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The Holistic Approach

"A psychiatrist knows just the treatment for her new, young male patient."

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I waited in line as I had many times before. The scene was typical of the waiting room, gloomy people all starring at their phones or the floor, waiting for their names to be called. At one point, I was just like them, but over time, I mended my fences and found my way back to who I am, not what life circumstances had turned me into. The line moved quick, and as it was my turn to check-in, I chatted with the beautiful receptionist that I had a secret little crush on. We exchanged the same formalities as usual, and I was soon sitting in a chair amongst the crowd, awaiting my name to be called.


“Yep!” I said as I raised my hand.

“Hi! Right this way!” she said through the same friendly, welcoming smile almost every healthcare professional gives upon greeting a patient.

As we made it into her office, she showed me which chair to sit in before taking a seat in her own.

“This appointment will be longer than the average, since it's our first meeting. All others from here on out shouldn't be more than fifteen minutes or so, unless I see a need for more. Which all depends on you. Want to switch a med, up a dose, lower a dose, and things of the like. I'm sure you know all of this already, as I see that you're not new here, just a new patient of mine. So, what made you want to switch?”

“Long story short, he's a commission based guy. Or that's how he comes across to me, and that's not what I need. Inevitably, we found something that worked, but honestly, I just couldn't take his attitude towards it all. I'm a person, my concerns are genuine; I'm not a dollar sign.”

“What makes you feel that way?”

“Whatever med was on TV, that's what he was prescribing. No matter the issue I had with any of them, he always wanted me to keep taking them, etc., and though I'm probably not going to be a patient of yours long, I need someone who's concerned more for my well-being, than how big of a check they can make for themselves.”

“Well, I can assure that he isn't like that, but since you feel that way, I can understand the desire to change it up. So you know, I'm not like that, so don't worry. Why do you think that you won't be a patient of mine for long?”

“Because I've done all that I've needed to. As long as you can help me transition off of them smoothly, this shouldn't take any longer than it takes to do so. Then a few check up appointments from there to make sure I don't need to get back on one. If all is well, then I'd no longer need a med doc.”

“I see. I'm glad to hear that we've been able to help you, and hope that I can help you top off your treatment plan. As you may know, I'm going to have to ask you some basic questions to put on file before we begin, are you okay with that?


“Great. Then let's begin.”

At first, it all felt so routine. The same check list of questions that feel like if anyone answered “yes” to half of them, they'd call for transport to the loony-bin. Once those were all done, she moved on to questions she had devised upon reading my file and notes. Asking me questions about memories and experiences from my past, and that's where things took a twist.

Depending on the question, and the answer I gave her, she'd respond with something like “You might have flown under the radar there because of how attractive you are.” or, “Because you're so attractive, they might not have picked up on how distressed you were.” After a few times of that, I became suspicious. It was rather odd, as that had never happened to me before: someone using their perception of my physical appearance as a reason as to why my behavior was never called to question. Although interesting, I was beginning to get frustrated.

“So, now that we've plowed through that, how is your libido?”

“Excuse me?”

“Earlier, you mentioned that the meds that worked, 'destroyed' your libido, and that since then, you've been weening off of them. Has your libido been returning?”

“To an extent, maybe? I mean, it's not raging like puberty, but it's there. Haven't really tested it, or had the ability to, to be quite honest.”

“Okay. We'll check back up on that next visit, if that's ok with you?”

“Yeah. That's fine.”

The session continued. She made a few more remarks about me being “attractive”, and as the session came to a close, she brought up my libido one more time.

“You should try and get yourself out there. Go to a bar or a club, and see if your body responds appropriately to any possible stimulation. It'll help give insight into how your body is responding to the lower dose that you're on, or if it had anything to do with the medication to begin with.”

I told her that I'd think about it, and she proceeded to encourage me. Telling me that sexuality is a beautiful part of life, and that it's a necessity of being healthy both physically and mentally. I agreed with her on that, but found it odd that she seemed hung up on it. Trying not to pay it much mind, I made my way to the door, and told her that I'd make an appointment a month out, and I'd see her then.

As I left, my mind raced. Feeling like I was being hit on by my med doc was weird. There's something so non-sexual about it all, that it would never cross my mind naturally. Thinking back on it while I was at the gym, she was attractive. I remembered that she seemed to be stacked under her ruffled blouse, and how her outfit looked good on her. Being a man, I figured that even if she was like the other guy, at least she was sexy. If she dressed just as nice each time we met, there would be generous eye candy. Which wouldn't be a bad thing.

A month had passed, and it was time for our next visit. I waited in line like every time before. Once again, peering around at all the sad faces, reminding me of how far I had come, when I heard my name.

