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The Adulteress

"A young man is seduced by an older married woman."

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Competition Entry: The Ultimate Seduction

I had just stepped out of the shower when the door to the bathroom opened and Simon our houseguest, barged in.


“Oops sorry Rebecca,’” he said.


“No problem, it was an accident,” I conceded while I took the several steps required to reach the towel. He didn’t quickly exit as I would have expected but just stood there, his eye transfixed on my breasts. I grabbed a towel and held it to my front.


“Is it ok if I get dressed now or are you busting for a pee or whatever?”


“No, no, sorry, I can use the other bathroom or wait,” he said, with cheeks now coloured. A wry smile appeared before he gave me the once over then left me alone. That was surprisingly bold and quite out of character. I thought and wondered if he deliberately neglected to knock before barging in.


Simon and I worked for the same company and our main task was to prepare patent submissions on new ideas or inventions. He had come to South Australia from our interstate headquarters to help with recent problems of a cyber attack on our electronic files. Initially, he was only supposed to be here for a few weeks but our small office had surprisingly secured a lucrative IP contract from a big international company.


In many ways, we were out of our depth with this new project but Simon was in his element and understood the idea better than anyone. He even made improvements to the concept much to the delight of the customer. He was a typical computer geek, in his early twenties, single and despite being quite good looking was painfully shy, particularly around women. With most people he had an unfortunate habit of not looking at the person, he was talking with.

He would look away, up in the air, close his eyes or simply cover his face with his hand. These behaviours put people off and to make matters worse he would start to stammer if he was in any way, the focus of attention. I spent a lot more time with Simon than anyone else. Around me, he was much more relaxed and did not slip into his unfortunate shy habits so we worked well together.


I secured the contract that Simon was recruited to help us with. It was more good luck than anything as the lead came from an old friend of my husband’s. For some unknown reason, his company selected us to do the work, possibly through fear that the bigger firms that specialised in the field were all working on similar developments.


We also became friends in a limited way. Simon regularly came to our house for dinner where he was quite relaxed with my husband Bill and our eighteen-year-old daughter, Vanessa. Bill is a design engineer and to his delight, Simon was able to assist with his computer expertise and had an uncanny ability to know what Bill’s competitors were up to.


Friday dinners became a weekly event and it wasn’t long before Simon volunteered to assist with Vanessa’s schoolwork, particularly mathematics. She was in her final year of high school and needed to do as well as she can for a preferred university place next year. We were all pleased with her improved grades.


Over time Simon started to open up a little more about himself and we learned that his mother had died when he was very young so perhaps in his mind I partly filled that gap in his life. He never said anything about his father and did not seem to have any contact with him. The rumour around the office was that Simon was gay, a label I would find out in time to be completely wrong.


The new contract brought in additional work which meant that Simon’s time here was extended for several more weeks but just before he was due to head home, state borders closed due to the Covid virus.  Surprisingly it was Bill, my husband, who suggested Simon might like to stay with us rather than continue in his hotel accommodation. Simon eagerly accepted the offer. That was nearly five months ago.


As I drove to work that morning I was glad I didn’t chastise him for the indiscretion, after all, there was no harm done, all he did was look. I have been blessed with good genes and at forty-two I am still comfortable with my own body. The initial surprise and shock of his blatant ogling when he saw me naked quickly dissipated to a more pleasurable almost gratifying sensation.


I had to admit to myself that I enjoyed the attention and it rekindled a little of my past before I was married. For most women, to be viewed as a sex object is quite abhorrent. I could understand that and felt the same way until my late teens. However, that changed after my seduction by an older married woman when I was nineteen. She was also a wonderful lover and showed me how to enjoy my body and reciprocate in so many ways.


Our affair lasted for over a year and I was heartbroken when she ended the relationship. We were nearly caught by one of her teenage sons in a very compromising situation. The close call unnerved her and she decided she wasn’t willing to jeopardise her marriage and family.


After the breakup, I buried the desire for other women and indulged in numerous relationships with men, particularly one-night stands. Usually, I would go to pubs and bars to be picked up, preferably by some anonymous alpha male. On those encounters I craved the hunger in those men’s eyes and the jostling for my attention. I liked the power it gave me and ultimately my submission to the alpha male; the satiation of my rampant needs. Danger and excitement were the aphrodisiac and the greater the risk the higher the likelihood of a satisfying climax.


