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New Car With Extras Continued

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Mercedes unexpectedly enjoyed her drive home that evening, despite the fact that she was held up in a traffic jam for almost two hours. Her normal twenty minute journey had grown five fold.

Her mind was elsewhere, repeatedly reliving the moment when Kevin took her completely by surprise and covered her face and cleavage in a steady stream of cum. She couldn't stop herself from laughing out loud forgetting momentarily that she was ALONE in the car. (I hope no one saw me, she thought). It was amusing after all and the look on Kevin's face was one she wouldn't forget for a long time.

Her drive home was even more enjoyable as Kevin had agreed to Mercedes's request to take her out in the Ford Cougar tomorrow at 13.00 hrs.

She reversed her car into the enclosed private car park surrounding the block of luxury apartments in which she resided. She had moved into her apartment a few years ago upon completion of the new development.

It was situated in the centre of town and her quayside apartment was on the top floor. The views were to die for and this was reflected in the purchase price!

Her apartment had two double bedrooms; her own, and the other for her nephew and niece for when they came to visit and stay over. Zak and India loved to visit Mercedes. She spoiled them something rotten and treated them as the children that she never had.

Home at last she thought, as she stepped into her apartment and let the door close softly behind her. She kicked off her shoes immediately. They were a new purchase but certainly didn't resemble the very comfortable pair of shoes that she had tried on in the designer boutique. Her feet were aching and the sooner she was lying in the bath soaking them the better.

She walked stocking-soled into the kitchen/diner thinking about what she was going to have for tea. She opened up the fully stocked American style refrigerator and stared at it's contents. She was tired and wanted something quick to eat so she reluctantly decided upon a microwave ready meal.

Mercedes removed the cardboard outer packaging and stabbed the cellophane with a fork as instructed, and placed it into her microwave oven. After a few minutes, the familiar ping! from the microwave indicated that her meal was cooked so she removed it from the microwave and placed it on a large dinner plate.

After it had cooled down Mercedes hurriedly ate her meal accompanied by a large glass of sweet white wine. It had been a long day and she was exhausted.

As she lay in her sunken jacuzzi bath, she reflected upon the remainder of her day.

Once Mercedes had left the garage, she had two appointments to attend to. One with James a regular client who she meets monthly, the other a dental appointment. She couldn't decide which was the lesser of the two evils!

James, who grunted the entire time he was fucking Mercedes, or her dentist, Mr Robertson who had the worst body odor that Mercedes had ever encountered.

She met James at their usual rendezvous, a three star hotel just outside town. James was 60 years old. Had married his childhood sweetheart at the age of 18 and have been together ever since. Proud father of three sons and 1 daughter. His wife had lost all interest in sex approximately three years ago and Mercedes had been meeting him since then.

James worked as a Salesman which meant he was away from home often. Which made his assignations with Mercedes easy to arrange.

James needed sex. Like most men he always had the 'urge', but knew his urges would never be met by his wife anymore.

Their rendezvous was nothing out of the ordinary, it never was. James was a 'vanilla' man, just normal missionary position sex was good enough for him. And of course, the obligatory 'blowjob' was also performed by Mercedes.

Mercedes was paid £250 for this. Easy money she thought for thirty minutes work. Money well spent, thought James.

Next stop the dentist...

Mercedes hated having a late dental appointment as it meant that Mr Robertson's pungent body odour had gathered momentum throughout the day and was now at it's peak. Any visit to the dentist was never enjoyable but in Mercedes' case it was dreaded for more than one reason!!

She had been sitting in the waiting room for almost fifteen minutes when the Dental nurse ushered her into one of the treatment rooms at the new surgery.

She lay back in the examination chair whereupon the dentist began the assessment of her gums, teeth and overall condition of her mouth.

For her age, Mercedes' mouth and contents therein were in excellent condition. No treatment required except for a routine scale and polish that would be performed by the dental hygienist.

She left the surgery once she had made a follow-up appointment for the next week. There was no financial outlay on this occasion as Mercedes would pay the treatment costs at her next visit.

Completely relaxed and rejuvenated, Mercedes stepped out of the bath, wrapped her body in a huge bath sheet and walked through to her bedroom. She stood by the side of her bed and dried herself, rubbing at her soft skin very gently then put on a long red satin negligee.

She sat down at the mirrored dressing table and dried her long brown hair.

She thought about pouring herself another glass of wine but decided to make herself a mug of hot chocolate instead. It was nearly 23.30 hrs and Mercedes would be going to bed very soon.

Hot, chocolate drank, she got into bed and her thoughts turned to the next day. Another drive in her favourite car and another meeting with Kevin, who at the moment was her favourite salesman.

