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Josephine Gets Submissive – Or Does She?

"Jake and Josephine continue, and deepen, their relationship."

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Author's Notes

"This is a sequel to Jake and JoJo, which is linked below and also to the earlier Livia the Bad Employee. Previously, Josephine had dominated Jake. In this episode, Josephine is “submissive,” but it could be argued that she is actually quite sexually aggressive. In any case, Jake finally gets to possess her. Afterwards, they relax, listen to albums, and talk about various things, including Aimee Semple McPherson, of all people. <p> [ADVERT] </p>This conversation shows how there their relationship is progressing beyond the sexual aspects. After that, they have another go at each other on her living room floor. All of the characters in this are in their twenties."

“Jake, I’ve heard from Josephine,” Livia said.  “Apparently, you did quite well yesterday.”

That was when JoJo was in her dominatrix mode. He was surprised, “I did?”

“Yes, you certainly did. She was impressed with your, call in stoicism, during her discipline of you. Give her a few days, and then call her and ask her out.”

“Are you sure of that?”

“Absolutely. She said she’s looking forward to it.”

Livia had sent up her boss with her kinky friend Josephine. That lady was a switch, and she sometimes wanted to dominate men, and other times she wanted to be submissive. Livia had been spanked and belted by Jake when he had caught her stealing from the company, and this set-up was the best payback she could think of.

Okay, so he’s only getting it on his own ass about half the time, but that is better than nothing.

Livia said, “She gave you a good walloping, I hear.”

“Man, the session didn’t last long, but she really beat me but good.”

“She told me about it. Her hairbrush and the strap, a pretty effective combination. I’ve noticed you’re moving around rather, ah, carefully today. Why don’t you get a pillow and use it for a couple of days when you need to sit down?”

He looked at her askance for a moment. Livia continued, “I mean when you were done with punishing me that time, that’s what I had to do myself!”


Within the next week, Jake went on two “regular” dates with Josephine. One of these was for dinner and a movie, but she made up the itinerary for the second one. They took his car to a state park and went swimming in the pool. However, both of these outings were completely platonic. They did not even kiss or hold hands.

At the pool, Josephine had worn an ample two-piece blue bathing suit, but Jake had admired her curvy body underneath it.

A few days after the state park trip, JoJo called Jake and asked him when he could come over to her house. She explained it as, “There has been something bothering me about myself, and I need you to help me with it.”

She was not at all shy about asking for dates. He also had guessed, from what Livia had told him, that she was probably going into submissive mode for this visit. He didn’t ask her about it, but he simply made the arrangements to visit her house.

When JoJo answered the door this time, she looked very different from her previous dominatrix appearance. Her hair was still pinned up, but her clothing looked very modest. The most notable item was her long skirt, which was blue with white dots. It went down well below her knees. Her white, long-sleeved blouse added to the demure look. Jake could see down to her feet and he noticed her high-top shoes and black stockings.

Before he could say anything, she was already talking. “Jake, I’m so glad you could come today and help me with my issue.”

“Of course, JoJo, whatever you say.”

As they entered the living room, she said, “Would you like a drink? How about a glass of wine?”

That surprised him because it was the exact opposite of what had happened on his previous visit. She even asked him, “What would you like, red or white?” She noticed that he was still standing there in the middle of the room. “Relax, sit down. Make yourself at home.”

When she came back a few moments later with their glasses, she sat down on the couch for a few minutes and they chatted about their jobs and a few other topics. Then she got into the main point she wanted to make.

“You see, this is a little hard to talk about. But I trust you will understand and do the right thing for me.”

“Sure, of course.” What is this leading up to? He could make a pretty good guess.

Josephine looked very uncomfortable for a moment and then said, “All right, I might as well get it out in the open. It is kind of personal, however. You see, I was raised to be chaste, not just in actions but in thoughts too.”

She was looking down, appearing embarrassed perhaps. It was obvious she was putting on some kind of act. He was sure he had never heard her use the word “chaste” before.

