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Becky Gets Cross

"Becky has to give deserving discipline to the adults in her life"

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Things had definitely improved in terms of taking responsibility for themselves since seventeen-year-old Becky had taken charge of thirty-eight-year-old Sarah, thirty-eight-year-old Susan, and sixty-two-year-old Ella. Whilst she referred to them as granny Ella, step-aunt Sarah and mommy Susan, none were true relations but they had come together through separate relationships with her dad before he went away and left her. 

They had all succumbed to Becky’s discipline for different reasons, but all three, albeit initially reluctantly agreeing to it, then soon realised the true benefit they were getting from it. So, that disciplinary regime continued with Becky having the only and unquestioned say on whether any of the three ladies should be disciplined.

It didn’t take long for their various friends to learn of the disciplinary regime. There was an initial surprise given that Becky was the youngest by far, but they also realised that she was the most responsible of them all. 

Although things had improved, today got Becky really angry. She had spent quite some time arranging nibbles for a group of friends to play cards at the house. All of the friends arrived on time, but Ella Susan and Sarah all failed to turn up when they should’ve done. When they did arrive, the others had already started to play cards without them.

Ella arrived first, and it was noticeable how some of her friends smirked as she entered the room, and one said out loud, “Well that is really naughty of Ella. I wonder if Becky thinks she deserves a spanking?”

Another friend replied so the others could all hear, “Well I’m pretty sure that she does, but it is Becky‘s decision.“

Becky had decided even before Ella arrived that all three women deserved to be spanked. So, when she heard the exchange between Ella’s friends, she stood close to them and said, so that Ella could hear as well, “Don’t worry, ladies. granny Ella already knows because I sent a message telling her that the later she was, the more severe her spanking would be.” That got some smiles.

Becky then turned to Ella and commanded, “You are late, granny Ella. You have earned a spanking so get ready for it.”

Ella grimaced as she looked around the room and saw so many people there, not just her friends, but friends of Susan Sarah and Becky as well. She also knew that for quite some time, whenever she was spanked, she had to get totally undressed first. Surely Becky wasn’t going to make her get undressed in front of so many people, including those she didn’t know that well. She, therefore, looked, pleadingly, at Becky.

Becky knew what the look meant, but ignored it. Instead, she stood with her hands on her hips, glaring at Ella, and commanded, “Now get undressed straight away because you are risking that I will use more than my hand on your bottom.”

That also shocked Ella. Most times she was spanked with Becky’s hand on her bare bottom lying across her lap. However, there were some recent occasions when her lack of responsibility was deemed to be greater than normal, and Becky still put her across her lap naked, but instead of just using her hand she also used a wooden-backed hairbrush. That hurt so much more than just Becky‘s hand, although Ella had to admit that she remembered that spanking far longer than a hand spanking. However, she didn’t want to push Becky into using the hairbrush on her now if she could help it. She also knew that Becky was far better at arguing than she was and so questioning her would only lead to that horrid so painful hairbrush being used on her albeit fleshy bottom. Even without arguing it was still a possibility, she knew, and the tension of not knowing always made her even more obedient.

Consequently, Ella blushed deeply but obediently unzipped her sleeveless floral dress and slid it down her arms, and as she pushed it past her waist she caught her knickers with her thumbs and pushed both items of clothing down to the floor. She stepped out of them, scooped them up, folded them quite neatly given that she was under a lot of pressure now, and then put them on a chair. She then put her arms behind your back, unclipped her bra, let the straps slide down her arms, caught it, folded it once, and put that on top of her other clothes. She then stood still and looked at Becky, waiting for instructions. She was very self-conscious of her breasts and pussy hair was so openly on view, and wanted to cover as much as she could with her arms, but also knew that Becky forbade it and she followed the normal instruction of standing with her arms folded behind her back as she waited for Becky to give her the next instruction.

