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Landlady In Service Still - Chapter 2

"Mrs Lewis is forgetful and is again disciplined by her tenant."

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Things had changed for nineteen-year-old Lucy over the last few weeks since forty-one-year-old Mrs Lewis was focusing more and more on making sure she was happy, even though she was the tenant and Mrs Lewis was the owner of the house. What became clear was that Mrs Lewis felt very comfortable in her home, but saw herself similar to an intern in that she had only just been given the house and Lucy was her first tenant. That, added to the fact that she had always been happier when doing as she was told rather than taking decisions made her more intent on serving Lucy rather than just treating her as a rent-paying tenant.

It was six o’clock as Lucy walked up the pathway to the house. She had had to work late at college and hadn’t had time to go to the shops to get her new dress from the click-and-collect service, but had telephoned Mrs Lewis knowing that she would immediately offer to go and collect it for her. However, Lucy got a very apologetic phone call just one hour ago when Mrs Lewis called her to say that she had forgotten to go and get the dress.

Lucy kept thinking of Mrs Lewis as, ‘Mrs Lewis,’ but it was over a week ago that Mrs Lewis said that she felt more comfortable being called by her first name, Jackie, although wanted to continue to address Lucy as ‘Miss Lucy.’ Lucy agreed to the change, which initially she found quite strange, but quickly got used to it and her now established position of authority over Jackie.

Lucy had wondered how come somebody like Jackie could have her own house but want to serve others. However, it didn’t take much searching on the Internet to discover it was quite a normal phenomenon because taking orders was much easier than giving them, and if making decisions made you nervous, as it did with Jackie, then just taking orders made things far easier for you. It was then just a short step from that to expecting to be disciplined by anyone you saw as you’re superior, and a rent-paying tenant fell into that exact category for Jackie. Hence, Lucy realised that, for Jackie, obeying her superior Miss Lucy and being punished by her was the natural progression she saw herself needing and wanting to take.

Jackie also knew the discipline regime was working as she was being spanked far less than in the beginning, about twice a week rather than four times a week. On the other hand, she knew that Miss Lucy was getting more proficient at spanking her, as each spanking was now much longer and harder than when Miss Lucy first spanked her and was a far better lesson for her.

Lucy knew what to expect when she got back inside the house. When Jackie had telephoned her to say that she had forgotten the click and collect, Lucy had no option but to tell her to expect a spanking and caning when she got home. It was now standard when Jackie failed to do something for Lucy, and not just below a perfect standard of cleaning, but also when she forgot to do something for Lucy. It was what Jackie wanted because she saw being disciplined as being part of her improving the service she provided Lucy.

Lucy let herself in and then made her way upstairs. She went straight to the second bedroom because she knew that was where Jackie would be. Of course, it was no longer called the second bedroom but was called the punishment room. It made sense, given the selection of canes, paddles, and wooden-backed hairbrushes that were there for Lucy to use on Jackie’s bare bottom.

Lucy didn’t knock but just walked straight in because she was the one in charge here, and looked into the corner and saw Jackie standing with her nose pressed against the wall and her hands placed firmly on her head, and was naked. When this happened the first time, Lucy asked Jackie why she put herself on her own naughty spot. Jackie explained that whenever she got tense, she found doing naughty spot time helped tremendously to calm herself down. 

So, today, knowing that she was in for another seriously painful spanking and caning, Lucy knew that Jackie found having her eyes just an inch from the blank wall, and being fully naked, kept her calm and let her think just why she deserved the punishment she was going to get.

Lucy knew that although the dress she was wearing was a sleeveless, skimpy number, and her legs were bare, she was still fully dressed compared to the fully naked Jackie, so again knew she was in charge here and ready to carry out the duties she knew she had to perform. To be fair, today, she was very cross with Jackie because she wanted to wear the new dress tonight as she was going out to meet with her friends. Still, she had other dresses she could wear, but that wouldn’t stop her giving Jackie a hard punishment that would reduce her to tears.

Jackie registered Miss Lucy had entered the punishment room but kept her nose pressed firmly against the wall. She knew it wasn’t for her to speak but just to do whatever Miss Lucy told her to do.

Lucy went and stood behind Jackie and put her hand on her bare bottom cheek as she leaned in and was almost touching Jackie’s ear as she said in a stern tone, “You are so naughty for forgetting to pick up my dress, Jackie, so need to be taught a lesson.”

