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Mile High

"Amy meets a beautiful red head on the flight home."

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Dropping the car at the rental desk and getting her boarding pass for the flight was amazingly uneventful. Making it quickly through security, she is now sitting in the business class lounge waiting for her flight. Taking a sip of her coffee and letting out a deep sigh, she sends dear friend and co-worker Mylene a quick note.

"Hey babe, on my way home. Feels like we have a lot to talk about. I apologise for how the last couple of weeks have played out. You are more important to me than any other shit; let's grab a coffee when I am back and sort it out. <3 xoxo"

She knew she had been a bit of an ass during the stressful weeks leading up to this trip. Mylene also had, but as her father told her, "It takes two to tango." She owed her dear friend, co-founder and an all-around good person the benefit of the doubt when it came to her actions over the month. They had vowed never to let relationships, long-term or one-night stands, get in the way of their mutual career goals, and they had done just that.

"All this bullshit just so Mylene can get her rocks off," Amy mumbles bitterly.

She spends the next hour looking at emails and tagging them for attention. She didn't feel like replying right away, but she knew her mind would stew on the issues during the flight, and she could reply when she was back in the office in a couple of days. The flight is only delayed only an hour, almost a miracle these days, but sitting in the business lounge makes the wait bearable. Getting up when her flight is called and making her way to the gate, she is soon on board, strapping into her business class seat for the five-hour flight home. Instructions and take-off complete, she tips her seat back and falls asleep almost instantly.

Sleeping on planes is always somewhat hit-and-miss with Amy, but she sleeps for almost two hours straight. She knows, unfortunately, that her sleep for the rest of the week will be fucked up because of this, but she also has learned to take the rest when she can get it. Waking up, groggy, in the middle of the flight, unsure of where she is, she looks around slowly.

One of the flight attendants walks quickly over to her seat and stops, bending over with a smile, "Welcome back to the living," she whispers quietly, "do you need anything?"

Amy looks up at the young woman and is greeted with a bright smile. With a start, Amy feels flutters in her belly and an attraction to this woman she had never before experienced. The woman's shoulder-length red hair, pale skin and bright red lipstick draw Amy's eyes, like a magnet, back to her face. Amy licks her lips subconsciously and is delighted that the woman smiles more broadly as she does it. The flutters in her belly encourage her to turn the beautiful, welcoming smile into a more extended conversation.

Amy had noticed the woman's shapely form as she walked back and forth in the cabin before taking off. Longs legs in sheer silk stockings leading up to a fit ass kept drawing Amy's gaze. Her flight jacket was wrapped around a pair of breasts that swayed seductively.

"Umm, sure; what do you suggest to help an exhausted traveller?" Amy replies with a coy smile.

When she boarded, Amy noticed only one other person in the business class section of the plane. She can't even see the other person from her seat. Amy assumes the flight attendant is bored as she has slept the entire flight. There was little to do with two attendants covering the almost empty business section.

The flight attendant continues to hold her gaze. Amy can feel a flush rising on her neck and moving down her chest as the seconds tick. She risks a glance down and realises she can see down the woman's white shirt to her pale chest and sheer lacy white bra. Her gaze lingers a bit longer on the woman's deep cleavage. Looking back up, Amy is greeted with the same warm smile. The flight attendant obviously knew Amy had been admiring her breasts and nodded approvingly. Amy feels a thumb lightly stroking her forearm.

"Not sure a drink would help, although I would love to buy you one on another occasion if you are up for it."

"I would really like that, yes, for sure, umm, yes," stutters Amy.

Hearing that, the flight attendant kneels in the aisle, as close to Amy's seat as possible. Her skirt slides slowly up her legs. Keeping Amy's gaze, she slowly moves her knees apart. Amy glances down to see the sheer stockings ending with black garters and flowery clips.

"See anything you like?" she asks.

"Yes, I do; my energy levels are rising already," Amy replies, unsure exactly how things might proceed.

The flight attendant slowly spreads her knees further, placing her hand on Amy's thigh for support. Her skirt slides up her pale thighs. As expected, Amy can now see that she is wearing no lingerie. Amy finds herself looking directly into the woman's swollen pink pussy. It is smoothly shaved and topped by a small tangled triangle of red hair. Swollen lips are parted slightly with arousal, a small pink clit peaking out the top.

Amy reaches cautiously under her shirt with one hand and touches her nipple lightly. She is delighted now that she decided to forgo her bra to be more comfortable on the flight. She begins to twirl her nipple slowly between her thumb and finger.

The woman, April is her name; Amy could see from her name tag, emits a small moan at the sight. Amy drops one hand slowly to April's thigh, squeezing it as she moves her hand gently up her leg. When she reaches April's hip, she drops her hand to run one finger slowly up April's wet slit, ending with light circular pressure on her clit. Keeping her gaze locked on the young woman Amy raises her hand to her mouth and licks her finger. She notices it tastes like strawberries, the taste and scent filling her senses.

