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Every Night?

"Learning who is control"

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For as long as I can recall I have had fantasies of submission and of being dominated, degraded and humiliated. In most of my relationships, I had tried to encourage my partner to spank or tease me and had adopted a submissive role. Most of the times it was fairly tame and playful although I had come across a few more...interesting types from time to time. More than one who was a bit scary.

For the last year or two of my school days and throughout university I bounced between teenage infatuations and playful dalliances with boys and, increasingly often, with girls. I had my share of spankings, some quite painful. I learned that being tied or cuffed was really quite scary, even with someone you trust a lot, and not something to playfully encourage with someone unless you know them very well. Genuine helplessness in cuffs or with your hands tied is scary and really made you consider what you knew about the other person walking around the room looking at you with hunger in their eyes.

When I first went out with Liam, I had already left university about two years before. He was athletic and fit and mostly sweet.  He held doors open for women (not just me) and tended to take the lead in decisions about what we did and where we went. All in a reassuringly and traditionally manly fashion without being condescending or "mansplaining" as he did so. We didn't get together through any shared interest in spanking or BDSM or indeed anything kinky. It was relatively early in our relationship, however, that we discovered that we shared an interest in that direction.

One evening we were cuddling and kissing on the sofa in front of the TV. I needed to go and pee and Liam held on to me, playfully teasing me and squeezing my tummy. He tickled me until I squealed that I would wet myself if he didn't let me go. It was all playful and tame, but nevertheless, he held me firmly enough that I really couldn't get up. He looked in my face with an oddly amused expression when he told me that I had to beg him to allow me to go and when he made me take off my jeans and panties before allowing me to run up to the bathroom. I wasn't really surprised when I came back from the bathroom and found that he didn't want to hand back my clothes straight away. He sent me into the kitchen to make coffee for us, nude from the waist down.

Over the next few days and weeks, this developed, initially from broadly similar repeats of the scene to me always needing to ask or undress before I could go to the loo. Soon Liam had developed a liking for teasing me, having me spend more time undressed. Spanking me when I objected or didn't comply with the detail of his teasing demands. Within a month or two we had gone from a fairly vanilla couple, albeit always reasonably active sexually, to having very clearly defined sub and dom roles in our relationship. I think that we both realized that whilst we clearly shared strong inclinations in this direction, this wasn't quite the answer to either of our fantasies, not to mention it was not a very practical lifestyle. Somehow we had got ourselves into a spiral where we seemed to need to become more extreme all the time in an effort to keep things exciting.

In bed one night Liam asked if I liked it when he spanked me. I said that it made me feel a little helpless. That I felt I was in his power, in his control. I told him that mostly this turned me on but sometimes it was a little bit too sore or sometimes it just annoyed me and wasn't really a turn on. Sometimes it even felt a little silly when we were acting out some games or fantasy.

Liam was quiet for a while, and I wasn't sure if what I'd said had upset or disappointed him. Perhaps I had spoiled things. Maybe that was the end of the spanking games. Perhaps it was even more than that. I lay wondering what to say, wondering how I really felt about this. What we had was important to me, it was just that, somehow, what we were doing lately was beginning to feel a little false or forced. Liam asking me to do something silly, me pretending to refuse or to try and fail to comply. Liam spanking me as a punishment for being so bad. It was becoming less fulfilling every day, and as a result, we were getting more extreme in the tasks and the punishments in an effort to maintain some level of excitement. But that just wasn't really doing it for either of us.

Before we fell asleep, Liam spoke. He was lying on his back, fully awake and speaking up to the ceiling. He'd clearly been considering things longer than just the last half hour and when he spoke it was more like he was announcing how it was now going to be, rather than making a suggestion. Liam said that he thought it would be good for me if he spanked me every night. Before bed. No more dreaming up reasons for needing a punishment or inventing ever more complex challenges for me to fail. Starting tomorrow night, he would spank me every night before I got in bed. That I would not undress, not go to bed until he spanked me. Without exceptions. He would decide how, where and how much he spanked me.


I didn't really say anything that night, and the next morning we got up without any further discussion. All day I couldn't get the anticipation out of my head. It was odd. Lately, Liam had been increasingly dominant with me. I was often teased or humiliated or spanked, but somehow this felt entirely different.  I would go home tonight and have to...what? I wasn't sure. Would it be erotic? Harsh? Just a token? Perhaps it was the very fact of the way Liam had just announced this and that it wasn't up to me which was exciting me.

Liam seemed to understand this, and when we both got home in the evening he was sweet and innocent and acting like no ten-ton elephant was stomping around the room! We made dinner together (not a very common occurrence) and other than a couple of affectionate pats and strokes as we passed one another, there was no hint of anything sexual; dominant or otherwise. Throughout the evening the crushing weight of the very normality of watching TV and drinking tea overlay the anticipation of the unknown, and left me almost unable to breath. Eventually, I could stand it no longer and an hour earlier than usual I announced that I was heading to bed. Liam just glanced at me, and in an entirely matter of fact tone told me,
"No, not yet Portia.”

I sat back on the sofa. I felt my face flush. What was happening?

