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"Carolyn is introduced to the world of sexual submission"

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Competition Entry: Pure Filth

It was Friday night. Bennett walked into the main club room sipping his favorite single malt. Seeing Carolyn sitting by herself, her head buried in a newspaper, he walked to her.

“Good evening. I am Bennett Fitzgerald. I believe you are Carolyn Anderson.”

She looked up. Not recognizing him, she replied, “Yes I am. Are you new here? I do not believe we have been introduced, but your name is familiar for some reason.”

“You probably recognize it since I am on the Board of Directors of the club. I am the one that did your background investigation for membership and recommended you be approved. I probably know more about you than you know yourself.”

A bit flustered, she began to stand as she said, “Oh yes, of course. So pleased to finally meet you. I had hoped to, but you never seem to be in the club.”

“I am here often but usually go into the Director’s rooms for more privacy. Tonight I wanted to speak with you if you are not busy.”

“No, no not at all. Please sit.”

He had found her an interesting woman when she applied for membership; it was probably the most exclusive club in the city. After his team investigated her, he fully supported her membership. Now it was time to see if he made a correct assessment.

His research had shown that she was thirty five and married. The manager of all twenty six branch offices of the National Bank in the city. A type “A” woman, she hired and fired with no feeling except for the company. No allowances were made, you either worked to her standards or you were gone. She tolerated no mistakes or lazy work. It was all part of her plan to be in corporate management in the next few years.

Her marriage to a university professor had long ago become sexless and loveless. It was now just a convenience for both of them.

This convenience had left her sex drive lacking fulfillment. It was just as strong as her drive for recognition and promotion in the bank. Her type “A” behavior continued into her sex life. When she needed satisfaction she found a man, never the same one, and used him to satisfy her needs for a night.

Reading between the lines of the report on her, Bennett thought he detected a suppressed and probably smoldering submissive desire. He intended to bring it to the surface if it was indeed there. He had done the same in the past with other women and never been wrong yet.

“I thought it might be fun for us both if you came to my home for the evening so we could get to know each other better. That is if you have the time and the inclination.”

Her needs had been building. She thought this might be just what she required to satisfy her desires, while at the same time charming a Club Director and possibly advancing her circle of powerful friends. His dangling carrot was having its intended effect.

“I would love that Bennett.”

“Wonderful. My driver will meet us out front. Excuse me for a minute, please meet me by the front door.”

“Perfect. Meet you there.”

As she headed for the door he moved away and called his staff at the Tower to leave some instructions. He owned the top two floors of the sixty-five floor condo building referred to as the Tower.

Bennett was a billionaire. His money was known only to a small circle of friends and his businesses known to a much smaller circle. Everything he did or owned was through offshore companies, nothing was directly in his name.

After finishing the call he met her at the door just as Matthew was pulling up in the Bentley. He vaulted from the car to open the door for them. Bennett stood aside to let Carolyn in first, then followed her into the spacious back seat.

Surprised by the car and driver, Carolyn wondered why she did not know him. She prided herself on at least having some knowledge of every moneyed person in the city and made every effort to get to know them on some level. She had never heard of Bennett Fitzgerald but tried to cover herself when she told him his name was familiar.

The car’s windows were dark. She could barely see out and no one could see in. Having never actually been in a Bentley she was amazed by its luxury and total silence; no road or other noise penetrated.

Bennett, feeling that he knew her personality well, had decided a direct approach would be the best. As soon as they began moving he commenced explaining what he knew about life, specifically her sex life and his thoughts about a conscious or unconscious desire for submission.

Her mind was reeling from what he knew about her and what he was proposing, but having steeled herself over the years for unexpected encounters and questions, she remained outwardly calm as she tried to absorb it all. The dangling carrot was still in her mind and she realized that he might have a point about submission. She often wished she could just give up during sex and not feel like she always needed to be in charge of how events unfolded.

He concluded his thoughts and awaited her reply, staring deep into her eyes.

Having made her calculation, she said, “Well Bennett I have to say I fully expected there was a high probability that tonight would develop into a sexual encounter between us, but I had never considered your ideas regarding submission. Since you were direct and honest with me, I will return the favor. I have to admit the idea intrigues me. You may well have a valid point about unconscious desire so I am going to say yes to your idea and see where it takes us.”

“Good. Now unzip my pants and suck my cock.”

“Here? Now? I—“

Slap! Her right cheek stung from his blow.

“How dare you! I could—“

Slap! Her left cheek hurt as much as her right.