These nights out weren’t always successful. Some men, quite a lot actually, were unimaginative, to say the least, especially the ones who only wanted their self-release without any consideration for me. I also developed a reputation at some of the venues I frequented, this led to some scary violent encounters. Eventually, I realised it was time for me to move on so I relocated to a different city some 2000 kilometres away where I met Bill, my future husband.


 He was good-looking and well on his way to being a successful engineer, ultra-conservative and wonderful husband material. I consigned my decadent lifestyle to history and looked forward to a comfortable existence as a respectable wife and mother. That was over twenty years ago.


When Simon moved in he initially occupied the extra bedroom on the ground floor opposite Vanessa’s with a shared bathroom. After about a month he asked if it was ok if he relocated to the spare bedroom upstairs, I suspected there was some reason but he wouldn’t say why he wanted to move and I didn’t push him.


In all fairness, Simon would have generally assumed the bathroom he barged into would be vacant since his bedroom was the only other one on the upstairs level. He did not know I often used this extra bathroom to the one attached to the master bedroom, especially during the morning rush to get to work.  


The next morning I made certain the bathroom door was locked and left the shower door slightly ajar so I could observe the door handle. I wanted to see if he attempted to repeat the process of barging in without knocking first. If so I felt it was my responsibility to provide some counselling and reinforce some social etiquette.


The handle didn’t move nor was there any other evidence that anyone intended to enter. I kept watch and listened for a potential invasion all to no avail. I even stood around naked for quite a while to see if something would eventuate, I almost hoped he would try to open the door. After a while, common sense prevailed and I put on my robe and went back to my bedroom without incident.


 Each day I used the spare bathroom for my morning shower without incident. By Friday I concluded that Simon’s initial intrusion was probably accidental. On my way back to my bedroom I saw him coming down the hall. All he wore was his running shorts and his muscular, lean torso was damp with sweat; he had just returned from his morning run.


“Good morning,” I said brightly. He paused, smiled and his eyes gravitated to the gap of my gown somewhere below my neck.  


“Morning,” he said and quickly moved the jumble of clothes he carried to his front then continued to the bathroom. His neck and cheeks looked a little flushed. Concerned he may be unwell, I turned to say something but the door closed behind me and I heard the click of the lock.  On reflection, I was glad I had not said anything as it occurred to me he was possibly covering an erection. My face flushed, excited by the thought and I was gratified by delicious little tingles that emanated from my groin.


The next day was Saturday so there was no morning rush and Bill had left early for golf. I usually arise late after a bit of extra sleep. Simon and Vanessa are normally up by then and are accustomed to getting their breakfast. I decided to start a load of washing before I showered and dressed. I got out of bed and put on my robe.  


Simon’s room had that musty smell I suspected was from a recent masturbation session. Something I have got used to with mixed feelings. I pulled back the bedclothes and sure enough, there was the tell-tale dampness on the sheets. The aroma was powerful. I breathed a deep, involuntary breath as I leaned forward to remove the sheets, bundled them up and trundled downstairs. Simon and Vanessa were having breakfast in the kitchen.


“Hi you two,” I said. They both looked up, Simon quickly looked away when he saw the armload of soiled linen.


“Pew,” said Vanessa and placed her hand over her nose in mock defence. Poor Simon went red in the face. I didn’t say anything and continued to the laundry eager to avoid any further comment from my daughter.


I was furious with her and focused on sorting the washing. To add to my irritation I could not find the new panties I wore earlier in the week. They were a recent indulgence purchased with the fond hope that they may entice Bill to be a little more attentive in bed. I wore them a couple of days ago without success and was determined to give them another try but now they were missing. The matching bra was there but no panties. No doubt I had dropped them on the way down from upstairs. When I reached the kitchen there was no sign of Simon. I glared at my daughter.


“Sorry, mum,” Vanessa said. I didn’t reply initially but stood and waited for her to hopefully continue.


“About what,” I eventually said 


“About the sheets,” she added.


“It was a bit unnecessary.” 


“Yeah, I know, maybe I should go and apologise?”


“Probably a good idea. I take it this is not the first comment you have made on the subject?” She dropped her eyes and focused on the empty plate in front of her.


