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The Taking Of My Neighbor's Wife Part 1

"I take Wendy in her own home."

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It was just past 4 on Friday afternoon and I was walking up to Scott and Wendy’s front door. I was wondering why Wendy would call me for help with their pool as they used a service to maintain it, as I did mine. I had been there the previous weekend and it looked fine to me. I rang the doorbell and waited.

No one answered so I rang it again. I could hear Wendy calling me through the door, but didn’t hear her clearly, so I turned the knob and stuck my head inside calling, “Hey guys, Jack's pool service at your door!”

Hearing her laugh, I stepped inside and waited. Wendy walked into the room and my breathing stopped for a moment.

Walking into the front hallway with a wine glass in her hand was one of the women I fantasize about, medium tallish with medium-length dirty blond hair and a nice rack - I’m not hard to please. Her legs looked freshly shaved and smooth. She was wearing grey tennis shorts and a white tee shirt and nothing else. No bra or panties that I could detect.

She leaned her shoulder against the doorway and smiled like a school girl on her first date.

“Hi there guy, come in and close the door, it’s hotter than hell outside!” She said, slightly slurring the words.

'Not as hot as in here,' I thought to myself. “Whats going on with the pool?”

Getting closer I could smell the wine on her breath. I tried to act nonchalant but was failing miserably. I closed the door and turned back to her.

Her tits were compressed by the shirt and round and nicely pointing at me, her nipples were slightly erect in a sensual way that gave me a nice warm feeling in my tummy. The shorts molded themselves on her ass and thighs creating an instant vision of a relaxed sex queen. I had seen her before in very casual dress but not like this!

Instantly I was aroused. Wendy was very pretty although a little overweight, but that added to her sexiness. 'Whoa boy! Are you here for the pool or what?'


Scott and Wendy had been friends ever since they moved in next door to me six months prior. She was a manager at a retail store, and he was a sales rep that traveled. We would have a cocktail or light dinner occasionally and swim at each other's homes. Wendy was always a lady, though she did like to flirt, especially in the pool. Lightly brushing up against me with her ass, then acting like it was an innocent encounter.

Our circle of friends liked to entertain and loved wine so it was inevitable that there would be heavy flirting. I remember one evening pool party, where I was standing watching the sunset when Wendy walked up, slipped her arm in mine and pressed her tit in my arm, remarked, “beautiful isn’t it?”

I, looking down at her barely concealed boobs said, “You’ve said a mouthful!”

Following my eyes, she blushed and rubbed against my arm gently answered, “Ah, men!” Laughed and wiggled away, turning her head to see if I was watching. I dreamily was.


“Oh, the pool was making a funny noise earlier but seems to be alright now. Scott’s out of town as usual and I was worried it would burn up or something and I’d get blamed.” She sipped from her wine glass. I noticed it was a white wine, I love white wine.

“I’ll check it out for a glass of white!” I grinned and struck a manly pose with my right arm raised.

She brightened up and said,”Okay! Just let me feel that muscle!”

Reaching over to me, she grabbed my bicep and gently squeezed it.

“Oh, how nice Jack!” She sipped from her glass again, then laughed. “Scott should work out with you, only he’s been gone so much lately.” I wondered if this was a hint of sorts?

Smiling, I walked to the back door and listening said, “ I’ll bet it’s not a problem. Sounds normal from here, I’ll go check the pump room.”

I walked out to the back of the yard and opened the pump room door. Looking at the filter and pump assemblies, I saw no leaks and hearing nothing out of order, so I walked back to the house.

Wendy was waiting inside the door with two glasses of white in her hands. Handing me one asked, ”anything look bad?” Her eyes were staring at mine and were sorta glazed. Too much wine?

“No, everything is normal and running good. It might have sucked some air when she kicked on, I wouldn’t worry about it.”

Taking the offered glass I drank and thanked her.

“Thank goodness! I’d hate to tell him there was a problem. Now I can relax, come to the den and enjoy the wine with me, I am so bored today.”

