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Hawtseet U - Chapter 1

"Amy and Daisy learn about their new school's disciplinary methods"

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Hawtseet U - Chapter 1

"We did it!" said Amy on the phone. "I just got the e-mail. They accepted me, too!"

"Yesss!" Daisy said, from the other side of the phone. "I knew you'd get in, too, Amy! OMG, this is great!"

"Yes, it is," Amy said. She took a deep breath, trying to get a hold of herself. Daisy was right: This was absolutely great.

It had been Amy's dream to be accepted in Hawtseet University, one of the most prestigious schools on the planet. It was also the most mysterious school on the planet. Its methods were absolutely sealed from the rest of the world. No one knew what happened in Hawtseet. It was a boarding school where students were completely secluded, with no communication coming in or out. The students were allowed a few days to be with their families during the holidays, but they all remained absolutely secretive about their stay at Hawtseet.

The only certainty was that every single student who graduated from Hawtseet went on to become one of the most successful people in the world, all of them sworn to secrecy regarding their time in the school. Leaders from all sorts of fields were Hawtseet graduates, and it was Amy's most fervent wish to become one of them. She knew it was probably going to be unimaginably intense, whatever it was that they did at that school, but she also knew that she wanted to be the best. She needed to be the best. And for that, she knew that Hawtseet was the only way to go.

And now her dream had come true! For both her and her best friend Daisy. It was going to be a big help to have her best friend along for the ride if indeed the school was going to be as hard as Amy guessed.


A few months later, Amy and Daisy arrived at Hawtseet. It was a beautiful, enormous building in the middle of vast green fields, which were in turn surrounded by forest-covered hills. Amy noticed another building -seemingly a perfect copy of the first one- a little further away. She wondered why the two buildings weren't closer to each other.

They were showed into the first building and Amy was immediately enamored by its romantic architecture and style. When the two girls registered, they were each assigned a room that they would share with a roommate.

"Can't Daisy be my roommate?" Amy asked the woman at the front desk.

"Most definitely not," the woman said. Then she smiled sinisterly at them. "Because of internal student guidelines, which you'll soon find out about."

The girls were disappointed but did not argue about it. Amy wondered for the millionth time what all the mystery was about. She also found it curious that the woman at the front desk had been fidgeting so much on her seat. Maybe she badly wanted to pee?

A few minutes later, Amy walked into her appointed room and was delighted to find out it was nothing short of huge. Also, she had been only expecting a bedroom, but it was more of a complete apartment, including a bedroom with a bathroom in it, a living room and a kitchen. But she was also confused to find that in the bedroom there was only one king-sized bed?

"Hey, roomie," said a pretty brown-haired girl who walked out of the bathroom. She leaned against the wall on her elbow. "I'm Karen. Nice to meet you."

"Uh, hi! I'm Amy," Amy said. She noticed that Karen was looking her up and down. Then she smiled at Amy.

"Hmm... I most definitely approve," Karen said.

"Huh? Approve of what?

"Approve of you," Karen said and giggled. "Never mind, I'll explain later. We have to run if we don't want to be late for class. And believe me, you don't want to be late for class in this place."

"Um, sure. Let's go."


Amy was pleased to see that her classroom was just as spacious and luxurious as the rest of the building. She took a seat next to Daisy, who was already there. They grinned at each other, unable to hide their excitement about this new chapter of their lives. Amy noticed that the rest of the seats were quickly filled by other girls and wondered why there was no boy in sight.

Then the teacher -a beautiful blonde woman with thick-framed glasses, who Amy guessed should be in her mid-twenties- walked in, greeted the class and introduced herself as Miss Hardy. She gave a brief introduction about Hawtseet, focusing on academic matters and the school's unparalleled record in producing the most successful professionals in the world, as well as an overview of the first semester's courses and topics. After that, she cleared her throat and announced that she was about to explain the 'special' rules of life at Hawtseet. Amy noticed that she was starting to blush.

"A few decades ago," Miss Hardy began. "Sir Paddlington Hawtseet created what is now known as the Hawtseet Overachieving Technique, commonly referred to as 'HOT'. He theorized that young overachievers, such as yourselves, could efficiently bring out their full potential by means of engaging in a series of patterns through a particular vertical structure."

Amy was completely focused on the young woman's words. She was finally going to learn some of Hawtseet's legendary secret methods!

"Sir Hawtseet financed a meticulous research program," Miss Hardy continued. "Based on select non-conventional scientific and behavioral theories of the time, which, through Hawtseet University, have long since been proved right. In fact, they surpassed all expectations. Even so, these theories remain exclusive to this institution, reserved for the few privileged minds and wealthy families of the world. In the coming months, you will all learn -and live- the specifics of HOT, but for now I'll give you the main elements and some basic guidelines to start with. Sir Hawtseet's research yielded the main following discoveries:

1. Physical beauty is directly linked to academic potential and professional performance. If you look around you, you will notice that all of the students here are reasonably attractive young girls.

