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My Night With Yana

"Young man on college assignment has an enticing encounter with an older woman..."

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Standing up from the hotel dining table, I wondered how an unworldly nineteen year old like me could ever find the courage to chat up a woman like the beauty looking so composed at a nearby table. In a dark blue, button-up summer dress, revealing shapely tanned shoulders, and emphasising a cosy looking bosom, she was beyond my wildest dreams.

I took a walk along the coast, enjoying the incredible warmth of the evening sun. Returning, all heated up, I decided to try the hotel's small swimming pool. A refreshing, twenty minutes swim, was ideal.

Later, sitting on a bar-stool, sipping a cooling lager, I sensed someone moving onto the stool alongside me. A disturbing wave of tantalising perfume. Next came a rather husky female voice ordering, "Daquiri, please."

Instinctively I was hoping who I’d like to find when I turned. Unbelievably, I was. Dark blue dress, smooth tanned shoulders, a hint of delicate curves hidden beneath a low buttoned neckline. Her, that perfume, all had caught my breath.

Now, I could look into a beautiful, lightly made-up face, wide blue eyes, and full generous lips that treated me to a half-smile. All framed in masses of raven black hair that reached to her shoulders, as that husky voice murmured gently, "Hello."

Wow, she wanted to talk to me. I saw that there were several stools empty along the bar that she might have chosen. At that moment, my mind could not absorb exactly how significant the whole situation might be.

I only knew I needed to find my voice as she turned away to receive, and pay for, her drink, I grunted a horribly weak, "Hello."

She sipped her drink before turning to face me again. Her perfume assailed my nostrils, and my breath shuddered in my throat as the tip of her tongue ran slowly along her upper lip. God, she was gorgeous.

"On holiday?" she asked, her eyes wandered over my face.

In a stammering voice, I told her of the student assignment I was following. She looked genuinely interested, "You're still studying? You look too old for that."

She was just being kind, but I felt compelled to tell her that I was only nineteen. Her mouth twisted appreciatively, "Well, you certainly look older than that." She glanced across the lounge, before suggesting, "Should we sit in one of the booths?"

After I’d given an uncertain nod, she led me to the row of booths along the back wall, with me wondering whether I was entering some kind of dream. Why was this fabulous looking lady was paying me so much attention?

The phrase, 'never look a gift horse,' came into my mind. Just be glad of the company, I told myself. Yet I couldn't help worrying that I would say something immature, something that would reveal to her what a geek I was.

Watching her ease along the leather bench seat against the wall, I couldn't take my eyes off her trim shape. She sat and as I, uncertainly, chose a chair to sit opposite, her head shook, wafting a strand of hair across her face. "No, no," she said, patting the leather beside her, "sit beside me. I promise I don't bite."

Controlled breathing was a problem, but, trying to show a trace of positivity, I slid in beside her, so aware of those blue eyes watching me. As soon as I was settled, closer to her than I had expected, she said, "You can call me Yana. And I will call you -?"


"A good manly name," she said. Her face was very close to mine.

I managed to ask if she was on holiday, and she told me that she actually lived just along the coastline. Her perfume filled my head with crazy thoughts, like what must it be like to possess such an alluring woman. I leaned back slightly.

"And what exactly are you studying?"

When I told her, she flung back her head and gave a tinkling laugh. "You want to be a journalist?"

"I want to be an author. I thought journalism could be a helpful step."

Her head nodded, "Coincidence, it's remarkable. That's exactly how I started."

"You're a journalist?" At least we could have something to talk about. That made me feel much more comfortable.

Her mouth pouted a little before she said, "I dabble in all kinds of writing. I have a degree in psychology. Much of my writing is based on studying people."

"In what way?"

"Oh, just by observing them, their body language, their levels of confidence. Pure observation."

That took away some of my comfort. No doubt she will have already recognised my uneasiness. As though reading my thoughts, she said, "Don't look so worried. I've no clear picture of you." She paused, and then she added, a mystical, "Yet."

To suppress my unease, I asked, "How else do you study people.?"

For a moment her eyes looked around the lounge. Looking for better company? I wondered. "I'm particularly interested in how partners come together. I'm fascinated by the way men and women select each other. It's not always a physical attraction." Those blue eyes locked on mine before she went on, "But I think it's important."

Her tone was so avid that I struggled to find something to say, finally managing, "And people are willing to talk about their lives to you?"

"As I said, I have to be subtle. Essential when you are asking someone about their sexual proclivities, for instance."

Fascinated, I could not stop myself from asking, "You have no problem asking such questions?"

Her eyes fixed on mine, as she answered, "I have absolutely no inhibitions about sex." I was momentarily transfixed by the firmness with which she made that statement. "In fact, I'm rather partial to it." She laughed, “Something of an understatement.”

Like some hopeless adolescent, I could not prevent my eyes from dropping to the slight suggestion of cleavage at the neck of her dress. But I could not take that searching gaze. It was as though she was reading my mind. I had to look away.

"Would you mind if I asked you whether you have a girlfriend?"

