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Seduction Six - Ms. Alurra

"Man meets and is seduced into worshipping a gorgeous, cunning beauty who soon demands a favor"

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Steven is retired, divorced, and childless.  However, he still leads an enjoyable life with sports, golf, racquetball, woodworking, hiking, biking, and travel.  With all the various activities in his life, he is still, on occasion, lonely.  Until the last several months, he’s filled that void with Ms. Allura.  She has been his “fantasy come true” lady.

What started as a casual one-evening escort service, quickly progressed into extravagant weekly encounters.  She was devastatingly gorgeous and rightfully demanding, because of her smoldering sex appeal.  Steven hopelessly confessed desires to her that he’d kept hidden since his youth.  Ms. Alurra, in turn, responded by creating a tease and denial world he’d never dreamed possible.  Without sex, or often without even touching, she had him hard for hours.  She was amazingly creative, elegant, and skillfully cruel.  He spent thousands of dollars on her wardrobe, and even more on dining, drinking, and clubbing.  For months she sent him home before midnight to masturbate without her, while she would invariably text him the next day about some big, muscular hunk she’d picked up, after parting with Steven, taken to her place and fucked into ruin.  He craved being dominated, humiliated, and “cucked” by her.  She quickly owned him and both of them knew it.

Steven was quite obviously obsessed with Ms. Alurra and the power she wielded so succinctly over him.  Simply put: She took, he gave.  More tribute from him meant an occasional second encounter in a week, often unscheduled and consisting of painful public embarrassment, which merely served to fuel his lust for more of her.  He knew she had many others like him, kept in a discreet collection.  She referred to this stable of adoring males as her “fincons” (financial contributors), which she said was much classier than “paypig”.   As such, she continually demanded more from each of them.  Steven, not rich but addictively generous, tried in vain to satisfy her monetary demands.  Slowly he fell out of favor.  However, she continued seeing him, but only very infrequently and only very briefly.  He was devastated.

That is why he is ecstatic this afternoon when he receives a surprise text from Ms. Alurra, the mistress he now obeys without reservation.  She had been ignoring him for weeks.  Fumbling to open the message he anxiously reads:  “I want to talk to you in five minutes.”

Steven rejoices.  She is still as bold and demanding as ever.  To calm himself, he closes his eyes to remember their first encounter.

He met her at an elegant dinner held for his work group.  He was a high-ranking veteran of the State Department and enjoyed these social events.  However, his wife of twenty years did not attend this one as she’d tired of formal gatherings years ago, and only accompanied him when absolutely, positively necessary.  So, solo, Steven circulated through the guests.

Alurra was there in a shamelessly revealing, blood-red silk gown, cut daringly low between mammoth breasts, daringly open at both sides, and daringly high up each thigh. This stunning siren had attracted numerous males, a half dozen vying for Her attention.  She certainly had them in the palm of her hand.  Steven watched in awe as she operated, casually (often intimately) touching each one of the enthralled guys as they talked and laughed.  She was most definitely not a party regular and to his unbelievable surprise, she began flirting with Steven from afar while still bedazzling the gathered admirers around her.  She was discreet but unmistakably focused on him with seductive eye contact and enticing body sway.  Steven was smitten.

Eventually, She brushed most of the guys away, allowing a few to eagerly, hopefully, pass their business cards to her.  Finally, she excused herself from the remaining stragglers.  Giving Steven a piercing stare, she crossed the room directly towards him.  

‘I believe you’re going to offer me a drink,’ She purred unexpectantly.

Steven babbled, ‘Of course.’

She responded, ‘Such a handsome man.  Such a stylish coat.  And, Ummm, such tight trousers.” The tips of her long, sparkling fingernails boldly skimmed down his fly.  He squirmed nervously.

‘I work out, Ms. ahh…?'

Ignoring his attempt at Her name, she continued, ‘I exercise as well. I work…Hard On…my body.”  Her eyes gleamed with mischief at the emphasis she put to those two words.

‘It sh, shows magnificently, Ms aah…?’  Steven had been engorging faster by the second.

