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Discipline Regime in 2040

"Martha attends the Discipline Centre"

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Martha winced as she looked across the road and saw the sign above the front door, “Discipline Centre,” and looked down at the letter in her hand which ordered her to attend the Discipline  Centre. Martha was sixty-six-years-old and should’ve known better, but had been caught not just once, but twice, smoking in a public area where there was a large sign that said clearly said, ‘No Smoking.’ 

Today was ladies correction day, and all the police officers were women. However, much to Martha’s pique, the discipline centre was run by young policewomen, who were mainly eighteen or nineteen-years-old, with a couple of more senior officers in their mid-twenties. The reason was the change in attitude towards punishment. In Martha’s day, her generation was full of do-gooders who sought to rehabilitate offenders and basically ignored the victims. Offenders got shorter and shorter sentences and that encouraged them to re-offend as even being caught several times never seemed to get them much of a sentence. Now, in the year 2040, the population had learnt to make penalties more severe and, surprise surprise, the number of people offending had dropped. 

It worked against Martha’s generation as they found those in charge to be young adults who saw no reason to respect the older generation, and, today, Martha knew the policewomen who would be disciplining her would be the eighteen and nineteen-year-olds, so easily young enough to be her granddaughters, in fact. 

Taking a deep breath, Martha crossed the road and entered the building. She looked around and saw several officers in their uniform of light blue short-sleeved shirts with dark blue, and with a dark blue belt. Worse, she quickly realised, was that they were all fresh-faced teenagers.

Martha went up to the reception desk and presented the letter. She said, “My name is Martha and I have come to be disciplined.”

The young officer glared at Martha and, pointing to a paragraph in the letter, ordered sternly, “Read that out you naughty granny.”

Martha wanted to object and suggest the girl speak with more respect but instead blushed as she looked at the letter and read out, “Always address every officer as ma’am. Failure to do so will lead to one additional cane stroke on your bare bottom.” Martha was still blushing as she looked up at the young policewoman and said, “Sorry, ma’am.”

The policewoman, who’s badge showed her name as Officer Riley, replied, “Well, I have added one stroke of the cane to your punishment.”

Martha immediately said a contrite, “Sorry, ma’am.”

The officer appointed to the letter and demanded again, “Read that out as well, old woman.”

Martha winced again as she read out, “Say thank you to any officer who adds anything to your punishment, or else suffer a further stroke of the cane.”

Officer Riley stared at Martha and demanded, “Well?”

Martha was struggling to cope with the need to submit to these young police officers but managed to reply, “Thank you, ma’am.”

Officer Riley kept glaring at Martha as she said, “That is two extra strokes now, you naughty old granny.”

Martha winced knowing both extra strokes were her own fault as she failed to read the instructions properly. She had to admit that she didn’t like these teenage policewomen referring to her as naughty, or old, or even as a granny, even though she was, but they made it sound so derogatory. Still, she reminded herself that these teenagers were the ones in charge of her today, and she had to show them every respect, whether she wanted to or not.  

Officer Riley completed the admission form for Martha, handed it to her, and pointing along the corridor, said in a dismissive tone, “The changing rooms are that way, old woman.”

Martha was now quite feeling more contrite and reconciled to her punishment as she picked up the letter and walked along the corridor. She was also getting used to being called an old woman, which she supposed was better than being called a number, but it was still so belittling for a woman her age to be addressed like that by a teenager. After all, she had to be so respectful to police women who were only nineteen-years-old, and so younger than a third her own age, but she knew she had to. She also accepted they were just doing their jobs, and had been given authority over her, so she had no choice but to obey them. So, she walked along the corridor towards the changing rooms, knowing she had to just accept the punishment, and hoped to cope with it. 

Martha had to admit that she was quite horrified to see several women her own age walking the other way with tear-streamed faces and rubbing or clutching their bottoms. However, she quickly realised that that would be her when her punishment was over.

Martha arrived at the changing room and walked in. She was met by another officious teenage policewoman who’s name badge said, Officer Masters, and who ordered, “Here is the key to your locker. Get fully undressed and then walk through that door for a medical check.”