She continued, “The thing is, I try so hard, but I’ve been a very bad girl. I think I’m sort of out of control.” The phrase very bad girl was a big clue. “It’s hard to admit, but my lust, which is one of the Seven Deadly sins as you know . . .” She leaned into him and said, very quietly, “I can’t keep my hands out of my own pants. I fondle myself down there all the time.”

Doesn’t everybody masturbate? But that wasn’t the point; it was all a pretext. Jake felt he was now delivering lines in a script, a script that he was mostly improvising as they went along. “And, if I may ask, what should I do about it?”

Josephine was a pretty decent actress; he had seen that before when she was in her dominant style. She hit the right notes; she didn't overplay her role. She said, “Naughty girls like me need to be disciplined by a strong man like you; I need to be set on the proper path in life.”

So that was the point of her modest clothes on this day, so different from her short, tight skirt during the previous session. She’s got skills as a costume designer too, he thought. Perhaps she read his mind, because she said, “You’ll notice that’s why I’m wearing these clothes, which are what a modest lady should wear. You wouldn’t believe the scandalous things I’ve worn in the past.”

He supposed he should ask her about this, “So what have you been wearing?”

“It’s more like what I didn’t have on. It may be hard to believe, but I’ve gone around, in public, wearing a skirt or a dress with no drawers on underneath. Can you imagine that?”

He could indeed imagine it, but he had to focus on the matter at hand. Okay, it’s nice to be called a strong man, but what is the exact sequence of events for this? But as Livia had suggested, Josephine already knew what she wanted.

“Jake, since I’ve been so bad, as a first step, I need you to take me across your lap and give me a good, sound spanking.” The first step; what was the next one? “I need to be corrected so that I’m a virtuous woman again. I just can’t do it without your assistance. You should use your hand, but don’t be afraid to raise it up high and really wallop me.”

She continued, “So you should soundly beat me should be on the seat of my drawers. Then, those should come down and there should be more of that on my bare buttocks.”

Her facial expression seemed to indicate complete sincerity. It struck him that a spanking was going to turn her on, not have the effect she had claimed it would. Hey, you’re overthinking this; you’re missing the unsaid point behind this whole thing.

“Of course, Josephine, I will do that for you.”

“Oh thank you; this is so thoughtful of you.” Then, “There’s no point in delaying this; let’s get into it already. We should go into that chair over there; you can have a better angle on me.”

The chair she indicated was armless. Jake didn’t remember it being there the last time, but he wasn’t quite sure. Within a few moments, he was sitting in it and she had placed herself over his lap. Her weight pleasantly pushed down on his crotch. She reached back and yanked her long skirt up to her waist.

Her underwear was a surprise. It wasn’t a pair of panties, but rather a long, white garment that went down almost to her knees. The bottom of the legs was frilly. It seemed like bloomers appropriate for the early twentieth century. There was a little gap of bare flesh above her knee-high black stockings. Later on, he found out that it was easy to go on-line to buy clothes that looked vintage.

He wanted to remind her of their safe phrase. “You think you might want some chicken salad during this?”

“Oh, no, I can’t abide by that stuff.”

Her bloomers were quite tight in the back, and he noticed the nice curve to her behind. It didn’t seem like any further delay was necessary, so he began spanking her. His rhythm was slow but steady. He held her waist with his left hand to steady her.

She began talking almost immediately. “That’s it, Jake, beat the badness out of me. I’ve been such a wicked lady, I need firm discipline.”

She moaned and moved back and forth on his lap. As had happened in his spankings of other women – all of them punishment spankings, as he had done to Livia - he got a big erection. I wonder if she can feel that pushing through my pants? Well, there wasn’t anything that could be done about that now.

“Oh, please hit me harder, I deserve this. I feel like such a slut.”

For some reason he contradicted her, “But you haven’t actually been a slut.”

“But I would be one – ouch! – if I wasn’t reined in. I crave men and I’d copulate with a lot of them if I could.”

She was soon pushing her feet against the floor as he had seen with other girls. “Come on, hit me harder and faster. I’ve been a bad, nasty, absolutely depraved girl and I need to be put into my place.”

After a bit, she said, “For this to work properly, it has to be on my bare rear-end.” Before he could do anything further, she reached back to lower her bloomers. He gave her a hand with that. Now he was surprised to see that she did have panties on underneath, skimpy black lacy ones.

