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Becky In Charge - Chapter One

"Becky disciplines her step-aunt for the first time"

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Becky had had a busy day at school. She had spent the last week taking exams and was pleased with the way the week had gone and was pretty sure she would get good enough grades to get in to the sixth form. The last exam was yesterday and today was netball and she was in the first team. The game went well and they won.

This afternoon was supposed to be relaxing. Well not exactly relaxing but as her step-mum was away she was staying with her step-aunt who had got tickets for a music festival. Timing was tight though as they had to catch a coach that was leaving half an hour after the netball match.

Becky was seventeen-years-old and was showered and dressed in a summery red vest top and white shorts. It was hot and she had bare legs.

Sarah, Becky's step-aunt, was thirty-eight-years-old and unmarried. She was a bit strange, Becky always thought, being quite childish at times in that she would sulk and stomp her feet if she didn't get her way. In fact, in her own mind Becky compared her step-aunt to a stroppy teenager and they often joked how Becky was the more responsible of the two of them.

However, Becky and Sarah usually got on well and often went shopping or to the films together. Becky's mum, Susan, had a time-consuming job and wasn't around as much as she would have liked and so was glad her sister was there so much for Becky.

Becky waited outside the school and chatted to her friends who one by one got on to the waiting coach with their mum's as it was supposed to be a time for mum's and daughters to reconnect after the hectic exam period.

It was time for the coach to leave and Becky was still waiting on the pavement looking at her watch and telephoning Sarah but to no avail. She even phoned her step-mum but the call went to voicemail which it normally did when she was at work.

"We will have to go," Miss Tomkins said to Becky. "If your mum said you can go by yourself that would be okay but if neither your mum or aunt tell us then unfortunately we can’t take you. Sorry.”

Becky nodded her head reluctantly knowing she needed a parent or guardians’ approval to go by herself and was miserable as she watched the coach drive off.

It was another five minutes before Sarah rushed along the street and was breathless as she got to Becky. "I am so sorry, Becky. I was shopping and forgot the time."

Becky wasn't happy at all. "You even missed me playing netball and so you are really late, Sarah."

Becky called her step-aunt by her first name and pretty much always had. Even Sarah said she looked on Becky as a friend more than her aunt as they went about together so much. They ignored the age difference and treated each other as girlfriends did.

"Sorry, Becky," Sarah repeated. As she looked around she asked, "Has the coach gone then?" She was blushing.

Becky shook her head in despair. "Yes, Sarah, a good five minutes ago." She kept shaking her head getting more and more annoyed with her step-aunt. 

It wasn't the first-time Sarah had been late and they had missed a show or a meal with friends. Becky had even told Sarah off who to be fair had taken her scolding well accepting it was well-deserved. In fact, Sarah never ever retorted that she was the adult and Becky a mere teenager as she knew it was mostly her that was in the wrong.

Becky glared at Sarah and even though annoyed thought that she did look attractive in her sleeveless floral dress with a hem just above the knee and like Becky had bare legs. 

Sarah blushed again as she knew there was no way to catch up with the coach. She sighed and said almost to herself, "If only I had something to remind me about the time."

Becky pursed her lips and couldn't stop herself saying in a maternally strict tone, "A spanked bottom would help and the threat of another spanked bottom if you were late again."

Sarah was quite taken aback by the tone of voice and what Becky had said. She had discussed her poor timekeeping with her mum, Ella, just the other day and that was what she had said. Of course, Sarah's mum meant that she should be the one to give her a spanking but as Becky sounded so adult as she made her threat it didn't strike Sarah there was any difference.

Sarah swallowed hard and blushing again replied quietly and in a subservient tone "That is what your grandma said."

Becky was taken aback by the admission but didn't show it. Instead she kept a straight face as she replied in a strict tone, "Well grandma is right and so when we get back to yours I will be giving you that spanking."

Sarah was thrown by the authoritative tone of voice and involuntarily started to rub her bottom. 

Becky saw the gesture and using all her determination kept a stern look on her face. "Let's go home," Becky ordered.

Sarah swallowed hard again but still didn't object as they both started the short walk back to Sarah's house. Sarah didn't speak but just thought that maybe a spanking was just what she needed. Writing herself notes and setting alarms on her phone didn't work. Indeed, she had set an alarm today but her phone was in her bag and she didn't hear it. She did wonder how a spanking would make her remember better but reckoned if it hurt enough that might be just the memory jogger she needed.