She recognized she was at a cross-roads. Did she submit or did she fight back? So many thoughts... The carrot, her sexual desires, what to do?

Bennett had not missed the initial smooth flow of her blouse over the enchanting domes of her breasts now topped with two prominent points. Her nipples were clearly swollen; she was obviously sexually aroused. His hands flew like a snake strike to her nipples, grabbing them and squeezing with stunning power. Carolyn’s eyes almost bulged out and her mouth opened in a silent scream. She was overwhelmed.

“I know you must be stunned. I have been told the pain is immense, but I have also been told that beneath it is a certain erotic sensation. Search for that feeling. Soon the pain will fade. Do you know why?”

She shook her head no.

“My grip has cut the blood supply to the nerves in your beautiful nipples and that limits their ability to transmit pain. So while I have your undivided attention I want to explain the rules we will follow. First, and foremost, you can say stop at any time and whatever is happening will stop. If you do say stop it will be the end of everything, not just what may be happening at the moment. Matthew will take you anywhere you wish. You and I will never speak again, about anything, anywhere.

“You must never say no or don’t or in any way interrupt what is happening. If you do it will either result in punishment or an interpretation of ‘stop’. You must totally accept your submission to me. Do you understand everything I just said?”

She nodded her head yes.

“Was I right? Has the pain diminished? Do you feel anything pleasurable?”

“Strangely yes. It is a good hurt. That makes no sense.”

“I suspect you will find that as the night wears on. Soon I am going to release you, but unfortunately that will cause you more pain than my current squeeze. The blood will rush back and your deprived nerves will be innervated causing them to send new, stronger pain signals to your brain. This will be a test of your submission and control. You must not make the smallest sound or punishment will result. Clear?”

“God yes! Just do it.”

He released her. Electrical signals shot to her brain. She scrunched her eyes, gritted her teeth and balled her hands into quivering fists... then emitted the smallest squeak. The pain passed. She relaxed back into the soft leather seat and began to breathe normally again.

“You know you made a sound.”

“Yes I know. I tried as hard as I could, but it just slipped out. I am very sorry.”

Somewhat surprised by her seemingly compliant acceptance of his actions he decided on a "punishment" that, in any event, was the next step in his plan.

“Your punishment is to remove all your clothing now. Your attempt at compliance was evident, and you will not be needing your clothes for a while anyway. Besides I want to see the lovely body that awaits the pleasures to come.”

She was almost in a daze from her bewilderment over everything that had happened so quickly. She had given up control so easily and was inexplicably finding pleasure. In moments she was naked, her clothes on the deep pile carpeted floor. Turning to Bennett looking for affirmation, approval--he did not disappoint.

“My dear you are exquisite. Your breasts are so perfectly formed and capped by luscious nipples. Are they okay now?”

“They feel perfect,” she said as she cupped her breasts and stretched them towards him.

“Spread your legs a bit more. Yes like that. A perfectly smooth pussy that I believe is already a bit damp?”

She ran a finger between her puffy labia. It came away covered in her juice, which she offered to him. He sucked her finger, licking off all her essence.

“Delicious my dear, absolutely delicious. We will have so much pleasure together!”

“I feel bewitched. I want you to take me, use me. I am burning for whatever awaits.”

Just then they pulled into his private underground parking next to his private elevator. From there it only stopped at floors sixty-four and sixty-five. He owned them both.

Matthew opened the door for Bennett. He exited and went to her side, opening the door and offering his hand. She held it as she emerged. He embraced her, feeling her body mold to his as they had their first kiss; it was deep and long lasting.

She felt no embarrassment from her nakedness, rather a bliss from feeling she was so appreciated. They were whisked to the top floor, his residence, where they were met by Maryann, his female factotum. Bennett made the appropriate introductions. Maryann led then to his study and inquired after drinks, she had Bennett’s usual Gibson waiting. Carolyn asked for water and a Cosmo, both were quickly produced.

Even in her heightened sexual state she had not forgotten the carrot. She attempted to gently draw Bennett into a discussion of his business but he deftly avoided her questions. He soon stood and took her hand, telling her it was time for more ravishment of her delectable body.

He brought her into another room that was dark, almost too dark to see. Escorting her to a couch, he handed her leather boots and wrist cuffs, instructing her to buckle them tightly to her feet and wrists.

“What’s going to happen?” she asked as she followed instructions.

“What fun would it be if there was no surprise. Just make them nice and tight. All will soon become clear. Rest assured your submission will result in your pleasure... eventually.”

