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Lucky Day

"Some days, good luck comes in threes."

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Some days are just better than others. Last Wednesday, for example. My phone rang about 6:30 am, awaking me from a pleasant dream. It was Leslie, a dear friend-with-benefits. She was thinking of me, and wondered if I would enjoy a visit on her way to work. She had yet to leave home, so I had about thirty minutes to prepare for her arrival and start the coffee. I leaped out of bed, straightened the bedding and plumped the pillows, quickly shaved, showered, and pulled on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. The coffee was half brewed when Leslie knocked on the door.

As I opened the door, Leslie stepped in and threw her arms around my neck. Closing the door, I returned her enthusiastic kiss, grabbing her ass with both hands and pulling her against myself. We dawdled at the entry, feeling each other up, getting hotter and hotter. Finally breaking the kiss, I asked if she would like some coffee first or second. Second won. We turned and headed for the bedroom.

I lay down against the pillows and headboard as Leslie slowly undressed. I have seen her undress countless times and it never fails to thrill me as I see her disrobe, exposing her beautiful body a bit at a time. Leslie has brought the tease to a fine art. First she took off her jewelry, setting each piece purposefully on my dresser, while watching me in the mirror. Then she gracefully unbuttoned her silk blouse and pulled it from her shoulders, baring her tiny breasts. Her erect nipples stood out proudly from the dark areolas. Leslie rubbed her hands over herself, coming to rest with the hands pushing her breasts up and out, as though offering them for my attention. I smiled, waiting expectantly. My cock threatened to burst free.

Leslie came to the side of the bed, then turned her attention to the zipper of her skirt. As she reached behind herself with both hands, her breasts thrust forward and I licked my lips in happy anticipation. Leslie dropped her skirt to the floor, then twirled in a circle, showing me a lacy thong before peeling it off and jumping onto the bed.

Leslie is an elfin redhead. Five feet none, and one hundred pounds of sex loving, cock sucking, lack of inhibition. I quickly shucked my clothing and placed her on her back in the middle of the bed. Crawling between her legs, I admired her bare pussy as it glistened moistly in the sunlight, and reminded me of an iris as her labia parted, revealing the pink flesh within. I leaned forward and gently lapped up and down, then sucked her labia into my mouth and massaged them between my lips. As her excitement rose, Leslie squeezed my head between her legs and thrust her hips into the air and my mouth.

I turned my attention to her clitoris and circled it slowly with my tongue. I fucked her with three fingers as I teased and sucked her erect bud. This iris was in full bloom and Leslie was pulling my hair to keep my tongue fully engaged.

Leslie’s guttural moans became louder and transformed into a long, shrill trill as she erupted in orgasm. I continued to slowly finger-fuck her, and gently suck on her clit until she begged me to stop. I crawled up alongside her and wrapped her in my arms as she came down from the heights, and her breathing slowed to a gentle in and out. As we lay together, I continued to stroke her back with one hand and gently ruffle her short hair with the other. My erect cock poked between her legs.

When she became more composed, Leslie rolled onto her stomach and pushed two pillows under her abdomen, thrusting her ass into the air. My turn! I spread her legs and knelt between them. I inched forward until my cock lay at the entrance to her pussy. Taking it in my hand, I repeatedly rubbed it up and down, taking care to pay particular attention to her still engorged clit. Slowly I introduced it into Leslie’s cunt. Inch after inch, spreading her open, until I bottomed out. Then withdrawing it inch by inch, I admired its length as it emerged, coated with Leslie’s copious juices.

As I fucked her, I grabbed her red locks with my left hand, and slid my right hand beneath her and grasped her breast, pinching the nipple between my knuckles. Leslie kneaded my cock with her pussy, as it slid in and out. With a final plunge into her cunt, my cock erupted, pumping gout after gout of hot cum. My climax triggered another for Leslie, and with a loud wail, she came.

I loosened my grasp on her hair and Leslie’s head fell forward onto the sheets. I lay forward upon her back and gently came back to earth. Leslie pushed the pillows out from beneath herself, then lay beside me on her back. As I nuzzled her cheek, I gently explored her bare pussy with my free hand. It was slick with our mingled juices. I smeared them gently around her pussy, then over her clit, circling it with the slippery fluid. Slowly I teased, softly rubbing and tickling. It soon had the desired effect as Leslie’s breathing sped up as she grabbed my wrist, directing my fingers where she wanted them.

