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The Au Pair - Part 1

"A sexy blonde au pair makes life interesting for a young guy"

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Martina waited at the railway station, sitting on the bench by the hanging baskets where the comings and goings of the morning commute was under way. Each person was an anonymous blur, out of focus as she stared into space, until the occasional fit-looking guy grabbed her attention.

She was in the UK for the first time, having flown in from the Czech Republic and was taking a gap year from her studies to work as an au pair. Her agency had provided a few vacancies in Europe, but not so many in England, where she had hoped to improve her English and settle in with a nice family. She had just turned 21 and thought it was the right time to spread her wings.

After a few minutes, checking her phone and making circles in the air with her toes, a middle aged woman approached, smiling.


The young, blue-eyed blonde girl stood up, offering her hand.

“Yes. Olivia?”

“Yes, sorry I’m a bit late. There’s roadworks on Norwich Road, it’s horrendous.”

“It’s cool. I was here only a few minutes.”

“Good, well the car’s this way. Good journey?”

“Yes, was good. Everything arrived to the place, on time.”

“What’s the weather like in Prague?”

Martina was trundling her suitcase and caught the little wheel on the kerb and she missed Olivia’s question.

“You ask me?”

“No, just wondered if you brought the sun with you. It’s been raining all week.”

“Brought the sun? Oh… yes! Ha ha! Is hot back home now!”

Olivia opened her trunk when they reached the car park and helped Martina drop her suitcase inside. As they drove away, Olivia did a run down on the au pair’s expected duties.

“I don’t expect you to be a servant. Just help me keep everywhere as I like it. My husband is in Saudi for a year, and with Lucy at university, I’m finding it a bit much, you know… keeping a house and a career together.”

Martina nodded, mainly understanding, but missing the odd word.

“Your husband is inside where?”

“No. In Saudi… Saudi Arabia.”

“Oh, okay.”

“Yes, so there’s just me and Ben. That’s my son. He’s at college. Don’t mind him. He’s a bit shy, but I’m sure he’ll make you feel welcome. He spends most of his time in his room studying. Probably best if you leave his room to me. You don’t know what you’re going to find in there!”

Oliva laughed and Martina laughed with her, though not fully sure why she was laughing.

Following the short journey from the station, Olivia showed Martina to her room and then gave her tea on the patio, which was connected to the garden by a few steps. Martina sat in the shade of a parasol and enjoyed her first proper British hospitality.

As it was a week day, Ben was at college. Martina was curious to know more about him.

“What is Ben studying at school?” she asked, casually.

“At college… Geography, English and music.”

“Music? He is in a band?”

“No, not as such. He plays the cello. I don’t know what he’s going to follow up, really.”


Martina sipped her tea, her inquiries leading to nothing. She would just have to wait to see.

As it was her first day, Olivia gave Martina a gentle start, merely showing her around and pointing out a few things, which she liked to be just so.

“I want you to feel like this is your home, Martina. After seven pm, your time is your own, but if you need any flexibility, just let me know. Also, you can consider weekends as your free time.”

“Thank you, Olivia. I’m sure I will service you nice.”

Olivia held up a finger and spoke slowly.

“I’m… sure… I… can… be… of… good… service.”

“Ah yes, my grammar is… ummm not perfect.”

“It’s okay, you’ll pick it up.”

“Yes, I will practise.”

“I bet Ben will enjoy giving you some help. He’s very good like that.”

“Cool. It is well.”

It was the late afternoon that day and at last Martina’s curiosity was satisfied when Ben arrived home from college. She was putting away the last of her clothes, in her bedroom when she heard the front door slam. She looked at the clock and then heard foot steps on the stairs. She wondered if it was her place to say hello, or wait to be introduced, as she had no idea of the social etiquette of the country.

Her door was open and she waited, until the slim, athletic figure of Ben walked past. She saw a brief mop of fair hair and a football top. As he returned to head for the bathroom, Martina dropped her suitcase on the floor, which caused Ben to turn.

“Hi. You must be…?” said Ben.

“Hey! Martina. Au pair for your Mum.”

Ben shook her hand and looked at her sheepishly.

“Oh! I mean… great! That’s good.”

“You not disappointed?!” said Martina, jokingly, sensing an apparent ambivalence in Ben’s reaction.

“No. No! It’s fine. I just didn’t expect…”


“No, it’s fine.”

Martina smiled.

“You can learn me good English.”

“Oh yeah. No problem.”

“Anyway, you want to use the bathroom, I’ll go check if your Mum wants something.”


“Fine!” repeated Martina, giggling.

