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Better Late Than

"Tony met his ex-teacher and explained he missed out on getting the cane at college"

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Tony walked into the cafe for a coffee. He had ordered and was waiting for his coffee to arrive when he looked around at the tables and was surprised to see someone he recognised. It was Miss Lawson, his form teacher when at school in Year 11, and he hadn't seen her since leaving school the following year and going to sixth form college.

Tony got his coffee and decided to go and say hullo although wasn't sure Miss Lawson would remember him as he had left six years ago and was now in his first year at work after getting his degree and was now twenty-two years old.

Tony stood by his ex-teacher and smiling at her said a friendly, "Hullo, Miss Lawson"

Miss Lawson looked up and after only a couple of moments recognition struck and smiling back she said, "Why hullo. It's Watkins, isn't it? Tony Watkins."

Tony was delighted that she recognised him and even more so when she said, "Join me and tell me what you have done since leaving Ferns."

Tony had enjoyed his time at Ferns. He had had a happy school life there and Miss Lawson was a very fond memory. She was strict and no-nonsense, but fair with it, and mostly liked by the class. He also knew that he wasn't the only boy to have had a crush on her at the time.

So, for the next few minutes, Tony told Miss Lawson, or 'Jenny' as she insisted he call her, about how he got enough exam passes to get to Uni and do his engineering course and was now working at a local company.

Jenny Lawson was clearly very interested and asked lots of questions which Tony was pleased to answer.

Jenny then told Tony what she had done and how she had left Ferns and was now at a local private school.

Both had a day off today. Tony as he had been looking at houses to buy, and Jenny as it was the school holidays and she was taking a break from marking projects.

Tony smiled as he said one of his lasting memories of Jenny. "I always remember that time you gave me two detentions for talking in class. I was sitting in another of your classes when the perfects came in and read out the names of those in detention. I was well aware that a double detention meant a trip to the Headmistresses Study for four strokes of the cane, but my name wasn't called out. I looked at you and you were smiling at me and shook your head, telling me I didn't actually get the double detention. and I was so relieved."

Jenny laughed. "I remember that too. However, you weren't normally naughty and I reckoned the scare would be enough of a punishment. So, was I right?"

Tony blushed as he explained, "Well I was worried for sure, but expected that I would get the cane on detention day and was sort of prepared for it. So, when I didn't, I thought how lucky I was." Tony hesitated but then added after a moment, "It also meant that I didn't get the cane, and I was actually so ready for it, and I had always wondered how much it would hurt, and suppose I still do."

Jenny looked surprised. "You mean you actually wanted the cane and I let you down?"

Tony blushed, "I never held it against you. It was just something I thought I should know how it felt and never did."

Jenny smiled as she said with a wicked grin, "Well at the school I am at now I get to cane the naughty girls in my class. Discipline has changed and the form teachers have a bigger role, and I suppose I cane two or three girls on average every week. So, if you want to try it out, I have a cane at home and would be more than happy to fulfill that wish of yours."

Tony swallowed hard as he studied Jenny Lawson's face to see if she was serious or just making fun of him. He saw her smirk and although on the sly side she did have the most infectious smile which was why he had had a schoolboy crush on his teacher at the time. He always remembered her with her dark short hair that just touched her shoulders, and with her fringe, and how she tended to wear dark short-sleeved shirts and dark skirts down to her knee with leggings in winter but bare legs in summer. She was always so professional, but with that lovely smile always looked so adorable.

It was also strange seeing her today because she didn't look any older than when at school yet she was a teacher and seemed to be so much older than him then. Now, though, he reckoned that she was only eight or ten years older than him. How strange was that, he thought?

Focusing, though, on the offer, he had to admit that he had somehow always regretted not getting the cane. He came close a couple of times but those two detentions were easily the closest of all. So, he swallowed and asked, "So where do you live?"

Jenny smiled again as she said, "Just two hundred metres away actually. So, are you going to take up my offer?"

Tony nodded his head knowing he wouldn't get another chance like this one. "Yes, please."

"Good," Jenny said with an even broader grin. "Let's get going then."