Martha took the key remembering to say, “Thank you, ma’am,” and went to her designated locker. She saw two other women still crying and their bottoms were covered in red raised welts. Martha was more worried than ever before at the prospect of having to take such a beating, but she still told herself that coming to the discipline centre was better than the alternative of six months in prison. Of course, the new discipline resume was intended to make those who committed offences choose corporal punishment rather than prison as it saved the country so much money and had improved the way so many people obeyed the law. Now, the prisons could focus on those who were repeating criminals and needed to be kept away from the public. Corporal punishment in the discipline centres dealt with those committing more minor offences with a short sharp albeit extremely painful penalty, which was what  Martha was thinking as she got undressed.

Martha quickly stepped out of her shoes and put them in the back of the locker, unzipped her dress and slid it down her body, catching her knickers on the way pushing both down to her ankles, bent down, and scooped them up. She folded them neatly and put them both in the locker. She then unclipped her bra, slipped the straps down her arms, caught it, and put her bra with her other clothes in the locker. Finally, she made sure she removed her watch and put it in the locker. She deliberately didn’t bring her engagement and wedding ring nor her earrings, with her, as she knew from the parts of the letter that she had read and remembered that she would not be able to wear anything, including any jewellery, after getting undressed.

Martha locked the locker and went and stood by the desk to give her key back. After all, if she was naked, there was nowhere to clip the key to a piece of clothing. When Officer Masters held out her hand, Martha gave her the key and said a respectful, “Thank you ma’am,” thinking she was getting the hang of being deferential to the teenage policewomen.

Officer Masters smirked as she was now quite used to the old women suddenly remembering to be so respectful, knowing that she had the authority to add a cane stroke every time they forgot to say thank you, ma’am. She didn’t have any sympathy for these old women either. They might be granny figures, and certainly that old compared to her nineteen-years, but they had offended and so were going to get the punishments they deserved. She, on the other hand, respected the law and so it was right that girls her age were the ones in charge. She didn’t feel inferior to the granny’s, but quite the opposite as it was their generation that had almost encouraged lawbreaking.

Martha watched as Officer Masters put the key on the board and realised just how many of the hooks didn’t have keys. That meant, of course, so many other women in the discipline centre who were currently being processed and punished for their minor crimes.

Officer Masters turned back and glared at Martha and ordered, “Go and sit on that chair by the door and wait for an officer to come and collect you.”

Martha again said, contritely, “Yes ma’am, thank you, ma’am,” and went and sat on the chair as directed. It was only a few minutes later that the door opened and a fully naked woman her age was shown in by another policewoman. Once again, the woman had red welts that covered her whole bottom and she was still crying uncontrollably with tears streaming down her face. The policewoman was also smacking her bottom with a wooden spatula which was clearly intended to make sure she walked quickly, but each spank was followed by the woman letting out an, “Oww.” How awful, Martha thought and hoped that wouldn’t happen to her as well.

The young officer escorted the woman to the desk and was heard to say, “Well, I hope this old woman won’t be naughty again,“

Officer Masters replied, “Do you know, these naughty old women just can’t help themselves sometimes. Anyway, your next old woman is waiting for you over there.“

Moments later, Officer Stone stood in front of Martha and ordered, “Stand up old woman.“

Martha  did as she was told with a very quick, “Yes, ma’am.”

Officer Stone glared at Martha and, once she was standing, told her, “Hands out, old woman.”

Martha held her hands out and watched as Office Stone put on a pair of handcuffs but then gasped as the teenager took hold of Martha’s ear between her thumb and finger and ordered, “Come with me, old woman.“

Officer Stone opened the door and pulled Martha by the ear even though she was gasping with the pain, but it was the standard way that the policewomen guided the lawbreaker along the corridor, and she saw others being led in the same way. What was also particularly noticeable, was that so many of the old women coming towards her were crying and had red bottoms and every old woman was naked, handcuffed, being pulled by the ear, and most what crying and looking very sad for themselves. Of course, they were all being led by a teenage policewoman.

Martha wasn’t sure how long it took to be walked along the corridor, and reckoned it was several minutes and that she had seen at least a dozen other women her age coming the other way. It was also so noticeable that each of the teenage policewomen escorting them were so authoritative in their manner that Martha realised their age really wasn’t an issue because they clearly knew how to deal with women her age without any sympathy. Of course, having broken the law twice, she also didn’t expect any sympathy nor respect from these young policewomen, who were after all, correctly doing their duty and dealing with the older women in exactly the way that they deserved to be dealt with.

