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The Mailbox: Part Three

"Leigh can't help but to act on her fantasy with the neighborhood boy, helpless, in her home."

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Kenny felt Leigh’s fingers slip under the waist of his jean shorts, then, almost immediately, the elastic band of his underwear. 
His skin tingled. Her nails nudged the tip of the boy’s erection as she progressed. His shallow breath quickened with a sense of trepidation as he felt the tips of her fingers expanding the waistband; her hands moved out towards his hips. The cool, contrasting, room air rushed in to fill the void created in his pants. 

“What did I just feel down there?” her hot breath huffed.  “Mmmm... are you excited? I’ll bet you’re remembering how you violated my naked pussy with those curious eyes of yours, aren’t you, Kenny boy?" 

His ears burned with the conflicting emotions of both excitement and embarrassment.

"It seems like there’s something you’re eager to show me?” she teased, her body completely worked up over the tempting taboo notion of ravishing this young boy’s manhood.

He had experienced a few make-out sessions with some would-be girlfriends at school, but this was different. His penis had never actually been exposed to a female before, 'much less a MILF like my mom’s friend, Mrs. J,' Kenny thought to himself.

Leigh's artful seduction continued. Her touch made his cock ache and as rigid as he could ever remember. He felt a hand move up his chest, tweaking his nipple, as she blew a stream of her sweet breath into his ear and across the back of his neck. Goosebumps prickled his skin. 

“Ooooh,” she cooed, running the flat of her palm across the front of his jean shorts, seductively, then tracing along the outline of his protruding stiff, inexperienced shaft. 

“It’s okay, Kenny boy," she coaxed, "you can show Ms. Leigh. I’ve kept my eye on you these last few years, watching as you’ve developed into such an attractive young stud. Don’t be bashful. Let your mommy’s girlfriend see just what a big boy you’ve become!” 

Leigh smirked at the naughtiness as she felt her pubes overheat in anticipation. 

The wedding ring on her finger hardly crossed her mind, except when she leveraged its presence to drive his sense of adventure. 

“I think it’s about time that we spring this poor, tortured thing from its cage, don’t you think?”

With that, Leigh quickly unzipped the only thing that separated her from her selfish desire. She crouched behind him, peeling down his shorts and briefs in one swift, continuous motion.

Kenny let his head fall back as his swollen prick was sprung from its confinement. He sensed the vulnerability of his private part as it fell straight out in front of his body like a soldier’s bayonet prepared for battle. 

“That feels better now, doesn’t it?” she said softly, as if to calm his mind. Leigh continued to lewdly taunt the boy with her dirty talk, all the while, stoking her own fire. "This is just what you wanted to do when you were feasting on the sight of my glistening pussy lips, wasn’t it?" 

She could see Kenny was listening to her every reprimand.

She continued in a stern voice, "You had hoped I wouldn’t have heard you, so that you could have stroked off your nice hard cock right there in my foyer; splattering that big, teenaged-sized load of cum all over my floor! You wanted to take that mental picture of my private area home with you, didn't you, Kenny? Just like when you jerked yourself off in bed last night, dreaming about some eighteen-year-old skank, huh?”

Her words came up from behind him to blister his ears. 'How did she know he had jerked off last night?' his thoughts were whirling in his state of disbelief. 

With his mind preoccupied, Leigh loosened the tie to her robe. She swayed her hips slightly, enough to allow for the front of her robe to fall open. Then, eliminating the space between them, she pressed her nakedness up against his back.

Kenny jolted back to the moment as he felt the touch of her warm, soft skin on his; the coarseness of her unshaven bush grazing the cheeks of his tight ass; the sensual caress of her hands down either side of his athlete's hips. His once boyish schlong gyrated from his pelvis with her every advance. His eyes closed as he attempted to compose himself.

'What the hell is going on here?' he cogitated silently. 'Is it possible that Mrs. J wants something more than just the revenge of seeing me naked? WTF?'  

Kenny tensed at the thought of her husband, Tim, walking through the door unexpected; such a disorienting thought worked in concert to add to the precariousness of his predicament. Just then, he noticed the dusk sky of a summer evening taking hold through the sheers that hung in the living room windows. 

Leigh cinched her robe and shifted around in front of the boy. She was unwilling to allow her young-stud-in-training to see her naked again, at least not yet. Kenny peered down as she squatted before him. Her face now just inches away, Leigh's eyes lustfully admired his palpitating penis. She figured it to be about six inches, with a decent girth- the veins that supplied its stamina were pulsating and pronounced.