“Well yes but only that I was not impressed with the cum globs on the shower wall. All I said was he could clean up after himself.”  Oh shit. 


“You had better explain, what happened?”


“When I mentioned it he got embarrassed and didn’t say anything, I felt bad about it. I sort of said it without thinking.” There are always two sides to a story I conceded and I could appreciate her irritation. This would have been difficult for anyone to have to deal with let alone a teenage girl. I struggled to think of something to say. Vanessa again broke the awkward silence.


“Look, I like the guy and I have absolutely no problems with him living with us. He is just like a brother to me. I know, he’s a guy and they do these things.” Her face was coloured and she had the hint of a smile.


“That was sort of why he moved bedrooms,” she continued.


“What was?” I said a little confused.


“So he could have sole access to a bathroom,” she said very quietly. I pulled out a chair as sat at the table next to her.


“What! did he do something inappropriate? Vanessa paused. I was fearful of what may come next.


“No,” she said, “but Simon was spending a lot of time in the bathroom, obviously jerking off. I could often smell it as soon as I went into the room. To make matters worse he wasn’t very fastidious about cleaning up. Often I would find um cum on the wall of the shower cubicle this high.” She indicated a height a little above her eye level. “Or on the floor,” she continued, "so I had something to say about it.”


I felt my face start to flush with an awareness that she was a lot more experienced than I thought. I was glad I was sitting down. She seemed to read my mind and blushed. I reached over and took her hand, relieved, she did not resist.


“I have jerked a couple of guys off,” she said by way of explanation, “mainly to divert them from trying to do more.” Her candidness took me by surprise and I think I stopped breathing for a few seconds while I digested what she said.


“I’m pleased you have the foresight to avoid what could have resulted in more serious consequences like pregnancy,” I said, “I’m very proud of you. Some guys can get quite nasty when aroused. “Been there, done that,” I added. Her eyes widened at my response.


“You mean when you were dating, like before you met dad.”




“Did you enjoy it, playing with them, getting them excited?” Shit, what am I going to say here, be honest, I told myself.


“To tell the truth, yes. It would usually start when I gave them access to my boobs. That excited me too, I liked the feeling and the desire. The big buzz was when I would indicate I wanted to play with their cocks. I was in control then.”


“I can’t believe this,” she said and giggled a little.


“Sorry, I have gone too far,” I said, suddenly embarrassed.


“No mum, you misunderstand me, I get the same feelings. I like the power I have over guys and love watching them get aroused. I admit it gets me going as well. However, I generally refuse to go out with someone again who I needed to pacify. They would just demand more and I need to keep my horniness under control or I will let them do more than I want in the heat of the moment." She looked at me with a nervous grin.


“I know what you mean by them wanting more and I’m pleased to hear that you have been able to handle the situation in a realistic way,” I said and squeezed her hand. I was overjoyed to feel her reciprocate.  But it is also wonderful to submit to a virile man when you become aroused, and like me, you will succumb eventually, I thought to myself but did not dare to say out loud, well not at that moment anyway.


"By the way, can some guys shoot that high?” she asked.


“Um yes, and I remember with one guy I had to make sure I wasn’t in the firing line.” She giggled at that one, I chuckled at the memories as they flooded in, after a thoughtful pause she added.


“A couple of my friends, and I won’t say who, have um, gone all the way with their boyfriends.” For a few seconds I thought she would leave it there then she continued,” they say sex is overrated, the guys just hump away, climax and that’s it.”


“Sadly a lot of young men and plenty of older ones don’t have a clue on how to satisfy a woman,” I said but before I could continue she gave a little gasp and indicated we may have an eave dropper. I went to the doorway but there was no one there. Then I heard someone, no doubt Simon, rapidly climb the stairs and the sound of a door closing. Vanessa heard it too and had a smile on her face.

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“Oh shit, I wonder how much he heard,” I said.


“Yeah, I don’t know but I am going to leave you to it, I’m meeting Jenny and a couple of other friends in the mall. “Good luck mum,” she said and left.


I sat at the kitchen table and contemplated knocking on Simon’s door. I reasoned that I had better see if he was ok, or at the very least assure him that masturbation was quite normal and nothing to be ashamed about, but, that he needs to contain the products, so to speak


My heart raced as I approached his door acutely aware I was naked under my robe then my courage failed me and I retreated to the sanctity of my bedroom. I exhaled the breath I involuntarily held, my ears registered each thump of my heart and my knees felt wobbly. I lay down on my bed, legs apart and feet still on the carpet.  


