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My Character Flaw

"My Character Flaw"

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I’m a cad; a philanderer even. I’m probably overall just a dick.

Yeah, I said it. I’m a dick.

I’ve been this way ever since I discovered girls.

At first, I decided that girls who put out for anyone were to be avoided. So I started out with good girls; girls who waited to see whether they liked someone enough to have sex. At least it was the seventies and I didn’t have to wait until I married them, but still, it was three or four dates in before I could get into their pants. Sometimes longer!

And after I did, well, I started chasing another girl. That’s where the cad part comes in. Almost the day after I’d had my way with them I was on the hunt for another conquest.

Not that I told them that or stopped having sex with them. In fact, I would do them as often as I could before I got found out. Then came the shouting, the tears and sometimes the throwing things or even punching or kicking.

And after the storm had passed, I’d move on as if I never learned the lesson.

Who am I kidding? Of course I didn’t learn the lesson. At least not the lesson they were trying to teach. No, the lesson I learned was that I could have sex and after a brief period of discomfort or pain, I could move on to the next challenge and have sex with someone else.

So I guess I did learn a lesson.

The irony was that there were some girls I did all of the above to who came back for another bout. So, I don’t think you can blame those on me. Or maybe you could.

For instance, there was Candy.

Now, with a name like Candy you might think I was talking about one of those girls who put out for anyone. But you’d be wrong. In fact, Candy was one of my more challenging conquests.

We met at a dance club. I wasn’t really into dancing, but I liked watching the girls dance. And as it turned out, Candy liked to be watched while she danced. Of course, she would never admit that. In fact, she told me a few times that she would never date someone who didn’t dance.

I don’t know whether she really believed that or not, but I didn’t rub it in when we were snuggled up in the back of my car outside Paradise Alley.

The Paradise was a glitzy discotheque that played all the cool music to all the cool kids dressed up in their coolest finery. Gold chains, platform shoes and white bellbottoms were the order of the day at Paradise Alley almost every night of the week.

Candy was always trying to get me on the dance floor and I was always refusing. That’s when she told me I had no chance with her if I didn’t dance with her. But I kept on trying. I’d show up at the Paradise, hang out, make small talk and do all those things that make a girl feel special. I even blushed a few times when she pressed me to dance with her, telling her I had two left feet.

Candy always laughed at my corny jokes and smiled whenever she saw me. I knew when I saw that, I’d get her one of these days.

It was about six weeks after I met her for the first time, she stood next to me outside the polished wooden rail surrounding the packed dance floor. She was rubbing her ass back and forth across the front of my slacks as we sang Love To Love You Baby together. The music was loud, the disco ball was spinning, the beat was deafening and I was softly squeezing her tits with both hands as she gave me a coy smile.

I dangled a tiny baggie of coke in front of her eyes and she followed me out to the parking lot like a rat following the Pied Piper.

After a few large hauls off the tiny glass mirror I kept in my glovebox, we crawled into the back seat together. I’ll tell you, the disco beat was almost as deafening in the back seat of my car that night too.

I didn’t really expect a blowjob from Candy that night. The most I was hoping for was to unzip her skin-tight bellbottoms and shove my hand between her legs for a while. Boy was I surprised when she reached into my slacks and freed my very hard dick from its ultra-tight confines. She was still sniffing back the remnants of the cocaine while she sucked me off.

She took my whole load down her throat and I just had to do something for her in return.

I pulled her bellbottoms down as far as her knees, scooped up both her legs in my arms and held them against my chest. Then I rammed my cock into her with one thrust. Her eyes opened really wide right then and she came almost immediately.

I don’t think any of the other guys she might have been with had made her cum before. After that first thrust into her tight little channel, she was practically my sex slave for life. She was all over me all the time. In just the first week we’d fucked each other’s brains out at least ten times.

One memorable time was while my mom was downstairs watching some soap opera on TV. We were in my room “listening to music”.

