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A Push Too Far

"Jonathan pushes a woman aside and she seeks revenge"

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Georgina was a computer nerd but was also authoritative and dominant in any of her relationships. She was just nineteen-years-old, but never took any nonsense from anyone, so as well as being a self-styled vigilante she had a particular panache for spanking her boyfriends and girlfriends.

Yesterday, at the supermarket, she was happily putting food in her trolley when a man, who looked about thirty-years-old, barged in front of her pushing her to one side as he wanted exactly the food that she was looking at. All he had to do was wait a few moments for her to move on, but he hadn’t. Not only did he push her, but he also was rude to her when she told him that he should be more careful.

Georgina remembered seeing this same man a few days ago at the supermarket and he had again barged past a woman, this time someone rather older than herself. He was rude to her as well, although, when a manageress who happened to be standing there asked him to calm down, he quickly did so, as though unable to deal with authoritative women. The manageress even threatened to ban him from the supermarket and he was so apologetic Georgina thought it almost laughable. However, it did seem that the memory was short-lived because he was doing almost exactly the same again.

Georgina had, purely by coincidence, been in her car when the man came out with his trolley and loaded his food into the boot. She was still annoyed, and so took a note of his number plate. When she got home, she knew exactly how to find his address by using the number plate and got the address within minutes.

Once she got the address, she also knew how to get the names of the other occupiers of the house, also from the Internet. From that, she established that the man was single, although wasn’t sure whether he lived alone, and he was thirty-one-years-old. She also discovered that he worked locally as the manager of a menswear shop.

Georgina wasn’t a stalker but a vigilante. So, as the man lived only a mile or so away from her own house the next day after work, she got dressed in her police woman’s uniform which she often dressed up in and made out she was a policewoman and drove around to the man’s house. It was

purely a coincidence, but the man drove home as she arrived and looked as though he had come back from work. She noticed that there had been no lights on before he entered the house, then the two rooms at the front and the hallway now had the lights on, which said to Georgina that he was alone in the house.

Consequently, Georgina got out of the car and walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. When the man opened the door, he had a shocked look on his face, but Georgina ignored that and said, “Mr Jonathan Dawson?”

It was clear that Jonathan recognised Georgina from the supermarket, but he was quite shocked to find that not only did she know his name, but she was also a policewoman. He stuttered a few unintelligible words but stopped when he saw that Georgina was about to speak.

Georgina demanded, “I asked you a question. Are you Mr Jonathan Dawson?“

Jonathan was quite taken aback by the officious retort, and, stuttering again, replied, “I, erm, yes I am Jonathan Dawson. Is there, erm, a problem, officer?”

Georgina hid her smile at the acknowledgement that he thought that she really was a policewoman. She then demanded, “I am Officer Kemp. We need to have a discussion about your attitude yesterday.”

Jonathan was still taken aback and, not quite thinking straight, stepped back and made room for the police officer to come into his house.

Georgina stepped into the hallway and looked around, listening out to see if anyone else was in the house. As she didn’t hear anybody she decided to check and turned to Jonathan and said sternly, “Can we go into a room where there is no one else present.”

Jonathan stuttered again, “There, erm, err, is no one else, erm, here and I’m not expecting anyone.” 

Georgina felt better and better and knew she now had time to do what she wanted to do to teach Jonathan a lesson. In view of his answer, she commanded, “Then we will go into the dining area.”

Jonathan followed Georgina’s instructions and pointed towards the door to the dining room. He followed her into the dining room and saw that she went over to the dining table. She then turned to him and, still looking very stern, said, “What you did to me yesterday was tantamount to bodily harm. You pushed passed me and, when I pointed that out, you were then very rude. If I were not a police officer I could quite easily have made a complaint about you to the police. You would then be taken to the police station, interviewed, and probably charged. That would lead to a court case and, in my view, a prison sentence.”