What she so wanted at this moment was to dive into him and ravishingly run her tongue up the entire underside of his fleshy length. Yet, what drew her attention was the beautiful, purplish, translucent, orbed head that crowned the end of his youthful sex tool.  She could almost imagine the feel of it parting her lips as consumed it; artfully polishing it with her tongue!

Leigh's mouth watered. Her cunt leaked, steadily dripping onto her thighs.

She wondered to herself, 'has the teen had picked up on the scent of my overheated womanhood?'

She could certainly sense it; it was her own titillating, intimate odor for which she was all too familiar.

Having yet to utter a word, Kenny, watched silently as she moved closer to his groin, her sexual flames fanned wildly by his sweaty musk. She pulled back, momentarily, taking notice how his scrotum hung down beneath his erection, pleasingly so.  As she had anticipated, his groin was ungroomed; his teenage scrotum nestling two nicely shaped testicles in its hairy midst. Leigh lustfully licked the inside of her lips. She was certainly about to have her way with this barely legal captive and she was going to enjoy every moment of it. He wasn’t going anywhere, she would see to that!

By this point, Kenny began to wonder what she must be thinking? She hadn’t made a sound and thoughts of inadequacy began to creep into the boy’s mind. 

'Was my penis less than she had expected?' he questioned to himself. 

The boy's insecurities began to have him hoping that she felt she had embarrassed him enough and, perhaps, he could make his escape from this faux pas. She had yet to let on as to how turned-on she’d become surveying what the teenager had to offer. In fact, by this point, she was already pondering how wonderful it would be to sleep next to such a muscular, young male body; his fertile seed freshly deposited deep into her mature womb.

Leigh stood up straight, not unlike her brand new boy toy's cock. She moved back behind him and placed her hands on his bare shoulders, giving each a passionately gentle massage as she moved in closely, speaking softly in his ear.

Kenny had stood before her naked as she inspected his package. At times, he reflected, she had been only inches from touching his penis. Now, as he felt her gentle touch on his shoulders, and couldn’t help but wonder what she was thinking? 

She spoke to him in soothing tones. “I’ll bet your penis feels wonderful,” pausing for but a moment, “when you curl your fingers around it tightly and beat it just right, huh, Kenny? That big, long hot tool; it’s purple head pulsating in your grip?”

He closed his eyes, his body exposed, as his mind drank in the sensuality of her sultry voice. His cock, completely unhampered, jutted out before him in the living room of one of his mom's best friends. 

Leigh reached into the pocket of her robe and pulled from it a small bottle of lube.

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Then, still standing behind me, she disrobed completely. His frame quivered slightly as he felt what he thought must be her set of unyielding nipples tantalizing the skin on his back as she drew herself into him. 

“Now we’re both completely naked,” she said in a comforting manner, “you don't think stumbling home trying to hide that glaring erection from your parents is a good idea, do you?”

Kenny speechlessly nodded his tacit agreement. 

“Give me your hand,” she demanded sternly, yet with a glint of playfulness in her eye.

She grabbed hold of his right forearm indicating her choice of the two. With that, she pooled a generous amount of lube into his palm.

Leight whispered, “Show me, sweetheart. Show me how you like to play with yourself when you're positive no one is around!  Show me the way you stroke that beautiful hard-on to make it feel just right. Except for this time - someone will be watching you, won’t she?” She said, referring to herself in the third person.

She didn't hesitate in continuing her corruptive advances on her friend's teenage son.

 “Someone will be hearing your whimpering moans as you churn up a fresh batch of that thick, white, teenage cum. Someone will be right here, so you be extra careful not to disappoint her, because you wouldn’t want to do that now, would you?”

Leigh took her cell phone in hand and snapped two quick pics of Kenny standing aroused in her living room and, then, with a sadistic grin, she hovered the screenshot in front of his face, beginning to lay out the blackmail portion of her scheme. 

“Would your mommy like to see these pics, Kenny? Shall I text them to Danielle right now, or are you going to do what you’re told?”

His complexion went completely pale as the blood instinctually drained from his face. His eyes darted down to the sight of his full blown erection, then quickly back to the picture she taunted him with on her phone. Kenny attempted to turn his head to make eye contact with her, in protest, but she snapped at him before he could do so. 

“Now get busy! Take that hand and let me see you slather that tortured pecker for your mommy's friend."

She paused but a second before raising her voice, "Do it" 

The boy was dumbstruck. He felt as if the moment he laid a finger on his cock, his semen might just shoot across the room. 
She had driven him to a point he’d never come close to experiencing on his own, and he felt helpless in resisting her demands, even if it meant he exploded prematurely, in front of her.

