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A Schoolgirl's Spanking

"Ruby faces expulsion from school... will she convince the principal to give her another chance?"

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Ruby Hamilton was a wild child. The only child of parents who were both far too busy with their own lives to care about hers, she had basically been on her own for several years. She came and went on her own with very little supervision. So long as she checked in once in awhile to let her parents she was still alive, that's all that was required. While this kind of life might be a young girl's dream, having no one really to answer to, it didn't lend itself to proper behavior. And idle hands, as they say...

Ruby had been in trouble many times before, and been kicked out of a couple schools altogether. Now she was enrolled in G.W. Jefferson High School, a high school for "at risk" teens - basically, their last shot at graduating high school. "G.W." as it was affectionately called, took in those kids who had been expelled from other schools and tried to help them get through school and get that all-important diploma as well as teaching them skills they would need for the coming job market.

Ruby was a junior there at "G.W." and had been in trouble four or five times already that year. Now, it was getting close to the end of the year and she was, once again, sitting in the principal's office. She had gotten real familiar with the principal's office over the years, and she was on a first name basis with most of the office staff. When she walked in this time, the woman at the counter just said, "Hi Ruby, have a seat... he'll be with you in a minute."

At the end of last year, the principal of "G.W.", Mr. Baker, retired and the new principal had taken over. Ruby had seen him in the hallways and around school, but she hadn't been to see him in his office yet. This would be her first interaction with him. But from what she had seen, he was a handsome, younger man about 35 or so. And from the gossip around the hallways, he was, as the young girls said, a "dreamy" guy! She would soon find out.

"Mr. Hanson will see you now Ruby," the lady at the counter said. Ruby walked back into the principal's office and softly knocked on the door.

"Come in," came the deep voice from the other side. Ruby stepped into the room to see a man sitting behind the large desk with his face covered by a file folder he was apparently reading.

"Please shut the door and have a seat, Miss Hamilton."

Ruby shut the door and took a seat as directed in one of the chairs in front of his desk. She sat there for several awkward moments before he spoke again.

Mr. Hanson closed the file with a snap and set it on his desk. Then he looked at Ruby. "Well, Miss Hamilton, you have quite a file here. You don't seem to agree with the way we run things here at "G.W.". I see occasions where you felt you needed to be elsewhere - I believe the mall, the movies, and in the parking lot of the local fast food eatery were a few of your destinations. I also see instances of talking back to your teachers, disrupting the class with various antics, and I am sure there are other things here in your file I would find interesting if I had the time to look through it more carefully.

"But what brings this little visit today is that you were caught smoking in the girl's restroom - the one next to the cafeteria. Is that correct?" he asked.

"Yes Sir," she said.

"Well at least we agree on that point," he said. "You understand that smoking on school grounds is against the rules and the penalty for that is expulsion, even though the school year is just about over. This may seem like a good way to get a head start on your summer vacation, but it also means summer school and/or the possibility of not being able to come back next year and graduate. As you have an extensive record of disciplinary problems already, I can see this ending your school career for good."

The principal looked sternly at the young woman sitting in front of him. That was hard to do, because she was quite attractive, and he was more inclined to look at her lustfully. Ruby Hamilton was a tall girl with flame red hair that she wore in pigtails, a pretty face with a pale creamy complexion and light blue eyes. She had big breasts and a slender waist, and her hips and ass seemed to flare out nicely from that waist. As he looked at the young miscreant, he had secret thoughts of her being naked and leaning over his desk while he fucked her from behind.

Ruby sat there listening to him speak. She was equally enamored of the man behind the desk. Mr. Hanson was just as "dreamy" as the hallway whispers had indicated. He was six foot four inches tall with broad shoulders, a muscular chest and well proportioned body. He had dark collar-length hair and a scruff beard and mustache. He had a strong jaw and the bluest eyes she had ever seen.

Ruby didn't want to be expelled from the high school and risk not graduating, especially over something as dumb as smoking in school. She had come too far to not finish. Besides, she had been told her senior year would be the most fun of all her school career. And the idea of summer school wasn't any more palatable. Summers were hers she felt, and not to be spent making up for school year mistakes.

