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Carol's First Real Spanking

"She's in for a surprise and a sore ass!"

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Carol is in for a surprise!

Carol and Sam had been friends for almost twenty years now, both sharing a fondness for history, a love of animals, and both were athletic. Carol had met Sam at a cafe those years before, and an immediate friendship grew which they found complicated, because he was a black man.

Carol's mother had warned her as a teen to stay away from those "black bucks" as she had called them, and Carol had, for the most part. Sam was the first real black friend she had ever made. She had just celebrated her thirty-first birthday two months before she had met him.

They talked about everything over the years, well, almost everything. She had always thought of him as an attractive man, standing six foot with a slim build, and even though he flirted with her occasionally, she never let it go beyond a line she had set for herself, a line she refused to cross with most anyone. At least not until that night.

She had never told anyone, not even Sam, that her guilty desire was to be spanked. Even the four real relationships she had had in the past had not included spankings as a part of sex. She settled for giving herself spankings when she couldn't stand the need she felt any longer. Using paddles of different sizes and shapes that had been secreted in her bedroom closet, paddles she had bought over many years.

The sensation was amazingly arousing for her, and she would always masturbate after, usually using her small vibrator, but what she really wanted was a real spanking! What would it be like? Would she fight, or just melt over someone’s lap as the familiar sting erupts upon her buttocks? She wondered if she would ever have the nerve, and if she did would her release be more extreme? These questions had plagued Carol for a number of years.

Then, out of the blue last night while eating at the local diner, Sam made a comment about how he once spanked a girlfriend from years before, and now he always liked to give a sound spanking during sex after that.

"She was so sensitive after I spanked her," he elaborated, "I couldn't stop her from attacking me, she was so aroused." Sam looked into the distance with a smile. she was such a sweet girl.

Carol's interest was rather evident, and Sam wouldn't let the subject go once he saw her reaction.

Eventually, Sam pried the truth from her about needing spankings and how they allowed her release.

After a long embarrassing discussion with him, he made her promise that she would get spanked by him that evening. They would meet at Carol's place at ten.

She wore what she did when she planned to spank herself, a short blue skirt and a white blouse, nothing else. She was excited and terrified at the thought as ten o'clock drew near, but she was more excited, even aroused, at the prospect of finally getting a spanking after all these years, finally having that desire of her butt being paddled by someone else come true.

The doorbell startled her, and she looked at the clock. He's early, she thought as she went to the door.

'You really must be anxious Sam. Your fifteen minutes early,' she said as she looked at him, smiling.

He was wearing brown slacks and a tan shirt, loafers on his feet. 'Carol, I've fantasized about spanking that cute butt of yours for almost twenty years now. You know you want it, so quit your acting and invite me in.'

She stepped aside giggling as he stepped into the house, and she headed for the kitchen. As she past the couch, he took her arm and sat, easily pulling her across his lap.

'Carol, I have been waiting too long for this to allow any delay now that it is finally happening.' She squealed as his hand landed solidly across her fanny, easily covering the inner half of both cheeks. 'I intend to make the most of this night dear, at least until you make me stop.' He struck her bottom again in the same spot, and she kicked her feet, just a bit, but not so much that he would stop.

She felt her heartbeat strong and fast in her chest as the feeling of his hand on her bottom spread across her skin. She felt the slight sting of her flesh, and she soaked it in greedily.

'I was getting us a drink Sam.' She said as he landed another solid swat on her bottom, making her draw a quick breath, as the sting had yet to pass from the first couple of swats.

'I have just what I need, right here.' And again he smacked her butt, harder this time, and she slightly arched her back finding that her groin pressed nicely against his thigh, putting pressure against her vulva.

She moaned a little as she felt the familiar sting begin to cover the skin of her bottom, then she lay herself fully across his lap leaning her head and shoulders over it, allowing him to completely dominate the experience, and letting him give her the spanking they agreed on.

His hand landed swats a dozen more times across her fanny, and the sensation of each swat was carried through her ass, to her groin. Carol didn't fight him at all, just lying there experiencing the swat of his hand and the reaction of her bottom to it, only making soft moaning sounds after each swat landed and that sweet sting radiated across her reddening butt.

