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The Phone Rang

"Finding a lost phone, led Lisa to adventures."

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"If the phone rings, do you have to answer it? Lacy says yes."

God, it's raining hard. I should consider myself lucky, I guess. I’m at a bus stop with a roof and three sides. Work was a bitch, and then walking to the stop in the rain.

Is that a phone ringing? I looked around and found it beneath the bench. When I looked at it, it said Joel. I answered, “Hello?”

I heard a man’s voice, deep and almost hypnotic in its resonance, say, “Marci? Is that you? You don’t sound normal.”

“Ah, no, it’s not. I just found it at the bus stop. Is this Marci’s phone?”

His voice was hypnotic. That’s the only thing I can think of to explain what happened. It wasn’t long before I was obeying his voice. I still haven’t seen or met Joel. It was the hypnotic quality of his voice that convinced me to obey. “You’re Joel? That’s the name that came up, is that right? I’m Lacy”

"Okay, Lacy, I was playing a game with Marcy, and since she lost the phone, I’d like to play it with you. It’s just about sending me some selfies. There’s no risk; I don’t know who you are or where you live, and you can just lose the phone if you need to.”

Later, I realized how stupid it was to keep the phone, but I trusted his voice.

I ended up keeping Marci’s phone just so I could hear his voice. Did I say his voice was hypnotic? That’s the only explanation I can offer.

He started by calling me and just talking, and then after a week, he asked for some selfies. He gradually increased what he wanted by asking for selfies with one, two, and then three buttons undone on my blouse. When I was comfortable doing that, he asked for pictures without my bra. He still wasn’t taking pictures of my breasts. Just some cleavage pictures, with just a little skin showing.

I knew what he was doing, but I couldn’t quit. After a couple of months, he asked for more. He started asking for all the buttons undone, and my hands pulled my blouse back to expose my breasts. Except he was calling them my tits. He was so complimentary when he first saw them framed by my blouse; he loved them. I was such a good girl to allow him to see them.

Now, I’m not completely stupid; I was expecting him to try to meet me when I’d first let him see my tits, but he never did. He kept asking for more and more explicit pictures instead.

“Lacy, your tits are just perfect, and your nipples are showing beautifully. Tomorrow, I want your blouse pulled back a little more so I can admire your nipples. They’re so perfect on your tits.”

Having him call my breasts, tits was exciting. I loved it, and I wanted him to continue.

Just hearing his voice made me want to obey. I know where he’s leading me—totally nude pictures. When will he want to see me, not just pictures? Will he want to touch me? I can feel his hands on me and on my breasts. Yes, I can’t wait for him to let me see him; I’m more impatient to hear from Joel than I am to be with Myles.

"Lacy, today is the day I want you to skip your blouse. I want to see you naked from the waist up.” Joel paused, then continued with a husky timbre in his voice, “I want to see your tits in the open. Without your blouse obscuring them."

"I can’t do that. I can’t get the phone far away from me to do that. Joel, why don’t you come here so you can see me in the flesh? So you can touch me, and I can actually meet you.”

He wants to see me with my tits showing; it’s not long before he’s going to want complete nudes. Yes, naked pictures. Can I do that for him? If he asks me to, will I do it? Myles is not nearly as arousing with his cock in me as Joel’s voice over the phone. Screw Myles, I want Joel. Ha, that’s what I’ve been doing, so what I’m really saying is to stop screwing Myles and dump his ass.

“Lacy, it’s about time for you to get an iPhone tripod. You’re going to need it soon. I’ll have one waiting for you at Phil’s Camera Shop. Just ask for Saul and tell him that Joel sent you and that your name is Lacy. No questions and no ID needed. I’ll give you a couple of days to get it and send me the pictures. Send a video of you undressing for the picture too. That will be a good use of the tripod.”

That’s a huge step. A video of me undressing for him. Do I trust him with that kind of video? Lacy, do you trust Joel that far? How far can I go before I chicken out?

When I got to the camera shop, it went just the way he said it would. Now I’m at home with the tripod and have to do what he wants. I could feel my nipples harden as I thought about it.