Ella saw the serious look on Becky’s face who was, as usual, so authoritative, as she glared at her in her sleeveless pretty light pink mini-dress. 

There were plenty of giggles from around the room which added to Ella’s embarrassment. To be fair, some of those present had already watched as Becky spanked one or other of the women. However, they were always friends of the one being spanked, or, indeed, Becky’s own friends. This was very different, Becky knew, and, allowing the giggles and comments to flow for a few moments, went and sat on a dining chair, flattened out her dress, looked up glaring at Ella, and ordered, “Now get across my lap.”

Ella grimaced as she took the few steps across the room and stood by Becky‘s side looking down at her lap which she had now done so often since accepting her disciplinary control over her. She then eased herself down, balancing on the far side of the seat and then catching her fall with her hands on the floor. She had done this so many times before but always gasped as the floor ended up just inches from her eyes, and she had her usual upside-down view of Becky’s legs, and of her own legs dangling under the far side of the chair.

Becky was annoyed with granny Ella because whilst her tendency to be forgetful had significantly improved, there were occasions, like today, when she simply forgot about things which adversely affected others. Why she couldn’t write notes to herself Becky never knew. So, as granny Ella lowered her full weight across her lap and she put her hand on her bare bottom and started to rub in circles, she glared at the back of her head and demanded, “Did you forget to write yourself a note again, granny Ella?”

Ella grimaced as she heard the question. She replied, looking at the floor, “I am so sorry, Miss Becky. I had got into the habit of writing myself a note each evening telling me what I was supposed to do the following day. I did write down that I was going shopping but forgot to write that I was coming back here for the card game. I know that is so bad of me, so I also know I really do deserve a very hard spanking. I don’t know what else to ask for to help me?”

Becky kept glaring at the back of granny Ella’s head, happy that she was addressed as Miss Becky whenever about to spank any of the ladies and replied, “Well I know. A good thirty spanks on each bottom cheek with my hairbrush is what you need.”

Ella gasped. She knew she hated being spanked with the hairbrush but equally knew that it did her so much good. It’s not something she would ever dream of asking for, and supposed she should be thankful that Becky was prepared to deal with her so strictly because that is what was best for her. So, although hating the prospect, she knew she had to reply respectfully and did so with, “Thank you, Miss Becky. I know that’s exactly what I need.”

As Becky proceeded to rub granny Ella’s bottom in circles, so both she and Ella heard the giggles from those watching as well as hearing some of the sarcastic comments about how much Ella deserved to be spanked, and just how bruised her bottom was likely to be by the time Becky had finished spanking her with the hairbrush.

Becky always enjoyed listening to the sarcastic comments from those who watched her spank any of the ladies. However, knowing that she still had two more naughty women to deal with, she raised her hand after just a few moments and brought her palm down on granny Ella’s bare bottom. She always loved that first spank when the bottom cheek nicely surrendered, bounced back when she raised her hand, swirled around a bit, and then settled down just as she next spank landed on the other bottom cheek. She then proceeded to spank granny Ella on alternate bottom cheeks time and again, turning her bottom darker and darker shades of red.

Ella knew she deserved this spanking so much, although, as always, hated the spanking itself. Of course, she always recalled how getting spanked was one of the only ways that ever got her to remember things, and, taking the good with the bad, kept reminding herself how this was so needed in order to make her better organised and more responsible. It didn’t worry her that Becky was a teenager and less than a third of her own age as it was the comparative responsibility that mattered, and Becky was so much more responsible than she was herself.

Ella did gasp louder and louder as the spanking proceeded, and more so when Becky started to spank the same bottom cheek several times in a row before spanking the other bottom cheek several times in a row. The stinging intensified as did her squirming around on Becky’s lap and tensing her legs and arms. She did manage to keep looking at Becky’s legs and saw her calf muscles tense showing how much strength she was using to land each spank. That was even better, Ella told herself, because one thing for sure was that a light spanking would never work with her.