I hadn't, not since Melissa. So, her next question had my face flushing up and I could feel it. "How many girlfriends have you—shall we say—slept with?"

"Am I being interviewed?"

She gave me a kindly smile, "I'm sorry if that's what it felt like. No, I'm strictly in relaxation mood tonight. But I'm always being nosey."

So what could I say? Should I make up some bravado response? No, she would see through that. She was a psychologist and maybe could read minds. My lack of immediate response, and doubtless the colouring of my cheeks prompted her to say, "Have I embarrassed you?"

As she said it she placed a cool hand over mine where it was on the table. Not wanting to appear totally dumb I told her the absolute truth. "Only two sessions with a girl called Melissa."

Her head nodded knowingly, but her hand remained covering mine. As though she was reading my mind again, Yana's question hit into my thinking. "When you did it, was it satisfying?"

“All too fast, then over.” No point in lying now, was there?

How long had we been in each other's company? Ten, fifteen minutes, at the most, and here we were talking about my sex life. I felt I could calm myself by asking a question of her. "Are you married?"

A quick glance away, and then her eyes were back on me as she replied, "Once, many moons ago."

Now, I felt I could ask the question that had tumbled into my mind a couple of times, and which, I hoped now, would somehow lighten the situation. "Do psychologists read minds?"

Once more she sat back with that ringing laugh, as she shook her head, "Most of the time the answer would be 'no', but I have been able to detect at least one thought that has passed through yours."

Please, God, surely not.

"And that is..." Was that a teasing look in her eyes now? "'What would it be like to kiss her?' Am I right?"

I could only look pathetically into those blue, blue eyes, as she leaned in close to me, and gave me a gentle peck on the cheek before asking, "Brad, one thing I cannot read is how old you think I am."

Well, at least I could answer that, "I thought maybe twenty-nine, around that."

Yana looked pleased with that, "That definitely earns you a kiss. I'm thirty-seven, Brad." Her head shook and a slight smile played at the corners of her mouth as she went on, "Oh, Brad, your face gives so much away. Right now, I can read something else in your mind."

Wondering whether I should start to be worried, but not really sure of anything since her offer of a kiss, I asked, "Can you really?"

Her head nodded assuredly, "Oh yes, you are wondering, 'Why is this older woman bothering with me?' Am I right?"

Feeling so vulnerable and out of my depth with this knowledgeable woman, I admitted that she was correct and asked, "Just why am I getting your attention?"

She smiled and raised a hand to briefly touch my cheek, "I thought that might be it, but I like the way you've phrased it. Can you, for the time being, just see yourself as my chosen companion for the night? I'll explain my whole character later in the evening."

Later in the evening? How much later? What was she expecting of me? She would surely find out what a hopeless character I was with the opposite sex.

Once again she broke into my thoughts, "Anyway, your kind observation about my age deserves a real kiss. Would you like that?"

My mind whirling with the prospect of what she had just offered, I let my eyes travel worriedly around the lounge. There were a number of people sitting close. But Yana's voice brought my thoughts back quickly, "Oh, too obvious in the lounge."

Then her eyes really held me as she added, "You have a room here?"

My room? Would she come to my room? A shiver ran over my skin, whether it was anticipation or me being a nervous wimp, I couldn't say. But I managed to tell her that it was on the ground floor.

Her face lit up, "Now that would be an ideal place to receive your kiss with total privacy, wouldn't it?"

I nodded numbly. Was I stepping too far here? Or was I daring to expect too much?

Yana was sliding out of her seat, "Just stay there a moment," she said and walked with a seductive sway up to the bar. My eyes nervously scanned the lounge. Nobody appeared to be taking any notice of us. Then Yana was coming back, clutching an uncorked bottle of white wine.

She gave me a huge smile, as she said, "Just a little refreshment. Right, lead the way, Brad."

That wine. It suggested more than just the proposed kiss. Feeling that my legs were going to give way under me, I got to my feet, and walked out of the lounge, with Yana alongside me.

I was in a daze and only seemed to regain consciousness as my room door closed behind us, and Yana murmured, "Pleasant room."

Evening light still trickled through the window, but Yana walked confidently across the room, to the small dressing table to collect two tumblers. As I stood slightly aghast at my own immobility, she poured wine into each glass, and held one out to me, while taking a small sip from her own.

When I shook my head, she put the glasses down, and said, "Ah, yes, you're waiting for your kiss." She turned to the window, and saying, "Best shut out any prying eyes," she drew the curtains and cleared the resultant gloom by switching on a bedside light. God, she was so confident in everything she did. It could well have been her room.

She, a moving vision, came towards me where I stood against the wall. Then that vision, that delectable body, was pressed against me, as she raised her mouth to mine, whispering, "I always keep my promises."

The next moment I was lost in the sheer wonder of our mouths locked together, her tongue immediately probing for mine. For this part I could respond, kissing like this was not new to me, but never had I experienced such oral tingling, a glow that spread through my limbs, and I wrapped my arms around her.