“Nathan. You can slide right in! I'll let them know you're here.”

I looked towards the window, and the ladies smiled and waved me along. This was probably the shortest amount of time I had ever spent in the waiting room. It was nice. Almost like I was one of few people in a “VIP” program. Leaving the line, I walked right through the door way behind her, and entered the room.

She wore a skin-tight, navy blue dress, with one of those useless belts wrapped around her mid section, as if she needed more definition of her voluminous chest. This time, I caught a peek of her ass. The definition was unbelievable. I could see her bra straps meet in the back, but there were no visible signs of panties, or anything below the waist. My mind raced, “Is there, or is there not any panties under that dress?” I thought to myself. Women are sneaky that way. I had heard of the term “VPL” before, and her lack of a visible panty line caused a delectable debate in my mind.

“So, did you do as I asked?”


“Going out?”

“Uh, yes. Yes I did. But it was not a success.”

“How come?”

“Maybe there weren't enough women? Nothing seemed enticing.”

“Where did you go?”

“A local bar.”

“Hm. Well, maybe I should have suggested a club only. Bars are really hit or miss, but a dance club on a Friday and Saturday night should be a sure thing.”

“Not a fan of them.”

“Really? You'd be a hit! You should totally rethink that.”

“Yeah? How so?”

“You're fit, and very attractive. Here's what you should do. Pick up some fitted dress pants, a nice fitted button up, and go stand by the bar. Get yourself a drink, and face the dance floor. Maybe sway in place a little, with a smile. Look as though you want to get on that dance floor, but are obviously alone. Either a woman in the same position will approach you, or find a woman who appears to be by herself, and ask her if she'd like to dance. I guarantee that as long as you don't have the two biggest left feet in the place, you'll pick-up.”

“Wow! That's quite a game plan. Have you been giving this some thought?”

“Well, no. I guess in a way, that's what I do when I'm in the mood.” she said, a little caught off guard.

“Okay. So, where do you go then? I mean, if you have a place that you go to more than others, it might be because it's a better club to go to, than one I may find at random. I wouldn't even know where to go.”

“Hm. Maybe I'll tell you at some point. For now, just pick somewhere and go. Maybe it'll work out, maybe not. Maybe I'll see you there, maybe not.”

There was a minute of thick silence before she got back to business.

“Have you tested it out in any other fashion?”

“Tested what?”

“Your libido.”


“Okay. Then how have you felt since our first meeting?”

“Good. I feel as though lowering the dose is a good thing. Almost like I'm beginning to wake up. Which is nice.”

“You do seem a bit perkier this time. More comfortable for sure, but there's something a little different.”

“I agree. It's getting there.” I asked her, as she seemed lost in thought.

“What's getting there?” she asked with a quick flick of her eyes down, then up, snapping back from thought.

“Like my personality is rushing back in, and filling up again.”

There was a look on her face as if she was lost almost. Then she regained composure, and continued on.

“That's excellent! So, we'll continue this next time, seeing as our time is almost up. No changes need to be made now, so we'll see how things are going next time. Please, try the dance club idea. It'll either provide you with insight as to whether or not your libido is returning, or at the very least, provide you with a story to tell. So much goes on there, it can be rather comical.”

“Fair enough.”

Soon, I was on my way. I'm sure she had caught me peeking at her chest at least once. For our second appointment, things seemed to be getting ramped up rather quickly. The room was much thicker this time. She may have picked up on my wandering eyes, which could have provoked those moments of her seeming lost. Feeling like maybe I had ruffled her feathers by asking where she went, and almost asking her if she wanted to help me out. Not that it seemed to bother her, nor did it bother me. I actually enjoyed this dynamic, which had me thinking, “Should I switch my primary to a woman as well? They do physicals.” I laughed to myself, knowing how foolish it was. I knew this was an odd occurrence, and quickly got my head grounded. Once I got to the gym, it was all business as usual. Cardio, upper body, swimming pool, then the hot tub.

Time passed slowly, as excitement towards my next appointment clung to the days leading up to it. I walked in, and got in line. Again, there was no waiting. She came out and called me in before I even got to the window. I knew she was enjoying our visits as much as I was, because she wore another tight dress. This one was white. Instead of a belt, she wore what looked like a thin black robe, obviously more geared towards a casual setting than lounging. As I entered the room and closed the door, she took off the robe.