Wendy turned and swayed to the next room. Her cute ass led in a delightful way.

I was looking for a chair close to her so we could talk and was surprised when she sat in the middle of the sofa and patting the cushion to her right said, “right here is fine! Keep me company, I’ve been here all day and was getting tired, how was your day?”

Putting my glass on the coffee table I turned to Wendy and said, “My day was good! How was yours? Been drinking by yourself long?”

She took another sip from her glass and set it down next to mine and said, ”Ah! Scott left for Baltimore Monday and called me this morning and said he had to stay another three days! This is the weekend for crying out loud! I had a dinner and dancing and everything all planned and, well, ah shit! Now nothing, and I just opened the second bottle when you came over.”

“Hmm, I see,” Was all I could come up with, then, “Hey I’m free, how about I take you to dinner? Would that help? Nothing fancy, just  to get out of here for a while and loosen up.”

“Ah, that’s so sweet!” Leaning over she kissed my cheek close to my lips, something that had not happened before.

I mean, yeah we occasionally kissed on the cheek like all friends, nothing untoward or forward, but this kiss lasted just a little longer than a friendly good-bye kiss would usually last. My tummy tingled, and not from the wine.

“Just let me relax a couple of minutes and we’ll see.”

She rested her head on my left shoulder for a moment, then picking up her wine glass took another big swallow, then appeared to consider another.

“Whoa, there lady! Don’t need you getting drunk this early in the evening!” I smiled and took the glass, replaced it on the table.

Wendy smiled back and said,” afraid I’ll take advantage of you, stud?”

“No, I just like beautiful women sober when I visit them in their home.”

She turned to me and smiled, “that’s why I’m glad you’re here.”

She again rested her head on my shoulder, it felt wonderful and looking down at her chest saw her breasts squeezing together with the nipples a little larger than before! The first stirrings of heat were beginning to start glowing in my cock. Man, I would love to tap that body!”

I felt like the ball was in my court, so I decided to see how far I could carry it. A plan was beginning to take shape in my head. I gently moved her head from my shoulder and lay it back on the backrest of the sofa.

“Wha, what are you doing Jack? I was so comfortable!” Wendy, obviously beginning to nod off, muttered.

“What you need is a good massage to help you wind down and relax!” I turned and placed my knees on the cushion and reaching up began to massage both of her trapezius muscles, my thumbs rubbing her neck muscles ever so gently. ”That’s got to relieve some tension.

“Ah! That feels wonderful Jack! You never said you were a masseur.”

“I saw this on television once and never thought I would need it, but you need it, so enjoy!” I continued to compress and release the tight frontal and rear muscles and Wendy began to purr quietly. I continued for several minutes.

“Oh! That is so, so good.” She had her eyes closed and I watched the tension drain from her face. She began to breathe slowly, entering a blissfully relaxed state. Was she sleeping?

“How’s that now Wen?” I asked. No answer. I continued kneading, moving my thumbs a little lower.

I continued and moved my hands to her shoulders gripping the muscles under my fingers to help her relax more.

I noticed that if I hooked my thumbs and forefingers under the top hem of her tee shirt, I could raise and lower the shirt just enough to slowly ride over her nipples. I watched her face closely to see if there was any reaction and was startled to see her bite her lower lip as if enjoying the sensation. Her head was fully leaning into the back of the sofa. She licked her lips several times and relaxed more.

I was feeling bolder by this time and moved my hands up and down her arms with my thumbs sliding on her side boobs. Looking for her reaction and not getting any I spread my thumbs closer to her swollen nipples. I ran my fingers over the smooth shirt covered flesh of her tits.

Again Wendy licked her lips and mewed softly, in her relaxed state she was enjoying it!

I continued the up and down rubbing with my thumbs and moving closer to her nipples was rewarded again with a couple of sighs, then a wiggle of her hips, as if to get more comfortable.

She softly oohed in a whisper that was so sexual in nature, it was music to my ears! Her nipples were pushing outwards from under the shirt and had swollen as they were aroused more. I decided to take the plunge and gently took her breasts in my hands, slowly cupping them and moving my thumbs upwards to my target.