I half opened my eyes and saw that hers were closed. Her hands clutched at my shoulders, sending sparks through my shirt. Was she really enjoying my kiss? At that moment, without breaking the kiss, her body eased back, her left hand closed on my right and raised it.

The next second my hand was placed to slide through a mysteriously unbuttoned gap in her dress, to glide over the deliciously smooth roundness of her right breast.

My mouth on hers must have registered some element of my surprise, for she briefly broke the kiss, and whispered, "I live for skin on skin, Brad. Is that all right?"

All right? It was just bloody amazing, but I could only nod my spinning head. My fingers had just begun to trace over the gorgeous swell, lingering over the fragile nipples, when her right hand reached for my left. This time she was urging it almost straight across, and once again my hand was finding a gap in her dress, and suddenly I was stroking the most incredible smoothness of her thigh.

Again, she broke the kiss to murmur, "Oh, yes, Brad, just stroke me. Up and down. You have a lovely touch."

Now I knew, for certain, I was headed for something wonderful, and my pants bulged with the renewed excitement of it all. I stroked upwards and found my fingers touching only bare moist flesh, no panties. Had she been so prepared for this?

My whole body was shaking with the shock of it all. To add to this, her fingers were now working on the buttons of my shirt. In no time she had pushed it away from my shoulders. It couldn't drop away because of the position of my hands.

However, several things were happening, quite apart from my pleasure at having Yana's more intimate areas under my fingertips. Her hands, having pushed my shirt away, were now roaming, open-palmed, up and down my chest. Her action was sufficient to increase the pressure in my pants. But I was sure that the work my hands were doing was producing extra pressure and movement of her lips and tongue.

With the kiss broken, she leaned back and looked into my face, no doubt reading the passion that had to be showing there. In her case, I was sure there was a shadowing of those blue eyes, but when she spoke, a teasing smile came with it, "I knew it would never be only a kiss."

She laughed then, before adding, "We've made a good start. Brad, you're going to find that I'm all for skin on skin. Hands, feet, bodies, whatever, if they are coming together that is nearly the ultimate."

Having touched her so intimately, my confidence was beginning to rise, and as, with one finger, I scrubbed at her nipple, my other hand moved faster on her thigh, occasionally bumping up into increased moistness. I admitted in a firmer voice than I had been able to use up to this point, "It is good," And as an afterthought, I added, "Thank you."

"Don't thank me. We've only just begun." I was aware of her fingers unfastening my belt buckle, as she slid my pants zip down. My breathing had stopped, and tension fused my whole body. Was I going to feel her fingers on my solid cock?

Her voice broke into my thoughts, "Before I go any further, I have to ask you another personal question."

"Which is?" I asked, in a choking voice, as I guessed she had pulled my boxers clear of my erection, and I awaited that first intimate touch of her fingers.

"Has any woman ever taken this," And her fingers were excitingly there, stroking lightly over my straining cock, "in her mouth?"

She laughed at what she read in my face, "Oh, I've shocked you. So, I guess the answer is 'no.'"

Shocked me? I was stunned by her question. I had heard others boast about 'blowjobs', but I had never even dared think about it.

"Then may I be the first?"

How would I be able to control my impulses? I just had to warn her, "What if I cum too quickly?"

I couldn't understand why she would laugh now, as she said, "Brad, that is exactly what I want you to do, and in this instance the sooner the better." Her fingers ran along my throbbing erection. "This," she said quietly, "needs to have the tension removed before we can consider what should happen next."

I just couldn’t imagine spurting my seed into that delicate mouth, "But it will—"

Her face was very serious now. " No 'buts', I want you to listen while I explain because soon, I'll have my mouth rather too full to speak." Her smile returned, but the image still appalled he even as it thrilled my curiosity. I recalled my short-lived slide up into Melissa. How different could this be?

"First, of all," Yana continued, "while I proceed, your hands will be free. So give me something by playing with my hair, little scrubs to my scalp, mainly behind the ears, I like that. And when you're about to cum, don’t try to pull out."

"But that would be my automatic reaction," I said. I was really groping in an unknown land, almost as the song title said, I was 'A Stranger in Paradise.'

Yana's response was very firm, "It would be the worst thing you could do. Instead, pull my head as close to you as possible. Just to make sure that all you've got goes down my throat, with no mess."

My hands lost their grasp on their cosy places as she bent forward. Sheer confusion filled my head. And as I looked down, I saw her hand gently grasp my cock, holding it out straight, towards her open mouth.

Her voice drifted up to me just once more, "Quite a mouth-filler, Brad." How many had she known? That crossed my mind as her tongue flicked out and lapped at the purple head. Ah, that thrill, I feared I would shoot before she got any further.

With one glance up at me, her mouth enveloped my throbbing rod, and it was amazing to see it disappear into her. As ordered, my fingers played through her thick black hair, rubbing into it near her ears. It had a wonderful charge about it, but my whole attention was on what her tongue was doing to my cock inside her mouth. It rolled around it as though it was some succulent ice pop. Electrons shot around my lower body.

