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The Hotel - Chapter 2 - Something Changed

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Author's Notes

""When we woke up that morning we had no way of knowing That in a matter of hours we'd change the way we were going" Jarvis Cocker"

“Good afternoon, Sir, how may I help you?”

Paul stood in the middle of the hotel foyer looking around him, almost as if he was lost.

“Err, yes, I was supposed to be meeting the rest of my group for a function here tonight, but…”

The receptionist interrupted him, “are you with the Cuore party?”

“Yes, are they already here?”

“They are, sir, they are currently in the bar area I believe.”

“Thank you I will go and let them know I am here.”

Paul walked towards the bar area, glancing briefly to take in the sleek curves of the young and rather pretty receptionist as she returned to her post behind the desk.  He admired her long legs which were clad in sheer black tights and the tight black pencil skirt.  He wondered if he could chat to her later and find out more about her, although looking like she did he suspected she was already in a relationship, but it might still be worth trying after all she looked to be roughly around his age.

Walking into the bar he heard a yell of delight.

“Happy Birthday, Paul.”

Rushing towards him was Jennifer or Jen for short who was his boss’s wife but since he had started working for the company at the age of 18 she had pretty much taken him under her wing and treated him like the son she had never had.  She was dressed in a knee-length skirt and a baggy woollen jumper the hairs of which tickled his face and nose as she gave him a kiss on the cheek and a big smothering hug.

Paul felt a big slap on his back as a voice boomed in his ear, “Paul, my lad, happy birthday.”

Breaking free of Jen's hug Paul turned to face his boss, Pete.

“Listen, I know that this is your twenty-first birthday and it happens to fall on the work's Christmas party but there has been a bit of a mix-up.”

“What has happened?” Paul asked with a hint of trepidation in his voice.

“The hotel is claiming that they don’t have all our bookings despite me booking them personally.  I booked three rooms, one for me and Pete and then two single rooms, one each for you and my sister.” Jen explained.

“Your sister?” Paul looked puzzled.

“Oh, did Pete not tell you?  Sarah, that is my sister, has come for a visit and so we thought we would invite her along to the party.”

“So, I take it we are getting taxis at the end of the night then and all heading home?”

Jen looked at Pete and then at Paul, “Well not necessarily, when I said they had lost the booking they said they could give us two rooms, which we have taken.  Sarah has said she is happy to share the room with you if you want, we have already checked the room out and it does have one of those sofas which you can take the cushions off and it becomes a single bed, would you be ok with that?”

Paul thought about it for a second or two, the first thing to flash through his mind was, if this Sarah is hot then, of course, he wouldn’t mind but that was hardly something he could say out loud.

“Erm no I guess not, should I not meet Sarah first, once she sees me, she might change her mind.”

Jen laughed, “Oh, I have told her you are a sweet young thing and that she is quite safe with you.  She is up in the room just at the moment, but we told her to come down to the bar, she should be here anytime now.”

Paul and everybody else looked towards the bar entrance just as a young woman walked in wearing jeans, some high heels and a plain white t-shirt.

“Here she is,” said Jen waving the woman over.

“Sarah, I would like to introduce you to your roommate for the night, this is Paul.  Paul this is Sarah.”

Paul smiled awkwardly, “erm, hello.  Listen if you want, I can always get a taxi and go home at the end of the evening if you want.  You don’t have to share a room with a strange guy who you have only just met.”

Sarah shook her head causing her blonde hair to flick over her shoulder, “No, no it is fine, I offered and if Jen trust you then so do I.”

“Good, well that is all settled then,” said Jen almost clapping her hand, “Sarah why don’t you give Paul your key so that he can take his bag up to the room?”

Sarah handed Paul the key card and he went to the room, walking through reception he glanced quickly at the beautiful receptionist, but she was busy looking at her computer and didn’t acknowledge his presence.

Entering the room, he noticed that Sarah had pretty much claimed all the free space, “Good job I am a bloke and don’t have much,” he muttered as he hung up his trousers and shirt for the evening and placed his wash bag at the side of the sink in the ensuite bathroom.

