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My Twentieth High School Reunion

"Dull reunion followed by a wonderous union."

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"What am I supposed to do?”

“Buy a damn dildo?”

“Wouldn’t even know where to find one, hah!”

I couldn’t help but over hear the woman’s voice at the next table as she talked and laughed with her friends. I could though, hear a tone of desperation in her voice and was instantly alert for more. I leaned back in my chair as the voice was vaguely familiar, my memory searching for the clue. The DJ playing surf music wasn’t helping. Although I did like the song.

Who was she?

From the corner of my eye, I studied her.

“Damn! Bob and I haven’t had sex in months and I’m so horny I almost get off putting on a bra!”

Holding her glass up in the air, she waved it around to emphasize her words.” I told you before, I’m beyond frustrated!”

Kathy! That’s who it was! Kathy Toms, one of the hottest girl I knew in school.

I had seen her a few times over the years as my business grew and always got a hard on just looking at her face. Tonight was no different. This beach themed high school reunion was great for old friends getting together and sharing memories. I had not seen her in over six months, but our twenty-five-year reunion was coming up and she called me months ago as a committee member to assure my attendance.

“It’s a beach themed party Jack, You’ll love it!” Kathy assured me.

We just didn’t realize how much!

So, I made all the arrangements to leave Denver for a long weekend and left my budding marijuana retail shop in the capable hands of my three trusted employees. 

Off to Maine I went and up until now had been bored to tears what with the, “Hi, Jack, what you been up to and looking good!”

“How’s the pot biz going?”

“Been working out I see!”

All those silly in-passing remarks. Nothing jumped out at me for fun and I was thinking maybe to slip up to my room and try a gummy bear for relaxation. At least the hotel here is first rate.

I can’t believe I was seated at the table next to Kathy with some of her girlfriends I slowly recognized. They were all the elite cheerleader types I occasionally got to first base with back in high school, but somehow never Kathy. I always wanted to date Kathy, and walked with her to class occasionally and danced at some basement sock hop type socials but really only got a luke warm kiss sometimes for my efforts.

Now looking out the corner of my eye I was amazed at her appearance.

Tall and long legged, her now lovely blond hair framing the face I jerked off to regularly and that chest! Now at least a 38 D and in a black and floral bikini! She always had perky breasts! Man, I dreamed about those things and my mind shot back to days at the pool when she wore a one piece and that’s what I wanted- just one piece!! Her nipples always seemed to show through her bathing suits.

The black fish net shawl was a nice addition over her shoulders but did nothing to hide the quality, fuckable body that lay under it. I was drooling! She sat straight up in the chair. tanned legs crossed like the sophisticated lady she was. A lovely smile on her face. They were so into the conversation no one noticed my attention.

The trio of ladies were laughing into their hands as Kathy said, “It’s not funny! He won’t even try the meds the doctor said might help with the ED problem! That’s what I get for marrying an older man I thought would satisfy me forever. What am I going to do?”

She seemed seriously unhappy asking that question.

Raising her cocktail in the air, a tipsy Daisy Miller said, “Hey. We came here for fun! Why not just enjoy the evening, dance and show off. You know, enjoy yourself with all these guys primping and strutting around.”

“Most of them are with wives or girlfriends, honey,”

“ I haven’t seen a hottie all night,” Kathy slurred, obviously having had a few drinks.

Hmmm. I slowly rose so I wouldn’t attract their attention and walked to the bar. I would love to dance and hold Kathy close to me. How to do it? The old tried and true method of more alcohol came to mind.

Getting the bartenders attention, I asked what the trio were drinking and ordered drinks for them and a red wine for me. They were all drinking white so I easily picked up the four glasses.

Balancing the drinks I walked back to the table and set them down at the fourth empty seat and asked, "Hi! I’m Jack! Can I join you ladies for a cocktail?. I believe I recognize you all without the name tags.” I added, flexing just a little.

All my time in the gym paid off with a good first impression. The cutoff Buffet shirt showed good shoulders and biceps, bigger than average but not grossly. I still have most of my hair which was not the norm here tonight. I had no problem getting laid back in Denver.

Kathy was the first one to look at me closely and when she saw my tag smiled and said, “Why Jack Stuart! I talked to you months ago – I am so glad to see you here.”

“You are looking so good!”

“How have you been?” Kathy was gushing out the words.

All three began speaking at once. Now I began enjoying those comments!

