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Drunken Mistake

"Foolish Drinking Leads To Unexpected Surprise"

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Competition Entry: Fetish Sex Stories



One night, after far too many drinks, my girlfriend of three years confessed to me she has, for as long as she can remember, wanted one thing done to her.

“I saw it done once, when I was watching porn. You know, before I had you to take care of all that. But really, she was bent over a table, being spanked and whipped by this hot looking guy. With each strike she looked as though she was about to orgasm. I don't know. Ever since then, I wanted to see if I'd get the same pleasure. I like being playfully spanked. So, why not?”

That's exactly how she put it. I was a little shocked at first. I've playfully spanked her while having sex, and of course just in a teasing way when I'm being cheeky. But I've never used anything but my bare hand to do it. I don't know how any of those whips and paddles worked. The idea kind of freaked me out. What if I hurt her? What if I didn't hit the right spots? What if she hated it? There was so many questions that it turned me off.

However, since she told me, she has encouraged me to try. I hate to disappoint her and it seems like it could be simple enough. I began watching porn videos of it, reading it online how it is done. It partly helped, but I still was unsure if I could do it and please her at the same time.

While searching online for proper ways of spanking, I read a lot of things about BDSM. Of course I've heard the term and know a little about it. I'd never consider myself a Master or Dom, but some of the things they do in the lifestyle seem fun. That's when I came across a site for play rooms. It is basically a legit establishment for people who seek to explore the BDSM lifestyle.

People of all walks of life come to these places, looking and searching to explore what can bring more excitement into their sex lives. The nearest one to us is in Syracuse, New York. We happen to live in New Haven, Connecticut. That's only a four and a half hour drive. We can make a weekend trip of it, like a mini vacation.


“You want to take me where? There are actual places like that? Are you serious?” Scarlet, in her naturally bubbly way, bombards me with endless questions, all the while hugging and kissing me. “Oh my God, Tyler! I think that would be so much fun. Wait, does this mean a strange man is going to spank me while you watch? Won't that make you uncomfortable?”

I pull her into my arms and to try and settle her excitement while she hears everything I have to tell her.

“I wouldn't call him a 'strange' man. He's not strange. We'll meet him when we get there. I've spoken to him online. He's in his mid-forties. He's been doing this for fifteen plus years and prides himself on it. He is a teacher in ways, so even though he takes pleasure in what he does, it isn't going to be sexual for him to spank you. Well, not completely, anyway. So, no, I won't be uncomfortable. I'd like to learn from him, so I can do it properly, without hurting you.”

Scarlet kisses me more, nuzzling her face in the crook of my neck, cooing and mewling. All the signs of telling me I've done a good thing. She is far from shy, even about her sexuality, so it is no big surprise she is going to be comfortable around a man she's never met and be naked in front of him. The first time we had sex was on the beach. She was riding me and just as we finished, a beach patrol came across us. Scarlet didn't hide or frantically cover herself, like most women would. He asked us to dress and leave, so we did.

Later on I asked her why she did what she had. She simply said, "We’re all naked under our clothing, we all have the same parts. Why should we cover and hide the fact? Seems silly to me."

How can I beat that logic? Though she doesn't go flaunting herself all over the place, she knows there is a time and place.

“When are we going?” Nipping my earlobe while she asks.

“This weekend. We're going to make a mini trip out of it. We leave Friday night so we see Franklin Saturday evening. The rest of the time, I thought we could do whatever. It's been awhile since we've gotten away. Sound good?”

“Good? Good?! That sounds perfect! You're the best babe. Thank you.”


Hands down, I have the best, most understanding, and open minded boyfriend in the world! How many men feel comfortable with themselves and the relationship they are in to do something like this for their girlfriend? To bring me to see a Dominate, at a real sex club and basically allow him to give me a proper spanking? I know it isn't just for me, it's for his learning so he can do it also, but oh, the idea makes me so turned on!

It isn't having a man I don't know spank me. He isn't part of it at all. I'll be thinking of Tyler the whole time. It is the sheer fact that after so long, I will be doing something that I've wanted to do. When I told my last boyfriend about the idea, he laughed and smacked my ass. Not nearly what I had in mind, but he was too dense to understand. I let the matter drop.

