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Starting Over

"College girl leaves home to find herself in the bed of a man for one hell of a night!!!!"

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Competition Entry: On the Road

The road whipped by as she drove her small Honda Civic to the local community college. Not a day would pass when she would look out the window at the lake as she passed over it and dreams of travelling would consume her. She would imagine that instead of the lake next to the college, it was a lake somewhere in the South West where she was starting her life over with no ties, no friends, nothing but her and her thoughts.

Today was different though, the person sitting beside her was the last tie that would stop her from making the move. Her so-called boyfriend had no clue what had happened the day before at the mall where they both worked. Little did he know that the girl he had been fucking came for a visit. Telling her all about them. When she left work with the new knowledge, she went home and gathered her favorite clothes, shoes and things she would never give up, emptied her bank accounts, and donated the rest of the junk to Goodwill. She had been so absorbed in her thoughts that she didn’t hear Steven, the idiot, when he started asking her questions.


“I said, wanna skip and go do something else for the day?” His questioning eyes and waggling eyebrows say what he has in mind.




“Can you have Paula drive you home later?”

“I guess. Why? What are you gonna be doing?”

“I need to take care of a few things so it won’t be easy for me to meet up with you after.”

“Okay then sure.”

Paula was the whore that had come to the mall to tell her of their little relationship. “I’ll call you later though.”

As she pulled into a parking space and they both got out, Steven was getting ready to start his walk with her to classes they took in the same building, but Melinda didn’t follow. “You coming?”

“No, I need to go see the bursar.”

“OK. See ya after class for lunch then.”


Blasting in the doors to the office, the receptionist turns to glare at her. “Can I help you?”

“Yeah I need to withdraw from my classes and the school.”

“Have a seat. I’ll tell one of the administrators.”

Melinda sat by the door in her jean shorts, stacked heel sandals, white sleeveless boho tank, and placed her brown messenger bag on the floor leaning on her legs. She had her normally waist length blonde highlighted hair piled into a messy knot on top of her head and wore very little make up. But with her somewhat flawless complexion, blue eyes and naturally rosy cheeks, who needed it.

When the receptionist came back, she scowled as Mr. Garnet came from the office behind her. He had been the one to sign Melinda into her psych program classes.

“Melinda. Are you okay?”

“Sure Mr. Garnet. It’s just that you know, can we talk in private though?” She flashes her eyes to the side where the receptionist is glaring at her.

“Ok. Come in my office.”

Following, Melinda, gets into the office and sits down on the chair, she takes a deep breath and starts to explain her situation. Before she knows it, her entire story is out of her mouth, including the part where she was cheated on.

“I understand Melinda. Give me about 10 minutes to process everything and I can get the check cut to you immediately.”


The minutes ticked by and her cell had already beeped seven times with texts, probably from Steven. Ignoring it, she started to pace the room. Startled when Mr. Garnet came back in with a stack of documents and her check.

“Here’s the docs you have to sign and a copy of your official transcripts so that you can re-enter wherever you land. “

Quickly she grabbed the pen and signed everything, handing all the things over and taking her check and transcripts.

“I have no clue what’s wrong with that boyfriend of yours. He has no idea how lucky he was.” Shyly, Melinda smiles and gives Mr. Garnet some quick thanks, and rushes from his office.

Her car is still warm when she gets there and she climbs in. The bank the check is drawn on is just a few quick blocks East. In just a few more minutes, she is in and out and has all the money stashed in her brown suitcase. Keeping only what she needs in her purse, she gets on the nearest road heading south west.

The hours drift by as music plays, and her mind wanders. Melinda stops to get gas somewhere in Tennessee. She notices a guy on a motorcycle watching her from the other gas pump. He is super sexy in his jeans, boots, and black tank top that hugs his muscular chest and back. His tribal tattoo that runs from his elbow up to his shoulder and disappears under the tank makes her mouth water. His small beard is nothing to distract her from staring at his full smiling lips. His eyes are covered by sunglasses but there’s no mistaking his intention. Nerves knot in her stomach and she makes the snap decision to smile and say hi when she walks into the service station for snacks and water.

His deep rumbling hello makes her knees knock together. There’s something about him that makes her want to stop and just jump on the back of the bike and forget her life all together. Instead, she leaves her car, and rushes inside. She grabs her food and water, pays for that and the gas. Climbing behind the wheel, she feels like something is wrong. Paranoid, she rushes to the trunk and checks the money. It’s all there. Distracted by the motorcycle starting, she jumps back in and drives off ahead of her eye candy distraction.