“I hear you made a great success with your company!”

“My husband said you had the greatest ideas for a product or something.”

Kathy said,“ You look so laid back in that Buffet shirt and trunks, You a surfer tonight?”

“No ladies, I believe I’m just the token stag here tonight.”

“Please sit down!” said Shelly, the third lady at the table. “We are getting bored with our own history, especially since we see each other all the time.”

“Oh?” I said. “I’d love to hear what’s been going on with y’all since our younger days,”

“It seems like yesterday we were in school.”

“It can be boring, believe me!” Said Shelly. “Tell us about your business.”

I slowly looked at each woman with pretend haughtiness and said.” You’d fall asleep inside of two minutes if I talked about gummies and henways.”

“Oh! The little bears? What’s a henway? Asked Kathy.

“Oh, about two pounds!” I smiled and grinned.

I absolutely loved the way her mouth dropped open as she started laughing saying, “Oh yeah, always the clown right?”

“Well not always, I can be serious but I really wanted some lovely and talented dance partners and you three are the only unattended ladies I’ve seen, the best looking too!” I added.

“Oh, We’re not stags, well I guess Kathy is. But our husbands are at the bar talking fish or golf or something to keep from dancing with us as usual.”

“Always the party poopers huh?" I smiled at them. “Well how about I dance with all of you then?”

“Tell me what you like and I’ll go request from the Dj and get the party going!”

Shelly got up and looked at us like she would run to the Dj and demand the songs.”How about the Eagles? Everyone loves Eagles!”

“And Bee Gees, I love the Bee Gees!” Kathy said.

Shelly rushed off to complete her errand

‘Sounds great, Shell,” called Kathy to a fleeing Shelly. “who dances first?”

“You or Daisy go first! I’ll be right back!” Shelley said, calling over her shoulder in her excitement at having some fun.

Well, that’s how the next hour went, me dancing fast and slow with each in turn. Daisy and Shelly were okay but reserved as their husbands kept an eye on them. But Kathy!

Kathy was having fun and showed off in the fast numbers by swinging her hips just right and dancing close on the slow numbers. The more we danced, the more I felt her breasts swaying against my chest.  I dreamed I could feel those nipples trying to rub my hairy chest and harden more. I noticed her breathing becoming heavy during a Bee Gees slow number and she hugged me close.

She sighed as the number ended and I looked her in the eye.

“Need a break lady?” I asked taking her arm.

“Not at all!” She gulped out with a smile, but she was looking dreamily at me.

“This is more fun than I’ve had in months!” Then she nodded at our table.

We walked over to our seats and were surprised to see Daisy’s husband saunter over and nodding at me and Shelly returning from the dance floor.

He said, “Hey girl, time to wrap it up for the evening, I got an early tee time tomorrow.”

Shelly frowned and said, ”The beach party isn’t over for another hour Bud.”

“Yeah but Tom and I are tired so have another dance and get ready, ok?” Bud turned and walked back to the bar obviously ignorant of the looks he was getting from the girls.

“What a couple of party poopers,” Shelly said. “I’m having a great time!”The girls took long pulls on their drinks and looked at me. Shelly started walking to the ladies room with a drink in hand.

Daisy said, ”I guess it’s you and Kathy for the last hour unless you’re ready too, Kathy?”

“I think I need to sober up a little before I get behind the wheel,” Kathy mumbled. “I need to visit the lady’s room soon too.”

Just then Shelly walked back to the table and said, “don’t be in a big hurry cause there’s a line, I’ll just wait.”

Kathy said, “Yeah, I can wait for it to go down.”

Ha! I knew I was not going down anytime soon.

A fast disco song was winding down when the Dj announced a special request for Kathy from her girlfriends.

The Bee Gee’s 'Too Much Heaven' started up and Kathy looked over and said, ”Man I love that song, Jack lets dance some more!”

How could I resist that request? We walked arm in arm to the floor and she slid into my arms, wrapped her arms around my neck and sighed deeply into my neck.“God, this brings back great memories!”

Her breasts were firmly up against my chest and it felt sooo good. I felt my erection that had been under control for the last hour respond in kind and once again felt the first pleasures of her closeness.

I had one hand on her right hip and the other hand just behind her neck when I felt her adjust her body to just barely brush my erection with her tummy that sent a pulse of sexual rawness up my spine and made me pull her just a little closer to me. All my senses went to full alert. I moved my crotch slightly forward in response and again we brushed.

