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The Awakening

"Deanna learns the art of love from an extraordinary seducer"

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Deanna was born into a well to do but very conservative Kansas farmer family. Despite having most creature comforts her only vent for the repressed lifestyle was the Internet. She had a nice page where she posted her stories and pics and made friends. Some could see through the badly scanned pics she uploaded that behind that dirty, grimy and unglamorous farm girl exterior was an extremely pretty petite girl.

Deanna is a petite brunette with big brown eyes and though just 5'4'' and 110 pounds, she has a beautifully toned and sculpted body thanks to the years of farm work, cheer and dance practice; all hidden under those dirty baggy overalls.

One visitor to her web page was a fashion photographer in San Francisco named Andy. He liked what he saw; a very pretty girl with a lot of potential. Andy was an attractive tall and big 52 year old and felt very attached and attracted to Deanna. They started chatting and became good friends. Deanna saw in him a friend, philosopher and guide. He kept asking Deanna to model for him. She kept declining the offer as she had to help her family on the farm. But as a seventeen year old she knew she had to cut the umbilical cord and explore the world on her own and finally relented to Andy’s persistence. He sent her plane tickets to San Francisco and one afternoon she simply left a note for her folks and left.

Deanna just wanted to leave her old life behind, and celebrated her new found freedom in transit at an airport waiting for her connecting flight to San Francisco sipping coffee and eating a muffin. She'd never felt so lonely and funnily liberated as well as she quietly sobbed and slept as the plane took off.

Andy waited for Deanna anxiously. His eyes popped out as he saw the young debutante step out of the terminal. He immediately recognized her, but for the first time he actually realized how gorgeous she really was, even in the cheap Walmart skirt and blouse and worn out sneakers.

A huge smile lit up on Deanna's face as they hugged. She cried softly as Andy held her close and led them to the car. He suddenly felt even more attached and attracted to her. They talked and joked and she felt much lighter and happier. Andy told her that he had a special surprise waiting for her birthday. As they drove back Andy just couldn't help but admire the beauty of the nymph sitting next to him. His eyes kept drifting up and down her supple body and he couldn't help but admire her smooth toned thighs as her skirt rode up higher while she stared out the window and marveled at the world outside.

He drove them to his beautiful villa style house right at the waterfront across the bay. It was the most gorgeous sight Deanna had seen. After showing Deanna her room, they had lunch that he cooked himself. Deanna loved it, though she didn't understand fusion cooking. As they ate all Andy could do was admire her beauty. How much he wanted to capture her in his camera.

After lunch Andy made her some hot chocolate as they sat on the love seat together and talked. Deanna really liked Andy. He was attractive, mature, kind, sensitive and was such a good listener. It was mid-afternoon now and Andy lifted Deanna's feet of the floor as they talked and placed them in his lap. He slowly took her raggedy sneakers and socks off and gently massaged her feet and toes. Deanna felt she was in heaven. As she spoke about her life and childhood she had to occasionally interrupt herself with a, "Mmmm Andy...right there...God that feels so good!"

Andy smiled and listened and massaged and lost himself in her perfection. She had such a sculpted face and body and despite being a farm girl her skin was so soft. He also had the painful realization of how hard he was as her soles rested on his crotch. The conversation then moved to celebration. She was now free and out in the big bad world. Where were her presents that he promised?!

Andy gently let her feet down and holding her hand said, "Later honey. First why don't you freshen yourself up and I will show you this evening."

Deanna spent over an hour in the Jacuzzi tub pampering herself surrounded by lavender candles and designer lotions. Refreshed, she wore a bath robe and as she stepped out Andy was waiting for her.

"Follow me honey and close your eyes."

He held her hand and took her to his sprawling terrace studio. Deanna's excitement was difficult to contain.

"Okay cupcake. Time to open your eyes," he whispered.

