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Emma Disciplines Her Chummy Step-Sister

"Emma takes disciplinary control of her step-sister to be..."

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Emma had known Lucy for a while. Lucy was her dad’s ex-girlfriend’s daughter and was twenty-four-years-old, so six years older than Emma. However, they had struck up a friendship, first as step-sisters to be, but then something more, and when Lucy needed a plus one to go to her friend Jackie’s party, she happily asked Emma.

It was autumn and so both wore dresses with hems down to their knees but with short sleeves. It wasn’t so cold so both had bare legs. When they got to the party most of the girls were similarly dressed. Emma knew that Jackie was in a lesbian affair, just as Emma and Lucy were, and so there were very fewer men than women at the party.

Lucy was the personal assistant to one of the owners of the business and was certainly a very responsible woman so far as work was concerned. However, she knew that she was very quick to snap at people when outside the office environment, and, whilst she managed to hold herself back when at work, the same could not be said when she was in a more relaxed mode.

That was particularly clear to Emma when, just an hour into the party although after three glasses of wine, Lucy did snap at one of the other guests. In fact, it was rather more than snap and was a rude comment about the clothes she was wearing.

Emma was already several weeks into having disciplinary control over both Miss Johnson, her current headmistress at sixth form college, as well as Linda, her mum’s girlfriend and, indeed, soon to be step-mum. Emma certainly dealt with both women strictly, but fairly, and both knew that they benefited from the discipline regime imposed by Emma.

To be fair, Emma has not started her relationship with Lucy expecting to be in disciplinary charge of her. However, she didn’t like the way that Lucy snapped at some people, and that comment to Jackie‘s friend was particularly rude. So, Emma remembered that Lucy had said how she reminded her of Miss Hoskins who was her form teacher at boarding school. Lucy explained how she had a crush on Miss Hoskins, liking her very strict tone of voice and her authoritative manner. Lucy only started at the school when she was eighteen-years-old, staying for two years. 

Lucy had also explained what the discipline regime at the college often involved. Misbehaviour in class would mean the girl in question going to the front of the class, sitting on the teacher's desk having pulled her dress up well above her waist, although leaving her knickers on, and then parting her legs. Miss Hoskins would then smack the front of the girls' legs forty or fifty times, leaving them glowing red. The girl would then be sent back to her desk albeit sniffing back tears for quite a while and having to accept the smirks from some of the other girls.

That was not the end of the punishment, though. Lucy explained that when the girls got ready for bed, Miss Hoskins with then come to the dormitory and expect the girl who misbehaved to remove her nightdress and knickers and bend across her lap. Miss Hoskins would then give the girl a spanking that would turn her bottom cheeks and the backs of her legs as glowing red as the front of her legs had been turned earlier in the day. The girl would again be crying as the lights were turned off and had to listen to the giggles from the other girls in the dormitory.

Emma also remembered how Lucy had said how she reminded her of Miss Hoskins in terms of her tone of voice and authoritative demeanour. As Emma listened to Lucy’s very rude comment and was worried that she was more than likely to be rude to other people at the party, she told herself that if she reminded Lucy of Miss Hoskins then she should act like her as well.

Emma smiled falsely as she took Lucy by the arm and guided her to the side of the room away from any of the others. She leaned in and whispered in a stern tone, “That’s enough rudeness, and I am going to deal with you like Miss Hoskins would.” She glared at Lucy to check she understood what was being told to her, and from the look of horror on her face, Emma realised that she did. Emma didn’t hesitate and ordered, “Go and ask Jackie if we can use a quiet bedroom.”

To be fair, Lucy had often thought how Miss Hoskins would have stopped her saying all the rude comments she made and, more recently, had masturbated imagining Emma doing the same. So, although arguing seemed the natural thing, Lucy blushed, and said submissively, “Okay, I’ll ask her.”

Lucy went over to Jackie and asked, “Can I have a quiet word, please?”

Jackie smiled at Lucy and replied, “Of course,” and they went to a corner of the room.