The pounding in my ears eventually calmed and I felt myself relax. I tried to ignore the carnal desire that I wanted to go to his room and hopefully see him naked or at least partially so. The thought that I may be the source of his sexual arousal excited me even more. Memories of my promiscuous past rekindled a delicious ache and throb in my groin. I rubbed at an itch in my nipples, my pussy also needed attention. My hand was drawn like a magnet down across my flat stomach to the mound between my legs and the crevice it protected.


My finger slipped between the folds with ease. I was wet, very wet, my body ready for sex. The nerve endings in my vagina begged stimulation deep inside, my breasts ached to be suckled, I wanted to be kissed and caressed all over. I discarded my robe and my fingers worked furiously on my clitoris. I imagined walking in on Simon, I imagined he was sexually aroused and naked on his bed.  


My orgasm was intense, prolonged, and left me exhausted. It has been so long since I felt anything that good and before long drifted into a short dreamless sleep. When I woke I was momentarily disoriented, still half on the bed, on my back with my legs apart and my robe completely open. I smiled with contentment when I remembered how I got into this position.


“Time for a shower and get on with the day,” I said to myself with minor embarrassment with my diversion. Then I noticed with some concern that the bedroom door was ajar. I admit I couldn’t remember if I had closed it when I came in but in all fairness, my brain was occupied with other things, but, I was sure it was not that wide open?


Simon was the only one home, if he had looked in while I was playing with myself or, when asleep, he would have seen plenty of me. My pussy was pointed straight at the doorway during my self ministrations as well as when I slept. I pushed the door closed, it squeaked slightly. I would have heard that I thought. I opened it and no squeak. I discovered it was possible to open the door without any noise. Several more experimental open and closes confirmed a faint squeak on close only.


Simon’s bedroom door was open and the room empty when I passed on my way downstairs. It would seem he had gone out somewhere and I hoped he had not seen anything. What if he had? I asked myself. Did it matter that I may have given the guy a thrill?  I finished the laundry and hung out the clothes and sheets. Still no sign of my blue panties. It promised to be a warm spring day, not a cloud in the sky. The washing would be dry in no time.


I decided to do some early season work on my tan so dug out last year's swimsuit. A critical view of my reflection was encouraging. Fortunately, I do not add weight easily, my breasts are not all that big with very little sag and the nipples still point forward. Even the bikini bottom fitted well, not much winter fat to work off I noted with satisfaction. I put on a light sundress and headed to the backyard.


My olive skin tans readily, courtesy of my Mediterranean heritage provided I take it easy early in the season. I stretched out on the garden lounge, covered what I could with sunscreen, and lay back and eyes closed to absorb the sun’s rays and warmth.


“You might need a bit more suntan cream Rebecca,” I heard Simon say. I opened my eyes and immediately had to shield my face from the sun that was now directly overhead. He sat on the lawn next to me. I wondered how long he had been sitting there.


“You’re starting to look a bit pink.” My legs and stomach were certainly showing a bit of colour but no harm done I was sure. He handed me the lotion.


"Thanks, I think I’ve had enough for one day,” I said. He sat and watched me as I stood and oiled myself down. His eyes roamed over my whole body and I was happy to provide the entertainment for him.  We were alone, just the two of us. I opened my legs, pulled at the edges of my bathers to supposedly rub more lotion on unprotected bits, but also expose more flesh to him. I felt naughty, I had his complete attention and I liked the sensation. I reluctantly put on the dress.


“You are so beautiful,” he said. My heart melted, I leaned over and gave him a brief cuddle. The awkwardness of our positions meant my breasts pressed into his face. When I released him he climbed to his feet. The bulge in his shorts, obvious. He saw me notice and looked a little embarrassed.


“I have some things to do,” he said and walked off.


I removed the washing from the line, took my time sorting the clothes then delivered piles to Vanessa’s room and my bedroom. I left Simon’s till last, undecided as to whether I would go to his room now or later. I knew there was a high probability that he would be masturbating in the privacy of his room. Maybe I should wait until he had finished. I had other chores to complete that included grocery shopping.