Looking at his watch he realised that there were about two and a half hours before the start of the company Christmas party.  Quickly doing the maths he decided to jump in the shower and get ready now so that he could get out of the room and allow Sarah plenty of time to do whatever woman did that took them forever to get ready on nights out.

Half an hour later Paul was dressed in his one pair of decent trousers he owned and a blue shirt.  Wandering back toward the bar he bumped into Sarah coming the other way.

“Oh, there you are I was just coming to find you.”

Paul grinned and handed her the room card, “The room is all yours, I took the opportunity to get ready whilst I was in there, thought you might appreciate the time.”

“Oh, aren’t you sweet that is very considerate of you.  Happy birthday by the way Jen said you are twenty-one today.  I remember my twenty-first, such a fun age to be.”

Paul looked at her puzzled, “what do you mean, you can’t be much older than me, you make it sound like it was ages ago.”

“You really know how to make a girl feel good,” Sarah laughed, “my twenty-first was six years ago I will have you know, I am actually twenty-seven.”

“Never, I would have said you were no older than twenty-three, possibly twenty-four.”

“If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought you were trying to get in my knickers with talk like that.”

“What, no, I never meant…..”  Paul spluttered, turning bright red and suddenly feeling very hot.

Sarah burst out laughing, “I was pulling your leg, but thanks for the compliment and you never know keep paying me compliments like that and I might just be putty in your hands tonight.”

Leaving Paul standing there, she turned and headed off towards their room for the evening.

Paul walked slowly to the bar and grabbed himself a drink, taking it to a booth where he sat browsing his phone waiting for everybody else to get ready.  Whilst he was looking at the phone, he was not actually looking at the screen, his mind was on Sarah.  Had she been serious with that last comment?  She was pretty hot looking, she had a very beautiful face with lovely big eyes and long lashes, obviously false eyelashes but all women wore them these days.  From what he had seen of her body she clearly worked out and was fit and toned, then there were the legs.  Paul had a serious love of long legs and Sarah’s had definitely been long and on top of that, she had been wearing some seriously high heels another love of his.  Having said all that what would she see in him, she had referred to his age a couple of times, so she obviously considered him to be far too young for her and probably inexperienced.


He thought about his experience, yes, he had, had a few girlfriends and a couple of one-night stands since he had lost his virginity at the age of eighteen but still, surely, she would want a man with more experience and besides she probably had a boyfriend already, no woman looking like her was not going to have a string of guys vying for her attention.  Perhaps that was what she was into, perhaps she like to tease and lead guys on.  All this was whirling through his mind when he was snapped out of his deep thinking by a shout from across the bar.

“Paul, what you are having?”

Looking up he saw Pete and a couple of other work colleagues standing at the bar.  He shook his head, holding up his glass to show that it was still fairly full.

Pete bought his drink and walked over and took a seat next to him.

“Just wait for the women to join us now shall we,”

Paul nodded and smiled weakly, he was still thinking about Sarah and her last comment to him.  Deciding to just forget all about it, he put his phone away and for the remaining time until they were joined by Sarah and Jen they talked about random stuff.

The conversation ceased when Jen and Sarah walked into the bar.  Jen was dressed in a knee-length short-sleeved black dress with either stocking or tights on and some medium heels.  Her hair was curled up and posed on her head which complimented her makeup which was subtle with soft smoky eyes and deep blush making her look young and sexy.  Paul looked at Jen and had to remain himself that she was 36 and had been like a mother to him in the last three years.

Turning his attention to Sarah, his breath was truly taken away.  Sarah was wearing a stunning long blue dress which shimmered as she walked across the floor in front of the bar.  The colour was not what first caught his eye, however, it was the long split in the dress that ran the whole length of the dress stopping just below her waist allowing a really good look at her long, sleek legs.  She had on some beautiful blue very high heel shoes on her feet, which she was clearly comfortable walking in as she appeared to glide across the bar towards them.  Her makeup was immaculate and gave her a smouldering and sexy vibe, whilst her golden blonde hair was loose in curls flowing down one side of her head covering one shoulder.