When it came to Tyler, he only found out because I let it slip one night when I was horny and drunk. I was afraid of getting the same reaction as my ex, so I figured I'd never tell him. I'm happy about this 'drunken mistake', because it is going to be the best mistake of my life, or so I hope.

With only having a few days to let it all sink in, I still feel the jitters of it all. They're not bad jitters, but the unknown is scary fun. Our car is packed, not that we're taking a lot, it is, after all, just a weekend trip. It's a beautiful Friday afternoon, a good day for a road trip.

“I've searched online for a few places local to where we are going. They have a Vietnamese place I want to check out. That's something neither of us have tried,” Tyler explains, as we get onto the highway. “I figure there are going to be a lot of firsts this weekend. Who knew after three years together how many new things there are to do.”

“In some ways that is a long time, but in others it isn't. We have a lot of firsts we've yet to try or do. As long as we both keep an open mind about things, the possibilities are endless.”

“Right you are, my sweet one.”

Like any couple, we have our routines that we like to follow. We have our favorite shows we watch together, or activities and such. But we also try and do new, daring things. For Tyler's birthday last year, we went sky diving. Neither of us had done it, and though I am scared of heights, I thought the idea of jumping from a plane and plunging down to the ground sounded cool as hell. And it was!

As the afternoon slips into early evening, we make our way to Syracuse. Arriving at the hotel, we check in, and head back out. We're both starving and ready to try something new. Back in the car, we punch in the address for the New Century Vietnamese Restaurant. It just so happens not to be that far from where we're staying, so the ride is only about ten minutes.

The hostess is a young woman, who looks all of seventeen. Her English is good enough to understand her, if we pay attention. Luckily, she doesn't say much. When we're seated, I take in the view of the place. Everything is in warm colors, browns, reds, maroons and a mustard colored yellow. Everything on the menu sounds mouthwatering, it is hard to choose.

Eventually, I end up ordering sweet and sour shrimp and Tyler goes with Pho soup. We get spring rolls to share, because who doesn't like spring rolls? We both try their tea as well.

We're delighted the food is as good as it is. We were shooting in the dark when we ordered, so knowing now that we made good choices makes us happy. We try each other’s and like it. We both know we'll have to try other things the next time we come to a place like this.

Because we're so happy with the meal, we explain to the waitress, who is a darling older lady, who looks like she is a grandmother, that it is our first time trying Vietnamese. She gushes over us, asking if we liked it and telling us she loves seeing young people trying new things. When we tell her everything was top notch, she is all kinds of happy, hugging us both and telling us to come back again.

After dinner we head to a theater, wanting to catch the newest Avengers movie. You can't go wrong when Tony Stark is in the film! At least that is what Tyler says. I disagree to a point, because I'd much rather see Thor. That's because he is beautiful eye candy and I won't deny finding Chris Hemsworth to be a sexy man, or in this case, a God.

While in the theater, I tease Tyler, squeezing his thigh, working my way up and caressing his bulge. His jeans make it difficult to get to my intended goal, so I begin to grope him through the denim. The theater is nearly full and Tyler is blushing, I can tell, even in the darken room. He isn't as open as I am with the whole public sex thing, but he does love a good wank in a theater.

Thor is on screen and I keep my eyes locked on him as I work on Tyler's fly. Releasing his raging cock from his prison, I slip my hand into the hole and stroke him until I can pull him free. I notice a girl a few seats away from us glancing over every so often, but I don't care. I'm not ashamed or worried about it. I keep loving on my man, watching the movie and listening to Tyler's breathing increase when he gets closer.

His whole body tenses for a second, the throb in his cock pulses as he begins to come. My stroke is long, covering his head, so it doesn't spray all over the place. I stroke it into his shaft and he shudders with gratification. Afterward, I grab a tissue in my purse and clean my hand. I look over at the girl who is still watching us. She is staring at me in disbelief. I grin at her, before finishing the movie with the man I love.