I pretended to myself that he would require some of the freshly washed clothes today so I climbed the stairs with his laundry and a box of tissues. I stood at his door and held my breath as I knocked softly.


No reply, then just as I was about to retreat to my bedroom I heard, “ok.” I opened the door, he was on his bed with a sheet up to his waist. No prizes to guess why. I put his clothes on the chair in front of his desk and the tissues on his bedside cabinet. He gave me a questioning look but didn’t say anything. I sat on the edge of the bed beside him. He moved a little to give me more space. My own heart thumped in my ears and my mouth was dry.


 “Thank you for the lovely compliment earlier,” I said, “you made my day. I hope I didn’t embarrass you with the cuddle.”


“No, not at all,” he said. “I was worried I may have spoken out of line. In truth it was just exactly what I felt at that moment, the words just came out.” His big, brown, doe-like eyes were soft and full of sincerity. 


“Don’t ever be embarrassed about telling a woman she is beautiful, especially with the open honesty you showed me,” I said. “It is a wonderful thing to be told you are attractive especially by a good-looking hunk like you.” I leaned over to kiss him on the forehead and felt something under the sheet. Without thinking I pulled out my missing panties. His face went red.


“Ah, I’ve been looking for those,” I said as casually as possible. “No need for you to say anything, I completely understand. “I’m also a little flattered. He just looked at me with a naughty boy look that has just been caught. I desperately wanted to cuddle him.

“There’s nothing wrong with relieving a bit of pressure and frustration,“ I said as gently as I could, “just use the tissues to help cut down on the washing.” He responded with the faintest hint of a smile and tried to say something but no words came out. 


“I know you probably heard my conversation with Vanessa in the kitchen earlier. Masturbation is very normal and nothing to be ashamed of. I will let you into a secret, I do it myself and I have no doubt Vanessa does too.” His eyes shimmered with moisture. I picked up the panties, they had a very starched feel about them.“ These need a wash,” I said and stuffed them into the pocket of my dress. He looked disappointed then I realised why, they were a masturbation aid. 


I didn’t even think about what I did next, it was almost as if I was under some sort of spell. I lifted my dress and removed my bikini bottom. In doing so I deliberately let him get a brief look at my pussy, his eyes widened at the sight. He sat there like a deer in the spotlight. I leaned over and kissed him, this time on the lips, then handed him the bikini bottom. It was damp and I could smell my secretions. Before I stood I briefly grabbed his cock through the sheets. He gasped and I felt it twitch. It was quite large in girth and very hard. My legs felt like jelly when I stood.

"Perhaps these will help,” I said. It took all my willpower to turn and leave. I didn’t trust myself to look back.


During the next week, I was a little disappointed there were no further bathroom incidents. I arranged the cheval mirror in my bedroom so that I could see if anyone was peeking through a slightly ajar door. A couple of times I found it open an inch or two. I suspected he was looking while Bill and I were asleep.


That Friday night Bill was a little amorous, and I was happy to comply, excited by the thought Simon may be watching. As usual, the sex with Bill didn’t last long and he was soon snoring beside me. I glanced at the mirror and took a sharp intake of breath when I saw that the door was more open than previous nights. My heart rate accelerated when I saw some of Simon’s reflections in the mirror. I hoped he enjoyed watching me get fucked. He was still there, naked, aroused, cock in one hand, tissues in the other. 


Instead of embarrassment and humiliation, I felt excited and emboldened to display more to him. I carefully removed the bedclothes to avoid disturbing my husband, opened my legs so my pussy was in full view to the door, and put my fingers two work. The door moved again, now it was completely open, I could see directly Simon now. He was naked and very aroused, masturbating. It was a beautiful erotic site that pushed me over the edge. When I recovered he was gone.


I slept late and by the time I surfaced, donned my robe and headed down to the kitchen. Notes on the table told me that Bill had already left for a car boot sale and Vanessa was at her friend’s house. Simon, I assumed was still in his room although the door was partly open. I resisted the urge to peek.


I clicked the lock on the bathroom door and took off my robe. I was about to start the shower but stopped and unlocked the door. The noise sounded excessively loud, I hoped Simon was aware the door was unlocked. I just stood in the bathroom naked, looking at myself in the mirror for over a minute. I tried to will the door to be opened by Simon. I massaged my nipples and my pussy started to leak. I was a bitch on heat.