Martha was shocked when she passed by one policewoman who was disciplining an old woman in the corridor. She had the heavy wooden spatula in her hand, and the old woman was on all fours on the floor. The policewoman was berating the old woman whilst, at the same time, spanking her on alternate bottom cheeks with the heavy wooden spatula. The woman’s bottom was bright red but also bruised from the huge number of spanks that she was being given. The policewoman was saying in a very stern voice, “I will not tell you again, you naughty old woman, you will do as you are told straight away and without question. I am fed up with the way that you are disrespecting me.“

The woman was crying out, “I’m sorry ma’am, I’m sorry ma’am, I’m sorry ma’am,” and tears were streaming down her face as the policewoman continued to land spank after spank, not just on her bottom but also on the backs of her thighs. Martha couldn’t stop to look because she was being pulled along by her ear, and certainly didn’t want to risk that kind of thrashing herself, but it reinforced the need to obey these young authoritative policewomen.

At last, Officer Stone stopped at the door which had on it a number seven, opened it, and pulled Martha into the room. Office Stone closed the door and led her to the shower unit before letting go of Martha’s ear and ordering, “Standstill whilst I shower you, old lady.” She then undid the handcuffs.

Martha gasped as the shower was switched on and realised that it was freezing cold water that was coming out of the showerhead. She wasn’t told to wash but had to stand there as the water soaked body for several minutes. Eventually, Officer Stone switched off the shower and ordered, “I now need to complete your punishment form.”

Offices Stone again grabbed Martha by her ear and pulled her out of the shower and back into the room and led her to a desk at the far end. “Sit down, “she ordered. 

Officer Stone grabbed Martha’s wrist and felt a pulse. She wrote down the reading on the form but as she held her wrist she belittled Martha with comments about her body. “You old women certainly have drooping breasts and batwings. I see you have plenty of flabby skin around your neck as well. Mind you, you don’t have so many creases in your forehead or above your lip as some of the other naughty old women I have to deal with. Still, I actually quite like looking at women your age particularly when naked. In fact, if you were to touch my knickers, you would know that I am turned on right now and my knickers will be wet. Still, if you did that then I would have to deal with you like that old woman was being dealt with in the corridor. Your choice, you naughty old woman?“

Martha wondered whether Officer Stone was wanting her to touch her knickers, but she didn’t dare find out, and just reckoned she was asserting her authority over her. In fact, Martha had to admit that she was quite taken by being dealt with so strictly by the teenage policewomen. She had a long-held fantasy of having women their age as her girlfriends, kissing and cuddling them and making out with them. She even quite fancied Officer Stone, not just because she was in uniform, but she did have a pretty face, with light brown hair neatly tied back, well-toned arms and legs, no tummy to  talk of, and a wonderfully strict, ‘Do as I say, or else,’ tone of voice. Much as she wanted to see whether Officer Stone’s knickers were wet, she just replied meekly, “No thank you, ma’am.”

Officer Stone shrugged her shoulders and smirked as she continued with the medical examination. She ordered, “Part your legs.”

When Martha did spread her legs apart, Officer Stone she slipped on a plastic glove, and eased her fingers inside Martha’s vagina, saying, “Just checking you for drugs, old woman.“

Martha was shocked as Officer Stone entered her, but with the finger easing in and out, she realised that she was actually getting quite aroused, just as she would do when masturbating in bed, She now so wanted to feel Officer Stone’s knickers, but held back knowing that the punishment she had coming to her was going to be bad enough. Luckily, as well, Officer Stone took her finger out of her vagina just before she was ready to cum. She knew that it would’ve been totally humiliating if she had cum, but could see from the look on Officer Stones face that she had been enjoying herself.

Office Stone took the plastic glove off, and then stood up, and read out in her authoritative, ‘Don’t disobey me, tone of voice, “You will be obedient at all times and do exactly what you were told, straight away. You will address every officer as ma’am, and you will thank us every time we punish you. You will under no circumstances look at us directly in the eye from now on.”

Martha was wide-eyed as she stared at Officer Stone as she read out each instruction and it took her a few moments to register what was being said, and before she could glance away, Officer Stone gave her a very hard slap across the face. 

Martha gasped as her cheek stung and saw the smirk on Officer Stone’s face, and knew she had deliberately spoken in a way that would allow her to slap her around the face., Even though she knew that, she accepted Officer Stone’s right to do so, and after letting out an, “Ow, “followed that with, “Very sorry man.”

Officer Stone was clearly happy with how she had dealt with granny Martha, although didn’t say anything else.

