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A Resident Is In Charge

"Jack is a road warden monitoring a resident and ends up with her dealing with him"

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Jack decided today was the day he would call at the house he had been monitoring. Jack was forty-two, and the road warden on one of six private roads totaling about a hundred houses. He usually collected the subs and hand-delivered any papers. He had been asked by the committee to monitor the comings and goings of this particular house because it was noted by the others in the road that whilst the lady who owned the house was single, there was an almost constant stream of men and women coming to the house, staying for one or two hours, and then leaving. 

As he monitored the movement of people, he saw they were of various ages with some in their mid to late twenties, with others certainly looking older than sixty. As he monitored the people, he smiled to himself thinking that he had done exactly this, except on a different estate several miles away, because he was into S&M, certainly being submissive, but enjoying being spanked by dominant women. At least, they were dominant when he paid them to be so. 

However, he doubted this house on this private estate was really being used in this way and thought it more likely that the lady was a tutor of some kind. However, it was his job to investigate, which he had done, and today was the day he decided he was going to call at the house and have a discussion with the lady resident, Miss Biddy Kumar.  

Jack walked up the pathway and rang the doorbell. It only took a few moments before Miss Kumar opened the door, initially looked surprised, but then smiled, and said, "Hello, Jack, what can I do for you?" 

Jack had always found Biddy very attractive. She was in her mid-thirties, about five feet six inches, slim with lovely curves including full breasts, and a beautiful face with long dark hair. She was wearing a sleeveless black dress and he could see she had bare legs. 

Jack saw that Biddy was looking out towards the street as though she was worried about what might be discussed, and so he replied, "Can we discuss it inside, Miss Kumar?" He wanted to stay respectful as he lived in a house a few roads away and nowhere near as prestigious as this one, and he was paid by the residents so technically Biddy, Miss Kumar, was one of his bosses. 

However, asking to come inside seemed to get Miss Kumar even more worried but she did step back and welcomed him through into the hallway. 

Once the door was closed, Miss Kumar said, "Please go through to the kitchen, Jack." 

Jack didn't want to go into the kitchen and so made out it was an error as he walked through into the living room. He heard Miss Kumar try to stop him, but he did walk through and immediately saw the flogging frame. He had seen them when searching the Internet but had never seen one in reality. When he had gone to see his Dom, she would put him across her lap and give his bare bottom a spanking or make him bend over the arm of the sofa, making sure his arms were fully stretched out in front of him as she gave him six or so strokes of the cane. 

Jack also knew that the punishments he had received from his Doms were relatively light, as there was a cost for each stroke of the cane, and then another cost for the spanking depending upon the length of that. He didn't have a lot of money, and so had to go for pretty much the minimum punishment. 

However, as soon as Jack saw the frame, he knew what it was used for and so clearly residents who reported this to the committee were right. 

Miss Kumar was really worried when Jack saw the frame and wondered what he was going to say. However, she saw that he was staring at the frame, almost like one of her new clients often did, thinking about the pain he or she was about to suffer. Could that be possible with Jack? she wondered.

To work that out, instead of discussing the frame itself, Miss Kumar asked, "So what can I help you with, Jack?" 

Jack was still deep in thought as he stared at the frame and wasn't listening and so didn't hear the question. 

When Miss Kumar saw that Jack was still focused on the frame, she wondered whether her first intuition was correct, and after tapping him on the arm and seeing him turn towards her, she knew he still wasn't focusing fully as she asked in a very strict tone of voice, "Do you want me to spank and cane you, Jack?" 

Jack swallowed hard and really wasn't thinking straight when he replied, "Yes please, Miss." He then suddenly realised what he had said and spluttered, "Of course, I don't mean that, I didn't say it, you misheard me," and he then fell silent because he was talking himself into a deeper and deeper hole. 

Miss Kumar was now more confident, and said, "Here's the deal, Jack. You don't tell on me, and I won't tell on you." 

That again threw Jack and he asked tentatively, "What won't you tell on me, Miss?" 

Miss Kumar was happy that Jack retained his respect for her, or maybe it was fear, and said still in her very stern tone of voice, "That I am going to give you a spanking and the cane." 

Jack didn't say anything because he was actually weighing up whether he would go along with that. He certainly wanted to, but then it would mean that Miss Kumar would have a very strong hold over him. 

Again, Miss Kumar could see that Jack was thinking about his reply, so she stopped him from thinking straight as she demanded, "How many strokes?" 

Jack was confused by the question. Did Miss Kumar want to know how many strokes was he used to or how many strokes did he want, and instead of answering that question he just replied, "As many as you will give me, Miss." 

With that still respectful response, Miss Kumar felt control transfer completely to her, and she commanded, "Get undressed then, Jack. I always discipline naughty men in the nude." 