She said nothing but tensed up slightly, took a quick breath and just as quickly relaxed. “You always dance this close Jack?”

“Only when dancing with an amazing lady, Kathy, and you are amazing!”

“Uh huh, right! Tell that to all the women in Denver? Just kidding, but this IS the first time I’ve relaxed in ages Jack, thank you.” She snuggled just a little closer.

I put both hands around her back and put just enough pull on her to keep us close and she didn’t seem to mind so I put my head on her right shoulder and kissed her neck saying, ”no charge”.

Kathy sighed and murmured, “don’t let anyone see that or it’ll be all over town by morning!”

“Okay, let’s move over to the shadows,” I said kissing her lower ear.

“Ooh Jack, you’re incorrigible!

“Oops, my lips have a mind of their own”.

“I can feel that.” Kathy turned and kissed my cheek sweetly. I think she blushed a bit.

We continued the dance and she slowly relaxed her body against me and I felt her slowly, unconsciously twisting her hips to barely brush my dick in the most wonderful ways.

I pulled her a little closer and brushed that neck again. and she said, “No, no, no. I’m a married woman remember?”

“Can’t blame me for trying”.

“Well, you’re sure a treat to dance with!” She looked up and smiled that luscious smile but I was unsure of the meaning. Was she teasing me or hinting at something that we both would like?

“I haven’t danced in ages, Kathy, so excuse me if I’m clumsy.”

The dance slowly ended and Kathy hugged me tight and looking at me murmured, “If only, baby.”

“What?” I asked. I didn’t want the moment to end.

“Oh, look They’re leaving!” Kathy pointed at our table where the two couples were waving and blowing kisses to her.

“At least they left our wines, I’m so hot and dry!” She said.

“I wish we were hot and wet!” was all I could think to myself.

“Let's get our glasses before they disappear,” Kathy walked over and took a long pull on her full wine glass and I followed and drank half of mine when she turned and said.“ I really need to use the ladies room, would you excuse me for a minute, Jack?”

“Of course, beautiful! I’ll be right here with bated breath!” She smiled and turned to go when she saw the line was four women deep to go. Turning back, she had a distressed look on her face and said, ”That won’t work, is there another restroom close by? I really need to go!”

“Only out front in the lobby and it's probably packed too. A lot of drinking going on tonight”

She was not happy at a long walk out front and looked at me, “I should have got in line earlier, any ideas?”

I thought quickly and smiled at her, “My room’s on the third floor and the elevator is right over there” I pointed and took her arm and said with authority, “Bring your wine glass and come with me!”

Surprisingly Kathy took my offered hand and we were soon going up to my mini suite.

“You are a life saver Jack, how far down the hall?”

“It’s right across from the elevator sweetie, we’ll make it!”

She looked at me and smiled.“Wonderful, I was afraid I would pee myself!” She laughed into her hand, I had forgotten how much she had to drink.

I was hoping that her defenses were down after so much fun on the dance floor, only time would tell.

Opening the door Kathy rushed across the room past the king size bed and ducked into the bathroom hardly closing the door. I could see her pull down her bottoms and sit down.“

"Sorry you have to hear all this,” she giggled. “Too much wine!

I quietly listened to her pee a pint and then heard the paper dispenser whirr and knew she was wiping that soft and wet pussy. A little dab here, a little wipe there. I shivered at the thought. I started daydreaming I was holding the paper up against her lovely vulva and lips kissing her as she sat on the commode, and she started to moan. Wait a sec, she WAS moaning!

I couldn’t believe my ears, she was softly oohing; obviously touching herself and enjoying it!

“You okay Kathy?” I asked from the bed where I had sat.

“Wha... Huh? Oh yes! I’m sorry I just got sooo relaxed for a minute." She was sighing as she finished.

I waited for her to open the door.

“Um, Jack, I’m having a little problem here, would you be sweet and help me tie the straps on my bottoms? I can’t seem to get the knot to stay tight.” Kathy was slurring her words just a tiny bit and I know that last slug of wine was having an effect on her,

Walking to the bath door I asked, “okay to enter mam?”

I could only hope there would be entering involved!

“Yep, come on in!” Kathy said with a little bit of shyness.