Liam was undoubtedly the dominant partner, even outside of sexy games, but he didn't decide when I go to bed. He had spoken to me like I was a six year old. And now I had just done as I was told and sat down again without a word in protest. I sat chewing my lip and knowing my face was red. The longer that we didn't speak the bigger the issue seemed to become. What was I to do now? Should I sit and wait until told that I may go to bed? Or should I ask what time I was allowed to go? The situation seemed to be ludicrous. Meanwhile, Liam carried on watching a movie like it was the most normal evening.

I was sitting on the end of the sofa with my arms around my knees and realized that I was probably doing a good impression of a sulky child. This wasn't helped by the fact that when I came home, which felt like a lifetime ago, I had put on a short pleated skirt and thick mountain socks which I had hoped looked cute in anticipation of a sexy or playful evening. I took a deep breath, self consciously tried to retract my lower lip into a smile and looked over at Liam, hoping to give the impression that I was relaxed and not sulking.

Liam glanced over, smiled back and said. “The movie is over soon honey. Just wait until the end of the movie”.

He reached over and patted my thigh. “Good girl. Just be patient a little longer.”

And he went back to watching his movie.

“GOOD GIRL!” I screamed inside my head. “GOOD GIRL!?” What am I, a ten-year-old child? A Golden Retriever bringing back a stick? I felt my face heating again as I hugged my knees tighter and felt my lower lip growing again.

I stirred from my thoughts as Liam stood up and I realized that the credits were rolling on the screen.

“Cummon” he said cheerfully as he reached to take my hand and lift me up from the sofa.

“I'm going to grab a quick shower and get ready for bed. Would you do the lights and stuff?”

He paused at the door and turned to look at me meaningfully – for the first time since we got home from work. “....and Portia; don't get undressed or ready for bed until I say you can,”

And with that, he went off to the bathroom. Leaving me standing alone in the middle of the room with my mouth open and my cheeks growing redder.


I was standing by the bed unsure what to do to busy myself and feeling a bit silly when I heard the bathroom door open. Moments later Liam entered the room with damp hair wearing shorts and a tee. He stopped and looked at me, his head cocked to one side. I stood quietly, waiting. Liam walked over and touched the side of my face his fingers as he brushed by to sit on the side of the bed. He let his hand run down my left arm and took my hand, pulling me to stand in front of him where he took my right hand in his left and looked up into my face.

“Now baby girl, I know that you find all this a bit scary. And you're right. It is a little scary,  Portia.”

He paused and held my gaze, and my hands.

“But on the other hand, you don't really have any choice baby. And so there really isn't any benefit to worrying. From now on, it's not up to you anyway. Just be a good girl and trust me.”

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I could feel my face redden and was embarrassed to feel tears sting in my eyes. I didn't trust my voice to speak.

“You were annoyed this evening weren't you baby? Frustrated when you couldn't go to bed when you wanted to. It embarrassed you to have to sit there and wait for me. Didn't it baby?”

I nodded.

“And you were frustrated standing here in the bedroom waiting for me, weren't you, Portia? Wondering whether you should just go to bed and defy me.

I'm proud of you for doing as you were told, baby. You can be a good girl when you want. Can't you Portia?”

I just stood there, my cheeks hot, my eyes stinging and filled with tears. My lower lip jutting. For his part, Liam just held my gaze and my hands.



Liam smiled. “It's okay baby girl. You'll learn. It will take time and sometimes it might be annoying. Or scary. Or frustrating. But you just need to learn to be a good girl when I say, not just when you want to be. Just trust me baby and do as I tell you. We'll get there”.

I realised that I had been standing there silently, tearful, and I opened my mouth to respond. Liam saw this and cut me off before I could make a sound. He tightened his hold on my right hand and tugged gently as he spoke quietly. “Lift up your skirt and bend over my knee baby.”

It wasn't as if I hadn't done that before. I had lots of times. But somehow this felt very different. Scarier. More serious somehow. Nevertheless, it didn't feel as if I had the option to object or refuse. I freed my hand from his and reached behind me, lifting my skirt as I shuffled to stand to the side of his knees. Bending over someone's knees is actually quite an awkward thing and very difficult to do with any grace. So far as I know its impossible to retain one's dignity or self-respect bending over with your underwear on display. Nevertheless one still one likes to try to avoid a graceless lumpen slump! Or the alternative of bending over in entirely the wrong position and then having to wriggle and be manhandled into position.

I bent at the waist, still holding my skirt up behind me, and then made a little leap so as try to place myself across his bare knees where my hands could reach the ground on the other side, and my bottom was across his knees. Perhaps having given this amount of thought to the art of placing myself over a man's knee is rather degrading in itself. Now that I come to think of it.

Liam ran his hand over my bottom and straightened my skirt. My knickers were blue satin with tiny amounts of white lace. Technically “briefs” for those that know. I thought that Liam would enjoy a bit more underwear than a thong. And yet its just too embarrassing when I have on something so large that he tucks the fabric between my cheeks to spank bare skin.


Without warning or preamble, he rained about half a dozen firm and stinging smacks on my cheeks. I gasped but didn't speak. The sting subsided to a slight warmness almost as soon as he ran his hand over my bottom.