"Please, Mr. Hanson. I really don't want to be expelled, and I never smoked in school before. Honest. It was just that one time. Can't we do something else instead? I'll do anything. Anything you want me to do."

Benjamin Hanson didn't really want to expel the pretty girl either. He looked at her record, and noted that she was eighteen years old. Expelling her would do more harm than good and may ruin her future irreparably. There was another way, a way he would much prefer doing with her, and he wondered if she really meant it when she told him she would do "anything," especially when she repeated it. He decided to look into the possibility further.

"What do you suggest?" he asked her.

"How about corporal punishment?" she said.

"You mean spanking you?" he asked, wanting to be sure he was understanding her correctly.

"Yes, spanking me. Would that work?" she asked.

He thought about her suggestion for a moment. Spanking young students was strictly against the law but, since the girl in question was eighteen years old, she could sign a statement giving consent to that form of punishment. That would would probably be enough to cover him, at least as far as the law was concerned.

He doubted he would be fired, even if the school board or anybody else even found out about it, which was unlikely. He was fairly certain that Ruby would be smart enough not to tell anybody, keeping her violation of the rules and subsequent punishment just between the two of them. She had as much to lose as he did, if this got out, she would definitely be expelled and no school would touch her.

"You know, Miss Hamilton, it's against the law to inflict any corporal punishment on a minor but, since you are eighteen, and old enough legally to give consent, would you be willing to sign a statement that you accept being spanked with a ruler in lieu of expulsion?" As he spoke, Ben took a thick wooden ruler out of his desk drawer and slapped it against his hand.

Ruby looked at the ruler, but not with fear. Instead, she looked at it with lustful desire. She enjoyed having her ass spanked by her many boyfriends as a preliminary to their fucking her, and the thought of this man using the ruler on her bare ass sent a tingle through her pussy. Anna didn't think the ruler would be all that much different than his hand and it might even feel better, adding a bit more sting and giving her more sexual thrills. Certainly bending over the desk and being paddled bare-assed by this hunky man added to her thrill-o-meter!

She wondered though if, after her spanking, he would be up to the idea of finishing the job and fucking her. Ruby knew that she would be extremely horny and want to fuck in the worst way. Spankings had always turned her on and half the time she acted up just to get one! The longer and harder he spanked her the more aroused and excited she would get, especially if he gave her a bare ass spanking like she hoped. Those were her favorites because it showed him how wet and dripping her pussy would get!

"Yes, Mr. Hanson," she answered, trying not to sound too excited about the idea of him spanking her. "I'll sign your paper and you can spank me."

Ben was smiling inside, and his cock twitched with excitement, but he still tried to be stern with the attractive young woman, at least to her. He didn't want her to see that this idea was getting him aroused as well. "Very well," he said, and took out a pen and paper, wrote a few words and handed it to Ruby.

"I, Ruby Hamilton, give my consent to being spanked by High School Principal Benjamin Dixon in lieu of being expelled from school as punishment for smoking on the school grounds," she read out loud. She signed the paper and handed it back to him. "Okay, here you go," she said.

The first thing he did after getting the signed release was place it in the top drawer of his desk and lock it safely away. He didn't know if he would ever need it, but he wanted to be prepared in case he had to defend his actions. Then he went to the door of his office to make sure it was locked and no one would disturb them. The last thing he wanted was somebody accidentally walking in on them as he was spanking her - especially if it led where he was hoping it would.

He walked to his desk and cleared the top of everything so the beautiful redhead could lay over it while presenting her ass for her punishment.

"Now lean over the desk here and keep your feet together," he told her, placing the ruler on the desk next to her and watching while she did as she was told.

Ruby kicked off her shoes and bent at the hips to lean across the desk, jutting her ass out and presenting it for his purposes. She was wearing a red plaid skirt and a white blouse with white knee-high socks and flat heeled black shoes. The school had a strict dress code because a lot of gang members and former gang members went there. Also, many of the girls had come to "G.W." because of boy issues and the school wanted to keep any romantic complications to a minimum.