‘Alurra.’ She relinquished. 

‘A name most fitting for such a spectacular beauty.’

‘Yes, I am,’ the temptress slyly uttered,  ‘And you’ve been watching Me play with the junior boys for nearly an hour.’

‘I apologize, I did, but you are so fetching.’

‘Yet, you did not come to me,'  again, she teasingly emphasized.

‘Well, Alurra,’ Steven struggled to reply, ‘I, I thought you had a crowd already.’

‘Oh, but I always want More…More from which to choose.’

‘You had a lot, lots of prospects.’

‘I always do.' Ms. Alurra hesitated, allowing her prey to glance downward at her roving hands before adding, ‘But I’m still thirsty.’

‘Yes, ohh, yes that drink.  Your pleasure?’

‘ Up All Night,’ the bombshell pronounced provocatively.

‘I’m not, ahh, familiar with that one,’  Steven stammered.

‘The cute bartender over there is,’  She tilted her head and took a measured step closer to him,  ‘I’ve ordered it before.  He knows how I like it,’  Both her hands swooped up under his dinner jacket flicking it open deafly. ‘Guess how I like an ‘Up All Night, humm?’

“I, ahh…’  Steven was absolutely lost for words.

‘Stiff…Straight…with two Rocks.’

His phone jars Steven from his cherished memory and back to reality, “Two minutes.” it warns.  He abruptly rises from the table and rushes out of the coffee shop.  He finds a quiet place at the side of the building and waits…

…120 seconds is an eternity.  He gazes at the screen in a state of wild anticipation, until ‘Burriing.’

“Hello, Beloved Ms. Al…” he gushes.

“Hell-ohh, Little Stevie,” Ms. Allura interrupts curtly, “Umm, I want you.  At Taste.  7:00 tonight.”

“Why?” he blurts, recognizing the name of a new, chic and already somewhat scandalous cocktail lounge. Immediately Steven regrets his foolish, disrespectful reaction.  “Oh, Goddess,” he whines, “Please, please forgive me.  I, I’m so excited to hear Your voice, I, I…”

“You, You,” She snarls, “will be punished for that digression. Now, repeat My orders.”

He goes through the location and time softly.

“Make sure your attire is just the way I like it.”

He knows that means commando and loose slacks.  “Yes, Ms. Alurra.”

“That is better behavior, My pet.  You obey Me, don’t you?”

“Yes, I always, always try.”  Steven wants to ask what he’s been summoned for tonight, but dares not.

“Try harder.  Harder and harder for Me…yes?”  She knows this one is erect and oozing to the very sound of Her voice.

“Ohh gawd, I adore you,”  he moans.

“As you should,  As you must!   Pleasing Me is your desire, your duty, your life, isn’t it?”

He shivers with the thought of being in Her presence again, “Yes, Queen, yesszzz.”  

“That’s my darling boy, compliant and…And…?”  Ms. Alurra expects an instant reply to the rest of one of Her rules.


“Umm, of course.  Later, Baby-doll.” With that cute nickname chuckled, the connection is broken…




…Steven enters Taste at 6:55 P.M.  It is, indeed, a lavish space already filling up with the rich and elite set.  His eyes adjust as they dart about until he spots Her.  She is seated at a prime corner table and flanked by two handsome muscular hunks. The sight of them instantly sinks his yearning to be alone with the Mistress.   Ms. Alurra is, as always, magnificently gorgeous.  Her voluptuous body is coated in a black, variegated velvet minidress with a plunging v-neck opening that reveals a canyon cleavage between mountainous breasts.  Platinum silver hair falls down over sun-drenched flesh, and Her pursed lips seem ready to blow your mind, and possibly, while blowing your cock.  A diamond-encrusted silver chocker and bracelets compliment Her silver leather platform pumps with sky-high heels.  She is elegant and insanely erotic, at the same time.