Moments later another policewoman entered the room and from her name badge, Martha saw her name was Officer Julia.  Martha looked up and immediately realised her mistake and looked towards the floor. Even so, Officer Julia lifted her face up by her chin and gave her two very hard slaps across her face. “Do not look at me you naughty old woman,” Officer Julia ordered.

As Martha felt the horrible stinging she realised that actually Officer Stone was making her aware of the punishment, and may have even been trying to warn her. Anyway, that was three slaps around the face she hadn’t reckoned on getting.

Officer Julia then snapped, “Stand up old woman. Go and face the wall and make sure your nose is pressed against the wall firmly.” 

When Martha stood up and went and pressed her nose against the wall, she had to listen to the discussion between the two policewomen about her body. She knew that she had large drooping breasts with large nipples but it sounded so awful in the way described by the two teenage policewomen. It was also humiliating how they referred to her bat wings and turkey neck, as well as her more than ample bottom cheeks and thighs, which, both teenage policewomen made clear would be far redder by the time she returned to the changing room. 

Officer Stone eventually ordered, “Come here and stand in front of us, old woman.”

Martha turned and walked back to stand in front of the two teenagers, making sure she only looked at the floor.

There was silence for a few moments before Officer Stone said to Officer Julia, “I don’t remember this old woman saying sorry for looking at you. I think she needs some spanks with the spatula.”

Officer Julia went to the desk, opened it, and took out the same type of heavy wooden spatula that she had seen used on other woman being spent with in the corridor. 

Martha winced as Officer Julia pulled Martha by the ear and forced her to bend over and grab the seat of the chair. Officer Stone stood behind her with the spatula in her hand, and as Martha looked behind her, she saw the calf muscles of Offices Stone tensing, and, next moment, felt the pain of the spatula landing very hard on her bottom. That spank was followed with several more and Martha gasped after everyone but knew what the teenagers were doing was teaching her to be properly respectful to them. So, as the pain intensified, she told herself it was her fault forgetting to say sorry to Officer Julia for looking at her, and fully accepted that the teenagers were the ones in charge and it was she who had to submit to their authority.

Martha thought that the beating with the spatula was bad enough, but when that ended Officer Stone ordered, “Go and bend over officer Julia’s lap.”

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Martha knew that she couldn’t object and so said a tear-filled, “yes, ma’am,” and went and stood to Officer Julia’s side and then went down and across her lap. She grimaced as she felt the teenager's hand rubbing her bottom and then gasped as spank after spank landed on her bare bottom. The hand spanks didn’t hurt as much as the spanks with the spatula, but she certainly felt humiliated being across a teenagers lap which, once again, reinforced the respective positions of a woman her age to the two teenagers in charge of her.

Once Officer Julia had spanked Martha enough, she ordered, “Get up and go and press your nose against the wall again with your hands on your head, old woman.”

Martha was crying as she eased herself up from Officer Julia’s lap and then went and pressed her nose against the wall again. She was certainly was regretting that she had smoked in public and knew that this was a good way of making sure that she didn’t again. So, as much as the punishment was hurting, she knew she would think twice before breaking any rules in future. 

Officer Stone and Officer Julia made themselves a cup of coffee each and sat and drank them whilst still discussing Martha’s creases and drooping flesh. As much as Martha found it humiliating, there had been much public debate about the level of humiliation that the young police officers handed out to those under their control, but the general public opinion was that it was exactly what should be done in order to help improve the behaviour of those who broke the rules.

As Martha stood looking at the blank wall just an inch in front of eyes, she certainly agreed that this level of discipline was right. In fact, she wished that these rules had been in place throughout her life, and even wondered whether having someone like Officer Julia or Officer Stone as a girlfriend with authority to deal with her so strictly and severely, would make sense. On balance, she told herself that would definitely help her and she started to wonder whether one of these teenage policewomen would have her as their girlfriend on the basis that they were in total control and Martha would be subject to their unquestioned discipline.

What Martha didn’t know was that several of the teenage policewomen had granny aged women as their girlfriends because they, too, were happy to deal with their misbehaviour in a maternal way that was good for the granny’s and made for a very happy and loving relationship.

Martha was still thinking her thoughts when the two policewomen finish their coffee and Officer Julia said, “Let’s get on with the punishment she came to receive.”