Sam just continued swatting her ass with that large, strong hand and she began to really feel the sting to her bottom. She also started to feel the pleasant difference of being spanked by another with each swat. It was really quite different, being spanked by someone else she realized, not knowing when the swat would land, or where it would be felt, not knowing how hard that strike would be. The one spanking had total control of the experience, and she found that almost as arousing as the spanking itself!

He then paused, and began to rub her butt gently, softly sliding his hands over each cheek in a circular motion, then he struck her butt quickly with a smack to each cheek, allowing the sting to build on her ass before he rubbed it lightly again. She found that there was a new sensation to being spanked by someone else as well, every time his hand had landed across her bottom, she could feel the swat vibrate her anus, all the way to her clitoris. She knew that she was certainly going to enjoy this experience, and she hoped it would last a good long time.

He then lifted her skirt to reveal her nude buttocks, pulling it past her waist, to rest at the small of her back, then continued to rub her slightly pinking cheeks.

'This is a surprise Carol,' he said as he cupped one of her naked buttocks, giving it a firm squeeze. 'I'd expected to have panties in the way as I spanked your pretty pink butt. This makes it much easier to get to you.' Then he drew a finger very lightly across her anus, making her buttocks tense a bit.

She hadn't thought much about him wanting, or expecting sex after he spanked her, though she did have to admit the thought wasn't without its merits.

"Duh!” She thought. "He's wanted to fuck me for years.”

She could easily feel the bulge of him against her tummy from his erection, and even though she had always feared making love with a man who had a large penis, thinking her very limited experience in sex would make that painful. She believed that a large penis would hurt her more than anything, even though she was still very curious if the rumors of black men being true.

He continued rubbing her buttocks as she tried to estimate how big his erection could be, squeezing each of her cheeks firmly, which caused the crack of her ass to part and she felt the cool of the room on her exposed anus.

'I do believe that is adequate as a warm up dear.' He lifted her up by the waist, making her stand. 'Now, we are going to need a paddle to continue this.'

Carol smiled really big and giggled slightly as she rubbed on her buttocks, looking at him. 'Yes sir! I have a few to choose from.'

'Just a medium paddle will do nicely dear,' he said, then reached forward and took her by the waist. 'But before you get it, I think you should be a bit more comfortable.'

His hands reached around her waist then, unzipping her skirt and easing it down over her shapely hips and letting it fall to the floor around her ankles. Then he began slowly unbuttoning her blouse, starting at her waist, and working up to between her breasts. She unbuttoned the last two higher ones as he watched her, just sitting there smiling, looking her body up and down as she pushed her blouse from her shoulders, allowing it to fall to the floor atop her skirt. Fully exposing her nudity to him was exciting for Carol. Her breasts aren't as firm as in her youth, but they were full and shapely none the less, and she had her pubic region bikini waxed regularly. She had a flat belly, mostly because she was at the gym at least twice a week, and her legs were firm and muscular. Carol was quite pleased with her body and Sam's obvious admiration of it.

His gaze covered her slowly from head to toe, and back up before he met her eyes, a huge grin covering his face. She was still rubbing her bottom as he stared at her, and she felt a slight blush rise from his attention as well as her natural feelings of vulnerability from being naked.

She turned from him then, thinking to get the paddle from the bedroom, she felt a solid stingy swat on her rump before she could head that way, and that swat had her double stepping across the living room.

She flicked on the light and went to her closet to get the paddle he wanted, then she heard the door close softly with a click, and she turned to see Sam leaning with his back against the door.

'I have always found that a spanking while laying across a bed is much more relaxing.' He stepped over to the bed, and sat near the foot. 'Would you please get a bath towel Carol. I think you will find it useful while I paddle that beautiful ass.'

She was taken a slightly aback from him being in the bedroom with her nude and all, but she was experiencing so many new feelings she wasn't sure how to react.

