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Natalia and the Nightclub

"A shy eighteen year old loses his virginity at a night club."

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Author's Notes

"Bundaberg brewed drinks: an Australian institution."

I lost my virginity on my eighteenth birthday. Correction: my virginity was pounced on by a seductress, pummelled like a piece of dough, then kicked between the legs to run yelping into a dark alleyway, never to be seen again. That I lost my virginity at all, was considered to be a minor miracle within my male peer group, including my brother Mike, who was four years older than me. Which was a little ironic, considering that Mike had been the main reason that I was painfully aware that I was a (cough!) virgin in the first place.

The problem was that right from the onset of puberty, I was painfully shy and awkward around girls of my own age. Mike wasn't. By the time I reached the consent age of sixteen, I'd never had a girlfriend, nor could I boast the faintest hint of a female dalliance. Whereas, it was uncanny the way my older brother could consistently bring a new girl (sometimes, two new girls) home on a Friday or Saturday night and smuggle them into his cosy little sleep out which, conveniently for Mike, was in the back yard and several metres away from the main house.

Thus, anyone who might accidentally press their ear against Mike's bedroom door, could often hear orgasmic, feminine squeals, yelps and giggling, accompanied by masculine grunts. Sometimes, one could also hear Mike's double bed bumping rhythmically against the wall, accompanied by orgasmic, feminine squeals, yelps and giggling, along with masculine grunts. Anyone would then go into his own bedroom, lie on his single bed and masturbate his jealous heart out, while agonising over being so painfully bloody shy and bashful around nubile girls.

Anyway, the painful truth for me was that I went to bed at nights, a certified, bona fide virgin and would wake up next morning as unsullied as ever: my latest wet dream had, as usual, been a tantalising chimera, that left stains on my sheets and an ache in my balls.


Nothing had changed when I woke up on the morning of my eighteenth birthday: I was still He Who Hadn't Been Laid, younger brother of Mike the Babe Magnet, the First of His Name, King Cunnilingus, Breaker of Multiple Hymen and Cock O' the Clitoris. Mike had finally left home some nine months earlier and I had gotten to move into his former 'love shack'. To celebrate, I had also bought a second-hand, queen-size bed and lined it up with the marks left on the wall by the previous bed. It was vaguely disappointing that Mike's magical mojo hadn't yet rubbed off on me.

Mike had briefly spoken to me the night before, to let me know he had arranged something special to celebrate my reaching the mantle of adulthood, but wouldn't let on what it was. Part of me anticipated some type of surprise party, probably one with lots of girls, while another part dreaded the thought.

My brother finally turned up at about two o'clock that Saturday afternoon. I was in my room, setting up the new notepad my parents had gifted me when, after a quick knock on the door jamb, Mike walked in.

“Hey younger brother, happy birthday. You, buddy, are going nightclubbing tonight, my shout,” he walked out again, then stopped in the doorway, “oh, and you have a date, so you'll probably need some decent casual wear.”

A date? A real date? At a nightclub? “Ah, wow, um, great, uhh, thanks … “ oh, shit!


About seven hours later, I was anxiously awaiting my mystery date outside a hotel near the heart of downtown Sydney. Having showered – twice - I looked fairly presentable in a black, open neck shirt (courtesy of Mike), black sports jacket and white sports trousers. Mike had brought his current girlfriend, Amy, an attractive, leggy blond and they were both providing some last-minute advice on overcoming my terminal shyness.

“Look, buddy, you've got to relax,” counselled Mike, “enjoy yourself and stop worrying about what others will think. And stop bringing yourself down, you're almost as good looking as me, right?”

Amy patted my arm, “Hey, you'll be okay. The girl you're going to be dating is a good friend of mine and she's, like, a fantastic person. She's not going to bite if you mess up a little.”

“Speaking of which, here's your date now.” Mike grabbed me by my shoulders to turn me ninety degrees.

I looked around for a few seconds, wondering what to look for. There were a few people in the vicinity, including some likely looking girls. Then my eyes focused on a very attractive, long-legged, blue-eyed brunette, with wavy, shoulder-length hair. She was wearing a haltered, dark purplish-plum coloured party dress, with a matching shoulder bag and was about fifty metres away. She was walking purposefully and directly towards us.Yagoddabekiddingme! flashed through my mind, as this lovely apparition stopped and hugged Amy, then Mike,

“Hi, Amy,” she said, in a warm, friendly voice, “Hi Mike,” she turned to me, with a lovely, dazzling smile, “ and you must be Steven. I'm Natalia.” Her hug and that brief kiss on my lips nearly unmanned me. It was an effort to regain my composure.

“You can call me Steve, my friends call me Steve,” somehow I managed to sound reasonably confident.