She said, “You see what I mean? I’ve got bad-girl panties on too. I shouldn’t be wearing them, but I can’t control myself. I want to feel like a real whore under my clothes. Take them down; give me more smacks on my exposed behind.”

Josephine was already showing marks from the spanking on the seat of her bloomers. Now her backside reddened even more. Jake was impressed by her shape too. Where Livia had a slender, almost narrow backside, Josephine was round and plush. While the former had rather pale buttocks, the color of JoJo’s flesh had a rich creaminess. He put his left hand back on her, just below her blouse, to steady her.

She had noticeable tan lines from her two-piece bathing suit. She said, “Oh, it’s so humiliating to have to present my bare backside to you. You can even see my most private, my most womanly parts.” He suspected that she was actually quite delighted to show him her body.

The sound of the slaps on her was louder. “Please, thrash it out of me, all that wickedness and perversion. I’ve been so immoral.” Wow, she’s really giving her vocabulary a workout here. Her bloomers and panties were halfway down her thighs. On some impulse, he lowered them below her knees. She approved, “That’s it, hit me on the back of the thighs too. I deserve it all over.”

Soon she was shuffling her feet on the floor, as he had seen with Livia. Josephine’s noises now sounded more like moans of pleasure. The redness on her bottom continued to deepen, and if he hit her hard enough, there were sometimes paler handprints on her body.

Jake took a moment to assess her footgear, which also reminded him of something from the early twentieth century – black high-top shoes and black knee-high stockings. It occurred to him that this must have been what Judy Garland had worn in Meet Me in St. Louis. He briefly wondered where Josephine had obtained them.

His musings were cut short by something she said, “Please, Jake, get my bloomers and panties away from my ankles.”

Curiosity got to him as he met her request, “Okay, why do you want that?”

“So my legs can be free. I want to show you something.” With her clothes no longer impeding her, she lifted her hips and spread her legs. “Look at me Jake, look at what’s happening to me.”

Now he noticed how wet she was between her legs. “Oh, wow, it’s just pouring out of you.”

“I know, that’s how debauched I am. Hit me harder, you’re not hitting me hard enough. I need to be punished for this.”

However, his efforts seemed to increase her desire. Her hips went even higher, and the stuff coming out of her vagina was now thicker and milky white. It was dripping out of her and landing on the carpet. He often brought his hand down directly on her genitals which seemed to please her even more.

In a short while, it became obvious that she was going to have an orgasm right on his lap. She starting humping herself against his body and saying something like, “Ah, ah, ah” each time he struck her. Her legs waved around frantically in the air.

The last lucid thing she said, “Oh my God, don’t stop spanking me, do it faster!” Then the peak moment arrived. JoJo’s body seemed to go rigid, although Jake could feel her quivering on him. Her voice was a continuous noise between a moan and a howl. More fluid seemed to jet out of her cunt. Jake had heard about women squirting while coming, but he had never witnessed it before.

Then she seemed to collapse, although she was still breathing heavily. Jake let her stay there until she slid off and sat on the floor, looking up at him. He joshed with her, “I guess your plan didn’t work as intended.”

“Jake, I don’t care right now. I just want to release my inner strumpet immediately.” She got up on him and straddled him, cowgirl style. Her eager hands undid his pants and pulled them down. “Listen, honey, I’m going to take you right here on the chair.”

He laughed at her phrasing, “Jo, you don’t have to force me; I’m certainly willing.”

“I know, I could feel your erection during the entire event.” She grabbed his erect cock and started stroking it.

There was hardly any foreplay beyond that; everything that had proceeded it was more than sufficient. Jo was already missing enough clothing to be bottomless, and she guided his cock into her dripping-wet pussy and then banged away at him as he sat on the chair. He gripped her wide hips and she held his shoulders as tightly as she could

It was the most enthusiastic fuck he had ever received in his life, but then the only other woman he had ever possessed before was his college girlfriend Alicia. But while Alicia had been delicate and lady-like in her lovemaking, sturdy Josephine was like a succubus out of hell in her sexual response.

