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Here Without You

"Two longtime friends discover a similar interest after a 3 Doors Down concert."

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Author's Notes

"This story was requested and inspired by another Lush member, Melissa4379, who wanted to see herself as the recipient of one of my 'good' spankings!"

Corey was looking forward to the concert. It wasn’t often that Oklahoma State University landed an excellent band like 3 Doors Down. Among his favorite groups at the moment, he particularly liked the song ‘Here Without You’ with its reference to his love being in his lonely dreams. It was one of their songs he’d learned on guitar.

Melissa was a school friend from his hometown of Ada, Oklahoma, whom he’d known and had secretly wanted to show his particular brand of love while a senior in high school. A little shorter than average with light brown hair and captivating blue eyes, he found her curvy body delicious, including her large tits. Still, the feature that got his imagination running wild was her perfectly round bubble butt. What he, in his ‘lonely dreams,’ wanted to do with that part of her anatomy involved her lying across his knee with her pants down.

They were friendly in high school, but as they were both on the shy side, they never connected in any meaningful way. Corey would have been surprised that she was also interested in him, but with their introverted nature, they never connected the dots. So, he was left with his imagination, fueled by seeing her cute bottom in tight jeans, especially when they rode up into the cleft separating her cheeks, just begging for a good smack.

They were going to the concert as a group of seven, two girls with their boyfriends and three other guys. At a bar, they prepped for the night, the group getting excited and more animated as the beer flowed. Melissa’s boyfriend, Tom, was well ahead of the group and acting like an ass ignoring her while flirting with the other girl in the group and others in the bar, including the server. Melissa didn’t seem to care, ignoring him and talking with Corey instead. Their conversation was just starting to get interesting, lubricated by alcohol, when it was time to go to the concert.

Everything near the campus, they walked as a group to the McKnight Center and took their seats in two rows, the girls and their boyfriends in front of the others, Corey arranging to sit directly behind Melissa. He hoped to see her bottom shimmy and shake as she danced to the music, and he wasn’t disappointed.

Standing for ‘When I’m Gone,’ her body swayed to the gentler verses but became more animated during the long, beat-heavy chorus. She bumped in rhythm to the hard rock lyrics, her beautiful bottom bouncing just out of sync and her tight jeans unable to contain the waves rolling over her delicious, quivering cheeks. He almost reached out several times to grab one in each hand, each time finding her turning to smile at him as though she knew.

It was a great song to lead into the intermission, promising more to come when they returned. Melissa turned to jerk her head ever so slightly to encourage him to go to the lobby during the break. He usually kept his seat at such times, but this was an invitation he wouldn’t turn down.

Coming together, away from the line for the bar, Melissa gave him a one-armed hug, bringing them cheek-to-cheek before pulling away and gushing over the music.

“I love ‘When I’m Gone,’ don’t you?” she asked Corey.

“Yeah, the dynamics are great between the softly sung lyrics and the kick-ass chorus!”

Their conversation became a little flirty, and Melissa seemed to sense his attraction to her ass, turning to shake it as she sang her favorite songs. He briefly worried where Tom might be, but as he had left Melissa alone, he saw no reason not to enjoy her company.

The lights dimmed, and everyone funneled back into the auditorium. They opened the second set with ‘Kryptonite,’ and the slow-building rock kept the crowd on its feet.

Corey opted to sit and watch Melissa’s bountiful butt, feeling a tightness in his jeans as he imagined those buns bouncing to the beat of his hand and stuffing his face into her deep cleft for a different kind of bottom-worship. Again, she noticed his attraction to her ass as she repeatedly turned, smiling her approval of what she hoped was on his mind.

Finally, they played his favorite song, and the idea that he was ‘here without you’ seemed to apply to Melissa. They were in the same place but not together. Nevertheless, the song entranced him with its ‘lonely dream’ theme, and he sat with closed eyes at times, just taking in the music as a musician does.

He remained seated and hopelessly wished everyone else would, too, but her bouncing bottom made up for it. Taunting him by thrusting her sumptuous ass in his direction and giggling when she looked back, he finally smacked her good, getting a very brief surprised look from her, only to have it back in his face with another girlish laugh. With pauses in between, he spanked her several times before the encore built to its crescendo and the concert was over, with clapping, screams, and whistles calling for another encore until the house lights came up.

