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Landlady In Service

"Mrs Lewis was a well-to-do lady who was submissive and loved to serve others."

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Nineteen-year-old Lucy knew that she was lucky to find the room to rent during her second year at University. Mrs Lewis was forty-one-years-old and had a lovely four-bedroom detached house in a well-to-do area, and very convenient for public transport to the University. She had her own bedroom and as Mrs Lewis was a divorcee and had the ensuite bedroom, Lucy was very happy to have sole use of the family bathroom.

As soon as she moved in, Mrs Lewis explained, “Actually, Lucy, because I don’t have to work, I get a lot of relaxation and satisfaction from cleaning and ironing. Therefore, at no extra charge to you, I will clean your room and bathroom, as well as wash and iron your clothes. That way you can focus on your university studies.”

Mrs Lewis had inherited the house and private income and initially just wanted the company of having someone else living in the house with her, and as she had a subservient nature, she had chosen Lucy out of several applicants for the bedroom because she liked the haughty tone of voice that she had. After Lucy moved in, Mrs Lewis often felt turned on by listening to her voice, particularly when she was complaining about something that happened at University. She quickly started to wonder what would happen if that haughty voice was directed at her because of something she had done wrong, and she had given herself several orgasms whilst lying in bed just thinking about that.

Because Mrs Lewis knew she had submissive tendencies and those developed as she got to know Lucy better, it wasn’t long before she would ask Lucy her views on any clothes she bought and, if Lucy said they didn’t suit her, she didn’t argue at all and just took the clothes back. Later, she would tell Lucy what time she would be back whenever she went out in the evening, and then started to ask her permission to go out rather than just telling her when she would be back. In fact, Mrs Lewis felt more and more comfortable asking for Lucy’s approval on all sorts of things, as though she were reporting to her rather than being her landlady.

Lucy readily accepted Mrs Lewis almost treating her like her boss, and, when asked by Mrs Lewis to carry out an inspection of the bathroom after she had cleaned it to see whether she had cleaned it properly or not, and picked out a smear on the mirror and a stain left on the bath, she watched as a distraught Mrs Lewis immediately corrected her poor standard of work and apologised as she was doing it. 

Mrs Lewis encouraged Lucy to monitor her work and inspections became a regular thing after every time Mrs Lewis cleaned Lucy’s bedroom and bathroom, and whilst the standard of work was never perfect, it did improve under her supervision.

When, one time, Mrs Lewis had ironed one of Lucy’s tops and by mistake had placed it with her own clothes, and Lucy asked where it was, Mrs Lewis was extremely contrite and apologised profusely. She then asked, “I am really sorry that I made that mistake, Lucy, and do need to learn how to be more careful. I haven’t had the benefit of anyone supervising me before, so I really do appreciate the pointers you have given me. However, I think it would be really helpful if I had something that would remind me to pay more attention, and wonder what you have found worked for you?”

Lucy thought for a moment to remember exactly what helped her and explained, “I was in the sixth form and didn’t pay attention in class. Mrs Jones, the teacher, had a particularly good way of making the students pay attention. When she caught me talking in class I had to go to the front of the class, raise my school dress above my waist, lower my knickers to my knees, bend over her lap, and she gave me a hard spanking in front of the whole class. Even though we all knew that was the punishment, some of us still didn’t take the teacher seriously enough. When it happened a second time to me, she told me to wait behind after the rest of the class was dismissed. She then gave me another spanking, and, to reinforce the need to concentrate, I then had to bend over and she gave me three strokes of the cane on my bare bottom. It really worked as that was the last time she had to reprimand me because, I can tell you, I certainly did focus after that.”

Mrs Lewis was getting turned on as Lucy gave her explanation, and quivers were flying around her vagina as she said, “That makes tremendous sense, Lucy. So, next time I do something below perfection, you should give me a spanking.”

Lucy was quite shocked by the request, and replied, “No, no, Mrs Lewis. That was when I was sixteen-years-old and needed to be corrected whilst in class. That’s very different to you being my landlady even though you are doing my cleaning and washing.”

Mrs Lewis replied, “I do understand that, Lucy. However, even though I am forty-one, and you are nineteen, I want to learn from your experience. Why don’t we try, just for a month, that when I do something wrong, including cleaning your bedroom and bathroom below standard, that you will give me a spanking. We can decide after the end of the month if it works, but I really would appreciate it if you helped me to achieve my aim of perfection.”