He took his hand and cautiously moved it toward his shaft. 

“Wait!” Leigh stopped him, just a fraction prior to he grasped his erection.

“Spread those hard-working legs of yours," she instructed, as she used her foot to space them as she wanted.

Bending down, Leigh peered through his thighs and past his taut teen ass, zeroing in on the fiery-looking, sagging scrotum that hung down below his cock. She took her right hand, moist with lube, and cupped his balls, squeezing them firmly, and bouncing his sack in the palm of her hand. 

As she gently manipulated his testicles in her slender fingers, from behind, she planted her left hand on his shoulder. Kenny released a loud, almost uncontrolled moan.

”Now,” she paused, “very slowly start jacking that dick for your Ms. Leigh. She wants to learn just how you like it. Show her.”

Kenny didn't waste a second wrapping his hand around the full circumference of his circumcised shaft. Just as instructed, he began to pump his cock - slowly, as his seductress had requested. Each stroke sent tingling ripples of pleasure up and down his pole.

Leigh stuck to her supporting role and continued to knead his balls, further agitating the churning molt of youthful sperm that he was preparing to present to her.

The images in Kenny’s conflicted young mind oscillated between flashes of Leigh’s seldom manicured bush, and the disapproving face of his mother, Danielle.  Leigh's threat to send those naked pictures to his mom had him thinking that he better do exactly as he was told. He continued to masturbate his cock for his sexy MILF captor. Straining to control himself did little to stop the biological response for which his young body was preparing; he gripped his cock tighter and quickened the pace of his stroke. 

Leigh vaulted to her toes, briefly nipping at his left earlobe before she raised the bar.

 “Next time we do this I’m going to show you a special trick that I’ll bet you don’t know about," she teased.

Kenny’s breathing was halting as he felt his orgasm building to the point of concern.

 “But for right now, I'll play the role of your mommy, and you know mommy doesn’t want you getting that nasty goo all over her vacuumed carpet, so you just let me handle things!”

 She came back to her feet and quickly around to kneel in front of him.

She vocalized her demands, “I’ll take it from here, big boy!” as she nudged his hand aside and curled her fingers around his slathered member. “You just let it all out!  Ms. Leigh will take care of the big mess you’re going to make. Don't hold it back, Kenny, Ms. Leigh knows you need to just let this stiff, swollen cock to explode. Give it to me!"  

Her hands squeezed his shaft as she stroked. Her her soft lips enveloped the engorged head of his penis as she slipped slightly over the tip and deliberately jerked him with a firmer motion.

It was all more than the boy could possibly handle. Kenny groaned so loudly that Leigh feared, for an instant, someone might potentially hear their illicit fun from the front sidewalk! At this point, however, neither could have cared less. Kenny’s balls contracted up into his body, and his legs trembled in sheer ecstasy, as the surging stream of semen coursed up along the underside of his pole, blasting past the engulfed tip of his cock - spurting furiously into her wanting mouth!

He looked down wide-eyed at her face. He watched her insatiable facial expressions as his body convulsed uncontrollably, offering up six, perhaps even seven lashes of his dense, volcanic white batter. Kenny intently tried to focus as she struggled to gulp down his initial offering, moments before his penis lurched toward her open lips, and without invitation, spewed a several more ropes of seed onto her tongue; splashing her teeth and coating her lips.

Leigh’s eyes rolled back into her head as she accepted every drop! She felt the overflow that only a boy this age could create, flooding her mouth and seeping out both sides as she struggled to keep pace. The erotic taste of his salty fluid tingled on her taste buds as she gulped. It felt to Leigh like a moment caught in time, as her first experience with one of Kenny’s ejaculations tapered to an end; the spasms in his penis subsiding. 

Rolling back on her haunches, she sucked the last drops from the tip of his cock. She released his fleshy probe from her mouth and gasped for air.

The adolescent spice of his seed filled the room. Kenny looked down at his mom's bestie in a sort of tantric-like trance. His youthful body was completely drained of the sexual energy that had plagued him for the past hour. Leigh swiped the remaining driblets of cum from her chin, seductively licking it from the tips of her fingers as she stood, drawing herself inches from his face. 

“That’s my boy,” she exclaimed, curling her arm behind his head, drawing him towards her open mouth. Her tongue darted past his lips to provide him an unsolicited taste of his own sex.

'The end of Act One,' she thought, as the torrid scene replayed itself behind her closed eyelids. Their passionate kiss sealed her fantasy realized.  

Written by BeachCritter
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