The group slowly made their way outside to the streets leading to their dorms and apartments. Melissa’s was one of the first, and Tom gave her a short, requisite kiss before going on his way with the gang. Corey looked back to see Melissa standing at her door, watching them walk away. Only he was looking, and even at a distance, it appeared she was looking at him. Seeing her leaning against the wall, he hung back from the group until he could no longer hear their conversation.

He stopped walking, turning to face Melissa, and when she pulled away from the wall but didn’t move, he looked briefly back at his friends and started walking toward her. A cute smile greeted him as he approached. Within reach, she reached out to take his hand in hers.

“Would you like to come inside, hun?” she asked, pulling him towards her door.

“What about Tom?” he asked, not sure if he cared how she answered.

“We’re not really together anymore. I’d like to … to be with you tonight, Corey?” she said more as a request.

He let her lead him inside, and as soon as the door was closed, her arms were around him, pulling him in for a short kiss at first but then a longer embrace, her soft lips gliding smoothly over his. Her trademark cute little girl smile grew as their eyes danced with each other when their lips weren’t attached.

“Would you like something to drink? I’m afraid all I have is soda. Coke?” she asked and went to the kitchen area of her studio apartment to get it when he nodded. The bright fluorescent lights marred the atmosphere, and she turned them off quickly once she’d found the Cokes, returning to the futon sofa where he sat.

He couldn’t believe he was alone with her, and though having dreamed of such a night, his lack of experience left him unsure of how to proceed. She removed the hoodie she’d worn to the concert, giving him an eyeful of her tight T-shirt bursting at the seams, with her large tits begging to be set free, before sitting next to him and placing her drink on the table.

“Corey?” she started, placing her hand on his knee, “I couldn’t help noticing the way you looked at my butt tonight.”

“You have a very sexy bottom, Melissa,” he replied, looking into her eyes.

“Oh yeah?” she questioned as she stood up and turned her back to him, her jean-clad cheeks just inches from his face. “Is that why you smacked it?” she asked, looking down at him and swaying her hips enticingly.

“Oh, um. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have …,’ he started.

“I liked it!” she interrupted as she bent forward with her hands on her knees. “Do it again? Please?” she pled, with a bitten lower lip and eyes closed. Dumfounded, he slapped her right cheek playfully, unable to believe she was asking him to do it. “Again!” she said, shoving her big round bottom in his face. Another much harder smack, getting an ‘Ooo!’ from her before asking for another. “Harder!” she begged and took a step forward, giving him more room to swing. “Ow! Oh, yeah!” she cried as she looked back at him from her bent posture.

“Melissa, you’re being a very naughty girl!” he accused, finally getting his wits about him, not wanting to squander such a fantastic opportunity.

“I know. Are you gonna give me a spanking?” she asked with a sorrowful look that grew into a smile.

“I should pull your pants down, put you across my knee, and spank you like a naughty little girl!”

“I’m sorry, Corey! I deserve a spanking on my bare bottom, don’t I?” she asked as she turned to face him, her tight jeans ready to be taken down.

She folded her arms behind her while he opened the button and zipper of her pants before tugging on the waist to ease them down in seesaw fashion until he finally got them over her ample hips, revealing her tight, baby-blue panties. She pulled them up tight into her crotch, the sheer fabric conforming to her female shapes, and smiled when he openly licked his lips at the sight of her meaty labia with a dark line of moisture between them.

Leaving the jeans wrapped around her knees, he turned her sideways and pulled her down onto his lap, bent at the waist over his right thigh. Panty freak that he was, he straightened the disheveled fabric, smoothing it over her big, beautiful bottom and making it slip into her deep cleft.

“You don’t just deserve to get spanked. You want to get spanked, don’t you, Melissa?”

“Yes! Yes, Corey! Spank me!” she begged as she lifted her hips in invitation. “Oh! Oh, God,” she cried as he rubbed and squeezed her squishy cheeks before landing the first firm spank on the very bottom of her far cheek, waiting for the jiggly flesh to settle before treating the other to the same.

“Oh, fuck!” she groaned as he settled into a slow rhythm, getting an occasional ‘Ow!’ when his hand met her fleshy cheek just right.

Though this was a first for them both, their fantasies had prepared them for this desired eventuality, each seeing the other as an expert in their role.