Georgina knew she was labouring every point, none of which was ever likely to have ever happened, and stopped for a moment to gauge the reaction, and saw a very worried face on Jonathan. She, therefore, continued, “However, as I am a policewoman, I have the authority to deal with this without the need of involving the court, which would also mean that you can be dealt with without getting a criminal record. I have to warn you, though, that whilst the choice is yours, I need an immediate answer.”

To add to her baseless threat, she showed Jonathan the piece of paper she had drawn up and printed off which was a download of official headed notepaper which she then used. It now gave his name, address, age, and place of work. It also described the ‘Offence.’

Jonathan was quite thrown by the official form and was particularly concerned that it showed his place of work and added to his concern if they found out. That, added to the officious explanation he panicked. 

Georgina saw that for someone who was had been as rude as he was, he was not the most confident of people, and maybe because of that, he never even questioned what he was being told by what he clearly thought was a policewoman so she wasn’t surprised when he jumped at the chance of taking up the alternative to going to court. 

Jonathan simply asked, “How would you deal with me, Miss?”

Georgina gave an immediate sharp reply of, “Please, address me as Officer Kemp.”

Jonathan was immediately apologetic and said, “Sorry, Officer Kemp.” He then asked again, “How would you deal with me, Officer Kamp?”

Georgina kept a stern look on her face as she explained, “I am a firm believer in corporal punishment. Therefore, if you agree that I can deal with you I will give you a bare bottom spanking followed by several dozen spanks with my wooden paddle.” She then took out of her pocket a wooden paddle the size of a hairbrush.

Jonathan certainly was horrified and hadn’t heard that the police were able to deal with offenders in that way. However, he was wavering as he knew that he had to make a quick decision.

Georgina saw that Jonathan was wavering and decided to press him. She demanded, “I said you had to agree or disagree straight away. If you’re not going to agree then I will need to take down the relevant details such as your solicitor and the like.” To emphasise the threat she took out a pad and pen from her jacket pocket and flicked it open, and made ready to write.

Seeing the notebook Jonathan panicked and immediately said, “Okay, Officer Kemp, I will agree that you should deal with me here.”

Georgina gave Jonathan a steady look as though she was thinking for a moment, but then, putting the notebook and pen back into her pocket, she ordered, “Okay, but that’s just in time. Now get undressed as all punishments of this type have to be carried out with you fully naked.”

Georgina could tell that Jonathan was the type who crumbled when he met a woman with an air of authority about her. She reminded herself how he had done that just a few days ago whilst he certainly wasn’t rude to the manageress. Well, being a policewoman was not so dissimilar to being the manageress of a large supermarket and so she expected the same reaction from him.

Jonathan knew that whilst he always felt women should be subservient to all men, he had difficulty dealing with forceful women. It was why he always never cared when he barged passed women in his way as he saw it as his right to do so. However, he also knew he had difficulty in dealing with authoritative women in that way, like now as even the rather young-looking policewomen held sway over him.

Jonathan knew that some men fantasised about being disciplined by women in authority, which he did on a regular basis. He would look at women his mum’s age on the bus and train and imagine himself across their laps being spanked, and then watched porn films and masturbated. He had never imagined himself being spanked by someone as young as Officer Kemp, but suddenly the thought aroused him.

Georgina knew enough about people to see that Jonathan was a loner. She could tell by the way that the house was so untidy and there wasn’t a woman around, and, when she looked more closely at his clothes saw that he was generally unkempt. However, what she also told herself, was that that was no excuse for pushing and shoving women around and then being rude to them. He needed to learn that wasn’t right, and what better way to do that than the punishment that she had already described and he had now accepted.

Jonathan saw that Officer Kemp was waiting and looked impatient and so started to undress. He underdid the buttons of his shirt and slid it down his arms throwing it onto the dining room table. He kicked his shoes off and then undid his trousers, pushed them to the floor catching his underpants with his thumbs so both items of clothing were then down by his ankles which he stepped out of and again threw them onto the dining table. His socks followed.

