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12 Dozen For Leeanna

"A Spanking Story About A Spanking Session."

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"Go stand in the corner. When I come over, you will pull your shorts down to your knees and put your hands up high, flat on the wall with your ass jutting out. I will then start the session. Your ass belongs to me tonight."
Leeanna did as she was told. She was quivering because she knew this session would be challenging, but the submissive was determined to do her best. Her Dominant put four Peace Dollars beneath her thumbs and little fingers before picking up the first implement.
"You will be getting twelve whacks with this cane. However, if you allow one coin to fall to the floor, we will start the count over again until you get it right."
The girl pressed as hard as she could on the silver dollars. She knew she had to maintain a constant pressure as her full attention was about to be diverted to her ass. The cane was a high-octane, disciplinary tool that carried a lot of punch. It had a solid silver handle encasing the base of a stiff, two-foot-long plastic rod. Per his Instructions, she had been allowed to choose the order in which she was to receive the twelve implements. Leeanna had put the cane first as she wanted to feel its effect early on while she was strong.
"As you are aware, this is a spanking session. You withdrew from me, breaking off our connection, thinking it would be best for you. I let you go, but I knew well, little girl, that you would return. I knew I would eventually receive an email asking me to take you back. And I did. So, here we are. Do you accept that your behavior requires corrective action?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Good. Then let us begin."
The first shot was intentionally hard, landing horizontally across both cheeks. Leeanna muffled her scream as the pain hit her brain like a jolt of electricity. She squirmed from side to side, twisting her ass in a futile effort to alleviate the burn. At the same time, her subconscious kept her fingers pressing against the coins. He paused for a full minute to let this initial shot sink in. He spread the next four out with thirty-second gaps between each, then three more in rapid succession. This trio came so fast that the girl lost her concentration. Two silver dollars hit the granite tiled floor.
"Pick them up! Now!"
The helpless recipient groaned through salty tears as she bent to retrieve the century-old coins. When she placed them back under her fingers, she thought of using the safeword but her determination to demonstrate submission overruled this fleeting thought.
"We will now start over. Say the count out loud and thank me when we reach twelve."
"1 ... 2 ... 3 ..." The pain was intense. Leeanna gritted her teeth, pushing hard on the coins. With endorphins seeping into her brain, a numbing buzz overwhelmed all thoughts.
"4 ... 5 ... 6 ..." Halfway there. Screams of pleasure, tears of joy, and the perseverance to keep going.
"7 ... 8 ... 9 ... " The smacks, counted loudly without thinking, engulfing her nervous system in sensation.
"The next three will be the hardest."
"10 ... 11 ... 12 ... Thank you, Sir."
Michael reached down to soothe her buttocks with a gentle touch. The areas that he had struck were striped, swollen, and heated. The Dom knew his sub needed a break before continuing. He whispered loving phrases of encouragement in her ears.
Leeanna had had the good sense to put the foxtail second in line on the table. One of only two soft implements offered among the twelve, it was an ideal choice to follow the bruising cane. The footlong piece of fur provided welcome relief, eliciting a brief giggle from the spankee during its gentle beating.
Next in line was the whip with ten long strands of supple black leather. It was an implement that might cause many a masochist to tremble at its sight. This tool of torture might tear into the skin, causing a painful burn rather than bruising. Leeanna had felt it in a session a year earlier. She had placed it third in the line to get it out of the way early.
"Strip down naked except for your collar. Bend down and grab your ankles while I whip your ass."
The former gymnast was still very flexible as she worked out regularly to keep herself in good shape, so she could hold her ankles while keeping her legs straight. However, this position stretched the skin on her butt to maximum tightness, making it very susceptible to the cutting nature of the leather strips. The Dom pulled the whip back in long arcs before unleashing its capabilities on the tender ass of his devoted follower. The twelve lashes raised red welts all over her skin. The paradox of D/s was in full swing, blending agony and ecstasy in a perfect mix transporting Leeanna into the stratosphere of subspace. The BDSM session had become a magic carpet ride of pleasure.
After throwing aside the whip, Micheal leaned forward to slide his cock into Leeanna's pussy. The extreme bent-over position allowed for deep penetration. It also caused the rim of his circumcised head to rub directly on her g-spot as he rocked back and forth slowly. An orgasm entwined itself with the heat swirling inside her brain, expelling all sense of outside reality from her consciousness. Her man withdrew, knowing the need for pacing as the session was only one quarter finished.
