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A Cheeky Tale

"A couple buy a paddle for some sexy fun and games."

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Their first night in this grand five-star hotel had brought back that sexy honeymoon feel for both of them. Tony was still buzzing in the morning, and Suzy was positively glowing with fresh, creamy, wholesome goodness as she sat on the bed, wearing Tony's pyjama top and nothing else.

"Oh, Tony, this is wonderful. I don't want to get dressed and go down for breakfast. Can we order room service?" asked Suzy with the enthusiasm of a naughty schoolgirl, skipping lessons.

'I'm going to have to learn how to say 'no' to my beautiful bride,' thought Tony, as he said, "Yes," to his beautiful bride.

Tony was in the bathroom shaving when room service arrived, with a knock at the door.

"I'll get it, Tony," called out Suzy eagerly, with a cute little giggle.

"But Suzy," he said hastily, "you've only got my pyjama top on."

"It's OK, silly, I'll just take the tray off them," she said, with a saucy wink and a cheeky smile for him.

The young chap with the breakfast tray looked delighted to see the hot little wife opening the door for him. Somehow the oversized pyjama shirt only seemed to emphasise Suzy's hourglass figure, and her creamy bare legs were insanely sexy.

"Thank you so much," said Suzy, taking the tray off him and about to close the door with her foot, but remembering just in time that he'd be expecting a tip.

"I'll just put this down over here," she said, turning her back to him.

Tony saw the porter's eyes light up as Suzy bent over to place the tray on a side table, revealing all of her shapely bare legs to him, and, judging by the big dopey grin that split the porter's face, there must have been more than a hint of her peachy bare bottom cheeks into the bargain.

Suddenly, everything took on an intense, slow-motion quality that was totally overpowering for Tony. His heart was pumping like crazy as he gulped for breath, with a heady mixture of horror and excitement.

Suzy reached for her purse as she winked at her husband with a big, sexy grin on her blushing face. She stuck her tongue out to Tony and wiggled her hips seductively as she delved into her purse. "I hope you don't mind me keeping you waiting," she cheekily called out, over her shoulder, to the porter. The porter's eyes never left Suzy's wiggling bottom as he stammered a reply.

As soon as Suzy had closed the door on the beaming porter, she turned to Tony with her eyes wide and her mouth gaping open, as she slumped back against the door, her hands shaking, and gasped for breath.

"Oh wow, Tony," she gushed as her beautiful eyes glistened and shone with wickedness. Suzy lifted up the pyjama top and twirled around, giving Tony a juicy eyeful. With her lovely bouncy bottom and her cute little pussy, all bare and beautiful and outrageously on display.

"Oh God, Tony, that was sooo exciting," purred Suzy breathlessly. "Did you see his face? Oh wow, what a sexy thrill. That was so naughty of me, Tony. Oh, dear God, that was the naughtiest thing I've ever done. It was only when I bent over that I remembered what I was wearing. Oh, I feel so wicked, Tony, but I like this tingly feeling. Oh, Tony, I'm shaking all over, but I just love the tingly thrill of being such a naughty little teasing minx."

Tony felt his todger swell and squirm as he marvelled at his blushing wife, beaming and beautiful from her sexy no-knicker naughties. His heart was still pounding in his chest, and the horrible beauty of what he'd just witnessed gave him a surreal, floating-on-air feeling. He was wearing the other half of the pyjamas and his rapidly swelling love pole popped right out of the front opening and dangled provocatively before he could marshal it back in.

"Oh Tony, you dirty boy, just look at the size of your sausage, it's huge," said Suzy as she chastised him playfully.

"It's almost hard, too," she taunted, pretending to be angry with him, as she took hold of Tony's semi-engorged penis and gave it a good squeeze.

"I thought I was a naughty girl, teasing that man, but just look at your dicky-doo, flapping around like crazy. You must have loved seeing me flirt with that handsome stranger."

"It was kind of hot and sexy, Suzy," Tony admitted guiltily. "I don't know why, but seeing that man's face light up when you bent over made my todger twitch and throb uncontrollably."