Ben went to open the bathroom door and then turned to watch Martina walk down the stairs, her long blonde hair swishing, falling at her waist as her cute ass twitched in her jeans.

Olivia had just returned from a quick visit to the shop and planted a bag of groceries on the kitchen table, as Martina entered.

“I just met Ben!”

“Oh good. He’s a good kid. Not as worldly as some of his peers, but he’s sensible.”

“I can tell that!”

“I think having someone his own age will bring him out of himself.”

“He is younger, I think. Eighteen?”

“Seventeen and a bit.”


“Don’t worry if he seems a bit quiet, he’s lovely when you get to know him.”

“Ah, I can talk about his music. Does he play the hmmm… how you say… bod odůvodnění?”


“The music practise?”

“Oh yes, he’s playing in a youth orchestra a week on Sunday, we can go watch if you like. It’s Dvorak .”

“ Dvořák,” said Martina, proudly. “He’s from my country!”

“There you go! That’s lucky!”

“Yes, we are very proud. Great music writer.”

Martina gradually settled in over the following few days. Her tasks were numerous but not arduous, but meant that Olivia was able to concentrate on her career, without having the house to worry about. In her spare time, Martina listened to her English tapes and read her exercise books. Despite the suggestion, Ben hadn’t helped her with her pronunciation.

She was up early, every morning and made everyone breakfast, which wasn’t in her duties, but she didn’t mind, so long as she made a good impression. Her contact with Ben was quite peripheral and fleeting for the most part, except when she busied herself at breakfast and Olivia was around. Between his college work and practising his cello, which Martina found moderately annoying, they did little more than pass the time of day.

On her second Friday, Martina came down for a bed time drink. Olivia had already retired and Ben was sorting through some old vinyl records that his uncle had given him. Martina had assumed Ben had already gone to bed, so came down in only her nightshirt. Her breasts jiggled underneath and her nipples were evident through the thin cotton. Ben stood up, hearing the footfall on the stairs and did a double take, when Martina entered the living room. His eyes darted directly to her breasts and he struggled not to stare at them as he spoke.


“Who were you expecting? Your Mum went up ages ago.”

“Oh. No, I just… I was going up myself.”

“I didn’t disturb you? I want for some hot chocolate. It helps me relax.”

“Oh. Fine.”

Martina pinched the bottom of her night shirt as she spoke and stretched the cotton, which accentuated the impression of her breasts. Ben looked away and then looked up furtively.

“What do you do to relax, Ben?”


“Yes. I mean, after a long day. How you… unwind?”

“Well, I don’t know. Nothing really.”


“I should be going to bed,” said Ben.

“You are a little up tight, Ben. You should relax. I like to relax, before I sleep, do you know what I mean?”


“Well, I think we need to have a little talk… or maybe you make a joke at me?”

“Sorry, I’m not being unsociable, Martina. I just don’t do small talk and stuff that well. He looked down and studied her slim shapely legs. Suddenly her blonde hair, slightly tousled, was just too wonderful.

“I want to ask you, but I don’t have the words. I have already here been, sorry… been here two weeks and we never had a nice talk.”

“That’s probably my fault,” admitted Ben.

“Máte fantaziemi?”


“Yes, fantasy. You have?”

Martina ran her hand through her hair, cocking her head to one side and flashed a gaze at Ben, which sent a spark of passion through his body.

He moved from foot to foot awkwardly, shielding the front of his trousers.

“Fantaziemi, které povedou k masturbaci,” she said softly.

“I don’t know what that means…”

“Before I leave, I will teach you what it means. We all need that fantasy, Ben.”

Before Ben had the chance to say another word, she padded into the kitchen, leaving Ben with his chest pounding, and made her hot chocolate. Ben finished sorting his box of records, but his heart wasn’t in it, anymore.

“Dobrou noc. Relax nice, Ben.”

“Ummm… Dobrou noc. It’s good night, isn’t it?”

“Yes. We will learn each other well.”

Martina smiled sweetly and winked at Ben before returning to her room.

Ben was left with much to contemplate over the following week and it wasn’t the last time that he had an ‘awkward moment’ when the au pair would leave him pondering over some enigmatic comment, which was laced with sexual innuendo. She couched her conversations in such a way that she could give him just enough tantalization while always remaining on the right side of propriety.

The next weekend was the evening of Ben’s concert.

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Martina complimented him on his attire before they left the house.

“You look very dapper, Ben. I learn today – dapper.”

“Thank you, Martina. As long as you don’t say I look like a penguin!”


“You know… Pingu.”

“Oh tučňák! No, you don’t look like Pingu!”

She squeezed his arms through his tuxedo.