Ben walked up behind her and patted her ass as she leaned across over his desk. She felt good to his hand back there, soft but firm, and Ruby lay there offering no protests or objections. He softly stroked her round firm ass-cheeks, enjoying the feel of them, the heat radiating from them and their firm tightness. "Young girls," he thought to himself.

Ruby was also silently enjoying his caresses, the feeling of this man's strong hands on her tender flesh was very arousing. He was much different than the immature fumbling boys she was more used to. Mr. Hanson knew his way around a woman's body and she could tell. His actions were sure and confident and she could sense that he knew exactly what he was doing... and doing to her!

He lifted the hem of her skirt over her waist, folding it, and then tucking it under its own elastic waistband. He reached under her to push the front part of her skirt between her body and the desk, making sure it would not get in the way of the spanking and what he hoped would follow. Ruby raised her body up from the desk slightly to allow him to tuck the skirt out of the way. He smiled when he saw the girl was so cooperative with her punishment.

He smiled upon seeing the lacy black panties she was wearing, and how they contrasted so nicely with the creamy white skin of her ass cheeks and upper thighs. Such racy underthings were a violation of the dress code even though they couldn't normally be seen. Defiant to the end! he thought, chuckling to himself. He liked her spirit, although he couldn't condone her infraction.

As he stood there stroking her panty clad ass, he thought about how he would be turning that whole area bright red in a matter of moments and it made him smile even more. He hooked his fingers in the waistband of the skimpy garment and pulled it down over her succulent ass and reached around her body again to pull down the front of the panties. When he pulled them down to her thighs and let go, they slid down her legs to the floor, and she lifted one foot through the waistband so her panties were around only one of her ankles.

Her ass was fully exposed to him now and ready to be spanked, but he took his time to admire the lovely view. As he suspected while she still wore that clunky plaid skirt, Ruby's ass was truly a thing of beauty. Her hips flared from her waist and sloped down to merge with her legs, while her buttocks arched out from her back, forming a pair of perfect, creamy-white hemispheres before curving around and under to join her legs.

When his hands caressed the lovely bottoms of those hemispheres, the skin was soft and the flesh was firm. Best of all, fondling her in an intimate way like he was doing now, did not evoke any complaints, which made him think his goal of fucking this sexy schoolgirl might just be achieved.

Ruby hoped it would too, although she had no way of knowing what the man behind her was thinking. She did know her ass was alluring and loved having boys and men stroke and fondle her there, especially if their touching was a prelude to a good, hard spanking, and a good fucking after that. She had shaken that ass on more than one occasion to get what she wanted, and she hoped that this time would be as equally successful.

Mr. Hanson's strokes had already lit her fire, and she hoped that he would be willing to feed that fire. Wanting to encourage the principal to continue what he was doing, she bowed her back, raising her ass and making it an even better target for his hands and the ruler he would be using for her punishment.

Ruby's gesture did not go unnoticed. Ben picked up the ruler, pulled back his right arm and swung it hard, striking the young girl on the succulent right cheek of her ass. She gasped in shock and cried out slightly from the sudden pain, but made no effort to escape the blow. His next swing put a second red mark an inch above the first, and he knew it must be painful, but Ruby gave no indication of any distress, except a soft grunt, which could have indicated either pleasure or pain.

In reality it was both, but the young hottie wasn't about to tell the principal that, at least not yet. The wooden ruler striking the tender flesh of her ass was quite painful, but she turned the pain immediately into pure pleasure. The ruler hurt more than her boyfriends' open hands, which means it gave Ruby more pleasure. The third blow was to her left buttock, and she cooed in delight, and her ass started squirming.

Mr. Hanson kept the blows coming, hard and at roughly twenty second intervals. This gave enough time for the pleasure to reverberate through her body from every swat, so Ruby derived joy every time the ruler struck her upper thighs or ass. As the spanking continued, the girl's sexual excitement mounted, and she could feel herself drawing closer to a climax. She resisted the temptation of reaching under her body and playing with her clit, because she fervently hoped the man doing the spanking would do that for her during the fucking she hoped would follow.

Seeing her movements and hearing her sounds of pleasure, Ben realized the young girl was having as just much fun as he was.