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He was impressed that she came a second time and that she was able to time it so well with his own orgasm. He was slightly ahead of her, and perhaps that inspired her in her own efforts. He was unable to speak, but she could she feel him ejaculating into her body. “Oh that’s it, spurt all of that hot sperm up into my cunt!”

A few seconds later she was bouncing even harder on him and yelling out her pleasure at her own climax. For a moment Jake was grateful that the chair seemed strong enough not to collapse under the pressure of all that vigorous screwing.

When it was all over, they stayed coupled together and kissed passionately. Then they fell to the floor and sat side-by-side holding each other. For the first time, Jake felt a bit shaky, and he thought, God, I hardly know this woman. It had all been so abrupt, with almost no romantic build-up. One moment he had gone through the front door, and now a short time later they had gone all these wild things.

Josephine seemed to be aware of his feelings. “Are you all right?”

Jake already knew that women could often pick up on these emotions. He raised his hand and tried to explain, “Sure, I’m fine, it’s just that all of this has been so . . .” He couldn’t finish the thought.

She laughed, “Well, it has been quite a while since I’ve been with a man. And, in any case, sometimes I’m a girl who just likes to get down to business in a hurry. Don’t worry, we have plenty of time to get to know each other.”

He remembered something, “You said something about a first step. What was the second supposed to be?”

“Oh, I thought you’d have to use an implement on me, like a paddle, but you were so good with your hand that it became moot.” She giggled, “That’s something else that we’ll have time for in the future.”

Then she leaned forward and quietly said, “I’m impressed. That was the first time I came from just the spanking itself. I’ve heard that some women can do that, but I never thought I was one of them.”


Afterward, Jake and Josephine sat on the sofa, ate some take-out Chinese, had vodka and tonics, and listened to CDs. JoJo had put a pillow under herself to ease the soreness in her battered ass. She was wearing the chemise that had been under her blouse and she had put her bloomers back on. Her dark shoes and knee-high stockings were also still in place. Jake noted that she hadn’t taken her footgear off at all that evening, but that was fine with him.

Josephine had an eclectic music collection. Jake was surprised at some of the stuff she came up with that night and the things she knew about it all. His own knowledge of pop culture was a bit meager.

She said, “The first thing I’m going to play is this Queens of the Stone Age cover of a Tom Waits song.”

Jake found all of that incomprehensible. “You said ‘Queens of the Stone Age?’ ”

JoJo laughed, “I don’t quite know what it means either. It’s something the guy who founded the band, or his producer made up. So you do know who Tom Waits is, I suppose?”

“The name sounds familiar.”

“He wrote that song ‘Downtown Train,’ which Rod Stewart made famous by covering it. Anyway, the name of the song is ‘Goin’ Out West.’ Let’s have a listen.”

It was definitely a rock song. Jake heard the lyrics but he couldn’t pull the meaning together. When it was over, JoJo noticed his confusion. “You didn’t quite get that, I think.”

“Not really.”

“Well, I’ll explain it a bit if you wish.”

He didn’t want to admit it yet, but he liked hearing her voice, “Sure, go ahead.”

“Okay, the narrator of this is one of those Tom Waits anti-heroes. Like right at the beginning, he says his parole officer is going to be proud of him, which implies that he’s breaking the terms of his parole right now. That’s just the beginning of his issues.”

Jake was impressed by her explanation.

“He’s just driving to Hollywood, completely cold, and he thinks he can just become a star without any real effort. At this point he’s at the peak of his fantasy, but you just know he’s in for a huge, and almost instant, letdown. Like his Oldsmobile 88 is not going to go over well there, and that’s just for starters.”

“That’s kind of depressing.”

“Well, Waits can be depressing, but he does it in such a weirdly funny way. Like this guy says that Tony Franciosa used to date his mom – as if that somehow qualifies him for stardom.”

JoJo picked some more songs that Jake thought were unconventional. One of the albums was by a band named Garbage. He couldn’t hide his surprise at the name, “They call themselves Garbage?”