I opened the door fully and there she was! Bikini top full of prime womanhood, her fish net shawl on the side of the tub and Kathy holding the sides of her bottoms at each side. She was a little heavier than school days but that just added to her sexiness. Her breasts had very little sag and her nipples pointed right at me. The domed mound of her pussy was sensually prominent within the bottoms she was holding up. What an arousing view!

Smiling at my obvious checking out the vision, she said, “You’ll have to do one side at a time while I hold the other! What a gentleman!”

Kathy’s face had a slight flush and a scent that was overwhelming my senses; part perfume and part body heat!

I walked slowly to savor the moment and tied the left side in a simple bow knot and slowly tied the right the same. My fingers slowly moving over her soft, pink skin. I was so wanting to just move a hand downwards to her pussy and lightly caress her pubic hair and clit!

All the time her eyes never left my face. I could feel the heat of her body reaching to me.

We stood and looked at each other for what seemed like minutes but, of course, was seconds.

I gently kissed her neck and said, ”we should probably go into the suite if we’re going to have these long silences.”

Kathy nodded her head to the side and said, ”Yeah, we should, funny guy.”

I put my arm around her waist and guided her into the bedroom area where she walked up to the large mirror and started fluffing her hair. She stood there long enough for me to walk up behind her and I put my hands around her waist, clasping my hands together in front.

Kathy looked at me over her shoulder in the mirror and asked me what I was doing, “I am a married woman, you know”

“Yes, I know, I would just like to savor the moment of being in the company of an old friend who has matured into such a beautiful, mature lady”.

I moved up closer and lay my head on her shoulder with my lips toward her left ear. She sighed just a little and leaning into my head slightly lost her balance. I instinctively moved my hands closer around her flat tummy to hold her up when she turned her head to mine and our lips poised inches from each other. They met. We both opened our mouths at the same time… and touched.

I could not think at all as our tongues slowly met each other and slowly twisted in and out of each other’s mouths. My dick shot straight up and rubbed into the cleavage of her butt.

All by themselves, without a thought from me, my hands slowly inched up to her skimpy covered breasts and cupped the under boobs in my palms. I gently kneaded her boobs and moving further up found her nipples were very aroused and waiting to be touched. I accommodated them by gently squeezing and pulling them outwards, slowly and sensually. Again and again.

Kathy’s response was to moan gently into my mouth and sway her ass sideways over my penis. It was incredible!

I slowly, not breaking the kiss moved her around facing me as I again cupped her lovely tits so the spell would continue.

“We should not be doing this,” she whispered. “But damn, it tickles me so good!”

I answered by gently twisting her nipples again and started kissing her neck up her ear. “Hey this is what mom would call petting, we’re not doing anything wrong!”

She murmured something about being a married woman again but I heard nothing about the word 'happily.'

I said, ”Kathy if you’re feeling good, enjoy it as long as you want it to. Once we leave this room and the good feelings stop, I won’t have either of us regretting anything,”

Kathy softly said,” Okay, kiss me again Jack., It feels so wonderful, but I’m afraid we’ll go too far.”

“I won’t do anything, only what we both feel is ok.” I answered.” And right now it’s all ok!”

“ Uh hmm,” was her quiet reply.

I again squeezed her boobs kissing her gently and could feel my dick straining to push into her pussy which was not an inch in front of me. I felt a thrill pass over my body that began in my penis and traveled up to my brain. I wanted to rub that pussy so damn bad but knew I could screw the moment. I just love those little pleasure spasms a dick gets when he’s building up pre-cum and anticipating an orgasm!

Kathy was the one who first pressed her crotch against mine and in doing so whined just a tiny feminine whine that said volumes.

“Oh Jack, that tickles me!” OOOH! So nice!”

I was still as a statue until she wiggled her cute ass again and slowly rubbed sideways on my penis. I imagined I could feel my penis sliding into the folds of her outer pussy lips.

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You know, when you feel like you’re in a shallow valley and the sides are massaging your cock? Makes you want more.

Her bottom was fully wet from her self-lubrication and I wondered if she was dilating a bit too. I understand that’s a sure sign a woman needs a dick in her pussy.

I must be passing a pint of pre cum.

Every time she moved against me her kiss got a little stronger until I thought I would cum right then. Her arms around me were like a mini vice. We were standing and kissing so long I could feel her legs start to tremble as I gently fondled her boobs and tweaked her damn erect nipples. Every once and again I would start at the base of her boobs on top of the bikini and squeeze gently out to the nipples and we both would shiver.