Lucy liked it that Jackie was already naked as then she didn’t have to wait for her to get undressed. It wasn’t as though she was in any particular rush, but she knew that Jackie always felt more subservient when naked for a while before being spanked rather than being spanked straight after she got undressed. As Lucy made the comment, she knew that Jackie wouldn’t respond because that wasn’t her place, and so Lucy then ordered, “Lower your arms, naughty girl.“

Jackie knew it was right for her to be called a naughty girl because that was exactly how she felt. She lowered her arms to her sides and felt Miss Lucy clasp her upper arm as she knew she mustn’t move unless Miss Lucy was guiding her. It wasn’t a long walk because it was just across the room to the high-backed chair that was now permanently faced into the room as the dressing table was used for storing spanking implements in the drawers now, with the favorite being the hairbrush that Jackie used to brush her own hair with.

Lucy led Jackie across the room and sat down on the high-backed chair, but kept hold of Jackie’s arm as she ordered, “Now get across my lap.”

Jackie was always in submissive mode and ready to obey every order that Miss Lucy gave her. She knew her arm would continue to be clasped until she had bent across Miss Lucy’s lap, and, just as expected, her arm was let go as she lowered herself and was then able to catch her fall with her hands on the floor. Every time she lay across Miss Lucy’s lap she thought how it was so strange that someone her age was the one being spanked by a teenager, but she knew that Miss Lucy only spanked her when she had done something wrong or when her cleaning was not done to perfection, and she was definitely in the wrong today. Luckily, Miss Lucy was authoritative and demanding and well able to deal with her whenever she let Miss Lucy down.

Also, so far as Jackie was concerned, it was always Miss Lucy’s unquestioned decision if she needed to be disciplined, and she didn’t think even one spanking that she had been given was incorrect. Indeed, she saw Miss Lucy as being decisive in the very best way, and was someone to be respected and admired. That was exactly what she was thinking as she saw her own legs dangling under the far side of the chair, and Miss Lucy’s bare upside-down legs just inches from her face. She actually relished the upside-down view of Miss Lucy‘s legs because it put her in her rightful place every single time, and got her ready to accept what was always a pain-filled spanking, now more often than not followed by several even more painful strokes of the cane. She found it particularly correct to be across Miss Lucy’s lap after spending so much time in the punishment room with her nose pressed against the wall because of all the thinking time she had had before Miss Lucy had got home, and then went across Miss Lucy’s lap almost immediately.

As Lucy placed her hand on Jackie’s bare bottom and started to rub in circles, she smiled as she looked at the dressing table within easy reach as on it was Jackie’s wooden-backed hairbrush. It was always felt appropriate that Jackie knew that the bristle side of the hairbrush was used on her hair, whilst the wooden-paddle side was used on her bottom. It also made her think as she brushed her hair about the service she had to give Miss Lucy so once again failed to understand how come she had forgotten to get the dress, although, she now realised, that she had only remembered when she did brush her hair just a minute before making the telephone call to Miss Lucy. Maybe she should brush her hair more often, she told herself, as that might well make her less forgetful, which was a good lesson to have maybe finally learned today.

Lucy knew it was the right thing to do to spank Jackie because that was the arrangement, and so, without having any feelings of sympathy, she raised her hand and brought her palm down on Jackie’s far bottom cheek. She had to admit to enjoying how she flattened the bottom cheek and then watched it swirl around as she raised her hand back up, and then, once she had brought her palm down on Jackie’s near bottom cheek, she watched that flatten and then swirl around as well.

As Lucy proceeded to spank Jackie on alternate bottom cheeks time and time again, so she watched as usual as she squirmed around on her lap more and more, and increasingly tensed her arms and legs, shook her head, and let out louder and louder gasps as the pain clearly intensified right across her bottom. All of those actions intensified further once Lucy proceeded to spank the same bottom cheek six or seven times in a row and then the other bottom cheek six or seven times in a row, knowing it would make it more and more difficult for Jackie to cope.

The spanking had already been going on for nearly ten minutes when Lucy stopped and leant across and picked up the wooden-backed hairbrush she was now so used to using on Jackie’s already reddened bottom. Then, after tapping Jackie’s bottom a couple of times with the hairbrush on each bottom cheek, she raised it up and brought it down with a loud thwack on Jackie‘s far bottom cheek, and smiled as she saw how her bottom cheek was flattened much more than when she spanked with her hand, and Jackie’s yelp was much louder than at any time during the hand spanking. Very happy with the way the spanking was going, Lucy proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks, flattening each cheek in turn, and, as usual, being satisfied in the way that each bottom cheek was being turned darker and darker red as each spank landed.

