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Hannah Changes Things

"Hannah is a PA but discovers her bosses secret desires"

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Tom was thirty-eight, single, and the CEO of a successful company with about thirty staff.

Hannah was thirty-four and had been with the company almost from the start, and worked closely with Tom as his personal assistant. She was tall but not quite as tall as Tom, very slim and without many curves, but a beautiful woman with the most attractive face, blazing eyes, sexy slim arms and legs, long dark hair that flowed over her shoulders, and a haughty authoritative voice, all of which Tom found extremely sexy.

Hannah and Tom got on very well working together but kept it completely as a working relationship. Hannah would attend meetings with Tom, even with clients at lunch, and Tom would often ask Hannah's view before making a decision. However, it was known between them that he made the final decision.

Whilst the CEO and in charge, and was well respected by the whole of the team who looked upon him as the alpha male, privately Tom had more submissive desires. Not at work, but outside of work, he often imagined himself being subject to the disciplinary control of an authoritative woman. In his spare time, he wrote stories about men like him who were alpha but also submissive, and they were disciplined by women. He enjoyed writing detailed descriptions of their punishments, which ranged from bare-bottom spankings to several dozen strokes of the cane.

His descriptions of the women varied, though he regularly thought about Hannah and made her the dominant woman in the story. He often smiled to himself when at meetings with her, imagining that it was her who was making the final decision, although when it came to that reality he was still the one who did decide what was going to happen.

Nevertheless, Tom happily described the dominant woman exactly like Hannah, slim, with no curves, but an unquestionably beautiful face, with long dark hair, and invariably dressed in a sleeveless top, normally low cut even though there was no cleavage, and wearing a short skirt but no stockings or tights and so with bare legs.

Tom loved describing being across Hannah's lap with his face so close to her upside-down legs, although he also explained that he saw his own legs dangling under the far side of the chair. Nevertheless, he always got himself turned on writing those stories particularly when he was describing Hannah's involvement.

Their working relationship was such that Hannah would always be the one who made coffee for them both and would be the one who went out to get their lunches at the sandwich bar when they were having lunch at the office. That was all normal amongst those at the office. Again, though, as Tom imagined Hannah having disciplinary control over him, he often imagined that he made her coffee and got her lunch.

The company owned the building they were occupying and, as well as offices, there was a flat on the top floor. Tom would stay there during the week, but go to his house out in the country for the weekends. It worked well for him because he didn't have to travel to and from the office so, in a way, that added at least two hours to his workday. It meant that he was alone in the office at both the start and end of the day, but he never minded that.

Hannah was one of the few members of the team who had seen the flat, but that was because things needed to be done up there from time to time and she was the one who would organise that for Tom.

One day, the relationship did change. Hannah came into Tom's office and made a point of closing the door. She would do that anyway when there might be some kind of private conversation about another member of the team or a forthcoming meeting with a client when they didn't want to be interrupted. Tom wasn't surprised, therefore, when Hannah came in and closed the door.

Tom was surprised when Hannah didn't sit down, but looked seriously at him and said, "I need to discuss something with you, Tom."

Tom knew that Hannah only ever said that when there was something really serious to point out to him. So he replied, "Okay."

Hannah decided to jump right in with her issue. She explained, "I needed to check your computer. I saw your browsing history." She waited a moment to see Tom's reaction and there was a worried look on his face. She continued, "I saw that you had been browsing websites where women were disciplining men. Lots and lots of websites, with photographs and videos. Not one had a man disciplining the woman. Initially, I thought it couldn't be you browsing those sites and that somebody must have had access to your computer. However, I came to the conclusion that was not the case. So I'm guessing it was you looking at all of those websites." She waited a few moments and then said in a much more haughty, commanding voice, "Was it?"

Tom was taken totally by surprise but the immediate shock disappeared because he had wanted to tell Hannah for quite some time how he saw her, as a woman who would discipline him, in addition to all of the work she did with him. After all, he looked at her as a friend he could trust. He had even been having thoughts about Hannah today because she was wearing one of his favourite sleeveless dresses with a very high hem, showing off her bare arms and legs, just the way that he loved to see her.

Hannah's tone of voice just then was enough to make him want to tell Hannah the truth, and he replied, "Yes, it was,"

Then Hannah made a comment that totally shocked Tom. "I have dominatrix desires, so we need to go up to the flat and we can both do what you want to happen to you."

Tom wasn't sure that he actually wanted it to happen, except he did feel an erection coming so wasn't sure what to say.