Another dazzling smile, “Steve it is, then,” she said, sliding her arm around mine. My legs almost shook when she held my hand as well.

Natalia wasn't quite as tall as I first thought, being maybe five feet, three inches in height: it was something about the way she carried herself, that made her seem taller. Her eyes were a lovely blue-grey shade, under delicately arched eyebrows, while her cupid's bow lips looked really kissable. Apart from wearing an appealing pink lipstick, she didn't need much makeup to look amazing.

She had a slim build with, as far as I could tell, smallish, pert looking breasts and what looked to be a cute little bum. She could have been anywhere from eighteen years old, to twenty-five. No wonder I was almost floating to the entry door of the nightclub, still in disbelief that such a gorgeous girl, no, woman was walking hand in hand with me.

As the tank dressed as a club bouncer inspected my photo identity card, then me. I couldn't help bouncing a little nervously on my feet.

Natalia squeezed my hand, “Don't worry, I felt the same way with my first nightclub,” she said, with a reassuring smile. That squeeze and smile calmed me down.

The tank-bouncer returned my card and, with a friendly grunt waved us through.

Once we were in, the girls broke away to freshen up a little. Just as they were returning, Mike clapped me on the shoulder, “Well mate, this is where Amy and I leave you and Natalia alone. Have a good time. See ya.” He left us in the hands of a friendly female usher.

We were ushered into a semi-enclosed booth, consisting of a three-sided, leather-upholstered couch with a single-stemmed table in the centre of the 'U'. A curtain could be pulled across the entry to provide privacy, as well as block out some of the noise from the dance floor. The cool, dimmable lighting made for a cosy, intimate atmosphere.

Natalia and I had to sit close together to be able to talk above the noise. I was soon enamoured of her warm, feminine scent with its subtle hint of jasmine. The way her hair trailed down her neck: her small, long-fingered hands and the way she used them so expressively, had me captivated. Above all else, my brain didn't turn to mush. My tongue didn't dry up, or stick to the roof of my mouth and my courage stayed in the room. Instead, I was holding a reasonably intelligent conversation with my very attractive date.

It transpired that Natalia was twenty-two years old, a trainee nurse who loved cats, but wasn't particularly fond of dogs. Yes, she was of Italian descent, as her name suggested. She loved all sorts of music, including blues, heavy rock, jazz. We just kept talking, taking an interest in each other. It wasn't as though alcohol loosened me up either, because the both of us had forgone that in favour of iced Bundaberg drinks.

It must have been about half an hour after we got to the nightclub, that Natalia took my hand and led me off to the dance floor. There, I discovered that I could actually dance (!), while Natalia could take my breath away with her sensual, sexy little moves, whenever her body was close to mine. On the crowded floor, that was almost all the time. When a couple of guys tried to move in on her, Natalia ignored them completely and got in very close to me.

We eventually returned to our booth, tired but exhilarated. We sat close together, relaxed and unwinding. Natalia broke the silence by leaning against me and, with a fingertip under my chin, turned my face to hers, “Hey Steve, would you like to kiss me?” she asked, with a gentle, coquettish smile.

Before I could answer, she stroked my cheek, then placed her soft, warm lips against mine. As if by magic, my lips opened at the same time as hers and her tongue slipped into my mouth. Her breath was hot, clean and intoxicating. Her tongue was like velvet, as it duelled gently with mine. My heart was racing and a bright, warm glow subsumed me.

She slowly broke off that first, enchanting kiss and smiled, “Mmm, good, very good,” she whispered into my ear, stroking my cheek and jaw, “how was that for you?”

“Oh, wow, that just ...” she cut me off with another kiss.

Warm shivers raced up and down my spine when she took my hand and placed it on her right breast. It fitted neatly into my palm, as I instinctively cupped my hand. My thumb seemed to have a life of its own, as it played with her nipple. Her nipple quickly got longer and stiffer, and Natalia was sighing contentedly into my mouth. My heart pounded like a bass drum, when she eased the thin fabric of her dress aside, exposing her smooth, bare flesh to my touch.

Her hand soon strayed down to my crotch, stroking and patting my erection through my pants. Our kiss became more passionate and deeper, as my brain exploded into fractured, incoherent thoughts. The bright, warm glow concentrated in my groin and became a pulsating strobe.

Natalia murmured, “Okay, are you ready for this?” into my mouth.

“Uhh, ready for?” I murmured back, as she again broke away.

How was I to know that this lovely, utterly sexy woman I'd only met just over an hour ago, was going to unbutton my pants, unzip my fly, push my pants down my thighs and rescue my thick, throbbing, manhood from my boxers?

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As she wrapped her small hand around my shaft, Natalia licked her lips, “Hmmm, so this is what you've been hiding in your pants?” she cooed.