It was then that Martha realised that being spanked with the spatula and when across Officer Julia‘s lap, as well as having her face slapped, were all in addition to the discipline that she was supposed to be receiving. However, she did not hold it against either policewoman and, in fact, it increased her respect for them. They might just be teenagers, but they were handling themselves with a distinct maturity that impressed her.

Martha felt her ear being grabbed and pulled and, as she was forced to turn around, she saw that she was being led to the caning table. When she got there, she was forced to bend over the end of the table and ordered, “Grab the end of the table, old woman.”

Martha did as she was told and, when she had stretched as far as she could, Officer Stone took one of her wrists and tied it in the leather cuff, whilst Officer Julia did the same to her other wrist. Martha soon realised both of her arms were secured so she was perfectly positioned for the caning.

Officer Julia picked up the cane and swished it a couple of times and, talking to Offices Stone, said, “I believe the tally is fourteen strokes. Twelve plus two extras given today. This old woman had better say thank you after each one and count them as well, and keep perfectly still because otherwise, even more strokes and have to be added.”

Martha knew that the comment was directed at her as a reminder and so, looking at the tabletop which, like the wall, was just an inch from her eyes, she said, “Yes, ma’am.”

Martha didn’t see Officer Stone and Officer Julia smile at each other as she showed her increasing respect.

Officer Julia positioned herself and rubbed the cane back and forth across her already reddened bottom cheeks.

Martha was tense as she felt the cane rubbed across the bottom but then cried out as the first stroke landed. Remembering, though, she did say, “One, thank you, ma’am.”

Officer Julia waited a few more moments before raising the cane again and gave Martha a second stroke. She smiled as the second red welt developed as Martha once again managed to count out the second stroke and say a further thank you.

As the third stroke landed and Martha yelped with the pain, she realised that the spanking across Officer Julia’s lap and by Officer Stone with a spatula was actually quite easy to deal with by comparison. The fourth stroke hurt even more, and the fifth had Martha shaking her head as she became less and less able to handle the increasing intensity.

Officer Julia and Officer Stone had caned so many old women like Martha who had also broken the rules and deserved to be punished, and so they had no sympathy whatsoever even though they saw Martha was finding it so hard to deal with the pain. They both knew how it used to be people Martha’s age who said that it was the teenagers who needed to be disciplined, but, since the change in dealing with public offences, it was clear that it was actually people Martha’s age who needed to be disciplined whilst teenagers like Officer Stone and Officer Julia kept to the rules.

Martha continued to cry out and shake her head and pull at the handcuffs as the strokes continued to land and the pain cascaded around her bottom. She did, though, remember to count each stroke and to say, “Thank you, ma’am,“ each time.

Martha was struggling as the cane strokes continued to bite into her bottom. She quite forgot she was being caned by a teenager as she cried uncontrollably and felt the tears rolling down her cheeks but stayed focused and managed to still count each stroke and say, “Thank you, ma’am.”

When it came to the eleventh stroke, though, Martha started to fall apart. As well as shaking her head and pulling at her cuffs, she also wriggled her bottom and raised one leg. She did manage to count the stroke and say, ‘Thank you, ma’am,’ and did the same with relief after the twelfth stroke. However, she quite forgot the two extras and as they landed in quick succession so she cried out and thrashed about and wriggled her bottom much more than with any of the previous strokes,

Martha at least relaxed after the fourteenth stroke believing her punishment really was over but was distraught when she heard Officer Stone say sternly, “This old woman wriggled her bottom far too much for the last two strokes. Neither, therefore, will count and I will add two strokes.”

Martha cried out in despair as she felt the cane rubbed from side to side again across her now almost unbearably stinging bottom cheeks. Moments later the cane landed and, not wishing to have any more strokes added, she forced herself to stay as still as possible whilst still saying the number of strokes and thank you, ma’am. She stayed focused as the next stroke landed and bit into her bottom, and once again forced herself to stay still and counted out the stroke and said, “Thank you, ma’am.” 

The two teenage police officers were very pleased that Martha was now crying uncontrollably even as they released her leather cuffs. Once they had done, Officer Stone ordered, “Now go back to the wall and sit on the floor and write out one hundred times, ‘I am a very naughty very old woman who deserved to be caned and will be again if I break the rules again.’ You really are a naughty old woman.”

