could imagine, but it was certainly effective.

Neil took up a position next to the bed and lay the stick against the top of my thighs, just beneath the band of my underwear. My legs were already shuddering. Neil then placed the stick down on the bed and slipped his hand into my panties. His fingers stroked my dripping wet sex and he murmured approvingly, as if this was all the confirmation he needed.

Neil picked up the stick and tapped it against my bottom a few times before he spoke.

“Raise your bottom and repeat after me …”


Out of the corner of my eye I saw Neil lifting the stick. “I.” I murmured in reply.

CRACK. The stick lashed into my bottom. There was a split-second delay before the pain registered and I squirmed on the bed.

“Must not.” he intoned.

“Must not.” I subserviently echoed, as CRACK another stroke lashed into my behind.

Neil continued the admonishments:


My man’s.








I repeated every word in turn, and after each one Neil thrashed my bottom with the stick. In what I knew was traditional fashion, the last stroke was the hardest. My bottom was stinging viciously, and tears were starting to well in my eyes. I had never been so aroused in my life though.

Finally, Neil finished beating me and put the stick away. I was writhing on the bed, straining against the bonds on my wrist and wishing I could rub my battered behind. I knew that my panties were visibly damp.

Neil sensed my need and slipped his hand under my panties and rubbed my sore bottom. I could feel the heat radiating from my bum, along with the wetness seeping from me. Neil carefully rolled my panties down my thighs.

“Let’s see the damage.” Neil’s voice had an excited tone, and I presumed he must be pretty turned on by now. “Hmmm. Not so terrible, but that should be enough to teach you a lesson and I doubt you will be so rude when I am on the phone in future.”

I could not help turning my head to look. I could not see my whole bottom, but my left buttock was marked with some thin red stripes and already showing some bruising.

Neil’s hand moved between my thighs and found my dripping wet sex. He did not say a word, but there was no hiding my state of arousal. He rubbed my clit with his middle finger before slipping it inside me. I yielded easily with a moan, and he instantly added his forefinger and index finger. He finger-fucked me as I lay on my front with me panties around my knees. I was still restrained by my wrists and totally dominated. I remembered his words about being sent to bed with no orgasm but hoped he had forgotten about that. I whimpered and writhed and felt like a totally submissive slut as he brought me to the edge.

“Oh fuck Neil, I’m going to come.” I wailed as the shudders started to overpower me.

Neil suddenly removed his hand from between my legs. “No, you are not. Roll over and get on your back.”  

Despite the disappointment, I was totally obedient and managed to roll over onto my back despite some difficulty with my wrists being tied. Neil stood up and slowly removed his clothes, his eyes wandering up and down my body as he did so. My panties were still around my knees, and Neil removed these before taking off his own boxers. His cock was rampant and glistening with pre-cum. He climbed onto the bed and moved on top of me.

“Right, now you can finish off what you were trying to do when I was on the phone. This is a far more suitable time for you to perform oral sex.” Neil’s thighs pressed into the side of my breasts as he moved his cock towards my mouth.

My bottom continued throbbing as Neil pushed his erection deep into my mouth and towards my throat. He was not big enough to make me gag, and I sucked and drooled over his cock. He did not last long and soon the warm, salty, acrid taste of his semen flooded into my mouth as he arched his back and moaned in ecstasy. I swallowed every drop before Neil finally began to abate and took his flaccid member from my mouth before climbing off me.

Breathing hard, Neil released my wrists. He re-assured me he might let me come before the evening was done, and thankfully he was good to his word on that. Anxious to view the state of my bottom, I got off the bed and went to the bathroom mirror.

Written by LauraMilf
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