Melinda is only on the road for about 30 minutes when her car starts to sputter and choke. Thick white smoke pours out from under the hood and a horrific acrid stench fills the inside. Irritated beyond words, she gets out and opens the hood only to be greeted by more smoke. In the distance she hears an engine. In a desperate attempt to get some distance from the car, she races to the back and grabs her suitcase, sunglasses and stuffs her messenger bag into the suitcase, just in time to stand up and shove her thumb out to get the car to stop for her. Her heartbeat quickens, but she breathes deep and starts to shake more for reasons she can’t understand. Her stance is kind of seductive with her belly exposed just a little and she pulls her hair out of its messy top knot, letting the hair flow down her back.

  1. she realizes what the engine she was hearing was, as it comes over the hilltop, her heart rate spikes. It’s a motorcycle, and it comes to a stop between her and her car. To her stunned amazement and embarrassment, it happens to be the guy from the gas station who climbs off and takes his helmet off. No sunglasses this time and damn he is even better looking now. Not just because she’s in trouble either.

“You okay?”

Deftly, she nods her head but no words escape her lips. It’s as if gravity is holding her rooted to the spot and there is no chance of her speaking. Finally, she manages to open her mouth and mumbles a small “Uh huh.”

“Looks like your engine is shot. Sorry. You got anyone that can come help you?”

Crushed from the news, she looks down and her brain goes into overdrive on how she can get to a location that is clear across the country without a car.

“No I don’t. I was in the middle of moving to New Mexico to be honest. I dumped everyone and everything and was gonna start over.”

“How old are you?”

“22 – why does that matter?”

“Ballsy for a girl that looks like you to do that.”

“Oh like you’re that much older than me?”

“Not at all – I’m 24 but I been on my own since I was 16.”

Her mood is souring more by the second as she decides what she should do.

“How can I get rid of this heap? Any suggestions?”

His mischievous smile causes her belly to clench anticipatorily. “I can give you a ride to my place. My neighbor can come tow it to salvage and give you cash for it.”

Although she isn’t too comfortable with the concept of going home with the guy, it isn’t like she has much of a choice. “I guess that’s fine but I have my suitcase.”

“No worries.” No sooner than he finishes those words, he has grabbed her suitcase and somehow tied it securely onto the luggage rack on the bike. Offering her a hand and a helmet he finally introduces himself, “Name’s Chris.”


“Well Melinda, hope on and let’s get moving.”

Her fear is nothing compared to her excitement. Touching his hand made it feel like electricity was coursing through her entire body and now she would have her legs open and around this mysterious guy for who knows how long. His hand reaches for her so that she can manage to not fall over getting on back once the helmet is on.

Melinda settles onto the back and tries to find a place for her hands before the engine rumbles to life. Chris turns a little to the side and says in a loud enough voice to be heard through the helmet, “You can hold onto me.”

Nervously, Melinda reaches up and tries to hold his shoulders. She doesn’t exactly understand how he means to hold onto him so this is what she chooses. Roughly, he reaches up and grips her right hand with his left and says, “You gotta hold around my waist, not my shoulders since I can swerve off the road if you pull me.”


No sooner than the last syllable of that word left his mouth, the engine of the monstrous matte black Harley roars to life. Vibrations course through her legs, all the way to her head, making her teeth chatter from the force. Too bad she isn’t positive it’s only the size of the engine making her shake.


This is her first motorcycle experience and her nerves are wound tighter than a cable about to snap.

The speed that the bike travels at is both exciting and scary, making the entire experience surreal for Melinda. When Chris pulls off the road and into a driveway with tall trees on each side, she gets the distinct feeling that she is safe but at the same time not safe at all. At the end of the driveway is a small ranch style home. Deep gray with black trim and a bright red door. He pulls to a stop in front of the garage, turns the bike off and waits for Melinda to climb off. Her legs are shaking so badly that her first step on solid ground feels wrong. Shaking more like a newborn fawn, she stands stock still until Chris is standing in front of her and takes the helmet. “You good?”

“I guess so but my legs are too shaky to walk.”

“First ride?”


“You’ll get used to it soon enough. Let’s get your suitcase and shit and go inside. I’ll call my friend and you can shower or do whatever while we wait.”