2. Corporal punishment is directly linked to academic potential and professional performance. And I mean lots of corporal punishment. More on that later.

3. Humiliation is directly linked to academic potential and professional performance. And I'm not just talking about the humiliation of corporal punishment. Again, more on that later.

4. Sexual activity is directly linked to academic potential and professional performance. Yes, this means horniness is mandatory on school grounds. As is doing stuff to deal with that horniness, of course, which you’ll learn about later.

5. Vertical and authoritarian social structures are directly linked to academic potential and professional performance. And for you, first-year students, this means a lot. I'm part of the social structure too, by the way."

Amy's face looked as if she had peed herself. She actually wondered if she had. Did the teacher really say 'corporal punishment'? That couldn't be right, could it? Was that like making you run a few laps or something? A bad feeling was quickly growing in her stomach. And humiliation? Sexual activity? What the hell was this all about?

"I guess I should first explain the vertical structure part," Miss Hardy said. She seemed embarrassed for some reason. "Everyone in Hawtseet is part of a specific social class or category. You, as new students, are automatically part of the 'Brats' category. That's what you will be called in here."

"We're what?" Amy said. Other girls turned to look at her. She noticed that they all looked just as distressed as she was.

"You're Brats," Miss Hardy replied. "You're at the bottom rung of the social ladder. Every other social class has authority over you. And by authority I mean... remember I mentioned corporal punishment?"

"You've got to be kidding!" a girl with short, black hair said from the front row.

"Not at all. Also, you have all met your roommates, haven't you? Well, new students are always roomed with a member of the next immediate social class, which is the "Girlies' social class. So your roommates are all Girlies. And your particular roommate is responsible for you, so she will be directly dealing your disciplinary routine, as well as receiving discipline themselves based on your individual performance."

"D-discipline?" Daisy said.

"Yes. Spankings, mostly," Miss Hardy said. "Although there will be other kinds of discipline. So you roommates will be spanking you on a daily basis and on most days you will receive several spankings. And your roommates will be getting spanked, too, based on your academic and personal performance. You are their responsibility, after all."

"This is crazy!" Daisy said.

"On the contrary," Miss Hardy said. "This is exactly what has made Hawtseet graduates some of the foremost leaders in the world. The HOT method works! Anyway, the five social classes in Hawtseet are: Brats, Girlies, Skanks and Ladies. You guys answer directly to Girlies, although you might -and will- also recieve discipline from Skanks and Ladies.

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Then Girlies answer to Skanks, and Skanks answer to Ladies. Later on we will discuss how you can upgrade your social status. How you Brats can become Girlies, I mean."

"Is this a fucking joke?" The short-haired girl from the front row said, standing up. "I'm not into these pervert games of yours. I'm out of here! And just wait until daddy hears about this. He'll sue your ass for all you're worth!"

"I don't think so, Miss Worthington," Miss Hardy said. She had instantly turned from an embarrassed young girl to a firm, no-nonsense looking young woman. "Your parents are fully aware of our methods, as are the parents of every girl in this room. They signed an agreement where they pretty much handed you over to us until you graduate from Hawtseet. You'll be able to see them on holidays - if you keep a good behavior, of course. What this means is that now your ass legally belongs to us, so unless you want to start learning what we are willing to do to it -to your ass, I mean- you will keep quiet, pay attention and sit the fuck down."

The Worthington girl hesitated for a moment, but then sat back down. Everyone else seemed to sit up straight.

"Good," Miss Hardy said. "Oh and by the way, swearing is allowed and even encouraged in Hawtseet, so feel fucking free to fucking swear as much as you’re fucking able to. All part of the method. Now, as I was saying, your Girlie roommate will deal discipline, as well as attend to your humiliation and sexual activity needs. She is in charge of you and if you ever get too out of hand for her, it will mean really, really bad news for both of you. Believe me, you do not want to disobey your roommate.”

"Excuse me, Miss Hardy, did you say you were part of the social structure, as well?" A spectacled black girl said from the seat next to Amy's. It surprised Amy to see that the girl looked completely calm and not at all fazed by the information they'd just been given. "Also, you mentioned five social classes, but named only four."

"Very observant, Miss Preston," Miss Hardy said. "Yes, the teachers are part of the structure, too, as the method requires. Sadly, this doesn't mean that we're above all of the students. For example, I just recently became a Skank myself, which means I still answer to the Ladies and to the fifth and final social level."

"So you... you get discipline from students?" A girl from the back said. "You get spanked by students?"

Miss Hardy sighed. "Yes, I do. Some of my students are actually higher than me in the social ladder. And sometimes they ask me to meet them right after class for a good spanking. And they spank quite hard, those bitches. In fact, I just got it from one of them less than an hour ago. Which is why I haven't sat down at all during this class, if you hadn’t noticed" she said as she rubbed her bottom and winced. "Oohh, it still smarts!"

"And about the fifth and final social level?" The Preston girl said.

"Oh, right," Miss Hardy said. "Well, one of the findings of Sir Hawtseet's research was that vertical structures worked best with a single person at the top. So the fifth and final social level consists of only one person."