They chatted happily as they walked towards Jenny's house although Tony was getting more and more tense as they got closer and stopped chatting when Jenny pointed to a house and said, "That's mine."

Tony hesitated for just a moment but as Jenny put her arm around his waist and smiled he relaxed and they walked up the path together.

Once inside Jenny said in a more teacher'ish tone of voice, "This is a double detention and so from now on you will address me as Miss Lawson or Miss. Understood, Watkins?"

Tony was surprised by the change of attitude but actually thought Jenny, Miss Lawson, was right as it wasn't just the caning he missed out on but the whole build-up during the detention itself knowing he would be called out and sent to the Headmistress. "Yes, Miss Lawson," he replied obediently.

"In there," Jenny ordered pointing to a door.

Tony walked through the door and saw it was a dining room.

"Stand at the end of the table and put your hands on your head," Jenny ordered.

Tony liked the stern tone of voice and getting into the naughty boy persona did as he was told.

As Tony stood still with his hands on his head Jenny instructed, "Do not move, Watkins. I will be going upstairs to get the cane."

Tony watched Miss Lawson leave the room and stayed still with his hands on his head but looked around at the pictures on the wall. It seemed like quite a few minutes before he heard steps coming down the stairs but as he hadn't actually moved he felt reasonably relaxed.

Jenny walked back into the room and was happy that Tony had stayed at the end of the table. She had listened out for movement from upstairs and hadn't registered any, and so she told herself she had been right not to give him the double detention that time as he was actually a rather well-behaved young man. However, once back in the dining room she stood glaring at him and flexing the cane in her hands and saw the look of concern on Tony's face, and enjoyed the feeling of control just as she did when about to cane any of the girls at school.

Tony saw Miss Lawson re-enter the room and gasped, as not only was she holding a rather long cane with a hooked end, but she had changed into the clothes he remembered she wore when his form teacher. She had put on a dark short-sleeved open-necked blouse, a dark blue skirt with the hem down to her knees, and as it was summer she had bare legs and wore high heels with the tip cut away so her toes were showing. He gasped as he thought that she looked so beautiful and just as she did when he was at school.

Jenny saw the look of surprise on his face and how he looked her up and down not quite with his tongue hanging out but certainly with a look of desire which made her feel good. She said in a friendly tone, "Before we start, just in case it isn't what you expected if you want me to stop say the word, 'Red,' but that will be the end of it and I won't start again even after a few minutes. Got it, Tony?" Jenny asked.

Tony understood and replied, "Yes, Miss."

Jenny smiled as she knew he was a bit tense but still happy to proceed. Anyway, she was also satisfied that Tony did understand he had a way out and exchanging the smile for a stern look ordered, "Take your clothes off as at your age the caning needs to be on your bare bottom, boy."

Tony wasn't expecting to be naked nor get a bare bottom caning but as he looked at Miss Lawson he knew he had to follow her every instruction and so undoing his trousers he pushed them downwards catching his underpants with his thumbs and pushing both to the floor he stepped out of them, scooped them up, and put them on a chair. He then pulled his top over his head and placed it with his other clothes before turning to face Miss Lawson now naked below his waist


Jenny enjoyed watching Tony follow her instructions and was even happier to see his erection as he stood back up although wasn't surprised at that and again felt good that she was having that effect on him. "Bend over the end of the table and stretch as far as you can and then clasp hold of the sides," Jenny ordered and watched as again Tony followed her instructions.

Tony saw Miss Lawson look at his penis and knew he had an erection but couldn't stop himself as he so loved the way she looked and dressed just as he had remembered her. As he stretched his arms up the table he glanced sideways and saw the stern look on her face and loved that look as well. His ever-lasting memory of her face though was how she smiled when he asked the prefects if his name was on the detention list but her stern look was lovely as well, he told himself.

As Tony stretched his arms as far as he could he reminded himself that as much as he found Miss Lawson so adorable, she was about to make a reality the thing he felt he had missed out of at school. He supposed it was strange that whereas everyone else was pleased they were never caned, he thought the opposite. He had over the years hit himself with things like a leather belt and heavy wooden spatula to try to duplicate the pain but knew nothing could replicate the actual caning itself by someone whose job it was to make the experience hurt to the extent that it was a deterrent. Yet that was what he wanted and was now going to get.