"Get into The Position."
Leeanna knelt, leaning forward with her head down and her ass high, a position he had trained her to assume many times.
"Raise up on your hands." The girl was more level now, in a doggie-style stance.
The fourth item on the table was the heavy, rope flogger. An ex-submissive had given it to the Dom, several years before, as a gift. She had made it from clothesline rope, weaving it intricately into a flogger with over a hundred strands. It took two hands and some strength to wield it effectively, but Michael had had sufficient practice. This implement was a "thudder." It did not scar, burn, or bruise but produced a shock wave felt deep within. It was invigorating, sending massaging vibrations throughout the body. There was no need to limit the number or the location, so Micheal swung the flogger over fifty times, striking from the shoulders to the ankles. He was dripping sweat at the end, as the effort took a lot of energy. Immediately after dropping the flogger, he mounted his slut from behind, driving his cock into her in rapid hard strokes with no restraint. Being a marathon runner, the Dominant had great endurance and strength, putting all of it into the fucking. All the while, he grunted obscenities at his submissive lover. Leeanna loved the overwhelming surrender she experienced from this hard screwing in the doggie position. She came three times, squirting her juices onto his legs before he pulled out to save his essence for the session's climax.
"Lay down on the blanket on your back and raise your legs into the air."
Within a minute, he had her legs bound together with a silk rope attached to a chain suspended from the ceiling. Her feet were vulnerable. There was no escape. Her Master picked up the riding crop and began tapping the bottom of her feet with the leather-covered steel rod. Because of its high flexibility, he got the tempo quickly up to over 150 beats per minute. He beat an increasingly heavier rhythm from her toes to her heels, emphasizing the arches. Leeanna lost her mind. The bottom of her feet were the most sensitive areas on her body. She knew he knew this. She knew he would not stop. There was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. The shrill screams started as she twisted her body back and forth futilely. The torture did not cease until she was silent and still.
The session required a follow-up after each implement to break up the process into endurable sections, but after tossing aside the crop, the Dom gave her a three-minute break to regain awareness. He then began to make love to her feet with his mouth, kissing, sucking, nibbling, licking, touching, and biting. The sensations multiplied in intensity. The pleasure was unbearable.
"No, Sir, please, no. Sir, please stop; please fucking stop. I can't fucking take it, please, Sir! Please stop! Motherfucker, please fucking stop! I can't! I can't! I can't! Please, Sir, please, Sir, please, Sir! Please stop, stop, stop, stop! No! No more, no more, no more! God, please stop! Sir, Sir, Sir! Stop!"
He continued for the eternity of ten minutes because, in all the pleading and begging, she never uttered the safeword.
When Micheal removed the rope, his partner was motionless on the blanket. She was gone. The sensual stimulation had overwhelmed Leeanna's ability to interact with the world. The experienced Dominant knew he had to resuscitate her with softness, or the session would need to end. The sixth implement was a flogger with hundreds of thin rubber tassels. It was a "thudder," but, when applied gently, it had a novel cooling effect that was rather enjoyable. He held the flogger above her body so that just the tips of the tassels were in contact with her skin as he moved them in lengthwise strokes, eliciting a smile from the semiconscious sub. Her eyes opened as he graduated to soothing flogs that served to bring her back. Michael kissed her warmly with a slight pressure inviting her to open her mouth. Their tongues danced together, communicating in a language that only the most intimate lovers may ever be capable of understanding. After sharing the passion of prolonged French kissing, she was ready to continue.
The session was half over.
Coming up were three paddles. The first was an antique, wooden paddle that had been used in some European lawn games. Michael had bought it at a thrift store for a dollar. Leeanna obeyed his order to lean on the table with her legs spread. The swats came crashing down on her ass hard and fast, bringing the spanko girl close to hyperventilation. Her buttocks were blazing red after he completed the twelve whacks. In kindness, Michael rubbed several ice cubes over the fiery skin, lowering its temperature to ninety-eight-point-six.
The second paddle was a short board of thick, bruising oak with a carved handle. Before picking it up, Michael poured some high-dollar, French cognac into two wine glasses to the three-quarters level.
"Stand up and hold these glasses above your head at a forty-five-degree angle. If you spill a drop of this brandy, we will begin again. If you let one of these crystal glasses fall to the stone floor, you will receive one hundred spanks instead of twelve. Do you understand me, little girl?"
"Yes, Sir."