Two ropes had been silently descending from above as she completed the task. He again had her stand and walk to where the ropes hung. He clipped one to each wrist cuff, then they began to pull her arms up.

“Oh Bennett you devil. I am going to be totally exposed and vulnerable. I am trembling with excitement and apprehension.”

“Just remember what I said about using ‘stop’. Anytime you wish it will end. Now spread your legs. That’s it. A little further. Perfect,” he said as he clipped her ankles to the floor and had her arms raised the final distance. Her legs were stretched wide and her arms pulled tight, totally vulnerable.

The lights came up just in the area where she was restrained. He walked up to her and they kissed as he playfully toyed with her nipples. Then he backed away and produced a riding crop.

“Do you know what this is Carolyn?”

“A riding crop I think?”

“Exactly. What a jockey whips a horse with to drive them faster.”

He gave her ass several strokes to demonstrate.

“OH fuck! Damn that stings.”

Then more strokes til both cheeks were red and she was shouting as each one landed. The pain was dazzling her. She wanted him to stop but did not want the consequences of using that word; she endured.

Back in front of her, he asked her if she thought it was possible for him to make her cum with the crop.

“I don’t see how,” she gasped out. “My ass is throbbing and on fire!”

“Well let’s see what it will do to your pussy, your clit in particular.”
“Oh fuck, you’re going to kill me!”

He started to very gently slap her clit with the small square tip of the crop. As her ass pain faded she realized what he was doing actually felt good. Her clit was responding. The pleasure signals were flowing. God she hoped he would keep that up. She knew she could cum from that.  

He kept it up. Sometimes a bit harder, sometimes very soft, always carefully watching her to see how close she was getting. Now her pussy was dripping. He was getting her closer.

“Yes, yes! God that’s good. I’m so close, just a bit more.”

“You like that do you?”

“Fuck yes!”

“How about this?” he asked as he whipped across a nipple.

“OH! You fucker!” she shouted as she reflexively tried to twist away.

“That will come later,” he said calmly and went back to his gently tapping.

He repeatedly brought her up to the edge and down, time after time. She started out cursing him every time he brought her ever so close and then whipped her back. Then she started to beg, begging to be allowed the orgasm that she needed so badly and was always just out of reach. Finally she just went quiet. She had reached total submission, at least for this moment in time.

He recognized her state and knew it was time to push her over. So once again he gently brought her up to the edge. Expecting the inevitable, her eyes glazed over as she braced for the impending pain, but it did not happen. Her whole body began to tremble. The feelings she knew so well continued to build until suddenly she fell over the cliff.

“Oh my fuckin god! I’m cumming! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” Then she dissolved into the strongest, muscle racking orgasm she had ever experienced. She felt the fluid gushing from her pussy as the feeling ran through her body. As the sensations began to fade she collapsed. Her legs no longer holding her, she was hanging by her arms.

The ropes quickly lowered her to a waiting stool where Bennett and Maryann held her, gave her water and began to sponge her body with chilled, scented water to cool and soothe her. A heavily padded table was slowly moved in front of her as they continued their ministrations.

As she was renewed she said, ”Damn Bennett, you are a true Svengali. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever even imagine an orgasm like that. God I hope it is only the first of many that at least approach that intensity.”

“Believe me, it was a pleasure to give it to you. I hope to give you more, in different ways.”
“The ‘different ways’ part would be wonderful,” she said with a chuckle.

“Well I think it is time you get some cock. What do you think?”

“Oh that would be fabulous! I have been praying for a good fucking. My pussy is sore from your games, but it still wants cock!”

“Your wish is my command.”

“Only if it happens to coincide with your plans for me,” she quipped.

“Well this time it does. We are going to help you up so you can lie forward on the table in front of you. It is well padded and has a hole for your face, much like a massage table.”

They assisted her up and into position on the table, making sure her face was comfortably placed it the specially designed hole.

“How does that feel?”

“Fine. This is actually quite comfortable. Are my legs going to stay tied to the floor?”

“Yes. I want to make sure your intimate parts remain fully accessible, however your arms will remain free. I do have to put this strap across your head to keep you in place.”

As he was talking he secured a wide leather strap over her head to make sure she could not lift up. Between her ankles and head she was effectively pinned to the table. Bennett then retrieved an anal plug and began to insert it.

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“What’s that? What are you doing to my ass?”

“Its an anal plug my dear. Ever had one in you?”

“No and I am not sure I want one in me now.”

