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Caught and Punished by Hannah

"Tim is punished by his friend, Hannah, for two-timing her friend"

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Tim was in the pub with a girl from his office when his mobile went. He recognised the phone number and instantly knew it was Hannah.   

She ordered, “Get your ass back home now or Abigail gets an email with a photo of the two of you, and do not kiss her goodbye.” 

Tim and Hannah were housemates, so living together and were friends, but each had their own bedroom.

Tim looked around but could not see Hannah although knew she must be somewhere close by. It was only a week ago he had seen her smoking pot and had used that to manoeuvre a date with her best friend, Abigail.  

Hannah had threatened revenge. Tim knew that Hannah always got revenge, but he thought it was worth it just to see the look on her face when she conceded defeat and made the arrangements with Abigail. He hoped he wouldn’t regret the bravado although knew it was a risk two-timing Abigail, and soon he would find out if it was worth it. 

Tim knew he could have gone out with Hannah, but he preferred Abigail. However, Hannah had told him not to ask Abigail out, just because she could, and so he had to find a way to change Hannah’s mind. 

Hannah was a terror though, and a control freak when it came to her friends. What she wanted, happened, or else. She had plenty going for her, though. She was slim, slightly shorter than he was, attractive, always smartly dressed although her skirts were normally as short as possible, long blonde hair that flowed over her shoulders and halfway down her back, with a pretty face. She was nineteen years old but wily, streetwise, with a hard streak, and brain to boot. Tim knew she meant business and wondered how much he would regret his actions. 

Abigail was also nineteen-years-old, with long dark hair and a curvy figure, and a lovely face. She wasn’t as forceful as Hannah, but had suggested they go out, which Tim had aimed for, knowing it would upset Hannah. It was a game he was playing with Hannah. 

Tim looked at the girl he was with. Susie. A cutie who was just eighteen years old who he met at the gym. Tim was twenty-two years old. This was their second date with Susie and they stopped in an alleyway on the way to the pub and had some great french kisses. She let him get his hand inside her bra and caress her wonderfully soft breasts and even directed his hand down the front of her knickers and his finger inside her juicy moist vagina, then just as she returned the favour and touched the tip of his stiff penis, they heard someone coming towards them so stopped and darted into the pub. 

They settled down with drinks just as Hannah phoned. 

As much as Tim was happy to make out with Susie, he made his excuses and dashed off. Their house was a good fifteen-minute walk away, so he had plenty of time to think about what Hannah had in mind for him.   

Hannah had driven home so was already there. She could have given her housemate a lift but knew this was part of her winding him up. 

Tim let himself in. Hannah was waiting for him in the hall, arms crossed across her chest, and gave him a cold gaze with a slight sneer as she led him into the living room. There he saw the photo on her computer and an email written to Abigail. 

He looked at Hannah and asked in a worried tone, “What are you going to do?” 

Hannah responded “Well I have a number of choices. Abigail is a close friend and friends should tell each other if they saw their boyfriend making out with another girl and in public as though he didn’t care.” 

“Please Hannah, don’t,” Tim begged. 

Another sneer, but she just ignored his plea. “So, telling her is one option. I could though deal with this just between the two of us and then she need never know.” 

“That sounds the better option,” Tim said, enthusiastically.    

Hannah stared back at him and smiled when he gave his answer as though she had won a great victory.  She went and sat down on the high-backed dining chair she had placed in the middle of the room and told Tim to stand in front of her. Her mood changed as the smiles went and she looked and was livid.  She sat there for a few moments with her arms crossed staring at Tim, making him sweat.  

Tim wondered what she was thinking. He wanted her to say something because the mood was getting tense and he certainly felt that Hannah was in control, and he was losing it. He knew better than to compete with her though. She was smarting because he had forced her to tell Abigail to go out with him and wanted revenge. 

It was a risk threatening to tell on Hannah about her smoking as even Hannah wilted at the thought of her mum finding out as they both knew it would have meant her allowance dropping significantly. Tim was better off from that point of view because he was more financially independent. 