Jack wasn't used to that but immediately started to get undressed. It was the middle of summer, and he was in a short-sleeved shirt and slacks, socks and slip-on shoes. He quickly removed all of them, as well as his underpants, and as he was doing that, wondered whether the same instruction was given to the women. He smiled at that; at least he did until he couldn't stop the erection that he was getting. 

Miss Kumar saw his erection but was used to that, so didn't say anything. All it did was confirm more strongly that she might just get away with this and thought how the timing was so good because she had sent her final client of the day on his way just ten minutes earlier. 

Once Jack was undressed, he looked towards Miss Kumar, waiting obediently for her to give the instructions. 

Miss Kumar saw that Jack was undressed, and ordered, "Now lie down across that frame so I can secure your wrists and ankles for the cane." 

It was then that Jack focused on the frame again. There were two metal rods which, if he stretched his arms forward and to the side, would secure his wrists using the leather cuffs. At the other end, there was another metal bar which, if he parted his legs, more leather cuffs would secure his ankles. He was going to be lying across a small pouffe and he could see another metal rod that went under it and was attached to the middle of the two rods that would secure his wrists and ankles, leaving his bottom raised up and well positioned for the cane. Finally, he could see a thick leather belt also running under the pouffe that would be secured around his waist.  

When all of that was in place, there would be no way he would be able to avoid the cane. 

Jack did wonder about the fact that Miss Kumar said he was going to be spanked. However, he never questioned what his Doms told him to do when he went to visit them and knew that was the right approach here as well. 

Moments later, Jack had bent across the pouffe, watching as Miss Kumar secured his wrists into the leather cuffs. He couldn't see her secure his ankles into the cuffs at the other end but felt her doing it. Finally, he did see her secure his waist tightly using the thick leather belt. Once in place, he knew there would definitely be nothing he could do to avoid the cane strokes. 

Miss Kumar stood in front of him and swished the cane that she had just picked up, which Jack could see, and thought it was a hook-ended, rather thick cane. He didn't think that the Dom women that he went to see used one that thick. Still, he reckoned that this would be a very different experience; at least he hoped so. 

Jack registered that Miss Kumar had moved to his side and then felt the cane being rubbed across his bottom. This was similar to what his Doms did when he was bent over to be caned.   

He was mentally ready and was aware that the cane was no longer being rubbed across his bottom so presumed that it was being raised up. He thought he heard a swishing sound and certainly felt the cane bite into his bottom much harder than any of his other Doms did. As an automatic reaction he pulled at the wrist cuffs, but they didn't give way and the next moment he felt the second stroke of the cane. He was already aware that both strokes were much harder than he had ever received before. 

As Jack recovered from the second stroke, he thought he would be nice to Miss Kumar and said in a quiet, obedient sounding and controlled voice, "Sorry, Miss," but that was just a moment before the cane bit into his bottom for the third time and this time he almost shrieked, "Sorry, Miss." 

Miss Kumar knew from the first apology that Jack gave that he wasn't struggling enough with the first two strokes so she made sure that the third stroke was harder and was certainly happy enough with his next apology, but even so, reckoned that she could cane him even harder. She did with the fourth stroke, and when Jack gasped and then hissed in and out through clenched teeth, shaking his head, she knew that she was getting there.  Of course, she was quite used to building up the strength of each stroke whenever a sub came to see her for the first time. She knew that she had to do that because more often than you would think, whilst some of the men, in particular, spoke a brave game before being tied to the frame, so often they were the ones who simply couldn't take the harder strokes. So, for Jack, she made the fifth stroke even harder. 

Whilst Jack wasn't used to being secured in place so tightly, he was actually very pleased that he was because as much as he pulled the wrist cuffs they just wouldn't move, and he had no option but to stay in place. As the sixth stroke landed, which he was sure was harder than the earlier ones, as much as the pain was getting to be more than he could handle, he was still happy that he was secured in place, trusting Miss Kumar to maybe take him to his maximum, but not beyond. 

Just as Jack wondered if the caning was over, so the cane landed again, and before he could recover it landed again and then again. He shrieked, not used to the strokes being given in such quick succession. He was pulling madly at the wrist cuffs even as three more strokes landed in quick succession and really thought the wrist cuffs would be ripped from their rods, but they weren't.  

Moments later Jack yelped because three more strokes landed in very quick succession, and then after just a few seconds gap, three more strokes in very quick succession.  

When Jack was at least able to open his eyes, he saw that his vision was blurred. That was ridiculous, he told himself. He was forty-two, so how could he possibly be on the verge of crying? However, three more strokes landed in very quick succession with just a short gap before three more followed.  

There was another gap, and Jack knew that he was breathing deeply, or was he actually sobbing? He opened his eyes again and they were even more blurred, and he was pretty sure that he felt tears dribbling down his face. That was even more ridiculous, he told himself but knew that was what was actually happening. 