Pete stood up so following his cue Paul stood as well.

“You two look absolutely stunning,” Pete said.

Paul didn’t say anything but stared at Sarah.

She smiled at him, “Cat got your tongue?”

“Erm, you look nice,” was all he could mumble.

Jen threw her hands up in the air, “nice, nice, is that the best you can do, Paul?”

Feeling a bit shaken and feeling himself going very red, Paul looked at the ground and took a deep breath, “Ok, ok, perhaps I was underselling it, you both look wonderful.”

“Better, now have we got time for a drink or do we go straight to the function room.”

“Well, I believe there are free drinks, to begin with at the party so let's head on up and get this party started,” laughed Pete.


The Party went on well into the night.  To begin with, Paul had a few drinks and sat chatting with Pete and a few work colleagues who approached their table to say hi.  After they had all had their fill of the buffet meal which had been provided, the DJ started to play and both Jen and Sarah dragged a reluctant Paul up onto the dance floor numerous times throughout the night.

Eventually, as Sarah and Paul danced for the last time the DJ announced that the night was coming to an end and proceeded to play a slow song to round off the night.  Paul stopped his awkward shuffling and looked around him, all the other couples around them had gotten into close holds and were slowly circling around them.

He looked at Sarah who held out her hand which he took.  Sarah stepped in and he put his other hand on her waist, he was careful to ensure there was a gap between them both as they slowly danced around in a circle.  Sarah closed the gap and put her head on his shoulder.

“I think I am a bit squiffy.” She murmured.

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“You’re what?”

“Squiffy, tipsy,” she repeated raising her head and looking at him.  Seeing his puzzled look, “a little drunk, alright?” she clarified.

“Oh right, you going to be ok tonight you’re not going to be sick, are you?”

“No, but I am feeling tired, will you take me to bed,” she giggled at that comment, “not to bed, but take me to our room, no that still sounds bad.”

“I know what you mean, ok, I will ensure you get back to our room safely, come on let’s go and sit down for a bit.”

Breaking the hold Paul led Sarah back to the table and pulled out a chair which she sat down heavily on.

“Bloody hell sis you nearly broke that chair sitting down.”

“You calling me fat?”

“No way are you fat, but you are clearly drunk, how much have you had to drink?”

“No idea, three or four max, Paul, Paul you going to take me to bed,” Sarah giggled as she said that last bit.

Paul held out his hand which Sarah happily took, and he pulled her to her feet, “come on let’s get you back to the room shall we.”

Jen looked at Paul, “look after her, make sure she drinks some water before going to sleep, I imagine she is going to have a bad hangover in the morning.”

Leaving the party Paul slowly guided Sarah up to the room where she dropped onto the bed.

“Come on Sarah go and clean your teeth and do whatever else you want to do in the bathroom then you can get ready and into bed whilst I clean my teeth.”

Sarah stood up and steadied herself before walking to the bathroom.  Paul heard the toilet flush, and the sound of teeth being cleaned before the room was bathed in light as Sarah open the door and walked out dressed only in only her bra and knickers.

Trying not to look Paul went into the bathroom and cleaned his teeth.  Returning to the bedroom he noticed that Sarah was already lying on her side underneath the covers.  He quickly stripped down to his boxers and then realised that he had forgotten to get out the spare sheet and blankets to make up the bed.  Not wishing to put the light on he made his way carefully over to the wardrobes and slid the door open before fumbling around trying to find the bedding.

“Paul what are you doing?” asked Sarah.

“Getting some bedding out,” whispered Paul.

“Oh ok,” Sarah replied, there was a long pause, “why don’t you get into this bed?”

“You sure?”

“Yes, try and stay on your side of the bed though.”