The unlocked door remained closed. I spent several more minutes waiting, ready and aroused but nothing happened. I opened the door and checked the hallway. I was alone, the house silent except for my rapid breathing and the thump of my heart. I threw caution to the wind, driven by my carnal desire, and walked naked up to his door, the room was empty.


When I entered the hallway after my shower, he was there, barefoot, in his running shorts and no shirt with a gorgeous, confident look. 


“Morning, Rebecca,” he said.


“Good morning to you,” I replied and loosened the cord of my robe and let it hang open at the front. His eyes caressed my body, hunger, and desire palpable. His demeanour had the confidence of an alpha male on the prowl. I walked into my bedroom and left the door open and turned to face him. He just stood in the hall and watched me. When I took off my robe he confidently strode in, took the garment from me, and tossed it on the floor. I took his hand and placed it on my breast. His thumb and forefinger teased the nipple.


“Gently,” I whispered. His free hand grasped my bottom and pulled me close so our bodies were in contact. I felt his erection on my stomach. I looked up at his lovely face, the sexy, lazy eyelids and soft brown eyes all served to weaken any semblance of decorum I had left.


He kissed me on the mouth. A lover’s kiss. I broke the embrace to pull down his shorts. His cock strained against his jocks. He released his sex organ. It pointed straight at me, erect and proud. A drop of clear viscous fluid emerged from the eye.


“Want some help with that?” I asked, my voice almost a whisper.


“Yes,” he croaked.


I knelt in front of him and engulfed the soft head with my mouth, the taste of the precum delicious. Simon moaned when I released his cock from my mouth, stood and placed it on my stomach between us, and pulled our naked bodies together, my breasts pressed against his hairless muscular chest.


His cock twitched against my belly when I kissed him again. We moved in a gentle fucking motion, his cock bathed in natural lubricant slipped between our bodies. I scooped the fluid from my stomach and his cock and smeared it between my pussy lips.


“That’s where I want your semen,” I said. He looked at me, a sheepish look.


“I haven’t done this before,” he said. 


“I would be honoured if I could be your first.” He smiled a boyish smile.


I climbed onto the bed, lay on my back, legs wide apart. I patted a spot between my knees, “kneel here,” I commanded. When he was in position I gently held his cock and guided the swollen head between my pussy lips, then moved it up and down the moist crevice. I settled the head of his cock at my opening and eased it slightly in me. He moved his hips a little, the crown slipped inside, he remained still.


“Are you sure?” he asked. I put my hands on his bottom and moved my hips upwards. He responded immediately and after a couple of thrusts he filled me perfectly, we were fully joined. He stilled again, a delicious shudder vibrated through my body,


“It’s ok,” I said, “keep doing what you are doing, you can do whatever you want.”


He grunted, then mother nature took over. He fucked me like a veteran his beautiful hard cock plunged to my cervix and the aching nerve endings in my sex canal received the stimulation they demanded. Not for long though, he paused, his cock expanded then pulsed as his semen spurted deep inside me. I succumbed to my release accompanied by uninhibited sobs of pleasure. He lay still on top of me, his cock still hard. He started to move off me. I wrapped my legs around his, grabbed his bum, and held him in.


”Are you ok?” he said.


“Yes, you just gave me a wonderful orgasm and you are staying in there while you are still hard.”


“Ah, I’m worried I’m too heavy on you.”


“Well you're fine but if you want we can roll over so I am on top, but we stay joined.”


“Mmm ok.” He was so strong I barely had to make any effort before I ended up on top, still impaled on his cock. He gently thrust with his hips, my body reacted with pure adulterous lust until we both climaxed again. After we were both spent he rolled off me and we lay together, satiated.


“Wow,” he said.


“Um yes, wow,” I agreed.


“I’m just wondering, actually hoping, that this is not just a one-off event,” he said.


“It had better not be.” He smiled at that.


“You mean we can do this again?”


“Yes this and more, there are lots of other things we can do together if you want.”


“Oh wow, yes, when?”


"Well, today might be a bit difficult as we won't be alone for much longer."


"When we are alone?"


"Yes, whenever you want."

Written by helenmiller2021
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