My thumbs wanted so badly to slide over her nipples but I was hesitant to go too far. Wendy solved the problem for me by slowly moving her breasts from side to side and rubbing themselves under my thumbs, I instinctively moved my forefingers to my thumbs and captured both her nipples and gently squeezed.

Wendy moaned ever so softly and again licked her lips several times. Her eyes had not opened that I could see. She was probably asleep and dreaming of Scott. I twisted her nipples slowly and looking down saw her squirming her ass slightly, she moved her hips. I could see a faint wet spot forming in the vee of her crotch! YES! The grey was darker in her crotch. She was getting wet! So was I.

Shit! This was so erotic I had to reach down and squeeze my dick several times to release the pressure down there. My other hand of course never leaving her boob. I wondered… What if?

Leaving my left hand to caress her right tit, I slowly slid my right hand downwards towards her now visibly wet and squirming crotch. I let one finger track down the middle of the wet area and felt her gently push her pussy towards it. Oh man! I about came in my shorts! It was so erotic. I moved the finger up and down slowly, tracing the central slit and feeling her pussy lips trying to draw it in.

Wendy moaned and oohed several times, she couldn’t possibly still be asleep, or maybe in a twilight zone kind of state.

I moved my lips carefully to her mouth and lightly brushed against her lower lip. She responded by reaching behind my head and pulled my lips to hers! I was in Nirvana, massaging a tit, her pussy and getting a long wet kiss!

Getting bolder I reached my pussy hand up to her shorts hem and gently tugged. The response was immediate, she lifted her hips and I slowly pulled her shorts down past her labia. She ooh’d again delightfully and continued her slow deliberate kiss.

Again, gently moving my fingers downwards, I gently rubbed her now exposed pussy lips. No hair, freshly shaven, wet, slightly swollen and hot pussy lips. She squeezed my fingers with her thighs and moaned into my mouth.

I tried to reach my finger lower, closer to her vaginal entrance, her thighs were too tight. Reaching my hand to her side, I began trying to pull her shorts down further. They were a little tight, but I successfully got them down to mid-thigh. Taking the plunge, I pulled them down past her knees where they fell to the floor without a sound.

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Wendy, however, moaned louder and moved her legs apart slightly. I again began touching her pussy with my finger, she was so wet! The valley of her cunt pushed against my finger until it came to her entrance.

We both stopped breathing at the same moment as I inserted the middle finger just inside her entrance. I crooked my finger and pulled upwards slightly. She took a deep breath and squeezed my finger with her cunt, actually drawing it into her another inch. She began to slowly fuck my finger. I, of course, helped by wiggling it at a slow tempo.

I continued to finger fuck her for several minutes, never breaking the kiss, and never seeing her eyes open-they fluttered when she would moan, but I never saw them open, She was in a dream state or totally into the situation.

I was ready to bust my nuts and wanted her to lay back on the cushions of the sofa for the next part of my plan. Moving my left hand to the back of her head, I slowly I guided her body towards the arm of the sofa and after resisting for a moment she lay supine on the sofa with my left hand still on her tit, and my right middle finger in her pussy to the first knuckle. Her left leg automatically placed itself on the sofa, her right remained on the floor. Our long kiss continued.

I lost track of time in our kiss when I felt a hand move up inside the leg of my loose shorts and begin to gently fondle my cock. Oh Oh! So good! Her small hand squeezed my shaft lightly for a moment, then began to slowly move up and down. Rubbing her thumb over the tip of my meat, she spread my pre-cum over my glans. I practically came right then.

Wendy moaned gutturally into my mouth and I began to moan with her. We both began breathing heavily into each other's mouths. Wendy had yet to open her eyes. Her tongue was dueling with mine in long searching movements and her hips rotated lazily around my finger so I added a second finger inside her pussy. Her vaginal lips seized them both in a sensuous, delightful manner, I rewarded her by thrusting them in and out slowly. Her entire body froze for a moment and then slowly added her own thrusting to the mix.