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Miss Kumar had found that several of the subs who came to see her preferred sets of three strokes in the way that she had just given, rather than individual strokes. They liked the idea of receiving many more strokes and in less time.  Miss Kumar didn't mind either as she loved to see the thick red welts painted across the bottom that she was caning, and right then Jack had two dozen of them. 

Mind you, Miss Kumar told herself she wasn't finished yet. Her target was to give Jack thirty-six strokes, and the only difference between subs was how hard each stroke would be. She reckoned that Jack could take them very hard indeed, so, allowing Jack a short time to recover, she then, without any warning, landed three more very quick strokes on his bottom and listened to him shriek, and that was followed with three more strokes and even louder shrieks, then three more strokes with one long shriek as Jack pulled at the wrist cuffs once again, and one final set of three strokes, which had Jack very clearly struggling given his uncontrolled yelps.  

Miss Kumar knew that it was more normal to give a sub a spanking first and then give a caning on a warmed-up bottom. However, she enjoyed doing what she did and was good at it, and knew that a cold caning had many benefits for the sub. Subs came here because they relished the pain, and so it was far better to struggle with it than to easily cope with it. That was the view of most of the subs and judging from the fact that Jack didn't plead with her to stop, she reckoned that he would be thinking the same. 

Jack was still sobbing as he felt the ankle cuffs being undone, followed by the leather belt around his waist, and finally the wrist cuffs. He didn't move, though, at least not until he heard the instruction, "Right, naughty boy, get up and look at me and put your hands on your head." 

Jack did as he was told although struggled to get to his feet, and also wondered why he was still being called a naughty boy. Surely, with all those strokes of the cane and an incredibly stinging bottom that he had never had the like of before, his punishment was over. However, he stood there with his hands on his head, desperate to rub his bottom but knowing that he mustn't, and waited for Miss Kumar to give him further instructions.  

Jack saw Miss Kumar walk over to the dining table, turn a chair around into the room and sit down. She then glared at him, and he heard her order, "Come and stand in front of me, you naughty boy. Keep your hands on your head." 

Jack was in being obedient mode as he knew he mustn't upset Miss Kumar because if he did there was every chance that she would secure him back in the frame and give him more strokes of the cane. Moments later and he was standing in front of her, albeit his vision was still blurred, and he couldn't stop himself from sniffing back tears, so he was hardly the man that he thought he was.  

Miss Kumar was definitely happy with the way that Jack was reacting to being caned. Hopefully, it was a good omen for him to keep what she did here in the house a secret. However, she wasn't finished with him yet, and scoffed, "I see your erection has gone, you naughty boy." 

Jack knew it wasn't worth his while to look down because he wouldn't be able to see whether he had an erection or not, although he certainly knew that he didn't. 

When Miss Kumar saw that there was not going to be any flippant retort from Jack, she then ordered, "Now let's give you that spanking. Get across my lap right now." 

Jack hadn't reckoned on a spanking after the caning but again knew that he had to obey Miss Kumar, and so took a step to her side and then eased himself down across her lap, catching his fall with his hands and lowering his full weight onto her thighs. He knew that he loved being across the lap of a dominant woman, although he could normally see her upside-down legs and his own dangling under the far side of the chair, but right then he couldn't. Maybe his eyes would clear. 

Miss Kumar only waited a few moments for Jack to settle across her lap before placing her hand on his bare bottom, feeling all of those welts that she had painted across his cheeks, raised her hand, and brought her palm down really hard on Jack's far bottom cheek. As she watched his cheek surrender to her hand, and wobble around as she raised her hand, she then brought her hand down really hard on his near bottom cheek and got the same reaction. She knew that she loved spanking a naughty bottom just as much as she enjoyed using the cane, particularly so after giving a caning because the reaction from the sub was so much more marked. 

Jack was quickly struggling as the spanks landed on alternate bottom cheeks, and again it was a much harder spanking than he was used to receiving. However, as much as his bottom was quickly stinging again, he always enjoyed being spanked. Mind you, he quickly realised that the spanking was much harder than any other that he had received. However, the feeling of submission was one that he loved, and he supposed he would have to get used to being spanked so hard. As he said that to himself, he really wondered whether he would ever be given another punishment by Miss Kumar, although he knew that he couldn't ask that question just yet. 

Miss Kumar kept spanking Jack on alternate bottom cheeks for several minutes before changing to spanking the same bottom cheek several times in a row and then the other bottom cheek several times in a row, sometimes spanking the very same spot several times in a row. She was confident that Jack would stay in place, because, after all, having taken the caning, she knew that the spanking would be easier to deal with, although nowhere near as easy if she had spanked him first and then caned him afterwards. 