My mother had followed us up the stairs and was talking about snacks in the kitchen if we wanted. Candy had smiled and said, “No thank you Mrs. Collins.” She was still descending the stairs to the living room when Candy pulled my cock out of my pants and gobbled it down like she hadn’t been fed in a week. I came in her mouth before the first commercial break on my mom’s TV show.

Candy bent forward over the bed and pulled her tight pants to her knees so I could eat her out. I tell you, she was hairy but her pussy tasted like candy. From the back it wasn’t so bad, but there were times I was spitting her pubic hairs out for an hour after licking her.

The rewards, though, were far too good to pass up. She used to make this tiny squealing sound when she came, especially from my tongue. You couldn’t hear her if you were standing outside the door, even if it was open. But that little squeal made me hard every time I heard it.

I’d just finished cumming inside her pussy and was pulling up my slacks when Candy decided to see if she could get me hard again. Well, to make a long story short, she did. And it was as hard as a rock when my mom came in with a tray of drinks.

I’m surprised she didn’t drop the tray. That’s what would have happened in the movies.

Instead my mom gave both of us a cold look and decided that maybe Candy should go home now.

Personally, I thought it was a huge laugh. I didn’t laugh while my mom was staring daggers at us. I laughed about it on the phone with Candy an hour later but she was mortified. Yeah, she actually used that word. She said she was mortified and said it at least three or four different ways like she was using it in a sentence for a spelling bee.

So that was the end of my trysts with Candy, at least for a while. She was too mortified to look my mother in the eye after that.

I think what pissed her off more than getting caught by my mom was when she found out I was fucking her cousin Cindy. Cindy had caught me and Candy fucking one day, except she didn’t tell anyone but me. She followed me out to my car after an evening of Candy making that tiny squealing sound. I think she came so much with me licking her silly she probably took a nap as soon as I left.

Cindy snuck up on me just as I was about to open the car door.

“Whoa!” I said when she popped out of the bushes.

She was grinning and giggling, walking toward me with her hands behind her back and hopping from foot to foot in a way that told me she knew something. She was wearing those tight hot pants that were fashionable in the seventies. She had a matching pullover that was just as tight and showed the little bumps on her smallish tits.

“I know what you’ve been doing,” she said with a grin.

“What are you talking about Cindy?” I said, too busy looking at her nipples through her shirt to think about what she was actually saying.

“I saw you!” she hissed as she leered and glanced down at my midsection.

“Saw me what?” I said with a grin of my own.

She looked from side to side and leaned in close to whisper.

“I saw your thing!” she said and broke down in giggles. "You and Candy were doing it!”

I smiled and cupped the bulge in my tight pants. Let’s face it, when your pants practically squeeze off the circulation in your legs, anyone can have a nice bulge.

So, here’s the scenario. You’ve just spent the better part of two hours slamming your cock into your girlfriend and then her younger cousin comes out to tell you she was watching the whole thing. I’m sure most guys would have been all apologetic and begged the cousin not to tell.

What did I do? I pulled out my dick!

“Would you like to see it up close?” I asked in my own whisper.

Cindy’s mouth went wide as if she were scandalized, but I saw the desire in her eyes when I said it.

“I’ll show you,” I said and pulled the fly down on my pants.

“You can’t!” she said and burst into laughter.

“Why not?” I asked as I pulled my dick out.

I wasn’t wearing underwear. A lot of guys in those days didn’t.

Her eyes went wide and she stared at it in awe.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not hung like a horse, not even close! But Cindy had only ever seen one cock before mine. Apparently the guy she screwed was a lot smaller than me. She thought I was the next best thing to Godzilla judging by the slack-jawed stare she gave it.

So, I grabbed her hand and put it on my cock. At first, she was a little hesitant but then she started stroking it. I pulled her to her knees in front of me and convinced her to take it in her mouth.

By convinced her, I mean I pushed it past her lips and started fucking her face.

Well, she must have wanted it just as bad as I wanted to give it because she started sucking her cheeks in and out while I pushed it into her mouth. After a few minutes, I stood her up and bent her over the hood of my car. I pulled her hot pants down and took in the sight before me. Apparently, some girls didn’t wear underwear in those days either, because the only thing I saw was her luscious rump and her puffy kitty peeking out between her ass cheeks.