Becky could see that Sarah was deep in thought as they walked home and decided not to interrupt those thoughts. She never actually expected to get to spank her step-aunt but it was fun thinking about it as they walked in silence. Becky pictured herself sitting on a dining chair looking down at Sarah's bare bottom which was staring up at her from her lap. 

Becky had fantasised for some time now about giving a spanking to someone and got turned on as she pictured it in bed. She had never been spanked herself but just last week had watched the older sister of one of her friends being spanked and had seen the technique. Her friends mum had used her hand but also a wooden backed hairbrush and the older sister was crying uncontrollably well before the spanking had ended. Becky had fantasised that night about spanking the same girl and had had the best orgasm ever and so had masturbated every night since then picturing herself giving harder and harder spankings. Even so, she didn't expect her fantasy to be realised today. 

Sarah kept on analysing her lack of taking responsibility as she still walked in silence. She knew she was forgetful but equally there never seemed to be any consequences for her. There was just lost opportunities to see shows and the like. Yet she also realised that it was others who suffered, including Becky who had missed so many things because she had failed to pick her up when she had promised to. 

Sarah played over in her mind that there were never any consequences when she was late. Maybe she should suffer the consequences, Sarah thought, and more and more came to the view that maybe Becky should be able to do something about it. Sarah even concluded that if you take that premise and add in her mum's view that the threat and actuality of being spanked would be the reminder she needed then being spanked was the answer. Following on from that deduction and that it was Becky who she had wronged today then making two plus two equal four could only lead to the conclusion that Becky should spank her.

They got home without speaking and as Sarah unlocked the door and walked inside she turned towards Becky and looked like she was waiting for an instruction.

Becky saw the look in Sarah's eyes and the realisation hit her that just maybe she would live out her fantasy today. Still disbelieving that, she glared at Sarah and demanded, "So you need a spanking, Sarah, don't you." It was said as a statement and not a question.

Sarah blushed and stammered, "I suppose I do, Becky."

Becky took a deep breath and persisted, "Well I am the wronged person and the only one here and so I will be giving you your spanking." She stared sternly at Sarah although inside felt swirling feelings of uncertainty.

Sarah swallowed hard still blushing and knew she had to agree but could not utter the words and so looking as though she would burst in to tears just nodded her head.

Becky saw the nod and felt her heart pounding as she ordered, "Let's go in to the dining room, Sarah." Becky decided she needed to enforce her control and added sternly, "Now." She then stood still unable to breath as she waited for Sarah to finally object.

Sarah heard the firm instruction and knew that she had to obey. She didn't even think about Becky being just seventeen-years-old and so over twenty-years younger than herself. After all, she had always been quite taken by Becky's 'Do as I say,' tone of voice which was almost like one of her teachers when she was at school and who she had had a schoolgirl crush over. The teacher was head of discipline and although it never happened Sarah had often fantasised about being caned by her. So now the fact she deserved a spanking and her fantasy of obeying her ex-teacher submissively led her to turn and walk in to the living area and walk straight over to the dining table.

Becky saw Sarah turn and although fixated and stuck to the spot momentarily she forced herself to move. She was alert enough to remember to go to the sideboard and take out of the draw a wooden backed hairbrush that her mum kept there. It had never been used for spanking but only for brushing hair but Becky had the alternative use for it today. Moments later Becky was turning a dining chair in to the room and sat down as she glared at Sarah. "Lift your dress up above your waist and lower your knickers, Sarah," she ordered still in a state of disbelief.

Sarah was in a submissive mindset now and immediately pulled her dress up above her waist and pushed her knickers down to her ankles before standing up straight holding her dress up and looking down at Becky and waiting to be ordered across her lap. She did glance at Becky's lap and knew her bare tummy would be lying across Becky's bare thighs and momentarily thought how sexy that would be but quickly focussed on Becky's hand knowing it would be imparting some serious albeit well deserved pain in just a few moments. It was only then that she saw the wooden backed hairbrush and gasped.

