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Sex on the Beach

"Holiday in the sun leads to a heated romance..."

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Competition Entry: Some Like it Hot
Drops of water collected around my glass, which had become steamed up with condensation. I took a sip of the ice cold beverage, enjoying the refreshing taste of the aniseed and citrus zing of my Ouzo and lemonade.

"Ha! This one's ironic!" I joked to my friend Steph, slamming the magazine I was reading down on the table. "Three letter word for warm. Real tough one that!" I shook my head at the crossword I’d been working on, pushing it to one side and reclining my Lounger back.

"Man it's hot," I moaned, "but this is without a doubt what the doctor ordered."

I had broken up with my boyfriend during the previous month, and in an attempt to take my mind off him, Steph and I had booked a last minute holiday to the Greek island of Kos.

Our hotel was on the beach front overlooking a stunning white beach and the cool blue Mediterranean ocean. Unexpectedly however, the island was experiencing a major heat wave of 52 degrees Celsius. It was the hottest it had been in years and was a huge contrast to what we were used to in the UK. Even at night, the coolest it became was 39 degrees.

Due to my fair skin, I avoided direct sunlight, opting to lounge under the hotel’s veranda by the swimming pool. Steph was sprawled face down on a recliner beside me, her gorgeous golden brown skin and bright orange bikini glistening in the sunlight.

"It's certainly hot here in more ways than one," replied Steph, "Fishguy keeps glancing over at you again."

I stifled a grin at the word "Fishguy". To my right, a young Greek man in his early 20's was serving moussaka and salad to a group of German tourists at the hotel's outdoor buffet. He was quite the catch with olive skin, strong cheekbones, dark brown wavy locks and brown eyes. From what I could tell, he was well built too, but it was masked by his uniform consisting of white shirt and black and white checked baggy trousers. On his head, perched a blue chef's hat, but one side featured a fish head extending out of the hat, whilst at the other side emerged a fish tail. It certainly made me chuckle. However, despite his unfortunate uniform, he was undoubtedly gorgeous.

I couldn't help but blush as he caught me staring at him. He made me feel like a giddy teenager who had just been caught eying up her crush.

"Are you going to get off your backside and go talk to him or not?" Steph groaned, taking a swig of her vodka and coke.

I sighed, "I didn't come here to meet men. I came here to get over one."

"Exactly. Fishguy could be the answer. I'm not saying go marry the guy. A little fun never hurt anyone."

I rolled my eyes at her, gulping the last mouthful of my Ouzo and lemonade.

"I'm going to the bar for a refill. Want one?"

Steph didn't say a word, just handed me her empty glass.

I stood up and wrapped a blue beach sarong around my waist. My top half was still on show revealing a tiny black and white halterneck bikini which barely supported my 32DD’s. Whilst waiting to be served, a table fan blew cool air into the surrounding area. I savoured the feeling, closing my eyes and tilting my head back so my red hair billowed in the breeze. Beads of sweat ran down my ivory skin as I listened to the ocean waves in the distance.

I was in my own little world, then interrupted by a tapping on my shoulder. My eyes widened as I realised who it was, 'Fishguy'.

"Le-seh pan-eh-morfee."

I stared at him, my face was clearly written with confusion.

"Poss seh leh-neh?"

I was absolutely baffled. "I'm sorry, I don't understand Greek.” I blushed again, “Do you speak English?"

"I-ah I said you are-ah ah-berry boot-ee-ful." He smiled, stepping a little closer towards me.

I flushed again at his sweet words, but his accent was so hot I felt a dancing downstairs, rushing to my core – a wonderful feeling I hadn't felt in a long while.

"Thanks," I grinned.

"Aah-what ees-ah your name?" There goes that feeling again…

"I'm Anna, and you?"

"I Dimitri," he took my hand and pecked it, "eet-ah.... eet is nice to meet you."

His touch alone sent a shiver down my spine, but his kiss? Yes it may have only been on my hand but even that had me pulsating.

"Nice to meet you too."

"I-ah I work-eeng just now. But-ah, later I like to buy you ah-dinner?"

I smiled at him, smitten by his request. I had been determined to avoid men this holiday, but maybe Steph was right, a little fun couldn't hurt could it?

"I'd love to."

Dimitri beamed at me, "I-ah, I see you here at-ah at 7 tonight?"