Then her tongue was dispensed with as her mouth began to ride up and down along my length. My scrotum seemed to swell. I knew I wasn't far away. Her movements became quicker, forward and back forward and back. Hell, it felt so demanding. My fingers found some erotic repose in ploughing through her hair.

In quick succession, she began sucking, before squeezing my scrotum. I saw her cheeks concave as with just one more demanding suck, my genitals were set on fire, and my scrotum released. I heard my loud desperate groan, which I am sure included her name in it.

All instinct was to pull back, but I did exactly what she had said as my cock pulsed out its load, and I pulled her head towards me and knew I was spouting deep down into her throat.

Looking down at her stuffed mouth I could tell the motions she was making were swallowing actions. For me, it was a pure relieving delight, a moment that was going to live with me forever, and it went on and on, as I pushed and jerked against her face. So much cum.

At last, the flow ended, and my hardness faded, as it slipped slowly from Yana's mouth. She raised one hand and held it as the head appeared, with a single strand of cum still attached. She quickly licked it away, and stood up, bathing me in a bright smile.

"Enjoy that?" she asked, as she moved to the table, picked up her glass of wine, and took a solid swig, before swilling it around her mouth and swallowing.

"God, yes," I affirmed, stepping out of my pants, which had remained around my ankles. Feeling rather bold in my nakedness in front of this woman who had been a stranger less than an hour ago, I took the glass she held out to me.

Taking my first sip, I noticed the questioning look on her face as she watched me. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing's really wrong," she answered solemnly. "but you now have a big decision to make."

"I do?"

She nodded her head emphatically, "Oh, yes, you've had your kiss, plus a blowjob bonus. Do I go now?”

I recalled things she'd said which had suggested a longer stay like, 'my chosen companion for the night.' I told her of that, and her later comment of, 'see what happens next."

She smiled as she said, "That's exactly where we are at this moment. Which is it to be?"

There was really no question. Standing there naked, having already experienced her erotic touch, having the prospect of seeing her naked, there was no way I could let her go, and that is what I told her.

Was that genuine relief on her face? "Good," she laughed, "that work my mouth did on you was really to empty you for further activity."

"Do you like doing that?"

“It’s a challenge," she said and began to unbutton her dress.

"So why do it for me?" I asked, shuddering as her dress fell open, revealing half a slope of each breast, a fascinating shaved mound, and a hint of the tanned thighs that I had already stroked.

"You were ready to burst. Now you are clear for a while, and there's no fuss, no dross." She patted her stomach. "It's all down here. Quite a load, wasn't there? No way could you have held that through what we're going to do."

"I-I'm intrigued," I stammered,

Yana wore a very slinky expression, with her tongue resting on her lower lip, and her eyes half-closed in a sultry fashion, as slowly, deliberately slowly, her dress slid from her shoulders. With both breasts exposed, she slowly guided the dress to the floor, revealing an extremely flat belly, before the bare mound and a hint of pouting lips.

Yana stood, naked, arms held wide as though to declare, "Here I am."

Indeed, there she was. So sensuous. One of those breasts I had already fingered, but now I was seeing both for the first time. They were perfect, neatly rounded, just big enough for a spread male hand, and with brown tempting nipples that added a jutting pride to the whole feature.

I could think of nothing to say but, "Temptress," as she took two steps back to sit on the lower edge of the bed.

She giggled, as she pointed at my flaccid penis, "Can't be much of a temptress. I must have done a good job on him." She patted the bed beside her, "Sit beside me."

Settling beside her, I was congratulating myself at being so calm, given my earlier concerns. This was the very first time I had been naked alongside a naked female. Even those brief humps with Melissa, she had refused to remove all her clothing.

I told Yana this, and she shrugged, "Then tonight you are entering a different world."

"It's felt like that for quite some time," I said honestly.

She half-turned towards me and placing one hand on my chest, she lifted mine to rest on her thigh. "I've hinted already, Brad, that I'm all for skin against skin, the power of a touch, the thrill of body against body That bothers you?”

“Not at all.”

"Good," she said, her hand moving slowly over my chest, giving me a sense of being favoured. "Don't stop stroking my thigh. I see myself as a sensualist, favouring touching, skin contact, the tactile over all else."

I could not disguise my surprise, "Even over...?"

"Yes," she came in quickly, "even over the ultimate. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy being fucked, but that is a conclusion. An essential conclusion very often. A delightful conclusion when perfect, but it is simply the finale of sensuality."

She eased herself back on the bed, until, when centrally placed, she said, "Please come and kneel alongside me, Brad." Then she spread herself flat on her back, arms stretched out, legs wide apart. The sheer abandonment of her action had my hands clenching and unclenching.

Moving alongside her, I could not resist a glance at the junction of her parted thighs. That tantalising sight of her moist pink opening. "Tempted, Brad? It doesn't show." Yana’s voice was husky as she indicated my dead cock. "Maybe his time will come."