Amy feels encouraged by the woman's obvious arousal and decides to take control of the situation. Amy sucks two fingers into her mouth and swirls her tongue around them.

"You are already wet, my little slut," Amy whispers, "what have you been up to?"

"I have been watching you sleep," April replies in a whisper, "I might have touched myself a bit in the galley. You are so very sexy. I imagined how you look naked, how your body feels, how you might taste."

Reaching down with her now wet fingers, Amy runs them up April's wet slit again, spreading her pussy lips as she does. Two fingers are holding her pussy open as she probes the tight opening gently with a third. Her thumb rests lightly on the woman's swollen clit.

"Shit, right there. Oh my god, I can't believe your finger is inside me. Fuck..." April moans quietly. "A bit deeper, please; oh god, you are making me come; I am so turned on right now!" April continues in a whisper.

Amy is amazed at how worked up the young redhead is. Moving her thumb in small circles, Amy elicits more sighs from her. April is alternating, staring intensely into Amy's eyes and watching her hand move under her shirt as Amy squeezes and massages her own heavy breast.

"Please don't stop," April begs.

"Look at me!" demands Amy quietly.

With a start, April looks into Amy's eyes, her eyelids heavy with arousal, her lips parted slightly, her breath coming in short gasps. Amy slowly lifts her shirt, revealing her breast, with her now hard nipple topping it.

"Suck it!" Amy whispers.

April's mouth drops quickly to Amy's breast. The hungry sucking and biting of Amy's hard nipples distract her momentarily; she quickly regains control and continues her attention to April's clit. As she slides an extra finger into her wet pussy she can feel April's orgasm start. The pressure on her nipple increases as Amy feels April's mouth sucking harder in time with the contractions in her pussy. Wetness coats her hand. Short gasps muffled by the hard nipple in her mouth as she alternately sucks and pants through her orgasm.

April steadies herself with one hand on Amy's thigh; with the other, she reaches into her shirt and pulls out one pale white breast. Topped with a long, hard red nipple. Amy sees it and instantly wants it in her mouth. April begins to pinch and roll her nipple, her hips grinding into Amy's hand.

"You look so tasty; I could suck on that all night," Amy purrs as she leans closer to April's ear, "I wish I was rubbing my wet pussy on your face. Would you fuck my ass with your tongue if I asked?"

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April nods silently, eyes wide, staring deep into Amy's eyes. She moans louder as Amy's probing hand works on her soaking pussy.

"Quiet!" Amy demands.

April's eyes open wide. Amy can see the mix of fear, desire and arousal in her. Her own pussy is now twitching with desire.

She bends closer to April again. "Do you want me to suck on your clit; lick your dripping pussy?" Amy whispers.

Amy probes lower and rubs small circles on April's tight ass, "Do you want me to fuck your ass with my tongue?"

"Yes, yes, anything you want, fuck yes!" April mouths, barely audible in the quiet cabin.

Amy continues to work her fingers in and out of April's silky wetness. She can feel it dripping continuously onto her hand. Bringing her fingers back to her mouth, Amy sucks and licks each one as April watches intently. Returning her hand to April's pussy she begins working three fingers in and out, marvelling at how it grips her fingers each time she pulls them partially out. Her thumb continues its incessant circles on April's clit. Three more deep thrusts and April's legs begin to quiver.

"I am going to come again," whispered April, "don't stop, please, don't stop."

Amy stops suddenly, her fingers buried deep, "Beg me!"

April's eyes flash open again; disappointment, fear, and desire are evident on her face.

"Fuck, please, oh please, fuck me with your hand, let me come for you, please baby, I will do anything," she begs.

With that, Amy slowly restarts her hand motion, watching April's brow furrow with concentration. She pulls April's head back to her own hard swollen nipples. She continues the movement of her fingers until she feels April's pussy start to contract, continuing to rub her thumb in hard circles on her clit. April's body starts jerking as her orgasm plays out. Amy can feel April's hand clutching her leg for support; she is worried the young woman will pass out.

April finally opens her eyes, staring into Amy's face with absolute adoration. She stands slowly on quivering legs, adjusting her blouse and skirt. Amy stares into her eyes as she brings her fingers to her mouth, luxuriating in the taste. April reaches out quickly, brushing Amy's cheek with her fingers, just as the curtains to the rest of the plane are swept aside.

"Let me know if you need anything," April says, louder than necessary.

"I will for sure," replies Amy noncommittally.

Amy lowers her head as the sexy flight attendant walks away. She is exhilarated at her newfound boldness. She is wound up, worrying that she has likely soaked through her jeans, hoping she will have time to recover before the flight ends. Her pussy tingling and twitching with unrequited desire, her nipples hard as diamonds. Amy knows that sleep will not be an option while she is this aroused.