"I like your 'todger' all big and hard like this, Tony; perhaps I should call for more room service and tease him again. I bet he'd love another good eyeful of your sizzling hot wife."

"Oh, come on, Suzy, you're really pushing your luck now, you need a good spanking for that," Tony said as he playfully reached for her.

She easily skipped away from his clumsy lunge and bent over, wiggling her bare bottom provocatively at him, agonizingly just out of Tony's reach, as she continued the taunting tease.

"Maybe I should let the room service man give me a good spanking; after all, he's the one I was teasing with this naughty bare bottom."

Suzy kept cheekily wiggling her bouncy bare bottom as she peeked over her shoulder at her husband, always managing to dart away before he could grab a hold of her.

"You need more than a spanking, Suzy." Tony gasped breathlessly as he pounced and missed again, desperately trying to think of something worse than a spanking. "You need a good paddling, yes, that's what you need, a damn good paddling, on that naughty bare bottom of yours."

"Oh God, yes, Tony, I'd love to know what it feels like to be paddled on my bare bum. Ha, you missed again, Tony. I'll definitely have to call room service and ask them to send up a 'real' man to take me over his knee and paddle my bare botty."

Tony was exhausted when he finally got a hold of the ducking and diving Suzy, and they both collapsed onto the bed, laughing and hugging each other as they panted and gasped between chuckles.

A few playful slaps from Tony on his wife's beautiful bare 'botty' gave her candy-sweet cheeks a pretty pink glow. He felt good, slapping his hand on her jiggly jelly bottom as Suzy pushed her round plump bottom up in the air for ease of spanking pleasure. It was electrifying to see her wiggle that beautiful upturned peach with every teasing smack.

"I bet that porter would love to be spanking your naughty wife now, Tony," said Suzy wickedly.

"Oh Tony, I can feel your rock-hard cock writhing against my leg, just thinking about a stranger spanking your wife's bare bottom," she teased mercilessly.

It was true; Tony's hideously engorged penis was rubbing hard up against Suzy's bare legs as he spanked her creamy, soft bottom. His hips involuntarily thrust forward every time she said something sexy and exciting, making his cock squish against her velvety smooth thighs.

"I can feel your sausage getting harder, Tony," she taunted. "Are you turned on, thinking about a stranger's hand, feeling away at my bare bum as he slaps and tickles me?" She continued with the relentless teasing.

"Oh, you are Tony, you filthy boy. God, just look at the size of your cock. You want a stranger to slap my bare bum, don't you, Tony? Oh wow, you do. Oh my God, Tony, you really do. That swollen shaft of yours feels so big and hard, squirming against my legs now. What if he takes a paddle to my bare bum, Tony? Would you like that? ... Jeeze, Tony, did you come?"

"Oh, you naughty boy, you've creamed your sausage already. Just thinking about a stranger paddling my bare bum, what are you not like?" scolded Suzy, jokingly.

"It was you, Suzy, your beautiful bare bottom," Tony explained quickly. "I just couldn't help it. That lovely rosy pink glow on your peachy bare cheeks is just so achingly cute and sexy."

'Where did the week go?' Tony thought to himself dreamily at the end of their vacation. They'd had a fantastic time and didn't want it to end. He hoped Suzy didn't notice how disappointed he was when she told him that she wanted to spend their last day shopping for souvenirs, 'mementoes of this wonderful week.'

It was proving to be harder than Tony thought to find souvenirs for Suzy. The shop they were in now definitely had touristy gift items in the window, but inside, it looked more like a hardware store.

Between the racks of tools, light bulbs, and batteries, Suzy lifted a rather large perspex ruler and looked at Tony with a knowing smile.

Tony wasn't sure why Suzy wanted a ruler as a souvenir, especially such a large one, about a foot long, as you'd expect, but it must have been four inches wide and a good half-inch thick. It had a handle, too. Tony couldn't think why a ruler would need a handgrip, but there was a definite curved section at one end, like the handle on a hair brush.