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Kneeling at her side, my eyes feasting on the total wonder of her curvaceous body, as she quietly instructed me, "Every inch of my skin wants to be touched by you. Skin is so sensitive that any part of a body can become an erogenous zone. You found that spot in my scalp just behind my ear, didn't you?"

I nodded my head, longing to touch her, wondering where to start. I was soon finding out. "This is your treat to me. Open palms, delicate fingers, lips and tongue if you wish. Just one rule on this occasion - no lingering, tempting as it may be. Start in my hair, and just work your way down."

Very quickly I had my fingers roaming through her raven hair, drawing up strands and letting them fall, scrubbing my fingertips into her scalp. My position brought my face very close to hers, her blue eyes were bright showing her pleasure, her rich full lips were slightly parted, and it seemed quite natural to stoop and place my mouth on hers.

The tangling of our tongues was electric but very brief as she turned her head away, and I recalled the 'no lingering' clause. Everywhere was incredibly smooth and electrifying. Fingers trailed over her broad forehead, over her high cheekbones, down to flicker at her lips, which parted to take a jocular snap at them.

With the fingers of one hand stroking her throat, the other ran an open palm from her shoulder, down her arm to her own fingertips, which gently closed and opened on mine.

On the return up her arm to her shoulder, I was sure her body gave a little jerk of pleasure. The hand that had stroked her neck now repeated the journey down her other arm with the same result.

Now it was those subtle sensuous curves. My palms moved on a spine-tingling journey of her breasts, waist and belly. Her breath was coming faster. The touch of her skin had set mild stirrings deep in my belly, but fingering those breasts once more produced a definite twitch down there, although everything remained limp.

As fingers of one hand circled and plucked at her nipples, the other hand roamed up and down the elegant concave waist. I bent my head and my lips kissed, and my tongue licked at her right breast, finally enclosing the nipple, which grew under the touch of my tongue.

"Oh, that's good," Yana sighed, and I wasn't sure whether she was referring to the attention her breasts were receiving, or my hand coasting up and down her waist. I was enjoying this so much that I was beginning to flatter myself as a great lover. I was some distance from being that, but somehow, Yana's influence inspired me.

"Don't linger," came her instruction, and I allowed both hands to slide down over her flat belly. My right hand stroked her bare mound, taking sly dips to those wet lower lips. while my left hand slid down to the incredible smoothness of her inner thigh and performed up and down strokes, which had Yana squirming and moaning her delight.

Or was it because my right hand had left her mound and my fingers traced more positively along those exciting lower lips. I had never touched a woman in this intimate fashion before, but it felt so natural. The lips began to part under my touch and the moisture was fascinating. I ran my fingers along the groove, and they could have sunk deeper.

"You could use your tongue, Brad." Her voice sounded more strained and breathless.

Her words though had me frozen for just a moment. Put my tongue down there? It had never entered my mind. The very idea of it appalled me. Was it a clean thing to do?

Would not doing it disappoint her, and show what an utter beginner I was? Well, wasn't I? Most of what had taken place so far had been new to me. Then I recalled Yana's willingness to take my cock into her mouth.

I kept my left hand stroking her inner thigh from knee to slit, as I tentatively lowered my head to where my fingers were and poked my tongue into warm wetness. First there came the aroma, musk mixed with a delicate perfume, surprisingly not unpleasant. As my tongue moved forward, I was astounded at how creamy the sensation was. I began a deeper lick, but then her voice stopped me.

"Thank you for that, Brad, but no lingering. And I think you can start on the other side now," she sighed, as her body moved away to turn over onto her front. "Very much flat palms here, Brad."

Her back was surprisingly appealing with the side curves leading down to those elegant buttocks, seeming to be pleading for a caress. Both hands started stroking, right hand in her hair, left from thigh to buttocks, open-palmed as requested, her shoulders, her waist, her hips, and the whole of that smooth back came under my touch.

As my hands cruised over the wonderfully solid buttocks, I felt the first stirring in my groin. Then Yana's voice urged me on, "A hand on either side and separate my cheeks."

I did as requested, knowing what I would find, and was quickly gazing down at the tight little orifice of her anus. My uncertainty at that point was eased by her next request. "I'm very sensitive around that point, Brad. Just a gentle touch with one finger."

I could tell by her voice that I was getting to her. Now I was really invading unknown territory,

Cautiously I placed my index finger on the rim of the tiny hole. "A little push inside," Yana's voice sounded almost pleading. Inside there? God, what was I learning in this evening, but I did as instructed, and noted the little jerk it provoked in Yana's thighs. How far could I...? But the next moment she was rolling over to sit up beside me, at the same time planting a warm quick kiss on my lips.

"Thank you, Brad. Now you have some idea of what a sensualist is like. But there's my own little treat, and I'll show you that after we empty those glasses." Then she slid from the bed and collected our two glasses. It was a joy to watch that naked body in motion.

Drinking the remnants of her earlier pouring, Yana talked briefly about what she was about to do. "You're welcome to think this is for your pleasure, and I do hope it pleases you, but, believe me, this is a skin on skin activity that I enjoy. Feel free to use your hands whenever you have the chance. Now just lie back."

