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An Unusual Fundraising Venture

"A mature woman who longs to be caned overhears a conversation"

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Lucy Hogarth was a leading light in the local Women's Institute and in her own eyes, she was THE leading light. She was good at organizing things but she went way beyond just organizing and became bossy bordering on tyrannical. Some of the other ladies put up with her and tolerated her but a few almost loathed her, virtually none of the members actually liked her.

She was aged sixty and her husband was some fourteen years older than her but most of Henry's married life had been spent being told what to do by the formidable Lucy.

The current meeting was being wound up and ladies were leaving as Lucy asked the whereabouts of Elizabeth Reynolds, no doubt to give her some further instructions, and was told that Elizabeth was in the kitchen washing up with Mary Littleton so Lucy marched in that direction.

Lucy had almost reached the open door to the kitchen when a voice from inside, Mary's, said, "Lucy was throwing her weight around again tonight wasn't she?"

"Wasn't she just, she really is full of herself isn't she?" replied Elizabeth.

Lucy remained motionless within two strides of the door as the conversation continued, "What she needs is for someone to give her a good hiding I think," said Mary.

"Ha, that is something that I would pay to see, her getting her big bottom whacked," laughed Elizabeth.

"I think a lot of people would pay to see Madam Hogarth get her comeuppance," said Mary.

Outside the door Lucy was going bright red but not in rage at the women talking about her in that way but because getting her big bottom whacked was the thing that she desired most of all in this world. It stemmed back to her school days when her headmistress had delivered six stinging strokes of the cane to her knicker-covered bottom and the subsequent sexual reaction that Lucy had had to the caning.

The only times that Lucy had ever got close to the sexual gratification that she had got in the aftermath of her caning as a seventeen-year-old was when she mentally reminisced about it with her fingers between her legs. Sex with Henry had ceased more than a decade previously but Lucy had never found that to be very fulfilling anyway so she did not miss it. She knew that there were women and certainly men that you could contact to get your bottom flogged and she had got as far as looking on the internet to see if she could find someone quite local but had never pursued it.

Obviously, Elizabeth and Mary were unaware that Lucy had heard what they said and the very flushed Lucy now thought it best not to enter the kitchen so she retraced her steps away from the two women.

That night in her bed, she and Henry had separate rooms, Lucy thought back over the women's words. She did not think that they really meant what they said about her needing a good hiding, but what if they did?

She could not really let them know that she had heard them and she certainly could not tell them that getting her bottom whipped was exactly what she wanted.

One thing that kept coming back into Lucy's head was that there would be a lot of members happy to pay to see her get her 'comeuppance' and the branch of The Institute was always looking at new ways to raise funds.

Lucy still had a dilemma because, in theory, she could solve three problems because she could get the beating that she desired, she could raise funds, and probably her 'volunteering' her bottom to take the punishment for fundraising purposes would make her more popular with some members. The dilemma was just how to set it up but the only possible way seemed to Lucy to be to let Mary and Elizabeth know that she had heard what they had said.

"I have an idea for a new fundraiser," said Lucy on the telephone to Elizabeth two days later after having mulled things over in her head.

"Oh yes, Lucy, what is that?" said Elizabeth pleased that Lucy could not see her raised eyebrows at yet another Lucy Hogarth idea.

"Um well I heard you and Mary talking about me in the kitchen the other day," said Lucy, sounding a lot less confident than usual.

"Talking about you?" said Elizabeth who at first could genuinely not recall talking about Lucy.

"Yes, about what I needed and people paying to see it happen," replied Lucy.

"Oh that, well yes you are sometimes a bit overpowering," said Elizabeth feeling slightly guilty.

"No, you are both right and I think it would help raise funds because probably a lot would like to see me get my bottom whipped," said Lucy who was starting to feel sexually aroused as they got deeper into the subject.

"Don't be silly Lucy, we did not mean it," said Elizabeth although she knew that several would like to see it happen, she included.

"I am serious Elizabeth, I will suggest it at the next meeting but maybe you can talk to others in the meantime so that it does not come as a complete shock," said Lucy.

"Lucy, you can't really mean this, are you saying that you would take a beating if people paid to see it?" said an almost incredulous Elizabeth.

"That is exactly what I am saying, perhaps £10 to give me a cane stroke and £5 just to watch," said Lucy who was now highly aroused at the thought.