'I'm an idiot,' thought Tony. A ruler would have lines, denoting inches or centimetres, but this was a clear piece of plastic, completely line-free and when Suzy slapped it onto her hand, he realised what it was.

"Go on, Tony," goaded Suzy in a daring whisper. "Let's buy this paddle; it'll be a sexy little reminder of the fun we've had this week."

He glanced around to confirm that there was no one else in the shop other than the guy behind the counter. He was about their age and didn't look like someone who'd be shocked by them buying a paddle; after all, they do sell them, so it must be OK.

"Oh, go on, Tony. It'll be a giggle," assured Suzy, with a lovely big smile and a cheeky wink. "This'll be such a sexy souvenir."

As she said that, she spun around and stuck her bottom out towards Tony, with a sexy little wiggle for her wide-eyed husband. She peeked over her shoulder at the shopkeeper and made sure he wasn't looking in their direction. Then she chewed her lower lip seductively as she lifted her dress up and showed her creamy pink pantied bottom to her gasping husband. Still looking over at the shopkeeper, she slipped her thumbs into the elastic waistband of her panties and peeled them right down to her knees. Suzy held her dress up with one hand, exposing her completely bare bottom to her stiff-cocked husband. With her other hand, she playfully slapped the paddle across her quivering, bare buttocks. The smack of the paddle on Suzy's plump, round bubble bottom echoed around the shop. Suzy giggled guiltily and quickly ducked down below the shelves to cover her exposed bottom as the shopkeeper looked over, searching for the source of the smacking sound. Seeing only Tony standing there, pretending to be looking at the batteries, the shopkeeper returned his gaze to the counter. Suzy's beaming face was blushing bright pink as she whispered urgently to her husband, "That was so much louder than I thought it would be, did it leave a mark, Tony?"

She stood closer to the shelf stack, so the shopkeeper couldn't see below her waist, and turned her back to her husband again. A quick glance from Suzy confirmed that the shopkeeper wouldn't be able to see, and then she lifted her dress again. Her panties had puddled around her ankles, and as her bare bottom flashed into view, Tony let out a gasp of surprise. A big tongue-shaped mark had licked across Suzy's quivering bare buttocks. She mouthed an 'Oh, my God' to Tony, glancing down over her shoulder as she saw the glowing red paddle mark that streaked across her bottom.

"Oh, Tony, my bum's tingling now, and it's such a sexy turn-on. I feel so naughty; think of the fun we could have with this stingly, tingly paddle," she whispered.

Tony's todger was still positively twitching with excitement, thinking of the fun they could have, as he laid the paddle down on the counter and reached for his wallet.

The shopkeeper nonchalantly lifted the paddle, and as he looked up at Tony, nodding and smiling but glancing at Suzy, he set the paddle down.

"Sorry, sir, you need a license for that," he said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh, ah, um, OK then," stammered Tony, rather disappointed and not sure if he should return the paddle or just leave it on the counter.

"I can issue you with a license now if you like," offered the shopkeeper as he checked his watch, walked out from behind the counter, and locked the shop door.

"That's very kind of you, but we don't want to put you out," Suzy said.

"It's no trouble at all, and it will be my pleasure, I can assure you. Come with me, please," he said, with a big, cheesy grin, as he collected the paddle from the counter.

They followed him through a door behind the counter into a windowless room that was surprisingly large. There was a sink and a kettle there, with some stock items as you'd expect, but the room was mainly empty, with a bar stool the only visible furniture.

"Here, please," he said, pointing to the stool that was positioned under a bright spotlight. "I need to demonstrate the safety procedures before I can issue the license."

Tony wasn't sure what he meant, and clearly, Suzy didn't know either, as their blank faces prompted the shopkeeper to pull a silly face and declare with a cheeky smile,

"I know, I know, it's health and safety gone mad, but what can you do? Rules are rules."

They still weren't sure what was required of them, and as he led Suzy, gingerly by the elbow, towards the stool, she glanced back at Tony with a 'what the hell,' mystified look.

Suzy made to sit up on the stool, but the shopkeeper said firmly,

"No, madam, the demonstration must show the safe way."