I had to take steps before the moment faded. I gently moved us over to the bed where the backs of her legs hitting the mattress brought her out of the bliss for a moment.

“What are you doing?” She moaned.

“I thought you could use some support.”

“Oh, Jack let's keep it petting. I don’t trust us lying down together”

I kissed her and fondled her again and said,”We‘re not lying down. Here, let put the big pillows behind you and you can just lie back and I’ll sit beside you. Do you feel ok?”

With her eyes closed, she sat on the bed, my hands never leaving her tits. Leaning her back slowly I could feel some hesitation and gently kissed her again.

She responded by sighing and lying backward, her lips gently pulling at mine. “I wouldn’t be doing this if I wasn’t feeling ok Jack,” she muttered.

“Neither would I, beautiful.”

“You really think I’m beautiful? She sighed as I nuzzled her ear.

“No, I think you’re amazingly beautiful and you’re sharing something no one else has felt! Something amazing and special!”

“Not even my husband?” She giggled. She was still inebriated and loving it!

“No one," I murmured, "no one but us.” I leaned forward to kiss and fondle her boobs again. I could not stop touching her!

I gently pulled up her top and got my first look at perfection! Her perfect heavy breasts, creamy and tipped with gorgeous brown nipples that were engorged and erect, pointing straight at me! I kissed one and then the other with a wet sucking motion that caused a shiver, then another, then a moan. I don’t know who moaned louder but we both enjoyed it. I didn’t want to ever let go! She was so smooth and firm that my fingers refused to let go.

She wiggled her ass and pushed with her elbows to get more on the bed. Her legs opened just a little and my right leg slid between them so quickly Kathy didn’t notice until I lay more on her right leg than anywhere else. My left elbow was on the bed, breast high, so I could hold her right breast and my right hand was on her neck holding her into our passionate kissing.

“Aw Jack, that feels so good!” She pulled my head to her chest. “Kiss my breasts again!”

I obliged her instantly and my crotch moved up her leg into that 'V' between her left leg and pussy. I gently rested it as slowly as possible against her and quickly felt moisture through my bathing trunks as it soaked into me. She was lubricating big time! I felt her shiver and moved my head to her lips and I again kneaded her tit and nipple along with another deep kiss.

She seemed to accept the position and again moaned into my mouth. “Jack, you were right, this is so erotic. I can’t believe I’ve never felt this way before.”

“Does it still tickle?” I joked.

“Oh yes!”

“What kind of tickle?” I asked.

“The best kind of tickle, that makes me happy!” Kathy slurred.

Happy, horny, and so, so wet, I thought to myself.

“I want you to keep feeling like this as long as you want!” I whispered to her.

“Ok Jack,” Kathy sighed.

Wrapping both arms around my back she hugged me tightly, while aggressively kissing all over my face. I responded by allowing more of my weight to settle into that wet 'V' she was sharing with my penis. I felt her shudder ever so slightly as she too felt the pleasure I was creating between her legs. I was even happier when she opened her legs just enough to let my crotch slide ever so closer to her treasure spot; her pussy.

Kissing more passionately, we both adjusted to find more pleasure spots. She moved her right leg outwards and slid her foot back on the edge of the bed allowing me to lift my left leg between hers and I was there! My cock was gently touching her puss! I didn’t dare breathe. I kept kissing her, thinking only two skimpy bathing suit bottoms separated us from wet humping and more! My dick was spitting out precum almost equal to her natural lube, flowing out and on to us both!

I dared to gently and smoothly hump her flower, spreading our fluids up and down under my cock. I kept most of my weight on my elbows and balanced like a pro. My crotch was soaked!

Kathy moved slightly against me and really moaned out loud, “God, that feels so nice! It tickles my honey.”

I felt her pussy rub just enough to cause me to stiffen my entire body.

“Yes, yes, tickles me too,” I moaned in reply.

She paused long enough to cause me to freeze on top of her. Had I said too much?

“Ooh, Ooh Jack, don’t you dare move. If you move I won’t be able to stop and I shouldn’t be doing this! God, I can’t believe I’m married!” She muttered.

I got the nerve to slide my dick slowly up her labia and felt it wedge between her pussy lips, She closed her eyes and cooed softly, ”I can’t take much more of that without a kiss Jack, that’s almost too much tickle!”