Mercedes was lying thinking about what she would wear tomorrow. She wondered if she would dress all business like and wear one of her many designer trousers suits or be casual and seductive. Mercedes took great pride in her appearance. In fact, Mercedes took great pride in anything she ever done. Attention to detail was paramount to her. She had certainly been burdened with her mothers obsessive-compulsive disorder traits!

She was silently wishing that Kevin would be wearing a similar pair of trousers to the ones he had adorned today. They strained a little around the crotch area and Mercedes' eyes had been drawn to it when Kevin first approached her at the forecourt. It was a sight to behold and left nothing to the imagination. She certainly hoped that she would be dining from his lunch box tomorrow!

With that very pleasing image in the forefront of her mind Mercedes slowly drifted off to sleep. Who or what would be the focus of her dreams this evening I wonder? After all, they do say that dreams can sometimes come true!!

Mercedes woke abruptly. Hot, sweaty and experiencing palpitations. She sat up and glanced to her left. Her bedside clock read 03.45 hrs. She was puzzled as to why she had woken up so suddenly. Momentarily she couldn't remember, then slowly it all came back to her.

She had been dreaming about her next test drive with Kevin and at the exact moment that she awoke, Kevin was fucking her doggy style over the bonnet of the black Ford Cougar!

She burst out laughing. Mercedes thought this was hilarious and hoped that this was an omen for what was going to happen in a few hours time.

She lay back down in her bed and fell fast asleep.

Startled by her alarm clock, Mercedes rose from her slumber and turned off the alarm. The remainder of her sleep had been peaceful and she felt adequately rested, in spite of being rudely but pleasantly woken up in the early hours of the morning.

Her morning shower and breakfast were taken at a leisurely pace. She lounged around her sitting room for another hour watching Sky news and reading the daily newspapers.

Mercedes pondered for a while over her outfit for today. She wanted to look very much the business woman but at the same time wanted Kevin eating out of the palm of her hand, or eating anything else he so desired. Eventually she decided to wear "one of her old faithfuls" as she called it.

It was a red, square neck, straight, mid length short sleeved dress. Over which she wore a black 'v' neck, long sleeved cardigan that she left unbuttoned. Beneath her dress she wore matching briefs and bra. Exactly the same shade of red as her dress. Her hosiery was nude 7 denier sheer hold-ups.

On her feet were a comfortable pair of black patent four-inch heels with a large black patent clutch bag to complete the outfit.

Her jewellery and cosmetics kept to a minimum. Her aim was to seduce Kevin only and not the entire sales force. But in that outfit Mercedes could seduce anyone, male or female.

Her eau de parfum would be lavishly sprayed immediately before she met Kevin. In doing so she would be smelling heavenly and in the words of the song by Robert Palmer, "Simply Irresistible."

Mercedes stared at her reflection in her full length mirror in her bedroom, gratified with her appearance. She was extremely pleased with the outfit she had chosen to wear today and hoped that Kevin would be too.

A quick scan inside her clutch bag confirmed that Mercedes had enclosed all the necessary documentation to complete the purchase of her dream car.

Inside the inner zipped pocket of the bag she inserted two small square foil packets. She thought it unlikely that Kevin would have any protection in his wallet as he had previously revealed to Mercedes that he was not dating at present. Someone had to be prepared for whatever may or may not happen this afternoon and Mercedes decided to take the upper hand.

In her particular mode of employment it was a 100 percent requirement to be prepared and Mercedes, being her usual self always was.

She couldn't eternally rely upon her clients being responsible for providing protection, especially her new clients. The majority of her 'regulars' knew the routine but there was always one or two who would try to persuade Mercedes to 'go bare' for their sexual encounter. This was something that Mercedes never once contemplated even if it meant earning more money. It was 'safe sex' or 'no sex' where she was concerned and if that was not your preferance then you would have to find yourself another escort.

Mercedes left her apartment block at 12.30 hrs to take the twenty minute drive to the garage. She had two reasons to be happy today, firstly, she was again meeting Kevin, and secondly, but more importantly, she would at last become the owner of her dream car.

Her smile never faltered from her youthful looking face resembling someone who had just been informed that they had won the jackpot on the lottery.

Mercedes indicated and pulled into the forecourt and parked her vehicle. She took a last minute look at her make-up in the rear view mirror and got out of her car. She sashayed into the showroom, causing each and every male in the building to stop in their tracks and stare in her direction. She gave a stifled giggle to herself and approached the reception area.

"Hello," she said. "My name is Mercedes and I have an appointment with Kevin at 13.00 hrs."

The receptionist gestured to Mercedes to take a seat on the red leather couch in the waiting area and proceeded to call Kevin to inform him of Mercedes' arrival.

Kevin emerged from his office, smiled at Mercedes and raised his right hand slightly in acknowledgement of her presence.

Mercedes noticed that Kevin was wearing a similar pair of trousers as he had the day before. This observation made the smile already on her face expand even more. He strode over to greet Mercedes clutching the keys for the Ford Cougar in his left hand.