“Each night you will wait for me...."


“ ...and I will decide what you deserve, or need. Or what I feel like giving you. But baby girl..."


"…you will be spanked every night. No being tired or not feeling like it or not being in the mood. Do you hear me, Portia?"


“yes....yes, Liam...

...e...every night.”


“Good girl!" He said brightly. "Stand up baby.”

I stood. Even more challenging to do this with any degree of grace or dignity than laying down in the first place. Perhaps lying with a red bottom isn't the best place to start from if dignity is the aim! But still, one prefers not to roll (or fall) gracelessly to the ground. On the other hand, putting your hand randomly on a man's thighs or groin to push up all your weight is not a great idea either.

I struggled to my feet and tugged and smoothed my skirt. Liam took my wrists and held me in front of him.

“How's your bottom, baby?”

“It..its fine....its okay. “

“Not sore?”

“No....a little stingy but ...its okay.”

“Good girl. You just need to be brave now a little longer. Take off your skirt and panties and lie across the side of the bed for me.”

Liam stood up as he spoke. Releasing my wrists. I stood still. This was...a little unexpected. Certainly, he had on occasion smacked me harder or longer. But I had thought that we were done. I hesitated and opened my mouth to question him.

“PORTIA! ...just do as I say, baby. Please don't answer back, there's a good girl.”

Then more abruptly, when I continued to stand there hesitating.

“NOW, Portia. Take off your skirt and panties and lie on the bed!" He hesitated, looking at me and continued more quietly, "Please baby. Be a good girl for me. Don't be bad and make it worse.”

I felt my eyes tear. Again. I reached behind to open my skirt and let it fall to the ground. And then avoided Liam's eyes as I slid my knickers down my legs and stepped out of them.

“Pick them up!”

I bent, naked from the waist, and lifted my blue knickers and skirt and set them on the chair where he pointed. Terribly aware of my exposure, despite being with a man with whom I'd shared a bed so long. While I stepped to the chair and back, Liam had pulled two pillows from the head of the bed, set them along the side of the mattress and then thrown the duvet over them. He just pointed, and without a word I lay across the pillows, my bare and reddened bottom lifted in the air, my toes on the floor and my body stretched across the bed.

I lay there for what must have been almost a minute, waiting, my head on the bed facing away from Liam. I felt a touch against my upper thigh, a scratch between my butt cheeks. I knew it was the bamboo cane we had playfully bought together in a junk shop in rural Norfolk one day. We had felt so naughty and I so embarrassed when we left, with the shopkeeper in no doubt that I would be spanked with it. We'd actually only played with it a few times as it was really quite painful.

Once Liam had tried to re-enact a scene from the movie Nine and a Half Weeks by having me crawl on the floor in a tight business skirt as he smacked me on the rump with the cane. But lying here with my already tender bare bottom, my bare pussy exposed...

This was going to be too sore. I squirmed at its touch. “No, Liam...please...don't use will be.."



I cried out loudly in pain.

Liam ran a fingertip from the small of my back over my stinging bottom to my tingling thigh, brushing my pussy. He stroked my stinging bottom with his hand, and the pain quickly subsided to a warm throb.

I felt the cane again. Tapping, gently scraping against my exposed skin. “Please Liam, not the AAAOOWWW!!!!" Five or six harsh strokes.

“Shhh, baby. Quiet. Be a good girl."


“Shhh.... good girl. Now baby listen. I explained to you that this isn't up to you anymore. Didn't I?”

Whip Whip Whip. PAIN!

“AAAOOoWWW please nooowww aaaoowww!”

“SSHhhh. Quiet now baby. No more noise. Be a good girl for me. I don't want to do this honey, but you have to learn that it's not all up to you baby.”


Sore but not the cane, just his hand this time. And now the gentle healing caress. I bury my face in the bed and stifle a sob. Squirming and wriggling my bottom.

“You need to learn that its not all about you baby. Just because you are a sexy girl."


"With a very sexy bottom."


"You don't get your own way, and you can't huff when you aren't the one in control. Do you understand Baby?”

I mumbled into the duvet and nodded my head.


“AAAOOOWOWOWWMMUUUMMM!” I shouted into the bed.

“Who decides when it stops?” Now he sounded like a headmaster.




“ do Liam.”



“ do.”


“Who decides??”

Smack Smack

“You decide, Liam.”


“Please, no please.....”

It went silent for a scarily long time before he spoke.

“If you really know that it's not up to you, that what you want and say isn't the deciding factor, then you will stop trying to tell me what you want.

It's OK baby. This is only the first day. You have to learn. And you need to trust me, baby... Shhhhhh.......”

He heard me take a shuddering breath and cut me off before I had a chance to form any words.

He stroked my back and my bottom gently with his fingertips, kissing my bottom.

And then spanking me firmly for another five minutes until I was constantly sobbing, only then he helped me up.

He kissed me gently, helping me take off with my blouse and bra and slip into a nightdress.

I lay in his arms in bed, my bottom throbbing. Happy and scared and upset. And excited, that this was only the first day.


Written by Portia2366
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