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While she seemed to know what to do, Melissa was entranced with the reality of her crush, Corey, spanking her just the way she’d imagined it and already anticipated the feeling of his hand on her naked bottom. Having pulled her panties up tight, she could now feel the dampening gusset against her pussy.

Corey was similarly amazed at how his night had turned out. He wasn’t a typical ‘daddy’ or ‘master,’ not interested in the discipline or sadism part of BDSM; instead, his vision involved someone who wanted and liked to be spanked. She seemed the perfect partner in his spanking fantasy, and he hoped to make her cum while he was spanking her.  

“You know I’m going to pull your panties down before I’m through spanking you?” he phrased as a question.

“Yes!” she exclaimed loudly, and before he could stop her, she’d slid off his lap and stood directly before him. “Take them off?” she asked as his hands barely touched the elastic waist and instead reached for her jeans to pull them down and off over each foot in turn. Turning his attention back to her panties, he slid them easily over her hips and further as tendrils of her copious juice formed and broke as he peeled them away from her sopping wet crotch. He let them fall to her ankles, where she stepped out of them and flung them aside with her foot.

Reaching behind her, he smacked her left cheek while sliding a finger into her steamy slit. Sharp, uneven breaths escaped her lips as the pain and pleasure mixed. “Oh fuck, Corey!” she cried as he switched sides, her right cheek getting it even harder while his finger hooked inside, wriggling in her slit while her plump cheeks bounced in response to the harder spanks.

Putting his hands on her hips, ready to take her back over his knee, she asked him to ‘Wait!’ while she pulled her tight top up and off. Reaching back for the clasp of her bra, she freed her magnificent tits that bounced on her chest in celebration of their liberation. Inches from his face, her nipples stared back at him, but before he could suck one of them in, she grabbed them and smothered his face between them, pressing the soft mounds against his cheeks, giggling at his stunned reaction.

“Get back over my knee, you naughty little girl!” he ordered when the delicious smothering stopped, Melissa still giggling as she lay back in his lap.

“Give me a spanking, Corey! Spank my bare bottom!” she demanded, looking back at him over her shoulder.

“You’re gonna get a good spanking, little girl,” he said, the ‘good’ part being all the other stimulation he would treat her to while still smacking her magnificent ass.

Starting slowly but increasing the pace quickly, it wasn’t long before she was getting a steady stream of spanks, and he an almost continuous mixture of ‘ohs’ and ‘ows!’ Her soft, fleshy cheeks in a constant state of undulating motion kept his attention until she spread her legs enough for him to see the glistening lips of her very wet pussy.

Melissa loved the almost-pain, and remembering how much she liked being spanked and fingered at the same time when she’d stood naked in front of him, she’d spread her legs apart as much as her position would permit, hoping to encourage more.

He wasn’t counting, but judging from the darker pink developing evenly on her bouncing bottom, he thought it was time for a rest. Softly caressing her appetizing ass, he bent to kiss each side in turn, pressing his face into the pliant mounds, Melissa humming her appreciation.

Ready to resume, an idea struck him from something he’d read online, and he decided to try it. Giving each cheek a few spanks at a time, he gradually increased the intensity and the number until she’d gotten at least ten hard smacks on one side, Melissa holding her breath as the count rose.

“Oh my God!” she screamed when he stopped and scraped his longer-than-usual fingernails across the brighter red patch of punished flesh, her body arching in his lap in the process. Her cries were even louder when he repeated the pattern on the other side, and she nearly fell off his lap from the resulting writhing. “Do it again!” she pled.

He repeated the process on both sides with a longer and harder series of spanks preceding the over-stimulation from his fingernails. When she landed back in position, her far leg had fallen off his lap, leaving her thighs parted invitingly. His left hand slid underneath, and realizing his intent, she lifted her hips to let him put his fingers where they both wanted them.

“Holy fuck!” she cried as his fingers slid easily through her flooded slit to penetrate her seeping pussy, just as the first spanks signaled the resumption of her pain/pleasure torment. Grinding against his palm pressed hard against her mound, while two fingers twisted inside her, the combined efforts of both hands were driving her toward a fantastic climax.

Repeating the fingernail trick on each side had her squirming uncontrollably in his lap, but when the harder-than-ever spanks returned, she went over the edge, screaming, “Holy fucking shit!” as her body jerked spastically while she lay draped across his knees.