They exchanged pleasantries then made their way out of the showroom towards the awaiting vehicle with the entire showroom as their audience.

Mercedes asked Kevin if he would drive the car out of the forecourt and he nodded his head to indicate that he would indeed do this for her.

They took their appropriate seats in the Ford Cougar and the second test drive began.

The sun was shining again today, but unlike yesterday there was a slight breeze in the air.

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Another perfect day for a test drive Mercedes was thinking.

For the entirety of the short journey the dialogue between Mercedes and Kevin was facile, punctuated recurrently by their prolonged glances at each other.

The Ford Cougar came to a standstill in the same secluded area as before. Kevin removed the key from the ignition and turned to face Mercedes.

"Does the request for another test drive confirm your intention to purchase this vehicle?" he asked.

She bowed her head in agreement.

"My request for a second test drive also had an ulterior motive," she replied suggestively. "I was intrigued to find out whether or not you were interested in continuing with our amorous frolic from yesterday?" she asked him curiously.

His instant reply was "yes" and their mouths immediately locked together. They kissed fervently, altering their head angles occasionally preventing themselves from becoming cemented in the same position. They again resembled two love struck teenagers experiencing the first throes of romance.

Mercedes slowly moved her right hand up Kevin's left thigh aiming for the crotch area to fondle his bulge. Hand in place, she began to caress the area resulting in a change in his breathing pattern and the intensity of his kisses.

They eventually ceased their kissing marathon and agreed to vacate the vehicle and continue their passionate encounter elsewhere.

With the vehicle securely locked they walked a short distance to a shaded grassy area. The weather had been dry for the past five days so it would be safe enough to assume that you could sit on the ground without gaining a "damp bottom."

Mercedes was quite familiar with her nether regions being damp and as a result of their earlier ardor a certain part of her anatomy already was!!

They sat down on the grass and Kevin proceeded to inform Mercedes that his diary was free for the remainder of the day. The second "test drive" of her dream car did not have such a limited time constraint. Mercedes was pleased about this and suspected that Kevin was too.

The area was deserted and as it was secluded, the chances of anyone seeing them remained pretty non-existent.

Mercedes took the initiative, leaned over and kissed Kevin, placing her right hand over his shoulder grasping the back of this neck. He responded positively to this and once again they were united in their embrace.

Only this time Mercedes was determined that things would go one step further. As well as kissing him, she started to stroke his groin area which resulted in Kevin becoming hard for the second time this afternoon. Mercedes could feel Kevin's trousers again straining against his hard cock.

She removed her right hand from around the back of his neck and began to undo his belt. This unbuckled she proceeded to undo the button of his trousers and open his zip. She wasn't required to insert her hand into the trousers to take out his erect penis, it lunged out at her, as it was apparent that Kevin was not wearing any underwear.

Mercedes couldn't wait to take this lovely exhibit of manhood into her awaiting salivating mouth. Without hesitation she did just that, sucking him slowly and tenderly at first. She was savouring him, enjoying every lick and suck of his solid member, secretly hoping that this wouldn't be the last time that she did this.

Mercedes gave great fellatio. Admittedly she was a late starter but despite this fact she was an exceedingly quick learner and considered herself to be an accomplished artiste performing this act.

With the exception of one or two of her regular clientele the majority of them requested this service from Mercedes. She furtively anticipated that Kevin would soon belong to that exclusive group.

With every stroke, lick and suck that Mercedes delivered to Kevin's cock, he moaned in gratification. A sound she recognised all too readily. The sound that concluded yet again that Mercedes was executing her oral skills adroitly. She absolutely didn't want this to end but the usual telltale signs were palpable. Kevin was nearing his ultimate expulsion.

His accelerated breathing and the thrusting of his groin informed Mercedes that it was here, the moment she had been working hard towards. Kevin had come and the feeling of his hot liquid hitting the back of her mouth confirmed this. She maintained her position until all his semen had been expelled. She swallowed the salty deposit and licked the head clean.

Kevin stood up and placed his soft phallus back into it's hiding place. He conveyed to Mercedes that he had never experienced anything quite like that before. Mercedes acknowledged this remark, (it wasn't the first time she had heard this said to her after she had 'given head') looked up at him and smiled.

As a consequence of Mercedes' fruitful endeavours, the part of her anatomy that was previously damp was now considerably more than just damp, it was sodden. Her red panties were saturated with her wetness and she was eager to let Kevin find this out.

Kevin remained standing in front of Mercedes so she took this opportunity to give Kevin a glimpse of her underwear. She lay back, drew her bended legs in towards her derriere and parted her knees ever so slightly. They were parted just enough to allow Kevin to glance beneath her dress and see how aroused Mercedes was.