He guided Suzy around, so she was facing the stool and gently pressed on her shoulders, making her bend over it. Suzy's heart skipped a beat as she stumbled across the stool. She gasped at how embarrassing this was, her feet were off the ground and her head was nearly touching the floor. This precarious position presented her bottom right up in the air and left her with no room for manoeuvre.

"That is the correct position," he said firmly. "You must hold the legs of the stool; yes, that's it. Now, it is safety first, I think; anything else is not permitted."

Tony found it shockingly arousing to watch a stranger bend his wife over the stool. Suzy was wearing a modest dress that reached down below her knees, so nothing was revealing about it, but seeing her bent over, bottom-up, stirred his todger back into life.

The shopkeeper placed the paddle against Suzy's upturned bottom and said to Tony,

"You see, this is the safest way; if your wife was standing up, she might instinctively reach back to protect her bottom, and if this paddle were to clip a finger or thumb, it would be very painful."

'Well, yes,' thought Tony, he could see that might have been a problem and it wouldn't have occurred to him. Suzy obviously understood too, as she made to get up, her pretty face blushing furiously but with an appreciative, "Well, thank you very much, sir, that was a great safety demonstration."

"The demonstration is not yet over, madam; you will return to the safe position immediately," commanded the shopkeeper, with his strict, firm tone, leaving no room for negotiation.

Tony thought it was sexy watching his wife being coached over the stool, but having a stranger command her to bend over was thrilling. His heart raced with that exhilarating combination of jealousy and arousal as Suzy mumbled, "Oh, sorry, sir," and immediately bent back over the stool, as ordered.

"Now this is very important," continued the shopkeeper in that calm, measured voice of his as he pressed the paddle against Suzy's proffered bottom.

"You must strike the bottom of the bottom, here, where it is meatiest, not above this and not on the legs, that might leave marks."

As he said this, he lifted the paddle right back and landed a hard-stinging slap across Suzy's bottom that reverberated around the room like a pistol shot.

"Oh," gasped Suzy as she jerked her head up in surprise, to the resounding smack of the paddle. The stinging slap across her buttocks jiggled her bottom cheeks, and her face blushed bright red with embarrassment.

"You see," continued the shopkeeper, with a twinkle in his eye, "in the safe position, you can paddle a full, firm round bottom like this, really hard, without any problem whatsoever."

Tony's todger was throbbing wildly as the shopkeeper pulled the paddle back again and slapped another, firm, smarting stroke across the 'meaty part' of Suzy's dancing bottom.

"Ohhh," squealed Suzy through gritted teeth, clasping the stool legs tightly and gasping for breath. She moaned out loud as he continued to paddle her bottom, increasingly harder, 'crack, crack, crack, crack,' before he said, with a big, self-satisfied grin.

"You see, a nice springy bottom like this can take a really good paddling in this position, remember, safety is the key."

Tony's cock was straining at the leash now, having witnessed a stranger brazenly paddling his wife. He was ashamed to admit it to himself, but he was sorry the 'demonstration' was over. The surge of excitement at seeing Suzy's bottom dancing to the shopkeeper's tune was horrifying and arousing in equal measures.

Poor Suzy was slumped over the stool, softly murmuring, with her big, broad bottom delightfully upended and still gently quivering. The horror of being bent over by a stranger and paddled in front of her husband made her groan with embarrassment. The shocking sting of the paddle strokes left her bottom roasting as her buttocks glowed and throbbed.

Tony had been shocked by the turn of events. His wonderful wife had been paddled as he stood there, helplessly rooted to the spot, and watched with morbid fascination, totally enthralled by the outrageous spectacle. He was transfixed by the horrible, gut-tugging thrill of the shopkeeper taking total control and boldly paddling his wife without even asking.

It was this feeling of cuckoldry that started to rankle with Tony. 'I'm the alpha male,' he thought angrily. I'm in charge here, not this jumped-up shopkeeper; I'll show him who's boss. I'll show him how to paddle a naughty wife.