I slammed into her and she grunted in time to my thrusts. When she started making high-pitched cooing sounds I knew she was close. When I shoved into her hard and shot my load, she shuddered and made this sound that made my orgasm last an extra fifteen seconds.

“Ooooooooh!” she moaned in a throaty voice.

I picked her up and kissed her then. Our tongues were dancing around each other’s and she couldn’t’ stop grabbing my cock. She got me all hard and I fucked her again. She sat on the fender of my car and I pushed it into her slowly and gently. She wrapped her legs around my hips and told me how much she loved me. I told her I loved her too but we’d have to keep our love a secret from Candy.

She came again and cried as she promised me she wouldn’t tell Candy.

That incident was after the first week I’d been with Candy. Candy didn’t know it, but I was fucking Cindy almost as much as I was fucking her. Cindy would either follow me out to my car or lure me into the small bathroom they had in the basement. She always had someplace we could do it after Candy wasn’t looking. And she was always telling me she loved me. And of course, I told her I loved her too.

I was shocked that Candy never figured it out. Cindy must have told her one day because she stopped talking to me about a week after my mom caught us with my cock in her mouth.

I told you I was a cad.

Now let me tell you about Jennifer.

Jennifer was one of those pre-lesbianism feminists. She was studying law or some such thing. She used to go on and on about how she was going to bring down the patriarchy in court. And then she was going to make sure the Supreme Court of the United States was entirely made up of women. I wasn’t listening when she told me how she was going to do that. I was too busy looking at her nipples poking out against the front of her sweater so my mind was otherwise occupied.

Those sweaters she used to wear were the same ones the preppies in college wore. Except Jennifer refused to wear a bra with it even though the weave in those sweaters was anything but opaque. She refused to wear a bra with anything she wore! Apparently, bras were a ploy by the patriarchy to keep women in their place.

I met her at a lecture. It was called, Women in the Modern World. I went because I guessed there would be a lot of women there. I was right.

Jennifer was standing close to the back and muttering that there weren’t enough women on stage. I’m guessing the emcee, the same guy who introduced all guest lecturers, was the one-too-many men on the stage. Besides him, there were four women up there. One of them was speaking and the other three were waiting to speak.

Of course, I agreed with her wholeheartedly.

“I know right?” I said with feeling, “How can they expect women to take them seriously if they need some guy to introduce them?”

I shook my head in disgust and grimaced in her direction. She looked at me with surprise and I turned away and left the lecture hall walking quickly.

Just as I expected, I heard her scurrying to catch up with me. I turned and stared at her.

Over the next five minutes, I told her I was too angry at how the Man was keeping women down to hold a civilized conversation with anyone. I advised her three times that talking to me right now would be an experience she didn’t want to have.

Two hours later, she was lying underneath me on her living room floor and moaning as I slid my cock in and out of her. She was the kind of girl who never closed her eyes during sex. With her round John Lennon style glasses that she never took off she kind of reminded me of an owl. But she had big tits and a slick pussy so I didn’t care.

That first day I fucked her three times and came inside her each time. Over the next ten days, I fucked her at least once each day and once we did it four times. I could never convince her to go down on me though. She said that was something her feminism would not allow. She didn’t seem to mind when I went down on her though. And I didn’t mind either. She tasted sweet and she was clean-shaven. Not a single hair to spit out afterwards.

She used to clamp her legs around my neck when she came. I swear she would have broken my neck one day if we’d stayed together.  But that was not to be. She took it personally when she caught me fucking one of her feminist friends.

Tara was a dyed-in-the-wool feminist who believed that all men should be subservient to their female masters. Funny thing, she never used the words, female mistresses.

She believed also, that men were to be used as and where she pleased. And so it was that she decided she would be pleased to use me. We were at Jennifer’s place and Tara dragged me into a spare bedroom and pulled my cock out of my pants like she owned it. The way she sucked me though I was glad to let her borrow it.