Rising up on my elbows, which caused more cooing, I gently fondled her right breast and nipple while saying, “It would be a shame to come this far and not finish tickling your honey good, don’t you think?”

Kissing her I continued, “Really! if you think about it a minute all we’re doing is really making out good, there’s a lot more we haven’t tried.”

I lightly ground my dick quickly against her pussy like I was having intercourse with her and she again hugged and kissed me passionately mumbling, ”soo good, soo good!”

I felt her return the grind and started kissing the left nipple which seemed to drive us both mad for a minute. Her breasts were a big turn on for us both.

“Oh my God, that is so good, I’m feeling things I’ve never felt before, I’m just afraid we’ll go too far and I’ll be sorry!”

I could tell she was not as inebriated as I thought. She was sounding more in control and enjoying the new pleasures.

“Anything you do for your own happiness should make you feel great Kathy, don’t be put off by anything, it’s your life, live it!” I said as I slowly slid my now rock-hard penis slowly up and down her vulva causing her butt to arch hard against my crotch.

My self-control was slipping so I slowed further and asked her, “How does that make your body feel? Happy? More aroused than ever, enough tickle?”

“Yes, tickles good, never too much tickle in my honey! Yes!“ Kathy groaned.

It appeared tickle was a good thing in Kathy’s pussy.

“Then let’s just enjoy the moment since that’s all we get in life, just the moment,”

I kissed her mouth before she could answer so she just nodded her head slightly and we lay together humping and grinding against each other like a couple of young lovers at the drive in. Kathy was kissing me so intensely my tongue was getting sore so I slowed down a little, started sucking on a breast and paying more attention to my penis stroking. Slowly up and slowly down.

Each stroke brought incredible pleasures to me and I wanted more. I could feel our moisture growing. There were faint little sexual squeaks coming from our rubbing pubic area. Kathy’s fluids had melded with mine so subtly I began to smell our heat and passion. I moaned in rhythm with her cries of sexual abandon. I knew she was smelling hot sex also.

Suddenly, Kathy stopped kissing me and slowed her humping to a minimum. Looking at me she said, “I’m getting a little friction from all this, I need to slow down for a moment.”

“You mean our clothes? The fabric is rubbing you?”

“Yes, a little.”

Crap man, I can’t believe this, All this fun coming to an end because of rough laundry? I kissed her gently and asked,”do you want to continue?”

She gently pressed her bottom towards mine and said, ”It’s a little warm from all the rubbing.”

She went back to kissing me and gently humping my dick.

Didn’t sound like she wanted to quit to me!

“How about we just jump to a wet hump? That’ll stop the friction.” I said.

“What’s a wet hump?” She said, softly. As if she didn't know.

I kissed her softly and running my hands down to her bottom straps, pulled at the simple knots I had made an hour ago. In one easy move, I pulled her front bikini bottom down between her thighs and then my trunks down to mid hip and slid my penis quickly back on top of her very wet and visible vulva and clitoris. For a moment, I saw her beautiful pussy!

She had a small pussy. With a small triangular cut of brown hair that looked at me for half a second. I saw she was a bit pink and red from our humping. Her pussy lips were swollen and oh so wet! As I said, I got my dick back in the valley quickly but gently.

“Ah! What did you just do? My, oh my, mmm! That tickles so much better!” Kathy cooed up at me.

“I should have asked you first but this saves time,” I grunted. “See, no more friction and feel all that lubrication!” I laughed gently.

“Oh Jack, that’s feels so wonderful that I’m scared!” Kathy was trembling slightly but still rubbed her pussy in gentle little circles that was creating a problem with my cum control. “Promise me you won’t take advantage of me! I’m so weak right now.”

“Kathy you’re ok, I’m weak too and I just want this to continue for a little longer so your honey will be happy!

"I promise if you say the word we’ll stop, it’s tickling me too!”

Man, if she stopped us now I’d die horribly, my dick and head would just explode! I started fondling her nipples again and she sighed and pulled me close for her lips to work on again. Her pussy was wetter than before and she began an external fucking of my penis that about blew my head off. Pleasurable pulses shot up all over my body. I again had to ward off cumming as the feeling was incredible.

I suddenly felt my cum start to boil beyond my control and quickly reaching down and pressed hard on the very base of my penis, where the urethra met the meat! A Tantric maneuver I’d read about. Keeps your cum from spurting into a pussy followed by your dick deflating. Always a show stopper.