“Ok,” Paul whispered, he carefully made his way back across the room and slid under the covers, “and Sarah, thanks.”

“You’re welcome,” murmured Sarah.


Paul woke suddenly in the darkened room, it took him a moment, before he realised where he was and that what had woken him up was Sarah who had shuffled over and was now cuddling up to him, he could feel her breath on his neck. 

He lay there unsure what he should do, should he wake her up and ask her to return to her own side or just leave it after all he quite liked having this beauty snuggling up to him.  He decided to leave her be, after all, if she said anything in the morning, he would point out that it was her who had broken the rules and strayed over onto his side of the bed.

As he lay there Sarah rolled over pulling his arm into her as she did, so that he had to roll with her.  They were now lying in a spoon position with Sarah’s bum pushed into his crotch.  Paul’s arm was underneath her and then wrapped around so that it rested on her shoulder. 

Feeling his arm starting to go dead he moved it from her shoulder and down in front of her brushing across her breast as he did.  

Wait a minute she had no bra on, he thought.  When did she remove that, she had it on when he went to the bathroom so she must have removed it whilst he was in there.  Sarah shuffled a bit as she slept and pushed back onto him even more.

Paul could feel her soft smooth legs against his and started to feel his cock grow within his boxers.  His mind was racing, should he stay like this, he couldn’t deny it he was enjoying it and would love to take things further, but this was his boss’s sister-in-law and she had been drunk when they came back to the room, he couldn’t take advantage of her.

Whilst he was thinking all this Sarah moved again ever so slightly and he found that his hand was now touching her left breast.  Without thinking about it he started to gently and ever so softly stroke her nipple with his fingers, brushing across it gently and then rolling it between his fingers, feeling it harden as he did so.

Sarah’s breathing changed and he stopped thinking that she was waking up but after a minute or two her breathing settled back into a steady rhythm and Paul resumed his gentle caress.

Paul knew he should stop and was just wondering how he should extract his hand from underneath her when Sarah pushed back with her bottom and started to ever so slightly rub it up and down his crotch.

Paul felt himself hardening under the slow onslaught, any doubts he had about whether she was aware of what she was doing were suddenly expelled when she spoke.

“Somebody feels like they are enjoying this?” she announced as her hand moved behind her to rub his cock through his boxer shorts.

“Err, do you want me to move,” He asked with a slight hint of disappointment in his voice.

There was a long pause before Sarah rolled over to face him, “no but this should be a one-time thing, OK?”

Paul grunted an agreement as Sarah rolled back over and pushed her bum back into his crotch.

“Now where were we?” Sarah giggled, “I think we were like this, you can play with my tits if you want.”

Doing as he was told Paul slowly started to massage her boobs, hearing her breathing become a bit laboured.  Eventually, he felt brave enough to take the next step and he moved his top hand down her body seeking the top of her knickers.  Sliding his fingers underneath the elastic he felt a small strip of pubic hair before finding the slick and smooth folds of her slit.  He ran his finger down and back up the full length of her lips and felt Sarah shudder as he did so.  Slipping his finger inside he slowly pushed it in and out a few times before withdrawing and moving it up to her mouth and letting her taste herself on his fingers.

He returned his fingers to her pussy and slowly finger fucked her pushing a second digit inside to join the first.  Sarah was now gyrating her hips following his fingers trying to keep them deep inside her. Keeping his fingers inside her he pulled her onto her back and kissed her.  Sarah returned his kiss their tongues twirling around one another until she broke the kiss suddenly.

“Right there, don’t stop, keep going, oh my God I am going to cum,” she squealed before taking a deep intake of breath and arching her back.

“Breathe Sarah, breathe,” Paul repeated feeling rather pleased with himself feeling sure that was the first time he had ever made a woman orgasm and he had to admit it felt good. 

“Wow, that was fantastic,” said Sarah breathlessly.