Becky was happy with the red colour that she had turned both bottom cheeks, and so turned around and picked up the hairbrush that was behind her on the table, turned back, tapped the paddle side of the hairbrush on granny Ella’s bottom cheeks, glared at the back of granny Ella’s head again, and said in a very stern tone of voice, “What is this going to remind you to do, granny Ella?”

Ella knew for sure and replied, “Not to forget anything I have to do, Miss Becky.”

Becky replied sternly, “Well, let’s hope so, granny Ella.”

With that, she raised the hairbrush above her head and brought it down very firmly on Ella’s far bottom cheek. Again, she enjoyed that first spank when the bottom cheek surrendered even more easily than when spanked with her hand, becoming almost flattened, then bounced back up when the hairbrush was raised up, swirled around a bit, and was still swirling as Becky spanked the hairbrush down again on Ella’s other bottom cheek. Both times she heard granny Ella gasp with pain but knew that she had to make this a really hard spanking, as she did whenever she used the hairbrush because that was the only way that her granny Ella would learn her lesson.

Becky continued to spank granny Ella’s bare bottom with harder and harder spanks, fully intending to make sure that both bottom cheeks were going to be heavily bruised-blue by the time she was finished. She knew she was getting through to granny Ella by the way that her yelps got louder and louder, she shook her head from side to side hissing in and out through clenched teeth, and how she tensed her arms and legs. 

Becky and Ella had discussed this method of spanking in the past, or at least Becky explained the method she was going to use, and Ella had to accept it was exactly what was right for her even though it hurt so much. Becky explained that it was exactly right to give a spanking in this way because it got the best results. It wasn’t that she enjoyed giving granny Ella so much pain, but when you know it is in both your interests to teach a lesson properly, and if the only way to do that is with a pain-filled spanking with an implement like a wooden-backed paddle hairbrush, then doing it this way was the only way.

Ella knew she was showing everyone how much pain she was suffering by her louder and louder yelps but that didn’t matter because she kept telling herself how she must be more responsible in future. That way, she knew she was telling herself she was learning the right lesson and really hoped that this would be the final time that Becky would need to spank her so hard. Unfortunately, she knew all too well that whilst she would show a marked improvement for a while, she was bound to miss an important date again at some time and earn herself exactly the same spanking again, and deservedly so. However, if she didn’t get spanked like this, then she would miss those dates far more often and that would be much worse for her because she had to accept that she hated missing dates and would prefer to be there and on time every single time, and as much as she knew being spanked this hard was something that was going to happen time and again, she also knew that this was an excellent incentive for her.

Becky was looking down at her granny Ella’s now nearly wholly bruised-blue bottom cheeks, and even through the loud thwacks could continue to hear the discussion that several of those watching were having about how well-deserved this was, but also how Impressed they were with how hard Becky was giving the spanking knowing it was their own experience as well that that was the right thing to do.

Once Becky was finally happy that the blue bruises covered the whole bottom, she stopped spanking, looked in a more maternal way at the back of granny Ella’s head, and said, “Okay, granny Ella, you can now get up because I have finished your spanking.”

Ella did take a few moments to recover sufficiently to push herself up and get back into a standing position. As she did, she turned and looked at Becky albeit through her blurred vision because of her tear-filled eyes. She also rubbed her bottom feverishly, knowing that that was something that Becky always allowed her to do after a spanking whilst she always had a satisfied look on her face because of the very hard spanking she had given her. She couldn’t stop herself stepping from foot to foot either, and was conscious of some of the more flippant comments from around the room about how well she danced, how her full breasts bounced around so sexily, and just how bruised her bottom was.

Becky allowed granny Ella to do her spanking dance for a while and then demanded, “Well, granny Ella, at least you took your punishment well, but it would be far better if you didn’t earn it in the first place.”