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Some of the spanking stories she read had the one being spanked as a submissive, she wasn't sure if what she felt right then was submission but she thought it might be, so she allowed herself to take on that role.

She went into the small half bath and got the towel as she had been told, returning to see Sam taking his shirt off, folding it neatly on her dresser, before returning to stand beside her bed. She handed the towel to him and stood with her eyes down as she saw him roll the towel tightly, and set it on the bed near her pillow.

'Now Carol,' He said as he lifted her chin in his hand. 'I don't want you to be afraid of this. I won't harm you with a spanking, I wouldn't want your first paddling at my hand to be unpleasant.'

She looked into his eyes as he held her chin softly. 'I was just trying to be submissive sir. Isn't that how it's done?'

'Oh!' He said with a chuckle. 'Well dear, there are many forms of submission. Why don't you just submit to the feelings of your body as I spank you tonight. We can always explore other forms once you find that this is going to be a most pleasurable experience for us both.'

She blushed slightly as she said. 'That would be fine Sam. I'm not even sure how submission works, just what I've read in spanking stories on the Internet.'

He took her by the waist, turning her slowly toward the bed. 'I will help you with anything you need Carol. Just enjoy the evening right now dear. We will see how you feel about other things later.'

He had her stand just a couple inches from the bed and lean over it at the waist, with the palms of her hands flat against the blanket, then she felt his hand slide between her thighs as he pushed her legs open to stand with her feet apart. He sat on the bed and took the paddle in hand. 'Now I want you to try and stay in this position for a few swats Carol, it allows me to have a good target on that sweet ass.'

She put her hands onto the bed as she leaned forward a bit, and he stood next to her, placing a hand on the small of her back. The paddle landed solid on her bottom with a loud smack, as she felt the hard swat against her bare skin. Her gasped from the intensity of the sting to her ass was audible as she arched her back, pushing against the bed as her ass exploded in pain.

That one swat was harder than any she had ever been able to give herself, and she rocked back and forth a bit while feeling the heat rise from the strike to her skin. After a brief pause he struck her fanny again, just as hard, and her legs tensed as she stood on tiptoes, sucking in air quickly, the sting spreading through her, the impact felt clearly between her legs.

The paddle softly rubbed back and forth across the spot where it had struck her bottom, easing the sting only slightly as he rubbed the wood across those red marks on her ass.

Then quickly Sam struck each of her cheeks sharply, and she cried out a bit before gasping at the fresh pain to her buttocks, gripping the covers of the bed with her hands.

'Wow Sam!' she gasped. 'This is completely different from using that paddle on myself!'

'Of course it is Carol. You can't get a solid swat from yourself. I think we need to save this position for when you have a bit more experience dear. Why don't you go ahead and lay on the bed, but keep your legs over the edge just below the knees.'

She readily accepted his suggestion, rubbing her butt tenderly with one hand as she lay across the bed. Her real surprise came as his hands spread her legs apart as he said, 'I need to know if you are being aroused by this Carol.' And he slipped his hand to her crotch before she could speak, easily sliding a finger into her vagina.

It was only then, as his finger easily parted her lips and he slid into her that she realized how very wet she had become.

'That's very nice.' He said, removing his hand from between her legs. 'I wouldn't continue if your body wasn't responding like that Carol. You are most definitely a spanko ma'am.'

The paddle landed hard across her ass suddenly, and she arched her back, raising her head as she cried out. That one hard swat radiated through her tender buttocks as she felt her anus pulse in time with her heartbeat, the sting spreading across her skin. She felt vulva throb slightly.

By this time, in all the spankings she had given herself, she would have had her vibrator snug inside of her vagina, feeling it buzz against her sensitive clitoris. She pushed her groin down against the bed just after the paddle landed hard against her bottom again, arching her back again, as she pushed her vulva against the blanket. She could feel her wetness as he struck her ass again, and her anus throbbed from the impact.

He rubbed her sore butt then, his cool hands gently caressing her throbbing bottom. 'Lift your hips a bit Carol.' He said, and she felt him slip the rolled towel between her legs, and under her groin. She lowered onto it, feeling the sweet pressure against her vulva with her clitoris beginning to tingle and pulse gently as he pushed her legs together, trapping the towel in place.