Silently, Melinda follows him as he takes her suitcase off the bike and refuses her to carry it herself. Once inside his home, she notices that the inside is immaculate. Light gray carpet, black leather furniture, glass tables. Everything is so modern and clean lines that she stands there and takes in the room longer than she intended to.

“Yeah, no woman’s touch, I know.”

“Actually, I was thinking it was really nice.”

“Thanks.” He puts her suitcase down near the hallway and pulls his cell out to make the call. “Make yourself at home. Bathroom is the 2nd door on the left and the kitchen is through here.” His hand moves animatedly to express his directions. Then he is gone down the long hallway.

Curious, she walks slowly towards the hallway herself. Her heart is pounding in her chest. She does need a bathroom break and it would probably be a good idea to splash some cold water on her face after the smoke covered her like that. She opens the 2nd door on the left and flicks on the light. The bathroom is like everything else in the house. Spotless. Black and white tiles with chrome. She closes and locks the door to relieve herself. But she can’t stop herself from peeking into his things. She snoops through his linen closet. Nothing that would impress or scare her at all in there. Just soaps, shampoos, towels and toilet paper. His medicine cabinet has condoms and other crap but nothing shocking there either. She splashes her face with the cold water and sniffs her clothes to see if she stinks, then returns to the living room to see Chris sitting there with a fiercely predatory look on his face.

“Come sit, Neil said it’s gonna be a few hours till he can get your car and cash it out for you.”

Melinda walked slowly over towards the couch and sat down. The leather was cool against the backs of her legs and she moaned a little at the softness. Before long they were talking and laughing like the oldest of friends. She opened up enough to talk about why she was heading to New Mexico and how she walked away from everything that morning. He listened with intent interest to all her words and she was taken back by his reply story. It looked like they had a lot in common. They were both from the same original state and he was cheated on and shit on as well. Eventually, the sun was going down, and they both started to talk about food. Chris offered to buy her dinner from a delivery place a few miles away and she graciously accepted.

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Neil never called to say that he had found her car but Melinda had forgotten all about it for a while.

When their dinner got there, it was a mix of random southern barbeque favorites. They ate in companionable silence in his living room listening to music. They were sitting side by side on the couch when she realized that their thighs were brushing against each other on and off. She had no idea when they had gotten so close to each other. His eyes kept looking at her mouth when they would speak to each other. And of course, she was so unassuming that she thought it was because she still had food in her teeth. Excusing herself she got her messenger bag from her suitcase and went to freshen up again.

There was no food or anything wrong with her at all. He was staring at her mouth for other reasons. Chris was not about to let this change get away from him and she had no clue. He had seen her at the gas station and had purposely done a few evil small things to her old beat up car that allowed for the engine to die so that he could appear to be the hero. Sure his friend Neil was really helping but Chris had told him to deal with it all tomorrow morning since he had other plans for Melinda. As soon as he had seen her tight body, long legs, and her sultry voice reached his ears, he knew there had to be a way to get her home with him.

As Melinda walks into the living room again, she can feel the difference in the room. She feels both scared and excited in a way that isn’t familiar to her at all. Chris is sitting on the couch still but now his tank top is gone and he is barefoot. Just as she expected, his tattoo covers most of his pec and goes all the way over his shoulder. He spends time in the sun, his skin is lightly tanned and his muscles flex as he gets up from the couch. Immobile by the nerves fluttering in her belly, she stands there still in her stacked heel sandals, unable and unwilling to move. He closes the distance between them in what seems like milliseconds. His hands reach out and grab her hips, pulling her into him. There’s no tenderness but there is a slight reverence for her that shows that he respects her enough to not assume that she is his.

Melinda gasps at the contact and she raises her hands to his chest and starts to shake. She has been dying to touch this tattoo for hours and feeling the warmth of his skin under her fingers makes her more brazen. Chris can obviously feel her tremors and he smiles at her as she runs her fingers up and laces her fingers behind his neck. There is no love here, but an animalistic desire building. The first brush of their lips on one another quickly turns to a furnace. Her lips part without any hesitation and Chris explores her with his tongue. His hands rove over her back, ass and eventually her belly and breasts. When he pulls his lips away from hers, he can see her eyes are glazed over with the same desire that he feels.