“Just say ‘stop’, you know it will all end.”

“Damn, that is stretching me. It hurts a bit.”

“Poor baby. Not used to anal sex?”

“I don’t do that.”

“Well tonight you will and you will be glad of this. It will pre-stretch you some and make it easier for you to take my cock.”

“I thought you were going to fuck my pussy?”

“No, that will be my friend Dingo. He has the thickest, longest, blackest cock I have ever seen. You are in for quite the encounter.”

“Oh Jesus. God help me.” With those words the plug popped into place. She began to feel rubbing between her labia; something large and warm was probing her tunnel.   

Dingo was just picking up her slippery juices and feeling for her opening. After stroking his cock up and down her slit several times he was ready. He began to nonchalantly push in.

“My god he’s huge!”

This was not Dingo’s first rodeo; he knew just how to handle her. Once he was in only a couple inches he started his in and out movement. Carolyn had settled down a bit to his rhythm but kept up her exclamations about his size, her pussy’s stretching, disbelief she could take him, etcetera. Bennett totally ignored her, not responding to anything she said.

Having been instructed to penetrate her faster than he normally did with a first timer, he was soon fully in and beginning full length strokes, in and out, slowly becoming faster and faster, harder and harder. She now began to feel the galvanizing thrills his cock produced. She had her first orgasm and screamed in ecstasy. This was just the beginning...

Soon, her pussy stretched wider and tighter than she ever imagined possible, she began to experience the orgasms Dingo was capable of producing. They came more and more often as he pounded her harder and faster. Now she was lost in a netherworld, her brain overloaded with the euphoria being thrust upon it, all she could do was scream and gasp for breath.

She had no idea of time; it could have been five minutes or an hour. Dingo was relentless. When he was ready to fill her he signaled Bennett who approached and pulled her plug out. She never realized it, it was just another assault on her brain. Then Dingo, holding her hips tightly, pressed as deep as possible and began sending his pulses of hot jizz into her. This always caused the strongest orgasm he could produce. She screamed even louder as her body convulsed in a final paroxysm.

Bennett, having covered his hard cock with a copious amount of lube, waited. As soon as Dingo withdrew, after leaving every drop he could produce in her, he took his place, spread her cheeks and in one long, hard push plunged deep in her ass. Her scream was prodigious.

As she was still gasping for breath she managed to shout, “Oh god! My fucking ass. Its...”

Bennett was already pumping her; it was all she could manage to say before her need for air overtook her. Now she was feeling a combination of pain and pleasure that produced a new set of screams. The sensations roiled through her brain. Eventually the pleasure signals overrode the pain and once again she began to cum—over and over.

Her virgin, tight ass, even though it had relaxed, had Bennett in a firm grip that was going to bring him to a finish sooner than he wanted, but he knew it was inevitable. Slapping her cheeks as hard as he could, he buried himself deep and released his seed. All Carolyn really knew was that he had stopped. She was in no condition to think further. Then Bennett, having finished emptying himself, pulled out in one quick movement. The feeling caused by his quick withdrawal was almost as startling as his original plunge. She produced one last quiver and uttered a barely heard, “Oh god.”

Bennett turned to Maryann, who had been there the whole time, saying, “Take care of her. You know what I want.”

She just nodded her head. He turned and walked away without a further word.

Maryann knew the drill. She had been with Bennett for several years and observed this scene repeated before. She enjoyed the benefits of working for him, both monetary and personal. There was no desire in her to have her life any different.

After releasing Carolyn’s head and ankles she waited for her to recover enough to move. In a few minutes Carolyn pushed herself up a bit and looked around. Seeing Maryann she smiled saying, “Can a girl get a little help?”

Maryann laughed and helped her to the stool where she gave her a plastic bottle containing an energy drink. “Drink it all. You are dehydrated and need the fluid.”

“Ya think?” she replied with a laugh as she began to almost chug it down.

There were a few more exchanges between them, but she was too exhausted to do much except let Maryann help her to the room where she would spend the night. She was asleep almost before she hit the mattress and stayed that way until Maryann woke her at 10am the next morning as she gave her a cup of coffee.

Carolyn wanted to talk but Maryann just instructed her to shower and get ready for the day. She left her the heels she had been wearing and a dress, if you could call it that. It was a semi sheer spandex micro mini that would somewhat cover her from her boobs to a bit below her butt. After telling her where to find Bennett when she was ready, she left her.