Lucy blushed again as she asked, “Can Emma and I please use a bedroom where no one will hear us?”

Jackie smiled and asked, “Are you going to do it? Cool, girl.”

Lucy still blushed as she replied, “No, not that, actually. You remember old Hoskins, well that needs to happen today.” Lucy nodded towards Emma as she said it.

Jackie was shocked. “No kidding, girl? Isn’t she, like, eighteen-years-old though?”

Lucy swallowed before replying almost sheepishly, “Oh, I don’t think age is a bar, is it? We both agreed to deal with things like that, so, erm, is that okay?”

Jackie replied, “No probs, then, girl. Go to my bedroom at the top of the house. I can tell you that she can yell her head off and no one will hear it.”

Lucy forced a smile and said, “Thanks, Jackie. We’ll be back down once it’s done.”

With that and another exchange of knowing smiles that Jackie got completely wrong, Lucy went back to Emma and told her she had arranged the room. They climbed the two sets of stairs in silence and arrived at Jackie’s loft room with the en-suite shower room, and closed the bedroom door. 

Emma quickly looked around the bedroom and saw the best place to deal with Lucy would be her resting on the edge of the dressing table. She, therefore. ordered, “Lift your dress up above your waist and sit on the edge of the dressing table.“

Emma had to admit that Lucy looked so delicious as she stood there in her low cut dress showing off her full cleavage and enjoyed how she looked so submissive as she pulled the hem of her dress up above her waist, showing off her flat tummy, bare legs, and pretty knickers. 

Emma waited for Lucy to settle herself on the edge of the dressing table before sitting on the chair and started to it rub the front of Lucy’s far thigh. As she continued to rub the soft skin Emma glared at Lucy and said sternly, “I hope this will remind you to control your rude comments. I know this is what Miss Hoskins would’ve done to you when you were at college and as I sound like her I will deal with you like her. Is that understood, Lucy?”

Lucy was already rolling back the years feeling like the naughty eighteen-year-old that had been subject to Miss Hoskins discipline and replied, “Yes, Miss.” Lucy felt a flutter fly around her vagina at the respectful response and knew she had a crush on Emma just as she had had on Miss Hoskins. However, she and Emma had already had tongue and finger sex several times which put her higher up her, ‘crush,’ list than Miss Hoskins.

Emma certainly enjoyed the respectful response but that only reinforced her intent to discipline Lucy severely enough to act as a reminder not to be rude to any of the other party guests when they went back downstairs. So, focusing on Lucy’s far thigh she pulled her hand back and brought it back down firmly, watched the flesh surrender and then bounce back albeit tinged a shade of red. She knew from her experience of dealing with Miss Johnson and Linda that there was no benefit to Lucy to hold back when the intention was to give a thoroughly hard smacking.

Even though she could sense Lucy looking down at her and grimacing she proceeded to land smack after smack on the front of her thigh working her way first downwards, and then back up, turning the whole thigh darker and darker shades of red. She wasn’t sure how many smacks to land and so gauged that by landing smack after smack until she was happy that the whole of the thigh was glowing the same red pretty much as she had turned Miss Johnson’s and Linda’s bottom cheeks when spanking them. 

Once happy with the colour of the far thigh Emma turned her attention to Lucy’s near thigh. She had registered that Lucy was gasping as the smacks continued, but that only made her more intent seeing that Lucy obediently stayed in position even though the smacks must clearly be stinging.

As Lucy watched Emma land smack after smack she knew that Emma was doing exactly the right thing as Lucy always hated herself for saying the rude things she did particularly after a glass or two of wine, and really hoped this would help her control herself in future. She remembered that was exactly what happened when Miss Hoskins used to smack her legs.

She would return to her desk and be one of the best-behaved girls in the class and if ever she was about to misbehave she would glance at Miss Hoskins and remind herself that her legs had already been smacked that day, or quite recently, and that would help her control her misbehaving attitude. She did always think it strange that she was far more controlled when at work, but, even so, she was still even now, years later, unable to bring that attitude back to her social life.