Tim was beginning to fear the worst now though. This was going to be payback and Hannah never held back when she was in a foul mood, and what if he couldn’t cope, he wondered? 

At last, Hannah spoke again. “How could you two-time Abigail?” she snapped. 

Tim stammered, “It was only a drink.” 

Hannah cut him short and told him, “Don’t even think about lying you little toe rag. I saw what you were doing to her. So, what do you think should happen?   

“I don’t know, Hannah,” Tim tried. So, it was Hannah coming down the alleyway, just as he had thought. 

Hannah looked as though she was thinking as she asked, “Hhhmmm. Will you accept my choice?” 

“You could at least indicate what you had in mind.” Tim was rightly worried as he knew that Hannah would reckon that fairness had nothing to do with it. 

Hannah thought the same thinking this would be revenge pure and simple, and she intended to enjoy it. “Nope. Either you let me decide or I will send the email.”   

Tim winced realising that Hannah was being really hard. Who knew what she might have in mind, but Tim knew he had better agree, and then talk himself out of it if he didn’t like what she decided. “OK Hannah, I agree,” he said, looking as doleful as he could.   

“Good, then let’s work out how I shall punish you,” Hannah said with a smile.

Tim looked shocked. “Punish me? What do you mean punish? I am twenty-two-years-old and so don’t get, ‘punished,’ by my house sharer, particularly when you are younger than me.” 

“OK,” Hannah said, as she got up and went over to the computer and held her finger over the ‘Send,’ button and looked Tim in the eye. 

“No” Tim shouted. “OK, you win”. 

Hannah said, “That’s better.” This was going to be easy, she thought. She went back to the chair and again told Tim to stand in front of her. This time she told him to put his hands on his head and could see that he felt humiliated but did as she said. She did not wait so long this time before telling him how bad he was, how he did not deserve such nice girlfriends because he two-timed all of them, and finally how she decided it was up to her to keep him on the straight and narrow. 

Hannah waited a few moments to allow all of that to sink in before continuing, “I have been thinking of an appropriate punishment. I know it has to be meaningful, one which you won’t want repeated in a hurry, and have decided I am going to spank you.” 

“What” he cried. “No way. I haven’t been spanked for over two years.” What he did know was that being spanked did him a lot of good, not to mention that he was turned on by the thought of a dominant woman spanking him. 

Hannah was pleased with the distress she was causing and continued, “I see, but I thought you wanted this to be just between ourselves.? Am I wrong about that? Do I now have to tell Abigail? Just what do you want me to do?” 

“OK, OK, you win. Let’s just get it over with then,” Tim conceded. 

With that, Hannah told Tim to stand by her side, which he did obediently. She asked if he wanted to take down his own trousers or have her do it? She was smirking as he slowly took down his own trousers. She egged him on by reminding him his pants must follow until he was standing naked below his waist clearly knowing that in a few moments he would be across Hannah’s knee getting spanked.  

Tim didn’t really mind the fact that Hannah was younger than him, nor that she was always telling him what to do, as, anyway he always did what she told him because she was so dominant. It was just that she had never actually hit him before, and he was pretty sure she would be able to spank him really hard, but hopefully not too hard. 


“Over you go young man,” Hannah said, mocking him, and not making it easy at all. 

Tim looked at Hannah’s lap and saw her skirt had ridden up, so she had bare legs, and his bare manhood was, like, naked. 

Hannah saw the look on Tim’s face and glanced at his floppy penis and replied, “Don’t you worry, there’s nothing you have to interest me. You’ll just have to grin and bear it. Now get across my knee young man.” 

So, Tim obeyed her. He trembled slightly when his penis touched her bare cool legs, but Hannah pushed him down hard and the feeling passed. He liked the coolness of her legs though, and knew his penis was going to be on the move soon. After all, as much as he found Hannah so authoritative and often overbearing, he had to admit to feelings of submission got him aroused, and Hannah definitely ticked that box. 