Ella was still rubbing her bottom feverishly and also clutching her stinging cheeks as well, all intended to cope with the pain although it never did, and she replied, “I’m so sorry, Miss Becky. I know that I would prefer not to be spanked, but also know that I need to be and I’m so thankful that you are there to deal with me. I love you so much and know what you are doing is in my very best interests.”

Becky allowed herself a maternal smile and replied, “At least this is better than a discussion that goes nowhere and from which you never learn. It is now the tried and tested method and I know that you do need it pretty regularly, and I will continue to spank you whenever you deserve it. I love you too, granny Ella, just as I would my real granny. Anyway, to me, you are everything and more than a real granny is and it is only during these occasions when our roles are reversed.”

Becky continued to give her granny Ella a loving maternal smile, and as she did, she heard comments from around the room saying how lovely both she and her granny were to each other and how much they obviously did love each other as a granny and granddaughter love each other.

Both Becky and Ella knew the punishment wasn’t yet over, though. Becky ordered, “Okay then, granny Ella. Now go to your naughty spot and press your nose against the wall, fold your arms behind your back, and wait there until I release you.”

Ella knew that this was the final part of the punishment, or more precisely that it would be so long as she continued to obey Becky. So, she turned and obediently went and pressed her nose against the wall as she stood on her naughty spot and listened to the comments from those watching, no longer so embarrassed by the fact that they were there and knowing that that only added to her lesson, as did staying naked. Of course, what she also knew was that she was already turned on by being spanked and felt quivers flying around her vagina and she would later give herself huge orgasms thinking about her spanking. It wasn’t why she earned her spanking, but at least was a very welcome side effect and far better than when just masturbating.

Moments after Ella got to her naughty spot the front door opened and Susan and Sarah walked into the living room with looks of total surprise on their faces, and then what looked like the realisation of what had happened which caused them to blush and to put their hands over their mouth’s, as though to hide whatever exclamations they were making under their breath’s. Everyone could see that their eyes settled on Becky and those looks of surprise turned to looks of concern with eyes that widened in shock and which told everyone the sure knowledge they had that they were about to be disciplined by the seventeen-year-old.

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Becky glared from Susan to Sarah and then demanded, “We can all see that you have forgotten about today. I’m not going to ask for excuses, but want to know why you have both forgotten about playing cards.”

Susan and Sarah glanced at each other, both looking worried, before Susan looked back towards Becky and said, “I am so sorry, Miss Becky. When I got up this morning and was getting dressed, I was thinking how much I was going to enjoy playing cards. I then just forgot about it as we were shopping.” Susan then glanced again at Sarah before looking back towards Becky and continuing, “I know what I need, Miss Becky. Please, please, please, give me a really hard spanking.“ She then blushed and looked around the room although not with any sign of embarrassment but more looking for support particularly from her own friends who she had discussed time and again with that being spanked when forgetful was the best thing that happened to her.

Sarah then added her explanation. “We did go shopping and also totally forgot about playing cards. I know that is really bad of me, and I also agree that, if you will, I also need a very hard spanking. Maybe even, a second spanking tonight before going to bed?”

Susan and Sarah knew they had no chance of avoiding the spanking and so tried to get Becky’s sympathy by their looks of surprise and horror, and asking for a spanking.

Becky looked around and thought that she saw growing sympathy in the faces of those watching. She knew better, though, and that both Susan and Sarah were aware that they were going to get spanked no matter what they said. This way it sounded as though they were the good guys and that is why many of those watching were looking sympathetic. However, she also saw a few of her own friends who were mouthing to each other that Becky wasn’t going to fall for those lies. Indeed, Becky knew that she wasn’t either.

Becky worked out in her mind that if both women were going to be spanked properly it would take about fifteen-minutes each. So, as she didn’t really want to spend the next half-an-hour spanking them both but wanted to get on and play cards, she looked at Lily, her girlfriend. She smiled at her, knowing that over the last few weeks she had had so many reasons to spank Lily time and again even though she was eighteen-years-old and so older than herself. However, Lily had improved markedly over that time and they had even discussed just the other day that perhaps Lily was already far more responsible than either of the three ladies and Becky had suggested that, maybe, there might come a time when she wasn’t able to carry out a spanking but Lily was.