“Wake up, love bug. We've got some shopping to do,” I say this as I pull the comforter off of Scarlet.

It's nearly noon. After the little stunt she pulled in the theater, I wanted to fuck her like a crazed man. It wasn't only Scarlet who saw the girl watching us, I also did, but didn't want to spoil the mood. It was huge turn-on knowing she knew what we were doing, and I kept Scarlet up half the night fucking her into next year. I think Scarlet is starting to rub off on me.

I didn't say anything about it until we got back to the room. That's when I picked her up and threw her on the bed, pinning her underneath me. I growled lowly in her ear, telling her how naughty she was, and that she needed to be fucked like the naughty girl she is. Which lead to a few rounds of us having sex all over the room, including the bathroom at one point.

“Shopping? Shopping for what?” Scarlet groans from under the pillow she uses to shield away the brightness, as I yank the curtains open.

“Well, my girl needs a new outfit for tonight, if she is going to be properly spanked by a professional. I mean, unless you don't want one. Then I suppose we can skip that.”

Scarlet throws the pillow off her head, squealing with so much energy it's hard to believe she isn't a morning person. She sits up on her knees and bounces up and down on the bed, like an excited little kid.

“Really? Truly? We get to do some shopping?” Her bouncing is distracting, as she is naked and her beautiful round, perky breasts move with her. Her dark hair hangs just around them, swaying as she moves.

“Honestly. We can't go overboard, but a new outfit is in order. Now let's take a shower and get going. We're seeing him in just a few hours.”

Once we're showered and dressed, we head out, looking for the nearest place that sells lingerie. It just so happens this isn't as easy as we had hoped, but we do eventually find a place. I let Scarlet go searching as I browse through the racks, not paying a lot of mind to it. I want it to be what she wants.

After about a half hour, Scarlet says she has found what the perfect thing. It is a black lacy bra and panty set, with knee high stockings. It is truly outstanding, mouthwatering, and damn does she look stunning in it. We pay for the items and head out. I bring her to get her nails done, because she takes pride in both her fingernails and toenails. I like that she does, and she deserves the treat. I even splurge and get my own manicure. I never thought I'd be a guy who'd allow himself to be 'manscaped'.

By the time we're done with everything, it is getting late, so we swing into a little Italian place and have dinner. It isn't the place I had in mind, but it looks good and it's near to the hotel. The food is fabulous, so at least it makes up for missing where I had in mind.



Back at the hotel, I take another shower. It isn't necessary, but I feel I should. I also want to shave, because being freshly shaved always makes me feel more sexy. Tyler relaxes on the bed, reading the newspaper as I do my thing in the bathroom. I'm growing excited for what is to come. It's been on my mind, or I should say in my core all day. I think if I were a guy, I'd probably have a boner all day long. How embarrassing would that be? Poor guys have nowhere to hide that.

Opening the door to the bathroom, I step out and Tyler looks up from his paper. His jaw drops a little, staring at me with loving eyes. The kind of look that makes you want to strip a man and have him fuck you until you see stars. I love when he looks at me like that.

“My God, Scarlet. Could you be any more gorgeous? I truly doubt it. You're unbelievably beautiful. I'm one hell of a lucky guy.”

“You always make me feel just like that, it makes me feel special. As if no one else can shine in comparison.”

“In my eyes, no one could. It's all you. Always will be.”

He stands and takes the few steps towards me, pulling me into a soft kiss. Our tongues explore each other, feeling the heat build higher inside me. I shiver, feeling a race of goose bumps skitter across my flesh. It makes me lightheaded, as if kissing him is making me drunk. Drunk with love, I suppose.

Though I don't want to end this moment, this kiss, this place in time, we must. Tyler helps me into a simple, black dress to cover my new outfit. Every girl needs a black dress, right?

We get to the car and punch in the address to The Fetish Club.


This is it. My girlfriend is going to be stripped and spanked by a man we don't know. A man who is going to teach me to do the same thing to her. How exciting, erotic and such a turn on this is. My cock has been twitching all day. I've wanted to fuck her at least six times just today alone. I nearly did before we left. She is so sexy in that outfit. I'm not sure I can stand it. It helps she has it covered, but not much, because she knows how much I love her in that little black dress.