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This dress was slightly transparent, and I could see the white bra she had on underneath. It must have been one of those thin bras without padding because her hard nipples were defined through her a dress. I could also see the white, lacy thong she was wearing, and it became clear to me as to why she had worn that black thing over it. When she had it on, her outfit was nice, but incognito. When she took it off, every man in that office would have stopped dead in their tracks and admired her. What was I getting myself into?

“So, did you go?”





“The whole thing seems a bit much. You may feel comfortable with it all, but the idea of it gets me all unsettled.”

“The dancing part? Or are you worried about your game?”

“My game?”

“Yeah. Are you worried that if a fish were to start tugging on your pole, that you wouldn't be able to reel it in?”

“Well, if a fish were to tug on my pole, I wouldn't necessarily be worried about 'game', would I? I'd assume that the fish and I, were past that point.”

“That could happen. I've seen it happen a lot actually. Once some of these women get a few drinks in them, they aren't very coy. They can get rather touchy if they are into a man.”

“Yeah? How so?”

“They'll start by dancing at a distance. If they are enjoying themselves, they may stop for a drink, which is an opportunity for you to buy it for them, and let them know you're interested. Then they'll dance really close to you, maybe even grind with you a bit. Then it's time for another drink. If they want you by this point, the next time you start dancing with them, they'll turn around and push themselves against you. If you're excited, they'll know. Then they'll do a little dip. As they're on their way back up, a hand might slide behind them, so they can get a more hands on feel to make sure you're really into them, and to make sure they'll be satisfied. If so, you won't be at the club much longer.”

“Is this what most women do at a club? Or?”

“Or what?”

“Is that what you do?”

“Both.” she said after a moment of hesitation.

“Even still, you'd have a lot to look at. That is also a way to see if your libido has recovered.”

“I do notice women. If she's wearing something nice and I find her to be attractive, I'll certainly look. I am a man after all.”

“So, if there was a woman in front of you right now, and you found her attractive, you'd look?”

“Without question,” I boldly stated as I checked her out.

“Then it may seem as though it's coming back. I'll schedule you for a month from now, but I'll make it a longer appointment. Once again, I give you the same task. If you still don't go, I'll have to find a way to get your motivation up, by getting right to the meat, and see if we can get those juices flowing. Okay? See you then?”

What a note to leave on. I left there, and skipped the gym. As soon as I got home, I went into my room, and dropped my pants. My balls were in pain, and the only way to get them to relax were to empty them. I hadn't been this turned on in almost six months, and god, was she toying with me. It seemed like every visit, her sex appeal got stronger and stronger. Almost like she was doing a form of what she did at the club. Let's be real, she was totally telling me how she found a man at the club, and as she described it, I could only imagine her coming up to me, and doing that. Now I wanted her to press herself against me in that white dress. Doing that dip, and her hand wrapping around me. My hand sliding up the front of her, and grabbing as much of her breasts as I could fit into my hand. That familiar tension and warmth were beginning to wash over me. I grasped at the computer chair so I didn't fall over, as I grunted and came all over the back of it. I was happy that I went with the leather chair now. Easy clean up.

It almost felt like I was living for these appointments now, like I was addicted to them, and they were a drug. Whether or not anything ever happened, I probably would have enjoyed it all the same, and as the remind went off on my phone that morning, I was ready to go get my fix. As I rounded the corner, there she was. Standing outside the office building door, leaning against the wall.

“No need to wait in line today, you can just follow me in Nathan.”

“You know, I'm getting rather used to this. It's nice. Like I'm a 'VIP'.”

“Well, you aren't my average client. I hope I've been able to show you that so far.”she said as she stood at the door before opening it.

“You have, and you're certainly nothing like the guy I use to see. Not just in capabilities, but you're much more attractive. Much better to look at!”

“I've noticed that you have enjoyed my presence. Especially last visit. You seemed to become, um, rather happy at one point,” she teased as she opened the door, and waited for me to walk in.

I didn't say anything as I stood to the side to follow her the rest of the way. She gave me a mischievous smirk as she passed me. Following behind her, I checked out her ass. She wore a pair of leggings, with knee-high boots. Her top was that same blouse with the ruffles she had worn the first time I met her. She looked like delicious trouble, strutting herself around, just tempting me.

“Did you go?”

“I did not.”

“Okay.Then I'd really like to try something. I'd need you to trust me, and give me the permission to do exactly what I deem necessary, and for you to do exactly as I say. Or, you can give me your word that you'll go and put yourself out there.”

“I can't promise that I'll go out to the club.”

“Then you'll have to let me perform the test.”

“Fair enough. What is it?”

“No questions? You'll just do as I say?”


“Take off all of your clothes, except your underwear. Then sit down, and close your eyes.”


“Do it, or go to the club.”