I orgasmed quietly, kissing her mouth and not believing the pleasure she was dispensing to me. I enjoyed the intense pleasure without pushing my penis harder against her but she noticed. My dick was spasming and throbbing so hard I gasped! I knew now my dick would stay good and hard for a while and I still had a shot at entering that gorgeous pussy that I had not even seen yet!

“Did you just? You know? Just cum Jack?” She quietly asked.

“No, but I just almost got there! I’m holding off for a while longer.” I lied like a pro! That might have ended everything. I figured in her marriage that when he came, the party was over. Not in this bedroom!

“Is this how you make love to a man?” I then sighed. 

I began returning the strokes to her pussy as she got even wetter

“It’s been so long I’m not sure.” Kathy buried her face in my chest and moaned and quivered to her vaginal movements.

“It’s all so incredibly wonderful I can’t stop, I don’t want to stop the feelings, it’s been too long!”

“I can’t believe how good it feels, how gentle and caring you are, Jack!” She whispered sexily in my ear.

Kathy was moving her outer lips over my cock in gentle circles that caused us both pleasure and sensations. Curling my toes I almost shot a load all over her tummy.

Holding me tight Kathy began humping me faster and began to pant, “Oh Jack! Your making me cummm!”

She held on through a small orgasm and began kissing my face saying, “Thank you! Thank you!”

I started to slow down but she said, ”Please don’t stop, I’m not finished, there’s more I think!”

“It still tickles?” I asked. More did she say? What, more cumming in that pussy? I wanted it! I wanted it all! Every drop and every moan and scream I could get from her.

“Oh yes! Better than ever!” Kathy groaned.

Gently breaking another kiss I put my face again against her neck and ear and said, "You know what?”

“What, sweetheart,” She mumbled, still in the bliss of her orgasm.

“I wonder what it would feel like go all in? you know actually have intercourse?”

“Oh Jack I can’t do that!” I could sense her reluctance but she never stopped humping my dick!

She was as horny as me! She was still a little loopy so I played my only card, ”You don’t have to do anything, If you just lie there you technically won’t be committing the act; only me. Tell me Kathy, Don’t you wonder how it would feel just to put it in your honey?”

“This may be our only chance to do something for the first time that will last forever!”

“What do you mean Jack?”

“You know, the first time you ever made love it was the most sensual thing ever, right?


“How your honey felt? Like it’s feeling now? All the anticipation, caresses, passionate kisses, the moment of penetration, the bliss of the union! The massive orgasms!”

She was quiet for a moment then whispered, “My honey isn’t always right.”

I kissed her neck causing her to stiffen to her toes and answered, ”I think she knows what she wants right now.”

“What should I do Jack?”

“Just lie here, kiss me and let me slowly enter your honey! It’ll be slow and so sensual. That’s what your honey wants.” I kissed her nipple to add some insurance.

“You don’t have to move at all and if you say the word we’ll stop.”

“God, I don’t know Jack. Can we just try for a moment?” Kathy asked.

“I will pull out as soon as you tell me.” I assured her.


“I promise.” I didn’t really know if I could but what the hell!

Kathy pulled my face to her’s and said, “only for a moment?”

“ Yes, I promise, tell you what K, I’ll just put it at your entrance and you can move it in when you want to. That way if you decide not to, it’ll be your decision.”

She kissed me, I kissed her back.

My penis slid slowly down towards her canal and Kathy moaned softly. It was so wet and hot! I felt my glans reach the entrance and I stopped for just a second. I felt the heat of her want drawing me to her. I felt her hips move ever so slowly up towards my cock, she pushed and her pussy passed over the tip of my dick. Pulling out. I felt her push her hips up enough to draw me in again two inches, Kathy shivered and cried out softly with pleasure.

I whispered, ”Are you good so far?”

“Oh Jack! It’s soooo delicious, my honey is burning!”

I could feel the heat… Literally!

“Just a little more Kathy?” I moaned.

“Yes. Jack! More!”

Pulling out, I pushed in just a little deeper and then back, further in and getting my penis more and more wet and more and more deep.The pleasure was overwhelming! I slid in like I belonged there! All the way in, slowly, sexually, sensually and so erotic for a first fuck! Sooo warm and moist!

Kathy moaned again and arching her hips pushed back at my dick. I reached bottom for the first time and just held pressure against her pussy lips. Then fucked slowly in and out no more than an inch each stroke. My senses were overloading! I felt my pubic hairs brush at her mound and it was like tickle and fire at the same time.

