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Landlady In Service - How It Started (Chapter 4 - Prequel)

"This was how Jackie happily changed from a decision maker to a lady in service"

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Jackie Lewis, forty-one-years-old, was in her favourite place with her nose pressed against the wall of the punishment room in her house, waiting for Miss Lucy to come and discipline her. By favourite she meant the place where she calmed herself down by looking at the blank wall an inch from her eyes and thought about what she had done wrong and the punishment she had earned from her boss lady. Today as she waited, she was also thinking of how her life had changed from being a highly regarded member of society, and chairperson of several committees, but now reveled in her life of service to her university student tenant.

It was less than a year ago that she thought her life was settled, having been given her house and an income that meant she didn’t actually have to work, so she spent her time helping local organisations and was chairperson of the three committees she sat on. Whilst a lady of means, she wasn’t one to take pressure, found making decisions too stressful for her, she was much happier letting the other committee members carry out the discussion, and then rubberstamp their decision.

She also discovered that when at the committee meetings she was far happier making teas and coffees for everyone and handing out the biscuits. It happened quite naturally, probably because the committee members realised that Jackie wasn’t actually adding to the discussion, and they were happy to have tea and coffee delivered to them, as well as being offered the biscuits. At the same time, Jackie found it so much more relaxing for herself.

What also happened naturally was that at the end of the meeting Jackie took the cups and saucers and plates to the kitchen and washed up and put everything back in the cupboard. She preferred to do all of that by herself and told the other committee members not to worry about it and they were very quick to accept that that was one of the jobs that Jackie carried out.

It was whilst carrying out cleaning in her own house that she realised how she found that so calming, as well as when she did her laundry and particularly her ironing and even started thinking that rather than sit on committees maybe she could do cleaning for other people. Deciding to try that, she placed adverts on social networking sites for areas at least fifteen miles away from where she lived, offering cleaning services. She specifically said that she was relatively new and would particularly like to work for people who could give her pointers and she would be happy to take penalties for a below standard level of work.

Several responses were received and one in particular struck Jackie. It came from a lady who responded by explaining that she was happy to train ladies who hadn’t cleaned for others before, and had a very good system which was a bit like taking a college course. Jackie was so taken with the response that she immediately contacted the lady and an appointment to work at her house was made. As it was quite a few miles away from where she lived, she would happily drive there.

Jackie was taken aback when she arrived at the house. Whilst she introduced herself, the lady said, “Hello, please address me as ‘mistress’. I don’t like to address my cleaners by their name but as, ‘girl.’ You see, I believe that cleaners are there to serve and do as they are told and must be subservient to their boss ladies. You must only speak when spoken to and must not make eye contact but look at the floor whenever we do speak. Not all cleaners think like that but I like to train those who do think like that and are far happier melting into the background where they work. However, if you don’t like that idea we can call it a day now.”

Jackie realised that was exactly what she wanted, particularly melting into the background as she did at the committee meetings, and accepted that this particular lady, mistress, didn’t want it to be a social occasion but clearly with her in charge and the cleaner doing as she was told. Jackie could see how that actually worked for her because she thought it would help her learn quickly not just to clean, but to treat any woman she worked for with the proper respect. In any case, she came here to clean rather than to have a conversation, so she gladly agreed and replied, “Yes, of course, mistress.”

Jackie was shown where the cleaning materials and apparatus were and was told to start upstairs, which she did in the main bedroom. She felt she was quite diligent in the way that she dusted first and then hoovered, and then went into the bathroom and thought that the bath and toilet and sink were all spotless by the time she had finished. 

Next, she went into the second bedroom, and,as she walked in, she was very surprised to see that laid out on the bed was a hook-ended cane. 

As Jackie looked at the cane mistress walked in behind her and said, “You did mention in your advert that you would accept penalties for an unacceptable standard of work, so you may well prefer this as the penalty rather than a deduction from your pay. What do you think, girl?”

Jackie remained shocked, but had already come to terms with the fact that she was going to be referred to in such a lowly, inferior, way, and, whilst quite frankly the level of pay was insignificant to her, she could see how other women might well appreciate this kind of penalty rather than a pay deduction. So, wanting to continue to portray herself as someone who needed the money. She replied, “That’s okay with me, mistress. Could you please explain how it would work.”

Mistress explained, “You will do the cleaning and then I will inspect what you have done with you. Every time I spot something that is below the perfect standard that I require you will get a black mark, and at the end of my inspection I will then decide what the punishment will be. Which is intended to incentivise you to clean better next time. However, make no mistake, that the cane you are looking at will be a very standard part of your punishment, with the number of black marks determining the number of strokes you will get on your bare bottom.”

Jackie was momentarily shocked at the thought of being caned, but actually after just a few moments realised that that could be just the right incentive she needed to improve her cleaning standards. After all, docking her pay would have no impact at all on her whereas the stinging pain of the cane would be just the incentive she would need. So, although pensive, she replied, “Thank you, mistress, I do understand and I agree with you that that does seem like the ideal way to incentivise me to make sure my cleaning is of the highest standard that you desire.”