I slide off everything except the Speedos I wore under my workout clothes for the gym, and sat down.

“Is that what you were at the gym?”

“Well, when I go to the pool, yes.”

“What gym do you go to?”

“What club do you go to?”

“Touche! Depending on how this goes, maybe I'll tell you.”

“I believe in fair trades. You tell me the club, I'll tell you my gym.”

“Fair. Now, rest your head back. Remember what I told you about how women behave at the club?”


“Starting from the bar, start playing out that scenario.”


“What is she wearing?”

“That white dress you had on last month.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Mm. Yes. Same figure as you too. God, she's stunning!” As I said that, I felt her hands rest upon my knees.

“Did you buy her a drink yet?”

“One so far,” I said, as her hands began to slowly slide up my thighs.

“Now she's grinding on me.”

“Time for another drink,” she said as her hands went back to resting on my knees.

“Okay. We're back on the dance floor. She's really teasing me with her ass now.”

“Now imagine her sliding down your body slowly,” she said seductively.

“You have such a beautiful ass. Please bring it back up to me.” I could feel her hands begin to caress my inner thighs again as I said that.

“Is she coming back up?”

“Yes. And your hand is now reaching behind you,” I said as her hand wrapped around my hard cock through the Speedo.

“Is she enjoying herself?”

“You just keep stroking me. I think we're both enjoying this.”

“Imagine that I take you by the hand, and lead you to the nearest booth.”

“Okay. I'm sitting now,” I said, as I felt the rush of cool air touching my cock, before an overwhelming warmth crept down my shaft.

My hips jerked a bit, as her mouth devoured me. I brought my hands to her blouse, and unbuttoned the top two buttons enough to reach my hands inside. I slid my hands under her bra, and her breasts popped out into my hands. The sensations were becoming too much for me. Having her beautiful breasts in my hand, but more so, how her tongue swooshed around my tip, made my hips jerk again, but remained tense.

Her hands running up and down my thighs, then encasing my balls before running up my stomach, then back down the same way they came up. There was so much desire and passion in how she was working me. Her last sentiment during our last meeting popped into my head. How she wanted to get to the “meat” of it, and get the “juices flowing”, seemed so vivid in this moment. I could feel those juices making that slow ascent this whole time, until now.

Her head was bobbing at a moderate pace, but her tongue was wild and uninhibited. I wondered if a bigger drop of pre-cum had just escaped from me every time she moaned, and if she'd be ready for what was about to shoot out of me.

My grip on her breasts became firm and solid, as my hips jerked and tensed one last fateful time. Little, muffled, rapid moans escaped her, as one long, deep moan escaped me, while shot after shot of my essence filled her mouth.

My grip eased on her breasts as I finished. I looked down at her and noticed that she had grabbed her phone. I looked at her puzzled as she looked at the screen.

“Good,” was all she said, as her mouth pulled me back in. I grabbed the back of her head with a firm grip, as the sensitivity hadn't gone away at all. Her bobbing was fast now, but her tongue made such slower, smaller swooshes. I couldn't help but tense so much that I was sitting upright. The whole time, I wanted to pull her away, but it felt so good. I had never had a woman go back at it so quickly. That first orgasmic contraction, is what I was feeling non-stop.

She took her mouth away briefly, but her hand took over with fast, calculated strokes. She looked me in the eyes and licked her lips. The only look I could give was this adoring, lustful look. There was nothing I could do in that moment. She had me at her desire, and she knew it.

She put her mouth back on me, and picked back up. Fast bobbing, slow swooshing, until I was there again. My hips jerked into place; slightly hovering over the bottom of the chair. A hand slid under me, and grabbed a handful of my right cheek as she squeezed. Her other hand took a solid grip on my sac, as she took my cock deep into her throat. It probably didn't help that my hand was pulling her face as tightly to my pelvic as possible. I couldn't help it. It was like I was being electrocuted with electric orgasmic sensation and euphoria.

Her mouth came off me quickly, and when I opened my eyes to see why, I watched her leggings drop to her ankles. She was smooth as could be, and I enjoyed the view of her glistening lips. She slid me inside of her before I could get soft, which sent my cock into sensitivity overload. She plunged me deep inside of her. She rode me gently, while I slipped two fingers between her folds. I quickly found her clit, and within seconds, she was cumming. She sat on my lap until I was flaccid enough to slip out of her.

“Maybe we can have dinner tonight? My place?” she asked.

“I don't know what I'd have left to give!” I joked.

“Let me worry about that! Is that a yes?”

“If you wear that white dress with no bra or panties.”

“I'll text you my address!”

Written by Luxúria
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