The shower rejuvenated her, washing away the dried remains of last night’s ravishment. In reliving the parts she could remember, she knew that Bennett was right about her; she was sexually submissive and was quite gratified that he had demonstrated it to her. Wondering what the day held for her, she pulled on the skimpy dress, slipped on the heels and went in search of him. She found him sitting on the balcony with his coffee, looking out over the city and the water.

“Ah my dear you look wonderful this morning. Come sit and enjoy the view while I enjoy viewing you. Delightful dress you are wearing.”

“Doesn’t leave much to the imagination does it?” she said sporting a big grin.

“Good subs love to be on display. You are a good sub aren’t you?”

“I guess last night proved that. You have opened the door to a new world. I hope to make judicious use of it. So what do you have planned for today?”

“Things a bit different from yesterday. We are going out in the world to... lets say show off your new status and your skills. If you don’t stop today you will truly be ready to enjoy submission however you desire. I hope some of it will be with me.”

“I hope it will be also. Going out in the world in this dress does worry me a bit... I am sure you can understand why.”

“We will be places where no one will know you. It could only possibly happen in one place, and if by chance someone does I promise it will only enhance future meetings. You would not be the first woman to use her sex to further her career. I suspect that you might have already done that but not in this way.”

She just gave him a coy smile and sipped her coffee. After more banter they were in the Bentley, off to an undisclosed destination.

“This would be a good time to do what you never did yesterday. Unzip and suck. Don’t let a drop of me escape.”

“Gladly,” she said as she moved into position and began her efforts by taking him totally in and down her throat.

“Ah my sweet sub, you are quite good at that. By the way do you know what a glory hole is?”

Not stopping her efforts she tried to say No but only “Oh” came out. He understood and went into a graphic description. He finished his explanation just before erupting into her mouth. She stroked him as she swallowed every last drop, finally releasing him with a last lick.

“Excellent work! You are going to be a hit at the hole we are going to.”

“That’s where we’re going? What do you expect me to do?” she asked. The apprehension was clear in her voice.

“Why suck cock. I am sure you will love it. You only have to do the first ten cocks that are presented to you.”

“That is so slutty and gross. The rooms must be filthy. God that’s disgusting.”

“Well they do clean them now and then, besides they are dim so you will not be able to really see anything except what is presented to you through the hole. Think how happy you are going to leave ten lucky guys. You may give the best they've ever had,” he said as an evil grin spread across his face.

“This is part of going out in the world?”                                    

“This is part of submitting to my desires. You can always refuse.”

Once again she was somewhat subtly reminded of the carrot; she wanted that carrot. She thought to herself that she was tough, she could get through this, and after all she was submissive to him; she could not refuse. “You’re right, they will leave there much happier than when they arrived. And I so love cum,” she said in her most brazen voice.

“I knew you’d love the idea,” he told her as he pulled her into a kiss and reached for her exposed pussy. She closed her eyes, enjoying his two fingers slipping into her moistness.

Soon they were parked. Looking out the window she saw the big “Adult Super Store” sign and a number of cars in the lot. Bennett exited the car and helped Carolyn out, then escorted her into the store. Inside he led her up and down a few aisles to make sure the customers enjoyed a good view of her. Then to the manager who guided them behind the counter, to the back of the store. There was the booth, a plain, small, unpainted plywood room with a short stool and no door. The room only had three sides; it was open to the side. A low wattage bulb hung from the ceiling on a wire. Bennett led her up to it and motioned with his arm for her to enter.  

“Damn. Tacky, tacky, tacky and a bit creepy. You really want me to do this?” she asked in a disbelieving way.

“Yes. But you know you can refuse and end this.” He was determined to extract her submission.

“Okay,” she said, trying to put on a cheerful face. “Bring them on. This might possibly be at least interesting. Ten huh?”

“Correct. Ten guys. I will be sitting her watching you. Enjoy, and remember swallow it all,” he said with a devilish grin.

She entered and sat on the stool, the round opening level with her mouth. Soon there was a banging noise shortly followed by an erect white cock poking through the hole. She clutched it at its base as her mouth took it in.

She made relatively short work of him, swallowing every drop that he produced. Then the next one showed up, this time a dark colored cock. She did not hesitate. Engulfing him, she brought him to a fairly quick completion, devouring his emission. As each one appeared she gave them their monies worth, but it all began to seem endless. She experienced different sizes, colors, shapes and tastes. She began looking at Bennett more and more. Each time he would smile and hold up some fingers. She realized it was the count. At least the end was in sight.