All she could do was clutch him, jump up and down and scream in excitement. Right in front of her was a bottle of Dom Perignon 1995 neatly tucked into an ice bucket with two crystal flutes next to it. On one side of the room was all his gear and the backdrops and lights and on the other side were two dozen beautifully wrapped huge boxes. Deanna lunged to open them but Andy held her back.

"Only on one condition honey," he winked.

"What?" asked a perplexed Deanna.

"I want to do a photo shoot with you," came Andy's immediate reply.

Deanna's eyes swelled up and she hugged him as she whimpered a very grateful "Yes."

As she tore through the wrappings, box after box revealed the most gorgeous dresses, shoes, cosmetics, jewelry and lingerie she had ever seen. She just couldn't stop thanking him. Andy shushed her and took her to a room where she could change into the clothes and do her make up. He wanted to photo shoot her now.

Deanna willingly started changing into all her new loot and posing for him. He was so gentle and patient. She adored him and Andy was transfixed by her beauty. Whatever she wore, the camera loved her. Between the photo shoots and downing two bottles of champagne between then, Andy was able to cajole her into posing in the bikini and lingerie as well. Blushingly, Deanna obliged.

Andy kept showering her with compliments as he took picture after picture, stopping periodically to help her into a pose. He had not been this excited in a very long time. As a photographer it is a dream to find such a natural and as a man he couldn't believe how lucky he was to just be with her.

Deanna was totally awestruck by Andy now. She got goose bumps when he touched her. His caress had an electrifying effect on her. Her knees would actually feel weak when he held her giving directions. No one, not even her mother she felt, ever cared so much for her. Not only was he very smart, she couldn't help but admire his well-maintained physique. She could tell Andy was obviously lifting weights as she glanced at his muscles strain under his tight polo and his strong muscled legs stretching below his khaki shorts.

As the evening continued Andy took her to his room as they stepped out to his balcony to enjoy the sunset. He then whispered to her that he had a special dress to pose in for him and pointed to the huge bed in his room. Deanna had not noticed it when they passed it earlier but now her eyes were wide open. It was a sexy little red berry colored Azria halter mini dress. Her eyes then spied a gorgeous pair of Jimmy Choo Lance stilettos lying by the foot of the bed. The surprises didn’t end there. As she picked up the dress she found a pair of tiny Agent Provocateur black lace thongs and sheer black thigh-highs and underneath all that was a beautiful pearl chocker. As Deanna turned around to go to the bathroom to change Andy called out to her.

"Deanna, I don't want to sound weird but I am an artist. Don't take it the wrong way but I would like to see you change in front of me. I want to understand your form better and it will help us take better pictures of you."

Deanna was shocked and very aroused by the thought. Her life had been so cocooned till now that she had barely even kissed a boy, let alone have an attractive man look at her naked. She was already so overwhelmed by Andy and the champagne that she shyly nodded yes and started slipping off the nice long maxi she had on.

As the maxi fell of her body onto the floor, beads of perspiration started rolling down Andy's forehead. His penis was ready to burst through his clothes. Her curves were so perfect. Her 32 B chest was just right and then, as her bra came undone, Deanna’s little erect pink nipples came into view and Andy smacked his lips. God they were so suckable. His eyes savored her flat well defined tummy and down the slopes of thighs, tracing the contours of her beautiful legs down to her dainty feet. She then slipped her panties off slowly and Andy couldn't even hear himself breathe as he saw her bare pussy.

Deanna was giddy with the gifts as she felt Andy’s burning eyes trace every inch of her. Her pulse raced in anticipation as she slipped on the thongs and couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her as she looked at herself in the mirror and ran a finger over her already moist labia clinging to the close to transparent lace front of the thongs, leaving nothing to the imagination.