"I'll be here"

Dimitri' smiled "Excallenteh! I-ah I have to go-ah go work now. I see you tonight!" With that, he took my hand again kissing it, and then returned to working on the buffet.

I felt like a giddy school girl, struggling to keep it together as I ordered our drinks from the bar. I then dashed back to Steph, spilling her coke as I plonked it on the table.

"I'm going on a date with Fishguy tonight!" I shrieked, "Need to go find something to wear!"


That night I sat at the bar wearing a short multicoloured skater dress with thin straps and plunging sweetheart neckline revealing ample cleavage.

Dimitri was right on time; wearing a checked shirt, denim knee length shorts and vans. He seemed quite the contrast to his work attire and all the more handsome.

“Hello,” He greeted me kissing my hand, “Eet-ah eet is customary in my culture to geeve girl a gift on first date. I-ah hope does not offend? As I-ah could not geeve flowers, thees ees for you.”

I couldn’t help but smile. Dimitri handed me a small paper bag. I opened it to find a lace and satin decorated fan with a picture of a Kos sunset.

“I-ah I saw you waving magazine before, I thought you might like?”

“I love it, what a lovely gesture. Just what I need in this weather!”

“Yes it ees not normally thees hot.” He waved his hand in front of his face to show how flustered he was with the weather. “Anyway, we go eat?”

“I’d love to.”


Dimitri took me to a small Greek restaurant five minutes away from the hotel. The ambiance was lovely and full of Greek culture; smashing plates and involving all the diners in a lively dance.

That night Dimitri and I got to know each other, discussing our family, careers and hobbies. He was such a gentleman. Afterwards, he walked me back to the hotel. We kissed for the first time as we said goodnight. He was such a good kisser, sending fireworks through my whole body.

The following day, Dimitri escorted me and Steph to the ruins of Knights of Saint John’s Castle. It was stunning. I was never a lover of history, but Dimitri made it sound so exciting; telling us how the castle had been destroyed in an earthquake but restored in the 16 th Century. I loved how he spoke about his home with such passion - it made me all the more attracted to him. After we’d seen the ruins, it was too hot to stay in the sun so Dimitri took us to a quaint taverna in the little town of Zia for cocktails.

The next few days went by in a blur. Due to the extreme heat, Steph and I spent the majority of the daytime at our hotel. Our evenings were spent together with Dimitri. Every minute we spent together the more I was falling for him and dreading leaving.


On our last night, Dimitri took me on a beautiful, romantic sunset cruise which included a three course dinner on deck. As the sun began to set, Dimitri led me to the front of the boat and wrapped his arms round me. I felt like Kate Winslet on a ‘flying machine’ with Leonardo DiCaprio. His embrace made me feel so desired and I never wanted to leave those strong arms. Varying shades of orange and red filled the entire sky. I was in a trance from the beauty and Dimitri’s arms around me.

“I-ah, I had such a wonder-fool time weeth you these past few days,” he whispered in my ear.

“Me too,” I replied.

As the sun finally set, Dimitri leaned in and kissed me, pulling me into him. I lost myself in the moment, returning his kiss.

After the cruise, Dimitri walked me back to the hotel. As he kissed me goodbye, a pulsating feeling stirred in my knickers. As my flight was early the following morning, this would be the last time we would see each other.

I didn’t want the night to end but knew deep down it had to at some point. Dimitri pecked me once more and left. He was gone, I felt lost and alone.


That night, I lay awake on top of the covers. Even with the air-con, I was too hot to sleep. Due to the heat, I had become accustomed to sleeping in nothing except my knickers. Steph was in the same scenario, though had somehow drifted off and was sprawled on the bed next to me snoring away.

I couldn’t stop thinking about Dimitri, saddened by the thought of not seeing him again. I started to think about his fingers touching me, the way they made me feel as they stroked me, the way his lips felt as they kissed me.

I was losing myself in the feeling, his lips pressing harder, fingers stroking down my biceps *tap*, my hands making their way round his neck, *tap*, his touch moving lower and *tap*…

My eyes jolted open. Okay, seriously what the hell was that tapping noise? *tap*. The noise was coming from towards the double doors by the balcony. *tap*

I sat up and grabbed my satin kimono from the end of the bed and wrapped it around me. I slid open the balcony doors and saw a few pebbles scattered amongst the terracotta tiles on the floor.