She laughed, “You thought I’d pick some chick song, but the lead singer is indeed a woman indeed Shirley Manson. No relation to Marilyn or Charlie, however.”

They listened to “Stupid Girl,” which Jake thought sounded vaguely familiar, and also “Only Happy When It Rains,” from the same album. 

When those were over, Josephine said, “She’s kind of talented, that Shirley girl, but I can only take her in small doses. If you see some of her videos from the 1990s, you can tell she’s the kind of girl who thinks she’s just so hot.”

“You mean she isn’t?”

He could tell that she was being tongue-in-cheek, “Well, she tries to look hot, but there are women like me who just are hot!” Then she continued, “You should see her now. She’s fifty-four-years-old, and she’s not so cute and perky anymore.”

“Well, Jo, when we’re fifty-four we’re not going to be so cute and perky either.”

“That’s right, time takes its toll. I hope I still have some juice left at that age. I might turn into a chunky Italian grandma having expresso at some café, but I still want some pussy tingles, if you know what I mean.”

They listened to some albums that to Jake had a country music sound, including The Dead South, The Turnpike Troubadours, and a guy named Chris Knight. JoJo informed him, “Actually, that first group is a bunch of Canadians.”

They started to get frisky again, and they started a make-out session on the sofa. At one point, she said, “I want you to sully my virtue right here on the floor.” She saw the look on his face, and she said, “If you give me two minutes, I’ll explain where I got that reference from. I didn’t just make it up.”

“Okay Jo, go ahead.” He was finding her interesting to listen to.

“All right, I’ll try to be concise. You’ve heard of Aimee Semple McPherson?”

“I think so. She was an evangelist of some kind?”

“Yes, and a very successful one. By the 1920s and 1930s, she had her own church – a big one in Los Angeles – and a radio station and I don’t know how many followers. But you know what they say about sex and religion?”

“I know, it can be a hot combination.”

“Absolutely, I mean this babe was no virgin. She was married three times, the second two ended in divorce, and she had other guys in there too. In 1926, between two of these marriages, she seemed to fake her own kidnapping so she could run off with one of her beaus for a while. So I one point somebody said – it might have even been her – that he had ‘sullied her virtue’ on the floor of some cottage they had in California. Not that she much virtue left at that point.”

“She doesn’t sound like she lived up to her ideals, or at least her professed ideals.”

“A lot of these ostentatiously religious people don’t live up the morality they espouse. Remember that Jim Bakker guy? Anyway, just thinking of those words about being fucked on the floor – I must have been quite young when I read them – makes me hot. Sometimes a little thing like that can be more arousing than the most explicit porn.”

He did know what she meant. She continued, “So, a game we can play at some future date: I can be the naughty female evangelist and you can be – well, what do you want to do?”

“I could be one of her disgruntled parishioners, maybe?”

“That would be great. You’d be tired of her shenanigans, and you want to firmly discipline your church leader to get her back on the path of righteousness. Of course, as you can guess, his plan is going to backfire. Just like the plan earlier today didn’t work either.”

He laughed at that. She took him by the hand, “Come on, take your pants off and sully that rapidly diminishing virtue of mine.”

In short order she was kneeling on the floor, sucking on his penis. Jake protested, “But I haven’t cleaned up yet.”

“That’s fine, I want to taste my cunt on your cock.” A bit later she said, “Lie down on the floor, face up.”

She had removed her bloomers and chemise, but she had no underwear underneath those, so she was mostly nude. However, she still had her stockings and shoes on, which was quite intriguing to him. She said, “I’m going to get on top again. That’s what’s most comfortable with my ass in this condition. Don’t worry; I wanted it my ass to be that way!” Then she said, “Here, I’ll get a pillow for your head so you’ll be comfortable.

This time he had a lot of stamina for her, and he finally had unfettered access to her breasts. It was the first time he had seen and touched her bare boobs, which were just as round and creamy as her behind. He tried to suck and kiss her nipples, but often she had to get up straighter to give herself a better angle for their screwing.

She came at least twice more, and then he forcefully ejaculated upwards into her. At the last moment, he yelled out, “Jo, I love you!” As he fell back and relaxed, he heard her laughing. He felt embarrassed as if he had said the wrong thing.