Hannah saw the thoughtful look on Tom's face and said in a very authoritative tone, "It wasn't a question, Tom, it was an order. Let's get going."

That order set off so many feelings in Tom's head. This was the Hannah he had imagined spanking and caning him and was the woman he described as the dominatrix in so many of the stories that he wrote. Of course, it wasn't just about a dominatrix, but about wives and girlfriends who took on the dominant role in the relationship and it was the man who was the submissive. He had got so many erections and exploded in so many orgasms as he wrote those stories.

Now, Hannah was asking, or actually telling him, that she wanted to bring to life that role-play, and he was hardly able to deny her now he had confirmed it was his browsing history she had found on his computer. He still wasn't sure how she managed to see it, but here was exactly the opportunity he wanted to have, and he knew that the reason he hadn't had the courage to broach the subject with Hannah before now was because they worked together in the office. How would that change, he wondered? However, given the authoritative tone of voice that she had used in telling him that it was going to happen, he supposed he had little say now. Of course, as her boss he had a huge amount that he could have said, but right then he chose not to.

To emphasise his acceptance of being submissive to her, Tom said, "Okay, Miss Hannah." Having been so respectful to his PA he was suddenly more relaxed bearing in mind this was an instruction given to him by Hannah, and so he even smiled as he said it.

Hannah smiled to herself at the show of respect that Tom was showing her. After all, they had worked together for several years and she saw him as a serious part of her life, although always as her boss. She had thought, from time to time, that they could become an item, but she had always held back for fear that if that relationship fell apart, then so would her job. It wasn't so much the money, but she really did love her job and loved working with Tom.

Now the scene was set, Hannah maintained her authoritative position and led the way out of Tom's office, to the lift, and then, once the lift came and they were inside, she was the one who pressed the button that took the lift up to the flat. Her office pass was needed to be able to press that particular lift button, but she had done it regularly.

Once they got to the flat, Hannah led the way to the bedroom because she knew the layout so well. In fact, she had discovered the browsing history some days beforehand but chose today to tell Tom because she had put things in the bedroom that she would need in order to deal with him in the way that he clearly wanted to be dealt with.

Tom found himself obediently following Hannah from his office to the flat, and all the time the bulge in his trousers was expanding. He realised that Hannah had seen it, and smirked, but he doubted anyone else in the office would have seen it as they walked towards the lift. Once in the flat, he still obediently followed Hannah and was surprised to find her going to the bedroom. Surely the living room with the dining table and dining chairs was more appropriate if he was going to go across her lap to be spanked, he thought.

When Hannah had been up to the flat earlier today, she had moved one of the dining chairs into the bedroom. Had this not worked out as she had planned, she would have simply acted surprised that she had left the chair in the bedroom, but as it had worked out, what she did was go over to the chair and sit down, making sure that her dress had risen well up her thighs. After all, she was looking forward to having Tom's erection press down on her bare thighs as he bent across her lap. Once happily seated, she opened her handbag and took out a wooden-backed hairbrush, knowing that in all of those websites that Tom had browsed, there were lots of photographs of women spanking the men with this type of hairbrush. Therefore, it was amongst the many fantasies that he had.

As Tom watched Hannah sit down, pull the hem of her dress right up, and then take out the paddle hairbrush, he was forgetting all about their working relationship and now focused on the simple fact that he was obeying Hannah, and wanted to. He saw her slim legs and couldn't wait to bend across her lap, and still loved everything about her.

Hannah was waiting to see whether Tom raised any objections, but he didn't. She, therefore, ordered in her authoritative tone of voice, "Naughty boys should be naked when disciplined. Get undressed."

Both Tom and Hannah knew that so many of the photographs on the sites that he had browsed had the men naked but the women clothed, with several having the women in the kind of skimpy clothes that she was wearing today. Hannah loved wearing this type of clothing because although she didn't have so many feminine curves, she felt very confident with her body and knew that men found her attractive.

Tom was certainly up for being naked and quickly kicked off his shoes before unbuttoning his shirt and sliding it down his arms, catching it, and throwing it onto the bed. He was about to undo his trousers but Hannah snapped at him, "Fold your clothes, boy."

Tom gasped at the instruction but immediately did as he was told. He loved the fact that he was getting into submissive mode so quickly, and supposed that the instruction Hannah gave him was intended to do that. After folding the shirt, he undid his trousers and pushed them down towards the floor, catching his underpants on the way, stepped out of both and scooped them up, and this time folded both his trousers and underpants and put them with his shirt. He then bent down and took off his socks and put them with his other clothes, before standing back up, fully naked, knowing that he had a really stiff erection.