I sat up, then crawled back between her legs, and went down on her. I licked her clean, and turned my attention to her clit. I passed my arms under her knees and grasped her thighs, pulling her cunt to my mouth. I thrust my tongue into her pussy, bringing contented sighs from her lips. I sucked and licked her clit until she came in a final, explosive orgasm.

After a brief period of recovery, we popped from the bed and into the shower. I love to shower with Leslie. I love to watch the water splash on her head and shoulders, running down her slim body and over her delicious breasts. I had not given them much attention today, I thought. I will have to make it up the next time we get together. We quickly soaped each other up and rinsed each other off, then grabbed towels and dried. As Leslie dressed, I got us cups of coffee. Donning a robe, I walked Leslie to the door and bade her a nice day. I watched as she got in her car and, with a wave, headed to work.


Midmorning, I got a telephone call from Penny, the wife of an acquaintance with whom I had played on a neighborhood softball team. I had seen them together at various team picnics, and social events at the homes of common friends. I was better acquainted with Penny than her husband, but not well acquainted with either. Penny asked if I was free for lunch, and we agreed to meet in the grill at one of the hotels near my office.

As I walked to lunch, I pondered what had moved Penny to call me and ask to get together. I met her in the lobby, where we went to the grill and were seated in a booth. The grill was a rather old fashioned place with red tablecloths and dark leather seating. Penny was nicely dressed, and more made up than I was accustomed to seeing her at games and barbeques. Actually, I thought, she looked pretty hot.

As we chatted and looked at the menus, we got a bottle of wine. Penny drained her first glass before we ordered, and started a second as we waited for our salads. I told her that it was an unexpected pleasure to hear from her, and asked to what I owed the call. After a slight hesitation, and another gulp of wine, Penny said that she would like me to fuck her. Push me over with a feather!

She and her husband were not the happy couple that I had taken them for. In fact, she told me, they were in the process of separating and she expected that they would shortly file for a divorce. She had not had any sex in months, was attracted to me, and knew I was single. She was not looking for a relationship, but would not mind an occasional fuck. In fact, she said, in the hopes that I would consent she had taken the liberty of taking a room in the hotel.

I looked at Penny with new eyes. Her blond hair was pulled back into a pony tail. Her dress had a rather low cut front and her breasts peeked invitingly from their confinement. I knew that she was a very athletic woman, and in wonderful condition. It had never occurred to hit on her, but I had always felt that she was very fuckable.

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I allowed that her proposition was very flattering, and a big surprise. How sure was she that she wanted to do this? I thought to myself that I certainly don’t want to be drawn into the middle of their divorce proceedings. Penny said that the separation and likely divorce were mutually agreeable to them, and that they were in the process of mediating a separation agreement and property division. They had agreed that each could date, and in fact her husband had started seeing someone from his office. There were no fireworks on the horizon; she just needed someone to scratch her itch, and I had been her first choice. In fact, she said, she had found me quite attractive when we first had met.

Flattery will get you everywhere, I thought, and said that I could not think of another thing I would rather do after lunch than accept her proposition. In fact, if she wanted to skip the rest of the meal, I would settle the check and we could head to her room. Nothing would please her more, she said. She gave me a key to her room and excused herself. I settled the bill and headed for the elevator.

When I let myself into the room, Penny met me at the door. She had undressed and clothed only in one of the hotel’s terry cloth robes, loosely tied at the waist. I untied it and stepped back, holding Penny at arm’s length while I admired her toned body and beautiful breasts. I am going to enjoy this, I thought to myself.

Penny turned and led me into the bedroom. She dropped the robe from her shoulders, then began unbuttoning my shirt, and loosening my belt and slacks. I kicked off my shoes and the clothes, and followed Penny to the side of the bed.

Penny took my cock in her hands and dropped to her knees before me. She smiled up at me, and took it between her lips. She certainly knew what to do with it. Swirling her tongue around the head, she then pulled my hips toward herself as my cock disappeared down her throat. With my cock in her gullet, she rocked gently back and forth, massaging its length before pulling back for a breath. Saliva dripped from her mouth as she admired my cock, then into her mouth again it went. I grasped the back of her head and fucked her face vigorously. She cooed her excitement and with one hand began massaging her pussy. I thought to myself, there are few things better than face fucking a blond with a pony tail. With a rush, I ejaculated into Penny’s mouth. She did her best to swallow all of it, but a bit dribbled out of her mouth as I withdrew, and a streamer trailed from my cock to her lips.