Deanna then sat on the edge of the bed and picked the thigh-highs to wear. Though Andy had already told her how much he liked her trademark jingly anklet, she took it off and just kept her toe rings on as she rolled the thigh-highs up her smooth legs. She then slipped her dainty feet into the stilettos, buckled the straps across her ankles and stood up to wear the dress. Deanna was used to 2” heels and as she stood up she had to use all her cheer and dance skills to learn to quickly balance herself on those 4.5’’ heels. She loved how sexy and tall she looked in the mirror.

Deanna wore the pearl chocker and then slipped the dress on, snapped close the halter top and turned again to admire herself in the mirror. She couldn’t help but marvel at how well Andy already knew her body because the dress fit her svelte body like a glove. She tied her long hair in a neat bun, put some lipstick and eyeliner on and gingerly navigated around the room sashaying for him before finally looking him square in the eyes with an adorable smile .

"How do I look? She asked.

"You are a Goddess," he replied as he poured them more champagne.

Deanna blushed as he handed her the flute. As they drank Andy continued to compliment Deanna and lit some candles. He then played some Sinatra and asked her for a dance with him. Deanna took a step forward. Her dainty body was engulfed by him as he held her close and they started dancing. Her radiant body seemed even more alive as the light from the flickering candles bounced of her.

Before long Andy was nuzzling her and holding her even closer. He then took the chance and turned her face to him as he planted a gentle kiss on her lips. Deanna's eyes were closed as she felt his kiss. All she uttered was low moan and a smile flashed across her face.

"Did you mind that?" asked Andy.

"No it was awesome," replied a very blushing Deanna.

Since he found Deanna on the net Andy had increasingly started getting consumed by her beauty and innocence. He never thought of the age difference. They were just two people who had rapidly grown very close.

"Let me take care of you," he blurted.

Deanna giggled, "Sure...Daddio," as she planted a peck back on his lips.

Andy felt very hot suddenly and beads of sweat stated rolling down his forehead. He smiled but had fire in his eyes now as he kissed her again. This time he opened her lips with his and slipped a little tongue into the kiss and waited for her response. Deanna suddenly went very weak.

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Her body suddenly just surrendered itself to Andy as his mouth devoured hers. He picked her up in his arms and gently laid her down on his huge mahogany four poster bed, continuing to kiss her. Her arms and legs were wrapped around him as they slowly rolled on top of each other caressing, kissing and slowly undoing each other clothes. Andy’s excitement was heightened. Somewhere he had fantasized about this moment since meeting her online and it was coming true. Adding to his intensity was the knowledge that Deanna had never been all the way with a guy. He was anxious to show her what a real man really looked and felt like.

He slowly unzipped her dress and slid it off as his hands finally started exploring her beautiful bare flesh. His hands, lips and tongue carefully, slowly and deliberately traversed every inch of her body. He slowly moved down her torso as his hands gently rolled the stockings down her legs followed by his teeth tugging off her thongs. He then removed her heels, thongs and stockings and began to gently lick and nibble on her toes.

Deanna had by now given herself up to whatever life had to offer, and it was really good so far. Drunk with a passion she had not even imagined, she whimpered and moaned as she realized how sensitive each part of her body was for the very first time. Andy savored Deanna's feet and then moved up her legs licking the curves of her calves. Deanna's chest was heaving as the rest of her body went into little spasms as he explored her further.

His fingers and tongue caressed the slopes of her thighs down to her inner thigh, carefully avoiding her magnificent bare pussy. He slowly moved his way back up pampering her beautiful pert breasts with the most lavish licks, sucks, nibbles and caresses as her little nipples grew errect. Deanna could no longer recognize her life from even a day before. She had come so far so soon. She slipped into a sort of delirium as the sensations became overpowering. Her back started arching up, thrusting her chest into his face as her hands pushed his head down into her bosom. Her body started taking a life on its own as her hips started swaying under him, grinding her mound against his crotch.