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Her pussy was clean-shaven too, almost. She had left a round tuft of black hair right over top her clitoris.

I fucked her in three different positions that day. She rode me facing me, she rode me facing away from me and she stood and faced me on one foot and wrapped one leg around my hips. When she came she wrapped both those legs around me. She never once let me on top of her to fuck her.

After I came inside her, she decided she wanted to suck me again. I was just cumming into her mouth when Jennifer walked in on us.

When she started yelling at me, Tara intervened and demanded to know why she wasn’t mad at her. She was the one in charge of this situation and she felt it to be an insult that she wasn’t being given the credit.

When Jennifer couldn’t reply to that Tara had suggested that they both use me as was their right as women. Jennifer threw her arms up and stormed out of the room demanding that both of us get out of her house right now. I thought it was a shame they didn’t use me together. That would have been cool!

As you might have guessed, I never fucked Tara again but that one time had been memorable. She had a pair of legs like a C-clamp that could drive all the air out of you when she came.

I didn’t fuck Jennifer again either, at least not for a long time.

I left Jennifer’s place and started meandering through the campus when I ran into Candy. She was lying on the grass with a book open on the ground in front of her. I stepped up to her and smiled.

“Hi Candy,” I said.

She looked up and smiled and then rose to crouch on her knees.

“John,” she said.

I’m not sure what I was expecting. Screaming, shouting maybe even throwing things. I wasn’t expecting the calm greeting I was getting.

“Are you going to college here too?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I lied, “You too huh?”

“Yup,” she said and then sat with her legs crossed in front of her.

I sat opposite her.

She was wearing blue jeans and a blue button-down top. I guess the days of bellbottoms and platform shoes truly were gone if she was no longer wearing them.

“What’s your major?” she asked.

“Haven’t decided yet,” I said, trying to avoid the subject.

I wasn’t really attending college. I just went there to scope out the girls.

“How about you?” I asked without caring what the answer was. I was too busy imagining those tits of hers the way I remembered them.

“The same,” she said with a shrug, “It’s either psych or business. I’ll decide next year I think.”

 We talked for a while and then I made a fatal error. I asked her how Cindy was. I know I should have known better but I’m a dick.

Candy glowered at me and was about to shut down the conversation. I did some quick thinking and invited her to have some coffee with me. She sighed and gave that look. You know, the look that says this is your last chance? I’m sure every guy has seen it at least once in their lives.

Well, I’ll let you in on a secret. It’s a bluff. It’s one of those things women do to shift the balance of power in their favor. And it works! Almost every guy out there folds and becomes a compliant servant at the slightest hint of that look. Everyone but me anyway.

Of course, I never let them know they haven’t won. I play along and get all apologetic and everything.

Now here’s another secret. That works too!

There’s nothing women like better than hearing you say you’re sorry. But you have to be authentic! You can’t just say the words. You have to mean it! Or you have to act like you mean it. And you’d better be a good actor. Because if you’re not that truly is your last chance.

Well, I’m a good actor. Really good!

So good, in fact, we were back at her place with her mouth around my cock three hours later. Her tits were just like I remembered. Big, soft and awesome! She still had a thick growth between her thighs but I didn’t care. She still tasted like Candy and I’d happily spit out pubic hairs for the rest of my life if she’d just suck my cock the way she does.

She had this way of putting her lips around the shaft and running her tongue all around the head that blew my mind. She would puff her cheeks in and out and I felt like I had a vacuum wrapped around my dick.

When I came, she took it all in and swallowed it like always. Then she kissed me the way she knew I liked. I could still taste my semen on her lips and it made me get hard almost immediately. She knew that too.

She pulled me on top and I entered her like it was old times. We spent the rest of the day in bed and a good part of the next day too.

After a shower, she told me she had class. I said I had classes all afternoon and evening so I wouldn’t finish until nine. She grinned and told me to come back here after I was done. I kissed her and promised I would.

It was that afternoon I met Katie.

Katie worked at an Irish pub downtown. I figured if I was going to do what I do, I’d have to do it well off-campus.