"Get across my lap, Sarah," Becky ordered and as Sarah's head passed within inches of her face and continued downwards so Becky looked wide-eyed at the back of her aunts' head and then at her bare bottom. As she felt Sarah lower her full weight on to her lap she placed her open palm on her bare bottom and rubbed in circles convincing herself that she would be spanking her aunt in just a few seconds.

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To make sure, Becky looked at the back of Sarah's head as she rubbed her bottom and demanded, "Have you ever been spanked before, Sarah?"

Sarah was already feeling like a naughty girl and hadn't expected the question but looking at the backs of Becky's youthful but well-toned legs replied, "No, Becky, never."

Becky wasn't sure why she had asked that question as now the answer was no she wondered whether she should be the one to give her aunt her first ever spanking. 

Sarah had come to terms with getting spanked but felt Becky's hand stop rubbing her bottom and in a strange way knew that she needed to be spanked and didn't want Becky to let her off. "I know I deserve to be spanked, Becky. In fact, I need a really hard spanking to make me think more in future so please make it as hard as you can even if I cry."

Becky felt relieved at Sarah's request and started again to rub her bare bottom and to focus on giving her a very hard spanking. After just a few rubs Becky said sternly to the back of Sarah's head, “It will most certainly be as hard as I can make it, Sarah, and you will definitely be crying well before I have finished spanking you."

Sarah gasped at what Becky said and fleetingly started to regret being so submissive.

Becky felt exhilarated at the power she was exerting and as much as she felt annoyed with Sarah as she watched the coach pull away so she knew that all the tension she felt would ease as she meted out the spanking. She remembered how her friends mum had been so tense before spanking her friends’ older sister but afterwards was so relaxed and chatty. Becky was sure that she would be the same.

Sarah looked again at the backs of Becky's legs and saw her own dangling on the far side of the chair as she felt Becky's hand rubbing her bottom in circles and was again regretting agreeing to a spanking from her seventeen-year-old niece. It had sounded such a good idea and she knew she deserved to be punished for messing up Becky's school trip, but, like any child about to be spanked, she didn't really want to suffer the pain and humiliation of it. However, she was an adult and unlike a child knew that retribution was important and necessary and as she felt the first spank land on her unprotected bare bottom she knew this was a punishment she needed to suffer.

Becky landed the first spank and loved the way Sarah's bare bottom cheek surrendered to her flat palm and then cascaded from side to side whilst at the same time she delighted in the gasp her aunt let out. The second spank gave her the same satisfaction and then she pursed her lips knowing she needed to focus to make sure she gave a good and hard spanking just as she had watched the other day. So, she landed spank after spank on alternate bare bottom cheeks turning them deeper and deeper shades of red before doing the same to the backs of her aunts’ legs turning them bright red as she listened to the louder and louder gasps from an increasingly wriggling aunt. She realised just then though that she no longer had any concerns about spanking her adult aunt and was more sure than ever that she was actually giving a very well deserved spanking.

Sarah was gasping as each spank landed particularly the spanks to the backs of her legs which stung unbearably. Even so, and as much as she was struggling with the stinging pain, she knew Becky was doing the right thing even once Becky started spanking each bottom cheek several times before spanking the other bottom cheek several times and her eyes were filling with tears and she even let out a sob.

Becky heard the sob and instead of sympathy knew that she was teaching her aunt a lesson she needed to learn and took it as a signal to spank even harder. So, as she continued to land spanks multiple times on each bottom cheek and then multiple times on the back of each leg so she revelled in listening to the increasingly loud sobs Sarah was making.

Sarah was struggling more and more and hoped the spanking would be over very soon. She had forgotten though about the wooden backed hairbrush and thought that when the spanks stopped and Becky wasn't rubbing her bottom cheeks that the spanking was over. She groaned though when she felt the wooden backed hairbrush rubbing her bottom in circles and yelped when the fist spank landed. As each spank landed initially on alternate bottom cheeks and then several times on the same bottom cheek so Sarah cried freely and even knew she was dribbling as she cried uncontrollably.

Becky had decided that she would spank Sarah fifty times with the hairbrush. The first dozen or so were on alternate bottom cheeks which produced louder and louder yelps from Sarah but when she spanked each bottom cheek half a dozen times in a row she heard the sounds of real pain in the shrieks that Sarah made. Of course, Becky knew that as an adult it was necessary to be this resolute and didn't hold back with the harder and harder spanks.