"Are you ready, Watkins?" Jenny asked with an icy tone.

"Yes, Miss," Tony replied closing his eyes and looking at the tabletop.

"A double detention gets you four strokes, lad," Jenny added.

"Yes, Miss," Tony repeated.

Jenny rubbed the cane sideways across Tony's bottom as she always did with the girls to increase the tension, before pulling her arm back and bringing the cane down, and watching the red welt develop, and listening to Tony's pained gasp. She hadn't held back with the firmness of the stroke as she knew Tony wanted to try a proper caning, and in any case, she had given him a safe word, although she did wonder if he would just stand up and say that he didn't want any more strokes. However, that didn't happen and as he stayed bent across the table she even rubbed the cane back and forth across his bottom again to see what reaction that brought, but there wasn't any to that either.

Tony swallowed as he felt the cane rubbed across his bottom knowing he was to get four strokes. He remembered seeing Jack James in the playground soon after he had been caned. He was acting all brave, at least until the Headmistress suddenly appeared and heard Jack showing off. She glared at Jack and said sternly, "Getting caned is no reason to show off, boy. In fact, if you enjoyed it so much, James, do you want to come back to my Study for another six, lad?" Tony remembered the look of horror on Jack's face and how he was so immediately contrite, at least until the Headmistress disappeared and he was once again crowing at how easy it was. The tear stains on his face belied that though.

Tony knew that that was as much as any time when he started to wonder what the cane would be like. He supposed that he had already wondered how much a spanking hurt, but he never got one of those either at home or at school, and the wonderment just grew and grew.

Tony gasped as the cane landed, and it hurt more than he had expected. And now that he had received the first cane stroke, he thought the look of horror on Jack's face was more likely the truth rather than the crowing. Still, he was going to see whether it got easier although he was still only getting four strokes to Jack's six.

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Jenny saw Tony still stayed in place and pulled her arm back and again brought the cane down with her usual force. Once again, she saw the red welt develop as Tony let out a slightly louder gasp of pain. Would he say the safe word now, she wondered?

Tony struggled rather more with the second stroke. He was wondering how Jack took the strokes bearing in mind that was about ten years ago now and he was so much younger. Was it because as a schoolboy in a school where the cane was a common punishment the pain was assumed, whereas now Tony was passed the punishment age and so psychologically it hurt more now? Maybe it would change with the last two strokes he wondered to himself.

Jenny saw Tony was staying put and pulling her arm back focussed on his bottom just below the two red welts and brought the cane down with more force than the first two strokes. She did that at school with the girls if they didn't cry out as she knew that unless they cried out it wasn't hurting enough and used the same principle with Tony. This time his gasp was louder but still not loud enough for Jenny.

Tony found the third stroke the hardest of the three but now thought that maybe he could see why Jack had shown the bravado he did. Certainly, each cane stroke hurt but moments afterwards, the stinging wasn't so unpleasant, really. He even reckoned that it was rather pleasant, at least until the next stroke landed, and when the fourth did he cried out the loudest of all. Still, the caning was over and the stinging was getting to that pleasant stage again, he thought, as he stayed bent across the table clutching the sides.

It was then that Tony realised just how hard he was clasping the table and wondered whether the cane strokes hurt more than he had thought. He was about to ask Miss Lawson when he felt the cane being rubbed back and forth across his bottom again even though he had been given the stated four strokes. He looked around and saw Miss Lawson glaring back at him.

Jenny saw the look of surprise on Tony's face but kept the stern glare on her own face. She said in her teacher'ish voice, "I didn't cane you hard enough for the first two strokes so I have decided they won't count in your tally. That means you have two more strokes to come, lad."

Tony was about to say something but supposed as a pseudo school boy he just had to accept the teachers' decision. He didn't mind all that much, though, as his bottom was tingling really nicely now and he reckoned that feeling would only get better after another two strokes.