I'm glad I have some idea of what is going to happened tonight, but still, not enough to know if I can handle all of this. My heart is racing and I'm not even the one who is going to be spanked. I can't even begin to guess how Scarlet feels. Though she is her bubbly, lively self, she seems to be handling it better than I am.


Inside the club, the floors and ceilings are black, the walls are a deep shade of red, but it isn't paint or wallpaper. It's some type of silk type material. I'm not sure, but it makes it look all the more exotic in here. The lights are low, but not so much so you can't see anything. The front room is like a bar, with tables and booths, even a stage, where a few girls are performing on poles. The music ranges all over the place, as customers can suggest songs.

The waitresses and waiters are all wearing very little, but still covered for the most part. They're all in matching uniforms that match the color of the walls. It is sexy as hell, no doubt about it.

“Hi! I'm Layla. May I interest you in a drink? Are you looking for anything particular this evening?” A stunning dark skinned girl asks us. She can't be more than five feet, two inches. Her hair, plunging down her backside and her bright makeup helps her eyes stand out. Her full lips painted red.

“We're here to see Franklin. Do you know where we can find him?” I ask her, trying not to stare at her like she's a piece of meat.

Though I notice Scarlet is looking at her as if she were. Scarlet has never been with a girl and really has no desire to be with one. But she does love looking at them. She can appreciate the beauty of women, without being jealous or envious. It also keeps her in check, to stay fit and to always look her best.

“Oh yes, Sir Franklin is in the back. He said he was setting up for a client. You must be them. I can take you back to see him. Would you like anything to drink?”

“I'd love a mudslide,” Scarlet announces. “I haven't had one in ages.”

“I'll take a scotch on the rocks, please,” I chime in.

“No problem.

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I'll get those to you right after I bring you to see Sir Franklin.”

We both watch her beautifully thick ass sway in her booty shorts, as we follow her like puppies into the back. The rest of the place looks much like the front area. The music begins to fade, until we can't hear it anymore. The waitress knocks on a door and waits to be summoned.

“You may enter,” says a voice behind the door.

The waitress opens it, smiling happily. “Your clients are here, Sir Franklin. Is it okay if they come in?”

“Most certainty. I've just finished, so they're timing is perfect. I like that.”

I take Scarlet's hand and we enter the room. Like the other rooms, it is black and red, with the exception of a wooden table in the center. There is a single plush couch in the corner. On the far wall, there hangs several types of whipping items. There are canes, flogs, paddles, whips, and even belts. They come in different sizes, colors, lengths. It's kind of overwhelming.

“Ah, you must be Tyler. I spoke to you online. A pleasure to meet you, Sir,” Franklin shakes my hand. His grip is sturdy. He is dressed in a tux type suit, looking sharp. Here I am in dark jeans and a white dress shirt. I suddenly feel underdressed. “And you, you must be the lucky girl. Scarlet, I believe, yes?”

His attention moves to her and I move to sit. Wanting them to get comfortable with one another.



“I must be, yes. It is so nice to meet you, Sir Franklin. Thank you for doing this. It is so kind of you,” I say, shaking his hand.

“It isn't too often a couple in this situation comes across my attention. I think it is great that Tyler here wants to learn to take care of your needs properly. Of course, I do hope you love it and want to do it again with him. And please, call me Franklin. The sir thing is for submissives only.”

“Very well. I do think I'm going to like it enough to want to do it again. I already like his playful spankings!”

There is a knock on the door and Layla comes in and hands us our drinks. She doesn't linger, leaving us to our own devices. I turn my attention back to Franklin.

We start out by talking about safety words. He wants to make sure that I always feel comfortable and to let him know right away when things get to be too much. The last thing he wants to do is scare me off of enjoying something so pleasurable. After that, we talk about the whips he has. He likes to start out by using his hand, to get things warmed up, so to speak, and then move onto a whip. There are many to choose from, but I go with cat o' nine tails. I pick it because it is the first one to catch my eye, when we walked in.