Sarah was struggling more and more as the spanks kept on landing and was unable to stop herself squirming around on Becky's lap and kicking her legs and dribbling on to the floor. The spanking hurt and that made her keep on telling herself she would never mess up again as she didn't want another spanking like this one. Of course, she realised that was the whole purpose of having the threat of a spanking and so it all seemed right to her even as her bottom stung so much.

Becky counted out the spanks and although only she knew the number she decided to keep to it as Sarah had stayed obediently across her lap for the entire punishment. Once she landed the last spank she put it on the small of Sarah's back and rubbed the very red and bruised bottom as she listened to Sarah's pained cries. It took a while but once the cries had settled down to sobs she ordered, "Okay auntie, you can get up."

Sarah was sniffing and sobbing as she got up from Becky's lap and as she stood her hands rushed to her bottom and she rubbed as fast as she could as she involuntarily stepped from foot to foot.

Becky sat with her legs and arms crossed staring up with a feeling of self-satisfaction as Sarah did the spanking dance and as she watched she wondered if she would ever spank her aunt again. She loved her as a niece loves her aunt and knew that Sarah loved her as a niece and even though a step-niece that didn't lessen her love but to be given authority to spank her was still another step that needed to be put in place, if her aunt agreed to it at all.

Sarah kept on dancing as she rubbed her bottom with one hand and wiped away her still flowing tears with the other and looked down at Becky with a feeling of respect. She knew Becky had done the right thing by spanking her as hard as she did and she still kept telling herself that she must do her best not to mess up again. The thing was whether the threat of another spanking would help her future attitude and as she looked at Becky's lap and the hairbrush she was holding she knew that threat would certainly help her. Would Becky want to spank her again though, or would she be too embarrassed knowing she was spanking her aunt, she wondered?

Becky and Sarah caught each other's eye and both had a moment of concern over how the other was feeling about the spanking. Then they both smiled and that made them relax and the rest just fell in to place.

Becky said, "I hope you won't earn another spanking, auntie."

Sarah replied still smiling but also aware that she was blushing, "Well if I do then you can decide and order me back across your lap as many times as it takes, Becky."

Becky stood up and held her arms out wide and Sarah stepped forward putting her arms around Becky's neck and feeling Becky's arms around her waist hugging her lovingly close in a maternal way and they both knew that a new order was in place with seventeen-year-old Becky now in charge of her auntie Sarah’s discipline. 

Later at home as Sarah's bottom was still stinging and as she lay on her tummy on her bed one hand rubbed her bottom but her other hand slowly edged to her pussy and playing over the spanking in her mind she ran her fingers along her wet pussy lips time and again and as she groaned louder and louder bringing herself to one of the best and most mind-blowing orgasms she had ever had. As she settled back down feeling so aroused still she knew the spanking hurt horribly but that it had two benefits. One was definitely to make her think more of others and so she was more convinced than ever that she needed to accept Becky's disciplinary control over her which would undoubtedly help her in that direction. Secondly, she now knew that once she was over the fully justified but oh so painful spanking, the stinging took a hold and it turned her on and whilst she had no sexual feelings towards her niece she did know that being spanked made her just as aroused as her girlfriend’s tongue licking her pussy made her. The two feelings were an enigma and maybe unexplainable just then but Sarah felt both very strongly as she eased her fingers inside her pussy lips and flicked her taut clit and brought herself to a second explosive orgasm.

Becky meanwhile was feeling aroused for a very different reason. She had such an adrenaline kick from spanking her step-auntie. She supposed it didn't matter that Sarah was her step-aunt but she knew she got aroused by giving the spanking and so wanted that experience again. She sat in the armchair with her fingers inside her knickers thinking about her current girlfriend and wondering if she would be as sexually aroused by being spanked. Right then Becky made the decision that she would deal with Sarah whenever she needed to because her step-aunt needed the incentive to make her think about others although it was disciplinary rather than sexual. However, at the same time Becky decided to see if her girlfriend wanted to be spanked as part of their relationship. If she didn’t then she had ideas about a couple of other girls she knew and would then focus on them. So, as she flicked her taut clit and squeezed her taut nipple and brought herself to a wonderful orgasm she knew she had found a new interest which she fully intended to harness.

Written by SusanHarper
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