The ass beating was excruciating, pounding the muscles and tissue underneath the already discolored surface flesh. Yet, Leeanna made it through because she focused on the glasses, holding them steady.
"Very good! As a reward for your obedience, you may drain the glasses."
By the laws of any civilized society, cognac should be sipped and savored, but the aching woman downed the potent shots quickly to feel their pain-relieving qualities.
"Hold your hands behind your head. Thrust your tits forward."
Leeanna loved showing off her breasts to her Dom. She knew he had a thing for her firm tits, a fetish she liked to take advantage of whenever she could. It was the one element of power she had over him. She moaned as he sucked and nibbled her nipples, getting them taut and pointy. She was ready for him to apply the ninth item, the thin wooden paddle, to her expectant nipples. She loved the burning sensation it gave her. He beat them numerous times, hard and soft, far above the twelve minimum. When finished, he pleasured them with his tongue and fingers while caressing them in his large hands. They both enjoyed this scene.
Michael sat on the plush suede chair, resting his feet on a stool.
"Lick my boots."
Leeanna dropped to her knees in front of her Dom, gazing directly into his eyes. The first time he had required this type of scene, the submissive initiate had had resistance to the idea. She felt like it was a bridge too far, an act that seemed degrading and humiliating. But now, she craved the experience, for she had learned to appreciate the liberation of surrender. To her, bootlicking had become an exquisite display of submission, an opportunity to sacrifice her ego for her Master. She opened her mouth to allow a large glob of saliva to drool down onto the black leather. Lowering her head, the proud submissive moved the spit around with her lips, giving the leather a polished appearance. She licked his motorcycle boots with gusto. Behind closed doors, the libertine felt no restrictions on the intimacy she was willing to share with this authoritative man. She had told him many deeply held secrets, opening her soul in whispered confessions in the dark. He knew about the nineteen, and he knew about Modesty and Jessica. He was also aware of her many fantasies that she would never share with anyone else.
The little girl looked up at her man with adoring eyes several times during the scene. With the last glance, she uttered the words that made her tingle all over: "Thank you, Sir."
The tenth item in the queue was a plastic hand. When arranging the implements, Leeanna was unsure why this curious small statue was there. She was now to find out.
"Hmmm ... sweet baby! Come lay across Daddy's lap over the knee."
As the submissive positioned herself on her Dom's lap, he inserted a vibrator between his thigh and her clit, ensuring a secure fit. When he turned it on high, she felt the extraordinary stimulation it provided. This volcanic feeling erupted as he began spanking her bottom with his right hand. When Leeanna started to squirm, he grabbed her forcefully by the hair to keep her in place. Neither participant kept count, but there is no doubt he applied at least two dozen hand spanks before the pain in his hand made him stop. Her juices soaked his legs. As the pair rested, he slid a finger in her ass, twirling it around in circles, much to the delight of his cooing partner.
The eleventh spanking implement on the table had greater significance than the others. When crafting the Instructions for the session, Michael had allowed his sub to replace one item with something of her own. It could be a hard or soft item. The only caveat was that it must have some spiritual importance. When she read the Instructions, she knew what to bring with her. On a recent trip to Alaska, Leeanna had been amazed by the natural beauty surrounding her everywhere she traveled. While on a lonely stretch of an isolated beach, a bald eagle had flown low above her head. As it passed, she noticed a feather falling from its wing, slowly twirling down to the ground. She chased it for a quarter of a mile. It became the most precious souvenir of her trip, as it seemed like a higher power had gifted it to her. She brought it to the session and had no trouble substituting it for the chain whip.
"Stand up, lean forward with your hands on your thighs."
Michael was careful with the feather. He tapped her ass very lightly with each stroke before drawing it delicately across the skin. The experience was indeed spiritual, almost on a mystical level. As the feather touched her twelve times, Leeanna felt an emotional bonding with her Dom that was stronger than that felt during her collaring. Her eyes emptied with tears of joy.
"Hold that pose."
The two-foot-long hard plastic shoe horn was a brutal implement. Per the Instructions, it was last. The Dominant had stated emphatically that every whack would be heavy with no sympathetic pauses: "You will take it with the dignity of a mature submissive." Leeanna braced herself. The twelve shots came down hard, with three seconds separating each one. In order to prove herself, the determined sub floated through the thirty-six seconds without a whimper.
The lovers embraced, moving to the bedroom to consummate their connection with passionate lovemaking.
The session was finished.

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Written by Koba17
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