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Ben varied his strokes and the angles and sides, keeping her guessing as to where and how the next blow was coming. Whatever kind of swing he used, Ruby moaned and wriggled and pushed her ass out for another. Ben was sure the punishment she was being given was turning her on and would soon be followed by his cock pounding the young woman's pussy from behind, as in his earlier fantasy.

As the punishment, which had become strictly pleasure for both participants, continued, Ruby's hips were swiveling, thrusting her feet, one at a time, against the floor in what appeared to be a dance of lust. Just as he had promised himself he was going to do, both her cheeks had been turned bright red from their soft curvy bottoms to the top of her cleft. Ruby's whole body was writhing in bliss, and her legs had slowly spread wider during her movements.

Ben could see and smell the juices as they trickled from her pussy down her legs, and he knew it was time for the spanking to end and the fucking to begin. But before he got to that, there was one other thing that he wanted to do. Ben set the ruler down for a moment on the desk and knelt behind the bent-over girl.

He put a hand on each of her fiery ass cheeks and pulled them apart, peering in to see the wet pink interior of the girl's dripping pussy. He could smell the musky-sweet perfume of her arousal and see the glistening of her juices as they ran out of her pussy and collected on her fat swollen lips before dripping onto the floor below her. It was so inviting, so delicious looking...

Before he even realized what he was doing, he had pressed his face into the crack of her ass and his tongue burrowed deep into that wet pink tunnel.

"OHHH FUCK!" Ruby squealed in surprise and pleasure, shoving her ass back and spreading her legs wider to give him better access to her. She raised up on her toes and lowered her upper body flat on the desk trying to get her ass as high in the air as she could. Ben licked and lapped at the juicy slit, gathering up all the sweet nectar he could, even as Ruby squirmed and wriggled and shook her ass in exquisite pleasure. Ben's tongue was absolute magic, and she was completely under its spell.

As he licked and sucked on her pussy lips he also traveled up to rim her asshole a bit, a trick that she had never had done to her, but that only added to her rising need. He used his teeth to gently grasp her lips and tug on them. He thumbed over her aching clit. He used a myriad of tricks and techniques to keep the young girl off balance and squirming.

Ruby couldn't believe what was happening to her. She had never been so incredibly turned on and out of her mind with lust. She fucked his face, she tugged and pulled on her tits, and she tossed her head back and forth. She was deliriously completely ecstatically happy. She didn't want this to ever end.

But at the same time, she could not keep this level of sexual excitement up forever, and as he continued teasing and tormenting her pussy with his tongue, she reached the edge of her world. She stood at the edge of the abyss until one final stab at her pussy with his tongue pushed her over into the blackness.

"OHHH GOD! I'M CUUUMMMIIINNNGGGG!" she screamed loudly. Her pussy opened up and she gushed what seemed like gallons of her pussy juice out onto the floor and down her legs. She clawed at the desk and rolled around like she was possessed as the ravages of her orgasm stormed through her.

It was several moments before Ruby began the long trek back to herself. Ben sat there watching as the exhausted young girl slowly regained her senses. Still laying on the desk with her ass sticking out exposed and vulnerable, she moaned softly as her sensations in her tattered mind began clearing up. She was panting for breath and totally worn out.

It was just the condition he was hoping for. Ben stood up and unzipped his pants, freeing his cock and letting his pants and boxer shorts drop to the floor as he did. He stepped up behind her, placed a hand on either of her hips and pressed his rock hard cock against her dripping pussy.

Somehow through the haze that was her mind, Ruby recognized the hard cock at her pussy entrance and had enough presence to plead with the man behind her. "Yes! Yes! Fuck me! Stick that big cock all the way into my cunt and really give it to me!" She reached her hands between her legs and spread her pussy lips to show him what she wanted him to do.

Ben guided his cock to where they both wanted it and rubbed the tip in her ocean of wetness. When the lubrication was spread, he centered it between the soft, pink edges of the hole that was his target and thrust forward. He delighted in the sensation of his cock squeezing through those edges, but didn't want to plunge it into the hottie too quickly. A slow teasing entry and a long, slow fuck was his goal, bringing the sexy schoolgirl and himself to tremendous simultaneous orgasms.