Jack knew that he was struggling again, more so when Miss Kumar was spanking the backs of his legs. He had really never been dealt with so forcefully in the past and knew that he would be disappointed if he had to go back to his previous Doms, not just because he would have to pay for the punishment, but because it would be nowhere near as hard to take as this one. 

Several minutes later Miss Kumar decided that she had spanked Jack enough and stopped the spanking. She let him stay draped across her lap, sobbing, just as she always did, enjoying the results of her hard work. She was pretty sure that Jack would have enjoyed it as well, now it was over, even with all the pain he would be suffering from still. 

Once Miss Kumar saw that Jack had calmed down, she instructed, "Okay, Jack, you can get up now. Stand in front of me but make sure your hands are on your head, so you do not rub your bottom. You'll be getting twelve more strokes if you do." 

Right then Jack didn't want to risk any more strokes of the cane, so pushed himself up, stood up, and immediately clasped his hands on top of his head. He realised right then that whilst he did as he was told with his other Doms, he did what Miss Kumar told him to do because of fear. On the one hand, he was horrified at that, but then he was getting an erection again and whilst he couldn't understand that, it really did seem that the pain was turning him on in a way that it never had before. 

Miss Kumar watched as Jack pushed himself up from her lap, stood up, and immediately put his hands on top of his head. She would normally have treated the punishment as over, but in this instance, she knew she had to make sure that Jack was not going to turn on her. That was why she wanted to keep him in obedient mode for a while longer. 

It didn't take long for Jack's eyes to start to clear and, as he looked down, making sure he kept his hands on his head, he saw Miss Kumar glaring up at him. He wondered what else she would do to him but reminded himself that at least he didn't have to worry about paying for what she did, at least not with money. He did remember he agreed not to turn on her in connection with the use she was putting the house to but wondered how he was going to convince the committee that that was the case. 

Once she saw that Jack had calmed down, Miss Kumar said in a still stern voice, "I hope you were satisfied with your punishment?" 

Jack was still sniffing back tears, but he did reply, "Yes, Miss, I was." 

Jack knew that subs were supposed to say thank you as a reinforcement of the humiliation they had suffered by being punished in the first place. 

Miss Kumar then said, "We now have to work out how to keep what I do here a secret from the committee." 

Jack had recovered sufficiently to reply, "Surely, Miss, it's not just the committee but also your neighbours?" 

Miss Kumar slowly nodded her head as she replied, "Actually, both neighbours know exactly what I do. Interestingly, they are both married couples and they are both happily subject to my discipline." 

Jack was amazed as he replied, "Really?" 

Miss Kumar glared as she scolded Jack by repeating, "Really, or shouldn't you be respectful and subservient by saying, really, Miss?" 

Jack quickly saw his error and replied, "Really, Miss?" 

Miss Kumar let the reply hang in the air for a few moments and then she replied, "That's better." 

Miss Kumar then continued, "So it is just the committee." 

Jack knew now that he would be able to lie to them and was actually more interested in his own position. He asked, tentatively, "Would I be able to be punished again by you, Miss?" 

Miss Kumar picked up the cane which she had put on the table and ordered, "Hold your hand out, you naughty boy." 

Jack had never had his hand caned and was nervous as Miss Kumar stood up and positioned herself, resting the cane on his held-out palm. She then said sternly, "Once a week?" 

As she finished asking the question, she raised the cane and brought it down with a loud thwacking noise on Jack's hand and the pain was etched across his face. She then said, "Actually, Jack, it was a statement, not a question. You will attend here once a week at the same time, and I will be increasing your punishment week by week. At least, I will for so long as the committee don't find out." 

Jack didn't dare rub his hand but left it out there, wondering whether she would cane him again. However, she didn't seem to, and he replied, "They won't find out, Miss." 

Jack saw Miss Kumar smile for the first time since beginning his punishment, and she asked, "How about a glass of wine?" 

For the first time, Jack also smiled since his punishment began and he replied, "Yes, please, Miss." After a few moments, he asked tentatively, "Can I get dressed, please, Miss?" 

Miss Kumar replied, "No, you will stay naked. I insist that all my subs remain naked until they are ready to leave. Is that understood?" 

Jack immediately felt his erection stiffening, as he replied, "Yes, Miss. Definitely understood, Miss." 

An obedient and submissive Jack watched as Miss Kumar poured them both a glass of wine, and he thought over the fact that in both neighbouring houses, the couples in them were subject to Miss Kumar's discipline, and he was as well. He wondered whether any other residents attended here, although to be fair he didn't spot any when he was monitoring the house. Of course, they would now see him come here regularly as well, but he knew that he was excited at the prospect of doing so, and his ever-stiffening erection told Miss Kumar exactly that as well. 

Written by Peter242
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