Mistress smiled sternly as she handed Jackie several pieces of paper, explaining, “I need you to sign this contract setting out your cleaning services and the disciplinary measures. It is important for there to be a written agreement and I get all of my cleaners to sign it.”

Jackie was given time to read the contract, and happy with it, signed and gave it back to mistress. With the contract signed and Jackie intent on improving her cleaning skills, she happily continued to carry out her duties. She did keep thinking about the cane, and, from time to time, went into the second bedroom and looked at the cane to remind herself to make sure that her cleaning was of the highest standard. She realised, each time she looked at the cane, that it was a good incentive, but was assuming that if she was actually caned that would be an even better incentive.

Jackie completed cleaning the whole house during the following three hours. She thought she had focused and checked everything, and so was really surprised when mistress walked around afterwards and found several marks throughout both bathrooms, and when rubbing her finger along some of the skirting boards picked up the odd spot of dust.

Mistress got to the end of her inspection and looked at a very worried Jackie and said, “I have given you twelve black marks. As this is your first time for cleaning for me, I will now be giving you six strokes of the cane. Go up to the second bedroom, take off your dress bra and knickers, and stand in the corner, and wait for me. I expect you to be ready by the time I get there or else your penalty is doubled.”

Jackie supposed that whilst her worst fears were realised, so was her wanting to understand just how effective the cane would be in reminding her to check everything more thoroughly. She went up the stairs very quickly, remembering the contract said all punishments are carried out with her fully undressed. She walked into the second bedroom glancing again at the cane on the bed. She quickly unzipped her dress pushing it past her waist and down to the floor, stepping out of it, scooping it up, folding it, and putting it on a chair. She then put her hands behind her back and unclipped her bra, slipping it down her arms, catching it, and putting that folded on top of her dress. Finally, she eased her thumbs inside the elastic of her knickers, pushed them down to the floor, stepped out of them, and put them on top of her dress and bra. 

Fully naked, Jackie went and stood in the corner, which made her feel really naughty and submissive, but as she looked at the white painted wall just a few inches from her eyes she knew that she was on a learning curve, except it now looked as though it was steeper than she had originally expected. However, she again reminded herself how calming it was just to do the cleaning knowing that all she had to do was do as she was told and not have to make any decisions, and thought that six strokes of the cane was worth it. She didn’t mind that she couldn’t start a conversation and had to look at the floor so she did not make eye contact with mistress who was clearly her superior because she was a dominant woman rather than submissive, and it made it easier for them both. Still, now she would discover what being caned was like, and was dreading it.

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Jackie remembered so clearly those first six strokes. Mistress placed three pillows on top of each other and had ordered her to lie on top of them on the bed and clasp hold of the end of the mattress which made sure her hands stayed well away from her bottom even if she wanted to try to protect herself, which of course was absolutely against all the rules. The first stroke bit into her bottom and the pain was engraved in her mind. She couldn’t believe the amount her bottom stung just then, and while she always remembered that, she also remembered how the second stroke stung even more, as did the third stroke. 

Jackie remembered struggling to keep hold of the far end of the mattress as the fourth stroke bit into her bottom and she knew that she yelped and shook her head with the pain, eyes tightly closed, hissing in and out through clenched teeth, and, as the fifth stroke landed those reactions to the increasingly intense pain were repeated ever more vigorously.

By the time the sixth stroke landed Jackie knew that she was yelping and telling mistress how sorry she was that she had cleaned so badly, although, to be fair, all she really said was, “Sorry, mistress, sorry, mistress, sorry, mistress,” and let out sobs each time.

Jackie continued crying after the caning stopped, but kept her hands clasping hold of the end of the mattress to show her obedience and respect for mistress.

Mistress let Jackie calm down before ordering in her, ‘Do as I say or else,’ voice, “Get up and face me, girl, but keep your hands on your head so no rubbing.”

Jackie heard the instruction and whilst still sobbing did manage to ease herself off the bed and into a standing position, turned and faced mistress but realised that she only saw her burred outline, put her hands on her head, eyes looking at the floor, and waited obediently. Jackie was very conscious of being naked but saw that as part of her punishment and her continuing subservience to mistress. 

Mistress said sternly, “Next time you will also do my washing and ironing. If I have friends over you will serve tea and coffee and wait on us and then continue your duties, which in this way will extend to a full maid service as set out in your contract. Understood, girl?”

Jackie remembered the list of duties did make her more of a maid than just a cleaner and for some reason she couldn’t yet understand that excited her as well, so she replied, “Yes, Mistress.”

Mistress continued in her stern tone, “You will make yourself available to clean for me whenever I say. I will send you a message giving you the time to attend and you will come then. Every time. Is that understood, girl?”