I could feel the wetness and warmth all the way to the base of me and never wanted it to end. Her inner walls were like a soft glove that pulled and pushed at my manhood. Kathy was moaning and I was moaning and we were in complete harmony. I pulled out a couple inches and again bottomed my dick out, letting out a sigh of pleasure.

Kathy cried out and grabbed my ass and pulled me harder into her pussy. She moved up and down rapidly on my dick two or three inches. She quickly repeated the move and almost made me shoot my entire load!

Her breathing was coming in short gasps and her cries were a song in my ears. Kathy suddenly cried out with a large orgasm. She pumped on my cock for what seemed minutes. My pleasure as so great I was barely hanging on to my senses.

Kathy slowly ground her pussy over my cock as her orgasm lessened. She continued cooing in my ear and holding my body tight. Shaking, squeezing me and moaning, ”Jack… oh Jack… I never knew it could be this good!”

“So very good! Sure you don’t want me to pull it out?” I teased.

“Don’t, feels too good, Leave it right there!

“Please don’t stop now! There’s more in my honey! please?” Kathy was still horny. ”Get us on the bed Jack!”

I somehow slid us up on the bed proper without slipping out and never missed a stroke in her! Okay, maybe a couple but the thought was there. My body was flat out on top of hers and my penis was buried to the hilt in her pussy, slowly moving in and out to a sensual rhythm she matched without trying. I could feel another orgasm building up slowly. Blissful wet pleasures were continually pulsing the length of me. Sexual intercourse had never been this intense! I began breathing faster and penetrating all the way to where our pubes met. Kathy matching me stroke for stroke.

“Are you getting close baby?” She asked, holding my ass.

I was spiraling quickly towards a massive cum event and said,“Yes, I don’t know, groan, oh! if I can hold it back!”

My wet dick was in heaven and did not ever want to leave.

“Don’t! I’m getting ready to cum big time and I want you to cum with me.” Kathy breathed heavily in my ear. “Let me know when you can’t hold back from cumming!” She said huskily.

“Okay Kathy, you have about fifteen seconds before I fill you with every ounce of cum in my body!”

She was moving more strongly now and I could feel her love muscles inside that pussy fluttering as her cum slowly began.

Panting, Kathy moaned, “I want you to! I want to feel you cum in me! Oh, how I need it”

“I am sooo close ! are you?” She moaned.

I felt my balls clench and swell up and knew I was there “Yes beautiful!, let’s cum together! Now!”

And we did. I moaned as I began spurting gobs of cum into her cunt. Spurt after wonderful spurt of joy!

Kathy began yelling, “Jack! I’m cumming and its, oooh! Oooh! Oooh! Aiiie! Goooood!’

My dick was on the fifth or sixth pulsing of fluid into her pussy and I was beginning to kiss her mouth so she and I wouldn’t scream. Too late, she screamed into my mouth and squeezed the cum out of me with her arms, her legs and that glorious pussy. Lord knows I screamed too. It obviously had been weeks for us both so I knew she was experiencing a great cum too! Hah!

Our mutual thrusting was keeping my level of pleasure at an all time high, hers seemed to be greater as she moaned long after I was relaxing my hip movement. As we slowly relaxed, Kathy’s pussy began oozing cum out around my dick as we began slowing down fucking. I love that part of a tight cunt. I pushed in and could feel the warm stickiness leave her pussy and coat both our crotches.

Kathy and I were a great physical, sexual match. Boy, I came a ton! This was the fuck of the decade. Coming down from the impossible high we both generated I wondered about getting her clothes and her safely home.

I asked, “What time do you have to be home?”

Kathy snuggled a little closer and said, ”Bob’s out of town, I’m free for the next two days! Can I stay for the night and a breakfast in bed? I think we deserve a reunion!"

My mouth hung open at this announcement, to which she pulled my head to hers and quickly inserted her tongue.


This story is a product of my reunion and imagination, but mainly what I think my girlfriend did at hers! It’s been months since I felt like writing, so I hope this is received well enough to generate more stories for those who appreciate it!

I hope you enjoyed this offering, I am thinking a Part Two is a possibility, working in the gummy bear, but will wait and see how this chapter is received and commented on. Thanks for reading! Jack

Written by jkthekat
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