I pulled Penny to her feet, then gently laid her on the bed and climbed on, lying beside her. We made out for several minutes while my hands wandered appreciatively over her body. Her breasts were firm, and even lying on her back, they stood up proudly before her. Her pussy was sopping wet. I inserted several fingers in and rubbed her g-spot as I twiddled her clit with my thumb. Then I lowered my mouth to her breasts and one after another, I licked and nibbled and sucked them. I don’t know many women who come simply from having their breasts loved, but Penny was one. As I went from one to the next, and back, I could tell she was getting nearer and nearer. I continued to lick and pinch until with a loud cry, Penny came.

Without waiting for her to calm down, I spread her legs and crawled between them. As I started to insert my cock in her cunt, Penny said she wanted me in her ass. She did not have to ask twice. I slid a pillow under the small of her back, raising her ass off of the bed and spat on my cock and her asshole. Then I slowly forced my cock past her sphincter and sunk it in her ass. I stopped for a minute when it was fully inserted, then began a small back and forth, gradually lengthening my stroke. Penny’s eyes rolled back in her head and she pinched and pulled her nipples as I ravaged her ass. She wrapped her legs around my ass, kicking me in the cheeks with her heels as though urging me on with spurs. With one hand, Penny vigorously rubbed her clit, while with the other continuing the assault on one breast. After several minutes, Penny came with a bang and a squirt! This pushed me over the brink, and I came deep in her bowels.

We rested and fucked for another hour or so before Penny said she needed to get going. She would love to do this again, she said. Nothing would please me more, I said, and with another kiss, Penny dashed out the door.

I lay back on the bed and woke up with a start an hour or so later. I gathered my clothes and ducked in the shower to freshen up and wake myself up. I called my secretary and told her something had come up and I would not be back in the office that day. After dressing, I crept out of the room, down the elevator and out the side door of the hotel, heading to the garage for my car.


I should stop in and see a lawyer friend before I head home, I decided. I went up to his office, but he had left for the day, and all of the help staff had been sent home. The only person left, guarding the phones, was the young associate, Megan. I had seen Megan at a couple of bar association meetings, but had yet to meet her. I introduced myself and accepted a cup of coffee. We sat in the reception area of the office and chatted. It turned out that Megan had attended the same law school I had, and that we had studied under many of the same professors.

Megan was a bit older than the usual new associate. It turned out that she had majored in engineering, and worked in that field for a couple of years before deciding to go to law school.

As we chatted, I got the distinct impression Megan was coming on to me. She sat a bit too close, and started putting her hand on me periodically to emphasize a point. I moved closer to her, and set my hand on her leg as I spoke. As we continued to speak, Megan spread her legs and crept a bit closer to my seat. I slid my hand up, and under the hem of her skirt. Megan hitched the skirt up a bit and I pushed my hand further up. Megan looked about, then arose, locked the door and turned down the lights in the seating area.

Taking her seat again next to me, she said, “Now, where were we?” She leaned back in her chair and spread her legs. I knelt in front of her chair, between her knees, and slid both of my hands up her legs, grasped the top of her panties, and pulled them down her legs and off. Then I slid her skirt up, bunching it around her slender waist, and pulled her pussy to my mouth. I stuck my tongue between her labia and started to thrust it in and out. Megan slouched down further in her chair and I sucked her clit between my teeth and nibbled on it as I vibrated my tongue rapidly across it.

Her pussy was nicely groomed, with a small landing strip above the prize. I tugged gently on this as I continued eating her. Within a few minutes, Megan began to mutter to herself and grasp at her breasts which were still encased in her blouse and bra.

You may have gathered that I love eating pussy. I love to fuck, too, and I would not want to give up one for the other. Invariably one leads to the other. Perhaps that is one of the reasons I enjoy going down on a beautiful woman as much as I do.

While I sucked on Megan’s clit, I slid three fingers in her cunt and finger fucked her vigorously. In short order, Megan exploded in a rolling, persistent orgasm, and I continued to stimulate her until it finally dissipated.

I sat back on my heels and admired my handiwork. Megan’s cunt was slathered with my saliva and her secretions. She slowly gathered her breath, and relaxed. With a smile, she suggested that we proceed to her house for dinner, and to continue our conversation in more comfortable surroundings.

I allowed that this sounded like a great idea, and asked if she would like to ride with me. And off we went.

Written by Californiaman
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