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"Vince seduced by his hot redhead wife"

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It was a Friday evening. After wrapping up work projects for the week, I tried not to stress over traffic. I let my mind focus instead on what I was driving home to.

I thought back to that weekend in 2014. My brother had asked me to go with him to the wedding of one of his best friends from his office. I really didn’t want to go, but he’s my brother, and he needed the moral support we have always given each other since we were toddlers.

About half an hour before the ceremony was to start, my brother came over, with a pretty redhead at his side. He told me his friend, the groom, needed his help, and would I mind talking to Jennifer for a few minutes.

“Justine,” the redhead corrected, as my brother left.

“I’m Vince,” I shook her hand. “And I take it, by the fact that he doesn’t even know your name, that you and my brother aren’t dating?” I laughed.

“Are you trying to find out if I have a boyfriend?” Justine looked me in the eye, challengingly.

I was a little taken aback by her directness, and I think I stammered a moment or two before replying, “Well, yes, that would interest me to know!”

“I recently dumped my boyfriend,” she smiled. “He wouldn’t put out often enough to keep me happy!”

OK, this woman was forward and direct. I liked that!

“So, you haven’t gotten any in a while?” I decided to be just as direct.

“I didn’t say that!” Justine winked. “I do have a steady girlfriend.”

“You’re… you’re… ” I think my voice sounded disappointed.

“A lesbian?” Justine laughed.

I looked at her.

“Relax. I’m bi. I still love a real hard cock, as well as a soft pussy.”

I really didn’t know where to take this conversation form there. So I changed the subject, to current events in the news. Justine was up to date on what was going on. As smart and informed as she was beautiful.

I told her that my brother, who had introduced us, was a coworker of the groom.

“What a coincidence,” she smiled. “I’m a coworker of the bride.”

We talked a little more, just general chit-chat, getting to know more about each other’s personality and interests. And then we had to take our seats, because the wedding ceremony was about to start. Unfortunately, I was seated on the groom’s side, and Justine on the bride’s side. So no chance to spend more time with her, at least not for a while.

After the I Do’s, we all went to the reception, where I looked for Justine, but I failed to find her among the 200 or so wedding guests.

After a sumptuous dinner, the DJ started some dance records.

The bride and groom had their first dance, as is traditional. Then I saw Justine headed toward my table.

“Dance with me?” she whispered, a hint of something in her voice. Perhaps an unspoken promise that this special night might lead to more than just dancing?

As I held Justine in my arms and waltzed her around the floor, I looked her up and down. She was very tall, and had all the right curves in all the right places, as they say.

As we danced, Justine returned to the topic of sex.

“They say a man who can dance well standing up dances even better lying down,” Justine winked.

“My mom made me take dance lessons since I was a toddler,” I replied. “As for horizontal dancing, I listened and learned, as women I dated told me and showed me how they like me to move.”

“Good man, that you listen and not just started banging away. “

“What can I say, I want my dates to enjoy it.”

“Do you know why women like to go to other people’s weddings?”

“No idea,” I admitted.

“Well, at a wedding, everyone knows that the bride is about to get a really good fuck from her groom, maybe the best and most loving fuck of her whole life.”

“Everyone knows that? I’m not sure that I knew it.”

“Surely you know a groom services his woman on her wedding night!” Justine laughed.

“Yeah,” I agreed.

“And everyone is turned on thinking about it. So we women go to weddings, go to where the bride is happily thinking about the unforgettable banging she’s about to get. We go hoping there will be a hot stud who’s as turned-on by the bride’s impending sex as we are, and who will want to fuck us even better than the bride is about to get.”

“Is that why you’re here, Justine? To find yourself an even better fuck than the bride’s going to get tonight?”


“And you plan to seduce my brother into giving you what you need?”

“No, silly!” Justine smiled. “You’re WAY hotter than your brother! I would even say you’re the hottest stud in this whole room.”

“Except for the groom.”

“Maybe in the eyes of the bride. But you’re much hotter. And from what I can see of your trouser bulge, much better equipped for the task than the groom is!”

I think I blushed a bit at that compliment.

Justine wrapped her arms tighter around me as we danced. Even through her skirt and my trousers, I could practically feel the soft fabric of her skimpy panties against my cock. That’s how close she pressed herself up against me now.

“Mmm, yes,” Justine smiled. “Feels like you went back for a second helping, when they were parceling out dick length!”