I tried a couple times, but I didn’t like them when I watched them. I finally got a sheer red blouse over my sexiest lace bra, and I slowly unbuttoned it one button, a wait, hesitating like I was trying to decide if I would continue. When I had it completely unbuttoned, exposing my bra, I slowly unfastened it, letting it just hang there. I removed my blouse and then slipped my bra off, and my tits exposed.

I stopped the video and started taking pictures. I picked which video to send him and a collection of five photos and sent them with a text message. Joel, I hope this is what you want. I loved doing the video for you. Let me know if you like them.

When I finally sent them, I could feel my pussy moisten. It was so erotic, slowly exposing more for him, letting me submit to him.

There wasn’t any other word for what I was doing; I was submitting to him. It was driving me wild—the slow, step-by-step increase. I wanted him to just do it. Get me naked, and then fuck me.

About a half hour later, I got a text message from him. Beautiful; it’s better than I hoped for. I’ll call you tomorrow.

I worked until five the next day, left for the coffee shop to get a cup of coffee, and waited for Joel to call.

What is Joel going to ask me to do tonight? I know he’s going to push me harder.

When the phone rang, I answered and heard Joel’s voice: “Hi Lucy, are you ready?”

“Um, yes, I think I am anyway. What do you want to see today?” I sat there, tense, waiting.

How far was Joel going to push me? Would I let him? I knew I would. I’ve tried to decide where I’d draw the line, but I just couldn’t.

“Lacy, I’ve loved everything you’ve shown me so far. I love your tits, but today I want the full picture, but with the button on your pants undone. Just the button undone but showing your panties. Just a tease, though; no more.”

Okay, I had my marching orders; this isn’t much further. I knew it would be more and more over time, though.

I wish I could see him and know what he looked like. When he gets me taking pictures of me naked, what’s next? I can feel the burn; I'm just imagining where it’s going to end. Where will you stop submitting to Joel, Lisa? I need to decide before I let him make me do things I won’t want to.

I tried a couple of different pants for the right look. I finally got some looser ones that, when I unbuttoned the top, looked a little, um, risqué? They certainly let my panties show a little—not very sexy ones, though.

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I knew I was going to have to get some sexy ones as Joel continued making me show more.

This was when I told Marilyn, my best friend, what was going on. I knew I was so far beyond my normal comfort zone that she’d be shocked. We got together for dinner and sat down and talked. When we got to what was going on, I explained about my new phone.

"Um, yes, there is something happening. You won’t believe it, and well, I found a phone at the bus stop a few weeks ago.”

Marilyn interrupted me and said, "Well, call someone and give it back. What’s the big deal?”

I raised my hands with an embarrassed look and said, “Let me finish. Okay. I found it because it rang and a guy named Joel was on the line, and well, he said he was playing a game with someone named Mercy or something like that.

“It started with texts and then selfies taken at various places. That lasted until, well, he asked for a selfie with just one button on my blouse undone.

“He has a wonderful voice, and it’s so … um, honest sounding. It gives me shivers.” I waved my hands to stop her from interrupting. I then said, "Well, he’s been escalating his picture requests; he’s asked for more and more. He's gotten me to send full-frame pictures naked to the waist. This week, he’s started getting me to work on the rest of me.

“I just don’t know when to stop. Each step is so small that quitting seems silly, but I know I’m going to end up naked or further.”

I stopped, so Marilyn said, “Or further than naked? What’s next? You having sex?”

"Exactly, or something I don’t even want to think about. I need help knowing where to stop. So far, it’s exciting for me, but will I know when it’s not? I know I’m going to end up sending nude pictures, and I think I can go that far, but … “

This is embarrassing for me. If I agree with Marilyn, I'll do it, and if I don't, I won't. Change the subject now.

“Changing the subject, a little bird told me that Pete split from his girlfriend. Is that true?”

So we got off my mysterious voice on the phone and started talking about her brother's rocky love life. I had never met him since he lived a few hours away until recently. My talk with Marilyn didn’t get me an answer from her, but during the talk, I decided to take it slowly and decide when he approached the edge of my limit, nude pictures.

Every day I was waiting for the phone to ring and hear Joel's voice tell me something new. I was feeling like Pavlov’s dog; when I heard the bell, my nipples would tighten and my pussy would moisten.