Tim settled across Hannah’s lap, with his bottom just over her left leg, and gasped as she started rubbing her palm around his bottom for a while. He felt himself stiffen as the rubbing was soothing, almost erotic, and of course, he had daydreamed about being spanked by Hannah before now. Mind you, he had daydreamed about being spanked by several attractive girls, including Abigail. He wasn’t sure why because whenever he had been spanked as a punishment it hurt like crazy, but still, he daydreamed about younger girls tanning his hide. 

Tim was brought back to reality when Hannah said, “I don’t mind if you get an erection Tim, it will make me spank you harder,” and she laughed.   

Tim was reminded about how much being spanked hurt a few moments later when Hannah lifted her hand and gave him the first dozen or so spanks. They were harder than he had expected and were followed by some more rubbing and then a flurry of spanks which started to really sting. He could not tell if they were all on the same spot, but they felt as though they were although he suspected they were actually all over his bottom. 

“It’s looking a bit red now,” Hannah said. There was a further lull whilst she rubbed his bottom, and then she spanked him again, on and on, spank after spank after spank. He squirmed around trying to miss her hand, not even thinking how his penis was rubbing against her thigh. On and on she spanked until he started to sob. Twenty-two year's old being spanked by his nineteen-year-old house sharer and reduced to crying and apologising. The stinging really got to him, and the tears were flowing quickly down his face by the time she let up again. 

Hannah could see Tim was distraught and said, “OK, ok, calm down, it’s only a spanking.”   She rubbed his bottom and pressed her hand into the small of his back, ensuring he didn’t try to get up. 

Tim’s mind was aflutter. Calm down indeed. Great, he thought. That helps. Calm down? Sure, but just how does he calm down when his younger house sharer had him across her knee happily spanking him giving him a sore bottom, and making his tears flow down his face. Great. Stop spanking would help more. He couldn’t say any of this though. He was sobbing, though, which was all that he could do with the pain of it all. Anyway, he knew he had two-timed her friend and so deserved the punishment, even though it was so hard to take. 

“Oh dear, you have a wet face,” Hannah sneered sarcastically, smiling as she said it. 

That didn’t help Tim either. He knew how he must look with his bare and by now red bottom lying across her lap and him, just accepting every spank. It was so humiliating, but still knew he deserved it. 

Hannah started to spank him again, even harder than before he thought. The spanking seemed to go on for ages until she put the palm of her hand on his bottom, and just kept it there, rubbing his bottom. He waited patiently, trying to recover his composure but still felt humiliated across her lap. After a while, she spoke to him, but in a tone of voice, that rather scared him. 

Hannah said, “You know, it really is the pits that you have two-timed Abigail, particularly as you forced me to set up your date.”  

Tim was about to snap an answer back but thought better of it.   

Hannah continued. “If that was me then I would be very upset indeed. I phoned her before you got back.” Tim tensed when he heard that. Hannah then continued, “Yes, you did hear correctly. I wanted to check she was still OK with you, but she didn’t answer. Anyway, I was thinking how wrong it was for you to have gone off and two-timed her.” 

With that, she landed several more spanks and then she rubbed his bottom for a bit, before continuing, “I want to make sure you remember that you must be honest with her.”  

Tim still did not dare to say anything, but his bottom was certainly getting sore. As Hannah continued spanking him for what again seemed like forever his bottom stung and he squirmed around on her lap, no longer thinking that his penis still rubbed her legs, nor conscious of the fact that Hannah could feel his penis because he was stiff, and she now knew that he was aroused by the spanking. 

Hannah spanked him longer and harder than she had intended doing originally whilst she considered her own feelings, deep between her legs. She was enjoying herself, rather more than she had expected actually. A nice feeling of being in control, knowing that each spank caused pain and discomfort. A very nice feeling indeed, even better that he had a hard-on and that told her bundles about he was feeling. 