After planting numerous soft kisses on each red cheek, he bent to her ear to whisper, “Did you like that, naughty girl?”

“Mm-hm,” was all she could manage.

“Do you want more?”

“Oh God! Uh!” she grunted, still unable to breathe evenly. “Yes. Yes! Do it again!” she finally demanded.

“Stand up. We’ll do it a little differently this time.”

He helped her up and led her to her small but sturdy kitchen table and had her bend over it with her elbows on the surface. She was still coming down from her peak when he spanked her yet again, playfully at first.

“Oh, Corey! I can’t believe …” she started but stopped when she felt his fingers trace a line down between her cheeks, between her slippery lips, and into her pussy again, with two then three fingers fucking her tight cunt. Spreading her legs further apart, she encouraged him with words and gyrating hips, but she had no idea what was coming next.

While he couldn’t believe himself how well it was going, he knew it was largely due to his sexy, naughty, and willing Melissa, and now he was going to reward her willingness.

Kneeling behind her, he swatted at her bottom, with vertical swipes all over one cheek, and anticipating what was coming, Melissa pushed her hips back, inviting him to spank even harder. She couldn’t see him prepare her for what he hoped would be a massive overload as he positioned his face just between her cheeks. He stopped spanking and scraped the red patch on her right cheek, but just as she was reacting to that, he pulled his fingers out of her pussy and replaced them with his tongue, his face pressed into the cleft between her red hot buns.

Groaning and moaning unintelligibly, she felt another orgasm approaching fast, the explosion coming when he spanked her as hard as he could in his present position, his reward a flood of her slick syrup all over his face.

She fell flat on the tabletop, unable to move as her legs no longer supported her, her gigantic tits squishing out the sides and her body still convulsing with aftershocks.

When she finally opened her eyes, she smiled at the sight of a naked Corey, his cock a long flagpole waving the white flag of her surrender.

“Yes,” she said softly, “fuck me, Corey!”

Lowering her back and raising her hips, she invited him in, and he entered easily, sliding deeply into her with a long, smooth stroke and a loud, “Ohhh!” She pushed back as much as she could but let him do most of the work, a concession to her fatigue.

Holding her by her red cheeks, he plumbed her depths with slower strokes going in, than coming out. He didn’t expect to last long as he’d been hard since her first invitation to spank her, but she seemed ready for another eruption as well, this time from the inside. Increasing his speed only marginally, he instead took his pleasure from the tight grip she had on his phallus, delighting in seeing her pussy clutching at his cock as it pulled out, only to push in harder.

“Oh! Oh! Ohhh!” she cried through labored breathing, somehow finding the energy to move in sync with him, feeling another orgasm approaching on the near horizon.

Feeling them both approaching their goal, he sped up, pounding her hips as she moved toward him, and just as he was about to come, he rammed his rod in and smacked both of her cheeks, triggering her as well.

“Holy fuck, Corey!” she cried at first, but as she was reduced to whimpering, she collapsed again on the tabletop as he used the last of his hardness squirming inside her while he lay atop her sated body.

Once he’d fallen out of her, he helped her to stand, took her in his arms, and kissed her passionately, her lips and body responding gently. He picked her up, carried her to the futon, and laid her down gently. Releasing the futon’s back support, it became a bed, and taking the comforter that had laid on the back, flipped it out to cover them both as he lay beside her.

“That was amazing,” she said, unable to find more colorful words.

“It was! I hope it was what you were expecting?” he asked, not knowing how many times she’d done this before.

“I had no idea what to expect. I’ve never been spanked before, but it was way beyond what I dreamed it could be,” she replied to his surprised face, kissing him lightly and repeatedly. “You must have done this a lot to make it feel like that?” she questioned, afraid of his answer, not wanting to be one of many.

“I’ve never done it either, Melissa!” he said to her equally stunned face. “But you were amazing! I hope we can do it again?” he asked, still lacking self-confidence.

“I can be a very naughty girl, Corey,” she said, biting her lower lip with a cute smile. “Will you spank me again when I’ve been bad?”

“I will,” he said with a gentle smile and another kiss before laying down beside her, her body and bottom still warm.


I hope you liked Melissa’s idea for getting a ‘good’ spanking! Please ‘like’ and/or ‘favorite’ it if you did. Thanks for reading!

Written by 2bespanked
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