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"Yes, I see," said Tony, nodding sagely, as he took the paddle from the shopkeeper, almost snatching it from his hand, and tapped it against Suzy's outrageously exposed bottom.

"So you just have to make sure the paddle strikes the meaty part of the bottom and nowhere else?" Tony asked eagerly.

"Yes, that is correct," replied the shopkeeper, looking pleased that he'd understood.

It was fantastically sexy, 'tap, tap, tapping' the weighty paddle against his wife's bottom, in front of a stranger, as her cheeks jiggled and quivered erotically.

Tony felt a rush of blood and a surge of power as he lifted the paddle back and landed a satisfyingly hard slap on Suzy's bottom. A loud yelp from her made Tony look anxiously at the shopkeeper for approval, and he was delighted when he replied.

'"Yes, that's it; in fact, you can paddle your wife's bottom much harder in the safe position."

Wickedly, Tony hefted the paddle down on his wife's bottom again and again as Suzy gasped and moaned with every smarting slap. The thought of what the porter had seen in their hotel room kept flashing through Tony's mind. He was overcome by that same intoxicating mixture of horror and excitement. He was on the edge, barely keeping his emotions in check. 'First, Suzy showed herself to the porter, and now my wife let a stranger paddle her right in front of me.'

The ferocious cracks from Tony's weighty paddle strokes made his chest puff out with manly pride. 'Just one more slap on your naughty bottom, Suzy, with this sensational paddle,' Tony thought to himself every time he raised his arm back and pulled the trigger... again and again... and again...

Tony was out of breath with the exertion and the thrill of licking Suzy's jiggly jelly bottom cheeks with the wickedly stinging paddle in front of the shopkeeper. The power of control and the intimacy of the scene were intoxicating. He was literally gasping for breath, with excitement and arousal, when he eventually forced himself to lay the paddle down in a dazed stupor.

"Of course, for the license to be issued, you need to demonstrate a full understanding of the safety implications of what a paddle like this can do," said the shopkeeper, staring Tony straight in the eye and smirking.

Tony was still dazed and bewildered by the course of events, feeling guilty and ashamed, and now he felt like a schoolboy dunce; he had no idea what the shopkeeper meant. Tony looked at him, searching his expression for clues, as the shopkeeper shook his head smugly.

"Let me show you," he said, grinning slyly, as the shopkeeper took hold of Suzy's skirt and flipped it up over her waist in one quick movement. Revealing her creamy bare legs and her tiny pink panties, straining to cover her full, firm bubble bottom.

Suzy squealed and made to get up. 'Oh God, no,' she hissed in panic as she writhed and thrashed her legs wildly to get off the stool. The shopkeeper calmly pressed his hand firmly on her back, and with her legs off the ground, she wriggled in vain. Suzy squirmed in frustration at her helplessness and kicked her legs in desperation, then heard the terrifyingly strict voice of the shopkeeper.

"No, madam, you will stop wriggling, and you will return to the safe position this instant; I will not tell you again."

As he said this, he landed three rasping paddle strokes across Suzy's bouncing bottom, in quick succession, 'crack, crack, crack.' The fierce smacks, landing on the wispy, thin material of Suzy's tiny pink panties, made her buttocks dance and jiggle alarmingly to the shopkeeper's scorching paddle slaps.

"Your husband must see the effects of a paddling before I can issue the license."

Suzy groaned in defeat; her flailing defiance had gained her nothing more than a stinging bottom. She stopped squirming and wriggling and slumped back down over the stool, as ordered, with a resigned whimper of submission. "Oh, I'm so sorry, sir," she gasped as she grabbed the stool legs again with a subdued "oooh."

Tony's heart raced as he stared at his wife's tiny little panties, framed by her quivering bottom cheeks, so teasingly pleasing. It was insanely arousing, but he also felt that shocking pulse of jealousy and anger that the shopkeeper had taken control again.

'He just flipped my wife's dress up,' Tony thought angrily, 'and slapped her pantied bottom like he was in charge. Now he's eagerly licking his lips as he eyes up my wife's creamy bare thighs and skimpy little knickers.'