Hannah then ordered, “My hand hurts but I haven’t finished with you yet. Get up and bend over, holding the chair. It’s time for some spanks with my belt.” 

Tim stood up and rubbed his bottom.   

Hannah giggled and said, "Ooh and your soldier is all erect. Does he like me spanking his commanders’ bottom?” When Tim blushed that caused her even more enjoyment and she said more sharply, “Hold on to the seat of the chair. My belt is going to hurt even more than my hand and I don’t want you standing up partway through. Believe me, that will not bode well for you.”   

Tim glanced towards Hannah. She was giving nothing away as he bent over and held onto the chair. He could make out her slowly pulling her belt through the loops of her mini skirt until the belt flapped by her side. He could just see that Hannah carefully took both ends of the belt in one hand and positioned herself before she swung the belt with what seemed like it must have been all her force, time and again. That really hurt and he had to hold on tightly in case he stood up. He guessed Hannah was waiting for a rude comment so she could set him up for another spanking, but he was too scared just then. She rubbed his bottom for a bit and then gave him several more spanks with her belt and Tim realised she was making sure to apply the strokes liberally across his bottom and the tops of his legs.   

“I hope you realise this is for your own good,” Hannah said. “I am doing you a favour as I could just pick tell Abigail what you did but I chose not to. I chose to take the time and trouble to discipline you and to teach you right from wrong so what do you say to that?” Almost every word was spoken between landing spanks on Tim’s reddened backside. 

All Tim could think of to say was a miserable sounding, “Sorry.” He could not believe he said that, and he was going to say something else, but Hannah’s mobile phone rang. 

“Don’t move,” Hannah spat at him. 

“Hullo Abigail, yes I did call,” she said. Tim could only hear half the conversation. “Really? You saw him with who? The slut. No, I haven’t seen him. He’s out with the boys I thought…. yes, come over, we can have a chat and talk it through … in fifteen minutes, yes that’s great. See you then.” 

Hannah scoffed, “Well, you’ve blown that you idiot.”   

Tim shuddered. “What do you mean?” he asked. 

“Later. Right now, though, Abigail is on her way over and she is mad with you. Either we continue until she gets here, or we stop now so you can get out before she gets here and resume the spanking another time.”  She then added, “What will it be?” 

Tim started to think it through but obviously took too long as Hannah gave him three strokes with her belt in quick succession. He yelped out. 

Hannah demanded, “Quickly as time is running out.” 

Tim gripped the chair, still too scared to get up, but turned to look up at Hannah. She stared back at him. He was used to the look. He realised the irony, though, as he was still bent over grabbing hold of the chair, his bottom still in position for the belt, his eyes all blurred from crying, trying to negotiate with his younger house sharer who was still in the middle of blistering his bare butt. 

Tim tried to sound reasonable as he said, “Look Hannah, I made one mistake and you have punished me. I have learned my lesson and will not two-time Abigail again. Can we please leave it there?” 

Hannah argued back, “So, one spanking for two-timing Abigail once. Are you saying you have only two timed her the once?” 

Tim looked at Hannah quickly. So, she did know about the other times. 

“That’s right” Tim lied.

Hannah scoffed, “Fine then. So, when Abigail gets here you won’t mind if I tell her about the other occasions then?” 

Tim acted all innocent as he said, “What other occasions do you mean?” 

Hannah glared at Tim as she replied, “You must really think I am stupid. Now you have landed yourself in big trouble, but you asked for it. Follow me.” She was really cross. 

They walked over to the computer where Hannah pressed a few buttons, and then the pictures started to come up onto the screen as a slideshow.  She showed Tim eight photos of him and Susie. It wasn’t their first date with her since his date with Abigail. He just couldn’t resist a pretty girl, and Susie was easy. The photos were of her, worse for drink, her breasts showing, her hand down the front of her knickers, looking sexy, well or sluttish at least. What’s worse they were all Tim’s photos. He just couldn’t resist taking photos on his phone of the girls he had gone out with, and Hannah had found them.   