“You work out a little?”

“A bit. I go to the gym a bit. Not enough really.”

“You look okay. More than okay!”

“Thanks,” he said, beaming.

“You will have to show me the gym. Also, I will go.”

Martina made a working out gesture with her arms, which raised a smile with Ben. Their conversations were beginning to thaw, although the previous Friday night was still in his mind. The sight of her in her night shirt and the idea of her being naked underneath had given him mental images that he was finding difficult to un-imagine.

When they were ready to leave, Ben did the chivalric thing and opened Martina’s door. She had put on a short red skirt with flesh coloured hosiery complete with a pearl white blouse and little red buttons. As she sat on the back seat, she crossed her legs ceremoniously and made no attempt to hide the gusset of her pantyhose. Ben blinked and his heart missed at least one beat as he glimpsed between her legs. Martina looked up at Ben, who was pretending to look away, as she smoothed down what little skirt covered her creamy thighs.

“I’ll just put my cello in the boot,” said Ben, politely.

“Thank you, Ben. Don’t let me hold you up.”

Ben thought about Martina as they drove to the old music hall. As he tuned up his cello and looked across the auditorium, he saw her sitting next to his mother. She smiled. Her smile was like a Siren’s smile. At least the chairs in front, shielded her legs, so he had at least some chance on concentrating on his performance.

He made one mistake during his performance, but he got away with it and more than likely would have slipped up, with or without the delicious images of Martina in his head. When he was playing he focused and everything was about the music. But at other times, his mind began to wander and it was with a real effort that he prevented his semi to become anything more inconvenient.

He met up with her at the interval and Martina congratulated him on his cello playing and hadn’t noticed the slight mistake. Would he ever play a solo performance? It was an ambition but he didn’t have the confidence just at that time.

The second half didn’t have a role for him, so he sat with her in the audience and listened to his colleagues, while battling against the urge to look down at Martina’s legs at every opportunity. He was sure she’d notice. He had come to the conclusion that she had rumbled his nervous inexperience with the opposite sex and didn’t want to appear creepy.

Martina wasn’t bothered if he looked or not. She knew he would, but whether that was a furtive glance or a blatant ogle made no difference. She found Ben interesting and challenging at the same time. He had had more than enough opportunities to make a pass at her, if that had been his modus operandi. Either he was innocent or a very cool customer. She would confidently wager on the former, and she meant to have some fun.

There was a lively atmosphere in the car on the drive home, and Ben had dismissed his earlier concerns and preoccupation with Martina’s legs. The talk was all about music, with the occasional pause while she struggled for exactly the right word. Martina’s vocabulary had improved even in the two weeks that she had been with Olivia and Ben and her grammatical peculiarities aside, she was speaking with more confidence. Ben loved her accent. The soft, rounded tones of her Prague intonation danced off her tongue and made her all the more enchanting. The four years that separated she and Ben were to him, enough to be slightly daunting. Had she been seventeen he would have been intimidated, as he always was with hot-looking girls. But being 21, she was just that little bit more sophisticated, like he needed to afford her respect beyond the obvious niceties of life.

On returning home, Martina remembered that she needed to iron a couple of Ben’s shirts while Olivia prepared some work for the office. Ben went straight to his room and checked his emails, and prepared to go to bed with college the next day. He had changed into his sleeping shorts and was turning down his sheets when he heard Martina on the stairs. Her tread was that little bit quicker than his Mum’s and he listened, as he heard her door go. Normally, she would pass his room and say ‘good night,’ as she was invariably in bed later than him. Tonight she remained silent. Ben sat on his bed and set his phone back to its weekday alarm. He was about to pull the light chord above his head, when there was a double knock on his door.

He looked up, and to his amazement, Martina stood there, wearing nothing more than a white T shirt and panties.

“I don’t know, Ben. I think the drawer is stuck on my clothes cupboard. Maybe you can use your strength?”

Ben couldn’t help but look her up and down. Her figure was delectable. Her T shirt was a whole lot tighter than her night shirts and left a lovely gap, which showed her bare lower belly and the skimpiness of her panties. Ben gulped and had an instant hard on.

“Oh. I… is it stuck?”

“Hmmm… would you mind to look? Is surely just me. Somehow made it to fast.”

Martina scratched her tummy with a single finger and altered the way she stood, moving to the other foot with enough momentum to make her unfettered breasts move beneath her T shirt. Ben just stared, his heart pounding, and with each beat, his dick a little harder. This was a real predicament. Did he foolishly decline to assist in what was a trifling thing, or go to help and reveal the extent of his excitement?