Hannah again saw the erection and kept a straight face whilst smiling to herself, pointed to her lap, and ordered, "Get across my lap, you naughty boy."

Moments later, Tom had bent across Hannah's lap and had the view of her slim upside-down bare legs and loved the fact that the close-up view was a million times better than the one he had imagined. He loved, even more, the feel of her hand rubbing his bottom in circles and prepared himself to find out just how easy it would be to cope with a spanking, or maybe it wouldn't be anywhere near as easy as he had imagined.

Hannah loved the control that she had over Tom, although still wondered whether he would resist later on because she did intend to give him a seriously hard punishment. The start was to spank him with her hand, which she did initially on alternate bottom cheeks, enjoying how his bottom cheeks surrendered to her hand, flattening before swirling around and bouncing back just as she spanked the other bottom cheek. She continued spanking on alternative bottom cheeks, enjoying what she was doing more and more because she really did have those dominatrix desires, which seemed to match in reverse the submissive desires that Tom had.

Tom found he was actually enjoying being spanked. He had never been spanked when younger, although once, at sixth form college, one of the female teachers had smacked his legs when he hadn't been quiet at the end of a gym class. He always wondered whether that had set off his submissive desires, because she was dressed in her gym kit and so a vest top and very short skirt which showed off her bare arms and bare legs. She had a very authoritative tone of voice, at least he thought so given that she was a teacher and he was a college student. He didn't know that kick-started his submissive desires for sure, but he had also regularly pictured her being the one who spanked him as he masturbated in bed at night. Then, when Hannah dressed in the same skimpy clothes his fantasy quickly turned to her.

Even when Tom realised that Hannah was now spanking the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then the other bottom cheek several times in a row, he still found the experience exciting albeit that his bottom was starting to sting in a way that it hadn't ever before. He also loved the way that he saw how Hannah's calf muscles tensed, just as he had imagined they would, but the reality was electric.

After quite a while of seriously spanking Tom, Hannah stopped spanking him with her hand and started to spank him with the hairbrush. She loved the louder gasps and yelps Tom made but didn't hold back as she knew that he wanted to experience a true thrashing and she wanted to experience giving one.

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Tom did find it more difficult to cope. He didn't mind that because he knew that it wouldn't be a proper spanking if he could cope, and, in a way, it would hardly be a meaningful real-life experience if he did cope. So, he reckoned the harder, the better.

On and on, the spanks landed with the hairbrush. Hannah loved the fact that Tom was staying in position lying across her lap, fairly sure that his erection was no more, but expected it to return in due course. She heard his louder and louder gasps and yelps, knew that as they were in the flat she was the only one hearing them, and wondered whether Tom was enjoying it as much as she was. She doubted it.

Tom hadn't thought that being spanked with a hairbrush could hurt as much as it did and supposed that she was spanking him much harder because he was her boss and wanted to show him that he was being thrashed even because of that. He rather liked that idea and certainly didn't hold anything against Hannah because, after all, she had discovered his innermost secret and was taking advantage of it.

Once Hannah saw the bruises on Tom's bottom, she knew the highlight of the punishment was soon to come. She stopped spanking him with the hairbrush, put it down on the bed, and then glared at the back of his head and ordered, "Okay, Tom, get up off my lap. It's time to give you the cane."

Tom heard the instruction and, although his bottom was stinging so intensely, he did manage to push himself up from Hannah's lap. He wasn't expecting to be caned and knew he didn't have a cane in the flat so wondered what Hannah was going to use.

Once standing, he stood and watched, albeit through blurred vision because of the tears that had welled up in his eyes, as Hannah went to the top of the bed and picked up a hook-ended cane from under the pillows. She had put it there when in the flat earlier.

Tom saw the cane and was wide-eyed but had wanted to be caned in his fantasies and was so pleased that Hannah had arranged that as well.

Then, Hannah took the pillows from the top of the bed and placed them one on top of the other in the middle of the bed, before ordering, "Lie on top of those pillows. I want your bottom at the highest point."

Tom eagerly did as he was told and moments later his bottom was perched on top of the pile of pillows and he supposed was in a really good position to be caned.

It was then that Hannah explained as she enjoyed looking at Tom's naked body with the lovely red and blue bruised bottom cheeks, "I came up earlier, and as well as bringing the cane, I put these leather cuffs in place so you could be secured in position. I thought that made sense."