Intrigued, I did as I was asked. Instantly, she was lying on top of me, her mouth on mine, her fingers in my hair, her breasts soft on my chest, belly to belly, her legs lying along my legs. She gave a slight wriggle to emphasise our contact points. My hands stroked along and around her back.

She broke the kiss to whisper, "Perfect position for a sensualist like me." With the kiss broken, her lips moved down my neck, while her fingertips trailed down either side of my face. I kept one hand stroking her back while I ran the other one through her hair.

Her breasts were now pressed against my lower chest, and her next move gave me a surprise, plus an extra thrill. Moving her hands from my face, she placed them on either side of my chest and levered herself up on her arms.

This movement meant that from having her breasts squashed against my chest, now only her nipples were touching me, and very slowly she began to give me the full exquisite pleasure of those nipples tickling my chest. Another new sensation in my restricted experience and I felt the immediate twitching of my cock.

Rising up high, her smiling sultry eyes looked into mine, as she growled sexily, "Approve?" I could only nod my head, as she moved her breasts downwards, occasionally allowing them to press more fully than just the nipples. It was a joy. Gradually she eased herself down so that all I could reach was her hair and just touch her shoulders.

Nipples and breasts now floated around my belly, if they'd had electrodes attached it could not have been more effective. It was one of the most erotic experiences I had ever had, and as she'd moved her breasts down, her lips and tongue had followed, tracing over my chest, licking at my own nipples. I was sure my cock was on an upward surge.

I didn't have long to wait for confirmation, as she wriggled her body lower and those luscious breasts settled over my stiffening cock. Now she moved her hands onto her breasts to push them together around my near erection.

"Good?" her husky voice drifted up to me.

"Better than that," my own voice was barely a grunt.

Then the breasts moved on to between my legs somewhere, as Yana's lips and tongue, travelled down, and I was very aware of her tongue travelling slowly along my fully erect shaft. Reaching the bulbous head her tongue lavished around it and, very briefly, her lips enclosed it.

"Oh, God, Yana," I exclaimed, and I heard her little laugh as she released my cock.

Everything went into reverse, and very soon her lips and tongue were mingling with mine and it was wonderful. But just as quickly her head moved on upwards, I felt her legs straddling my body and the moist trail of her slit trailed over my belly, as with her continued upward motion, her breasts were in my face.

I heard her murmur, "You've got some work now." But my mouth and tongue were already luxuriating in the bounty of her breasts. Her nipples I sucked on avidly, while my hands tried to reach down to her mound, which Yana was deliberately circling on my upper belly.

Breasts were quickly moved on, and with rising excitement, and some curiosity as to how I would deal with this, I realised that her whole womanhood was moving towards my face. One after the other her knees lifted over my arms until they straddled my head, and my face was nuzzling into the hot moistness of her. But it was much too close for me to take any action, almost suffocating me. What a way to go!

Thoughtfully, and probably necessarily, Yana eased her position so I could look up and, using my thumbs, part those lips to view the pink petals that awaited my attention. This time, partly because I had more confidence, and partly because of the way Yana had favoured me, I had no problem in dipping my tongue into that creamy morass.

"To the front, Brad," Yana gasped, and I was aware for the first time that her breathing had become laboured. "Seek the small nub, my clit."

I drew back my head, saw in the tangle of petals what could be a small nub. I applied my tongue to it, and her whole body trembled, and she gave out a long sigh. That had to be the spot. My tongue gave it the fullest attention, while my fingers strolled beyond to find her delicious entry, and also tickled back towards her anus.

Busy as I was with my lips and tongue bathing in her succulent juices, I became very aware of the gasps and groans of her breathing. Within a couple of minutes, her wetness was pulled away from my mouth as she slid her body down until we were face to face, and my erection was tight against her inner thigh.

"I think it's time we fucked, don't you?" she sighed, and I guess my face showed some kind of doubt, even though I wanted it desperately, for she added, "Don't be concerned. You've really shortened my fuse."

With that she rolled away onto her back, legs spread, and her hand clutching at my throbbing cock, which my body had to follow to lie between her thighs. "Honestly, Brad, I can't remember the last time I've wanted this so much." I drew in a breath as her hand guided my erection to her opening, and I knew the head was poised.

"Just push, Brad," she whispered. "Long, gentle and slow."

I knew that I needed it to be gentle and slow if I was going to show any kind of stamina. That first glide up inside Yana was a trip designed by the gods, so rapturous, so uplifting, as her muscles clawed at my rod.

"You feel so immense inside me, Brad. Do it harder."

Her words filled me with renewed vigour, I drew back and gave what I hoped was a strong thrust, and then another. I was fucking with a really mature woman. Feeling so self-satisfied I drew right back and plunged hard enough to have Yana sliding up the bed. Only with that last one, I desperately realised that I'd been too clever and my balls were about to explode.