'Now for the real spanking.' He said, making her eyes go wide as the paddle landed very hard across her lower ass, three times in rapid succession. She threw back her head and about screamed out loud, kicking her legs and pushing her groin hard against the towel as the pain grew with each swat.

The throbbing of her buttocks as he paddled each of them in turn along with the sensations her clitoris was giving her, had her pushing against the towel, grinding her vulva over it forcefully, her arousal beginning to reach a peak she had never experienced from a spanking alone.

After a dozen very hard swats, he set the paddle on the bed and she drew several ragged breaths, her buttocks almost numb from his spanking. Then he rubbed her ass for a few minutes, his cool hands, soft and gentle, easing the deep sting of her skin. She wasn't really surprised to feel some small bruising as his hands touched her skin, but she continued pushing weakly into the towel between her legs.

She heard his zipper just before he took her hand and placed it on his bare erection, shocked and in disbelief, she slowly closed her hand around this black Man's penis.

'I could bring you to climax with this Carol.' Sam said as she held his engorged member, feeling him thick and pulsing as she slid her hand to the head and back down, estimating his size without looking. He didn't feel huge to her touch, but he would be the biggest man she had ever made love with. 'Or, I could make you cum with just the spanking if you like. Though I have to admit, seeing your deep red ass wiggle there on the bed, has me pretty damn close to cumming in my pants. And I will need to have some release before we finish.'

She held his erection, torn with indecision, feeling his member pulse in her hand. Her body was screaming for release, her vulva practically trembling with as close as she was to climax, her ass throbbing and sore as she lay there. Her mother's words, warning her away from those black bucks, were swept aside by her body's need for release. She was aroused beyond anything she had felt in her life, and knowing just what he would do, she decided to leave it up to him and slowly released his member.

'Sam, I have to leave that up to you. This spanking has been something I've wanted my whole life, and you gave it to me very nicely. I will gladly accept whatever else you want to give me, or take from me.' With that said, she relaxed on the bed, waiting to have him make love with her.

The paddle suddenly smacked against her buttocks hard again, the surprise of it making her scream out, her skin stinging severely. He struck her ass several more times as she arched her back and kicked her legs. She then realized that she made the wrong decision, she realized he thought she didn't want him. She also realized that she not only wanted him, she needed to feel him inside of her, she needed that erection of his buried deep, she needed the release only sex could bring her.

After several more swats, he began to rub her very sore ass again, but she rolled off of the towel and onto her back, spreading her legs open and scooting to the edge of the bed.

'I was wrong Sam. Take me! I need to feel you inside of me. Please Sam, let me feel you.'

'Are you sure Carol?'

'Take off your pants and let me feel you Sam. Please don't make me beg.'

Quickly he pulled his pants and underwear off, stepping out of them to stand between her legs. He took her waist and bent slightly at the knees, leaning forward as she guided his erection to rest between her vulva, parting her slick lips as he slowly entered her.

The touch of his erection on her clitoris was all it took to throw her into orgasm, her body trembling violently as her vagina pulsed strongly around just the tip of his penis. Then he pushed deeper into her as she threw back her head, screaming out loudly, and his member entered her fully.

She felt tight around him as he began to make love to her, each thrust pushing her sore butt against the bed, causing her climax to continue. She felt his erection pulse strongly as he pushed into her once more, releasing deep into her vagina, his legs trembling as he dropped his head and convulsed between her legs.

Her orgasm subsided as he pushed against her several times more, his climax also spent.

Their eyes met as they both tried to slow their breathing, and they said, in unison. 'Thank you.'

They laughed hard as Sam withdrew from her and she put the towel between her legs, rolling toward him as he lay on his back beside her, she lay a hand on his chest.

'Now we could always talk about submission Carol.' He said as she smiled into his eyes.

They began laughing again as they looked into each other’s eyes and Carol said excitedly, 'And we need to make arrangements for this to happen again!'


Written by machu
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