Martha managed to push herself up from the caning table and, looking back towards the wall, saw that a pad and pen was already on the floor. She went over and eased herself down onto her knees and then onto her bottom, and gasped as her bottom cheeks hit the cold floor. However, she forced herself to pick up the pen and started to write her lines. She felt even more like a naughty much younger woman, but did exactly as she was told in order to try to avoid any additional punishments. She knew that it was taking quite a long time to write the lines as she had to keep count of them and make sure there were no spelling mistakes. However, she managed to do that, and it was with some relief that she was able to put down the pan. She looked up at the two teenage policewomen and again knew they were doing their job correctly and making sure she learned a lesson she wouldn’t forget.

Officer Julia saw that Martha had finished and said sternly, “Okay, old woman, Officer Stone will now take you back to the changing room.”

It was almost with relief when Officer Stone grabbed her by her ear and pulled her to her feet. She made her stand up in front of Officer Julia, and Martha knew to say, “Thank you for punishing me. I hope it will teach me not to break the rules again.” Martha really felt that sincerely and definitely meant her thank you to the two teenagers. She even wanted to kiss them both, but knew she mustn’t.

However, Martha did make the mistake of looking Officer Julia in the eye, and next moment her face was slapped really hard. Martha gasped and apologised immediately but started to wonder whether she really had learned her lesson.

Officer Stone pulled Martha roughly by the ear and led her towards the door. It was once they were back in the corridor that Martha felt the first spank with the spatula and only then realised that Officer Stone was going to smack her with it at almost every step. It wasn’t as hard as when she was properly spanked with the spatula, but it was still strong enough and made sure that she walked as quickly as possible. Tears flooded down her face and she realised that was why so many women walking naked like her in the corridor were crying so much. It was the longest walk she ever had, but she saw from some of the looks of the women coming the other way on their way to be disciplined, that they were horrified to see her crying and being smacked at almost every step with the spatula. Clearly, it was a lesson being taught both to her and the women coming the other way.

Eventually, they reached the changing room and Martha sighed with relief as she went inside. However, to her despair, her punishment still wasn’t over. Officer Stone took a cane down from a hook on the wall and turned towards Martha and said sternly, “Officer Benson will be giving you your additional punishment for smoking in public. Because you used your hands to smoke, your hands need to be caned as well.” With that Officer Stone left the changing room and walked towards the main reception to get her next offender.

There were three other women in the changing room and they all gasped when Officer Stone told Martha that her punishment was not yet over. Two of them looked at their own hands, and Martha surmised that they would have their palms caned when they got back from the punishment room as well. 

Officer Benson looked as young as the others but also had an authoritative tone when she demanded, “Hold your right hand out, palm up.“ 

Martha had quite forgotten that this specific punishment was noted at the bottom of the information page. Of course, it made sense, to cane her hands to teach her to remember not to smoke. It was a punishment also used for almost every crime because all thefts, and the like, involved using the rule breakers hands. So, as the cane was rested on her palm, she sobbed as she looked at the so young policewoman who was being so dominant but totally correct in what she was doing.  So, as much as Martha hated being spanked and caned, she so respected the young women law enforcers who were doing their job and had improved life for everyone with their firm enforcement of the law.

As the cane landed on Martha’s presented palm and the pain made her gasp so loudly, so she knew it was right to make her suffer and it was the best way to make her remember not to smoke in public again and that was better for those people who would otherwise be affected by her bad habit and lawbreaking. Martha managed to count the number of the stroke and say, once again, “Thank you, ma’am.” However, she looked down at the palm of her hand and saw the red line across it, and hated the thought of six more like it.

Officer Benson waited only a few moments before raising the cane again and brought it down on to Martha’s flattened palm. She watched as the redline developed and then looked up at Martha who, she saw, was looking pleadingly at her. It was good to know that Martha was struggling, Officer Stone thought but, at the same time, had to make her pay for looking at her and stepped forward and slapped Martha around the face. She said sternly, “Avert your eyes, you naughty old woman.”

Martha found the face slap stung even more than when her face was slapped in the punishment room. She had totally forgotten that she must not make eye contact with any of the policewomen, and so knew that she deserved what she got. Once again, she felt the utmost respect for Officer Stone for enforcing the rules so strictly. It really was so different to when she was young and the older generation felt that the perpetrator was more important than the victim and the punishment certainly didn’t fit the crime. These teenage policewomen were brought up knowing that you had to make the penalty an incentive both for the perpetrator and those who might also break the same rule, and that meant a severe punishment, just like she was being given today. All credit to the young policewoman who was giving her such a good lesson. Yes, it hurt like crazy, but surely she will learn from this, she told herself.