Lucy had to admit that it sounded like it would be fun to effectively be in charge of Mrs Lewis, and, after all, Mrs Lewis had explained how it would help her. So, she agreed and replied, “Okay then, Mrs Lewis, for the next month I will pull you up on any shortfall in your performance, and put you across my knee and give you the same kind of spanking that I was given by Miss Jones.”

Mrs Lewis was very happy with that as she had fantasied about being spanked by a much younger woman, Lucy’s age in fact, and even added, “I will be ever so grateful, Lucy. I also think that the cane will be even more effective, and will buy a few.”

Lucy wondered whether an older woman wanting to be disciplined was normal and spent that evening in her room supposedly working but actually researching the subject, and was surprised to find several forums where adults Mrs Lewis’ age did submit to younger adults, so felt rather more comfortable with the thought of supervising and disciplining her landlady.

Mrs Lewis knew she was pressing Lucy hard to supervise her work and discipline her for even the slightest substandard work, but she felt Lucy would be up for it, at least hoped she would be, anyway.

The next day Mrs Lewis was in the living room when Lucy came back from University. She was anxious to speak with her as she called her in to the room, and explained, “I got those canes delivered, Lucy. I’ve put one on your bed, and the rest in the second bedroom, and thought that if you were to practice on your pillow the very next time my work was below perfection you would be ready to both spank and cane me.”

Lucy had to admit to being still being surprised that Mrs Lewis was so intent on handing over authority to her, but as she didn’t have any homework to do that evening, and was just going to read a book, she thought she may as well practice with the cane.

Mrs Lewis stayed downstairs as Lucy went upstairs, and she had to admit to experiencing increasingly intense flutters flying around her vagina as she listened to Lucy practicing with the cane on her pillow. Feelings of submissiveness and her need to obey a woman with authority over her were coming to the fore, and she was wondering now, ‘When’ Lucy would discipline her, rather than ‘If.’

Lucy had got used to Mrs Lewis almost reporting to her more and more particularly regarding her chores, and was now quite used to being asked to give her permission for Mrs Lewis to go out in the evening. She had wondered whether, in fact, Mrs Lewis wanted to submit to her authority because it really would help her in carrying out her duties within the household, and now she had bought the canes that really did seem to be the case. So, Lucy practiced with the cane, and had to admit to enjoying that and the thought of actually using it on Mrs Lewis’ bottom.

The next day was another cleaning day and Mrs Lewis, as usual, dusted and hoovered the house, did Lucy’s washing and ironing, put everything away, and then cleaned both bathrooms. Once finished, Mrs Lewis asked, “Please, can you please check I have cleaned your bedroom and bathroom properly, Lucy.” She even smiled to herself as Lucy looked so gorgeous in her red vest top that showed off her well-toned arms, with her long dark brown hair flowing over her shoulders, and cotton shorts that showed off her well-toned legs. How she longed to go across her lap, and wondered if today was going to be the day.

Lucy went upstairs and saw that there were two smears on the mirror and there was a mark on the bath, which she pointed out to Mrs Lewis.

Mrs Lewis blushed as she saw the mistakes that Lucy pointed out to her and realised that she was thinking so much about Lucy as she cleaned and not enough about the cleaning, and said in a distraught tone, “I am clearly not focused enough, Lucy.”

Lucy thought that the standard was well below the normal and wondered whether now was the time to impose her authority as she said, “I think we should go to the second bedroom, Mrs Lewis, where you said the other new canes are kept.”

Mrs Lewis bit her lip but didn’t argue and replied, “Yes, Miss Lucy.” She then walked out of the bathroom and went straight to the second bedroom.

Lucy was taken aback by being addressed as ‘Miss Lucy,’ but it reinforced her thinking that Mrs Lewis did think that being disciplined was what she needed.

As Mrs Lewis walked towards the second bedroom she knew that over the last few days it was all building up to this, and she had done nothing to prevent Lucy thinking that discipline was in order. She had fantasised for so long about being disciplined, and Lucy was ideal from that point of view. Her haughty tone of voice made obeying her so easy, and it really didn’t matter that she was only half her age. So, she went into the second bedroom and heard Lucy following her along the hallway, and she was ready to accept whatever punishment Lucy deemed was right.