Jackie was still struggling with the pain but knew the answer that she wanted to give, and replied submissively, looking at the floor still, “Yes, Mistress.”

Mistress then ordered, “Okay, girl, now get dressed and leave.”

Jackie saw the blurred figure of mistress turn and walk out of the room, and, knowing she had to do as she was told, she quickly stepped into her knickers, easing them onto her stinging bottom but gasped as they ran over the raised welts. She then slid her arms into her bra, but her arms behind her back and clipped the ends together. Finally, she stepped into her dress, pulling it right up and sliding her arms into it, then doing up the zip, before looking around to see if she had missed anything but her eyes were still very blurred. So, she quickly turned and went out of the bedroom, down the stairs and into the hallway. As she got to the hallway, she saw that her bag was placed by the door but mistress was nowhere around. Realising and fully understanding her lowly place compared to mistress, she quickly picked up the bag, opened the front door, stepped outside, closed the front door behind her, and quickly walked down the pathway.

As Jackie walked along the street towards her car she thought over what had happened, and knew it was right for her to change her life and become a cleaner, even a dogsbody, for superior women like mistress. In fact, for any women, as she felt that almost all were more superior to herself, and by becoming a dogsbody the stress of decision making would be taken away, which she so wanted to happen.

Jackie also realised that being punished by mistress for her low standard of work was just what she needed to become a better cleaner, and as she walked along she pictured herself stretched out on the bed being caned. As much as she recalled the pain, she felt flutters flying around her vagina as she felt equally aroused. 

She suddenly froze as she heard giggles from two women passing her by and realised that her face was streaked with her makeup but took that as a lesson well learned and told herself not to wear makeup when she returned to mistress. However, as soon as she told herself that, she realised she was actually looking forward to coming back to clean for mistress.

What Jackie also realised as she got back to the car was that, as she thought about returning again, the flutters were flying so strongly around her vagina and all she wanted to do was finger herself but she couldn’t do it there and so quickly drove off and about a mile away parked on a country lane. Happy there was no one around she quickly eased her hand under her dress and down inside her knickers and ran her fingers along her very wet pussy lips. It only took a few moments before she exploded in the most amazing orgasm, at least it was certainly the best she had ever had.

As Jackie calmed down and thought through all the different feelings she had had today, she really couldn’t understand how come so much pain was so erotic but worked out, that it was just a continuation of her love of submission and serving others without having to make any decisions. She wanted to learn how to clean and reconciled that being caned was a very good way of teaching her, as it meant mistress didn’t actually have to show her what to do but simply punished her if the standard was not good enough, and that worked for mistress as well, she reckoned. So, happy this was exactly the right future for her, Jackie couldn’t wait to come back to clean for mistress, and, hopefully, learn to be the best ever cleaner, and even the best ever albeit lowly dogsbody and maid.

Although Jackie went to clean for mistress every week for several months, and each time ended up on the bed and being caned, with the strokes increasing quickly from six to twelve and then to eighteen, she still found the cane the best incentive to make her clean better and be more attentive, and even looked longingly at the bed when she cleaned the second bedroom. She also was very happy with the fact that she couldn’t start a conversation, had to divert her eyes away from her mistress emphasising her inferior position to her boss lady mistress, and even readily accepted that if she wanted to say something to her mistress, she had to stand silently, looking at the floor, until her mistress deigned to look up and say curtly, “Yes, girl?”

Over time, Mistress extended the hours that Jackie had to work at her house, and added to her duties to include running errands. She would quite often have to take or collect dry cleaning, or act as her maid when mistress had visitors and would have to make teas and coffees, and wash up afterwards. Jackie found being a maid as good for her as being the cleaner, because she had to be respectful to everyone who just ignored her as though she wasn’t there. Again, that meant far less pressure for her, although on many an occasion she had done something wrong and mistress added several strokes of the cane to her punishment before she was allowed to leave.

The whole experience was so educational to Jackie. She knew she had the financial means to be the boss lady herself and to employ a cleaner but this way round was so much more satisfying for her. There was no pressure because she just had to do as she was told and that was so much better compared to being chair of those committees.

Having settled into her life as a cleaner and maid, she offered her services to other ladies but never found one who would deal with her in the way that her mistress did, and that was when she decided to take in a lodger because, she reckoned, if she found the right lodger, she could treat her lodger as her boss lady.

So, today Jackie had her nose pressed against the wall, was fully naked, and was waiting for Miss Lucy to come and deal with her once again. What she knew though, was that it wasn’t going to be six strokes of the cane, or twelve strokes, or twenty-four strokes, but the full thirty-six strokes that Miss Lucy regularly had to give her. Although she now also got cuddles and passionate kisses and fabulous orgasms once she was a good girl again. She hoped that wouldn’t change, nor her desire to give her a full maid service and her total respect to Miss Lucy who she hoped would always be her boss lady. 



Written by Peter242
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