He approaches through the milling crowd, never taking his gaze away from the goddess.  Steven arrives with a deep bow and a breathless devotional mumble.  She smiles sensuously and looks from side to side. “These are two of my favs,” Ms. Alurra states decisively. “They are from a little foreign country, rich boys with long, silly names.  So, I have re-named them.  This is…” turning to Her right and caressing a male cheek, “…Rod.  And this is…”  turning around to raise a hand and scrap the other’s neck with sharp fingernails, “…Shaft.”  She then looks up at Steven with an impish grin and licks Her lips playfully.

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“Now, My pets, say hello to my cute Stevie-boi.”  Both stand immediately and bow to him in unison.  He lets out a muffled gasp seeing two prodigious bulges (obviously containing huge hard-ons) in their expensive dress slacks.

“Sit,” Is Her one-syllable command, as She explores and enjoys Steven’s distressed face.  He takes the only remaining chair, which is directly opposite of Ms. Alurra’s, and She continues, “I’ve had these yummy boys at my condo for several weeks.  I acquired both at a party.  I’ve been playing with each one separately and, of late, together.  Haven’t I ?”

The two drop their heads reverently and in accented English reply, “Yes, Ms. Alurra.”  Stunned, Steven realizes that She has these two well-trained already.  Just one more example of how incredible this domme can be, and how much he fervently worships Her. 

“They are sooo energetic, and sooo desperate to please me.” She leans over and whispers in Steven’s face.  “A little demonstration,” She proposes cheerfully, flipping back Her stylishly savage tresses and clearing Her throat as an announcement She is beginning.

Sliding closer to Rod, Her shoulders twist and Her hands disappear under the table.  “I like this one because he’s so responsive to My touch.  Anytime, anywhere I can have him.”  There is an almost imperceptible moving of Her arms as She continues, “Show Stevie how much you really, Really like Ms. Alurra.”  His head rolls back: seemingly his entire body shakes and a low grunting sound escapes his open mouth.  She lightly kisses his ear as the big guy blows his wad.  “Good boy, babe,” She says as if congratulating a small child.

Ms. Alurra winks at Steven as She pivots toward the other awaiting boy-toy.  Her immense tits bounce buoyantly in the guy’s face, but somehow, he obediently keeps his gaze downward.  She also pats this one on the cheek before She speaks, “Shaft, My honey, is always so full and so fresh for Me.  He’s an amazing boy.  I like to get him super, super hot, like he is just now.  Then, sometimes, I reward him.  Want it, hun?”

All he can do is whimper, with his slumped shoulders allowing his arms and hands to extend below the tabletop.  “Do it for Me!” She demands.  Steven thinks he knows what’s going to happen, and he feels a deep pang of jealousy as the guy makes a few wanking movements and groans through a nearly minute-long ejaculation. 

“Nice,” She commends him in a condescending tone. “I do them a lot.  I do nasty things with them and they can’t get enough.  Ummm, they are delicious, kinky candy for a domme like Me,” She purrs in a sultry murmur directed to devilishly taunt Steven.  He quivers under Her penetrating stare.  Evidently, She’s satisfied as She slowly takes a sip from Her champagne flute. Then it is set aside. 

Both Her arms extend above Her head, and Ms. Alurra loudly snaps Her fingers.

“Dismissed, My darlings,” She commands. Reluctantly each rises, allowing Steven to briefly see wet puddles covering most of their groins.  They shuffle away like automatons, and Ms. Alurra chuckles wickedly.

When they’ve left, a sudden quietness settles at the table despite the background club noise.  The Goddess and Her sub look into each other’s eyes questioning what thoughts are occupying their minds.  A tear runs down Steven’s face and he hesitantly offers, “Gawd, Mistress, that was so, so…”  No word completes his utterance.


“Incredibly so, and in here!”  He looks around apprehensively.


“Yes, Ms, yes.”  He swallows hard, feeling a stiletto-heeled pump slowly, torturously slither across his thigh and onto the thin material covering his throbbing erection.


“Highly arousing,” he pants.

“Do you want to be next, Stevie-boi?”   She easily finds the tender cockhead and gives it a tap

“No, I mean yes, pleez, no…” incoherent, nearly out of control Steven then adds, “…but ohh, please don’t, don’t leave me…”

“…on the edge?”  She suggests knowingly.  “Well, maybe if you do me a teeny-tiny favor?”