I reached down with my left hand and popped the button on my shorts and slowly pulled them down to my knees. Wendy’s hand released my dick for a moment and searching, quickly re-acquired it. Oh shit, it felt wonderful. I began kissing her left ear as I love ears when she arched her back in pleasure.

I felt that I had to make the big move to conquering this goddess.

I swiftly moved my knees inside her legs and removing my fingers from her pussy, I replaced it with my dick, sliding it along the channels of her flower. All that was between our sexual organs were a pair of thin, wet panties.

She was so wet! I felt my cock pulse with pleasures I only dream about.

“Oh, Jack! What are you doing? We can’t do that!” She exclaimed opening her eyes for the first time. “

Thinking quick I again kissed her ear and said, “don’t worry I just wanted to hold both of your gorgeous breasts.”

I demonstrated by holding both tits, kneading her nipples, which caused her to inhale sharply. I continued sliding my cock gently over her pussy lips wet valley.

Evidently, she still had enough wine in her to dull her resistance as her pussy lifted slightly upwards and she moaned again. Turning her head Wendy sought my lips and we again went with a long kiss. Man, that woman can kiss.

I increased the pressure of my sliding cock and her right leg came off the floor to wrap over my ass, I was delightfully and willingly trapped! The erotic actions were overwhelming my senses and I began breathing harder, the pleasures of her body were unbelievable.

Not wanting to get her tits sore, I released her nipples and began fondling both, starting with a full handful of titty and massaging up to the nipples. This created the wanted reaction as her tongue went deeper and her pussy pushed harder on my dick. The pleasure was incredible, overwhelming my senses for a moment as we wet humped each other. I could feel my precum mixing with her pussy juices creating a scent that was uniquely two people getting fucked!

“Oh yes! Sooo good baby!” Wendy cooed in my mouth, “Just like that! Soo good! You’re gonna make me cum so hard doing that!”

I could feel her pussy moving from the tip to the base of my cock, she wasn’t the only one poised to explode. Not wanting the pleasure to end anytime soon I opened my eyes and asked, ”do you want me to prolong your pleasure and make you cum like never before? I can do that!”

My dick was totally in the folds of her pussy lips, legally we were having sexual intercourse, but not quite. She raised up her hips and crushed my cock to her cunt in a fit of passion. I felt my orgasm began to reach the point of no return and reached my hand down to stop the eruption of cum that was inevitable at this point. I quietly orgasmed but ejaculated no cum, my body, however, I shook like a leaf in a gale. My cock spasmed like my first wet dream.

This was a Tantric practice that ensured a hard dick - even after orgasming several times. No cum out of the cock means no limp dick for quite a while. A big plus when you’re a bachelor! Those videos of Tantric sex were worth a fortune right at the moment.

Wendy’s passion and pleasures were so great she never noticed as I kissed her deeply and enjoyed my dry orgasm. Incredibly, I still had energy in reserve.

Pulling me closer with her arms, she asked breathlessly, “I’ll do anything at this point, your body owns me!” Wendy rubbed her pussy sideways in a delicious manner that curled my toes. My brain exploded.

When my mind cleared from the pleasure I raised up on my elbows and looked into her eyes. There was another Tantric method I remembered that guaranteed the cum of your life if done properly and I wanted to employ it.

Raising my torso up I said, “I want to fuck you slowly, looking into your eyes until you have no control over your pussy, and then make you cum until you scream my name to make you cum more! I want to excite your breasts and lips until they overload with pleasures so intense you beg me for more... And that’s just for starters!”

I actually meant all that shit! I felt like I could fuck her forever.

Raising her hips to press my cock she simply said, “ take me, Jack.”

I lifted my hips up slowly and allowed my cock head to slide down until I could feel it align with her pussy’s entrance.

“Don’t move until I tell you to move, understand? Just hold your pussy up to me as if offering it to my dick and I’ll do the rest!”

Wendy stopped her motions and simply nodded. I felt her raise her hips, anticipating my penetration.