Tony's cock unfurled and stiffened as he watched, as if in slow motion, as the shopkeeper reached for the elastic waistband of Suzy's panties. The shopkeeper brazenly pulled and snapped her knicker elastic teasingly and winked at Tony before he licked his lips and peeled Suzy's panties right down in one quick motion.

"I guarantee that under these panties is a properly paddled bottom. Oh yes, look, see the pink marks from the paddle strokes, they are all correctly located on your wife's bare bottom."

Tony's cock pulsated uncontrollably, watching transfixed as this stranger ordered his wife to bend over and boldly lowered her panties in front of him. He just slipped Tony's wife's panties down like he was peeling the wrapper off a candy bar to reveal her creamy bare-bottom goodies. The shopkeeper was now closely inspecting Suzy's peachy, pink paddle-smacked cheeks. Tony marvelled at the beauty of his wife's cheeky, bare buttocks. The thought of this stranger enjoying his wife's freshly bared bottom tore at his gut, but his penis squirmed and throbbed with feverish excitement.

The shopkeeper's cock pulsated as he peeled Suzy's pretty pink panties down her sexy bare legs. His mouth fell open in wonder and awe as he marvelled at the beauty and power of a grown woman's full, firm, quivering, bare bottom.

'Oh my word, yes, that's a splendid bare bottom,' he thought dreamily as he gazed at Suzy's beautiful milky white buttocks, 'a juicy succulent peach, ripe for the plucking.'

The shopkeeper smacked his lips hungrily as his eyes lingered on the long, deep groove separating Suzy's jiggling buttocks. He reached out and stroked her bare bottom with his big, strong hand. Tenderly cupping each cheek in turn, gently kneading her bare buttocks in his big, meaty palm. He groaned out loud and hummed an 'mmm' as he traced his fingertips along the cute little pantyline creases on Suzy's big, broad, bare bottom and said approvingly.

"That's exactly how a well-paddled bottom should look, blushing pink and absolutely peachy perfect, oh yes, please, every home should have one."

Suzy's face burned furiously with the shame and embarrassment of having her bare married bottom inspected by a stranger. She'd shuddered as she felt her panties sliding down, and her last vestige of innocence was stripped away. Her bottom bared by a stranger in front of her husband. 'Oh, dear God,' she thought miserably, 'they're both staring at my bum, oh no, my bare bum, and everything else I've got going on back there. Oh, dear Lord, I hope they can't see my pussy.'

Suzy's pussy glistened and shone as it gently quivered. The shocking embarrassment of having her panties peeled down by a stranger to reveal her most secret, intimate, and private parts was horrifying but strangely arousing and feverishly exciting. The terrifying thrill of exposure was intoxicating. She'd been aroused when she teased the hotel porter wearing her husband's pyjama top. Suzy had tingled all over when she showed her husband her bare bottom in the shop to tease him into buying the paddle. But this, this shockingly arousing, heart-pounding excitement, was on a totally new level. It was insanely sexy, and she was gagging for more. She'd kept her legs tight together as the shopkeeper caressed her bare bottom, but Suzy had a wicked urge to open and spread her creamy bare thighs. The thought of showing off her bare pussy, all moist and tingly and on display, for a handsome stranger made her gasp and groan as she lost control.

Holding the paddle up against Suzy's creamy bare buttocks, the shopkeeper added.

"This plastic 'see-through' paddle really works well here; it enables you to view all of the bottoms as you select your target area, so there will be no mistrokes."

Tony felt a rush of excitement and anticipation upon seeing Suzy's beautiful, well-paddled bottom through the clear plastic. As the shopkeeper held the paddle firmly against his wife's bare bottom, the area under the paddle turned milky white, presenting a wonderfully sexy, pink-white-pink, candy-stripped bottom.

"Remember, when it's sunny side up like this, a bare bottom will really feel the sting of the paddle, so you must go a little bit easier. Here, let me show you," said the shopkeeper, smiling happily as he raised the paddle back.