Andy freed one hand from her breasts and navigated it down to help Deanna unbutton his shorts and slide them down. Deanna suddenly felt the warmth of his throbbing seven inch hard dick on her thighs. She immediately rolled over him and started exploring his body. She slowly ran her fingertips down his chest, kissing and licking his nipples and raking her fingernails across his chest and strong stomach. Andy grunted with pleasure. Encouraged by his monosyllabic grunts that she was doing it right, Deanna continued licking his belly and moving down until she came to his penis as her fingernails caressed his inner thighs. It was so beautiful. So much more beautiful than the pictures she had seen till now or the odd teen who flashed her.

It looked massive as she held it adoringly, caressing it in her small hands
"Ohhh Deanna Baby, won't you suck Andy’s pee pee for him," he moaned.

She smiled and stuck her tongue out licking the length of his penis. She loved the taste and smell. It was so new, so raw, and so manly. As his fingers stroked her hair she slowly started sucking on it. After gagging a couple of times she quickly got a hang of the rhythm and started driving her new sugar daddy crazy. Her hand moved along the shaft along with her lips pumping his penis and drenching it with her spit.

Andy suddenly stopped her and turned her over on her back. They were both dripping in sweat as he started kissing her all over until he reached her pussy. He paused for a moment to smell her virginity and then dove his tongue in to devour her. Deanna's moans now rose into a crescendo as his fingers and tongue danced an intricate dance between her pussy and clit that made her body go wild. Deanna's mind was blank and had lost control of the rest of her body. All she could feel was pure pleasure.

She heard Andy say something and she briefly came to her senses to see his face over hers asking her to brace herself as he kissed her. Suddenly she felt her hands tied together and above to the headboard with a throw. She looked at Andy lift her feet and rub his big throbbing penis with her soft soles. Deanna's toes curled around his warm throbbing tool as it twitched under her tender feet.

Andy then picked up her stockings and taking her right foot in his hands he kissed and licked her wiggling toes as he tied one of a stocking around it. He then tied her leg to a bed post and then picked up her left foot in his massive hands, slipping his tongue between her toes as he tied the other stocking around her ankle and then to the other post. Deanna's mind was in a daze as her body kept twitching with the pleasure at what was happening.
Andy stood up and admired her sweat soaked toned twitching body tied down spread eagled on his bed. Deanna's half open glazed eyes were beckoning him. He smiled and picked up a huge feather. Climbing back on the bed he slowly ran the feather down Deanna's delicate face, her neck and chest. He ran circles around her nipples with the tip of the feather. Deanna's mind was ready to explode. Her muscles strained at her restraints and twitched wherever he ran the feather. Her chest was heaving uncontrollably as her back arched totally off the mattress.

He ran the feather down her belly, tickling her navel. He continued down her willowy legs, running the feather torturously down the strained muscles of her spread thighs. Not stopping, he ran the feather down the length of her legs and started stroking the feather across the soles of her feet. Deanna was now screaming in pleasure and laughter mixed with a healthy dose of delirium as Andy now ran the feather over her clit.

He suddenly stopped and chuckled looking at her as he undid her hands and feet. She smiled back blushing as she continued to whimper. Andy now positioned himself kneeling between her spread legs, holding and aiming his ragging dick to her beckoning, dripping pussy. Her hands rose to caresses his chest and face and then moved to the back of his head as her fingers ran through his hair. Clutching his hair, she pulled herself up just a bit to give him a very passionate kiss.

As Deanna’s soft lips danced a delicate tango with his lips, Andy grabbed his penis and pushed against her virginity. A sharp pain suddenly filled her and as Andy felt her vagina give way he drove straight in and in one smooth movement without warning, was in her to the hilt. Taken off guard, Deanna winced, gasped and threw her head back as she bit her lower lip feeling his throbbing slick dick all the way inside her. The momentum and surprise of his thrust lifted her off the bed. Her hands gripped his hair harder as she tried to find an anchor while her toes curled and desperately clutched at the sheets trying to keep a foothold.