Lucy was thinking quickly as she followed Mrs Lewis into the second bedroom. She had inspected it soon after moving in when Mrs Lewis was out. It had a double bed and a single built-in cupboard that had some hangers in but there were no clothes. She wondered, therefore, how come the second bedroom was left empty, although Lucy had never minded that she got the third bedroom as it was a good enough size in any case. 

Mrs Lewis had always kept the second bedroom empty because, like her own, it overlooked the garden and so had more privacy than a bedroom overlooking the road. Then, as her submissive tendencies increased, so she would go into the second bedroom, as though it was the headmistress’ study, carrying a wooden-backed hairbrush, looked at herself in the mirror, and would land several hard spanks with the hairbrush on her bare bottom. At least, they were as hard as she felt she could give herself, but was pretty sure that if given by someone else the spanks would be much harder. However, as time progressed, so she saw the second bedroom as a punishment room, and, maybe it would be now, she thought.

Lucy immediately saw two new things in the second bedroom. The first was a high-backed chair at the dressing table and realised immediately that if that were tuned into the room it would be very suitable for sitting on and taking Mrs Lewis across her lap. The second was three pillows on the bed, piled one upon the other. If Mrs Lewis moved the pillows to the middle of the bed, and then lay across them, her bottom would be sticking up and be an ideal target for the cane. Presumably Mrs Lewis had had the chair and pillows delivered at the same time as the canes, she supposed.

Lucy turned the high-backed chair into the room and then sat down. She glared up at Mrs Lewis, who was wearing a pretty patterned sleeveless dress, and ordered, “Please raise your skirt up above your waist, and lower your knickers to your knees, and then bend across my lap, Mrs Lewis.”

As Lucy gave the order so she felt quite aroused at the thought of having authority over a much older woman. However, she did wonder whether Mrs Lewis would refuse and now just say it was all a joke or misunderstanding, and storm off.

Mrs Lewis watched as Lucy turned the high-backed chair into the room, and knew she had pictured herself being across someone’s lap on a chair just like this one so many times. In fact, she was very pleased that it was going to be Lucy who she had now often imagined giving her a spanking and fingered herself as she fantasied about it. It therefore never crossed her mind to object, and she immediately grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up so it was above her waist, and eased her thumbs inside the elastic of her knickers and pushed them down to her knees, and again took hold of the hem of her dress to hold it above her waist as she then stood next to Lucy, looking down at her bare thighs. 

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As Lucy looked like she was happy to go through with spanking her, Mrs Lewis didn’t wait to be told and instead eased herself downwards, balancing on the far side of the chair and then lowering her full weight across Lucy’s lap, catching her fall with her hands on the floor. She gasped as she looked under the chair and saw her own legs dangling there, and realised this was exactly the view that she had imagined so many times, and, now she was seeing it, knew it was even better than she had imagined.

Lucy assumed that as Mrs Lewis had happily bent across her lap she was fully expecting her to spank her. Well, she had never spanked anyone before, nor even thought about it, but now she was looking down at Mrs Lewis’ bottom and she placed her hand on her bottom cheek and started rubbing in circles, she didn’t really see anything wrong with it. After all, if Mrs Lewis felt she had earned a spanking, and was willing to accept it, and even saw it as helping her to improve, why shouldn’t she give her the spanking that she wanted?

So, after a few moments, satisfied that Mrs Lewis was going to stay across her lap, Lucy raised her hand and brought her palm down firmly on her far bottom cheek. She quickly looked at Mrs Lewis’ head, at least the back of it, and again decided she was going to stay in position, and so raised her hand again and brought it down on her near bottom cheek and then proceeded to spank on alternate bottom cheeks. After several spanks she even focused on the way that each bottom cheek was flattened by her hand, and she admitted to herself that she rather enjoyed how they did.