Georgina watched as he undressed showing no reaction to him just throwing his clothes onto the dining table rather than folding them. Again, though, it told her that he probably did live alone. So, knowing that this would actually be a good lesson for him, she then turned a dining chair into the room and sat down, and ordered, “Now get across my map.”

Jonathan had actually never been spanked before although had watched all those porn films about spanking. He even managed to imagine that this was a porn set with a young lady in a policewoman’s uniform rather than actually being a policewoman. As he did that, he saw himself as a film star and eased himself down across her lap and even thought about asking for the spanking to be filmed.

Georgina didn’t know about the thoughts going through Johnathan’s mind and just presumed that he accepted that she, a policewoman, was carrying out her official duty and was going to spank him. Therefore, as soon as he had lowered his full weight across her lap, and settled down, she immediately started to rub his bottom in circles with her hand, just thinking how this was payback not just for her but for the other woman he had shoved to one side a few days earlier. As she thought that, she raised her hand and brought her flat palm down on his far bottom cheek and then proceeded to land spank after spank on alternate bottom cheeks as she happily turned his bare bottom darker and darker shades of red.

Jonathan pretty soon lost all thoughts of being a film star in a porn film as he started to struggle with the increasingly hard spanks. He was a little bit surprised that a woman as young as Officer Kemp could spank him quite so hard, but then he supposed that that would have depended upon whether she did things like go to the gym. As he watched the muscles of her legs tense, given that he had such a close-up of you of her upside-down legs, he realised that her calf muscles were quite prominent particularly as her hand was on its way down towards his bottom each time, and reckoned that if her arms were as muscular then that was how come she was able to spank so hard. 

Of course, this wasn’t the first bottom that Georgina had ever spanked. There had been previous occasions when strangers, both men and women, had misbehaved in public but she tracked them down, just as she had done with Jonathan, showing them personal details about themselves that only the police could know. It wasn’t the first time by a long way that she had donned the policewoman’s uniform and dealt with the offending man or woman in exactly the same way. In fact, she knew that she much preferred to have a naked woman across her lap and spank her bottom and the backs of her legs, and, of course, accidentally run her fingers along her pussy lips as she spanked her. Still, she had done the same to men before and, as she ran her fingers along his ball sac, it was not uncommon for them to spew out their cum all over her lap. Still, all that meant was that her skirt would have to be washed again, but that was a small price to pay for the enjoyment she got from giving the spanking.

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After several minutes of spanking alternate bottom cheeks, Georgina then spanked the same bottom cheek time and again about a dozen times, and then spanked the other bottom cheek a dozen times in a row. As she did, she saw that Jonathan was squirming around on her lap just like all the other men and women she had spanked. Equally, he made no effort to get up, which emphasised his belief that she really was a policewoman.

Once happy with the shade of red that she had turned his bottom cheeks Georgina then started to spank the backs of his legs, initially alternately, and then, after several more minutes, each leg several times in a row before spanking the other leg several times in a row. This caused Jonathan to squirm around even more as he gasped loudly, and even uttered almost intelligibly, “I’m so sorry, Officer Kemp.”

Of course, Georgina was quite used to the men and women she spanked apologising, and all it did was show her that they really were beginning to understand that what they had done wrong, so she continued to spank them.

Now happy the deep red shade of the backs of his legs was the same dark red as his bottom, she ordered, “I will now complete your punishment with the paddle.”

Jonathan now realised that his eyes were tear-filled and that his bottom and legs were stinging much more than he had expected. As he felt the wooden paddle being rubbed in circles around his bottom so he knew this would be even more painful than the hand spanking, but had to accept it was his own fault and he was taking the better option compared to prison.

Georgina said in a very stern time, “Just make sure you don’t get up until I have finished. If you do, then all bets are off and we will revert to court action. Is that understood?”

Jonathan swallowed hard but replied, “Yes, Officer Kemp, I do understand and I will not get up.”