I was in a state of shock, as she crouched in front of the seat and went down on me. First, she took the time to explore my newly discovered manhood. She used her fingertip to gently trace the veins snaking over my tumescent shaft and peeled back my foreskin to inspect my exposed glans. Her breath on my tingling, deep-red bulb sent thrills up my spine. She kissed around the base of my cock, then gently sucked on my balls. After maybe a couple of minutes of this, she licked sensuously up my shaft. The shocks racing through me were delicious as she teased my frenulum with the tip of her tongue. My body was zapped again, when she slid her tongue across my sperm slit, to scoop up the large bead of pre-cum that had oozed from within.

Angels tuned up their voices as she dribbled saliva on my cock, opened her lips and engulfed me in her lovely, hot mouth. My debut fellatio! All I could do was groan, my thighs quivering and toes curling, as her silky tongue danced all over my buzzing, throbbing, electrified glans. By now, my mind had tuned out everything but what Natalia was doing with my penis. I reached down to stroke her hair and cheeks. Time seemed to stand still, when she looked up at me, then slowly let my erection slide deeper into her mouth. She looked up at me, smiling around my throbbing shaft.

A few seconds of leg trembling suspense, then I grunted, “Uhhh, uugh, uuugh!” as my cock blew, flooding her mouth with my cum. I slumped back against the leather, shaken to my core and elated.

Natalia opened her mouth, showing me my white, creamy load, then swallowed the lot. She sighed contentedly, stroking my member and smiling up at me, “Mmm, I love your cock, he feels really good in my mouth,” she sighed again and briefly kissed and licked up and down my length. Then she sat upon the seat and leaned against me, “Are you enjoying yourself?” she asked, quietly.

I slid my arm around her shoulders, hugging and kissing her, “Shit yeah. Ahhh, Natalia, you're blowing my mind. Thank you.”

She stroked my cheek, her eyes twinkling, “Thank you back.”

We hugged and kissed some more, then she stood up directly in front of me, with her legs apart. She lifted the hem of her dress above her waist. My whole world was turned upside down. Even in the dim light, there was a mesmerising sheen to her clean-shaven mons. Her wet, puffy, pinkish-brown pussy lips pouted through her slit.

“Oh, whoa … wow, wow, wow!” I gasped, stupefied by her sexuality.

Those glorious, aroused eyes of hers twinkled as they looked into mine. She took my right hand and placed it up against her pussy. The skin on her mound felt like warm, soft, supple satin. My hand was shaking, as I cupped and gingerly squeezed the beautiful hump of her womanhood. Her wet lips kissed my palm when she rocked her hips slightly and a small trickle of her pussy juices soaked my fingers. She breathed deeply and closed her eyes as two of my fingers strayed up and down her slit. Her lower body shook, as I carefully eased them into her.

After a couple of centimetres of penetration, she opened her eyes and held my gaze, as she held my hand. Even with just two fingers, her pussy's luscious inner sanctum felt tight. In fact, her vagina was so alive, so warm, so wet and so … real that it suddenly dawned on me that this wasn't some porn video I was involved in. Of course, Natalia was a real person, with real needs, real emotions and real consequences if I treated her as nothing more than a sex object or plaything.

Suddenly, the last thing I wanted to do was ruin things for her, by being clumsy, hard fingered or stupid. Instead, I let her guide my fingers while trying to keep them relaxed. She smiled as if she perceived what I was thinking and started squeezing them, using her pelvic floor muscles. I was almost holding my breath, as my fingertips probed and carefully massaged her vaginal roof.

It wasn't long before Natalia had an orgasm. She started panting, then mewled, with a high-pitched, “Mmmm, uhh, mmm, mmm, oooh!” Her lower body twitched and quivered and her vagina tightened and pulsed around my fingers. She opened her mouth, and with a gasped, “Uhhh, ooh, n-n-yeah!” squirted rich, hot, salty water all over our hands and the hem of her dress!

I was equally stunned and elated, as she leaned back against the table, trembling and panting, eyes closed. Her face was glowing, her smile radiant. She still held my hand against her quivering pussy; my fingers were still inside her steamy, pulsing love tunnel. I couldn't resist probing some more. Another muted squeal, another little fountain squirted from her womanhood.

She giggled, then looked at me, still smiling radiantly, “Huhh, yeah, I so-o needed that,” she purred, leaning forward to kiss me again, “let's make it even better.” She added with a sultry look, as she pulled my fingers out of her flooded vagina. My naked cock throbbed in expectation, as she put her knees against the seat squab, then slowly, sensuously sat astride my lap, straddling my hips and thighs with her knees and thighs.