What had begun as possibly interesting was now a chore she found distasteful to say the least and was becoming more and more detestable. Bennett had devised a terrible test of her submission to him, but she was determined to see it through. Finally she finished the last guy and Bennett was right there to assist her out of the booth.

“Don’t touch me!" she said, making her way out of the booth. “That was a disgusting thing you made me do. Get me out of here!”

“I did not ‘make’ you do anything. You know you could have refused. You chose to submit to my request.”

She knew he was right. The carrot was part of it but a small part of her also enjoyed the adventure, the testing ordeal.

“What next? Sell me as a street whore? Do you have no limits?”

By now they had gone out the back door and into the waiting Bentley where drinks awaited them both. She grabbed her Cosmo and took it all down in one gulp.

“That was your final, possibly vulgar... lets call it experience. Tonight should be enjoyable for you and then life goes back to as normal as you wish it to be. When we get home tonight we can talk about future possibilities for you, both in business and possibly with me. For now calm down, enjoy another drink as I tell you about this evenings plans.”

He went on to explain how they were going out on a large yacht for a two to three hour cocktail gathering of wealthy couples who lived free and open marriages. She would be looked upon as a new experience by the men and also a few of the women. He expected her to do whatever was requested of her. It would be nothing distasteful and it would never be mentioned outside of this group. If she ever met them in a business setting it could only enhance her cachet.

This sounded intriguing. She put the store behind her, telling him that it sounded exciting and enjoyable.

When they arrived at the Tower, Maryann met them and took Carolyn in tow to get her ready for the early evening cruise. After an intimate massage from Maryann, which thrilled her and gave her chills of delight, she took a long, hot shower and then rested for a time. Later Maryann appeared with her attire for the evening, a sheer, spaghetti strap, ankle length gown that flowed on her body like water around river rock. It left no doubt she was without lingerie, sporadically revealing and hiding her. If she moved the straps off her shoulders, the gown dropped directly to the floor. She thought it must be bespoke.

At the expected time she appeared on the balcony, finding Bennett in a tux ready to depart for the marina.

“My dear Carolyn you look ravishing! I am sure you will be much in demand. I want you to know that I want you to cooperate as much as possible, but you are free to express your desires and dislikes. Just enjoy yourself, remembering that these are influential people. Being on their good side could prove advantageous in the future.”

“I will make you proud. I am really looking forward to the evening. Is this sort of my graduation?” she asked with a small chuckle.
“You could look at it that way. After the cruise, you are your own woman again; not that you never were, but I think you understand...”

“I do,” she said just before she gave him a luscious hug and kiss.

Matthew drove them to the pier, where they alighted and walked to the waiting yacht. All the other guests must have been aboard since they cast off just after they stepped aboard.

Bennett was greeted heartily and he, in turn, introduced Carolyn to everyone. The murmurs of interest and approval were unmistakable. Carolyn was enjoying her sexuality, proud it was teasingly on display. They both picked up a champagne glass as the vessel got underway. He kept her moving through the guests as they left the harbor and hit open water.

Soon a man approached her and asked to borrow her. She looked at Bennett, he nodded, and off she went. He took her to the stern and with no hesitation asked for a “blow job”. She did not hesitate to drop to her knees as he unzipped. Then, with many eyes on them, she acquitted herself admirably. This was followed by another man asking her to bend over and hold the rail as he “had her”. Again she performed wonderfully, with both climaxing together. Next was a woman who asked her to a stateroom. Carolyn followed her downstairs. They emerged later, both looking pleased and a bit tousled.

This went on with others. Carolyn found just enough time to enjoy the champagne and appetizers with Bennett for brief intervals. The three hours flew by for her. She could not believe they were headed for the dock.

“Was the cruise cut short?” she asked Bennett.

He laughed and said, “I think it was actually extended a bit. It has been over three hours. You were quite in demand as you must have been aware.”

“Looking back you are right, but I was caught up. I just seemed to glide from one to another. Did you miss me?” she asked mischievously.

“No, but only because I saw the joy on your face and knew that we had all night.”

Looking at him seriously she asked, ”Do we really have all night?”

“We are at a fork in the road. You need to decide which path to take. I believe I have opened your eyes to your submissive side and that was my goal.”

“You absolutely have and although it sometimes did not seem that way, it has been my most pleasurable experience. You have shown me a new world that I will embrace.”

“So you can have Matthew drive you back to your car and go home to your husband or spend the rest of the weekend with me as my friend and submissive lover.”

“I choose you.”

Written by Kee
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