After two more dances together, Justine whispered hotly in my ear, “I have a room upstairs in this hotel. A really nice, elegant little suite. Would you like to see it?”

“Yes,” I agreed, knowing I wouldn’t see any part of the suite that wasn’t visible from the bed.

Justine led me by the hand to the elevator, then we kissed hard throughout the whole elevator ride up. Then with her left hand down my trousers, we walked down the hall to her hotel room.

Once in her room, she went right for my zipper. “I’ve got to see if you’re as big as you feel.”

By then I was as hard as a diamond, and my manhood plopped out heavily.

“Mmm!” she smiled.

She put her finger on my cock and slid it along the whole length. “One… two… ” she began counting.

“Not that I’m complaining,” I said, “and your hand feels really good on my hard cock. But what are you doing?”

“From knuckle to knuckle on this finger is exactly one inch.”

“Eight… nine… TEN!” Justine smiled, and I swore she was about to clap her hands and jump up and down like a happy little girl on a playground.

Justine removed her blouse and skirt, and now it was my turn to be impressed with her natural endowments.

Her breasts were largish. Not porn star surgically enhanced big. But full and round and beautiful. Her body then tapered to a smallish waist and full round hips. And a sweet ass as perfectly rounded as her breasts. Her legs were quite long, but also curvy in all the right spots. The hair between her thighs was the same stunning shade of red as on top of her head, and just as neat and well groomed!

As we kissed naked in each other’s arms, Justine told me she wanted only a one night stand, and we would never see each other again after that night.

“So make it a lifetime cherished memory for me,” Justine smiled. “And let me be able to truthfully tell my girlfriend that I got far and away he better fuck tonight than Lynn [the bride] is getting from her new husband tonight.”

Justine gently led me by my cock to her bed.

I hoped that my foreplay, and my ten inches pleasuring her pussy and her ass, were as memorable for her as she wanted. I know that for two weeks afterward, having made slow, intensely passionate love with Justine until well past dawn, was just about all I could think of day and night.

But I knew she had wanted this to be only a one-night stand, so I respected her wishes and didn’t ask for her phone number, or seek her out.

Then one day about two weeks after Lynn’s wedding, I saw Justine pushing her shopping cart down the grocery store aisle toward me. She saw me, too.

Justine ran into my arms and kissed me. She jumped up and wrapped both of her sexy long legs around my waist, shoving her tongue deep into my mouth as we kissed.

“I know we said just a one-night stand,” Justine sighed heavily. “But damn it, I miss that ten inch cock of yours!”

I kissed her. “That tight little pussy squeezing my hard cock is all I can think about, all day and all night.”

“Take me home, Vince, and fuck me hard?” Justine practically begged.

“Oh hell yes!” I agreed.

We both left our shopping carts in the middle of the supermarket aisle. I left my car in the parking lot, and I got into the passenger seat of Justine’s car. Justine drove to her place at about ninety miles an hour through city streets. The whole time, I had her skirt up and my left middle finger deep in her wetness.

She unlocked her front door and kicked it shut behind us. She then jumped up on me, her legs wrapped around me again. I carried her on my hips, as she pointed up the stairs and down the hall to her bedroom.

She climbed off me, shoved me on my back on her bed, and practically ripped my jeans off of me.

She then rode me like she hadn’t had a cock in her for twenty years, even though I had made love with her for seven straight hours just two weeks earlier. I shot three big loads up her that day, and she soaked my cock in her sweet juices at least five times.

We began dating a lot after that… and a lot of bed time together, too!

Justine eventually introduced me to her girlfriend/lover Kat, and Kat’s boyfriend Dave. I liked them both immediately, and we became close friends.

I knew from Justine, that Kat was trapped in a bad marriage, no love, no sex. And that Dave and Justine were how Kat got her sexual needs met, including her need to be a loving and giving sex partner to both of them. I also knew that Justine occasionally had sex with Dave too.

Justine wanted me to fuck Kat, she brought it up from time to time. But I told Justine honestly that she is the only pussy I want, the only one I have any interest in.

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But then Kat took steps to finally divorce her husband.

After much discussion between Kat, Justine, Dave, and me, we all agreed that the night her divorce became final, I would make love with Kat, and let her experience for herself whatever it is about me that made Justine so happy to have me as her lover.

As time went by, I banged Kat more often. The pairings were Justine and me, Justine and Dave, Kat and me, Dave and Kat, Dave and Kat and Justine, and Kat and Justine and me. Or me with either Kat or Justine, while Dave took the other woman right next to me.