"The principal," Daisy said.

Miss Hardy chuckled. "I wish! No, the principal is a Skank, just like me. She's barely older than me, in fact, so don't be so surprised about that when you see her. No, the top girl in Hawtseet University is Madeline O'Donnell," she said the name with a noticeable shiver.

"So she has been longer in here than even the principal?" Daisy said.

"Oh, no," Miss Hardy said. "Time is not a big factor in the mechanics of social-climbing. Miss O'Donnell is starting her third year as a student in Hawtseet. But still, she has managed to climb to the top of the social ladder already. How she managed that is a story for another day. Right now you should be more concerned about what is expected of you as Brats. Good grades, punctuality and overall excellent academic performance are a given, of course. But you should also behave deferentially to girls with a higher social status. And there are some special guidelines you must follow while you remain Brats. For instance, you are not allowed to wear any make-up. You also cannot wear high heels, short skirts or basically your clothing should never resemble a woman's or even a teenager's, but more of a little girl's. You must also keep your pubic area clean shaven, with not a hair in sight. Oh well, I guess you'd better read the full guidelines from the leaflets I will hand you after class. Your roommate will be helpful with these requirements, too. Any questions you have, you can ask your roommate."

"D-did you say 'shaven'?" Daisy said.

"Yes, completely shaven," Miss Hardy replied. "You will be allowed a little hair when and if you become a Girlie. Oh, and one final thing: You must have wondered why you haven't seen any boys in here. The answer is that the HOT method proved to be quite difficult to implement when both sexes were living and studying together. It led to some catastrophic results in the first generation of students. So now the boys live and study in a separate building, which you must have seen in the distance when you arrived. You will be able to interact with the boys on specific dates and doing specific activities, but it is strictly forbidden to do so outside authorized occasions. Anyway, I’ve already given you too much info to digest. I think we're done for now. Everyone take a leaflet and then go get something to eat at the cafeteria. You must all be pretty hungry."

Hungry? Amy wondered if she'd ever in life regain her appetite! The information that had just been unloaded on her was nothing short of devastating. It was insane! And yet... and yet it had to make sense. How else could Hawtseet graduates be so successful if not through a strict, secretive method like this one? It all fit, somehow. She hated the idea of submitting to everything she'd just heard about. But she also relished the idea of being a successful leader in her professional life. After all, Miss Hardy was right: They were all overachievers. Rich, attractive overachievers.

"OMG, can you believe this, Amy?" Daisy said when they were standing outside the classroom.

"I know. It's crazy, right?" Amy said. "I just don't know what to think. Spankings? I have never been spanked in my life!"

"Yeah, me too! And sexual activity? What do you suppose it means?"

"I'm sure we'll find out soon eno... uh, hello? Can we help you?" Amy said, looking at the two girls standing behind Daisy. They were two of the girls that had spoken up in class: Worthington and Preston, Amy remembered their last names were.

"Huh? Oh, right!" Daisy said. "I forgot to introduce you to our new friends. These are Deva Worthington and Janice Preston. Guys, this is Amy, my best friend!"

"Hi!" Janice said, with a sweet smile.

"Hey," Deva said. She was still looking as annoyed as she had in class.

"What? You mean you made two friends already?" Amy said. "But how...? I mean, the class just ended less than a minute ago. Typical you, I guess."

"Let's go get something to eat. I'm starving!" Daisy said.

They all agreed and walked toward the cafeteria, which looked more like a restaurant to Amy. It even had waitresses (all of them young and pretty, like the rest of the Hawtseet population). The food was delicious and the four girls discussed the rules they'd just been explained. They all expressed a great deal of distress over those rules, with the exception of Janice, who seemed completely fine with them.

Then Amy heard someone in a nearby table raising their voice, turned to see what was happening and, for the very first time, witnessed discipline taking place at Hawtseet: One girl was pulling another girl over her lap, right then and there on a restaurant/cafeteria chair. Then she lifted the girl's skirt, lowered her panties and started spanking her on the spot. It amazed Amy to no end that such a scene was happening, let alone in public. The spanker looked truly annoyed and the spanked girl howled and squirmed as the punishment went on and on. But it amazed Amy even more to notice that most of the other girls in the cafeteria were paying no attention to the proceedings and continued eating and chatting as if nothing out of the ordinary was going on. Only Amy and some other new students were staring at the scene, in disbelief.

"Holy shit," Daisy said.

"What the hell is going on in this place?" Deva said.

Janice shrugged. "She must have been naughty, I guess."

"Naughty?" Amy said. "What are we, five-year-olds?"

"I think that's pretty much our social status," Janice replied. "Considering what Miss Hardy explained."

"A-Amy?" Daisy said.


"I... I don't want to get spanked!"

"M-me neither..." Amy said, shivering at the thought. "But I think what we want doesn't matter anymore, Daisy. It doesn’t matter at all."

To be continued...

Written by rick1463
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