Lucy continued to gasp louder and louder as the smacks landed on her thigh. She realised that Emma was smacking every bit as hard as Miss Hoskins did, which was fine actually and reinforced her own feelings that Emma was pretty much like Miss Hoskins and was someone she was more than happy to have control her if it helped deal with her short temper.

What she also realised, though, was that Emma was landing many more smacks than Miss Hoskins did, but then she was now rather older than the eighteen-years of age she was when at college, and that she should know better and so the punishment should be far sterner.

Emma continued to smack Lucy’s near thigh for as long as it took to turn the colour as glowing red as her far thigh. She did glance up and saw that tears were dribbling down Lucy’s face, which she did think once again showed that Lucy was accepting her decision to punish her. However, now that both legs were the same glowing red, Emma gave Lucy’s thigh a last lingering rub up and down, and squeeze, and said to her in her usual authoritative tone, “Now make sure you are not as rude to anybody else when we go back downstairs.”

Lucy was sniffing back tears as she replied, “No, Miss.” She even thought again how funny it was that she continued to address Emma with such respect, but loved her now even more than she did before she smacked her legs.

Emma leaned forward and gave Lucy a kiss on the cheek, telling her “Well I hope so, young lady.” She then added with a smile, “I guess you had better go and wash your face before we go back downstairs.”

Lucy smiled back at Emma who she now saw as being a mixture of the authoritative Miss Hoskins and a loving girlfriend, and knew she would now happily accept Emma’s authority over her. It was with a, ‘Now I’m a good girl thanks to you smacking my legs,’ smile that Lucy went into the en-suite bathroom and washed her face and tidied up her make-up before coming back out to face a now smiling Emma.

Emma once again went up to Lucy, this time putting her arms around her neck and drawing her in close and kissing her firmly on the lips, edging her tongue inside Lucy’s welcoming mouth, entwining their tongues, and kissing passionately and with a more intense feeling of love, both given and returned.

Minutes later Emma and Lucy went back downstairs and into the living room. They spent another two hours at the party, and it was very noticeable how there were three times Lucy thought she was about to make a rude comment, glanced at Emma and saw her warning glare, and stopped. Instead of the rude comments, she continued in a much friendlier tone of voice, and no one was upset with that. More so, Lucy knew more and more certainly that having her legs smacked was exactly the right thing for her, and she really did hope that Emma would not hold back and do it again if necessary. Well, when was more the point, she told herself.

As Emma and Lucy were about to leave, Jackie took Lucy to one side and, with a smile, said, “Well it really worked upstairs. You were certainly much calmer, afterwards.“ Jackie gave Lucy a knowing wink and a smile, which Lucy took as Jackie knowing that it wasn’t her legs that were smacked rather Emma’s. She blushed and saw Jackie’s broader smile which confirmed that. Still, she just smiled back as she nodded, grimaced, and went back to Emma.

As they made their way home Lucy thanked Emma for dealing with her and for making sure that she didn’t make any further rude comments once they got back downstairs. She was blushing as she asked, “It really did stop me making any more comments, so will you smack my legs again if am rude to anyone else?“

Emma smiled to herself as she realised happily that Lucy was asking her to discipline her again if she needed it. She was already in charge of two much older adults in her headmistress, and her mum's girlfriend and step-mum to be and was certainly up for dealing with her own girlfriend in the same way.

So, to give Lucy what she wanted, and needed, she replied, “Yes, of course I will, Lucy, but I don’t think it should just be when you make rude comments. I think that we should have a discipline regime that means that I will spank you on your bare bottom whenever I think you need it. That will be an even better incentive for you to behave at all times.“ Emma wasn’t sure that Lucy would go that far but thought it worth trying.

Lucy felt more and more aroused as she listened to Emma state her desire to be in charge of her and, as she felt the flutters flying around her vagina, she knew that no matter how much a spanking hurt, it was definitely right for their relationship. She knew that she was six years older than Emma but she was the one who needed a firm hand, and not Emma.