It sure made our love lives very interesting, to say the least! I never even dreamed that night at Lynn’s wedding – the wedding I hadn’t even wanted to go to – would lead to anything like this!

Then in October, 2015, the four of us bought a sweet love nest of a house together, and named it our Quartet House.

And on August 7, 2016, in a ceremony that unfortunately has no legal standing, we four all pledged to be good and loyal and loving spouses to the other three. Which we are. I now have two wives and a husband!

All of this ran through my mind as I drove the long commute home to our Quartet House that Friday night.

I unlocked the front door, and I found Justine completely naked, flat on her back on the living-room floor. With a finger deep in her pussy, and another finger frantically massaging her clit.

“Vince!” she called out joyously. “You’re home!”

“Yes,” I smiled. “I’m home. And you’re horny.”

“You noticed!” she cooed happily.

“Yeah, I noticed. And it’s making me hard!”

“Good. Because I really need you to fuck me hard!”

“Right here? Right now?”

“Yes, please,” she whispered softly, erotically.

Her eyes never left watching me, as I stripped in front of her.

My shirt removal exposed my muscular chest. Love and lust, adoration and hunger sparkled in Justine’s eyes.

As I slid my pants off of me, she jammed her fingers even deeper up into her own pussy.

When I was finally as naked as Justine was, I laid down next to her.

She sat up and knelt over me. I held my wildly throbbing cock steady as she kissed my balls. “Mmmmmm,” she moaned softly. “Empty your swollen balls into me.”

I offered my very hard cock to her mouth, and she eagerly opened wide around it.

“I think someone is cock-hungry,” I chuckled.

“Oh, yeah!” she sucked eagerly, until she had me down her throat, balls deep.

After she sucked an explosion out of me, I put her on her belly, and I licked from her ass to her pussy to her clit, and back again.

It was my turn to moan joyously. “Mmmm, your pussy tastes so wet!”

“Quit stalling,” she half demanded, half begged, “and fuck me!”

I slipped my cock back and forth between her ass cheeks several times, lubricating my hardness in her pussy juices for easier entry.

She looked over her shoulder at me, very sensuously and erotically. “Mmmmm, yes, slip it in, darling!”

I slowly slipped my ten inches between her round ass cheeks, and deep into her damp pussy.

“Oh, yeah,” she sighed and breathed heavily. “Just like that! Right there!”

She shoved her ass and her pussy backward over my cock, and she began to tremble.

“Yes! Ohhh!” she cried out.

As Justine soaked my cock in her girl-come, she moaned loudly. “Oh, Vince! Oh, YES! Oh, I'm the luckiest redhead slut on the planet! Mmmmm!”

After she paused to let me explode powerfully into her, she continued, “It’s Friday night, and lucky me, I get to enjoy you from now until Monday morning!”

She got up and we went to the couch. She had me lie down, she knelt over me, and she sucked me with a hunger that probably would have surprised me, had I not already encountered many times before, how thoroughly she enjoys my entire ten inches thrusting and throbbing its way down her throat.

She told me she had been waiting impatiently for me to get home from work, so she could taste me again.

Seriously, how could I help but to have fallen so deeply and completely in love with such a woman?

She had just about drained my balls down her throat, when she hugged me and kissed me, and began rubbing her very damp pussy all over my semi-soft cock.

It didn’t take me even ten minutes to get rock hard again.

“Oh, goody!” she clapped, again like a little girl. “I’m happy you’re horny again. Now you can fuck me even harder. From the front this time. I really need it!”

Again, could any man seriously not fall totally head over heels in love with a beautiful, sexy, very intelligent woman who feels this way about him? She wanted and needed to be fucked very, very hard, and not just by any man, but specifically by me!

We made love until well past dawn. Then we slept in each other’s arms for about two hours. Then a slow sweet 69, until we flooded each other’s mouth.

We washed each other in the shower, followed by a standing-up face to face banging, and then I gave her doggie style again, too, with her bent over in front of me in the shower. We dried each other off, and then she lay down flat on her belly on the bed, and asked me for even more doggie loving.

Her perfect round ass cheeks completely surrounded my cock, as I slid deeper and deeper into the back side of her wet, red fur-lined pussy. I let her come all over my cock first, before I drained my balls deep inside of her, splattering her cervix with my warm, sticky sperm. And she moaned, the happiest, most joyous moans any woman could ever make. And she came all over my cock yet again.