Looking around and then waiting for the other flight attendant to return to the back of the plane, she motions April over again.

"Yes, what can I do for you, ma'am?" April smiles as she walks over.

"Can I have a blanket? Thanks!" inquires Amy.

April looks at her quizzically but reaches into the overhead bin to grab a blanket. Placing the blanket on her lap, Amy motions to April to come close.

As April bends over, Amy whispers, "I am going to loosen my pants a little and make myself come. I want you to watch from the front of the cabin; imagine I am squatting over your face with your tongue in my ass as I rub my swollen clit."

April nods mutely. She returns to the front of the cabin and positions herself to see Amy in her seat. Amy places the blanket on her lap, looking around quickly. Jeans undone, she pulls them down just a bit to give her access to her wet slit. Glancing over the back of the seat, she can see April watching intently. Amy licks her finger so that April can see and dips it between her legs.

Frustratingly, she doesn't have complete access but manages to slide her finger over her clit and push it slightly inside her before her tight jeans block her progress. Soaking wet, her clit sensitive and swollen, she knows she will come quickly.

Sliding her finger slowly up and down, she keeps her eyes locked on April's face. April is flushed, and Amy can see her breathing heavily. Amy can feel her orgasm approaching and closes her eyes to focus. The pressure building in her belly, one hand between her legs, the other pinching her nipples, she is so close.

Opening her eyes, she notices with a start that April is now sitting on the arm of the seat across the aisle from her. Pulling the blanket down slowly, Amy exposes herself to April. April stares, mesmerized, mouth slightly open, soft moans escaping her lips. Amy stares deep into April's eyes as her orgasm washes over her.

"Oh my god, I'm coming, fuck yes!" Amy whispers, her finger sliding frantically up and down in her wet folds.

She rides the waves of her orgasm, longing to feel April's tongue inside her, imagining those red lips sucking hard on her clit. Rubbing her clit rapidly, the waves continuing longer than she thought possible. Finally, her orgasm subsides, leaving her panting for breath.

As she moves to cover herself with the blanket, April reaches over and grabs Amy's hand. Sucking her wet finger into her mouth, she tastes Amy's orgasm. With a smile, April stands and walks back to the front of the plane.

Amy quickly fixes herself up and soon falls asleep, still exhausted but now satiated. The flight ends without incident as the plane lands and taxis to the gate. Standing up with her bags, Amy gets ready to leave the plane. Tapping her toes in frustration, Amy knows this wait is necessary, but the inefficiency of the whole thing annoys her. She slowly walks to the front of the plane, where April stands near the door. As Amy walks by, the woman extends her hand, holding out a card. Amy quickly grabs it without thinking.

"Hope to see you on our airline again very soon," she repeats to Amy as if she were just one in an endless line of passengers leaving the flight.

Amy walks up the ramp and into the terminal before she risks looking at the card.

"Text me, please, April." was all the card said, with a cell number.

Amy smiles and tucks it in her pocket, hips swinging wider as her annoyance at the wait is instantly dispelled. Amy walks through the terminal to the parking garage, making it a habit never to check any bags. Stopping once before she leaves the airport, she texts April quickly.

"This is me; keep this number safe <3, Amy."

She walks quickly to short-term parking, where her car was left only three days ago. She slides into the driver's seat while throwing her bags onto the passenger seat. She pulls her phone from her pocket to recheck messages before starting off. Besides twenty-five new emails, she has two texts, one from Mylene and one that has just arrived from April.

Glancing at the text from April, she can see it is just a video, no message. Amy looks around quickly before pressing play. April is in the bathroom, one leg on the seat, phone propped up on the sink, her pussy in full view. Her unbuttoned shirt reveals both pale breasts, larger than Amy's but definitely firmer, nipples hard and long. April is rapidly rubbing her fingers over her clit, still bright red from the attention it received from Amy earlier on the flight.

April whispers, "I can't believe you did that to me; I have never come that hard. The authority in your voice; I would have done anything you asked, and I have never even met you before today. You are asleep again, or I would drag you into the bathroom to return the favour. I need to see you again as soon as I can. I am in town for a couple of days but then away for two weeks. I want to be naked with you; I will do anything you want. Please baby, oh please, oh fuck!"

Amy watches as April starts to convulse with another orgasm, barely getting the final words out. The orgasm lasts almost thirty seconds. Amy can see her legs quivering, her beautiful mouth open and gasping.

As her orgasm subsides, April grabs the phone and brings it close to give Amy a better view, spreading the wet lips of her still pulsing pussy.

"I want your mouth right here; I will give you my number when you leave the plane."

Amy smiles, "Yes, April, my sweet thing, I will connect; I want to sit on that pretty face."

Written by MitziStephan
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