Melinda gets the distinct feeling that she was meant to be here with him. Reaching down, she grabs the bottom of her shirt and pulls it off over her head. Exposing her sheer purple bra. Her breasts are not large but they are firm with bright pink nipples. Chris’s groan makes her swoon. Steven never made her feel desirable like this stranger is at this very second. “I figured it was only fair seeing as you already took your shirt off and all.”


Chris turns her around and guides her to the hallway, where they walk to the 3rd door on the left and walk into a bedroom. Melinda’s shaking is making her feel out of control and faint, but at the same time, hotter than she could ever imagine. His room has the music from the living room coming in and of course the bed in made up in red and black, piled with pillows and almost no furniture. Lighting is barely on and the feeling to the room is that she may never want to leave again.

Melinda’s feelings of desire are flooding her sensibilities so much so that she walks forward without any hesitation and turns to face Chris again. Her fingers move of their own accord, and she pushes her jean short cut offs down her hips so that they fall to the ground, exposing the sheer purple matching thong. Through which you can see that she keeps herself smooth and bare. Chris’s restraint is surprising to him, seeing as though Melinda appears to be everything he wants from a woman. Shy but sexy, slutty but demure, smart but quiet. He walks to stand in front of her, and bends down to pick up her shorts to free her legs of them. In a hastened need to touch him again, Melinda reaches her fingers down to touch his hair as he descends. Instead of taking that as a cue to hurry, he leans forward and brushes his lips against her thigh, stopping only when he reaches the apex. The shuddering gasp that Melinda releases at his touch informs him of her need. When he returns to standing in front of her, he can see her chest heaving as if she is panting.

Melinda, sits back onto his bed, inviting him silently to join her. He wastes no time and grabs her feet to take off her sandals finally. Before him lay a gorgeous woman, clad only in her underwear and he knows that he going to have her in any way that she will allow. Deciding to take it as slow as he can, he stands back and unbuttons his jeans and lets them fall to the floor so that he is standing in front of the bed for a second wearing his black boxer briefs. His erection strains against the material. Melinda can’t help but stare. Immediately she bites her lip to stop from reaching out to him. Instead she scoots back further onto his bed and reaches behind her to unclip her bra. Her nipples harden painfully as the material is drawn down her arms. She has never in her 22 years felt so sexy and desired.

As Chris sees the bra get dropped off the edge of his bed, he climbs onto the bed and moves up and over her body inch by inch until she is laying under him. She parts her legs so to make room for him. Once again as their skin touches, they both moan. The feeling is beyond exquisite. There is no time for words once they’ve locked their lips onto one another again. His lips and teeth, leave her mouth and move onto her chin, throat and collar bones. Thrusting her chest up at the sensations, he takes this as a hint and claims each of her nipples one at a time, covering her breasts, in nipping bites and small licks. Her moans are louder with every passing moment. Her fingers are tied into his hair, enjoying the feeling of his body. She can feel his erection pressing into her thigh and she squirms to rub it more. His head keeps moving further down her body, kissing, licking and nipping until he is at the top band of her thong.

His fingers grab the sides and pull them down. She closes and lifts her legs to help him fully expose her. When her legs return to the bed again, her shyness kicks in for just a second. “You are so fucking sexy Melinda.”

His words open a torrent of new desires in her. “I want to blindfold you so that you can feel everything stronger. Is that ok?” She nods her head eagerly. Chris reaches to the side table and grabs the best one he has and places it on her. Immediately, as soon as she feels his body again, her legs open and with her heels, she tries to move his body close to her again. Chris doesn’t want to be there. Not yet. Instead, his hands grip her thighs and press them down towards the bed as leverage so that he can move his body into the best position. Before his eyes is the prize, the one thing that he has been waiting for all day. Slowly and tentatively, his lips and tongue brush against her clit. Her body erupts in goosebumps and her hips thrust up towards his mouth. Wasting no more time, he throws a leg up over his shoulder and presses his fingers against her opening, all the while sucking, flicking and nibbling her clit until her body can no longer take his ministrations and her fluids soak his chin.

Before she can rethink what is about to happen, Chris reaches for his side table and grabs some protection. He wants to tie her up so badly so that he can take her over and over again. “Let me tie you up Melinda. I won’t hurt you. I want to make you feel good.”