An insanely sexy 'slap,' resounded off Suzy's buttocks as the solid plastic paddle licked and nibbled at her big, broad, beautiful, bouncy, bare bubble bottom. Suzy let out a long, throaty groan and kicked her legs in the air as she gasped for breath. A squirt of fire burned her bottom as both cheeks felt the sting of the paddle, cracking across her completely bare buttocks. Suzy's pulsating pussy, tingled and throbbed as her heart pounded in her chest. 'How the hell did this happen,' she thought, 'bent over, bare-bottomed as a stranger stings my bum with that awful paddle, that awful paddle that I begged Tony to buy.' She'd felt safe and secure when the shopkeeper said he'd issue them a license for the paddle; he'd looked so cute, too, with his big, silly grin on his handsome face, and now look.

"It's all in the wrist," said the shopkeeper, smirking at Tony, as he placed his hand firmly on Suzy's back and landed 'slap,' after 'slap,' after stinging 'slap' with the smarting paddle, on Suzy's bouncing bottom.

Tony's feelings of anger and jealousy were overtaken by an unstoppable wave of arousal, and he let out a long guttural groan as his todger throbbed with excitement. He feasted his eyes on Suzy's beautiful bare bum cheeks as they danced and jiggled delightfully with every scorching stroke. Watching this stranger enjoying his wife's business end, bare-bottomed and 'sunny side up' was intoxicating.

The shopkeeper had a rhythm to his paddling, first a smart but gentle stroke of the paddle that slapped and kissed Suzy's quivering bottom and made her gasp out loud. This was followed by a firmer stroke, measured and delivered with a cheeky grin on his roughish face, that had Suzy gasping, 'Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.' The third strike in the sequence landed with a terrifying 'crack, smack' as each buttock, in turn, felt the fiery lick of the paddle and quivered independently with shocking intensity.

As Suzy wriggled her hips to the stinging strokes from the shopkeeper's firestick, Tony reached for his cock. It was just so achingly swollen and positively pulsating, literally squirming in his hand as he stroked it through his trouser pocket. He watched, captivated, as the shopkeeper relentlessly paddled his bare-bottomed wife right there in front of him, as Tony stood by, helplessly enthralled, totally mesmerised and rooted to the spot by this shocking spectacle.

The room was charged with the intimacy of this appallingly sexy scene. His wife's bare bottom was brazenly on display, bent over, and presented to this total stranger. The thought of the shopkeeper's greedy eyes enjoying Tony's sexy wife in this most vulnerable and intimate position was a dick-hardening delight.

As the shocking stings of wave after wave of scorching paddle strokes merged together, Suzy felt that pleasant tingling sensation across her quivering buttocks, spreading to her pulsating pussy. She still felt the horror of embarrassment and shame as the paddle stung her bare bottom, but the increasingly urgent throbbing in her pussy couldn't be ignored. She desperately needed relief and started murmuring between paddle strokes, 'Oh my pussy, oh my pussy, oh my pussy.'

Suzy needed to massage her honey pot with a feverish intensity. She had an overwhelming urge to rub her pussy hard, to stroke her clitty silly. Her shocking exposure and total humiliation had lit a fuse in Suzy. She wanted to call out to her husband, 'Stroke it, Tony, oh dear God, stroke my pussy, Tony.'

Suzy shimmied herself further up onto the stool and wriggled her hips, desperate for relief. She gasped out loud as her pussy rubbed along the cool, soft leather corner of the stool seat. 'Oh yes, oh God yes,' she moaned as her moistened clitty brushed enticingly against the firm, unyielding chair. Suzy was ready to climax, and she just didn't care anymore that her bottom and pussy were completely bare and on show as she wriggled desperately in search of that wonderful sweet relief.

The shopkeeper loved seeing this scrumptious wife with the sensational bottom, wriggling her pussy against the stool seat. Her moist little honey pot, all pink and juicy, raw and glistening, peeking out below her cream-bare bottom cheeks, was achingly cute and sexy. He licked his lips eagerly as he reached out and fondled Suzy's bottom as she wiggled her hips, gently soothing her roasting buttocks as she whimpered and moaned. She wriggled her bottom against his palm as he enjoyed the feel of her peachy, bare cheeks.