Becky reckoned that today could be that day but didn’t say anything yet and instead glared at the two ladies and commanded, “Well, you will both definitely be getting a very hard spanking, so get ready for it.”

Susan and Sarah again glanced at each other but that gave away the fact that they were still hoping that nothing worse was going to happen to them, like the hairbrush. Becky reckoned that they had both discussed the fact that they were going to be spanked because they were late, and that their looks of surprise and then horror including placing their hands over their mouth’s, was just an act. Becky didn’t mind that because many a person who earned a spanking knew they had and played up to the person who was going to spank them in a bid to minimise the punishment. This was slightly different because, although both Susan and Sarah, like Ella, hated to be spanked, afterwards they always felt so aroused and, once alone, would have massive orgasms. Becky reckoned today wouldn’t be any different for any of the three of them. 

Equally, whilst Becky didn’t discipline any of the ladies for sexual reasons but more as a maternal like duty, she did feel differently when spanking Lily. Almost every time the two of them ended up in bed, fully naked, making out, and giving each other their own equally tremendous orgasms. Both thought that it was even better than good girl sex, and realised that Becky giving pain and Lily taking pain aroused them both for different reasons but in the same way.

Becky was thinking these thoughts as she watched Susan and Sarah both get undressed. She loved the position of authority she had when watching both women unzip their dresses and slide them down their arms, catching their knickers with their thumbs on the way, pushing both items of clothing to the floor, stepping out of them, scooping them up, folding them, and placing them both on the chair next to Ella’s clothes. Both then put their arms behind their backs, unclipped their bras, let them slip down their arms, caught them, folded them, and put them with their clothes on the chair.

As both ladies stood still and looked towards Ella, they could see how some of those watching were looking at their breasts and their legs and most definitely at their pussies, and thought that so many of them were turned on by the sight of their naked bodies. They both knew they had sexy figures and were attractive to both men and women, particularly when, like now, they were fully naked.

Once Susan and Sarah were both undressed, Becky announced, “Just so we don’t hold things up too long, I will spank mommy and Lily will spank auntie.”

There were gasps of surprise around the room but also several comments saying how it was a good idea that they were both spanked together.

Before sitting down again Becky went to the sideboard, opened the top drawer, and took out another wooden-backed paddle hairbrush and took it over and gave it to Lily. They both then sat down, flattened out their dresses, glared up at the ladies they were about to spank, and Becky pointed to her lap and ordered, “Now get across our laps.”

Susan and Sarah both dreaded the spanking that they were going to get particularly as so many people were going to be watching. They already really regretted being late and reckoned they had learned their lesson without the spanking but knew it was too late for that, this time.

As Susan and Sarah eased themselves down across their laps, Becky and Lily glanced at each other and both knew that the two ladies were more likely than not to blame because they had forgotten what the time was and were too engrossed in what they were doing. As soon as both women had settled themselves down, Becky glared at the back of Susan’s head and demanded, “So I bet you regret forgetting about us now.”

Susan looked at Becky’s upside-down legs to remind herself of the submissive position she was in as she replied, “I am so sorry, Miss Becky. We were trying clothes on and, before we knew it, it was too late to get here on time.”

Becky then asked in a questioning tone, “So it was in your diary but you were just doing other things? Is that correct?”

Susan was still looking at the floor as she replied, “I suppose so, Miss Becky. I kept telling myself as I was on the way to the shops that I mustn’t forget, but then I did. So, I know I deserve this spanking.”