It is leather, mostly black, but the handle has red. It goes with the theme of the rest of the place. It's soft to the touch. Franklin lets me hold it and get to know it a little before we begin. It helps to relax with the idea, he says, and he is right.

Afterward, I finish my drink and strip down. I can feel the warmth of the alcohol flowing through my system. My heart is thudding in my chest. My core is pounding with pleasure. My skin on fire with want. I leave my bra on, not needing to take it off.

Franklin ties my hands behind my back, after asking if I wanted that extra lack of control. I agreed, wanting to know what it is like. He has me bend over the table. With my head turned to the side, I can see Tyler. He gets a view of my face and of my ass, so he can be comfortable too, but also learn what to do.

I won't deny that I'm wet already. To me, this is the most thrilling thing I've done sexually. We've not even begun and I love every second of it so far.



She looks so natural, so happy to be doing this. I watch her strip, I watch her be tied, and now bent over the table. She's grinning at me like a kid in a candy shop. It is completely adorable and such a turn on rolled into one.

Seeing her in that position has my cock twitching more, steadily growing in my jeans. I keep reminding him we'll have lots of time to play later. That we must wait, it isn't our turn. I'm not so sure he agrees, as he twitches again. I take a sip of my scotch, hoping it helps keep him at bay.


“Now, as I've said, I like to start out with my hand. That's all right with you, yes?” Franklin asks me, as I turn to look up at him.

His smile is warm and reaches his deep, dark brown eyes. His lips are a soft rose petal color, or they look as such in here. He is tall, but not as tall as Tyler. But from this angle, he looks like he's eight feet tall.

“Yes, that is fine. Get my booty all warmed up,” I say, with a wiggle of my bum.

“Very well,” Franklin chuckles.

He starts with rubbing a lilac type oil over my butt, which feels warm as he does. I'm not sure if that is the oil itself or him rubbing it in. Either way, it feels good. He strokes over me, not touching in a way that Tyler would, if he were to do this, but it still, it is so very sexy.

“I'm going to start now,” he says, once he is satisfied with the oil.

“By all means,” I breathe out, looking directly at Tyler.

His gaze moves from my butt, to my eyes as he notices I am looking at him. I smile at him, reassuring him I'm okay. He does the same, helping me relax. I lace my fingers, bracing myself for the first smack.

A smack it is!

The first smack jolts my whole body. He doesn't start with a small, easy spank. He goes right for it. I yelp out, gasping as though I didn't know it was coming. I suppose, in a way, I didn't. Not that much, but holy hell, it was fucking hot!

“Are you all right?” Franklin asks, as he rubs over my butt like he did before. It helps with the slight ache from the smack.

“Oh yes. Unexpected, I didn't realize it was going to start like that, but I'm good. I want more,” I shiver, asking him for another.

“That's what I like to hear.”

Franklin grips my hair with one hand and smacks my ass again four more times, each cheek twice each. He rubs my bum again after, repeating the same question. Again, I tell him I'm fine. I'm grateful he asks, it is kind of him.

Again he smacks my ass, this time across the width my butt. My whole body moves as he does this. I gasp out, pushing myself back against him. He does a series of smacks, I lose count, wanting to just soak in the satisfaction of being spanked. I'm pulling at my arms, wanting to grip the table, but remembering I can't, as they are tied. My heart is pounding, my eyes on Tyler, who looks like he is about to bust himself. I know that look on his face.


Holy shit! Holy shit! I knew it was going to be hot watching this. Or at the very least I hope it was going to be. We've yet to even begin to use the cat o' nine tails. Just seeing her reaction to being spanked with his hand is incredibly hot. I just want to bury myself inside her, fuck her senseless and fill her with my seed. I've never been so turned on in my life.

I'm not sure how long I'm going to last with the way things are going. But, this isn't about me, this is about Scarlet. I'll contain myself, I must.


My bum is totally warm, glowing a nice red, even though I can't see it, I know it is. With that many smacks, it must look lovely.

“How does that feel?” Franklin asks, after another series of smacks.

“Unf, wonderful. I can't wait to start with the tails.”