That was the moment that I guessed it hadn't just been my own hefty plunging that had brought me to the brink, Yana's hips were heaving up against me, her thighs twitched against mine, and to my relief, she was whimpering, "Oh, God, yes, I'm..."

Delighted, I allowed myself to go. It took three or four mighty heaves between the two of us, in which I spurted and spurted again, gaining extra exhilaration from Yana's cries like some a raucous seagull as her own orgasm gripped her.

We slowly caught our breaths, and I rolled my weight off her, although we stayed glued together with perspiration. Strands of her coal-black hair clung across her face, and I reached out to push them aside. Her face was flushed deep red as she looked up at me.

"Hell, Brad, if I tell you that it was -" She checked and said, "Suffice to say you were the right choice."


Before answering, she lifted my left arm and snuggled her head down onto my shoulder. With my arm around her, my fingers lingered on the edge of her breast.

"Yes, remember I told you I was rather partial to sex."

"With no inhibitions," I added.

"Which you have since found out. But, if you had been unwilling to follow my rather crude approach, I would have just finished my drink and gone home."

I was having some difficulty in seeing what she was getting at. "But why?"

"Two things you know about me, I'm a sensualist, and I like studying people. Now given the former, I need to be able to impose my sensual desires. I reject any man who clearly only wants to push his organ up me, and get away."

"Does that happen much?

"I have made one or two misjudgements. Fewer these days."

"So, my naivety attracted you?"

Yana gave a little chuckle and kissed my shoulder, "Don't be hard on yourself, but you do recall the rather personal questions I asked you earlier in the evening. Finding you desirable, I needed to find where we should start for us both to enjoy the evening."

"You found me desirable?" I would have blushed if I wasn't already so high.

"I saw you coming out of the swimming pool when I had a casual look around. Your good body attracted me, and I genuinely thought you were older."

"And that starting point - taking me in your mouth?"

"Only to protect you from being premature."

"And now?"

"And now," she struggled to sit up and leaned over me, a look of warm desire on her face, "—now we have the sensualist's delight."

She pulled me into a sitting position, as I asked, "What's that?"

Her eyes seemed to glow as she said, "Sharing a shower.” And I found what she meant. Skin on skin is one thing, but skin on skin with water and soap suds. Hands and fingers touching, probing every intimate area. All with much laughter. Perfect session.

Out, we dried each other with both vigour and affection. As she bent to dry my thighs and over my groin, she giggled, "Oh, look what is happening down here, a penisaurus rises from its lair." I had felt a stirring as she touched me.

Dried, we moved back into the bedroom, my erection jutting in front of me. As we settled on the bed, she held it in her hand, leaned in close to whisper in my ear, as though there were eavesdroppers nearby. "Brad, I'm going to ask for something that I only occasionally allow any man to do."

Her secrecy was always exciting, and I wondered what was coming. "And that is?”

Suddenly she was rolling onto her front, and the shapeliness of back and buttocks was there to be patrolled. She groped behind her until her fingers found my solid shaft. She pulled so I had to follow until she had it between her shoulder blades. “What’s this?” I asked.

She giggled, “You know how you caressed my back with your fingers. Now I want you to do it with your cock. Rub it over my skin. Delicious.”

I was only too willing to stroke skin with my erect cock. So, I trailed it from her shoulders, down her spine across to her waist. Over the curve there, until I reached to pass my hardness over the twin mounds of her buttocks. That’s when a light bulb came on in my head, and I guessed where this could be leading.

Having completed the coverage, my throbbing erection lay against the crack between her buttocks. Yana half turned her head and asked, "Would you care to enter me there?"

My sharp intake of breath must have been louder than I thought for she said, "I told you, I was very sensitive there. But if you don't want to."

"If you want it, I want it," I told her, uncertainty shading my curiosity.

Her hand reached out to one side and came back clutching her small handbag, from which she produced a small silver tube which she passed back to me, before pulling two pillows to rest her head on, while she came up onto her knees to raise her buttocks.

The tube seemed almost empty, and Yana said, "There’s enough for about an inch of the cream on your index finger. Cream me inside, getting in will be easier."

Thinking about how well used the tube was, I managed to squeeze out an inch of the white substance onto my index finger. Yana had come up onto her knees, so, with her buttocks raised it was no problem to get to her anus, but I remained tentative. My first touch at her little ring brought an appreciative, 'Mmm,' sound from her and this encouraged me to push further.

As my finger entered her, I twisted it from side to side to ensure her passage was well-lubricated. By the time my second knuckle was inside her, she had produced a number of growls of pleasure.

Yana's voice croaked as she said, "Just a careful slow push into the entry, Brad. I guess this will be another first for you."

I grunted my agreement, without mentioning that up to a few hours earlier the idea of entering her anus would have been abhorrent to me. From the emptiness of the tube, it was obviously far from her first time.

Placing my cock head on the rim of her anus, I could see along her back that Yana's head was turned sideways on the pillow, as she giggled, "This always thrills me." Then just as I was fearing she'd be too tight, my cock head suddenly slid inside her, and she let out an elongated, "Aaah, yes. Gradually now, Brad."