Georgina smiled knowing that Jonathan couldn’t see her face because he was looking straight down at the floor or the backs of her upside-down legs. She then raised the paddle and brought it down with a loud thwack on his far bottom cheek and was very happy with the much louder grasp Jonathan gave as she watched his bottom cheek surrender to the heavy paddle. She then proceeded to land spank after spank with the paddle, initially on alternate bottom cheeks and then on the same bottom cheek several times in a row before doing the same to the other bottom cheek. All the time Jonathan gasped loudly and shook his head from side to side and was clearly struggling to cope with the harder and harder spanks as she watched his bottom cheeks surrender to the thick wooden paddle and then wobble around and bounce back up, just as the paddle was on its way down for the next spank.

Happy that Jonathan Dawson was still staying across her lap Georgina then proceeded to turn his bottom cheeks an even deeper shade of red and then blue as bruising developed, all with the intention of teaching him not to disrespect women when he went shopping again.

Jonathan was really struggling with the ongoing spanks with the paddle. He realised that he had not been given the exact number of spanks he was going to receive, and so had no idea just how long the policewoman would continue to spank him with the paddle but knew he had to let her make that decision, being the authoritative women that she was.

Once Georgina was happy that she had turned almost the whole of Jonathan’s bottom bruised blue with the wooden paddle she decided the punishment had gone on long enough and stopped spanking him, happy enough that he was still crying and his whole body was shaking and hoped that he had learnt his lesson.

Jonathan knew that the spanking had ended, but also knew that he had not yet been told to get up.

Actually, he was quite happy to remain across Officer Kemp’s lap as he tried to recover. Of course, he also told himself, that it was wholly his own fault because of his attitude towards women. He hated the fact that he really wanted to be friends with women, but it was his own inability to do so that had led to this spanking, and, worse, his belief that men came first and all women should be subservient to men. Clearly, that was incorrect and both were equals unless one earned the respect of the other through what they did and not what they were told, and he now certainly respected Officer Kemp.

Georgina enjoyed listening to Jonathan’s sobs just as she enjoyed looking at his well-spanked bottom and didn’t mind him staying across her lap. Slowly, though, she felt his penis stiffening and a slight squirming back and forth which gained pace and was joined by erotic groans and knew he was trying to give himself an orgasm. He suddenly stiffened and let out a longer gasp and she was sure she would find his cum on her skirt when he got up.

Jonathan realised he was aroused now the spanking had stopped and found himself trying to cum. Too late he realised he was on Policewoman Kemp’s lap and she had a skirt on but then he jerked off and came. He was distraught and humiliated as he quickly pushed himself up and, as expected, saw the dark stain of his cum on her skirt and said a stuttering, “Sorry, erm, so sorry, I didn’t, erm, err, sorry.”

Georgina let Jonathan panic for a few moments and then said sternly, “Well, that really is abuse, isn’t it?”

Jonathan was distraught but then heard the doorbell. He panicked again and realised he was undressed and couldn’t open the door.

Georgina knew she could add to Jonathan’s humiliation by opening the front door and got up, saying sternly, “I’ll get it. You work out what you will do about this stain.”

Jonathan was silenced by what Officer Kemp said and didn’t try to stop her going to open the door. It was a minute before Officer Kemp came back in followed by his neighbour, Miss Watson. She was his mum’s age and had tried to be friendly, at Jonathan’s mum’s request, but he had always rebuffed her because of his usual panic dealing with women. 

Miss Watson saw Jonathan was naked and turned to Georgina and asked in a worried tone, “I live next door, and my name is Debra Watson. I saw you come into the house, Officer, and just wondered if everything was okay?” 

Georgina saw that Debra did look surprised because Jonathan was still naked and wasn’t even trying to cover his penis so Georgina reckoned she was more than just a friendly neighbour. Even so, Georgina still thought it a bit strange that she came into the house bearing in mind she was supposed to be a police officer. However, she took it that Debra knew how Jonathan panicked and may just really be trying to help. So, Georgina decided to treat Debra simply as a helpful neighbour, and said, “Everything is fine, now, madam.”