“Kiss me, beautiful,” I said.

As soon as I felt her tongue enter my mouth, I entered her pussy an inch and only let the tip fuck her for several moments.

Wendy gasped but continued the kiss.

I pulled out, then reentered her cunt again, only this time pushing two inches of my cock into the wet warmth of her body. I continued slowly fucking in and out allowing only the two inches to torture us both.

Wendy began to shake slightly and moaning for more cock so I obliged her by letting a total of half of my eight inches of meat to fuck her pussy. We were both breathing fast and kissing passionately, I wondered who was being tortured more. My movements were so slow and her pussy grabbed at my cock as if it were alive.

We continued for several excruciating minutes until I knew we could take no more.

“Fuck me, Wendy, but only what I give you.”

Instantly her hips arched to try to take in all of my cock. I raised my hips and stopped her from engulfing me, although I wanted it so badly. We continued for several minutes, She was fighting for more cock and I was fighting to deny her. I was weakening quickly.

Moaning and grunting with effort Wendy called my name as her pussy thrust up at my dick searching for more pleasure.

That’s when she began to plead. “Jack, oh please Jack, give me all of your dick! Please give it all to me! I can’t cum like this!” Her voice was getting louder.

“What will you give me, lady? How bad do you need to cum!” I grunted with the strain of staying out of her pussy fully. I had to get inside fully soon or I would die.

“Whatever you want, baby, please fuck me, please!”

“Promise me this won’t be our only time? That’s all I want to hear, and then I’ll give you the cum of your life!”

“Yes! Oh yes, Jack, I’ll fuck you every day if that’s what you want, just please, please fuck my pussy! All the way please!” Her hips agreed with her pleading, offering her very being to my cock.

“Okay,’” was all I said as I sank fully into her pussy’s channel.

The pleasure was too much for both of us, Wendy screamed loudly as I groaned and sought her lips with mine. Our pubic bones met and exploded in ecstasy. She screwed my dick into her cunt in the most erotic of ways, pumping and screwing me like a being possessed. I was paralyzed with exotic pleasures that were almost supernatural in manner.

I felt her orgasm begin deep inside her pussy and surround my cock with pleasures that few ever experience. Wendy screamed so hard her voice got ragged. Her scream subsiding to a whisper just as another cum began within her. She called my name several times.

I held on for dear life. She grabbed my ass cheeks and ground her pussy into me. My dick was surrounded by Wendy’s passion and she began to milk me with every single movement of her body. I could have died then and never noticed or cared.

My pleasures were magnified ten times what I normally felt. It was like slowly opening a door to a bright, sunny day. First, the door opens a crack and the sunlight streams in at the edges, then the door is open wide and the full sunlight hits you. It just overwhelms you.

That’s how my orgasm hit me, I felt the spasms rise from the base of my dick and quickly expand outward to consume every part of me. I held my dick in as far as it would go inside her and just let go.

I ejaculated deep into her hungry pussy. My teeth ground together from the intense pleasure I could not move, the only motion in my body was the pulsing, and throbbing of my penis as it spasmed out thick, hot ropes of cum. I came until I had no more to cum. I felt the excess flow out of her pussy to drip on my balls, still hot, still wet, and still, my balls jumped up and down trying to eject everything they had.

The force of my pulsing and spurting cock must have pushed her over the edge for her third orgasm as she screamed several moments then kissed me deeply as she moaned thru the after pleasures.

Holding each other so tight we couldn’t begin to speak for several minutes, kissing and enjoying the feeling of her pussy still sliding pleasurably over my cock.

When our breathing slowed to a better rate Wendy looked at me and said, ”Oh Jack. I’ve been wanting to do that since I first met you, I guess the wait just kept building up inside of me until today happened. I hope you still respect me.”

“Of course I do, I hope you understand my uncontrollable hunger for you probably won’t go away!” I smiled at her lovely face.

“ I’ll try honey! I hope you’re staying for the main course, Jack!” Wendy whispered as she again began to grind against me.


But that would be Part 2

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Written by jkthekat
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