Her eyes were almost feral, her face and chest flushed with arousal. As she took hold of my manhood and rubbed my glans up and down her wet slit, my hips and legs were quivering. We both sighed, as she plugged my tingling bulb into her slick, tight vaginal entrance. Her vagina relaxed and she accepted me into her depths, sending shockwaves up my spine as my exposed glans slipped through her parting walls. We could both hear the squelching, as her natural liquids forced their way past my shaft and dribbled into my pubes.

When she felt my cock nudge her cervix, Natalia gave me a smoky kiss and reached behind her neck. When she undid her halter, the front of her dress tumbled to her waist, exposing her pert, half-apple shaped breasts. I sighed at their natural beauty while admiring her gorgeous, long, pink nipples atop her slightly domed, pink-brown areolae. She let me have full access to them by briefly lifting her arms above her head.

I kissed, sucked and licked her breasts and nipples, salivating over her warm, feminine scent and taste. As I did so, she relaxed, stroked my hair and purred like a contented kitten. She hadn't used perfumes or deodorants, leaving her scent and taste natural, while the fresh sweat from her dancing, was sheer ambrosia to my hormones. My cock kept twitching inside her, exciting us both.

After a while, Natalia eased her nipple away from my mouth and draped her arms around my neck, rewarding me with another hot, tongue wrestling kiss.

Then she started to dance on my lap, her loose hips bumping and swaying from side to side, up and down, as she fucked me to the rhythm of the background music. Her breasts bounced tightly. Her hot, well-lubricated vaginal sheath and my tumescent cock, and swollen glans were rhythmically massaging each other. It was wonderfully primeval, with my huffing and grunting and Natalia's whimpering and gasping, accompanied by the muffled whumpha-thump-whumpha-thump-whumpha-thump from the dance floor.

I wanted it to last forever, but that wasn't going to happen. Suddenly, my buttocks involuntarily clenched and quivered, as hot semen rocketed through my throbbing shaft. I groaned “Uughh, fffuck” from my lungs, as my glans pulsed exquisitely and ejaculated a thick string of semen into Natalia's receptive womanhood. Followed by another. She immediately pushed her mound hard against my groin and gave several subdued, high-pitched mewls as her convulsing vagina milked my cock dry.

She relaxed after a while, leaned her forehead against mine and giggled weakly, “Mmm, I so needed that as well,” she sighed and kissed my forehead and the bridge of my nose, “thank you.”

We again hugged and kissed, before Natalia slowly stood up, releasing my cock from the snug confines of her womanhood and simultaneously releasing a small flood of our combined cum into my pubes.

She giggled at the sight as she sat down beside me, “I'll bet you've made a mess of my pussy as well,” she said, holding her skirt above her waist and looking down at herself. She sighed as she peeled her labia apart: frothy white juices were bubbling out of her slightly open vagina and trickling down her perineum, “Would you like to clean that up, please?” she requested.

Naturally, I was quick to oblige, and settled down in front of her, with my shoulders under her thighs. I took my time to inspect her open womanhood, taking in all her intricate, juicy details. It didn't take long to realise that It was one thing to watch as girls showed off their naked pussies on the internet, but quite another when faced with a real, live, wide-open, naked pussy up close and personal. The beauty of Natalia's vulva and vagina was breathtaking, from her deep-pink, rose-bud-like clitoris, through all her blushing folds, to her perineum and puckered little arsehole.

Something told me to take my time and be gentle with her womanhood, as I began to work on her with my tongue and lips, starting near her urethra. I was entranced at the subtle way all her little folds and muscles responded as they were touched. After a while, all my senses seemed to zero in on her clean, wonderfully feminine scent and taste: it was vaguely egg-like and salty, light and delicate. As I got to her freshly fucked vagina, naturally the taste of my own semen was superimposed, but I was expecting that! I took extra care to ensure that I did a proper job of cleaning up Natalia's pussy.

All the while, the pussy's owner was happily relaxed, sighing and occasionally moaning when the tip of my tongue investigated one of her numerous erogenous zones. Then suddenly, out of the blue, she stirred and gently pushed my head away from her body. I looked up at her, feeling puzzled and slightly put out.

"I'm so sorry Steve," sighed looking ruefully down at me "I am really, really enjoying this, honestly. You're such a great guy and great to be with. But, we're in a nightclub and, um, privacy and things, you know?"

I got up and sat beside her, "So, you're calling it a night?" for the first time since I'd met her, I felt a little deflated. But, if that's the way she wanted things, who was I to try to make her do what I wanted?

Then she laughed and gave me a sweet kiss, "No, silly, that's not what I'm doing. It's just that my place isn't too far away. I've got a big, comfortable bed and some, um, play things. So-o, would you like to ...?

Written by SinninForYou
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