Without a word spoken, he knelt down adjacent to her right leg and slowly glided his right hand under her dress aiming for her very, very wet spot. She smiled as he did so, anticipating what was to come. He began to rub the silky material and commented to Mercedes that, as her panties were drenched would she like him to remove them for her. She gave him the signal to go ahead.

Kevin then removed both her shoes, and slowly began to entice her panties from her body. Mercedes raised her bottom slightly from the grass, allowing Kevin to slide the underwear beneath her hips and down her legs. As he did so the material left a minute trail of her wetness down the inside of both her legs all the way to her ankles. Kevin raised both her feet and removed the moistened piece of clothing tossing it aside.

Mercedes hitched her dress up towards her waist giving Kevin a birds eye view of her bald silken pussy. Kevin assumed the mandatory position. Before he began his oral assault on her pussy he paused for a few seconds drinking in her scent. He licked and sucked it expertly, inserting one then two of his fingers making Mercedes moan with pleasure. She tasted and felt exquisite, I could never tire of doing this he thought.

After what seemed to Kevin to be an entirety, Mercedes began to writhe around on the grass. Her legs quivering slightly and her rapid breathing was evidence to Kevin that her orgasm was imminent.

"Oh my God," she screamed as she came, spraying Kevin with her lovely sweet juices as she squirted all over his face. He was startled by this as before today he was never able to make a woman squirt. Inwardly he was ecstatic, outwardly he was cool, calm and collected appearing nonplussed by his accomplishment.

They both stood up laughing in unison about Kevin's unexpected face wash!! Mercedes bent down, picked up her underwear which was now dry courtesy of the sunshine and deposited it into her clutch bag.

They strolled towards the Ford Cougar animatedly discussing their exploits of the past two hours. Mercedes secretly hoping that it wouldn't be the last time she sprayed her cunt juices all over his handsome face.

Mercedes took the wheel for their return journey, their conversation punctuated very regularly with sneaky glances at each other. The drive was uneventful, dissimilar to how her afternoon had been.

Mercedes parked the car on the forecourt and followed Kevin into the showroom. Once again any male in close proximity to her stopped and stared. Mercedes was oblivious to this as she took the seat provided at Kevin's desk.

Fifteen minutes later the deed was done (for the second time today!). All necessary documentation had been completed, the cheque was presented to Kevin and Mercedes' purchase of her dream car was now secure.

Having organised the insurance for her new car the previous day, Mercedes was legally permitted to drive the car home.

Car keys in hand, Mercedes almost sprinted out of the showroom, She couldn't wait to drive the Ford Cougar home. Kevin dashed in front of Mercedes and forever being the perfect gentleman opened the drivers door for her. Before she entered the vehicle, Kevin held out his hand to Mercedes to thank her for her business.

Mercedes, being Mercedes, leaned forward to kiss Kevin on his left cheek to show her appreciation of his undivided attention over the last two days but especially for the second"test drive".

Mercedes drove away from the garage leaving Kevin for the second day in succession. She couldn't be 100 percent certain but she had a sneaky feeling that it wouldn't be the last time she would grace his presence.

Once home, Mercedes poured herself a glass of wine, sat on her sofa and deliberated over recent events. Perhaps it was a little presumptuous of her to assume that the condoms she brought to the test drive today would be utilised. Wishful thinking on her part would be an apt way to describe her intentions. She chuckled to herself thinking about the dream she had had during the night, so much for it being an omen she scoffed!

She had no reason to be disappointed, the day had been a success. She succeeded in dining from Kevin's lunch box and he willingly accepted what Mercedes had to offer. He hoped that he would again get the opportunity to experience the lovely cascade of Mercedes' nectar. More poignantly she had purchased her dream car, a black Ford Cougar.

The model of the car was befitting for Mercedes. She regarded herself as a bit of a 'cougar' at times so she felt very appeased when in her new prized possession.

She glanced over at her telephone and noticed that the display on the answering machine was flashing, indicating that she had missed a call whilst she had been out. She was expecting an important phone call from her sister and wondered if this could be it. She activated the mechanism and listened to the forthcoming message.

"Hello Mercedes it's Kevin, I am sitting reading the business card you gave me yesterday and wondered if you were free at the weekend? I have an invitation to attend a charity ball on Saturday evening and would like you to accompany me. I look forward to your reply Kevin."

As if by sheer coincidence, Mercedes WAS free at the weekend as one of her clients had cancelled his appointment with her. Mercedes was delighted as she was going to see Kevin a lot sooner than she had imagined.

She picked up her telephone and dialed his number.

"Hi Kevin it's Mercedes, I am in fact free this Saturday evening and would be happy to accompany you to the ball. If you could return my call ASAP we could discuss this in further detail. Thanks, Mercedes".

Will Kevin become one of her regular clients? Sadly the answer to that question will forever remain a mystery.

Written by Bethany1
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