Susan and Sarah had both hoped that the feigned look of surprise they gave when they walked into the room would’ve been sufficient to reduce the punishment they both knew they deserved. So, in the event, as neither Becky nor Lily were taken in, they knew they had to accept yet another spanking for their forgetfulness. Worse, their lying earned them the hairbrush as well which Becky always used in the case of lying. Of course, as responsible adults they shouldn’t lie but they did, and so deserved the more pain-filled punishment with the hairbrush. Worse, was that if they had just remembered to get here on time none of this would be happening and, instead, they would’ve just enjoyed themselves playing cards with the others. In the event, the shopping trip had been unsuccessful as it was, and now they were about to suffer the pain they deserved for their irresponsible behaviour and lying.

Becky again glanced at Lily as they both knew that these two ladies most certainly deserved to be spanked, and very hard. Becky had lost count of the number of times that both Susan and Sarah had forgotten about things they were supposed to do. She had told them time and again to write themselves notes and to keep looking at those notes wherever they were, and still they failed to do that.

Becky and Lily gave each other one final glance before Becky raised a hand, followed by Lily, and both brought their palms down on the very naughty adult woman’s bottom lying on their laps. As they proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks, so they reminded themselves that these two naughty adult ladies needed to be spanked very hard indeed, as that was the only way to even start to teach them a lesson. Of course, Becky was very used to spanking adult bottoms, and although Lily’s first time she was clearly getting to grips with it, preferring that to the way her relationship with Becky had started when it was her across Becky’s lap being spanked.

The comments started to flow again from those watching about how much Sarah and Susan deserved to be spanked, and how their bottoms would be nicely turned darker and darker shades of red. Both ladies could make out the comments which they knew were true, and both really did want to have their irresponsible attitudes changed. As the spanking continued and their bottoms were beginning to sting more and more, and they knew they were letting out louder and louder gasps and were squirming around on Becky and Lily’s laps, so they wondered if this would be the turning point for them both. They knew that they would remember the spanking for quite a while, but still wondered whether this was going to be severe enough.

After several minutes of landing very hard spanks with their hands Becky and Lily were happy with the red colour of both bottoms, and then nodded to each other and turned and picked up the wooden-backed hairbrushes from the chairs next to them.

Sarah and Susan gasped and winced as they felt the paddle side of the hairbrush being rubbed in circles around their bottoms. As much as they knew that they had handled, reasonably well, the hand spanking, they realised that they were not going to be able to handle being spanked with the hairbrushes at all. They both wanted to beg for forgiveness and to be let off the spanking, but, equally, knew Becky would never agree to their request, and, rightly so. Of course, on the plus side, being spanked with a hairbrush was always a far more intense lesson than just a hand spanking, and that as the hairbrush was soon to be spanked down on alternate bottom cheeks and they would both yelp, so they knew that their memory of the hairbrush spanking would be far longer than just from a hand spanking. 

Becky and Lily again glanced at each other as they raised the hairbrushes above their heads, and then looked back down at the two already red bottoms on their laps and brought the paddle hairbrush down with a loud thwack on the far bare bottom cheek. As usual, the bottom cheek surrendered quickly and was flattened by the paddle hairbrush, bounced back as the hairbrush was raised up again, swirled around a bit, and was still swirling around as the hairbrush was brought down on the near bottom cheek with the same reaction. Of course, Becky and Lily both heard Susan and Sarah yelp with the pain but neither had any sympathy because both knew that this was all about teaching two very naughty forgetful adult ladies to become more responsible adults. It always seemed strange that it was taking two teenagers to spank two adult ladies, but that was the way that it was and everybody involved accepted the regime. 

As the spanks continued to land, now landing on the same bottom cheek several times in a row before spanking down on the other bottom cheek several times in a row, so the two naughty adults’ red bottoms were quickly becoming bruised-blue which everyone knew would mean they would be very difficult to sit down on for quite some time. Cushions helped, but were never quite the answer for those struggling to cope with well-spanked bottoms. Everyone knew though, including Becky and Lily, Susan and Sarah, and all of those watching, that it was a necessary response to teach those breaking the known rules, and spanking was the tried and tested punishment. 