Katie was a fiery redhead with long legs and an hourglass figure. She had a mouth that was slightly too large for her face but a smile that lasted all day! I couldn’t work out whether the slight Irish lilt I heard in her voice was authentic or not. But I didn’t care! I hoped she carried it into bed with her as well as at work.

I didn’t find out that day or the next. It was a full week before I managed to coax her into coming back to my place.

That was okay though. Back at school, Candy was waiting.

The next week brought out her wild side and we were fucking like rabbits daily. Gone were the bellbottoms and platform shoes but she had a thing for wearing oversized button-down shirts and nothing else around the house. Even when her roommates were around.

One afternoon we were on the living room couch. She was on my lap facing me and sliding her pussy up and down on my cock when Tracy came in.

Tracy was a bookish kind of girl with long dark hair, baggy clothes and horn-rimmed glasses that were too big for her face. I knew she had a wild side though because as soon as she clamped eyes on us her nipples hardened and her neck and face flushed bright red.

“Oh my God!” she screeched as she walked in.

Candy jumped off my lap and turned to the door with her face red from embarrassment. I wondered at the time whether the word mortified would come up later.

When she leapt from my lap, she exposed my hard cock. I sat still and stared at Tracy. She was staring at my cock.

She put one hand over her wide open mouth and the other crept to between her thighs briefly. Then I guess she realized what she was doing and pulled it away. Only a few seconds later, she cupped one of her boobs. Then she hastily pushed it downward and finally managed to leave it on one hip.

Candy had run off to her room. I heard her bedroom door slam shut. I gave Tracy a slight smile and stood up to retrieve my blue jeans from the chair right beside her. She continued to stare at my penis as it bobbed and weaved in the breeze as I strode to get my pants.

I pulled them up and winked at her, then followed Candy to her room.

I couldn’t convince Candy to put out anymore that day so I told her I needed to go to the library. She grimaced and nodded as I grabbed my jacket and headed off.

Funnily enough, I did actually go to the library. I heard Tracy say something to their other roommate Amanda that she needed to look up some reference notes at the library.

It took me thirty minutes to find the reference section. That‘s how often I went to the library.

When I got there I grabbed a huge book about wildlife or some such thing and sat at one of the long tables by the shelves. I sat there going through some weird shit about tropical birds when I heard someone clearing their throat.

“Hi,” Tracy said in a small voice.

I looked up and smiled.

“Hey there!” I said happily.

“I didn’t know you were into zoology too!” she said and sat down beside me.

“Well,” I said, trying to think fast, “I haven’t decided my major yet and I thought maybe something about animals would be good.”

“Oh, animals are so awesome!” Tracy gushed, “I just love animals!”

“Me too!” I said with a bright smile.

I didn’t love animals. I never had a dog or a cat. Not even a goldfish. But that didn’t stop me from spending the next hour talking to Tracy about how animals were my reason for living. Then an hour later we were in a deserted section of the library on the fourth floor.

The lights were dim up here.

I kissed her and she looked at me like a deer caught in the headlights.

“Isn’t Candy your girlfriend?” she asked in a frightened voice.

I sighed and looked her in the eye.

“Candy and me go way back,” I said, “And I like her a lot. But I’ve never met a girl like you! You’re smart and beautiful and the sad part is, you don’t even know how beautiful you are!”

She blushed and looked away and I put my finger under her chin and pulled her face back to look me in the eye.

“You’re amazing Tracy!” I said and kissed her again.

This time she kissed me back. And boy did she kiss me! Her tongue was so far down my throat I thought I’d start speaking with her voice!

I backed her up against the shelves and put my hands on her buttocks. Baggy clothes or not, this girl had a body. I slipped her oversized slacks down to her knees and put my hand between her legs. She groaned and ground against me like no one had ever touched her there before.

I found out later, one person had. It was Amanda, the third roommate.

When I pushed my cock inside her, it was the first one she’d ever experienced. She was my first virgin. I grimaced a bit at the blood but I got over it as soon as I felt how tight she was. She gripped me around the neck and made these oohing sounds that got me even harder. When she came, her eyes were wide open and she stared at me like I was some kind of savior. When I came inside her, she almost fainted.