Jenny had wondered if Tony wanted some more strokes and rather than just ask him she made up the bit about the strokes being too light as then he didn't have to agree but just had to argue if he didn't want them. As he turned his head back and looked at the tabletop again she supposed that he was happy enough to take the two extra strokes and was pleased she had played it that way. So, without waiting, she pulled her arm back, aimed for just below the four raised red welts, and landed the hardest stroke so far. In fact, it was now much harder than the cane strokes she gave the girls at school, but that didn't faze her as Tony yelped this time but again stayed bent across the table although she could see that he was clasping hold of the table with whitening knuckles.

Tony was surprised at how much that fifth cane stroke had hurt and he did reckon the after-stroke stinging was more intense and took longer to recede and maybe that was the issue. However, he didn't have any longer to work it out as the sixth stroke landed and that was by far the hardest of the strokes. He always joked in his mind how the last stroke had to be the hardest and now it had happened he saw it wasn't so funny as it just hurt so much. Still, he managed to cling to the sides of the table and wondered if the caning was over this time.

Jenny had intended the last stroke to be the hardest and was pleased with the pained gasp that Tony let out. She didn't think she should add any further strokes, though, but supposed that he could always ask to come back for another caning if he wanted to.

Tony was breathing deeply as the pain cascaded around his bottom but the pain receded quite quickly and he again got the after-caning tingling feeling that he sensed was quite erotic. He was even starting to think about asking Miss Lawson for another couple of strokes but she beat him to it.

Jenny ordered, "Get up, Watkins. Your punishment is over, but don't rub your bottom yet as we need to discuss your behaviour first."

Tony decided not to ask for any extra strokes and eased himself up. As he stood he certainly wanted to rub his bottom but didn't because of Miss Lawson's instruction not to. Tony had one other thought, though as the tingling settled down, which was an understanding of why Jack acted with such bravado several minutes after his six strokes.

Jenny smiled at Tony and let him wonder for a few moments what she was going to say. In the event, she quite surprised him with, "I'd like you to see me naked. Would you like that?"

Tony almost came at the statement and nodded his head.

Still smiling, Jenny unbuttoned her blouse and slipped it down her arms putting it on a spare chair. She then unzipped her skirt and pushed it downwards, stepped out of it, and put it with her blouse.

She stepped over to an open-mouthed Tony and raising her eyebrows with a smile on her face, turned her back on him but glancing back over her shoulder she said invitingly, "Unclip my bra, please, Tony."

Tony eagerly unclipped Miss Lawson's bra and watched her slide it down her arms, caught it, and placed it with her other clothes. She then turned her head again and asked demurely, "Take my breasts in each hand, Tony."

Tony licked his lips as he eased his hands around Miss Lawson's bare back and cupped his hands around her pert breasts. He knew that they weren't large breasts but they felt wonderful and he could tell her nipples were taut and her bare back felt so good as she leaned back onto his bare chest. However, as much as he loved squeezing her nipples, he was wondering whether she was winding him up, or whether she really was aroused by him.

Jenny answered his unasked question. "School crushes aren't always one way, Tony. I always liked you although couldn't make any move. Not then, anyway. So, that time I could have given you a double detention I didn't because I knew you fancied me, and I fancied you as well, so I didn't. Mind you, I would have liked to have had you alone in the Head's Study and spanked your bare bottom before doing something very naughty with you."

Tony wondered what she might mean by something naughty as he caressed her so soft breasts and remembered something else that had happened at school. "Several of us wondered if you liked to spank us. I remember that time in Year 10 when Thomas was naughty in class and you called him to the front. Once there you told him to bend over your stool and we all reckoned that you wanted to smack his bottom. He was totally embarrassed and refused even though you asked him three times. Were we right, Miss?"

Jenny laughed. "First things first, Tony. When I am dressed and disciplining you then you must call me Miss or Miss Lawson. However, when I am almost or fully naked then I am Jenny. Okay?"

Tony was still loving the feel of Miss Lawson's breasts but replied, "Yes, Miss, I mean Jenny. I do understand."