Susan and Sarah dissolved into uncontrolled crying, knowing that they had to take every last spank that the two teenagers were determined to give them, so they really did hope that this would be a lasting lesson, although doubted it. Even so, spank after spank continued to land on their stinging bottoms and they were being taught their lesson for sure.

Becky counted out the spanks she and Lily were giving with the hairbrush, and when she got to fifty on each cheek, she decided that that was sufficient. She glanced towards Lily and nodded, and the spanking of both adult ladies stopped. 

Becky and Lily looked around the room and saw the smiles from those watching and that some of them had their hands covering their mouths to enable them to make comments to the person sitting next to them. Either way, Becky and Lily knew that from the way that Susan and Sarah were still crying, a good lesson had been given and, hopefully, learned.

Becky allowed the crying and sniffling to continue for a short while before ordering, “Okay, both of you, you can get up. Go and press your noses against the wall on your naughty spots.”

Susan and Sarah both forced themselves up knowing that if they didn’t there was every likelihood that Becky and Lily would give them some more spanks with the hairbrush. As they stood up, they rubbed their bottoms feverishly as they almost danced to their naughty spots. They stood there with their noses pressed against the wall and with their arms folded behind their backs, just as they had done so many times before.

Becky waited for Susan and Sarah to be on their naughty spots before saying to those watching, “Well, let’s get on with our cards. They have to be on the naughty spot for thirty minutes which is about the time we need to finish our games.”

There was still lots of chatter as Becky and Lily took their seats, and then everyone focused on the game of cards, although everyone, from time to time, glanced towards the three well-spanked ladies with their noses pressed against the wall and their blue-bruised bottoms clearly on view as they listened to the sniffles. 

Half-an-hour later and all of those watching dispersed. It was only when they were alone that Becky stood behind the three very naughty now contrite and well-punished adult ladies, and said “Okay, you are released. You can all go to the bathroom and tidy yourselves up.”

Ella and Susan and Sarah were still sniffing as they went upstairs to the bedrooms. 

Ella had her own bathroom and she went and quickly looked at her bottom in the mirror, but then felt quivers flying around her vagina. Yes, she was turned on again, and couldn’t wait to lie on her bed and to masturbate.

Susan and Sarah shared a bathroom. They went in together, looked at each other’s bottom and then at their own in the mirror, gasped, looked at each other again, and couldn’t resist hugging and kissing each other with Susan edging her tongue into Sarah’s welcoming mouth. What had started off as separate relationships with Becky’s dad had then turned into the most loving relationship between the two of them. They both happily went together into Susan’s bedroom, lay on the bed kissing and sucking each other’s taut nipples, working their way down kissing the others tummy, and then edging between the others legs and licking and kissing the others already wet pussy lips easing their tongues inside whilst at the same time flicking the others taut clits. Both gave the other a tremendous orgasm, although, as usual, far more intense after a spanking than without the spanking because, although they hated being spanked, each found the spanking turned them both on.

Becky waited for the others to go upstairs before taking hold of Lily’s hand and leading her upstairs to their own bedroom. Of course, they had no need to go into the bathroom and instead undressed and lay side-by-side on the huge double bed. Moments later they were kissing and cuddling each other and sucking each other’s taut nipples and kissing their way to the others very wet pussy lips, kissing and licking them, edging their tongues inside, and flicking the others taut clits, and quickly gave each other the first of several tremendous orgasms.

Of course, whilst discipline was the driving force behind what had happened today, they all knew that they got aroused by giving and receiving spankings. It was always secondary to the discipline element, but they all got more intense orgasms after giving and receiving a spanking. They all knew, therefore, that the disciplinary regime would continue, and of course that none of the adult ladies would ever be good enough to avoid being spanked in future, and preferred it that way.

Written by SusanHarper
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