"Cane? Where do we get a cane?" asked Elizabeth not quite believing this conversation.

"You can get one on the internet, I will get one," said Lucy really warming to the subject both mentally and between her legs.

"You really are serious aren't you?" said Elizabeth although it was now pretty obvious that Lucy was.

"Yes, you contact some members please so that we can have a good idea about interest before the next meeting," instructed Lucy.

"But if you are serious there has to be a limit on the number of strokes surely," said Elizabeth.

"I suppose, maximum of eighteen I think," announced Lucy.

"Eighteen strokes with a cane, do you really think that you could take that?" said Elizabeth, back to being incredulous.

"Well I took six strokes at school once so I do not see why not," said Lucy who's buttocks gave a sort of involuntary clench.

So it was left that Elizabeth would contact some other WI members individually and see what the interest was and get back to Lucy who would then, if necessary, purchase a cane on the internet.

Elizabeth first phoned Mary Littleton and having explained the conversation with Lucy to the initially incredulous Mary she finally convinced her friend that she thought that Lucy was serious.

"Perhaps she likes having her bum caned," Mary eventually said although it did not seriously occur to her that that was exactly what Lucy craved.

Initial inquiries among WI members produced a lot of interest once each individual had been convinced that it was genuine although some were happy just to watch but had no interest in actually applying a stroke. This news was conveyed to Lucy who promptly looked on the internet and decided on and ordered an appropriate-looking cane. 

Lucy masturbated that night at the thought of at last getting her bottom caned again.

At the next WI meeting and after most of the normal business had been done Lucy addressed those present with those present strangely quite a few more than usually attended.

"I understand that most of you already know about my fundraising idea but just to clarify, I will bend over this table and take strokes of the cane to my bottom. It will cost you £10 to deliver a stroke and £5 just to watch," informed Lucy and there was a lot of muttering from the audience and a gasp or two although almost everyone present had already heard the proposal, just that they did not all believe it.

"I know that some of you do not like me or find me too overbearing, this will be your chance to vent your feelings," Lucy added.

It was further explained that there would be a maximum of eighteen strokes and both the delivering of a stroke and the watching of the event had to be booked and paid for in advance. The event would be at the end of the next WI meeting.

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The day before the next meeting there had been sixteen ladies pay to deliver a stroke and a further forty-six had paid to observe so quite staggeringly, or perhaps not, almost every member of the local WI was involved. In fact, one of the sixteen had only joined the WI so that she could lash a cane stroke across Lucy's buttocks because she had a long-held grudge.

Elizabeth phoned Mary and they agreed that as Lucy had mentioned eighteen strokes they would each pay an additional £10 and deliver two strokes each. In conversation with Lucy a little later, Elizabeth conveyed the numbers and it was agreed that as it was Mary and Elizabeth's chat that had sparked the event they would land the first and second strokes and also the seventeenth and eighteenth.

Lucy was left both excited by and anxious about the eighteen-stroke caning that she would receive the next evening. She was however delighted that her 'suffering' would be raising £410 for branch funds.

The meeting went ahead relatively normally, despite the unusually high number of attendees, although there was certainly some tension and excitement in the air, in a few cases the excitement was sexual.

The meeting concluded and then Lucy stood to address the audience, "That concludes the normal business ladies, now for the event that has raised £410 for our coffers," Lucy's voice started to break a bit but she coughed a bit nervously and then resumed talking, "I will just go and change into something more appropriate and then I will return with the cane," she announced.

There was some excited chatter when Lucy left the stage but when she returned a few minutes later there was a lull because the attention turned to Lucy. She had changed out of the tweed skirt that she had been wearing and now had on a pair of black slacks. She also had the cane in her hand.

Her voice was now certainly cracking as she announced, "I will now bend over this table and take the caning, I believe that Mary is to deliver the first stroke," said Lucy who then turned and lay across the table and there were a few gasps at the tightness of her trousers which really hugged and accentuated her large buttocks. The more observant might have become aware that there did not appear to be any knickers underneath.

Lucy had placed the cane next to her on the table and Mary then approached and picked it up, she looked at the very rounded bottom that was being presented and then raised the cane and slashed it down with all of her might SWISH! CRACK!

The sound that it made shocked many and there were multiple gasps including one from the woman on the receiving end of the stroke. Mary handed the cane to Elizabeth who was now at her side and she studied the prone figure for a moment before SWISH! CRACK!  she landed the second stroke.