“Whatever you want,” he ventures.

“I want to keep my two playthings longer, My Rod and My Shaft,” She snickers at the absurd monikers.  “They are such virile bitches!  They are so sweetly, blindly generous.  I’ve increased my wardrobe, my jewelry, and my fur collection with their apparently limitless credit cards.”  Stopping, She takes another sip of bubbly before persisting, “I want to train them more.  I want to collar them.  I want to cage them.  I want to loan them to my girlfriends… But… unfortunately, their guest visas expire quite soon.”

Steven stiffens up his torso, discerning what’s coming next.  Ms. Alurra moves with him, Her pressure on his swollen member unabated.

“Umm, but my sweet Stevie-boi can find a way for Me to keep them for another month or so, can’t he?”

Suddenly his State Department past looms uncertain.  He cautiously starts an explanation as to why it would be so difficult, why it would be so risky.  Then the metal sole of Her pump firmly strokes the length of his yearning cock back and forth, and back and forth.   Through his aroused haze, he sobs, “Ms. Alurra, Your highness, I, I ca, can’t…”

“Can’t you?” She interrogates seductively.   

He struggles to address the visa issue, but is helplessly distracted, “I, I’m…so…very, very close…” he moans.  The foot motions stop abruptly.

“I want more Rod, more Shaft,” She snarls, “Give Me what I want!”

Steven breaks down. “Yes, OK, yes…I can…I will,” he gasps.

She resumes the stroking and softly coos,  “Such a good, good Stevie.  Showing Me your devotion, your everlasting desire to be My property, My slave-boy.”  She senses the surging eruption and furiously pumps his steel-hard penis.  That finally puts him over the brink, quivering with mindless surrender to the gorgeous, wicked Ms. Alurra…


…weeks pass without a word from the Goddess.

Steven is brokenhearted, feeling abandoned yet again.  He desperately craves any response to his many, many attempts to communicate with Her.  Frustration is driving him mad.  He reasons that he’s done his part.  He wishfully thinks that maybe She is having so much enjoyment with the guys that, know.  He sulks, sleeping most of his days away.  He knows that She must be getting off on the agonizing misery he’s suffering, and relishing the resolute control She wields over him.

It’s a lonely afternoon of solitude when his phone finally rings, and he startles, heart suddenly racing. He sees Her number and begins to softly cry.  In a raspy, shaky voice Steven answers, “Ohh, my darling, my goddess…”

“Hush, Stevie-boi,”  She interrupts tersely, “ I want you to listen.”

“Yes, Your highness,” he gushes.

“I still have Rod and Shaft,” She declares, cutting short his upcoming, passionate ramblings, “I now own their minds, their bodies, and much, much more.  But frankly, I’ve tired of them.  I’ve exhausted their allowances and their savings.  They are of no further use to me.”

A moment of eerie silence ensues before MS. Alurra speaks again, “Deport them, Stevie-darling.  Earn your reward…”


…The following day, two physically, mentally, and financially broken young men board a small private plane headed back to their homeland.  It’s a bright and beautiful day in the city for their departure, but no one is there to tell them goodbye or wish them well.  Meanwhile, twenty stories above the downtown pavement, Mistress Alurra reclines majestically on a gold-framed chaise lounge.  She is basking in the sun beside Her expansive, roof-top pool.  Smooth jazz filters through the air, emanating from the interior of Her plush penthouse.  Laid out on a side table, within Her easy reach, is an assortment of toys.  Metal clamps and a butt plug are framed by several crops of various lengths.  In the middle of this array, rising from a harness is a tall steel dildo.  Ms. Alurra is grasping the ears of Her male minion. She is moving his head, and therefore his tongue, onto Her needy clit.  The naked, hairless boy-toy between Her long, powerfully sculpted legs is, for the very first time, buried face deep in Her divine pussy.  Her Stevie's muffled moaning is joyous.

Written by neallowe
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