Tony's chest heaved with excitement as he heard his wife moaning. The intensity of the paddle licking at Suzy's bare bottom had made her whisper and murmur in a sexy voice that he barely recognised. Now that the paddling was over and the brazen shopkeeper was caressing his wife's well-slapped buttocks, the strength of her groans only seemed to increase, the way she would when they made love, just before she climaxed.

The shopkeeper looked longingly at Suzy's sizzling hot bottom as he laid the paddle down and tenderly rubbed her stinging cheeks with his big, meaty hand, then patted her jiggling bare bum affectionately.

Suzy's bottom cheeks positively glowed from his ferocious paddle strokes, as a wave of tingles rippled through her quivering pussy, her knuckles white, clasping the stool legs. Her head hung down, and her beautiful flowing hair brushed the floor as she gulped for air, and her face burned with guilty shame.

Suzy's rollercoaster ride had led to a powerful release that gave her a crazy floating-on-air feeling. Suzy also felt a strange sense of affection for the shopkeeper. This scary man, who'd unleashed wave after wave of biting bee stings across her bouncy bare bottom cheeks, was now gently caressing her scorching buttocks. First, those awful stinging strokes from the nasty paddle, and then his big, strong hand gently soothing her burning buttocks.

Suzy smiled to herself as the shopkeeper eagerly caressed her glowing bottom. The horrible indignity of Suzy's bottom being bared in preparation for her paddling was a distant memory. She had only a vague dreamy recollection of how horrified she'd felt as her panties were lowered to reveal her milky white buttocks, presented for a thrashing.

She felt a sense of pride at how she'd endured those awful, snappy paddle strokes, the horrifying swish, and the shocking crack of the shopkeeper's firestick.

She's been through this incredibly intimate and deeply personal experience with the shopkeeper. He'd aroused, teased, and tantalised her as he paddled her bottom with that insanely sexy slap, smack, spank. The shock of her total exposure and the horrifying thrill of losing control made her shudder with fear and excitement. To be at the mercy of a complete stranger, powerless to resist, pushed her over the edge, and she was giddy and gasping for more.

The shopkeeper loved the feel of Suzy's peachy bare bottom as he tenderly caressed her jiggling butties. She'd relaxed as he massaged her blazing booty and raised her bottom unconsciously towards the blissful reprieve. His eyes were like saucers as her cute little pussy peeked out below her creamy marshmallow cheeks. So pretty and pink, her honey pot glistened and shimmered for him as the shopkeeper eagerly rubbed her rosy-red bottom in big circular motions.

"Now I can issue the license," said the shopkeeper happily. "I just need a signed copy for the records, of course," he chortled happily, with a big, silly grin on his beaming face.

He took a large felt tip pen from his top pocket and signed his name across Tony's wife's creamy pink bottom, 'John Key.' He pulled a camera out of the cabinet below the sink and leaned forward, pointing the lens right up to Suzy's bare bottom, and snapped off a photo, with the flash reverberating around the room.

It must have been a Polaroid, as a photo ejected from the camera showing Suzy's beautiful bare, well-paddled cheeks, branded with the shopkeeper's name, and wonderfully captured on film.

"I keep the license for the official records," he said, chuckling gleefully, as he pulled a cord hanging on the wall that opened a pair of short blue curtains that Tony hadn't noticed before.

"This is proof that you really know what a paddle can do to a beautiful bare bottom," he said, grinning cheerfully and humming happily to himself as he pinned the photo to a corkboard, which was revealed when the curtains pulled apart.

Tony marvelled at all the photos displayed on that corkboard, each one of them showing a different lady's bare bottom, all sporting the same 'John Key' signature branding and the pretty pink paddle marks as Suzy's freshly slapped bottom cheeks.

It was thrilling to see Suzy's smoking hot bot, alongside all of those shapely bare bottoms. Tony felt a sense of pride, real chest-bursting pride, as he scanned the photos, certain that his wife's bottom was the prettiest blushing peach of them all.

John Key

Written by JOHNKEY
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