“Shall I go on to the next girl?” Hannah asked. She sounded so threatening, confident, and vicious. Tim knew he had photos of lots of his conquests on his phone. They may not have been dates since he went out with Abigail, but they were generally damaging to his case. 

“What do you want?” Tim asked, already knowing the answer, conceding defeat. Complete and utter defeat. Hannah really did work him well. 

Hannah said sternly, “I haven’t forgiven you for forcing me to get Abigail to go out with you when you saw me smoking.” 

Tim replied with just a bit of edge, “Yeah, but I didn’t spank you, did I?”

“True, and you know what, just to make sure I don’t give you the opportunity again I have stopped smoking. I haven’t smoked since.” 

“Really? So, I helped you, did I?” 

Hannah laughed. “If you like, yes you did. The trouble is you know very well you don’t have the same self-control. You need someone else to help you, and that’s where I come in,” she beamed. “I will make sure you stay on the straight and narrow.” 

Tim sounded suddenly worried as he asked, “Oh? How is that going to work, Hannah?” 

“Simple. Not only do you two-time your girlfriends, but you are selfish with it. You need training, to make you act properly. The best way is for you to tell me what you have done every day. If you have behaved badly, or if you lie, and you know I can always tell, then you will get another spanking.” 

“You are joking, Hannah?” He looked her in the eye and knew she was deadly serious. 

“Nope. Tim, you don’t have your own self-control, but I can make it painful for you when you do wrong, and that will teach you how to be well behaved, with girls and in your everyday life.” 

Tim knew it would mean giving her control over him and didn't answer. 

Hannah saw him waver. “I can tell you I really enjoyed spanking you. I got such a kick out of it. So, I thought, I can enjoy myself and teach you a lesson at the same time and that way we both win.” 

“Really?” Tim said concerned but still thinking about it. “You get a kick out of spanking me but it’s not a game for me. It hurts you know. It hurts a lot.” 

“Actually, it hurts you,” Hannah said laughing, “but then you should look on it as you being disciplined for being naughty.”

“Bitch,” Tim spluttered, looking contrite immediately. 

“Careful my lad because I can sense you getting yourself into trouble. Not very wise with Abigail on her way over. Now you apologise for that stroppy remark.” 

“Sorry,” Tim said. He was browbeaten by the so bossy Hannah but was also sure his apology effectively admitted to her that she would now control him. 

“Good boy,” Hannah gloated. “Anyway, yes I did enjoy it. Having you across my lap, your bare bottom staring up at me, unprotected, being turned redder and redder whilst you cried away. It was great fun. So, this is how it would work. I will spank you when I think you have two-timed your girlfriend or done anything else wrong and that really does mean when I say so, not something that is open to discussion. If I say I am going to spank you then you have to agree. Simple as that.“ 

Tim asked, dismayed, “What, you get to enjoy yourself, at my expense, and I end up with a sore butt. Is that fair?” 

“Is two-timing my friend fair?”

“No,” Tim conceded. 

Hannah smirked and added, “Is lying fair? Is being naughty fair?” 

“No,” Tim conceded again.

Hannah continued, “You really do need to sharpen up, and I will help you. If I control your bottom, then I am sure you will soon be a much better person. I’m right aren’t I?” she snapped.  

Tim knew she was right. His behaviour had deteriorated since moving into the house share and so a deterrent, like a spanking from Hannah, could correct that.

Tim looked doleful but knew Hannah had wanted revenge and he was sure she would get her own way and now it meant her spanking him on a regular basis. He also knew he had nothing to say really in his defence. He did two-time Abigail and Hannah was right as he would two-time her again, as he had all his previous girlfriends, until he learnt not to. He reckoned this was what he really needed anyway and hoped that it would work. Maybe being spanked would make him act properly and being spanked by a younger girl was his fantasy so he was positive about the outcome. She would help him keep on the straight and narrow. He would stop two-timing Abigail or pay the penalty. She would only spank him when he deserved to be spanked after all. It made sense. Anyway, that’s how he had thought it through. 