When I left her, she was gasping for breath and looking at me like she was in love. I looked back at her with the same affection and then hightailed it to the bathroom. I cleaned the blood off my dick and then went downtown.

That was the night I coaxed Katie into coming home with me. She wrapped her long pale legs around me and rode me like I was a prize stallion until dawn. I mentioned that her mouth was a little too large for her face. Well, it was perfect for sucking cock. Seeing her bright blue eyes staring at me while she ran her lips up and down my shaft had me cumming into her mouth in no time.

And that Irish lilt? Authentic as can be! She was egging me on with that soft brogue all night!

When I managed to coax her out of my place the next morning I called Candy and then held the phone arm’s length away from my ear. Apparently Tracy had told her that she and I were in love and she was going to have to end it with me.

She did. Right then.

When she hung up, I breathed a sigh of relief and sat back on my couch. The phone rang a few minutes later. It was Tracy. She asked me if I had done all those things Candy had told her. Did I really sleep with her cousin while I was dating her? Did I have any other women going with me right now?

Now, I may be good at a lot of things when it comes to women, but one thing I really suck at is being questioned when they already know a lot of the facts.

So I owned up to all of it and then Tracy dumped me too.

I got some coffee and consoled myself that I still had Katie.

Then there was a pounding at the door. When I opened it, I saw the largest man I’d ever seen on my doorstep. He said something in Gaelic and then I was out cold. His fist caught me just under the jaw and laid me out like a ragdoll.

When I woke up, there was a note pinned to my chest. There was what looked like an orange, white and green flag with a green fist in the center. Under it were some words in Gaelic, Tiocfaidh ar la. Under it were some hand-written words in English, “one day will come”, followed by, “get out of town!”

I got out of town.

I moved to the south and bummed around Florida, Louisiana, and Georgia. No place was too far to get away from the extremely large man that came to my door that day.

Of course, I had a lot of women in my time in the south and each of them was memorable in their own way. Then I ran into Jennifer one day.

True to her word she had become a lawyer. She hadn’t yet managed to shift the make-up of the Supreme Court, but she was still young.

She saw me sitting on a park bench and stood in front of me until I noticed her.

She was wearing a dark jacket and matching skirt that fell to her knees. Her shoes and briefcase were patent leather. They gleamed in the Florida sunshine and I wondered how she kept cool wearing all that black.

After some small talk, she told me I should come back to her place. When we got there, Tara came out. She too was a lawyer. She was wearing a black pantsuit and severe-looking black glasses. Her hair was cut short and she looked the proverbial dyke.

Tara kissed Jennifer, tongue and everything, then looked me up and down.

“Something to play with?” she asked Jennifer.

Jennifer nodded and Tara frowned and stepped close to me.

“Take your clothes off,” she said.

Jennifer shrugged when I looked at her so I took my clothes off. Tara hefted my cock and studied it.

“I guess he’ll do,” she said and then walked into the house.

“I’d follow her if I were you,” Jennifer said with a slight smile.

I did. She led me to a large bedroom, apparently, one of ten in the house. She threw her slacks to the floor and lay back on the bed and spread her legs. She was still shaved bald with the tuft of black hair over her clitoris. She left her suit jacket and blouse on.

“Lick me,” she said.

I did. While I was eating her out I heard Jennifer walk in. There was a disturbance on the bed and I looked up to see Jennifer and Tara French kissing. She too had left her suit jacket on with blouse underneath. She too was still shaved completely bald.

“You can lick me after you make Tara cum,” she said.

When we were done I hadn’t cum once. They both lay back on the bed sighing with pleasure at the orgasms I’d given them. Then Tara looked at me coldly.

“You can leave now,” she said.

I stifled a grin and went to the front door to retrieve my clothes. After I left, I found a business card in my slacks. It was Jennifer’s. On the back, it said, “Don’t’ tell Tara!”


Written by Brent473317
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