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The spanking with the hairbrush continued until Lucy had landed thirty-six spanks on each bottom cheek, by which time Jackie was crying uncontrollably and was squirming around on her lap, making it clear how difficult she was finding it to deal with the spanking. 

However, that was the norm for Jackie, who fully understood how every time she was spanked it had to reduce her to that state of uncontrolled crying with a bottom that stung so much and would sting for so many hours to come, and that was even before the caning. It was the way that Jackie knew that she needed to be taught a lesson every time she did something wrong for Miss Lucy, and that, bit by bit, she was improving, so this method of teaching her to do her work better, and not to forget anything, was working. Indeed, stinging pain was a great educator for her, and certainly what she needed to be better at what she had to do.

Once Lucy had completed the set of spanks with the hairbrush she put it down, placed her palm back on Jackie‘s red bottom, liking the way that it felt so warm to her touch, glared at the back of Jackie‘s head, and ordered, “Right, Jackie, you can get up now but let’s get you on the bed so you can lie across the pillows to be caned.”

Jackie was crying but was used to that, and as she eased herself up from Lucy‘s lap and knew that her vision was blurred because of the tears that filled her eyes, she felt Miss Lucy clasp hold of her upper arm again and lead her the few steps across the room and guide her downwards so she lay on the piled-up three pillows so they were exactly below her bottom, which was now presented in just the right position for Miss Lucy to give her the cane.

Lucy watched as a crying Jackie positioned herself lying across the three pillows and was still annoyed with her for forgetting to pick up her dress, but she knew that even with the time it had taken to spank her, and the further time it would now take to cane her, she would still have time to shower and get changed and go out to meet with her friends.

Once Jackie was positioned lying across the pillows, with her arms stretched right up to the far end of the bed, which she clasped hold of, so Lucy positioned herself and lay the cane across Jackie’s bottom, rubbing it from side to side, knowing that it would focus Jackie’s mind once again on the punishment she needed to receive because of her forgetfulness.

As Jackie felt the cane rubbed from side to side across her bottom, she did remind herself that this was all her own fault. She had a responsibility towards Miss Lucy, who was her rent-paying tenant and therefore deserved everything to be done for her. It wasn’t as though she had anything else to do as she had been given the house, and enough money to live comfortably on, and so didn’t need to work. She had joined some committees and even found herself chairperson of two. However, that caused her problems because it meant she was the one who had to make decisions, which she hated, whilst in her home, she always felt much more comfortable and happier knowing that Miss Lucy was there to control her and to tell her what to do. It helped the transition she was looking for from someone seen as a decision-maker to someone needing to be overseen at all times and for all decisions to be made for her. All of that made her feel more secure, and so handing Miss Lucy disciplinary control over her was quite natural and easy to do. Of course, whilst easy to do, the punishments were never easy to take, which was exactly right as well.

Lucy focused on Jackie’s already reddened and slightly blue bruised bottom as she raised the cane and brought it down fully across Jackie’s bottom, having positioned herself so that the end of the cane landed fully on her bottom cheeks and not in the air beyond. As she landed the second stroke and listened to Jackie’s loud yelp, she could see the new welt appear slightly below the first welt, and when she landed the third stroke that appeared slightly below the other two, making three red thick raised welts all parallel to each other.

Jackie knew that she yelped again as the fourth stroke landed, and with the fifth stroke, but made sure that she held on firmly to the end of the bed so that she stayed obediently in position. Clasping hold of the end of the bed certainly helped as the sixth stroke landed and while she yelped and shook her head from side to side and breathed in and out through clenched teeth, at least she still stayed in position.

Lucy landed the seventh stroke and watched the welt develop below the other six. She was certainly getting better with her aim and loved how she was able to get those almost parallel lines from pretty much the middle of Jackie’s bottom right down to where her bottom cheeks met the tops of her legs. As she landed the eighth stroke, she knew that the lower she got, the more sensitive the bottom and the more painful each stroke was, and that was over and above the increasing intensity caused by stroke after stroke. As the ninth stroke landed, Lucy saw Jackie continuing to keep a hold of the top end of the bed with whitening knuckles even as she tensed her bottom and legs and arms but still stayed obediently in position. After all, unquestioned obedience by Jackie was what this was about and she knew her desire to stop doing anything where she needed to make a decision, and have all decisions made for her and to carry out whatever task, however menial, she was asked to do. Lucy knew that firm and pain-filled punishment went with that new life and that Jackie fully accepted that she needed the punishment to be severe each time to teach her the right lesson.