Tom wasn't sure what Hannah was saying until she took hold of the first leather cuff which was on the floor, secured at one end to the leg of the bed, and, as she brought the other end with the leather cuff to above the bed, she said, "I am going to tie this leather cuff around your wrist. I have one for the other wrist and two for your ankles. You will remember seeing when you browsed the Internet men and women secured in place like this for when they were caned or whipped. It helped them stay in position and take their punishments. Don't argue or resist, but just accept it's going to happen. I can tell you that my knickers are already damp by the excitement I am feeling having spanked you and am now about to cane you."

Tom liked the fact that Hannah was aroused by being the dominatrix. He was also turned on at the thought of being secured in position. He had dreamt about it happening to him, and now it was. He lay there obediently as Hannah secured both wrists and then went to the other end of the bed and secured both his ankles. All the leather cuffs were close to the corners of the double-width bed, so once secured in position he was lying spread-eagled, still with his bottom perched on top of the pillows.

It was then that Tom turned his head and looked towards Hannah and asked, "How many strokes am I going to get, Miss Hannah?"

Hannah scoffed at Tom, "Really? You ask that question only after you have been secured in position. Well, you are a very naughty boy, and I haven't decided yet how many strokes of the cane you are going to get. In fact, I will only decide to stop when I want to stop, not when you want me to stop which is going to be well before when I want to stop. Understood, naughty boy?"

Tom was shocked to suddenly understand that he really did have no say about how many strokes of the cane he was going to get. He was used to being the one who made all of the decisions, but now it was Hannah who was going to make the decision because he couldn't resist at all. There was no way he was going to release himself from these leather cuffs, and so he would have to lie there as Hannah landed stroke after stroke. The thought worried him but he realised it also excited him at the same time.

Hannah had really enjoyed explaining to Tom how she was the one in charge right then, and the ultimate acceptance on his face made her so happy. Better still, was that she thought that she had enjoyed spanking him so much with her hand and hairbrush, but knew from the way she was so excited right then that she was going to enjoy caning him even more. She was telling the truth when she had told Tom that her knickers were already damp with that excitement, which was so cool, she told herself.

Having positioned herself so that she knew the arc of the stroke would bring the cane down wholly on Tom's bare bottom, when she did land the first stroke she loved the way that the cane bit into his bottom, how Tom yelped and pulled at the wrist cuffs but without success of course. She didn't stop and landed the second and then the third stroke, each time enjoying the loud thwacking noise followed by Tom's yelp, and again saw him pulling at the wrist cuffs.

As each stroke continued to land, Tom knew that he was struggling more and more to cope. When he had watched those videos of women caning the men, that is what he was watching, men struggling to cope. He used to say to himself that he would be able to cope, but, maybe, Hannah was caning him much harder than she would if he wasn't secured in place, although, all in all, he definitely preferred it this way. The fact that this was a real punishment, and because he didn't know how many strokes of the cane she was going to give him, he loved the fact that Hannah was in total control of him. This was satisfying so many of his fantasies and making them real.

Hannah continued to land stroke after stroke, relishing how she was painting thick parallel welts from the centre of his bottom making her way down towards his thighs. She didn't cane his thighs but instead started to work her way back upwards, and covered the top half of his bottom as well. She realised that she had even lost count of the number of strokes that she had already given Tom, but then she didn't have to worry about that because afterward she could just say that was none of his concern but only hers. Either that, or she could simply make up a number, because, after all, Tom was not going to be in a very good position to dispute that as he was hardly going to be able to count each welt.

What Hannah also knew was that having this control was really exciting for her. She knew that her knickers were already damp and supposed they were now getting even damper and looked forward to fingering herself to an orgasm afterward, or, preferably, have Tom lick her to an orgasm. How cool would that be?

Tom knew that whilst he was struggling to cope he totally accepted that it was his problem and not Hannah's. After all, being spanked and caned well beyond what he could cope with was exactly the fantasy that he had wanted to live out, and realised that this wasn't guesswork on Hannah's part but what she knew he wanted from the films he watched and photographs he looked at when browsing those websites.

Occasionally, Tom managed to open his eyes, although they were normally tightly shut as he struggled with the pain of each stroke, certainly more so now after what must have been several dozen strokes compared to how he had coped with the first few strokes. Even so, he was coping better than he might have done because he wasn't begging Hannah to stop. Of course, he knew that if he did then it would probably lead Hannah to cane him even harder but right then, he knew how lucky he was to have Hannah there, as his PA, and now as his oh-so-feminine dominatrix.