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So, licking her lips, still feeling a bit tense, but knowing it was the right thing for them both, she replied, “Yes, Emma. From now on you are the one in charge of all disciplinary matters and I will be the one to accept your authority over me and won’t question any decision to spank me.”

Emma and Lucy were both feeling more and more relaxed and happy as they walked up the path to Lucy’s house and went inside. Lucy looked at her watch and saw that it was bedtime, and said, “Well I think I’ll take a shower.“

Emma, however, had made another decision as they walked home. She said to Lucy, “When you have had your shower, please sit on the bed holding your wooden-backed paddle hairbrush. I will then have a shower and deal with you afterwards.”

Lucy gasped with surprise. As they had walked home she was reminding herself that when at college and her legs or another girl's legs were smacked during the day, Miss Hoskins would come to the dormitory and give her or whichever girl had had her legs smacked that day, a bare bottom spanking. The girl would have to have removed all of her nightwear and so was spanked whilst fully naked.

That wasn’t really the punishment but it did set the girl further apart from everybody else in the dormitory, particularly afterwards when in bed and having to stay naked. As she had thought about it, she had hoped that Emma would do the same to her today because she really did think that both punishments were what worked for her when at college. So, now that Emma had said that she was going to spank her as well she saw no reason to object and said, meekly, “Of course, Miss.“

Emma really was happy that Lucy was accepting everything that she said. She knew that Lucy was a very sensible woman and wouldn’t normally have expected to be in charge of her, given their age difference. However, as that had no bearing on Miss Johnson or Linda, both of whom were much older and both accepted her disciplinary control over them, it seemed quite natural that Lucy would do the same, so long as she was the submissive type when in a personal relationship.

So, as she listened to Lucy take a shower, and then saw her come out into the bedroom, naked, go to the dressing table and pick up the thick wooden-backed paddle hairbrush, and then go and sit on the bed with the hairbrush in her hand resting on her lap, she felt very happy and very much in charge as she then went into the bathroom and took her own shower.

When Emma came out of the bathroom she was in her shorty nightie and saw that Lucy was still sitting on the bed naked and holding the hairbrush looking just like a naughty girl. She went over to Lucy, held out her hand and took the hairbrush from her, went over to the dressing table chair, sat on it, pulled her nightie up so her legs were bare, glared at Lucy, and ordered, “Come over here, girl, and get across my lap.”

Lucy was very much in her now natural submissive mode as she got up and went and stood by Emma looking down at her bare thighs and still feeling flutters flying around her vagina at the thought of her bare tummy lying across Emma‘s bare lap. As she eased herself down so the erotic feelings increased, and, then, as she stopped her fall with her hands, she loved the close-up view of Emma’s upside-down legs, and of her own legs dangling under the far side of the chair, and, more so, gasped erotically when she felt Emma’s hand rubbing her bare bottom in circles.

She had never expected being submissive to be so erotic, but then she had had those feelings with Miss Hoskins and had felt that Emma had the same authoritative demeanour, and so she realised there was no difference between being across Miss Hoskins lap or Emma’s lap. Both were women who were in charge of her and deserved to be, and she knew yet again how right it was that she accepted Emma’s authority over her at all times.

Emma focused on Lucy’s very kissable bare bottom as she reminded herself that this needed to be a disciplinary spanking, just as she felt when spanking Miss Johnson and Linda. There was no benefit in holding back or making it a sexy spanking because that was not the purpose of it. So, as she raised her hand and brought it down firmly on Lucy’s far bottom cheek, she just told herself that she needed to turn both bottom cheeks and the backs of both legs the same glowing red that she had turned the front of Lucy’s thighs just a couple of hours earlier. So, she continued to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks watching as each turned darker and darker shades of red as she listened to Lucy’s increasingly pained gasps.

Lucy continued to think how erotic it was to be submissive, with the upside-down view of Emma’s lovely slim legs with the calf muscles tensing being particularly sexy. She even continued to have those feelings as Emma spanked her bottom on alternate cheeks knowing that she had earned the spanking just as she would’ve done when at college.