Jenny enjoyed the feel of Tony's hands caressing her breasts as she replied, "Yes you were right, Tony. I could see Thomas was embarrassed which is why I asked him three times. He would have kept his trousers up and it wouldn't have hurt, much, but embarrassing him was the best I got." After a few more moments Jenny asked, "How about you take my knickers down, Tony?"

Tony gasped as he knelt down and putting his thumbs inside the elastic of Jenny's knickers he eased them down until she stepped out of them.

As Tony put the knickers on a chair Jenny turned so that her hair mound was inches from his face and she looked down and saw the shock on Tony's face and loved the sight. She smiled and out of the blue asked, "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" knowing Tony was still looking longingly at her pussy.

Tony was again thrown but quickly looked up and smiling replied, "Yes please."

Jenny was still smiling. "You know I am a bit of a control freak?"

Tony laughed, "I do, Jenny, but I like that about you and at school assumed if we did go out then you would treat me like a pupil still."

Jenny liked the fact that Tony had thought about going out with her as she replied, "Well, when you are good then you are my boyfriend and, although I will make all the important decisions, we will be a loving couple. Of course, if I think you are naughty or in the wrong then I will most certainly treat you like a pupil and give your bare bottom a spanking or a caning. However, I reckon you are up for that as well, aren't you?"

Tony was and replied enthusiastically, "Yes, Jenny, I am."

Jenny then explained, "Then you will be my plus one at a party on Saturday. There are a few of us teachers there and so we are used to discipline regimes and if you misbehave you can expect me to take you to a bedroom and give you a jolly hard spanking with plenty of my friends watching."

"It would be worth it to be with you, Jenny," Tony said happily with a submissive tone. He had fantasised about being with an older woman who was strict with him and even spanked him, most likely because of his schoolboy crush on Jenny Lawson all those years ago. He just never expected to find such a woman, yet he had.

Happy with the way things had gone Jenny looked down at the still kneeling Tony and asked demurely, "I need my lips kissed, Tony, please."

Tony looked up and was about to stand up to kiss Jenny on the lips when she said, "Not those lips, Tony, but the ones between my legs."

Tony's mouth dropped open in shock. He knelt back down and looking at Jenny's pussy lips said quietly, "I never have," with the words trailing off.

"Well I can still be your teacher there, then," Jenny said with a smile, and taking his hand, she backed onto the sofa and sat down and keeping her legs apart pulled Tony towards her guiding his head to between her legs.

Tony didn't resist - and why would he? - as his mouth touched Jenny's pussy lips he kissed them and when she gasped his confidence increased and he kissed her pussy lips again.

"Lick me," Jenny purred.

Tony immediately started to lick Jenny's pussy lips up and down and he felt her hand hold him firmly on the back of his head as her gasps got louder and louder until she let out long erotic gasps which Tony knew meant that she had cum as he lets out similar gasp himself when masturbating.

Jenny took several moments to recover from her orgasm and smiling down at the still kneeling Tony, asked, "What can I do for you now?"

Tony looked up and couldn't decide whether to ask for a spanking or more strokes of the cane.

Jenny could see Tony pondering his reply and knew that he wasn't thinking about a hand job, and said sternly, "If you can't decide, then I will decide for you. As you have been a good boy I will spank your bare bottom, give you three more strokes of the cane, and then give you a hand job. No arguments either," and when Tony didn't argue she added, "You get the hand job because you have been so good. When I decide that you have been naughty, then you still get spanked and caned and give me tongue sex but you don't get a hand job."

Tony gasped at the way Jenny was going to be so strict with him and loved her for it. He was sure he would be disciplined regularly but then he was going to be happy with that. He looked up at Jenny's face and wanted to kiss her, then his eyes focussed on her taut nipples and even in his naivety, he knew she was still aroused.

Jenny could see that her favourite pupil of all time was learning fast and that she was going to have the best time ever as she led him by the hand to the dining chair and sat down again. "Get across my lap, boy," she ordered, knowing it wouldn't be the last time she spanked and caned him.

Written by Peter242
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