Franklin chuckles, “I knew you'd like this. I can sense these things about a girl. How about a drink first?”

He helps me stand, but keeps my arms bound. Tyler stands and comes over to me, kissing my lips gently.

“I could go for another drink.”

“Me too, please. Another mudslide?”

“Scotch on the rocks for you?”

Tyler nods, and Franklin turns to ring a little bell. In a flash, Layla reappears.

“Can I help?” she asks.

“Refills for Tyler and Scarlet, the usual for me, please,” Franklin winks at her.

She nods and disappears quickly, not wanting to keep us waiting. She's back before we know it and is gone again.

Tyler takes a sip of his own, before helping me with mine. I gulp down half of mine, feeling the warmth of the alcohol again swim through my veins. It is a welcome feeling, mixed with all of the others I have. Tyler sets our drinks down and takes his place back on the couch. Franklin helps me with the table, bending me over it just right.

He gets the tails, and slowly begins to run them over my back and bum. It tickles my flesh, leaving me writhing with glorification. Goose bumps race over my skin, from head to tippy toe. My breathing is growing heavily, anticipating when he'll strike me. Will it be like before, without a word, or will he warn me this time? The unknown thrills me.

My eyes are on Tyler, as I bite my lip, I'm waiting, he grins at me, as if he can read Franklin's mind. It only makes me want it more.

The strike meets my ass suddenly, crossing against me once, twice, thrice. It isn't nearly as hard as his hand was the first time he smacked me, but it is incredibly hot. I ache for more.

“Don't stop, oh please, don't stop,” I beg him.

He obliges, striking me still. Each strike lands on my flesh in different parts, making me yelp or moan out in zest. My eyes are closed now, soaking in the feeling of something I've longed for, for so long. Each strike pushes me up onto my toes, my nipples are even hard, though pressed against the table. My pussy is dripping, aching to be filled. I want Tyler inside me, and I have no doubt he will before the night is over.

Franklin even uses the tails on my back, striking in such a way that tickles and pleases me. Something I had no idea I could feel while being spanked. The heat is growing higher, which causes sweat to begin to form over my body. My breathing is heavy, lightheaded, between the alcohol and desire.


The look on her face is mesmerizing. It is hard not to just watch her in bliss, but I make sure to watch how Franklin uses the whip. I want to use it on her myself. I'm determined to learn to use it properly. If she gets this kind of pleasure from being spanked, how could I ever deny her that?

I know for one, I'm leaking pre-cum. If I'm not careful, I could orgasm without even touching my cock. It hasn't happened more than a few times, maybe twice ever. But not since I was in my teen years. I can smell Scarlet's aroma in the air, so I know how turned on she is too. At least I'm not the only one who is struggling. I'm sure she wants me as much as I want and need her.


It feels like I'm being bent over that table and whipped for ages. Each strike is a lifetime of pain and pleasure. It is enough to make my whole body begin to tremble on its own. All my emotions are all coursing through me hard and quickly. I'm near tears because of it.

“Stop, stop. Yellow, please yellow,” I sob out. I fight back the tears, not wanting to make a spectacle of myself.

Instantly Franklin stops, lifting me up so I can stand, his fingers move with grace, to free my arms. Tyler is at my side in a flash. Laughter bubbles over, instead of tears, which I'm grateful for. I let out a sigh, to try to contain myself.

“I'm sorry. That was so intense, it was almost too much pleasure, if that makes sense.”

“Oh, it makes perfect sense. I was close to being done anyway, so your timing was genius. I'll leave you guys to it. You can take your time getting ready. Just ring the bell once you're done. Someone will come to escort you to the front.” He makes his leave, closing the door behind him.

I turn and nuzzle my face into Tyler, needing his touch against me. His soothing hands roam over my back and butt, as he kisses my forehead, then my lips. Our lips part, tongues finding one another. The same spark that I felt at the hotel comes back and I let out a soft moan.

Tyler takes a few steps back, taking me with him, until we're sitting on the couch. I straddle him, with his hands on me, I reach down to free his cock. I need him inside me. I wanted to go to the hotel and make a long, everlasting fuck session, but I can't wait. With all that has happened, I just need to feel him in me.