Further gasps from the assembled and a very audible groan from Lucy before Elizabeth handed the cane to the next lady that had paid £10 for the privilege of landing a cane stroke across Lucy Hogarth's buttocks.

So it went on, some strokes were delivered with real venom because the lady delivering the stroke had a genuine dislike for Lucy and some strokes were little more than a tap because that was all that the lady with the cane in hand could muster.

Nine strokes had now been delivered and Lucy's bottom was on fire and her responses to strokes was getting more and more audible but she was also aware of her mounting sexual arousal as the cane was then passed to Hilary Matthews, the lady that had just joined the WI simply for this moment.

Lucy had no idea who any of the ladies were as they delivered their paid-for stroke and she had no idea who held the cane now but Hilary slashed it through the air with such force that the SWISH! CRACK!  that she produced caused Lucy to scream and then sob, "Oh, oh, owww."

The reaction caused Mary to come to Lucy's side and ask gently, "Are you alright Lucy, do you want a break?"

Lucy was very red-faced and her knuckles were white from gripping the end of the table but with tears streaming down her face she mumbled, "No thank you, get on with it."

There were still eight strokes to come but the savage stroke delivered by Hilary was still burning into Lucy's buttocks and her vagina was bubbling close to orgasm. The lady next in line landed her stroke across the lower part of Lucy's large buttocks and the, "Oh, ummmm," that Lucy let out signalled her reaction to the pain and the start of her orgasm.

She was hoping that there would not be visual evidence showing in her black trousers as her body shook and trembled through the next three strokes. Some women suspected, Mary included, what was happening with Lucy's sexual areas and indeed there were some other women in the room who were close to something similar.

At that point, there were still four strokes remaining and the next two had Lucy squirming and sobbing as her nether regions felt red hot. Now the cane was back with Mary who would deliver the penultimate stroke leaving Elizabeth to deliver the last.

If Mary was correct, Lucy was actually enjoying this in a 'perverted' way so she put full power into her stroke and the violent reaction of Lucy's body to it caused her own knickers to start to become exceedingly damp.

Elizabeth, who had not detected the apparent sexual reaction of Lucy and certainly not that of Mary landed the final stroke across Lucy's backside and Mary, who now had very damp knickers, took charge.

With Lucy, her body shaking with her loud sobs, still remaining bent Mary addressed the ladies, "That is it ladies, please stack your chairs at the side of the hall as you leave."

The audience seemed reluctant to leave but with some of them murmuring and some of them in stunned silence they started to stack the chairs as instructed and leave the hall.

Lucy had now started to straighten and she put her hands to her caned cheeks as she continued to cry. Elizabeth looked at her friend Mary in rather a strange way but Mary could not detect whether that meant that she felt the same sexual rush that Mary had or whether she was aware of what had happened in Mary's knickers.

Mary was now at the loudly sobbing Lucy's side and she said, "It is over, you took it very well but I bet it hurt," stating the obvious.

"It did hurt rather but I think some enjoyed it," Lucy managed to say in reply and Mary wondered who Lucy was including in the 'some'.

Lucy was still clutching her buttocks and the majority of those present had now left the hall. Elizabeth had moved away and Mary again approached Lucy, "Why were you so keen to be caned?" she asked.

"It was good for funds and it might make a few like me a bit more," Lucy replied through sobs.

"I think it was more than that, I think you wanted it and needed it," said Mary.

"Is that want you think, Mary?" said Lucy still rubbing her large bottom.

"Yes, but if you ever want or need it again in private then just let me know," said Mary.

Lucy looked at Mary but did not respond verbally but the look suggested that one day Lucy Hogarth would be bending over for Mary Littleton to cane her.

There were a few women out of the sixty-three that had been present masturbating that night but none harder than Lucy Hogarth and Mary Littleton.

Over the following days, Lucy frequently inspected the cane marks on her bared bottom in her wardrobe mirror and usually had fingers at her pussy as she did so.

Elizabeth, meanwhile, noticed a difference in her friend Mary's attitude towards Lucy although she could not fathom quite where that came from.

Mary looked forward to the day that Lucy contacted her about the private application of the cane to Mrs. Hogarth's bottom, a call that Mary did not doubt that she would get one day.

Written by PJH
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