Although it may not be the smartest thing she has ever done, she agrees again. Her fluids are already leaking from her body again in anticipation of what’s to come. She can feel Chris’s body shift from one side, her wrist being lightly velcroed down, then the other, then her ankles one at a time. She imagines what he sees and shivers with excitement again. Her long blonde hair is spilled behind and under hear naked body, her wrists and ankles spread apart exposing her and her eyes are obscured by the blindfold she is still wearing. A second orgasm is imminent at this point just by her imagined vision. Even as a female, if she saw someone laying on a bed like this, she would want to take full advantage too.

Chris barely restrains a deep moan when he looks down at her again. Her hips are moving around as if she can’t wait anymore. Maybe he isn’t the only one. He blindfolded her because he didn’t want her scared of his size. Just by their conversations, he knew that she hadn’t been with too many guys. Just 2 before now and after having his fingers inside her wet channel he knew that she was extremely tight.

Covering himself with the sheepskin condom, he moves his body between her legs again. Her opening is glistening as he positions himself. With as much restraint as he can muster, he slowly slides himself inside her. Sliding himself in and out just a small amount at a time so that she can’t tell exactly how much of him is inside her.

Melinda lets out moans of pleasure as she feels his thick shaft enter her. He is going so slow and pulling out so many times that every time he enters her, she almost cums. His thickness is like heaven to her and before long she can feel that he is so deep inside her that he manages to tickle her G spot with his head. His stokes are controlled as he starts to grind his pelvis against hers. Allowing her to feel the entire length and width of him moving inside her. Her toes curl at the sensation. She wants to wrap her legs around his body and scream for him to take her hard and fast.

Chris’s body is straining to control his movements. He wants to jackhammer this poor girl. His velvety walls suck and pull at his shaft, milking the cum from him. His balls tighten, screaming for him to let go and shoot at least once. They have all night. Resisting with everything he can, he slows and grinds himself against her. Feeling every pulsation of her as she struggles to accommodate him inside her. Her legs fight against the restraints as she thrusts back up towards him. Her mouth opens and the words he has been hoping for come spilling out. “Chris, fuck me. You feel so perfect inside me. Faster please.”

His pace quickens as he starts to pound relentlessly inside her. Her moans turning to unintelligible sounds of pleasure. Her body received him as if it was built for this man alone. She doesn’t even know if she wants to leave this man every again. He shifts his angle by just a hair and suddenly stars of blinding light explode behind her eyes. An orgasm rips her apart. He can feel it as her channel pulls, sucking the cum from his body. Grunting like never before, his own orgasm hits him hard and fast.

Instead of ending their night, sated. Chris, gently pulls out from Melinda’s body, removes the condom, and unties her wrists and ankles. Barely flaccid, he pulls the blindfold off her eyes to see them roam down to look at him again. “My turn.”

There is no quick end to their night ahead. Melinda plans on riding him for hours. Chris smiles to understand what she means as he rests his back up against his headboard until he sees her dive to place her mouth around him, bringing him to rock hard in mere seconds. Smiling slyly, she reaches over and gets another condom. Wrapping him safely, she climbs up and straddles his lap. His head peeks out from between her legs and she gets wet at the very thought of what she is about to do. She never got on top before so this will be new. Inch by inch she lowers herself down onto his shaft until he is buried to the hilt. “Mmmmm that feels so good.” The words escape her mouth before she can stop them. Her hands grip the headboard and she starts to move up and down plunging him deep inside her. His mouth covers her nipples, as his hands grip her hips and then her apple shaped ass, spreading her cheeks so that he can help move her and get in even deeper.

Before long they are both covered in sweat, and Melinda has managed to have several orgasms. When she feels like she can’t handle it anymore, she pulls herself off him and moves to bend over in front of him. Looking back over her shoulder, she looks him in the eyes, “This this fuck me harder and faster.”

Chris moves in behind and her impales her with his entire length. Taking her hard and fast, just like she wanted. Her screams and moans drive him over the edge after only 10 more minutes, forcing another powerful orgasm to rock his body.

They lay together for a few hours before Melinda rolls over and starts the whole thing all over again.

She has to decide now, does she stay in Tennessee to keep hold of this man and his heaven-sent body or does she pick up her bag, get to the interstate and hope to find another man just like this for tomorrow night? A different man to fuck every night? Or stay here and fuck Chris until ……… just one more time. Her thoughts are cut short as his cock enters her from behind once again.

Written by BerlynnSpencer
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