“Well let’s see if I can make it even better,” said Paul who was feeling very cocky now as he kissed her quickly on the lips before doing short, quick kisses all over her body as he slowly worked his way down towards the promised land.  He kissed the little tuft of hair above her pussy, breathing in deeply the smell of arousal emanating from her.  He planted two kisses on either side of her lips before taking a long wide lick up the entire length, flicking his tongue across her clit when he reached the top.  He continued to lick and nibble around the clit feeling Sarah start to tremble and moan as he continued his assault on her sensitive area.

Clamping her legs together, Sarah let out a howl and he felt her juice flow from her pussy covering his face as he tried to lap up her nectar.

Climbing up the bed Sarah licked his face tasting herself on his lips, “hmmm I taste good.”

“You certainly do,” responded Paul

Paul was between her legs, his cock brushing against her pussy as they kissed, and Sarah licked him.

Putting her hand down between them she grabbed hold of his cock and angled it against her hole, they looked into each other’s eyes.

“You sure?” asked Paul who secretly was hoping that she didn’t back out now.

“Quite sure, but it’s a one-time-only thing, ok?”

Paul nodded and pushed his hips forward, splitting her pussy lips and slowly entering her.

Sarah’s eyes fluttered and then closed as her head rolled back and she moaned quietly.

Paul started to rock backwards and forwards withdrawing his cock right to the tip before plunging it back into her.

Sarah fell back completely on the bed her arms out to the side gripping the sheets tight with her hands.

“Oh yes, just like that, keep going.”

Encouraged by her words Paul speeded up using shorter and shorter thrusts until he was almost hammering into her.

Sarah was now moaning and rolling her head from side to side, her eyes tightly shut.

“Oh god, this is perfect, that’s it, that’s it, keep going, I’m, I’m, I’m.”

She didn’t finish the sentence as she suddenly thrust her hips upwards, arching her back again as she came with a rush. 

Flopping back to the bed she opened her eyes.

“Fucking hell, how are you doing this?”

“Doing what?” asked Paul genuinely confused.

“Three times, I have cum three times, I have only ever normally orgasm once during sex yet somehow you have given me three and you are still hard.”

Paul was still inside her but was no longer moving.

“Well, I am not going to deny I was struggling to hold back just then when you came.”

“Brilliant,” whispered Sarah and she pushed him over and mounted him quickly, “let’s try for number four.”

Sarah started to rock back and forth, grinding her pussy into his pelvis, working herself closer and closer to another orgasm.  With a shrill yell, she came, and Paul felt her juices gush out of her, all over him, soaking into the mattress.

“Wow, I am well and truly fucked,” she looked down at him and kissed his mouth quickly, “you haven’t cum yet, have you?”

Paul shook his head.

Sarah grabbed his shoulders and rolled over onto her back pulling him with her.  Immediately she was on her back Paul put his hand on either side of her and started to pound away long deep and hard strokes.  Sarah was moaning loudly with each stroke, her eyes were closed, and her hands were clawing at his chest.

“That’s it fuck me hard, give it to me, own me, oh my God, I think I am going to cum, going to cum, going to cum.”  Sarah kept repeating that last line as Paul exploded inside her thrusting his cum deep into her.

Pausing for a second, he tried to get his breath before slowly lowering himself down to lie on top of her with his head to one side of her.

“Jesus, that was intense, I’m sorry I couldn’t hold on, it is alright isn’t it.”

Sarah stroked his head, “Yes I am on the pill and believe me I have just had more orgasms in one session than I think I have ever had in my whole life you are forgiven.”

Paul fell off Sarah to one side and then pulled her towards him so they could cuddle.

“What are we telling everybody else in the morning?” he asked.

“Absolutely nothing, it is none of their business, we just tell them you slept on the couch bed.”

Paul lay there for a while before murmuring, “Sarah, I know you said it was a one-time thing, but do you fancy going out tomorrow for dinner? “

Sarah smiled to herself, “Yes, I think I would like that, now let’s get some sleep and perhaps we might do it again in the morning, just a one-time thing remember.”

Written by cethpada
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