Officer Benson still had no sympathy whatsoever for the granny-aged rule breaker that she was dealing with. Outside the discipline centre, she was more than happy to socialise with women this grannies age. After all, a woman in her mid-sixties, with all of her creased skin, turkey neck, bat wings, drooping breasts, and flabby tummy and thighs, was nice to be with and to discuss the times when they were growing up. Of course, it was also true that these old women readily accepted being slapped down and scolded by teenagers like her, because these old granny women had grown to respect her generation. It was why most police officers were her age nowadays, and although it was often joked about how young police officers were these days, in reality, they knew it was totally correct that the youngsters were the ones in control and the grannies were the ones who had to accept their authority over them.

The third stroke landed and Martha cried out again with the pain. She saw the third red line appear and now her hand was really starting to sting. The fourth stroke made her hand sting so much that she started to cry, and the fifth stroke had her crying uncontrollably. The sixth stroke landed and she was still crying, but at least knew that her punishment was half over.

The young officer was very used to caning grannies palms and ordered, “Hold out your left palm, granny. Make sure that you do not look me in the eye, either.“

Martha did as she was told and felt the cane rubbing against her left palm. She looked down at her palm to try to ensure that she didn’t try to look at the young officer's eyes again. She certainly didn’t want another slap around the face, although would readily have swapped that for an equal number of cane strokes on her palm. However, that wasn’t on offer and as the seventh stroke landed she yelped with the pain but forced herself to keep looking at her palm as the red line appeared, reminding herself yet again that she was the one at fault, not the police officer.

The eighth stroke landed and Officer Benson watched the second red line appear on Martha’s left palm and liked the fact that the tears dribbling down her face and onto her bare breasts knowing that she had total control over this granny. She landed the tenth stroke and could see that Martha was shaking which was an obvious sign that the pain was becoming unbearable. Notwithstanding that, she landed the eleventh stroke and listened to Martha’s pain-filled uncontrolled crying shaking hand but, still having no sympathy, raised the cane one final time and landed the twelfth stroke and watched as Martha literally dissolved into a crying crescendo. It was how so many of the granny’s ended up after having their palms caned so proficiently and with no sympathy whatsoever.

Officer Benson put the cane back onto the hook on the wall and went to the desk and to Martha’s continued horror took out a camera. She glared at Martha and ordered, “Stand by the wall as I need some mugshots for our records.”

Martha felt so humiliated as Officer Benson took photographs of her red and bruised and welted bottom as well as her tear-stained face, and even her drooping breasts and stretched pussy lips. Why they were all needed she couldn’t imagine. 

Officer Benson took the photos including close-ups of Martha’s body. She knew the photos of her face would go in her file as mugshots. What she also knew was all the other photos were for her fellow policewomen to laugh over as they discussed today’s punishments.

After finishing the photos, Officer Benson put the camera away, knowing the photos automatically downloaded to her computer, and took out a punishment pad, opened it, and wrote out one of the forms, tearing it off and handing it to Martha, saying in a stern authoritative tone, “Make sure you read this and obey what it says, old woman.”

Martha’s hands were aching so much she could hardly hold the single piece of paper but carefully turned it around and read it. She gasped when she saw that it demanded that she attends the discipline centre again in one weeks time. It said there would not be a further punishment but that there would be a feedback meeting, and to discuss future behaviour, with a more senior policewoman, albeit she was going to be a woman in her early twenty’s. 

Still crying, and wiping the tears away with the back of the hand because her palms hurt so much, Martha went and collected her key to her locker. She then went to the locker and, albeit with tremendous difficulty because of her stinging palms, managed to get dressed. She was okay slipping her bra back on and clasping it together. It wasn’t too bad stepping into her dress and zipping that back up either. She did find putting her knickers back rather trying particularly as she let go of the elastic too soon and it stunk the bottom cheeks. That made her gasp.

However, at least her punishment really was over and she walked out of the changing room and back along the corridor until she got to the main entrance and saw Officer Riley. She managed to say, “Thank you, ma’am,” to the teenage policewoman, but knew she still felt nothing but respect for them all, even though they were so young and she was so old. However, times had changed for the better, she told herself, and once again mused about having any of them as her girlfriend and submitting to their loving but strict authority. Maybe one day, she hoped, and thought she would be really lucky if it happened. 

Written by SusanHarper
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