As she felt his cock-head parting her inner lips and beginning it travels down her hot tunnel, Ruby moaned loudly. Still worn out from her orgasm moments ago, she was in no condition to resist even if she wanted to. She just gripped the far edge of the desk and moaned loudly as she was forced open by the insistent cock worming its way deeper into her.

Ruby wanted to fuck hard and cum again quickly. The head of the cock tunneling into her pussy was a start, but she wanted more. To encourage the principal, she started pushing back against him and wiggling her hips. His second thrust felt as if he had driven most of his shaft into her, but she wanted it all. Her hands were no longer needed to hold her lips open, so Ruby braced herself against the desk, prepared to fuck back to meet his cock once he started thrusting it in and out of her.

Placing his hands on Ruby's hips and giving another thrust, Ben felt his cock slide all the way into the dripping pussy in front of him. She was tight, but so wet his shaft drove all the way into her until he could feel his pubic hair brushing against her sensitive skin, and he stayed in that position, letting the muscles in her pussy massage him and looking down to see her body writhing on top of the desk.

"Oooh, yeah, that feels good. Now, really fuck me," she begged him.

Ben ignored her for a few moments, leaving his cock embedded all the way inside Ruby's warm, wet pussy and letting the muscles ripple all over his length. Then he slowly withdrew until he was completely out of her only to plunge his entire shaft into her again. The young redhead gasped then murmured happily and pushed her ass back to meet his thrust. Her hips were swiveling in front of him and her feet were driving into the carpet again. Over and over he pulled back and plunged his cock into her, and Ruby's movements became even more pronounced.

"I need to cum, Mr. Hanson," Ruby said after several hard thrusts, "Please play with my clit."

He reached around her trembling body to find the wet, soggy mass that was her pussy and felt for her swollen clit. When he found it, Ben rubbed then swollen nub vigorously for a few seconds to increase the size and sensitivity of the little pearl, then gently squeezed it between two folds of her inner lips and started stroking it as he drove his cock deeper in and out of her. Her body thrashed from side to side and her hands held tightly to the opposite edge of the desk while her pussy thrust back to hungrily impale itself on his cock as he drove it relentlessly in and out of her.

"OH MY GOD, I'M CUMMING! I'M CUUUMMMINNGGG!" Ruby cried out as she started cumming.

Ruby's whole upper body writhed and twisted as her orgasm took control of her. Ben's pistoning cock never stopped driving into her drooling pussy. Her hips and every part of her body, or so it seemed, was in motion. Ruby's dance of lust continued, but her feet stamped harder on the floor, while she warbled joyfully of what the cock was doing for her. Fearing the girl might completely lose control and fall over, Ben kept one arm around her waist while he stroked her clit and pressed his body tightly against her.

Those were the three best things he could have possibly done for her, and the combination ramped up her orgasm infinitely. His hand stroking her swollen clit and his cock pounding in and out of her pussy would have been enough on their own, but his body pressed against her painful red ass helped bring the young girl to a tremendous climax. She cried out in ecstasy; all her muscles clenched, and she rammed her pussy back against the man who had done it for her. After that great orgasm, she slumped forward against the desk, and Ben kept driving his cock slowly in and out. He was still quite a way from cumming himself, and he wanted to bring the sexy redhead to another orgasm.

That was just what she wanted too. After less than a minute, she turned her head toward him and murmured "Oh, my god, did I ever cum. I wanna do it again... please?"

"And I want to do it again and make you cum again," he said, "and I want to cum too." The horny principal kept his hands on the student's succulent hips and continued slowly plunging his cock into her even wetter pussy.

Recovered from the second orgasm of their meeting, Ruby started fucking back to meet his strokes. After cumming the way she did, her pussy was so wet that his cock kept plunging all the way in, so his pubic hair was plastered against her with every thrust. This provided tremendous pleasure to the sexy young girl in two ways. First, his long, thick shaft was filling her pussy and caressing every hot spot except her clit, and that would be attended to later. Maybe more important, every time Ben Hanson's body pressed against her ass, which was still bright red from the long spanking he had given her, it sent more and stronger waves of pain throbbing through her. They immediately evolved into pleasure, inundating Ruby's body and helping drive her steadily to another orgasm.