Tim looked at Hannah and said the only thing he could. “OK Hannah, I agree.” 

Hannah kept a straight face but was delighted she had won. “So, you agree to obey me when I say I am going to spank you?” 

“Yes,” Tim conceded. 

Hannah said in a clearly elated tone, “Well there you are. Easy, isn’t it? So, while I enjoy myself you will not. You will spend lots of quality time across my knee, being given a very red very sore very hot bottom. You will cry, a lot actually. I will make sure of that and no mistake, but, most importantly, you will learn a valuable lesson. That you must not, indeed will not, two-time your girlfriend, whoever she is. You will have to grow up quickly, and I’ll give you a list of other rules, just so you know when you earn a spanking.” 

Tim looked up when she said whoever she is. He was met by a very wide smile from the bossy Hannah. That did mean it wouldn’t end if he stopped seeing Abigail. It wouldn’t stop ever. 

“Can I still go out with Abigail?” Tim realised that he was asking her permission. Another irony, but he now accepted she would have certain rights over him. Discipline rights and he suddenly realised he was getting an erection at the thought of having to obey her. How strange was that he asked himself? 

Hannah sounded annoyed. “No. You’ve blown it with her. That’s what she said when she phoned. A friend of hers told her about you and Susie. I should have been the friend who told her but someone else got there first. That’s really made me mad and all because I was trying to help you.” 

Tim blushed as he replied, “Sorry Hannah. Really I am.”

“You better be,” Hannah replied sternly. However, this had gone better than she had expected so she was confident about the instruction. She saw that Tim looked downcast but obviously accepted her decision. 

Tim asked, “What about Susie?” 

Hannah replied, “What, the girl in the pub. Sure. Go out with her. Good choice, but not today. You will ask me before you can ask her out, just so I can check you are not two-timing her.” 

Tim was going to argue but Hannah jumped in with, “You better get out of here before Abigail finds out I have just spanked you. Go on, shoo, young man, and go to the pub. I’ll call you when Abigail has gone and don’t come back before then, or else. We’ll have a chat tomorrow about your future behaviour, and you had better put your soldier away. It’s still standing to attention.” 

Tim blushed and reckoned that his face was now as red as his bottom. He had been turned on by being across Hannah’s lap and there was no denying it from her now as the proof was his erection. 

Just then the doorbell rang, and he knew it was Abigail. He could sense that Hannah was proud of her victory as she went to open the front door and Tim had no doubt that she was already planning his next spanking. However, he bolted out of the back door as the bossy Hannah had instructed him to do. 

Hannah opened the front door and Abigail could tell from her wide smile it had gone well. 

Hannah confirmed, “It went very well Abigail.” 

“Great” Abigail answered, throwing her arms around her friends’ neck, clinching, and kissing her hard on the lips. They were comfortable in each other arms. Very comfortable. 

“Go on, tell,” Abigail said. 

“Well,” Hannah said, “He fell for it hook line and sinker. I had him across my lap and spanked him red-raw, tears flowing all over the place. He was so easy to play.” 

“No way,” Abigail said gleefully. 

Hannah said firmly, “That will teach the so and so for making you go out with him.” 

Abigail replied, “Too right. Do I need to go out with him again?” 

“Nope. Dealt with it. He will go out with Susie when I say he can, so you are in the clear.” 

Abigail was relieved as she replied, “Hey, great one Hannah.” 

Hannah said resolutely, “He has agreed to let me spank him. I told him you found out from another friend who saw him at the pub and that’s why you came over. To tell me. I made him feel even more awful and tomorrow morning I intend to tell him he deserves an extra special hard spanking, and I bet he takes it from me.” 

“Cool, and he is yours to be spanked in the future?” 

“Oh yes. He was like putty. He’ll be across my lap so often I bet his bottom will be red forever. I made out I only just found out how much I enjoy spanking him. He doesn’t suspect anything.” 