She kept on telling herself that she needed to know that Emma was in charge of her and could command her to take off her knickers and bend across her lap for a bare bottom spanking each and every time she let herself down. Even as the spanks caused her bottom to sting more and more intensely so she told herself this was exactly the right thing for her. It also told her that she needed to make it clear to Emma that she respected her as well as loved her and wanted to remain with her forever. 

It made even more sense as just yesterday Emma’s dad and Lucy’s mum split and so she and Emma wouldn’t be step-sisters but would continue to be lovers.

Emma continued to spank Lucy on alternate bottom cheeks and enjoyed how her cheek surrendered to her firm hand, and then bounced back and swirled around just as she spanked the other bottom cheek and was happily turning Lucy’s bottom darker and darker shades of red so it will be stinging more and more intensely, just as intended. Emma knew that there was little better in a relationship like this than making sure the spanking did exactly the job it was intended to do, which was to act as a deterrent against future misbehaviour as much as being a punishment for the recent misbehaviour. It really did make sense that this happened between adults, and, even in their case when it was the younger of the two who was responsible for spanking the older one. So, as Emma continued to spank Lucy on alternate bottom cheeks, and Lucy continued to stay obediently across her lap, so Emma reckoned that the authority she sought had been passed to her.

Once Emma was happy with the colour she had turned both of Lucy’s bare bottom cheeks whilst spanking on alternate cheeks, she changed to spanking the same bottom cheek several times before then spanking the other bottom cheek several times. As she did so she heard Lucy’s gasps become louder and louder and saw her tense her arms and legs, and let out an increasingly often  sob. It all told Emma that the spanking was doing what it was supposed to do of teaching Lucy a good lesson.

Lucy stopped thinking about how much this was so similar to the way that Miss Hoskins spanked her and focused more on the fact that it was her girlfriend who was spanking her. She still told herself, though, as the stinging intensified, that this would certainly help her remember not to be so rude to people in the future. She had to admit, also, that she still preferred being submissive, and needed to be obedient, even as the pain intensified, and more so as she felt the tears well up in her eyes and knew that they would once again very soon dribble down her face.

Emma was now happy with the colour of both bottom cheeks and so focused on the backs of Lucy‘s legs. She started off, as with the bottom cheeks, spanking the back of alternate legs, and heard Lucy’s louder and louder gasps of pain. Emma knew that was quite natural, and expected, and, once again, encouraged her to spank Lucy even harder, which she happily did.

Once Emma had turned the backs of Lucy’s legs the same glowing red that she had turned the front of her legs earlier on, and were now the same glowing red as both her bottom cheeks, she stopped. Then she picked up the hairbrush, rubbed it in circles around Lucy’s red bottom, raised it up, and brought it down with a loud thwack on her far bottom cheek.

As expected, the bottom cheek surrendered so easily to the heavy hairbrush, bouncing back as she raised the hairbrush again, and she heard Lucy’s even louder pain-filled gasp. Even so, she brought the hairbrush down with another firm thwack on Lucy’s near bottom cheek watching as it surrendered as had the far cheek, and produced another loud pain-filled gasp from Lucy.

Still not stopping but having a maternal-like need to discipline Lucy, but not having any particular sympathy for her, she continued to land spank after spank with the heavy hairbrush on alternate bottom cheeks, watching as they both turned deeper and deeper shades of red and started to turn blue bruised, as Lucy let out even louder and louder gasps of pain. 

Lucy really was struggling as the hairbrush spanked down on her bottom. Somehow it hurt much more than when Miss Hoskins did exactly the same when at college, although she couldn’t think about that for very long because she had to cope with the ever-increasing intensity of the stinging pain caused by the continuing spank after spank with that horrid, horrible but ever so good lesson teaching thick wooden-backed hairbrush.