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“What the?” I thought.


I looked around, baffled. Was I hearing things?

“Psst! Anna, down here!”

I stepped out onto the balcony, the cold floor stinging the soles of my feet as I moved forward. I couldn’t believe my eyes. On the ground floor stood Dimitri, clad in a white vest and knee length baggy shorts teamed with flip-flops, staring up at me with a huge beam on his face.

“Dimitri! What’re you doing here?” I stage whispered at him.

“I-ah, I needed to see you again. Come weeth me? We-ah we go walk on beach for lee-tle while?”

My heart was thudding! “Give me 2 minutes!” I whispered back.

With that, I skipped into the bedroom, slipping off the kimono and into a dark blue strapless maxi dress and silver flip-flops. Downstairs, Dimitri was waiting, holding out his hand for me.

The beach was only a few metres away from the hotel. Dimitri guided me across the road and onto the white sand, which glistened in the moonlight. Nobody was around, except us. Even as we took off our flip-flops, abandoning them by the promenade, Dimitri never let go of my hand. We started walking North up the beach.

“I-ah had a berry nice time weeth you past few days” smiled Dimitri.

“Me too. I can’t thank you enough”

“Thank me? For what?”

“For everything. For taking my mind off things. For making this holiday one to remember.”

Dimitri stopped walking and stared at me, his dark brown eyes gazing at me.

“I really go-eeng to meess you” his voice dropped.

“I’ll miss you too.”

Dimitri’s grip moved from my hand and onto my waist pulling me closer. His lips pressed onto mine; locking together. I wrapped my arms round his neck, edging myself upwards to meet his face, as his hands moved lower stroking down my back sending tingling sensations throughout my body.

The humid air engulfed us, beads of perspiration trickled down my forehead as our sweaty palms clenched together.

“Fancy a swim?” I asked, quite surprised at myself for being so bold. “It might cool us down?”

“What? Now?” Dimitri asked, confused. “We-ah we don’t have sweeming outfit!”


Dimitri smiled at me as he got the hint of what I was referring to.

I looked at him straight in the eye, moved my hand to my chest and pulled my strapless dress downwards, guiding it past my hips and letting it fall on the floor. I stepped out of it and kicked it to the side, standing in front of Dimitri wearing nothing but bright red lacy knickers.

Dimitri’s eyes widened, staring at me up and down. He looked shocked. To be honest so was I. This wasn’t like me, but our time together had been leading to this moment and it felt right. I needed him.

“Your turn,” I whispered to him, lightly stroking his arm.

Dimitri didn’t say a word, gulping as he laid eyes on me, as I stood half naked in front of him. He raised his arms, tugging off his vest and tossing it aside. He removed his shorts which slid down his tanned legs, and kicked them towards our growing pile of clothes. He stood only wearing a pair of tight navy blue boxers.

He smiled at me and moved his hands on to my hips, sliding them up and down my bare skin. He moved upwards towards my breasts, touching them for the first time, stroking his thumb across my hard nipples and tweaking each one in turn. He lowered his head, kissing me passionately, the pinching of my nipples getting stronger, kissing down my neck, encircling my nipple with his lips.

Dimitri finally pulled away and beamed down at me, whispering in my ear

“You so boot-ee-ful”.

I smiled back at him, my blue eyes gazing up at his gorgeous face. Dimitri’s hands caressed down my torso, stroking down my waist and hips. When he reached my shorts he blushed, then started to pull them down, revealing my shaved sex.

Dimitri’s jaw fell open as he stared down at me. I pulled myself closer to him, my fingers sliding down his chest as I pressed my lips onto his. I pecked his abdomen, as I gripped the hem of his boxers, tugging them down.

My eyes grew wider as his boxers fell to the floor. Dimitri was fully erect, baring his thick cock, at least 8 inches long. He smirked at me as he saw the expression on my face, and then pressed himself towards me, tilting me back with his hand, planting a warm kiss on my lips, slipping his tongue into my mouth and once again stroking my firm nipple.

As we broke apart, I started walking towards the sea and pulled Dimitri’s hand to follow me. I walked backwards watching him the whole time. As my feet touched the shallowness of the blue ocean, goosebumps prickled my whole body as the cool water hit me. It wasn’t necessarily that cold, but in comparison to the humid weather, it might as well have been freezing. I continued moving backwards as the water got deeper, moving past my ankles, my knees, then thighs, and finally, I stood as the water moved around my waist.