Encouraged I eased further. God, it was tight, like having my prick gripped fiercely in a warm moist hand. But it was very, very pleasant, and as her grunts and growls increased, I thrust steadily deeper.

Leaning as far over her back as I could, I took some of the weight on my left arm while my right hand reached around her to find and fondle her wonderful breasts.

While my cock found a spontaneous humping rhythm, I slid by hand down her belly to tickle around her clit. That produced whimpers of delight from Yana, but it also brought on a twitching of her hips and a convulsion in the tunnel where my erection was lodged. I was up inside her rectum as far as I could go, and those movements from her were just too much.

A whole panoply of sensations hit me at once, and as Yana recognised my frantic pulsing, she hissed, "Do it, Brad. Let go. God, it's wonderful."

'Wonderful,' was probably the word I would have used to describe the sensations that had me ejaculating madly inside her. So tight was it up there that I could really feel my own cream oozing around my cock. My growls and grunts mingled with Yana's puppy-like whines.

Withdrawing my limp cock was slower than from her pussy, as these rear walls with their tightness seemed reluctant to release me. But as I came free, Yana rolled over under me so that we were lying face to face, exchanging grateful kisses. I kissed her lips, her eyes, her hair, her breasts, and she murmured words of praise at my efforts.

At last, we lay quiet in each other's arms, but only briefly as Yana struggled out from under me. "Time for another shower, and then I think we deserve more wine."

That shower was every bit as sensuous as the first, and soon we were back on the bed, dried, refreshed and each holding a glass of wine. I hadn't been a big wine drinker, but that first mouthful went down very well, as we sat cross-legged, facing each other, and she poured me another.

Unlike the first shower, my cock remained flaccid, which, given the activity I had experienced, was not too surprising. Sitting there, we talked, and Yana gave me further insight into her philosophy. Age didn’t matter, she told me, if a guy’s skin looked smooth, he was acceptable even if he was seventy. She laughed at my surprise. “Stroking and fucking, those are my main demands.”

"How often do you do that?"

“It might be once or twice a week, rarely more or less often than that."

She chuckled, reached for the bottle, and poured more wine into my glass. Was that my third refill? A little befuddled, it shook me on looking down, to see my cock pointing strongly upwards.

"God, it must be the wine." My voice sounded a little slurred. I really wasn't used to wine drinking in any quantity.

She smiled, leaned into me and before her lips settled briefly on mine, I heard her mutter, "No harm in a farewell kiss though, is there?"

Just as quickly, she pulled her head back, with her hands on my shoulders, she pushed me onto my back and leaned over me. It was all too ludicrous. My head was reeling, my reactions were uncertain, yet my cock jutted like a projectile ready for firing.

I guess that’s how Yana saw it, as she straddled herself over me, "The final countdown. Thanks for a lovely evening, Brad," she whispered as she slowly sank down to skewer herself on my wayward erection. "Just stroke my breasts. I'll do the other work."

My cock drove up into her wonderful moistness, but totally under Yana's impetus. She was looking down at me with hypnotising blue eyes. Every part of her had hypnotised me. I tried to savour her two gorgeous globes and their brown nipples, but I knew my concentration was somehow adrift.

I wished I hadn't drunk so much wine. I was almost out of it as Yana lifted and lowered along my rod. Her movements were coming faster and harder. Yes, oh, yes, she was really pounding down on my cock.

"Let go, Brad. Just release. I want you to." And now she circled her hips more vigorously, more positively, determined to make me climax. "Fill me up, Brad. Just one more time. Fill me."

Her words? Her movement? Whatever it was, it was happening. I didn't think I had the strength for it. Hotly, came that familiar rush up my shaft as my balls evacuated. I was filling her, and with my last element of strength, I managed to heave my hips up to match her efforts.

Yana gasped happily, and muttered, "Oh, so good, Brad. So good."

I lay back, exhausted, my breathing heavy, total gratitude in my heart, as I took one look at her smiling down at me. I closed my eyes drowsily.

Her husky voice seemed to be coming through a distant hollow tube, too far away for me to react, or respond to. "Rest now, dear Brad. Rest, renew and remember. You’ve been a lovely companion. If I’ve guided your future love life, I’m pleased. Perfect it with others. Don't try to find me. You’ll go on to find the lady who is going to be yours forever, give it all to her, and only her. But please, Brad, remember me. Remember me."

I slept.

When I woke up, pale light was creeping through the curtains. I was naked, and alone on the bed. Yana? I hadn't dreamed her, had I? Those memories were too sharp.

Then something silver, just under the bed caught my eye. The empty lube tube. No dream then. Yana had really happened. She was a memory to carry forward in my life.

When I finally met my darling tawny-haired, Linda, I knew, there was never any doubt. On our honeymoon, after one passionate evening, she sighed, "Where did you learn to be so good for me?"

Nothing to say except, "If I told you, you'd never believe me."

Written by redwriter34
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