It was Saturday morning, and we’d been enjoying each other for 12 hours, off and on.

Justine rolled over on her back, pulled me down on top of her, kissed me, held my cock against her red bush, and told me “You’re not leaving this bed, mister, until it’s time to go to work on Monday morning!”

I lay on top of her, holding her lovingly in my arms, as we talked the morning away, the way loving spouses do.

Justine flipped me on my back, and she began a very slow cock ride on me.

That’s when my other wife, Kat, entered the room naked, towing her other husband, Dave (also naked) by the hand.

“We missed you guys,” Kat smiled. “Can we join you?”

Justine smiled and winked at Kat. “Only if you let me eat Dave’s juices out of you.”

Kat purred in that sex-kittenish way of hers, and said “When you finish, I want to eat Vince’s come out of you, too.”

Dave and I sat back and enjoyed the show as Justine licked and nibbled Kat, until Kat’s pussy juices poured out of her, mixed with Dave’s sperm. A broadly grinning Justine gulped it all down.

Kat pulled Justine up onto her face. Justine’s long legs straddled Kat’s head, her thighs clamping over Kat’s ears, as Justine tucked her feet under her perfect ass. A few well-placed licks, a few clit nibbles, and Kat had Justine trembling from head to toe, and pouring endless liquid onto Kat’s swirling and flickering tongue.

Watching this, of course, made Dave and me very hard. Dave’s cock is much thicker than mine, while mine is much longer, so we each bring unique pleasures to our women. And I think pleasure was exactly what Justine and Kat wanted and needed now, as Kat kissed and licked and sucked me, while Justine did the same to Dave.

After Dave and I both came, Justine and Kat lay face down, side by side, and holding each other‘s hand.

“Woof!” said Kat, looking over her shoulder and gazing lustily into my eyes.

“Arf!” Justine laughed, grabbing Dave by his thick swollen cock.

That was their way of asking for more doggie style.

For the next twenty minutes, I fucked Kat from behind, slowly at first but then faster and faster and faster. Right beside us, Dave did he same to Justine, almost matching me thrust for thrust, throb for throb.

Dave and I exploded into each other’s girlfriend at the exact same moment.

Kat pushed me out of her pussy, grabbed my cock, and pulled me into her wide-open ass.

“Mmm, good idea, Kat!” Justine cooed happily, as she guided Dave’s thick, throbbing tool deep into her own ass.

We four banged and banged until gallons of sperm were pouring rapidly out of both luscious female asses. Followed by an ocean of nectar flooding out of both their pussies.

We four became a pile, a tangle of arms and legs and asses and cocks and pussies, as we all fell into a gentle sleep.

Justine was the first to awaken, about an hour later. She woke me and asked me to shower with her. We soaped each all over, lots of lather. Her soapy hand stroked my cock back to hardness, and I slid first one and then two soapy fingers into her wet, quivering pussy.

Justine turned around and bent over, and I once more slid deep into her spectacular round ass.

That’s when I heard running water that wasn’t coming from our shower. I peered out the shower door, and saw that Kat, completely naked, was filling the bathtub with sudsy bubble bath and warm water. Dave was standing beside her, naked, sporting a very thick hard-on.

Kat climbed into the tub, lying face up, and she invited Dave to lie atop her, face down.

As I banged deep into Justine’s fine ass, Dave was slamming Kat’s hungry pussy in the bubble bath.

The loud moaning of all four orgasms at once could probably be heard down the next block.

Justine and Kat asked Dave and me to kiss away the girl-come off each other’s cock.

There was a time we both would have flatly refused. But although Dave and I have zero lust toward each other, we do love each other as friends. We also love our women, and we want them to be happy. So we do occasionally kiss each other’s cock now, for our women’s enjoyment, not for our own.

Kat and Justine love to watch that, and they are so good to us, we say OK. Besides, they eat each other’s pussy in front of us, quite often, so we can survive the occasional cock kiss on each other.

But the thought of anything more than that, like sucking each other, or full-on gay intercourse, makes us both want to vomit. And our women love us and respect us enough not to ask for that. They know our boundaries, and they don’t ask us to cross those boundaries.

The weekend fun was just beginning! We still had thirty-six more hours before we all had to go to our jobs.

Just think, I hadn’t wanted to go to Lynn’s wedding two years ago. I almost missed out on the best thing that’s ever happened to me.

Written by QuartetHouse
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