Of course, she still accepted it was totally her own fault for being so rude at the party and really was telling herself she must make sure she did not misbehave like that again because she had no doubt that Emma would spank her again just as hard, or even harder, next time.

Emma continued to land hard spank after hard spank listening to Lucy’s ever louder yelps, knowing that this was going to do her girlfriend such a lot of good. She kept on spanking her until she saw that both bottom cheeks were now turned blue with bruising, and that that would extend the time that Lucy would remember being spanked, which she also knew would be well beyond the time when the stinging stopped.

What would continue, for sure, was the tenderness of the bottom which Lucy would feel every time she tried to sit down on anything harder than a thick cushion for hours to come. Even so, Emma continued spanking Lucy with the hairbrush until she was happy that she had dissolved into uncontrolled crying and even heard her pleading, “Sorry, so sorry, so sorry, so so sorry, Miss.”

Happy that Lucy really had learned her lesson, and had stayed obediently across her lap for the whole spanking, Emma rubbed her bottom, squeezing it lovingly, before ordering, “Okay, Lucy. You can get up and go to bed.”

Lucy eased herself up, still crying, and as she stood she rubbed her bottom feverishly with one hand as she stepped from foot to foot whilst rubbing away tears from her eyes with her other hand. She knew that she was acting so differently to the adult that she was, but was glad that the spanking was over, but still told herself that she needed to accept Emma’s authority over her going forward. After a few moments she remembered that Emma had told her to go to bed, and, pulling back the sheet, lay on her tummy still rubbing her intensely stinging bottom whilst still sobbing.

Emma watched, with a smile, as Lucy did her spanking dance and was clearly struggling to cope with the pain. Well, that was a really good lesson, for both of them, she told herself. Then, as she watched Lucy go to bed, lying on her tummy, but without a sheet covering her so having her glowing red and blue bruised bottom as well as her glowing red thighs on show, she removed her own nightdress and lay on the bed next to Lucy, stroking her back and then leaning in and kissing her very damp face.

As Lucy lay on the bed she again felt more and more aroused at having been submissive and knew that whilst Miss Hoskins would never have given her a maternal hug, she hoped that Emma would. So, when she felt Emma lie on the bed next to her and put her arm around her and kiss her on the cheek, so she turned onto her side, looking at Emma through blurred eyes, and said, “I am so sorry, Emma. Thank you for spanking me and I will certainly try to be a good girl in future.”

Emma smiled as she was so happy that Lucy was going to accept her authority over her in future. She did still point out, “I won’t just be spanking you because you are rude to someone, but you will be spanked whenever I consider you have earned one. That could be for any number of reasons. Do you understand?“

Lucy swallowed hard as she took in what Emma was saying. She realised that it really was what she wanted from the relationship which was strict discipline but also strong love. So she replied, “Yes please.“ As she said it so she licked her lips and hoped that Emma would take control of their love life as well.

Emma smiled at Lucy as she replied, “Well, as you are now a good girl having being spanked properly, we can now do what we love to do together.” With that, Emma leaned forward and kissed Lucy on the lips, edging her tongue into her welcoming mouth, and, once again, entwining their tongues. With one hand she gently caressed Lucy’s breasts as she felt Lucy caressing hers.

Then, each started to kiss and suck the others taut nipples, working their way down the other's tummy, and licking and sucking the others wet pussy lips. They each edged their tongues inside the other's vagina, and flicked the others taut clit, bringing the other to a huge orgasm. As they both gasped erotically they both thought their own thoughts but they were the same which was that Lucy was very happy to be subjected to a disciplinary regime set by her girlfriend, whilst Emma was happy that her girlfriend was now subject to her authority.

Emma thought happily how things had changed for her over recent weeks. She now had disciplinary control over three women, and she knew that it wouldn’t be long before she would be dealing with them as though they were siblings with two watching the third being spanked. She was pretty sure that would add to her own feelings of eroticism at being in charge of three adults. However, the most important relationship was with Lucy, who she hoped would be her girlfriend forever and ever.

Written by SusanHarper
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