“It’s just that I have my pink pyjamas. I could sleep like this, but I like my pinks.”

Ben tried to buy some time, as he worked out some sort of strategy to cope with the situation.

“Yes, I sleep in pyjamas, in the winter,” he said.

“I bet you do. Or maybe in the summer, with nothing?”

“Pardon? Nothing?”

“Like when the nights become hot and you just want the breeze from the window. Then I sleep in nothing. Is the same for you?”

“No… yes!”

“No… yes? What you mean, Ben? Is the thought of me in nothing making you happy?”


“No? Then why are you not mending my drawer? Do you have a hard-on, Ben? Is okay, you can tell Martina. It can be our fantasy.”

Ben couldn’t believe what he was hearing. This wasn’t in his repertoire.

“Oh fuck, Martina.”

“Do you like to see my breasts, Ben?”


“If you mend my drawer, maybe I’ll show you them. I think you like.”

Ben’s mind was turning to mush as he contemplated the perfect shape of her breasts, nestling under her T shirt. Beyond that, there was almost a visual white noise in his mind’s eye, as his dick pounded in his shorts.

“Stand up, Ben. It’s okay. I’m not going to bite.”

Ben squeezed his eyes tightly, as he stood up and the tent in his shorts became an instant talking point.

“Hmmm… is very hard, Ben. I make you to be inconvenienced,” she said, with a giggle.

Ben walked towards her, his legs stiff, as if he was relearning to walk after a long time in traction.

“I think I give you something to help you relax,” said Martina, in that velvety way of hers.

Ben followed her to her room, all the time watching her perfect bum, inadequately covered by her panties. Martina paused, with one hand on the Chester drawers and looked down on his erection with interest.

Ben didn’t speak but bent forward and gave the draw a push and a pull, freeing it back onto its runner. She stood close, so that the gentle whiff of her perfume and the warmth of her body was assaulting his senses. He looked at her with a strange mixture of pride and embarrassment.

His erection had marginally subsided but that was short lived, as Martina walked to her door and closed it.

“My Mum will be up in a minute,” said Ben, nervously.

“Do you think this will take long?”


Martina stepped forwards and twanged the top of his shorts. She looked into his eyes and took his right hand.

“I thought you were brilliant at the concert, Ben,” she said, as she stroked his palm against the soft flesh of her belly.

“You think my skin is soft and silky?”


“Do you want to remove my top, Ben? Is your reward.”

“I can… if you like.”

“I like.”

Ben took the hem of her T shirt, his hands almost useless with their nearly uncontrollable trembling. His cock was now bursting through his shorts, and there was a tell-tale dark spot of precum on the light grey cotton.

Martina put an index finger under his chin and made him look into her blue eyes, as his hands moved upwards, pulling the cotton with them. He looked down just at the instant of her breasts quivering, having been momentarily disturbed. They were wonderfully up tilted, with rosy pink nipples that had delightfully goose bumped areolae. Ben gazed down at her breasts, as she swayed her body from side to side just enough to give them a little jiggle. Ben now had an ache, which had crept up on him after his imagination had run wild earlier and now increased with the intense pleasure of seeing her boobs.

She lifted his hand and coaxed his fingers around her right breast as her other hand stroked the outline of his throbbing arousal. He closed his eyes and groaned as the gorgeously firm squishiness of her young breasts yielded to his fingers, and his foreskin rubbed against his shorts.

“Come for me, Ben.”


“That’s it, squeeze my breasts. Play with them. Squeeze my nipples.”

Ben’s body was trembling and his cock was beginning to leak, as she increased the force of her rubbing. Sensing he was close, she took his other hand, and placed it on her bottom and stood closer to him, so that her hand was fast between her panties and his shorts.

“Squeeze my ass. That’s it, Ben, touch me.”

“Oh! Aaaaah….uuuurghh… Martina. Oh… oh fuck!”

Ben twitched, his face flushed as his cock exploded inside his shorts, the cum drenching the fabric and the surplus making a wet pool down the front, coating her fingers.

“Oooh. Oh dear, what a mess!” said Martina.


“You don’t need to sorry. It’s good.”

Ben didn’t know what to say. He was still recovering from the best ejaculation of his life.

“I should go to sleep now. What if your Mum finds you in here?!” she said, with a twinkle in her eye.”

“Ummm…. It was the drawer!” said Ben, breathlessly.

“Oh of course! The drawer.”

“Well, night Ben. Sweet dreams.”

Martina gave him a peck on the nose and opened her bedroom door, allowing him to leave, his cock still not yet flaccid and the sticky semen dribbling down his leg.

To be continued…

Written by DanielleX
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