She wanted to scream at that moment but couldn't as her breath got drawn out of her lungs with his plunge. The scream came a second later. It filled the room for a moment and then went into a whimper as her pussy started getting used to the new occupant.

Andy kept kissing her as he slowly started rocking and rotating his hips. Soon Deanna's nerves started recognizing the pure pleasure again and they both started smiling and kissing and started grinding into each other slowly. Deanna savored each stroke, feeling his penis in her as she used her pussy muscles to grip his dick tightly as he increased his tempo. Andy felt his dick milked in her tight young pussy as he continued to marvel at her beauty. Like an artist, each touch of his was a masterstroke. His fingers fondled her beautiful breasts almost with reverence as he thrust in and out of her. Years of experience helped him read Deanna's body and he varied his strokes until he felt Deanna's muscles starting to spasm. Deanna loudly moaned and wrapped her legs around his torso as his mouth went to work on her succulent, heaving breasts. Soon his hips started grinding into her gyrating pubis with increasing vigor, adamant to bring her to orgasm.

He then rolled over and had Deanna lower her bare pussy onto his penis, glistening with her juice. She moaned and purred as she felt his dick fill her again. Firmly straddled on top, she rode Andy as her hips bounced off of his thighs. Her eyes would fluctuate from being wide open to being glazed over as her pussy milked his penis and her clit rubbed against him. As Andy marveled and massaged her beautiful little breasts, Deanna’s fingers grated into his chest as she began grinding into him.

Andy raised, lowered and gyrated his hips to keep up with Deanna until he couldn’t control his excitement much longer. He grabbed her and spun her around and got her on all fours. Hurriedly holding his penis, now very slippery with her juices and his pre cum, Andy kneeled behind her and started prodding his penis into her pussy. Deanna squealed feeling his throbbing warm penis enter her again. Sweat rolled down Andy’s brow as he picked up his pace. Deanna’s back arched up presenting her tight little toned tush for him to impale. He held her waist from the top of her beautifully rounded rump with one hand while the other snaked under her to massage her clit. Soon his gentle thrusts became faster, harder and increasingly more urgent.

Deanna’s breasts rubbed against the soft pillow underneath as he rammed into her, rocking her body back and forth. The intensity of his passion was reaching a feverish pitch. With each thrust her little feet bounced of the bed, occasionally high enough to inadvertently slap his pounding buttocks with the soft soles of her feet. Her whimpers and squeals turned to loud moans as Deanna felt his hard, warm and throbbing penis bang against the walls of her pussy. Her eyes rolled up as Andy ravaged her senseless and her pussy started twitching. Her tender body weakened and her knees were ready to give way as she felt her orgasm hit her. Deanna bit down hard on the corner of the pillow under her, but that did little to help stop her screams.

“Oh baby I AM CUMMINGG!” screamed Andy’s brain but what came out was just a very loud animalistic groan.

He hunched over Deanna and his hands grabbed the nape of her neck. His hands pressed her face down into the mattress with each thrust and her long hair bobbed up and down as she screamed. They were screams of pure pleasure as her body started getting rocked by her first orgasm. Deanna had never felt anything like this before. Her entire body was convulsing from head to toe. Her muscles started to tighten and her body started getting overtaken by spasm after spasm. Andy finally lost all control and erupted. His thrusts became gyrating convulsions as Deanna’s vaginal muscles took over and milked him dry. Spent, Andy fell on top of her and rolled to the side ready to die a happy man.

Euphoric, sweaty and grinning they cuddled as they caught their breath. This was quite a day for Deanna. What a welcome to the grown up world! Exhausted and sore she soon fell asleep in Andy's arms as he rocked his baby to sleep. Andy spent most of the night staring at her, admiring her, thinking and taking pictures. He had slept with a lot of fine women in his life but had never experienced pleasure like this before. He finally slept, holding her in his arms, impatiently waiting to see what the next day had in store.

Written by miss_impossible
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