She let him catch his breath, and then she said, “Don’t feel bad Jake, I love you too. I was just wondering which one of us would admit it first. It took some courage on your part to say that.”

While they were lying on the floor afterward, she turned towards him and held him. She said, “You know, one thing I didn’t make up earlier – sometimes I do walk around without underpants under my skirt.”

“Why do you do that?”

“Because it feels great; it makes me feel so sexy. Like in the summer, I can feel the warm air coming up around my hips and crotch. And I get really turned on, my pussy will be wet. Sometimes, I’ve done that at lunch hour, and when I come back I have to masturbate in the ladies' room.”

“Doesn’t anybody hear you in there?”

“I put my feet up on the seat and I’m very quiet. It’s difficult, like I open my mouth but I can’t let any sound out. Maybe it’s more intense that way. Oh, and I’ve done this – I mean foregoing underwear – in the winter too.”

“Don’t you get cold?”

“That’s the whole point of it. I’ll wear boots and thigh-high socks, but no panties. Then the cold air comes up around my body. It’s very stimulating, actually. I swear I get goosebumps on my crotch.”

She cuddled up to him and said, “I do keep a pair of panties in my purse, in case I need to put some on. But anyway, you can see I really am a very naughty girl; I’m not just faking it!”


The next day, a Friday, Livia spoke to Jake as soon as he came into the office. “My, somebody had a good time last night.”

“How can you possibly tell that?”

“Well, for one thing, you’re wearing the same clothes – and they look kind of rumpled – so you obviously spent the night with her.”

He decided to admit the truth, “Okay, I was indeed there all night.”

“And you just look more relaxed or something.” She giggled, “What is that old expression? You really got your ashes hauled but good.”

“That expression sounds vaguely familiar, but I can’t remember where I heard it. Look, Livy, this is kind of personal.” It had been the first time he had relations with a woman in four years. “And we have been on regular dates too – non-sexual ones, I mean.”

“I know about those, she’s told me. You see Jake, I’m not such a bad person, as I said before, am I?”

He was reluctant to admit that, “All right, that’s true.”

“Just remember, the next time you are actually at her house, she’s probably going back into her dominatrix act.”

He blurted out, “I actually found that to be very exciting.” Why the hell did I just tell her that?

Livia gave him an appraising look, “I’m sure you did. I’m sure you went home that night and masturbated to beat the band.”

“Livy, I just said this is very personal stuff. I don’t want to talk about it.”

She ignored him, “I also know you jerked-off thinking about me after you gave me that spanking and belting. You did it right here in the office after I left.”

He didn’t even attempt to evade her statement, “How the hell do you know these things?”

She remained quite calm, “You have a lot to learn about women. We are very alert to matters like that.” She could see how embarrassed he has by the way he was blushing, “And in any case, you don’t really want a skinny girl like me. You’d much rather sink yourself deep into Josephine’s – let’s call it pulchritude.”

For a moment he could imagine JoJo’s round, ripe, and creamy body. Livia went on, “You’re such a tight-ass, as I’ve said before. Maybe you’re finally getting in touch with your erotic side.”

He felt a need to defend himself, “I had Alicia in college, and we loved each other.”

“I’m sure you did, but that was years ago. It’s time to move on.”

He decided to cut this conversation short. “I’ve got to get to work.”

“That’s fine, I understand.” As he turned to leave, he heard her say, “Yet I see you’re quite the stud, after all.”

He turned back and attempted to glare at her, but he knew he was failing at that. A stray thought came to him. Maybe this Livia wouldn’t mind a crack at me too, or at least she’s thought about it. He had heard that women sometimes seduced their friend’s lovers.

That was more than he wanted to think about at that moment. He didn’t answer, but he tried to pull himself together and shrug it off. Probably that show of indifference didn’t work either, but he did the best he could. Jake turned back again and headed for his office.


All of the songs Josephine plays can be heard on YouTube. The bit about Aimee Semple McPherson having sex on the floor was, I think, in a New York Daily News article years ago, but I haven’t been able to find it online.



Written by LakeShoreLimited
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