Dimitri moved a little deeper into the water, pulling me towards him. He looked me straight in the eye, his breathing growing heavier.

“Are-ah you… are you sure you-ah want to do this?” He asked me.

I looked at him and kissed him, wrapping my fingers around the nape of his neck.


With that, he pulled me closer so I wrapped my legs around his waist in the water. One hand was holding me around my bum, his lips pressed back onto mine, only this time the kiss was so much more passionate than it had been previously. We could both feel the hunger and the need for each other as our desires took over. His kisses grew firmer, moving down my neck, lifting me higher out of the water as he kissed across my chest. With his free hand, he grabbed my breast then circled his tongue around my erect nipple, twisting it faster and flicking across it, looking me in the eye as he did so. I sank back into the feeling. I was throbbing downstairs and needed him. I took my hand stroking it down his ribs and finding his erection, stroked the thickness back and forth as he took turns nibbling on my nipples.

Dimitri moaned slightly as I stroked him, then took my hand away from him, tilting me back so I laid floating in the water whilst supporting me under the waist. He kissed and pecked down my stomach, then reached my core. With his thumb, he squeezed my lips and rubbed across my clit, sending shivers through my whole body. He smiled, happy he was getting the reaction from me he wanted, then, flicked his tongue across my clit, watching my hips buck in the water. He placed a finger inside me, slowly moving it up and down as his tongue danced on my aching cunt.

For a brief second, Dimitri stopped what he was doing and stared up at me.

“You like?” He asked?

“Fuck yes!” I shouted. “Don’t stop!”

Dimitri beamed and sucked on me with more fierceness, moving his fingers faster inside me.

“Ooooh fuck!”

His tongue flicked faster and harder. I grabbed his hair as waves of pleasure engulfed me sending quivers over my entire body. Dimitri stopped what he was doing and licked his lips. He perched me on his knee then kissed me; maneuvering me so I was hovered above his huge cock.

With a swift move he pulled me down onto him, his thickness pressing against my inner walls.

“Ooooh shit!!” I cried, gripping my fingers into his shoulders. I looked straight into his eyes and nodded, letting him know how badly I wanted him to continue.

Dimitri thrusted up and down , filling me with his manhood. I bounced on him the best I could from the position I was in, the cool water splashing around us. I bit my lip as pleasure took over. Our breathing grew heavier as he gripped me, fucking me deeper and hitting my G-Spot – something no man had ever managed to do before with their cock. As my second orgasm hit, I yelled out, digging my red painted nails into the back of Dimitri’s shoulders, my whole body jolting with euphoria.

Dimitri’s breathing grew louder, hinting at how close he was getting. I stared at him in the eye and gripped my legs around him pulling him further into me.

“Come in me. I need to feel your cum inside me...” I whispered into his ear.

Dimitri’s thrusting grew stronger as his fingers gripped into my hips as he pumped his hot cum deep inside me.

Our limbs were still wrapped around each other as we rocked together at the edge of the Mediterranean Ocean. Dimitri kissed me, then pulled out. I rubbed my fingers over the tip of his cock, gently squeezing it.

I disentangled myself from Dimitri’s lap and started walking towards the shore, holding his hand. I quickly slipped back into my dress, my wet legs sticking to it as I tried to pull it up. Dimitri dressed too and held out his hand for me. Hand in hand, we walked back to the hotel and up the steps to my apartment.

I looked up at my holiday lover, trying to fight back tears. His face was also saddened, but cupped my face giving me a kiss.

“I guess this is goodbye” I said trying not to look at him.

“No. 'Til we meet again.” He smiled at me and planted one final kiss on my lips .”

“Yia-soo. Mou pern-ees tin anap-no-ee” He knew I couldn’t understand him but clasped my hand, kissed it, then walked away….


I never saw Dimitri after that. But Steph was right. He was just what I needed to take my mind off a bad break up. His words stuck in my mind. Back in the UK, I googled his last words to me, hoping to find out what he said, which proved to be impossible given the Greek alphabet and spelling. It is not until years later when I befriended a Greek girl in my final year in university that I finally got the answer to what I was looking for.

“Goodbye. You take my breath away….”

Written by BlackVelvet89
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