Jackie yelped as the tenth stroke landed and knew that tears were running down her face, but that was good, she told herself, and was so thankful that Miss Lucy dealt with her so well. When the eleventh stroke landed and she once again yelped with the pain, she wasn’t even counting the number of strokes because she knew that no matter what Miss Lucy might have originally said, it was always solely up to her to decide the final number to be given. So, when the twelfth stroke landed, she didn’t know how many strokes she had received but would be able to count them when she got to the bathroom because Miss Lucy was very good at drawing raised welts in parallel lines across her bottom, albeit with the last few crisscrossing them which definitely made the pain last that much longer.

Lucy had decided upon twelve strokes and there was no reason to increase that as Jackie had been so well-behaved while she was being both spanked and caned. She had got over the surprise at finding a woman of forty-one-years old, who owned her own home but was happy to be so submissive and only wanted to follow other people’s orders, but knew that meant she always had to decide to punish her with a spanking and the cane rather than just tell her off when she did something wrong. A slap on the wrist certainly was nowhere near as effective as a good long hard spanking and several strokes of the cane, and the proof was certainly here as she listened to Jackie continuing to cry.

Satisfied with the raised welts she had painted across Jackie’s bottom, including the last three, which nicely crisscrossed the nine straight ones, with Jackie crying still several minutes after the end of the caning, Lucy ordered, “Okay, Jackie, your punishment is over. You can get up now.”

Jackie became aware that she was no longer being caned and just about made out the instruction Miss Lucy gave that her punishment was over and that she could get up. She took a few more moments to focus enough to push herself up, and when she did, she slid off the pillows, managing to put her feet on the floor, and then she pushed herself up. Her hands rushed to her bottom and she knew that Miss Lucy always let her rub her stinging bottom and she didn’t have to wait for her instruction. In fact, she knew that Miss Lucy enjoyed watching her do her spanking dance.

Lucy smiled as she watched Jackie stepping from foot to foot, as she always did, with the tears streaming down her face. Yes, she had managed to discipline Jackie very well today and was finding it easier and easier to spank and cane her harder and harder in just the way that was needed.

Jackie calmed down after stepping from foot to foot a few dozen times, and then looked towards Miss Lucy, seeing her blurred form, and asked, “Please, Miss Lucy, can I use my bathroom?” 

Lucy knew exactly why Jackie wanted to go to the bathroom but saw her fingering herself as being something that was quite natural after a spanking, given her desire to be submissive and obedient. That was what she had also discovered when she researched women Jackie’s age and older wanting to fully transfer from being supposed alpha women to being subservient to everyone they could be, because it did turn them on sexually.

Lucy, therefore, said in the stern tone that Jackie preferred to be spoken to in, “Yes, Jackie, please do go and use the bathroom. Then please get my clothes out, and I will wear my dark blue sleeveless dress with my frilly bra and thong knickers. Make sure they are laid out properly on my bed, or you will be in for another spanking.”

Jackie listened to the instructions and knew exactly the clothes that Miss Lucy was referring to when she replied, “Thank you for letting me use the bathroom, Miss Lucy, and I will then get your clothes out as you request.”

Lucy watched as Jackie went into her bedroom and into the ensuite bathroom, but as always stood at the entrance to the bedroom so she heard quite clearly Jackie’s increasingly loud erotic gasps. Actually, she told herself it was good that Jackie still dealt with herself in this way as it showed her continuing desire to be submissive and controlled, and, of course, disciplined for even the slightest reason.

Lucy knew that she was also aroused by spanking and caning Jackie as there was something quite erotic about being in charge of an older woman and having her across her lap as she spanked her bare bottom, and afterwards painted all of those thick stinging bright red welts across her bottom. As Lucy thought those thoughts, she went back into the punishment room and picked up the hairbrush which she knew Jackie used to brush her own her with and kissed the thick wooden paddle side of the brush as she eased her fingers under her short dress and inside her skimpy knickers and ran her fingers up and down her wet pussy lips, easing inside her vagina, and brought herself to the most fabulous orgasm.

As Lucy calmed down after cumming, she even started to wonder whether one day she and Jackie could make love after disciplining her. After all, theirs was like a chummy mummy relationship, and whilst clearly in reverse, was not so different. Time would tell.


Written by Peter242
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