Mrs Lewis had imagined being spanked, but this was the first spanking she had actually received. The first few spanks were quite easy to deal with, but, as the spanking progressed, so each spank stung her bottom more and more and she found herself letting out gasps and squirming around on Lucy’s lap. She wasn’t surprised, she supposed, because a spanking was supposed to hurt, and this was all part of her giving Lucy authority to deal with her. She knew that she enjoyed doing the menial tasks of cleaning and washing, but her standard of work wasn’t good enough and so she needed an incentive to do everything better and better, and having watched a couple of mainstream films that had introduced spanking as a means of discipline, she realised that would work very well for her as well. Her problem was deciding upon the right person to spank her. She was worried about asking any of her friends and reckoned she had a better chance with a tenant. That was why when she interviewed the students, she looked particularly for someone with a strong personality, and, as well as her haughty, “Do as I say,” tone of voice, she thought that Lucy was the most likely of the students to deal with her. Today, she reckoned that she had chosen well. 

As Lucy turned Mrs Lewis’ bottom darker and darker shades of red, so she found herself spanking even harder and she told herself there was no benefit at all in anything other than a hard spanking. After all, this might be the one and only spanking she would give Mrs Lewis, who might even throw her out of the house afterwards for all she knew.

However, as Lucy changed to spanking the backs of Mrs Lewis’ legs, and she watched as Mrs Lewis squirmed around on her lap and her gasps got louder and louder as she turned her legs as red as her bottom cheeks, she felt more and more confident that Mrs Lewis wanted to be spanked, or at least did see being spanked as something that would help her improve in the way that she wanted. She remembered the forums and that several of the woman who were submissive were well-to-do ladies who, like Mrs Lewis, didn’t need to work, and enjoyed cleaning and ironing, just like Mrs Lewis did. So, although her landlady, she knew Mrs Lewis looked on herself as the cleaner who wanted to obey her, and it made sense because it was about who had authority and who had to obey rather than who was older and should have been in charge. 

Once Lucy was happy that she had turned both bottom cheeks and the backs of both legs sufficiently red, she looked up and saw the cane on the bed. She knew she would have to stop spanking and order Mrs Lewis to move the pillows to the centre of the bed and lie on them and this would be very telling, she told herself, because Mrs Lewis would know that as much as the spanking hurt her, the cane would hurt her much more. However, the time had come and so Lucy did stop spanking Mrs Lewis and ordered, to the back of her head, “Okay, Mrs Lewis, get up and go to the bed. Move the three cushions so they are in the centre of the bed, one on top of the other, and then lie down across the cushions, making sure that your dress stays above your waist and your knickers stay around your knees.”

Mrs Lewis heard the instruction and, as much as her bottom and legs were stinging, she slid off Lucy’s lap and stood up, looked towards the bed which was blurred, rubbed her bottom as she took the few steps across to the bed, moved the pillows as instructed from the end of the bed to the middle of the bed, piling one on top of the other, and then lay down so that her bottom was resting on top of the three cushions and, she knew, positioned perfectly to be caned. 

Mrs Lewis had always imagined being spanked with a hairbrush, but once Lucy had mentioned the cane, that made even more sense to her and she immediately purchased three online and that was when she gave one to Lucy to practice with. Now, as she lay across the cushions, she knew this was going to be a far better incentive than the hairbrush, although it would be far more painful.

Lucy watched as Mrs Lewis went and moved the pillows as instructed and then lay down across them with her arms stretched out clasping the end of the bed. Her bottom really was perched beautifully, and, as she picked up the cane, and swished it a couple of times, she actually felt quite confident because of the practice she had put in using the cane on her pillow. As she positioned herself, she realised that Mrs Lewis had not discussed how many strokes of the cane she should have. Lucy thought quickly, and reckoned that six of the best made the most sense, and so said, “You will be getting six strokes, Mrs Lewis. If you try to get up, that stroke will not count.”

Lucy again thought how strange it was that she was about to cane Mrs Lewis, but as there was no rebuttal or attempt to get up, she felt she had actually been given the go-ahead.

As Lucy focused and placed the cane on Mrs Lewis’ bottom, so she remembered the time that she was caned by Miss Jones. It had hurt her more than anything else had ever done, but, remembering that, she realised that having practiced with the cane on her pillow, she needed to make sure she made the cane strokes sufficiently hard to be the deterrent that Mrs Lewis wanted. So, she focused on Mrs Lewis’ red bottom, raised the cane and then brought it down with a loud thwack right across both bottom cheeks, watched as the cane cut into her bottom, listened to the loud yelp and watched as Mrs Lewis threw her head back, and knew that was all because of the practice she had undertaken albeit with a pillow.