Hannah was still excited as she continued to land stroke after stroke, but, looking at Tom's bottom and all of the welts that were now crisscrossing his bottom cheeks, she decided to stop. Again, she knew it was her decision, but she really did hope that Tom would not just keep her on as his PA, but as someone who would be able to spank and cane him again, either when he wanted to be, or, even better, when she wanted to.

Hannah put the cane down on the bed and then looked down at Tom and said, "I have decided that you have been caned enough. That is unless you want me to cane you some more, although, if you do, then once again it will be my decision how many strokes, not yours."

Tom heard what Hannah had said and actually got excited, knowing that she was up for caning him some more. That must mean that she would be up for caning him again in the future. What a win that would be for him.

However, he was very happy to have had his first taste of the reality of his fantasy, and so replied, "Thank you for caning me, Miss Hannah, but I would rather not have any more strokes of the cane just now." He hoped he had said it in such a tone of voice that it would clearly indicate that he would want her to cane him again in the future.

Hannah smiled because she certainly wasn't surprised that Tom had had enough, but read into his reply that he would want her to discipline him again in the future, and she replied, "I will now undo your cuffs and you can get up." That was what Hannah did and enjoyed the fact that it did take several seconds before Tom tried to get up even after all four cuffs had been released.

However, Tom did push himself off the bed, and, as soon as he did, he knew that he wanted to rub his stinging bottom cheeks but he stayed submissive and asked, "May I please rub, Miss Hannah?"

Hannah actually had other thoughts in mind and replied, "I told you that my knickers were damp. Does that interest you?"

Tom remembered all of those videos that ended with the man who had been punished then bringing the dominatrix to an orgasm. How could he have forgotten that? So he immediately replied, "Please let me say thank you first, Miss Hannah."

Hannah knew what that meant, from those videos, and immediately sat on the bed, slipping off her knickers and parting her legs wide. She looked up at Tom and ordered, "Do it."

Tom knew he had always had a thing for Hannah. She was very good at her job as well, and that was the priority, but he could never get her out of his mind and often thought about her when relaxing, and hoped things might change between them now. Even if they changed in this way, he would be very happy indeed.

Tom kneeled down between Hannah's legs and started to kiss her inner thighs working his way up to her stretched and already very wet pussy lips, and when there licked her up and down and edging his tongue inside her, and enjoying her erotic gasps. He even enjoyed it when Hannah clasped hold of his head to keep his face in place right where her pussy lips were and he licked even harder and managed to flick with his finger her very taut clit until she exploded in a huge orgasm.

As Hannah calmed down from her orgasm, she knew that some of the films ended with the dominatrix satisfying the sexual needs of the submissive. That was particularly so in a home life situation and she knew this was different from that, so whilst she wondered momentarily that maybe she should give Tom a blowjob or hand job, she decided that that was jumping the gun. So, she said, "Okay, Tom, you can rub your bottom or maybe go to the bathroom and get rid of that erection."

In fact, Tom felt exactly the same way, not wanting to jump the gun, knowing that he wanted Hannah to deal with him again like this, and, maybe in time, have a stronger even more meaningful relationship. He certainly didn't want to overstep the mark by insisting on having sex, and actually felt that Hannah was making the right choices yet again.

Before doing anything, Tom asked tentatively, "Are we good, still, Miss Hannah?"

Hannah was relieved as she had been worried about losing her job, but when she heard the question she smiled as she replied, "Yes, Tom, we are. I really enjoyed role-play disciplining you and hope you did."

Tom smiled as he replied, "I did Hannah, and would love you to do it again. In fact, you know my diary and if there is a gap and you are up for it, just order me to go to the flat, and I will."

Hannah smiled and replied, "I will, for sure." After a few moments, she added with a smirk, "I will add that duty to my job description, in my mind anyway."

Moments later, as Hannah heard the erotic gasps coming from the bathroom and she fingered herself to another orgasm, she knew that next time, and there would be a next time, she would give Tom a blowjob or handjob, or maybe have full intercourse. She was up for it.

Once Tom had calmed down after his orgasm he thought about Hannah and how he loved how dominant she was and was very happy for her to lead the way when it came to sessions like this one, and maybe at other times as well. With that, he was still very happy with his submissiveness and hoped his new dominatrix PA would want to build their lives together.

Written by Peter242
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