Lifting myself, I slide down onto his cock, the both of us groaning out. His hands on my hips, he guides me up and down, not fucking me, but making love to me. I whimper, nuzzling my face against his ear. My body sings in crazed sensations. Tears begin to slip down my cheeks, dripping down onto Tyler's shirt. I let out a sob, unable to hold it back. Tyler doesn't stop loving me though.


I know Scarlet well enough to know that she is in a vulnerable place, feeling emotional and needy. I know nothing will please her more than this. Though I hear her sobs and I feel her tears, but if I stop now, it will make it worse. She needs this comfort, and to be honest, so do I. I'd never deny her that. The feel of being inside her is exactly what I need.

She rides me slowly, my grip on her is firm, helping her move up and down on my shaft. I'm swollen tight, holding back the urge to fill her until she comes first. This is about her, about us, not just me. I want her to feel loved, special, wanted, and needed. My sweet girl.

“I love you, Scarlet,” I whisper into her ear.


“I love you, Tyler, my love,” I whimper out.

Four words, that is all it takes for me. It does me in. Between his soft, loving touch and his words, I begin to come. Squeezing around his shaft, I rise and fall down onto him. My juices flowing around him, I cling onto his shirt, biting into his neck, as I moan out his name.

He stiffens and begins to release his seed. He holds me tight into him, bucking his hips up into me a little harder, but not by much. He does until he is empty, but doesn't let me go. He holds me close, tightly. We don't speak, we just stay as we are. My lips find his, kissing him with wanting concupiscence.


After some time, I sit up and smile at him.

“Are you good now, baby?” he asks me.

“I am. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get so emotional.”

“Don't apologize, it was a lot to take in. As long as you loved it. Did you? I do hope so.”

“Oh yes, without doubt. I'm so happy we did this together, Tyler. You have no idea how much it means to me that you were so open to this.”

“That's all I want and need to hear. Besides, I learned a lot and think I can be the one spanking you from now on.”

“I like the sound of that. But now, really all I want to do is go back to the hotel and sleep,” I yawn to prove how serious I am.

Tyler helps me dress after he zips himself back up. We ring the bell and Layla appears again.

“Do you need anything or would you like to see Franklin?”

“Oh no, no. We're about ready. Can you escort us back to the main room, please?” Tyler says.

“Certainly! I do hope we lived up to your exceptions.”

“Very, very much. You and Franklin have been wonderful. Thank you so much.” I reach out and shake her hand. Tyler does the same, offering her a tip as well.



Scarlet wasn't kidding. When we got back to the hotel, she dropped onto the bed and fell fast asleep. Now it is mid-morning on Sunday and we're both lounging in bed, eating fresh fruit and muffins. We've decided to be lazy this morning, and so we have.

When we first woke up, we made love to each other. Everything was tender, soft and easy. No rush was needed. A lot like the night before. Everything that has happened has brought us a lot closer. What more could I ask for?



On the drive home, we come across a toy shop. Tyler insists we go in. I try to tell him we can wait until a later time, but he won't have it.

“My girl should have a proper whip now that she knows she likes it,” he says.

How can I argue against that? I know we both want to get one, I also know I'm excited to see what it is like for him to whip me. It was hot for Franklin to do it, but the idea of someone you're in love with must be so much better.

We tell the woman, who goes by Daisy, in the shop of our affairs, because we want to make sure we get the proper items. She enjoys listening, telling us she's also been to The Fetish Club. She says we picked the right place to explore the kinky side of sex.

She helps us pick out the perfect whip for us. We also buy a new vibrator, after Daisy tells us it can be fun to use one while being whipped. We also buy a pair of handcuffs, because Tyler doesn't know how to rope like Franklin can do.

The whole weekend was wonderful, I couldn't have asked for anything more. I know I will make good use of our new whip this evening. My boyfriend deserves the best of everything, just like he has given me.

I suppose letting out a few dark secrets when you're drunk isn't always a bad thing.

Written by Poppet
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