“So, did you film the spanking Hannah?” Abigail asked, smiling eagerly. 

“I sure did.” Hannah got up and flicked on the TV. A couple of clicks later and large as life Hannah was on screen with Tim across her lap, squirming around, chest heaving, sobbing, tears running down his face. 

“Wow, you sexy thing,” Abigail said to Hannah. “You are so assertive. That’s why I find you so sexy Hannah. You know what to do all the time.” 

Hannah looked at her friend and said, “Hey, I couldn’t have done it without you, you silly girl, and Susie.” 

“Ah yes, Susie. She was a lucky find at the gym. She was really good wasn’t she, but she likes boys so didn’t mind being mauled by Tim. She’ll use him for a while and then throw him away. You watch.” 

Hannah agreed, “Anyway, it’s over now for you and him. It’s just the two of us so shush and come here. Let me say thank you, properly.”

Abigail and Hannah threw their arms around each other and hugged. Hannah kissed Abigail’s neck, pulled back her head, beamed a smile at her, then they kissed each other on the lips, Hannah edging her tongue into Abigail’s welcoming mouth, their tongues intertwining. They had done this before many times. Hannah had the additional excitement this time of having spanked Tim and was already wet with anticipation of what she and Abigail would now do to each other.

Hannah took off her top and unclipped her bra and as she helped Abigail out of her clothing Abigail took Hannah’s breasts in her hands, caressing them, squeezing her nipples gently. They hugged again, each helping the other out of their skirts and knickers, all the time giggling, laughing, kissing, licking, and enjoying each other already knowing each other's bodies, and what they liked from the other. 

When the sound of Hannah’s hand landing on Tim’s bottom and his gasps and yelps and sobbing echoed around the room again from the TV they sat up, cuddling, stroking each other, but watched, laughing when Tim was so obviously struggling under the onslaught, ogle eyed when his erect penis came to view even when tears were running down his face.

“It’s such a turn on Abigail, spanking the young man. I was getting all excited just listening to him sobbing as I spanked him,” Hannah said running her hand through her friends’ hair as Abigail kissed her stomach, gently licking her smooth skin, edging down to her thighs and between her legs to the soft lips of her lover's vagina. 

“You still are excited Hannah and tasting great with it,” Abigail said, licking the moist vaginal lips of her friend, giggling as she drew gasps of delight. 

Hannah laughed. “That’s all boys are good for Abigail. Having their bottoms spanked by us women so they behave well,” and added softly “Keep going, my darling, I need sorting out.” 

Abigail licked Hannah until she came. 

As Hannah recovered, so Abigail smiled and said, “Me too, Hannah, my sweet,” as she sat down, and Hannah happily knelt between her parted legs and licked her wet pussy lips. 

Once Tim had shot out the back door he headed for the pub. He knew that Hannah would be thrashing his butt again and again and his erection returned as he thought about it. 

He went back to the alleyway and thought about being across Hannah’s cool thighs, being spanked. This time he undid his trousers and grabbed his erect penis and rubbed himself until he blew his cum against the wall. He was really looking forward to his next spanking from Hannah. 

Calmer now he went into the pub and ordered a drink. He thought about Susie and hoped Hannah would let him call her soon. She’ll be more fun than Abigail anyway as she likes boys for a start he thought, laughing to himself. It might last a few dates, but there will be other girls, and he will ask Hannah each time if he can date them. 

His mind soon returned to Hannah. He knew she would think she had played him and not suspect how he had played her. It was a dangerous game, but he knew Hannah and Abigail were lesbians and pictured them now, in bed, naked, enjoying each other’s bodies whilst he daydreamed about when he would get his next spanking. He knew Hannah would impose lots of difficult to follow rules that would lead to many many spankings and his erection returned just thinking about the pain and the arousal he would feel each time he made the trip across her lap. She might well be a lesbian but when she was authoritative and commanding, she was so sexy, and all he wanted from her was a good hard spanking, in fact, lots of them. 

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Written by Peter242
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