Debra seemed relieved but was still pensive and looked around and saw the mess the room was in and knew the rest of the house would be in the same unclean state. So, she said, by way of an explanation, “Jonathan’s mum has asked me to come in from time to time to check things are okay, but I’ve been away for a couple of weeks.”

Georgina could see that Debra was getting distraught as she looked around the room, and so she suspected there was more involved than that, and, intentionally stirring it for Jonathan, asked in an innocent-sounding tone of voice, “Do you spank him when things aren’t as they should be?”

Debra put her hand over her mouth as she giggled, and obviously didn’t. “Should I?” she asked still giggling.

Jonathan stayed silent as he had never thought about being spanked by his neighbour, but, after being spanked by Officer Kemp and he came, he suddenly wondered if he would feel the same if she spanked him.

Then it struck him all too clearly, and he blurted out, “If you did that, I wouldn’t get into such a bad state, would I?” 

Georgina realised that, once again, Jonathan had knee-jerked his response. So, she said to Debra, “Well actually, I agree with him. I think that if you took your responsibility more seriously then his mum certainly would thank you for spanking him when he needed it. Look, I’ve just spanked him and he has certainly been more respectful to me.” 

Debra saw how Jonathan was thinking about making one of his rude replies, and when he didn’t, she realised that this was making sense. So, she took the suggestion more seriously and asked Georgina, “Oh, Officer, how would I decide if he needed a spanking?” 

Georgina had a ready reply. “You make a list of thirty things that would earn him a spanking and agree on them with his mum, and not Jonathan who mustn’t have any say in what goes on the list. Then, if he fails to comply with any item ever, it will earn him a spanking. Remember, every disciplinary decision should be solely yours.”

Debra nodded, and asked, “What if Jonathan doesn’t agree to being spanked?”

Jonathan heard the exchange and initially didn’t know how he felt. However, how he felt became very obvious when both Georgina and Debra looked towards him, but not at his face but at his erect penis.

Georgina was the first to speak and said, pointing at Johnathan’s penis, “Well I think that answers that one. Don’t worry, by the way, as it doesn’t matter if he finds the thought of being spanked arousing

because when you’re spanking him he will definitely be struggling and wishing he had not misbehaved.“ After a few moments she added, “Of course, you could always decide to give him a good boy spanking on, say, a weekly basis if he hasn’t actually earned a spanking for a week.“

Debra’s eyes lit up at the realisation that Georgina was putting into words the thoughts that she had had over the past several months. She never got any thanks from Jonathan for looking after him, and he almost treated her like staff. How different it would be if she had disciplinary control and could spank him whenever he gave her one of his usual putdown retorts.

Jonathan was actually getting more and more aroused as he listened to Officer Kemp's very stern, “Do as I say,” tone of voice. It all made so much sense to him, and would certainly show him that men definitely weren’t in charge when the woman deserved to be so much more. He could see the sense of having Debra in charge of him, and he was already thinking about how he needed to improve in order to avoid being spanked too many times. He did like the idea of a weekly spanking, but then supposed it would still be quite some time before there was a full week between each time he was spanked.

So, accepting the suggestion he looked at Debra and said, “No need to agree on the list with mum. You do the list and mum can add to it when you do tell her.”

Debra was all for it and knew so many items that needed to go on that list and would Jonathan a very regular spanking until he focussed on behaving far better.

So, taking immediate control, and glaring at Jonathan and now preferring him naked, Debra ordered, “Well, for starters you can clear up the mess in this room and then the rest of the house, and then hoover and dust. I will stay here and monitor you. I’m going to check what you have done, and, unless of a good enough standard, you will get a second spanking today.”

Georgina smiled and saw that Johnathan’s penis was still stiff when she would’ve thought it was more likely to have shrivelled up. She also thought that Jonathan was actually getting aroused by the thought being spanked by a woman his mum’s age. Well, if that was the case, then Georgina knew she had certainly got the revenge she wanted, and set two people on a new disciplinary path. How cool was that?

Written by Peter242
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