Mrs Lewis felt her bottom stinging from the spanking as she felt the cane on her bottom and glanced sideways and saw Lucy focusing with the cane in her hand. She did think she must be bonkers to be taking the punishment, but immediately reminded herself that, if she set aside the fact that the house was hers, she was turned on by giving disciplinary authority to her tenant-cum-boss-lady. In fact, she even liked the idea better that it was her real tenant dealing with her as that was sexier than the fantasy of being subject to discipline by an imaginary boss lady. 

As the second stroke landed Lucy again saw the cane cut into Mrs Lewis’ bottom and the second welt developed as she heard the louder yelp. The third stroke followed and as the new welt developed so she was telling herself that Mrs Lewis would need to learn quickly or else suffer another spanking and caning on the next cleaning day in two days’ time. 

Mrs Lewis again yelped as the fourth stroke landed and she told herself how horrible it was to be caned but it was her own fault for cleaning so poorly, and this was the right way to teach her to be more careful and thorough before asking Lucy to check her work. As the fifth stroke landed so she yelped and shook her head from side to side and wanted to say how sorry she was but realised the pain was so intense that she couldn’t actually say the words. Then, the sixth stroke landed and, as her bottom stung so intensely, she couldn’t stop herself from crying, but as she had always imagined herself crying when fantasising about being spanked with the hairbrush it didn’t surprise her at all that she was actually crying when caned. 

Lucy was a little concerned when she heard Mrs Lewis crying, but then again remembered that she cried when she got the three strokes from Miss Jones. It wasn’t so unusual, either, because she knew that her friends also cried when they were caned. That made it all rather normal, in fact, she told herself, except for the fact that it remained that she was just nineteen-years-old and was caning her landlady who was double her age. Anyway, she told herself, she would soon find out if she still had a roof over her head tonight.

Mrs Lewis took a little while to recover, but when she did, she turned her head and looked towards Lucy, realising that she could only see her blurred outline, which was something else she had thought about when fantasising, but it was now the reality which showed her what it was really like. However, as she did recover, she wondered whether Lucy would be prepared to discipline her again, although she knew this was exactly what she did need in order to ensure she performed her duties properly. It certainly didn’t matter to her that she was the only landlady she knew that cleaned the tenant’s room and bathroom and washed and ironed their clothes, but then she had to admit that having suffered the embarrassment and humiliation of being both spanked and caned, she did want to disappear to her bedroom and finger herself to what she knew would be an enormous orgasm.

Lucy could see that Mrs Lewis was recovering and said, “Okay, Mrs Lewis, you can get up now.” She then took a deep breath and added, “I hope that has helped you learn your lesson.”

Mrs Lewis heard the instruction and slid off the bed, and, as she stood up, her hands rushed to her bottom and she rubbed and clutched her stinging burning cheeks, and felt the raised welts, as she stepped from foot to foot doing the spanking dance she had often pictured herself doing. She knew she wanted to be alone to deal with the flutters flying around her vagina, but she had to be respectful towards Lucy and said, “Yes, Miss Lucy, it has been very helpful, and I really would appreciate it if you will deal with me every time my work falls below perfection.”

Lucy was immediately relieved, and, smiling thankfully, replied, “Of course, Mrs Lewis. I will carry out an inspection after every time you have cleaned my bedroom and bathroom, as well as washing and ironing my clothes, and if I assess that disciplinary action is needed, then I will order it and spank and cane you as hard, and harder, than I have today.” Then, after a few moments, she asked tentatively, “However, Mrs Lewis, you addressed me as Miss Lucy. Was that intentional?”

Mrs Lewis explained, “Yes, Miss Lucy. Whilst I am the landlady, I have promised you a service, and, as such, I feel that I must address you respectfully, and addressing you as Miss Lucy makes sense to me. Are you happy for me to do that, Miss Lucy?”

Lucy thought about it for a moment and felt that if Mrs Lewis was happy with that, then so was she. She therefore replied, “Yes, Mrs Lewis, I am happy with being addressed like that.”

Mrs Lewis was relieved that Miss Lucy accepted their new relationship including her supervisory and disciplinary role. It confirmed to her that she had made the right choice in Miss Lucy, and felt that over the coming weeks and months, her ability to serve would be improved with Miss Lucy’s help. Time would tell.


Written by Peter242
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