Ben continued fucking the young schoolgirl, using long, slow strokes and ending every one with his body pressed hard against her. He could feel the heat radiating from where he had turned her ass red, and he knew she was deriving pleasure from that and from his cock. Ben was glad about that, because her happiness made the sex even better for him. For a long time he continued, while his climax slowly mounted and Ruby's movements grew wilder and her repeated expressions of joy became louder. As he pumped in and out of Ruby's wet tight pussy, he slapped her still red ass every so often - a "motivator" of sorts to keep her on her sexual high. Every time he did, Ruby would squeal from the slap, then moan as the burn set in again.

The man fucking her was also far from silent. His hands clung to her hips, and he grunted and sighed happily every time he drove his cock in and out of her pussy. He was elated at the way Ruby was enjoying the session as much as he was, because her writhing and the movements of her hips made her pussy caress his cock differently with every stroke.

He knew Ruby's ass was still painful, especially when he pressed his body against her, as he did with every thrust of his cock into her pussy, and every slap of her crimson cheeks. She kept fucking back against him hard however, and it was almost as much to feel the lingering pain from the spanking as to take his shaft in as deeply as possible. He could also tell she was getting ready to cum, from her increasingly wilder movements and her moans and whimpers of bliss.

"I'm almost ready to cum," the fiery redhead murmured back over her shoulder. "Fuck me hard now... hard. And play with my clit! Please... I want to cum again!"

Ben had felt his own climax steadily mounting, much as a volcano builds up pressure under the surface before erupting, so he was more than ready to do what she wanted. He changed the position of his feet slightly and started really giving it to her, driving his cock harder and faster into her pussy. Once again, he reached around her hip and wrapped her swollen clit between folds of her inner lips and stroked her in the same tempo as his cock driving in and out of her. She responded by tossing her upper body about on the desk and moaning louder and matching his increased pace.

"Uh! Uh! Uh!" Ruby grunted in time to the cock pounding into her pussy. Just as he felt she was at the precipice, he used his free hand to deliver four or five hard sharp slaps to her ass sending her crashing over the edge.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD! YES! I'M CUUUMMMINNNGGG FUUUCCCKK!" she screamed abruptly, and the principal knew she was starting to cum again.

Her body thrashed all over the desk, and her arms swung wildly as she searched for something to hold onto to keep the room from spinning. Ben continued ramming his cock into her pussy, and she fucked back just as hard and fast. Ruby's back arched and her whole body stiffened as the orgasm hit her like a freight train.

After another great orgasm, the satisfied and exhausted redhead slumped across the desk, but the man who had brought it about kept driving his cock in and out of her pussy. Ben did not slow down, and after fewer than two dozen more strokes, his own climax erupted, and he shot a huge load of searing white hot cum deep in the young womb. He slowed down slightly, but did not stop until he had ejaculated twice more and, when he was through, he sprawled across the body of the young redhead. They lay like that for a few more minutes, until Ruby broke the silence.

Ben carefully removed his cock from her pussy, and they cleaned themselves off with some paper towels. "That was wonderful, Mr. Hanson, and I hope you enjoyed it too. You aren't going to expel me now, are you? We can get together for some more fun, if you want. I would like to... I give really good blowjobs too."

"Expel you? Why should I want to expel you? You're a good girl, and I certainly think you deserve another chance. Yes, we can get together some more, and I like getting blowjobs too," he said.

"You're mistaken. I'm not a good girl; I'm really a very naughty girl, and I deserve to get spanked or whipped for all the bad things I'm always doing. I hope you keep your ruler handy, but sometimes a belt works better. You'd better keep that piece of paper with you - just in case I get in trouble again," Ruby suggested with a wink.

The happy pair put their clothing back on and Ruby left the office to go to her next class, smiling in anticipation of the fun she would be having for the rest of the school year. She was also happily thinking of how deliciously painful it would be for her to sit on hard wooden chairs for the rest of the school day and feel the burning and throbbing radiating out from her ass and thighs and spreading through her body.

She started thinking about how she could get in trouble and visit Mr. Hanson again... 

Written by Master_Jonathan
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