When he was getting completely nude photos of me, he asked me to shave my genital area naked for him.

I was in my bathroom after taking a bath, thinking.

Lisa, why are you doing this for him? You’ve already decided that nude pictures are as far as you’re going to go. Dump the damn phone. Just do it.

I took a new razor and carefully started at the top, carefully removing all the hair. I was doing it for him, and I knew I wouldn’t stop until I was completely bare. I even took some pictures half shaven with shaving cream covering half of it and the rest bare. When I finished, I washed myself and put some lotion on my skin. I took more pictures and sent them all off to Joel.

I did it. Now what? I don’t want to think about what’s next. I know now where he’s going to want me to go, and I’m not sure I can say NO, much less no. I’m afraid I’m going to say, "How many should I fuck?"

I got a text. Next, I want you to make yourself come and send me the pictures. I’m in a meeting and can’t call you. Get me the video before the meeting ends.

This isn’t as hard as I was afraid of. I can do this.

I set it up, and just knowing that Joel would see it made me aroused, and it didn’t take long until I sent it I was waiting for his acknowledgement and his approval, surprised that I wasn’t sitting up, panting, and waiting. It was pathetic.

Read this carefully. Go to Mike's Bar and Grill on Alhambra. The women that go there call it the Horny Dog. The guys call it the Friendly Bitch. Get a man there to video you fucking him. I want it by Friday.

I knew this was where he was leading me. Now, will you dump the phone? Or will you do this too? Degrade yourself by picking up a guy to fuck you.

It didn't surprise me when I saw myself looking up Mike's Bar on my phone—um, his phone. I used his phone to find where I was going to degrade myself. I had to do it; Joel wanted me to.

I walked in and looked around, and there were a fair number of people there: a few single women, a few couples, and several single men. I went to the bar, asked for a glass of white wine, and sat at a table, looking at the men.

I was trying to decide between the two of them when they both got up and came to my table. One sat in the other chair, and the other moved a chair over and sat together with us. So there were three of us. They surprised me by introducing each other, Alvin and Todd. I heard their last names, but I wasn’t interested in last names, just first names.

Alvin said, “I haven’t seen you here before, have I?”

Todd answered before I could, "No, you haven't. I’m sure this is her first visit. I can tell.”

It was clear they knew each other, and this wasn't the first time they'd picked up women for a three-way. As I hesitated, trying to decide if I wanted them both, a new guy walked in. “Um, I’m looking for a guy, and he just walked in, I think. Just me and one guy, not two. Is that okay?”

After they left, I went and approached the new guy. “Hey, I’m Lisa. I didn't know when I came in, but I’m looking for you. At least, I think I am. Um, I’m looking for someone to fuck me and let me video it to send to someone."

I sound like a crazy person. Even if this is the Horny Dog, he’s going to run like hell.

I motioned to the bartender and ordered another white wine while I was waiting for him to run.

He looked at me and said, “Is that so? You’re for real? I know this is The Friendly Bitch, but this is a little much.”

“Yeah, I’m for real. I’m really looking to get, um, well …” and my voice trailed off.

“What? You can’t say you want to be fucked. You want me to do it to you, or don’t you?”

I want to scream. Yes, I want you to fuck me. Joel led me to this: to be fucked by a stranger.

“I. Want. To. Be. Fucked. By You. Is that clear enough, God? Just say yes and do it.”

He led me into a back room and unceremoniously undressed me. I loved the look in his eye when I was naked. Good thing I was as successful as he was at getting him naked. His hands and mouth on my tits were driving me nuts. This was Joel’s best idea ever.

I needed him so badly that I refused any foreplay. I wanted his cock now. It’d been so long since I’d had one to play with. I was against a wall, with my knees buckling, when we both came. And I didn’t even know his name.

While we were dressing, his phone fell out of his shirt pocket, and it lit up.

When I looked at his phone on the floor, it was showing Apple’s Find My Phone. He was tracking me. He was tracking Joel’s phone. I'd finally met Joel, and the phone said it was Pete, Marlyn's brother. Shit, now what?

Written by keylime314159
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